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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Feb 1874, p. 1

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Him i" 0 vw aur ) ay £Y Pu AND GENERAL y un Za 3 0 HS HT ses LE FT aaa pa - PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF Joi bats yalemdnug WL ! swing BAM LLY.-NEWSP APER, doan'l swad poiusuED | art fonldl ud aiuto 3 ww tidnl'} shar A inl ans oF ADVERTISING, For each line, first fhbertion . sabsequent fusettions; per line te y frosivel " pul ication} Ete uctons, fi 4 5 and charged aiccodiogly. No will be taken out until, paid- © ilook Le a vertise by the year. or Rh min Ip "7,08 'Depart Re ayenibronttis f° PORT PERRY !, | of a. First ] Ean, ated Sept. 16, 1864. 11 0, 701 Dr. Thora 'bigs to anndutiée that ] taken gp bis scsi 2 > onan met opposite Cosnitt EY Surgical.and Mechanical Dentist, 11 Of Twelve Fearg.Baperience; bo ores a Store, eH CHAS. THORN, VS, | Chicago, 111+ Gold - Medalist for the examination on. Horse Author RA he Has Bat Fern and ds "entrusted fo ne, the ont skillful and scientifie'| manner. All orders left at the: Medical Hall! of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attegtion. Veterinary Stables be foutid _ Port Pemxy, Oct. 28, 1873. ;, | HENRY G R I S T. PAYENT SOLCITER ND Bn, OTTAWA, CANADA; Transacts businéss with 'the Patent 'Off and 'other d ts of the' Gov Copyrights and the Registration -of' Trade! farks and ia, neg Drawings, pecificatil neces - sary to a Yee, on receipt of the go of the tion. TET auctioneers, vas > 2 ol iHand Bills, Pesters, Pro- 1 Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt ks, Circulars, Business , &ci, of every style and elite promptly and at lower rates ther establishment in the County. rties from adistance gotting hand 2 pripted can have them done to take th them. = J. BAIRD. grammes, Books, 1 PARSONS. J Prothastonal evs. | S. JONES & MALLORY, iid and Accoueheu! Bprt Penry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. Rj JONES, Mi D., CORONER, | A, E. MAL AY County Ontario. D.,C.M, pr BR. ATHY A Pha ners <oncheur, Physicians, Ts, 1" t Perry. for, the County, Stifrgeon Ibert. ner Prince DE MARTIN & Di RS. MCGILL & 5, Physclans, Surgeons, &e., &e, Office Residences, King st., Oshawa, vag. M'GILL, MD. FRANCIS RAF, M.D. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTHL AUCHIONEEE, | AND. TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA &' CARTWRIGHT; EGS to thank his many friends and the public genemlly, for the liberal patron age bestowed upon hin for the past five years. Having now given tp the business of Bailiff, I intehd, in fature, to devote my whole time to the busimess , of Auctioneer, Collecting, &e. It will bejmy endeavor, by ¢ prompt and careful -attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished. free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand, Arrangements can be made for iles &c. at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry, W. M. WILLCOX, Prines Afbert, Oct. 25,1873 M. WOMCBRIEN, M.D, MUR. C. 8, Guy's Nepal, Li ondon, England. 'Fhe ki ye R. OH. 1, Oshawa, BWELL, IL, B., County Crown Eten ¥ ti io, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office lately oc- cupled by 8, H, Cochrane, Fsq., Brock street, Whithy: YMAN FL. EN Chaiicery, Attori Oshawa. OMce--Siméoe street, opposite the Post Office. YOUNG ali Ll. B., Barrister, At- . topney-at-Iaw, Sol oitor In OC hancery, and Insolveney, (a Publie, &ec. ©Oifice--McMillan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. AMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers and Attorneys at Taw, Solicitors County &ouncil, Ontario. Offices : Court House, 'Whitby. M..C, CAMERON, IT. J. MACDONNELI. | 'J. C. PILKEY, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! YN OULD 'inform the public generally that he has resumed the business ot Auctioneer. Thanking his numerous friends for their liberal patronage in the past, he hopes by strict attention to business and a constant regard to the interests of his patrons, to secure u still further extended patronage, Sale Bills drawn out and-Blank Notes fur- nished free of charge. All orders addressed to J. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P. 0, or left at the OmsErver OFFicE, Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. J. C. PILKEY. 