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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Feb 1874, p. 1

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-- Forth Ontario Observer. RAL LAL (D FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT tf PORT'PERR®, | EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & PARSONS. BE bof A dbbac inti | ary gu alts RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........$0 a Subsequent insertions, per line 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum , 5 00 wr cotta dressed to this Office, pre. paid and regester- ed, will be at our Advertisments measured by Nonpareil; and accoiding to the space they ac- charg cupy. : Ady FRARTICIR: Dd Yd icaion. without s instructons, will be inserted until fordid and charged aiccodingly. advertisment will be taken out until paid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. L BEF These WME WIT in all cases be strictly adhered to. Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business i Cards, Balb Chrdbp &eq of! every style and color, executed prom tly aud at lower rates "han ny bther etabfisirment ih thé 'Cditity. . fh Parties (om a, distance bills, prin can have them home withithens fui [7 J. BAL Protessionyl Shr TYEE ORY Pr, as "1109 ROFL Perky. L Office, oyer Allison's Hr Rigph-k | ting band " T R. JONES, 3. D., CORONER, [ A, FE. MALLORY, County Ontario. M.D, CM, DE BRATHWAITE, 3 Port Perry. R. WARE, Coronor for the J Ontario, Physician, Surgeon coucheur, De RS. McGILL & RAE, Phys &e., &e, Office and Reside Oshawa, WM. WGILL, M,D, County of and Ac- Prince Albert, EL rf Lindsay. FRANCIS RAE, M.D. TM. F. TCBRIEN, M M. R. , Guy's W Hospitai, London, yl. The lye R. ELT IVEY WR Eb Ap UT ¥. FAREWELL, LL. B., County Crow Je ALRNR Rar rister, Attamey, Sol itor an Notary Public. Office lately ger eupied by 8 Hi Cochrane, Fini, Broek strect, Whit YMAN L. ENGLISH I. 4 Chaweery, "Attorney, Con: Oshawa. licitor in y &C. Office--Simcoe strect, opposite the Post Office. At- aeery, rerist Clu I, LL.B, Solicitor in Ne 'ablic, &o. Office--MeMiilaw's Bleck, Brock st rect, } © Whi i AMERDN & 'MACDON NHL, Wirristors and Attdroeys at Law, Solicitors County Council, Ontyrio. Offices : Court Hote, Whitby. M. CAMERON, bn Law, anil Solicitor A. HURD, Attorney « In Chancery, Office in the Port Perry. ! yak Areado, Micitor aacer, &e.--Land in Parish's Block, AMES LAMON, Att e) in Chancery, Cony Agent, &e., Uxbridge. 'Office Main Street, Uxbridge. at law, ¢ OIIN BILLINGS, Barister, Attorney at eJ Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Convey; ect, ge. ver Rosy' Store, J Ld & . ' EETH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- ext, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anwmsth- J 3 money, when ad| No- 10d 99 i qrobbiA im B iti 4 ve anit FotRoR he Toh : i ul Di Minter Vsuch was. the name 3 : Don pn ESR s : 3 odo ointgel) OW 5 aol Danis upon & br rl GIFT oe SAR JME, o =i o Ay ta aid he i re 3 pon' brass plate on the door; and : I TIVRERY: Ri ot by & Y PRECENITQ ">" fas the young practioner survipen it ATED, . Pp CM ge herr mm A ERE IT FRED "9 Tho modest hoped 'that it thd H. Ka 'HARNDEN, L.D.s than di WH! PARK Ih, 0 . al lim yy + | not draw a he many calls, while] * Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, JAS fitted up a Livery! Stale opposite | treba us od AT pe Troaq Whe pn) ot | he was away from home, and wond Of Ticelve Years Experience, L the Post Office, ort Perry, wher it A tonto mand turmoil on every hand, 4 AV" » wo "[eréd if he had not better take it (QFrice Over Mr. Gordon's Store, uit Lat BH can diways by had off Expenses and taxes for 0 over the land, : ! '|downt 'ahd Teave'it until'he returned | Fin WH. Jr,, Proprietor. "Let's Vote for the right we 'dén't w ith his. bi Ie ete A pe, renin GE Pe | he tt oe ht Ao ee > £ a (fsbrmnity CUT ne 0 Dituth led [1 vclther peace nor contentment on money dog i ed) not yet tried | practicing! and ORT PERRY. "Join 5, nm. Wnioox, | URI TE | ee i pong a Lest i LO) mown or 'Whit ha es wp} A Stock OE ph IE dues roid jock, ko Snaly. deeidodiio Jot it » * HENS Hh LO! ¥en tect aml 900g es 00 Miigta 3 ih oH (remain as) "Would serve tol I aan fs. ii OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, . |: ... od Cro Pos Silver Tor lle, and Baskets, , oe I n hile he was away ; and "CHAS, THORN, VS, |ovieudto th urge wit oop 1111 ue Mohn Bone ack, td in Sus, poo Jlbving Wand with is one rvant . § y YD, oe ol al tended to. ER of he Veterinary Institute, | -- AVE ( HL" Gold Medalist for the examination on Horse Practice. Author, of a First Prize 'Essay on Shocing. Gradu- aed Sept. 16,1867. 