Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Jan 1874, p. 4

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: anwrlod emotyidio® a BY -- -- By a ttwough knowl Natal laws which govern the apefat- verage whic y ya ds tors' bill. ee Civil Service Gazette, Made sim with Boiling Water or Milk. Each package is labled-- James Epps & Co, Homeo- pathic Chemists, London." Maxvractore oF Cocoa. --¢ We will Bow give an account of the prccess adopted, by Messrs. James Epps & Co, manufactures works in je ce article] BOI To AY ¥ HY PHETOERAP FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES SECURED AT M°KENZIE & SCOTT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES! , Dppusie Fo's Hotel Patt Perry wil the! 'View of nl the'great 'dhfnd for "their mmch admired Photographs, the Subscribers have--regard- less of expense--so fitted up their Galleries and introduced such Instruments as will at all times secure PERFECT PICTURES. Their thorough knowledge of every de-- best Gal ent, togeth with thei and superior in- strume: ties enjoyed by few for fom ao those beautitul Photo- graphs admired by all who see them. By skilfully retouching the negatives the most handsome photographs are produced in every instance: Their Galleries are stocked with a choice assortment of First Class Albums, Picture Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest Chromos, and en Photographs in end. less A ie JEN dea to all to visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. McKENZIE & SCOTT. Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. 51 partment of the Art, acquired in some of t 4 FIRST OLASS BOOTY & ii nH Fh' soe Ea HE Subscriber would return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly increasing Coperins Bh: ber HAY on bin since GroRT PER And wonld embrace this opportunity of as- suring his customers and the public gener-- ally that asin the past co in the future will he strictly adhere to using cnly the best material, z none but good work- prices--when the quality of the Goods is cous d--which cannot fail to please purchasers, Com TE REY Shoes of Call and inspect my Stock, . i a= First block west of the Pat Ofice. RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1873, 47 CHEABER THAN EVER W. II. PARK] ©8018 SELLING x FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. ICE and Under. Liu §aiy Dons one oe i Remember the BIG CHAIR direotly 'opposite the Yost Office, Port' Perry. The highest price paid Hor all kinds of good Lumber. x BEA good stout' boy wanted: Sodesrn the tg MPA . Agent for Tousstoxes and ME W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. (ASkRRLI tt <THE ASH A ~CABINET £0'Y} Jail ighes gifico in Cash; for He bi a om, wa Sepeat "ew LOMBER y paw - Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge Preferred] Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1}, 2 in,, any width. a js asiivind; » 8 of B i _MR. SEXTON'S oom. |) IT Hl AND penn B AND prarrerand JH 6 BILL LUMBER (ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND COT TO ORDER AT JAI XAT# H HEAD J REE ECE od #6 p10, D qehsd QE FERRY. --_ n [1 ave for a considesale ime MILLS, |= expense in the Kons or to m'vry imi limited ¢ xtént (tradio; The andersighed has eny amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest Loans can be repaid ip arly. shanner fo sui the borrower. Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal "Debon- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES "HOLDEN, ; . Official Assignee, Broker, &¢. | OrricE--Over the Dominion Bank, MeMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, -- aT i | | i | DATHE A. || ARR VE Llall and. Winter GOODS "} . OP Also several Improved Farms, and Wild - To prvi imp amp ni GEE A T pen, For particulars see gy: Yor a " sending lomestio Thond Ntor Femining - Pestishgess and Curtailf Sr 8) 3% A E. "NECAW'S AND NEW SRA ATI SH A A A iii ---- _ oly " » A Ly STOVE! 