38 Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. T Professional. @aros. ARNDEN, L.D.S., fo "EMBER. 'of 'thie Vetetindry' Jutitute, 1a; Now FOR FIRST CLASS Bist o Fang, gg ox a Li Sate hk i, EO soven Tere , Lives be' liad i. fa 8 MORTGAGES WANTED. I v Bh elon Sars ae é la sums of mon-' investment on Vilage he Buti on a, Jetting their money with AY a + ane 'WANTED TO PURCHASE, Any nababer of Mortgnges for which the hi pi A git te ie od. ne ecandep nd on 1east possible de! ut fv rs for the Canada Per. pent Ho nha ing Nera v, the cheaj pest and ests oo ns! Rian Can nid dum Ta Thethliments eit bl in from 2 to iy years, Lands Bought and Sold. Be¥erat good faems for sale, surance Companies. Cr ollectinig made and a generat agelipy busl- 1| ness transac ZY DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-&% " JOHN & DAVID J, ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Rossi-Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, NONEY 70 LEND! The undersigned has any amonnt of Monty to'lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also severnl Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Deben-- tures, Rank and othior marketable Stocks, + Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c. Orrice--Qver the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. ? | Whitby, April 10, 1878, MONEY! MONEY! | MORE MONEY ! The Subscriber would inform all in want of Money that he is prepared to negotiate Loans with the Trist and Loon Society of | Toronto, for any amount of moncy from $400 AND UPWARDS, On Mortgage Security on Town or Farm Property. The interest is only 8 per cent, | No Commission charged, and Loans pro- cured without delay, JOHN TAYL! x Manchester, Nov. 12, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERY Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is | CROTHERS & WILSON A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and + In Chancery. - Office in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. ABIES LAMON, PAtoviy at Ys Solicitor in Chancery, veyaacer, &c.--Land Juni ge, © Uxbridge 0 0 ce in Parish's Block, tree aln Uxbpiage 4 OHN BILLIN! Barrister, Attorney J Taw, Soli log im Ctancery. Kot Kotary Po VOY AN ac | Wort! i CO: N. VARS, L. D. 8. ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anwmsth- esia, Block, over Atkinson's Drug 3 Store, King Street, Oshawa. ; | given to their interests, +: EETH {nserted on all the latest princi- | Dentical Rooms-win Cowan's new | for the of Ontario, RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere in the County. " Partics placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being d to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contkpts, country School Houses | and Uhtxches.: Those wishing 4d insnre and thereby support a Home I Company Santis ZO Agents for severatfirst class Fire bas A Masowic Incwexr.--A young man a na- tive of Boston, for a short time a resident of one of the Western States, but whose family resides in the East, was most horribly man- |8led'by a train of carriages passing over his body. His frieuds and family wero inform. ed of the snd accident and that'his body had ea friends repaired to the station to receive and prepare for 'coriveying it to the family. -- Upon thelr arriving at the station they found it a rough looking box, properly diracted,but upon which there was no charge, all expen- seg having been prepaid. The box was con- veyed to a suitable 'place where the mddes- |! sary' preparations could' be male," Upon [o.oo will iin Al much surprised to find the corpse notonly properly | dressed and laid out; but enclosed in & 'beau- tiful coffid expensively ornamented, and both siden of his face which bad been sadly the Sie hod Joa veyed: the corpse some by the flow- ers which were profusely placed "around th the 'body. Upon looking at the plate on the coffin, besides ago, &e., that simple but powerful little em- blem, the " square and compasses," together with a card bearing the Inscription, Whats Masonry 2?" i A young lady says thata gentleman ought : never to feel discouraged, when the. " mo- mentous question is negatived by the object |' Vs is fr in life, as in ginal, COUNTY Not beitig 'were read the little' that day. an Fothergill, 8 Fuller, name, blank was filled up! cordingly. proved, before we ] ne seaman, at a religious meeting re cently heldin New York, in relating his ex. perience, stated that when at