1, oe taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now treat all cases entrusted te his care in the: most' skillful and scientific, manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall bf Mr Altison, will receive prompt attention, BF" The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. «Port Perry, Qct. 28, 1873. 'RE EA | HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITCR £ND DRAUGHTSMAN; OTTAWA, CANADA, Transucts Lusiness with, the : Patant: Office Land other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of | Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, 'Specifications, and 'other Documents neces. sry to' secure Patents of Inycntion, prepared on receipt of the model of the Inventic Plows, As mannfact __Suctioneers. J. C. PILKEY, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! : Won inform the public generally | Y that he has resumed the business ot ! Auctioneer, for their liberal patronage in the past, he hopes by strict attention to business and a as constant regard to the interests of Lis patrons, co 6 secure & still further extended patronage, Sale ills drawn out and Blank Notes fur- nighed frée of charge, All orders addressed to J. (. Pilkey, Ep tom P. 0, 'or left at the OpseryER OrricE, Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. ? J. C. PILKEY. A 38 ~ CROTHERS & WILSON | Licensed Auctioneers for the County ' of Ontario, | Works. { stantly on hand, to be fully rep: call upon you, coming seasoi. i Oct. 1,-1873. Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. MONEY prepared to conduct Sales anywhere Doaved 3 the County. of Bt Pirtics placing their Sales in our hands at Lhe 2 may rely on the utmost attention being Haye Jordy on Ba given to their interests, 3 G. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements, hinproved ~curit} can dep nd on gett All orders addressed to G, Crothers, Epsom 'Any number of TI, 0., will receive prompt attention. Yearning Wm. Gordon, Janet ha Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, NOR the Township of Brock, Ux ze, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, | &c. R&S" Parties entrusting their Sales to me A is fy may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, ness transacted. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED © | eteries, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the | public generally, far the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. by Having now given up the business of Bailiff, T intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, ing, &c. chin, = Wein 4 s new block, gebesiAtkinson's' Drug. Store; sKing Street, Oshawa, Coll C.D. WAID, | URGEON DENTIST, Uxbridge Village. S All Dental operations performed with the utmost skill Eb Sa oz Beater in all kinds of Jewelry, Yor no Rh 30 Goi, on R Uxheidge, shasin | lic! il) 2 OVAL | North Ontario ; g, &C. ranted, It will be my endeavor, Ly prompt and January 10, 187 careful attention to busingss, to give fall satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand, Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. ° THOS. H.' WALSHE. J oessED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & i Mariposa, éte., in the County of Victorin. Residence--Caunington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence 'will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- ieast possible delay . WANTED TO PURCHASE, Satisfaction guarant "PORT PERRY, | NOW FOR FIRST cuAsS Dr. Thorn begs to annbunce that' ho W IMP LEMENTS AND | 2 Ww T ~ REPAIRS PORE PRRBE TH & view, to better; accommodating | the Farmers of North Ontario, Mari- posa 'and Cartwright, and to further meet the , rapidly increasing demand for the Johinton Self-Raking Reaper, Cayugn Chief Mowe, Fanning Mills &e. ured by Brown & Patterson, of thill ved the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all REPAIRS for these