Macleans, 15 Nov 1944 Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 March 1941, training at Brantford, Petawawa, and Debert (N.S.). He proceeded overseas on 21 October 1941 and on D-Day went to
Macleans, 15 Nov 1944 Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Flying Officer Wayne Shea flew with the RAF Squadron. He served in Africa, Italy, and England. He lost his life on 01 April 1944 over the Mediterranean. All three Shea boys are the sons of Mr. and Mr
Flying Officer Wayne Shea flew with the RAF Squadron. He served in …
Flight Sergeant Graham Murdock (Thomas Graham Murdoch) enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in April 1942. He trained at Toronto, Pendleton, Belleville, and Winnipeg, and went to England in June
Flight Sergeant Graham Murdock (Thomas Graham Murdoch) enlisted in the Royal Canadian …
Local Airman laid to rest on Wednesday A military funeral was held in Toronto yesterday for Sgt. Pilot Edwin D. Hawkins, 19-year-old son of Mrs. Edwin Hawkins of town, who was killed in an airplane c
Local Airman laid to rest on Wednesday A military funeral was held …
Lindsay boy is killed in plane crash Sergt. Pilot Edwin Hawkins, Wellington St., Killed in plane crash on Sunday - Funeral in Toronto Wesnesday Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins, 58 Wellington St
Lindsay boy is killed in plane crash Sergt. Pilot Edwin Hawkins, Wellington …
While night flying near Fingal, the plane of which he was a pilot, crashed and Sergt.-Pilot Edwin Donald Hawkins, 19, was killed, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins, formerly of Milverton Blvd.,
While night flying near Fingal, the plane of which he was a …
Sgt. E.D. Hawkins, Lindsay Airman Killed in plane crash Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins, 58 Wellington Street, were shocked to learn on Sunday of the death of their younger son, Sgt. Edwin D. H
Sgt. E.D. Hawkins, Lindsay Airman Killed in plane crash Friends of Mr. …
Lindsay, Sept. 11 (Special) - Many causalities have been reported in the Lindsay district in recent communications received by relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chalmers of Fenelon Falls have received offic
Lindsay, Sept. 11 (Special) - Many causalities have been reported in the …