ses in storms and tempeuts he had often derived great con- . | #olation from that beautiful passage of Scrip- ture, ' Faint heart never won fair lady'* When Mr. Wilberforce the great anti-slav- FURT PERKY LIVERY STABLES, 2 C. M'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. Ti Subscriber having now fully equipped Sma and Xonslys Livery Sinble 0S ith a supply of superior Orses al "arri ages, repre to Trnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. C. McKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873, 3 hotels pe AL CANADIAN HOTEL. PONY PERRY... HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping t with the rapidly increasing business and prosperity of the Village and neighborhaod and with direct reference to the comfort and | convenience of the public. | Strict attention paid to the Table and the | Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive | Ostlers. | Neither labor nor expense will be spared of public patronage. Po Leather PORT. PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, ever offered to the public in the North Riding of Ontario. other House in the Trade. FE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the liberal support accorded to him during the past eighteen years, merit a continuance of the same. ery NOTHING LIKE 'Built tor the purpose, in the n ck of HARNESS best sf He is determined to sell as Cheap as any Le will do his utmost to JOHX Sas rt Perry, June 18, 1873. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. poe PERRY HOUSE, | in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy ol PORT PERRY, JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- have now an oppqgrtunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respons sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, Head Office--Oppositc the Royal Hotel, C.'D. wan, So RGEON | DENTIST, Uxbris Yillagt: All Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to jive satisfaction or no charge, nd at prices hich defy competition. Fd Dealer in all Kiadp af Jewel, Fancy| Goods, &c. Revenaxors. ~--H. P. Rev. Ror i. Byrne, hi wi REMOVAL. 5 me DIVISION: : boustts Looe ie on hs! atl County TE Outario, | [EPR TRE YEAR 174. All Dental operationg performed on a most approved principles and warranted. Teeth Sxtigeled and filled with the least cng and to give' J. D. COTTINGHAM. Port Perry, October 15, 1873. R. RICHARDSON, SSUER of M: HE Subscriber would take this oppor-|' TCE 5 5 I. T tunity of thanking his numerous cus- 1 yd i H tomers for the large measure of patronage bis. t = : = bestowed upon him dur sing 8 Bie past Ten Whitby. F 2 i years in which he has practiced his profession | ; as DENTIST in this locality be would Jn Port ery. ie form the public generally that he has | Cannin 3 "k 71 removed his office to Port ht A arte @urrie's Sfore, where he il Sr i J ! | 5 L wait on all who may require ' Lod How DS, BURNHAM, services. ance and artificial teeth fur- g : To Loan on good Farms, at § : cent in- terest, Geo. H. Dante, Junior Judge, Whitby, Jan, 1, 1874, . MONEY [Private Funds, Lot 10, in the 1st congession of Brock. HAMTHIW WAL LSH E, the North Sort Onipio Auction- Soleome old friends and new to take part in Additions have been made which make: this | an the largest and best House in this section of | J country, Fare $1.00 per Day. "| JEWELRY, BOOK, STUNG T their liberal ust been replenished with a choice selec- tion of Goods of the latest styles, newest AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, HE Subscriber in tendering his hearty thanks to his numerous customers for Datonage, wonld inform them |in.' d the public generally, that his stock has { (")UEEN'S HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- {lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to | the comfort of guests and the aceommoda- tion of the general public, will be glad to the hospitality of the Queen's, The Table carefully supplied Choice Lignocs and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and | Stables punc tually attended to. | The Queen's is" the I west possible figures at which such goods can be rold Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Brooches, &c., sc. Goldine and Fancy Jewelry in great variety Books, &c., &c.. Poetry, History, Biography, &c. aud best quality which he offers at GOLD JEWELRY; Chaias, IN BOOKS: liamentary honors, and witty young lady offered the complimeny, of a new gown to cach af the wives of those freeman who voted for her brotlier on' which she was saluted with the cry of " Miss Wil- berforce forever I" when she pleasantly ob- served, © I thank you, gentlemen, but I can- not agree with you, for I really do not 'wish 0 | tobe « Miss Wilberforce' forever. Slippery bussiness.