21 Lae MeUDAW, gfe Bank, Port Perry, 3 Latest Styles DAILY ARBIVING AT TRENBETI'N, PORT PERRY. Prot Perry Sept. 24, 1873. What all the People Want | CHOICE GROCERIES--FRESH. FIRST CLASS TEAS-PURE. The Best Cuts of the Best Fresh Meat and all of them at the Lowest Possible Price. HE Subseriber in returning his sincere thanks for the liberal shage of patronage bestowed upon him since commmenging busi- nesg at Port Perry, would take this oppor- tunity of informing the public generally that the above conditions may be metat his Store one door west of Thompson's Hotel, Port Perty. 3a FRESH OYSTFR Syl best Brads--constantly on hand. A BONGARD Port ire ox 81 18. wl ES, ATs FILL AND "OINTMENT. st considered to-advertise the public of the ore, and gold as; whieh Bp passing my make. is oh diffigult in- deed A Dy to cnamerate ihe y de- hich have = gS that a new being deceived A poor by tis xtine of Sallokay i rR ee. andl nes Sol Sod this uklic as my they f the ni t Sseredit wo thon he abrich 4 oH compoun : damage the reputationof my oid Son it isnotatall for this Crew in ay le of their prodne- ope ina tion to offer ig rnd very 24 She Drie. in ada, are purchased by a fe le can ill i followi: of some of li House from bere dire AVERY, Messrs. Forsy: As Mesars. T, B. BArken ra Sons, St. hn B.| Mir. T. DesBrisay, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Ir, J 18AY, hi obtatows, Bd than £20 SARL Jer doen basen of Piller pote Err uk CE ach Poti Box of my prepaation 8 bear Stam se rds ens x Pils and Omgmcnt, London." ainst| idly increasi PU i not less (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, W. C., } London, Nov. 2, 1873. 49-6m. 1 / Watchmaker &' J eweldr,. i LATE OF BRO2K Would respectfully he leave to announce to his nninerous customers and. the public general 1y,that he has REMOVED his place of business to | fous most happy to supply their wants with anythingi in the way of d Sileex 'ail OR FANCY GOODS! ! Having now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Goods to. select from, which will be sold {f Fine Gotd CLOCKS AND pili SPE at the lowest remunerative prices, Aud warranted. (J Please remember the place,-- WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, + OSHA =} Lf Qual, vy 5; 197%) 10H NS: We offer to our enstomers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines; which in styles and constr tion, embrace the Intest andmost useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE Self-Raking Reaper, The heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mow We were awarded the First Prize Toronto, , in compe tition with all the le and with our recent Improvements, we uni parison with competing Machines, we every unprejudiced mind, that we oft Dowinion. gd Scud for descriptive catalo, Whitby, Jone 24 1871. . a } MM. ¢ Kei 2 a Ne ALE - HAG Awarded the First Prize at the Provincial "Exhibition-held at Toronto, and Di loma, at the Provinein] did rr Ho are satisfied that such inve the best Mower to the farm IY TETRTREY DONOV A KE LIN, OSHAWA, where in the future he wilk Watches. . w A. ; 1 0. x 8. il 1870. the ghove Goodggand by Se LLY v sible werkins- iran TRE N CHRISMAS PRESENTS! The Subscriber has much pleasure in an- nouncing to Lis friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has completely fillea his JEWELRY EMPORIUM | Fe y Vy Gold Chains, Watches, Gold Rings, Lockets, Silver Plated Ware, Clocks for the Million ! Fine Toys for the Young ! &e., &e., &c. And respectfully invites the inspection of bought, you will go home with great pr faction, He intends to sell at a Low Figure, so as to clear out the whole of his Stock by the 15th January, 1874, GRATIS ! ! !I--€ome and get the Eglin Illustrated Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work WarnraxTeD ! pen, Please give a call. , JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Pores. Port terry, Dec. 17, 1873, PORT, BERRY, LIVER C. MK LENZLE, =, PROPRIETOR Ww De te nsi of superior He 1 to furnish first LIVERY on ics {jor 3A CRENZIE, 6, 187 Bt Port Perry, A THE ONTARIO FARMER. Mutual Insurance Company. This Compa is now fully organized and is "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials in the hands of | the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self: § points and less defects, and has met with more success and less failure, than any go% sible Mutual Fgsurauce Company in Canada, | I'm ing Ruaping machine, it has more good xhibition, held at' & © 1871, built in the 42% i PR ACTIC AL CARRIAGE NEAR TIE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, 0) GOOD Assortment of Bu - Work made foprdes wil pairing. gies co neatn iss and des) J PORT PDP stanly on MAKER, WHITBY. i pade. fromm the best Material. -- .o Paificular, attention paid 'to re- ¥ "fF 'I: 9 ERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY! THE YE poy poss SC, 1 Ppor a Dmaking De Drsous pling and the pul I would only add that by still further increased facilities ons, &c., &cC. oknafiabf re and lic generally for their liberal and pe ir 1 shall in the Fin the Tube hgablp Renal grup 8 still more pompaty. Port Peery 'Canrmidce Factory, April 16, 1873, PUMPS PUMPS itt 2 do You can get the . and ¢heapest Pump in the Province. iV PU |] ET havin, ra : eit Bee sul favor h 0 Br Alay every other (3 Ye abl ow RATER fence Poms in the largest, fo Bes Casing once nt confident that he can ea VIN:S ' ERRY, 1 RTIG1 Force Poue--A i Sa and Fire. Woghee with Hose LT EE ni Common Log Funp ok: 30 har Jer x i; oon a Hh amp | escription of Pui "a A All orders for any i the above, whether by mail or otherwise A tend dh (hi Sept. 29,1870. N IRVIN, Port Perry. ' | = Issucr of Mar | OneBox of Cierlze's B 41 Pills prepared to and their a "arm Buildings country School Houses cand Chu ec wishing to insure and | thereby Home Insurance Company en 1 obiasisio 1 ! hy / TO THE apres oF Clothing, Boots and Shoes, : Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., IS AT THE Fon PREERVING AND BEAUTIFYING TH b HAIR RENDERING IT > GLOSSY. DARK As a lair O) Asn fprevéntive for "baldness it has no equal ! AY Ir Rr ry BES™ 25 cents Lay 4 1 TRY IT! {Bave now an opportenity of dol so, either Ly applying to the | ad Off s, or to any of! the Toca ol 3 Our rates will be any respon- | nid as low hose ¢ Head Ofiice--Opposite thé Rogal Hotel, | | Bivck Bt, Waity : L. PATLBAN BS 0 fh Ha Office--Manchest nar VE. 47. Walchmak Port Per § rea 1 or constitutic eal Larges fiom Aoi hl acquir- iravel and Rai 1s 1 the Back Sold 'in Boy Hey all Chliemists and Patent 24am phi u Sole Proprictor, pds $e) REF APOTHECARIES' TALL, LINCOLY, ENGLAND. Expo AdERS. ;| Burgoyne- Burbidges and. Co, als St, (iEondopi i: JEA3T (01 2} iY Newberry and Sons, 37 Rewouin St, LL onion, Parclay and Soi, Sanger and Sons, , Oxford 51. Londen. And all the Londou Wholésalé Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA. Monreal Evans, Merely atid 'Co APhote- sale Druggists.g, it Lymans, Claré and Hy Torintork Flos #1 Coie {Wholesale Drug- " Shap er and Suen. Hamilton. --Winbr ¢iti@ Co. 115 ~100ll Halifax. --Avery, Brown and Co. Co. ord VITH THE STREAN, How cither love of any person th oose, instantly, -- simple mental acqu possess, fra i with a XN Dre ans, Hints .00D 1S THE LIFE nomy, chap. xii. verse CLAREER'S rd Diced Mixture, STORER, blood from winot be too highly recom- , aud Senrvy, Skin Dis and Sore Legs, r Pitnples on the fa Cancerous Ulcers, Blood and Skin 1 Glandugal Swell s the Blood from ali arising. x times the quantity, 11s cack' --shfliviont to effect a permanent core inthe 4 great majority of long standing cases, ny ALLY pire ! cumubts and PATEXT MBDICINE VENDORS throughout the avorld, JCA KE, Chemist,' APOTHECARIES HALL, LXPORT AC Barby N, ENGLAND. Burgoyne, and Co, Coleman % Farringdon St. Londen, | a Ad Sops, 95 Fai sion Street Lon- Sapgor aud pout Oxfont Street London, 5 And all the London Wholesale Houses, 'S IN CANADA. rund Co., Wholesale! 8, Clare and Co. » Shapter and Owen, Hamilton.