Impléments, AN ACENCY Has been opened by Brown & Patterson AT PORT PERRY, r For the regular supply of all thie above at. the same prices "hs they are sold at the All Repairs' for the)! Johnston | Reaper, - Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, | Land Sides, und ull othir 'repairs kept ¢on- M. JOHNSTON, AGENT. ¥en, Remember the place, East of Thomp- Thanking hisnumerous fricnds son's Hotel, Port Perry, - Having established the above Agency, so sented in North Ontario, have lately appointed Ed.. Walker, of | Utica, as our Agent, who, with our pr Agent, H..S. Johnston; of Port Perry, soliciting your orders for the NT eii® on will BROWN & PATTERSO 3 , 1 aaiicoy ab agli dant 0 LOAN ! lowest curren' rites of interest. at their money with the MORTCACES WANTED. FVHE Subscribers have large sums of men- e. helr hands fir investment 'on Farms, Village Properties, and thi adjoining Counties AS we all times Borrowers Mortaages for which the high- of pub est figures will be allowed. praisers for the he Socio largest Monctary Institu up Capital $1,560,000 in from 2 to 2 years, Lands Bought and - Sola. Sevemnl good farms for sale, FY Auents for several first class Fire In- anada Per- cheapest and in Canada. Paid Instalments re-payable | ably. Collections made and a general ageney busi- tle Hon Z%™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT.~%S JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Ggneral Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, John Mc Donald, MARBLE DEA NEWCASTLE, ONT. rn ONE \ J ONUMENTS, : Tomb-Tables, Head- iN JL ABR gid Stones of great variety, with cvery di scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. supplied at short notice, Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, 1 . ! ly | . BE Parties 'will find it to thicir advan. | Sales punctually attended to , tage to withhold their orders until called on | LER ! Also J. C. WILLIAMSON, 2. QBNYINB AS IMPORTED | HENRY CHARLES H*® Received a further supply. of MT AGENT, eed, and all work war- 3r TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALR in'Btone Jars, HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co, dnd OTARD'S BRANDY. a KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. 1 y aid iar ont i x TS ort In Knives for the'kitchen and The best in the market in every Ih Cook, Parlor and Box Stove L've Tea Pots, and Kettlés req For comfort and beauty these And this is the reason I mean to The place for the You will find is ji For everything's here ~ Took &1l around you | {Then I wish you good Be happy, contented, Be sure you are right Forme, Iam ready to pl things best suited, to taste /y Port Perry, Dec, 17, 1873. TAILO SQUIRES | TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT | OVFR ROSS' sTonk, PORT PERRY, JAMES SQUIRE. 8. Port Perry, Oct. 30, 197. -- 7 | W. BURN HA ofthe Third Divi-/ M, Cle Omics Sn © motels : Rove CANADIAN HOYEL, { PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, = PROPRIETOR. The Subgeriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosperity of the Village and neighborliaed, {and with direct reference to the comfort and convenience of the public, Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar, Comfortable Stables and attentive | Ostlers, | Neithei in mal - > r labor nor expense will be spared g the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy patronage, Port Perry, June 16, 1869. fpr PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. THOMPSON, ~ PROPRIETOR, above House is now most. comfort- urnished, and Guests ave cared for in ne Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- | | Additions have been made which make: this | the largest and best House in this scetion of country. Fare $1.00 per Day, Qs PORT PERRY. JAMES DEW A - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- | lent Hotel' and fitted it up with a view to fn comfort of guests and the accommoda- tion of the general public, will Ye glad to | waleame, old friends and new to take partinj | the hospitality of the Queen's: ? The Table carefully supplied, Choice Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and JAS. Y. Lr HOTEL, 1 Bi The Queen's is conveniently siwated a few rods west of the Post Office, | JAMES