--The corner in lard. A legal teuder.--A lawyer minding his from the East Indies. avy. vidence.. An idle young man was did: , WAS Once & his sister, an The Government have ordered a Parrott He is an admiral in Dakota has been doing sums and finds that she has only three-eights ofa white man to an acre of ground. St Louis's wickedest man has dicd and gone to Chicago. His successor will be se lected by a competitive examination, There isa man at the Kittery Navy Yard who has whistled continuously for nine years and why somcbody has not killed him is a mystory. Muscatine, Thows, has the boss potato.-- It is twenty one finches long, thirteen in circumference, about four pounds in weight, and has more eyes than Argus. The Biblical editor of the Magenta suggests for its boathouse the name *Golgotha-- the place of a skull' priate where there is so little brains ? A man left a bony steed on Main strect just Saturday, and, coming back a short afterwards, discoxered that a funny youth placed a card against the fleshless ribs bear- ing the notice " Oats wanted--inquire with- Would this be The most confiding woman lives in Pro- She went to an auction, and knowing the prevalence of thieves at such places, asked anice looking-man to take care of her pocket-book, containing eighty- five dollars. He is still taking care of it. been sold for arrears Committee on Finan Communications for Parl pon, © 'Second - Day's Proceedings. Present ou the second day we | could only snatch from the minutes sa they There were two. petitions' T. From the Trusteds of School Section No. 9, Uxbridge, ine cetel: siustions in the boundaries of said Sec. | 2nd. From Mr. McCaun principal of the Institution for the education of the blind. 'There was & communication from" aie. hy ss 0 hi wax again te dons Commis for the office of County Treasurer, Messrs. J R. Johnston, Wm Laing, T Lawler, Ses c Taylor, J H Thompson and B Yartold, thi Mr. Brown introduced and carried through | ..° a by-law. appointing a messenger. The Blow and he was appointed messenger ac- Council adjourned- Tatrspar---3e' Day. --The Wiirden took the chair at 10, a. m, Minutes of previous meeting read and ap. Mr Feasby presented the petition of Alex. McQuaid of Uxbridge regarding a property of 10 acres belonging to petitioner which had es had not been in arrears, and praying the Council to restore him said land. ©n motion; the petition was referred to the _COouNciIL. rho Oman i wy wag 'moved phe mata a8 | sureties at$5,000 each. a akan Dy i H Addison, J Blow, J 4 Cals c und Gord A Cn me a be YP Joiutly sud severally, liable for the. with the name of N { unvensonable and uncalled for, be.gan't ue, derstand why the nt idelah id fy ralacd tn the case of Mr Laing, treasurer was only asked for new one $10,000 while the amounts. into the treasury are. nogresier them oy were in the time of the late Tréasureh. Mr BICKELL says that he is oi see what Mr White is driviog at, he (White}, + had the making of the old by-law in his gwa hand and when he was asked to make thes amount of thebonds over §25,000 hMr While' had waxed eloguent over the adsurdity' asking more than $25,000; the treasutst Him self being respousible for $10,000 but, now , of taxes while said -tax- ce. were read from Mr, of the uhiable Bridge, stating that d and fi while the t coming into the hands of. the Bridge had been | pu oqgurer is no greater fthan it was them ishing certai P A communication Bridge also reported. The Report of Mr The report af Mr, E Subseriber having removed the whole | baby" TSE) ei Some of his business to Rodd & Steel is the suggestive name of a ? His New Premises !|"™ "hie pointment made by Brown, ell) considered that imperfect and decep! other auditors. appointment. appro Lawder. of Auditors the only have the slightest w g toa|p and' unl missioner of the Talbot Bridge with certain accounts and a notice of resignation. TLe Commissioner of the Severn River of the Scugog Bridge was also submitted. Mr. Donovan introduced and carried through its second reading a by-law to ap- point a Connty Auditor and confirm the ap- In Committee of the whole, Mz. Brethour in the chair, Mr. 1. J. Gould moved that the blank be filled up with.