Black, Hugh A., B.A. of 63 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario, student Queen’s University enlisted April 1943 with the R.C.A. He trained at Three Rivers (Que.), Gordon Head (B.C.), Vernon (B.C.), Cal
Black, Hugh A., B.A. of 63 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario, student …
Bob Moore enlisted in the RCAF at Toronto in April 1943. He has been serving at #1 “M” Depot, Lakeside#1 “M” Depot, Central Tech, at No. 2 S.F. & S. Uplands, Carp Bombing and Gunnery, and is now at N
Bob Moore enlisted in the RCAF at Toronto in April 1943. He …
Smith Falls, December, 21st 1944 To whom it may concern I C.65382 Cpl. William Earl Jewell, Cambray enlisted with the 1st Midland Regt. at Lindsay, Ont. the 31st day of October 1940, I was stationed
Smith Falls, December, 21st 1944 To whom it may concern I C.65382 …
Donald G. Corley joined the R.C.A.F. in August 1940. Trained at Gault and St. Thomas. Went overseas September 1941. Attached to Goose Squadron in England.
Donald G. Corley joined the R.C.A.F. in August 1940. Trained at Gault …
LAC Charles Pilling enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on 7 May 1942. He completed a course in photography [sic] at Rockcliffe on 21 August 1942. After being stationed at Dartmouth and Gaspe he
LAC Charles Pilling enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on 7 …
Gordon S. Frocking whose home is at 34 William St. N. Lindsay, enlisted in the Canadian Army on 3 July 1940. He entered the S.D.G. Highlanders with the rank of Private. Private Frocking trained at Ki
Gordon S. Frocking whose home is at 34 William St. N. Lindsay, …
B 167817Pte. H.R. Stephens enlisted in the Canadian Army at Toronto on 30 November 1944. He was stationed there until 28 January 1945 when he was moved to Camp Borden Ontario. Pte. Stephens is at pre
B 167817Pte. H.R. Stephens enlisted in the Canadian Army at Toronto on …
Lowe, Miss Ethel – (Nursing Sister, Lieut.)Graduate of the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. She enlisted in April 1942 and was posted to Rideau Military Hospital, Ottawa in June 1942, promoted to Ass
Lowe, Miss Ethel – (Nursing Sister, Lieut.)Graduate of the Ross Memorial Hospital, …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Say Lindsay Man Is Wounded Again Lindsay, Nov. 22 (Special)--Mrs. Thelma Bennett, of Glenelg St. W., Lindsay, has received word that her husband, Sgt. Harold S. Bennett, has been wounded for the seco
Say Lindsay Man Is Wounded Again Lindsay, Nov. 22 (Special)--Mrs. Thelma Bennett, …
Pte. Mervin Harrison killed while overseas Lindsay, Nov. 17 (Special) - Mrs. Marie Harrison of Ridout Street, Lindsay, received official confirmation that her husband, Pte. Mervin Leroy Harrison, 21,
Pte. Mervin Harrison killed while overseas Lindsay, Nov. 17 (Special) - Mrs. …
Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 March 1941, training at Brantford, Petawawa, and Debert (N.S.). He proceeded overseas on 21 October 1941 and on D-Day went to
Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 …
Macleans, 15 Nov 1944 Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 March 1941, training at Brantford, Petawawa, and Debert (N.S.). He proceeded overseas on 21 October 1941 and on D-Day went to
Macleans, 15 Nov 1944 Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 …
Macleans, 15 Nov 1944 Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 March 1941, training at Brantford, Petawawa, and Debert (N.S.). He proceeded overseas on 21 October 1941 and on D-Day went to
Macleans, 15 Nov 1944 Gunner Everitt Ivan Hill enlisted with the Royal Canadian Artillery on 24 …