--~Winer and Co. Halifax: Brown and Co, STRAYED STEER. The undersigued would oR thank his numer- ous customers - for thg generous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past; and would beg to inform them and the pul lic generally tha has Y, OPENED BUSINE: S IN will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. And He hopes by this arrangement and the in- creased business facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the CHAS. pb Ag Baker and Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flour, Oat hs Corumen, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits furnished on Wd ie) Shops--Prince Albert and Port Perry. : CHAS. HISCOCKS. Prince Albert and Port i aR at WM. SPENCE, SONTRACTUR & BUILDER. HICK-LAYING, 5, STON B-WODK, PLAS- TERING, &0.; in all their departments, executed in the best style, Utisa, July 15,1873. wants of the rapidly increasing population' 1 Seas git ProSHRRE section oF eo Sty. Chae fle 1s of pr of the Subscriber lob. 18,1°Chn 74; | Reach] some time in Augnst last, a red Steer coming "3 years, The = owner is requested to pay expenses and take him away, ROBT. SWIFT. Reach, Jan. 1, 1874. 2 ore Ficonses, * [BY AUTHORITY.] - Sus at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog 3 hi 'HENRY CHARLES, TO $2) per day. Agents wanterl! All classes or working people, of (either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all 7 an at anything else, Particulars" froe,-- Address G, STINTON & CO., Portland, Maine, webb Hofer TO i al ie Subscriber keeps for Service a FIRST CLASS BOARat his place, lot | '23 in the 10th Concession of Reach. He is an unusually fine animal, Servicofly BL. .» wav Inet ROBERT MOON. Reach Dec, 2 1873, ¢ | gons of unusual heat and HY Anvagiably accom | treatment, & purge ng a pow | ery] influence 4 , bowels are loaded ing it cannot be surpassed ! ie and gain the t pure Matter, | Re wgate Stregt Lon<| i Flnttormr T ALA Grateful Thousands EGAR BITTERS the most WOH ® In vigorant that ever sustained: thoy! id system. No Person can take these Bitfers according to directions, and ron Jom : unwell, provided their bones' stroyed by mineral' a 3 Tats, and vital Crs bast 3 beyond repal Bitious, Remi catoamd Inter: miitent overs, Wh pre lent in the valleys ah rivers throughout the tod St Ves, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohiddlissguri, IHinois, "I'cnnessco, GraahoRiNE on sas, Red, Colorado, Brazes; Rio a dey Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Shivam anoke, James, and many others) ith their vast trilint aries, taroughout our entire country during He Samer and Autumn, and remar ly so during s TW cd bye | rangements of the st ig Cand other ab@onding arious zo. mans, is essentially nec The» i¥no cathartic for thagpRry Vi ka as they will speedily Tenove the dik colored viscid matter with sy hf fine at the samg ftime 'tions of the liver, 2 the healthy | stimulating the sce "and generally functions of the digesti Ti: | Fortify the hody ag fs senso | by all its fluids with VINEGAR S. No epidemic can take hold tem thus fore-armed, | Dyspepsia or Ludigestion, Tend- | ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Eonghs, 'Tightness of the ¢ Lr ets ations u | in the Soy Yalpita on of the ut the Kid ut -- i 2 OIL . 1 Such bise 1 Mech al Disessess ATersons en- Gnd gaged in LD wl in sd pure low, *® HH, IT. Druggists nnd {i und cor. of W sold by will f 0 f S or Rd AIETT ART EHE © WM. JONES formurly of Paxton A iy Nov 39, P- : 1 paying to Fg oma Bg ton any 'accounts dub i Asthoy Are ALBION: ei sanie. FRAG Port Der MONEY! MOR BE ae gf | The Subscriber would intorm-allin' want lof Money that he 'is 'prepavid to negotiate {Loans with' fhe Tyustand Loan Kovietd of | Toronto, for any" amount of money from $400 AND LPWABDS, - On Mortgage Security ou Town. or Farm Property. The interest is, only 8 percent. No Commission cl + Soi ii cured without delay, JOHN Tay] R Manchester, Nov. 12, 1878. 41 1 on Wednesday, uo wth Hues A et 1978 © TRAINS wore Now ( aA TRAINS Boke Perry ni : Th Nd Bp LA § Xa deh ii webida oS a" and Roi iitigitan--ar I he ete oe Throngh Fickaty- rom ps of our = a Ly =: R. KIMBALL, General Superintendent. aa 0 so dr nto

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