\he name of 3 W.-C Mr. Donovan mov H Lawder be inserted. _On the motion being put for Mr. Brown, Mr BICKELL said he 'had nothing to say against Mr Brown personally but he (Bick: { acocunts bad pot been audited as had been proved by the great deficit discovered by He would therefore oppose Mr Brown's Mr FEASBY said that no member had any right to bring this matter of deficit be- fore the Council in this irregular way and he considered Mr. Brown 1m cvery way com- petent for the position. Mr COWAN would say with Mr Bickell that the wtmost care should be taken in the selection of Auditors as the late audit bad not been satisfactory, Mr GILLESPIE said that in the selection be the fitness of the party selected, friendship or personal liking or disliking ought not to duties of tha auditors are of the utmost im~ that tlfe same gentleman seeks to Soule .- security, Mr GILLESPIE said the couse of oe White in this matter was asingnlar one, in fact he is persuing a course which amonnts to saying to the Treasurer elect * the coungil have elected you but T will place such obs=: tructions in your way that you will 'not te able to overcome them. ' He (Gillesple) regards it as most unreasonable--and he, believes the coupe] will so regard it--to ak Mr Laing's five securities to become jointly - and severally bouud in the sum of $10,000; many a man will become surety to the ex- ent of $8,000 who would not touch $10,000: The $25,000 that is five suscties of $5, : 000 each was put and carried In filling up the blank for Treasurer's, salary Mr White moved that $800 be ime: serted, Mr Ray moved $1,000. The smalller amount §800 was put and carried, after which the commitle aroeq and reported. The report was received and adopted. . Mr Bickell moved that the by-law be now: read a third time and passed sigued and seaj« ed. The motion being put brought Mr White, to his feet. He suid he had no particular objection to the third reading nowy: Lut con' sidered it very discorteous in Mr Bickel or any other member taking a bill from the, hands of one who has it under his care. He ¢Whitc) had this bill in his hands and had he seen say necessity for the third reading to-day Lie would: have put it through, but as there was-no necessity he did not desire fo suspend the rule of the House that it might. have a third reading to-day and he would move in amendment that the third vesding be- deferred till to-morrow. Mr BICKELL replied saying that, he e. no desire to take the management of any, biil from the hands of his friend Mr. Whita) but itis the well 'known practice of thix council--if there be no cause for delay--to | pass such bills through their third reading at once; but as Mr White had brought the bitk was read from the com. Reader, Commissioner Taylor, son of the late itted as to his deceased the Warden, es that the name of R the late audit was both tive as all the books and ,he would support Mr consideration ought to cight iu deciding. The hn dfech di friend that alth a he Family Bibles and every varicty of tiful Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn [All the best authors in A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An cxcellent variety of Albnms. | few rods west of tlie Post Offi SAMES S 'DEWART. , Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. 0] V hi 9 G: Crothiefe semlsocAgnt for all kinds of [Frock Stn Whitly. pj Aptientturl Implements, L, FAIRBANKS, Jr, All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom Secretary. P. 0,, will receive prompt ¥ {) Te WESTIN ASSURANCE COPY dA y &e. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge,| ® TORONTO. Scott, 'Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa i and Eldon, ! Incorporated... - ...1831, mr Fattios entrusting their Sales tome | | way rely on the utmost attention being given . = to their interests. - Ee Capital 8400, 000: { {"WAM. GORDON, Let ¥ President..:.. i Hon. ons MoMurrieh. 4 { Suni nd, Brock. Vice-P 5 Esa. THOS. H. WALSHE: Seeretary ....... "Bernard Haldan, Esq. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township dante PRINGLE, of Brack, Thorah, Mara & Rama in -- Ceneral Agent. North Ontari "Mariposa, etc., in the County a ria. Raden Gannon, Brock. . Orxders office, jor; at Ts Susldenes Travelers' Guide, pr will be Tooth bts col- z i [lected fini Guinn] of ot I ise, and WHITBY & PORT PERRY R. R.