DEWART. I Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. Are LO-AMERICAN HOTE newly renovated and furnished throughout, and has ample " accommodation for the re- ception of + It supplies a nost cone venient! vo nt for Commercial trayelers, Comfortable and: roomy stabling and at- tentive ostlers.. ' Roe HOUSE; ti and cigars, Every attention paid to guests, Stages to and; from. Uxbridge call daily, and Cu + . Hall and Table Lamps and food Driving hips / dining n my Store, tien come RING/ | ™ manu Pianos, C vad (Wpon} [om ASE gE % ie eriody { Biovor sdi of qn A: N foc lin i] ' P Eu 8 dir : er 1 =at bebiss ge - am dada be I i ig oi fl Vroi 3 nt OE ul end oad B10 1 FROVINGE OF oNTAT], robs oli i] halls line; no end to: the lot; uired for the cot ; . cannot bé beak, com, pete, ¥ built tor the purpose, in PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and best stock of HARNESS SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, the public in the North He is determing other House in th Thanking Port Perry, Tune 13, 1 erases arge I ooks, &c., &c. "fon furnistied RepH 01 on. dladies' Ane, fii t marrage came off quietly and inex- id: Pensively, at the house of the bride's Slt 26 wold uncle. Anne had lived with her with all haste, for presents so rare; ' but be sure to be there, 07 cheer through the redt'of your da; care of yone y 'them i Hh 2% ' case you indeed, |! W. T. PARRISH. NOTHING LIKE Le eather ! HE Subseriber having removed the whale « sion Court. Bigelow's Block, of his Lusingss to « |suspenped from the windows ; glagses and Port Perry, | . ' " . shells filled with buds and blossoms; were | Offee hours front 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. His New Premises ! liberally distribued around the rooms ; and rad FS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. his customers for the liberal support accorded to hi cighteen ycars, ! he will @o his utmost to merit a continua nce of the same, JEWELRY, BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, IE Subscriber in tendering thanks to his numerous cust their liberal patronage, wonld inform 'the and the public generally, that bis stock has just been replenished with a choice selec tion of Goods of the Ia patterns and Lest the Ie west posit goods can be sold, In FINE GOLD Ear-Rings PFinger-Rin Goldine and Fancy Je uality figu 85, we IN BOOKS: amily Bibles and evel | Beautiful Bibles, Prayer All the best authors in Poctry, History, Biography, &c. A larg and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums, In Stationery :--Led k Leases, &e., &. Whriting- Books, Paper and [* Pompous manner, smiled with an air of Phin ust ok Iuks of the best quality. : satisfaction, which seemed to say ¢ You are : y INE Fancy Goods in great variety, Berlin | quite welcome to' remain here if you wish' WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. {and other fine Wools, Everything on stock and Llandiy inquired how they liked our The above: commodious 'hotel Has been | ill Be old at the E p lowest possible figures, - The best Sewing Machin the Dotnin- | Ces Which defy 'competi- k Boxes. 1am t for the famons Instrimments Phno by R: Ti Ke niless and half discouraged, was awaiting © -- ¥ ' , , MANCHESTER, and i Tarn Alu. bid angen] visits, "J. TENNYSON, = PROPRIETOR, for Sale, bos a; 0 Having pire! 1the above Hotel. has § i THOMAS ALLEN. 1t is true that owing to the fact that Dr. furnished the | with the choicest liquors Port Perry, September 24, 1873. Jagger was sometimes away, and was too ys, to scllas Cheap as any JEWEIRY; Chains, gers, Journals, Day Books, &c., &c. A large Forms euch as Blan| S. Wi Organs and: Melodeons, , &c., of the best description, Remember the place--Allen's opposite the Ontario Bank, Port sa thitesangne bas pi smad &annas | 2 } 'woman that he would be' back on the eighteenth of the mouth, he de- parted on his short journey. The uncle cver since she -was a little orphan child of three years. Now, having been 'fitted out respectably in the way of clothing, whith, with 'his large family 'and limited' means, was all her uncle'conld afford'to do. [she left with Chavlig for' his new home, with many kind wishes and prayers for her happiness. Dr. Minter's sole tangible possessigns were a pretty good stock of medicines and surgic al