Bernard Arthurs enlisted in Peterborough in Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry highlanders, October 1940, trained at Kingston, transferred to Debert, May, 1941. He went overseas July 1941, sent to Sicil
Bernard Arthurs enlisted in Peterborough in Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry highlanders, October …
Lt. Attfield is Reported as Missing Lt. Arthur Jesse Attfield, son of Mrs. Ruby E. Attfield, R.R. No. 2, Rosedale, has been reported missing in the 499th army casualty list released Monday. Lt. Attfi
Lt. Attfield is Reported as Missing Lt. Arthur Jesse Attfield, son of …
Seaman is Home from Convoy Job The many friends of Leading Seaman Babcock are glad to see him back in town again. He arrived Wednesday morning and all day yesterday he was meeting friends whom he has
Seaman is Home from Convoy Job The many friends of Leading Seaman …
Squeeze it, Hugh!That's all there is-—there isn't any more. says Squadron Leader Hugh Beall of Lindsay, as he pours out the last drop of tea for Flying-Officer Gordie Doherty, of Fort William. They h
Squeeze it, Hugh!That's all there is-—there isn't any more. says Squadron Leader …
W.J. Beighton of Lindsay was among the many veterans of this district who registered at the Reception and Reunion that was held in Lindsay on Saturday 19 January 1946.
W.J. Beighton of Lindsay was among the many veterans of this district …
The Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) (French: Cadre des instructeurs de cadets) Branch consists of approximately 7,500 Canadian Forces (CF) officers whose primary duty is the safety, supervision, admini
The Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) (French: Cadre des instructeurs de cadets) Branch …
Sgt. Harold Bennett Was Twice Wounded Several weeks ago The Warder told the story of Sergt. Harold S. Bennett, a Lindsay boy who had been wounded twice in engagements with the enemy. Friends of Sergt
Sgt. Harold Bennett Was Twice Wounded Several weeks ago The Warder told …
Say Lindsay Man Is Wounded Again Lindsay, Nov. 22 (Special)--Mrs. Thelma Bennett, of Glenelg St. W., Lindsay, has received word that her husband, Sgt. Harold S. Bennett, has been wounded for the seco
Say Lindsay Man Is Wounded Again Lindsay, Nov. 22 (Special)--Mrs. Thelma Bennett, …
Black, Hugh A., B.A. of 63 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario, student Queen’s University enlisted April 1943 with the R.C.A. He trained at Three Rivers (Que.), Gordon Head (B.C.), Vernon (B.C.), Cal
Black, Hugh A., B.A. of 63 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario, student …
Islay Soldier, Melville Black, Killed in Italy Word has been received by Mrs. Samuel Thomas, Islay, that her eldest son, Melville Black, has been killed in action in Italy. Only two weeks previous, t
Islay Soldier, Melville Black, Killed in Italy Word has been received by …
Many Lindsay friends are rejoicing in having the opportunity of renewing acquaintances with Pte. Hector Blair who has arrived home for a short leave and is visiting his mother, Mrs. Milton Blair, 142
Many Lindsay friends are rejoicing in having the opportunity of renewing acquaintances …