Killed in Action Word has been officially received by Mr. Norman Harrison of Maple Lake that his son Pte. Norman Harrison has paid the supreme sacrifice in Holland, being killed on Nov. 1. Pte. Harri
Killed in Action Word has been officially received by Mr. Norman Harrison …
Bob Moore enlisted in the RCAF at Toronto in April 1943. He has been serving at #1 “M” Depot, Lakeside#1 “M” Depot, Central Tech, at No. 2 S.F. & S. Uplands, Carp Bombing and Gunnery, and is now at N
Bob Moore enlisted in the RCAF at Toronto in April 1943. He …
Smith Falls, December, 21st 1944 To whom it may concern I C.65382 Cpl. William Earl Jewell, Cambray enlisted with the 1st Midland Regt. at Lindsay, Ont. the 31st day of October 1940, I was stationed
Smith Falls, December, 21st 1944 To whom it may concern I C.65382 …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Black, Hugh A., B.A. of 63 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario, student Queen’s University enlisted April 1943 with the R.C.A. He trained at Three Rivers (Que.), Gordon Head (B.C.), Vernon (B.C.), Cal
Black, Hugh A., B.A. of 63 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario, student …
The casualty list bears the name of Pte. Frank Hargreaves who was burned with petrol in Italy. Pte. Hargreaves was with the Salvation Army Canteen truck and was with the Canadians in Italy, his wife
The casualty list bears the name of Pte. Frank Hargreaves who was …