instruments, and a loving little wife whom he well nigh idolized. He had taken a tiny house in the pretty town of Pineville and had boldly displayed a brass plate, al- though it was directy opposite that of Dr. Jagger, who supported Lis with many years of experience, a generous sprinkling of gray hairs, and pomposity of manners. Tie unpretending hittle house, taken by the new doctor consisted of four rooms and a surgery. Annies "skilfull Tiands soon transformed their abode into a little Paradise, Bright flowers flashed from every available (nook ; hanging baskets fashoncd of messes and crecpery ; curtains of snowy muslin where innumerable little inexpensive things which only 4 woman's hand can form filled up the veins, giving an air of refinement purity and comfort to the whole, ~ But people cannot subist on nick-nacks ; even 'n plain way of living requires money for its support ; and our fricnds beacme painfuly conscious of this unpleasant fact asthe romance of their lives was invaded by the paticats, Anne would sit in her front room and watch the patients flock to the house of her opposite neighbor, and wonder w Ly people would persist in rushing blindly onto their ruin, ag she felt certain they were doing in thus passing her husband, ever offered to Riding of Ontario. e. Of course she re- asoned, a young man just fresh from the hospitals must be hotter posted thin' one who Lad becu rusticating for so many years in a country town. She had heard that a wife had much inflatnee in establishing a practice ; and she resolved that if her hus- band lacked business it should not be owing to any dereliction of duty on ber part, She gathered all the children of the neighborhood about her and amused them by the hour with stories ; she dressed dolls for the little girls and played horge with the boys. She receiy- ed all calls with the utmost affubility, re- turned them promptly and was sociable with the most stupid and tiresome as well as with the most eligible in habitants of the town. Pineville was a place of considerable gaivty aud the newcomers on principal responded to all their iuyitations to parties end tea drinkings. They threw open their + [own small house in return, entertained pleas- ently and freely, putting themselves on a diet of potatoes and salt for days afterward to make np the extra outlay, People visited them liked them and made much of them, butin a business way they: ignored them -- Her bust friends seemed to forget in times of illness' that Anne lad a husband, and persistently sent for their old physician, m during the past JOHN ROLPH. 5 1 ing his hearty tomers for mo test styles, newest which he offers at res at which such , Brooches, & Iry in great vz variety of Books, Hymn { When our friends came in contact 'with assortment of Legal | Jagger, the latter always shook hands in Deeds, Mortgages, little towns' when others inquired his opin- TO of tie new doctor he would stroke his gry beard affectionately, and reply ¢Oh a clever boy enough! A very clever boy needs experience." This style of eulogy was not exactly calculated to throw patients iu the way of the new candidate, who pen. ilson of Toronto. -- ' Violins, Emporium, Parry. | tired to ride when wanted, our friend found some fow opportunities for airing \lis medi- 1 ; lected nington, or otheryise, -and | PORT and SHERRY WINE, . . Careful Ostlers alway in attendance. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP Y cal knowledge ; but the generality of bis pa- Codi] eee 2 fon Hl I'prompt | repiittances made, ember-- ALSO to a or 13 iol tients were either very poor pay or no. pay HE 'Subscriber Hh take fily rbot WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE, AE B-HovsE, it ae nee 4 TORONTO. at all as his opponent showed remarkable Prd he obi Guero i md g > en i a rica. Thu energy for being at hand for people of ok fine the "Pen - 1 be " a 1 rated; portance. Humanity, however, cannot ania rh rts chin MONEY A 4 t1- um pp 0 a Good z DAFOE, BR ORIGIN. 2 bi gE ai ways be obiquitous 12nd the time Some Wl as 1 in" thi or would in. f - ld > . + A general assortment of eas, Sv ars, 5 + ea , | Drv Jagger was wanted for some of his weal- formu dhe ie, Tou Ge tuts Té Lom 8 good Pans, of y pe oon of 'Codfish, Oan'd Fruits, Fish, &o.,&o. a rcments of ir Tog ud gl. Capital = $8400.000 thiest patients, and he was away from hotfie. Cute herd ha VIED: hap oe ' |. LYMAN ENGLISH, Port Perry; Sept. 8, 1873. nea and cigars, Good stabling. | : EL President... Hon, Jobn MeMurFch. The. occasion was urgent and, Dr, Minter waibon ail ¥ Jay rpiirghis wefeesons] I "Ba wi, &o., | HIERN a : } Vice-F A ! , Esq. was called in. It was a case of, ever, which services. + 'T4 = y weve : ; Oshawa, MUSIC LESSONS 1 3) Bewtrary' PenaRt Ha, Kon. the older physician had been attending, and AU Deval. Homies Yoriorndi 05 the ovember, 71; 1866, : Cap URLLY MILAM) 0, 1 Wx © JAMES DR he had pronounced bis patient fully ecnvl- mn approved ea and TE Fai rt ------ 4 ATL { Foon a ooo Gomer Agente diy one ¥ } nos approved pringiples and Mapnid; - RS. E. M. PRINGLE, Prince: Albert, | quent, I possible annoyance "nd. niin. tooth for a LU GA ¢ : E desires to state that at the earnest So ala, [ADVERTISEMENT ) f A relapse, however, accompanied , by, nn. nished and wart tive satfelivtion Yl PS ; agg py LBION HOTEL | a 'Wanted Everywhere | | Pected symptoms, her friends and they A ili] 3D. COTTINGRAM! | 1 ppc'no AND ¥ROM THETATION living at a distance from Prine Albert; and | A " Agents 'Wanted Everywhere (speedily gathered smund bes from tan p } ; . AND AROUND TOWN, '1s her time is not yet: wholly occupied 'shé [ if wmiTRY. » i+ {near. : Fn ~ would be pleased to from those who IPI [ES BR eR he Se Ba EE a aii odd ia a horse and chaise, a few articles o urniture | eal i mayiietal bag lens Shia ho 4 ghey athe reali a OF aba bbs {1 Shi laorimi 4 ots Ask dup 3000 George,' was shricked in a bar-h whispé * come back to your seat! Arn't you as- hamed to be playing when your Aunt Sally is almost dying! Se hew much better Thomas behaves.! Thus admonished the young culprit re- turned to his seat beside his twin brother, feeling that in some way, which be did not exactly understand, he had been instrument. al in Killing his Aunt. ¢ 'Do you think she will be likely to last long ?' was whispered in' the doctor's tare. ' Not at this rate,' he replied aloud, ad- 'vancing to the Ledsige of the patient. He folt the pulse, and remarked, '« It is high but it is owing more tounnecdssaryexcitement than to fever This room is too warm and close ; She must be moved. + Oh, doctor 1 it wil kill her!" was whis- pered by one who seemed to be commander- in-ehief. . Did you send for me to prescribe for this patient 7" @émanded the doctor, { Yes! ¢ Then I expect to have my orders obeyed What hive you here 7 and he opened a door leading into an adjoining roon:. It proved to be a parlor ; one of thos? dreary, unused parlors one so frequently finds in the country, which are seldom open- one would soon bave been required for this purpose had it not been for our friend' de- cision. ¢ This will do,' remarked the doctor, au- thoritively. * Open the windows to air the room and get up a bedstead as quickly as possible ; we will move hei at once, This close room with so many to breathe the air, and all this whispering is enough to kill a person.' There was an air of command to Dr. Min. ter's manner which enforced obedience, and mechanically the women, who had seemed almost like mumics, proceeded to execute his orders. The sick lady was soon moved, and q ly began to revive under the in- fluence of the fresh, cool air. Her numerous Insp ele to dtict acquisgcence. fost salient s 3 dT lowoy pad od Sard ofide] : fi A add! meat "X will pro Pray do riot lesvs +My relief will be # pe ; YOR Titist: Mis Dickford's eyes dilated as she watched - him, and she forgot to talk in a whisper, ¢ What a beautiful color + she 3 ped. 'I never saw any medicitte lke that 3 * No ; of course you never did ; it is sofhe-' thing entirely new, and probably has mever been heard of by the doctors of your neigh- - borhood. You know I have jut' éome from the Kondon hospitals--there are con.' stant improvements going on in our pro- fession,' ay : And Molding his knife-blade which con.' tained some of the powder, critlcally before his eyes, he carefully removed an atom or two before doing it up in bits of paper. When he had finished, he counted His powders twice, aud then seemed to be buried ina brown study, from which _he finally emerged with the remark, 'IT don't Knew whether it will be quite safe to leave 'these with yoi Why. : : : Because they will have a very powerful cffect, and it is absolutely necessary that my instructions should be followed to the leg ter.' 3 ¢ But 1 will promise faithfully to 'fofow them ; T will not vary one iota." said the es- cited woman, 3 ed except for funeral ; it is procable that this |' friends having nothing turther to do pro- ceeded to arrange themselves against the | walls of this room. I cannot allow this,' said the doctor -- | You will undo all that T have done, But | one person at atime must shy in the room with her. T wish her to have pure air to breathe ; and there is to be no whispering here ; if yon h anything to say, say it in an ordinary tone. And he held the door openin such a de cided way all but the commander-in-chief passcd through, ¢ Boys, you had better go out to play he remarked, as George and Thomas bunglingly trying to walk on tiptoe, They necded no second admonition, but were soon rolling on the grass and our friend was theneforthe enshrined in their hearts as 'a doctor' were The recovery of this patient was rapid and Dr. Minter, in consequence, won some rep-- utation as a skillful practitioner, His prompt, decided manner had gained for him the respect of those who had been made to yicld to Lis power, and the result was some little practice. Finally another patient fell into bis hands, which proved to be of the of the utmost value to him. Miss Dickford had been confined to her bed for many years, and the case had already baffled the skill of twelve physicians. Tt had been her custom to send 'or every new one who came into the neighborhood, and ¢ach one in turn had doctored her for al- most every discase which the human flesh is heir to, but in vain ; she was still bur- dened with every imaginable pain and ache. and was unable to turn without assistance. Assistance, however, she always had 1a lib- eral quantities, as it was well known she was possessed ofa large fortune, and it secm's to be human nature to sympathise most deeply with those who are so situated. -- She had heard of Dr. Minter's skill in the case just cited, and therefore sent for him, -- He bad also beard of her and had made up his mind thut a diseased imagination was the sole cause of her illness, A drive of a few miles brought Dr, Minter to the residence of his new patient. After he had carefull felt her pulse, examined her tongue. and made a few enquiries, she lan- guidly opened her eyes, and asked in a sup- pressed. whisper, as though he were almost afraid ot disturbing her own departing spirit, ¢ Do you think: there is any hope for me, doctor 2 E ' Hope for you? Yes, to be: sure I do. T will have you out in two or three wecks if you will only follow my directions faithfully 1 saw several such cases in the hospital -- All that is required is a practitioner who un- derstands your disease, and on your part, perfect obedience to bis ordérs, A faint smile flitted across the counten- ance of the invalid, and she found the strength to shake her head slightly, CON, no doctor, yet do not know how ill Lam if you have me out in two years you will go beyond my most sanguine expecta. ations." | ¢ Véry well, ma'ay)' said her visitor, ris= ingen tadile * Why, doctor,' she asked in' alarm, 'are 'you not going to do anything for me * No; there is no use 'in attempting the [ase unless 1 can Lave strict. obedience, a po es i... Ai MASON; ~ PROPRIETOR. : a Waa 5. Wiser ber is prepared to: convey | may wish to receive Music Lessons at their 7 bus fied ~~ NEW MAP en Dr. er first entered tho sick | .. Sul , Boxes and every other ee en, \ i bw Title on LE iaigone, U witigli go. Er i ete ORR ad | room he started, supposing for a moment | nggage- Railway di 5 novation n up wi > ~ Sl . " . i Aut Soo oon 1 diego tie Al Andee RS. Bo. PRINGLE, | the comfort and convenience of the traveling Dominion of. Canada. {tbat fe hid Yong tesa phe, hie his ders 'promptly attended to. Charges | 1 Puivcr Asamir: public. fren attention paid ® to the]. Preit from two hundred to three PT e oa ! they moderate, ER ior di) Music pupils always received at my: resi- | table and bar, while obliging and attentive | dollars per month. Permanent esfployment | holding her feral. anged in a net row Tee 4 4% 2 COOK," /| dence, Prince Albert. . 15 5 Ostlers will have charge of the stables, |: ok © TROY & CO. " [around the walls scemed to be all the old "Bort Perry, Jan. 1st, 1874, "2 oy, 20, 1873, MES/BMP. V Whitby, June 20, 1870. |, 32-Kin g St. East, Toronto! { women in the neighborhood, with: their ind I sce thut you ard hot disposed to give tr taught her over again. It was afl accomp-" lished, however, in good" tirhe," arid ut tHe" end of three weeks she had thrown aside : crutches, and all other assistance, and. was walking with as steady » step as any one. praise of the new doctor. curewas looked upon by the whole commun. ityvery much in the light of a miracle. entgpeored in upon him constantly. became a formidable opposition to the im: street Dr. Sagger continued tos! with the same blank smile ; and he congrat-"' 'clever boy' was a rival he feared. I he called upon' if" poung' brother | frasion and proposed a p ens equal terms, to which our friend accoeded. ind " I was not many years betor a the hotise of four'rooms | which Dr. Minter had ia the' Fhe doctor laid down' the powders, saying,' « Let rife see your watch.) The watch was banded to him and Be compared it with lis' own, ' Yes, it is right ; you may time yourself by this. Take a powder now, and in just threg hours and a half (three and a quarter will not answer,) you may take another. Con~ tinue to take them at intervils of three hours and a half through the day until six in the cvening, and after that if it is only. a minute after, you must not touch them till six in the morning, --then begin again, on the very minute, and eontinue them again through' the day as before, The effect of these pow ders will be quick and wondeful, if the rules' are strictly adhered to ; but if they Tare tot, I will not be responsible for their effects -- By to-moriow you will feel ifclined to sit up but here, again I must caution you, If you exert your newly acquired strength t36 soo' you will lose it. Lie still until the day af. ter to-morrow then yu may allow yourself to be propped up with pillows, and sit 'inf bed as long as youike ; but you must not leave the bed untill 1 see you again, I will call the day after to-morrow. I have given' you powders cnongh to last until ghen." = ¢ But doctor,' said the lady, hesitating y, ¢ If I do feel inclinéd even to sit up in bed ?* ¢ You will feel inclined." was the reply in' + a decided tone, Tknow the power of my' medicine. The trouble will be to 'keep you from going further And'the doctor went home, having al' realy effected half of the cute. ) In two days he called again'. He found her sitting up her eyes bent attentively upon' Ler watch, which she held in her hand, wait-" ing for a hali-minute to expire before she could take her imédicine. . ¢ This is just a¥ it should be,' safd thé" doc.' tor in a cheerful voice. ¢ I see by your im- provement that 'you have kept your promise, Miss Dickford swallowed her powder and' looked up at her visitor, 'Now you feel restless and tired of bed, and' would like to make another move, said the doctor, ina confident tone. ¢ Yes-- may 1) : Not to-day, was the decided reply. - «I will cdll again to-morrow, and if you cen- tinue to improve so rapidly--wbich you! certainley will if you follow my orders" sth: ly--vou may occupy an arm-chair, By the next day Miss Dickford was ready to get up. . + Your medicine wak' really wenderful' doetor,' said she, Just think how many years I bave lain there unable to raise my. head, and now you are curing we so quick- : Iyr 3 1 knew there wouid be no difficulty if I! could ouly have my orders obeyed," was the reply. The miext step inher recovery was walk ing. This had to be undertaken very eau- ' tiously, for she had been out of' practice se long that the lesson of dabyhood had to bs Miss Dickford could not say "enough His worlabnhn' » Pati 'The little unpretending hothe of ai réomt | posing mausion on the other 21 Hafod the young man on his sucedss, while: he unwillingly admitted to hishbelf th 5 ro i) "R partneribip upon 1 " meantime purchased, became a wing to.a. larger edifice which arose beside it. Annie 'always laughingly declared thet! this Was' built upén a of cdchinieal wid. | foundation Jad ihr LI

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