| TIME TABLE. =~ THe Sem i on Wedngedary the 1081 |g) ¥ mite 1¥G ort and] * Platform Statione_Trainy Sop. on 5 nal Passe! m Ba and West! by engi Port Perry i ek HOTE, In. Stadi Books, &c., &c. Forms such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, &c., &c. Writing. Books, Paper and y ;--Ledgers, Journals, Day A large assortment of Legal his luck in alt sorts oF fkits and lotteries he had never been able to draw anything. -- ¢ Indeed' said his friend. you try ita hand-cart? Yon can draw that.: Mr. Smith is bound to have his joke, ls wife walked nearly in front of & milroad train the other day, and he said if she bad gone a step farther, his children would bave had a step mother, 'Well had tried | efficient and proper ment of the affaiis o support Mr Lawder. suppose was declared lost. each. to deceive the ratepayers and finally cause them to lose all confidence in the manage- 'The vote havii.g been taken for Mr. Brown put and carried, and the Warden appointed Mr Grierson, and the salary was fixed at $60 an tain length and appeared inclined to' manner they only tend = curtain lcnjth nC Appa drop it there for some purpcs and knowing. his friend Ms} White was rather foxy inclined' | he (Mr Bickel) bad determined to follow, the old fox to his din :and that is the reasoty why he (Bickell)-had moved the third read- ing. " The by-law was now redd a third time passed, signed and sealed. i Mr White gave notice that on to-morrow f the County, He will Mr. Lawder was then Inks of the best qual Tell & Indy that yon recently Ind The Committee arose and reported. The | the will move for leave to introduce aby-taw : he quality. el IAL yo ply saw a lady t i *) Auditors toaudit the A NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, silany Guede, 2 ip gree great variety. Berlin acquaintance of hers and the first question a I a Mona Setrint A r. 3h PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. 7 ne bo sold Se ra his on stock in reply is, * What did she have on ?" Tell| White moved the second reading of his Me. White gave notice that Ke would * WML. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. , |. The bost Sewing Machines in the Domin- | he* HusbOhl Shot yon ars sem w bid by-law toappoint a Cel w move for leave fo introduce a by 'THe 'above commodious hotel. has been BE oh a Sop FE a0 a mover sid tisk having Sousalied (hs |; sigue dalwutitnts 1) as E¥3ent of GENQ00. newly d and furnished throughout,} } am Agent for the famous Instruments he doing now County Solicitor regarding the wording of | 5p the credit of the county. au hoe, ample 8 mugdation for the re- | manufactured by R. 8. Wilson of Toronto. -- A widow being cautioned by a minister | the by-law he bad learncd. that: it was not| Op motion of Mr Smith (Scott) the cout oe] of 80, ies 4 most con- Organ again: i i % "been Ea tat for Commerelal travelers. Sno, iy of the beet dcsrpel iota for San wid Or Re ud 1 inf ih Suse HB ars i a (a adjourn 1] ioaianiow 4f Jie ak. Comfo table and omy salve splat. Remember the ] Place--All oe * Tm i 6 wished it FRIDAY MORNING SRSSION. fentive ¢ ope fh Ontar Hak a's Keop POTIUM, | vas her autherity. / It said « widow's mite" | submitted to the Council on its second read- hadrat 1070, 0. hort ort). ssk1y | She wa flistiog mwfally.ab last: accounts | ingand allowed to rewain over ill the af: | The Wardey. oc 1 et wd Rev HOUSE, - ale," "Poronto Gross--daily and weekly | Her ' pastor ackmowledged that * widows' | ternoon session before going further. The Witteg of e, previoys r mite. Mr McDermott introduced and carried | ** *PP MASCRESTER - i J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, .. | Port Perry, September' Tar Tots, ATEN: | A boy was passing through the cars of the | through ta first reading a by-law to do sway a -- unis tia at Comet : Erie Railroad fhe other morning with an | With the levying of tax om dogs in this f the above Hotel, has a Se the Shcjoons Huore call day fat lod om Oh Tap a y 0", #he Town of Whitby, has been ap pointed JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, illustrated copy of Nothing to wear." 1ody remarked.¢ Isupoose that takes offthe la- dies 7" " No," said the gentleman, « it takes " Then," rejoined the to the requirements EE 3 JENNINGS, ~ PROPRIETOR, aibion alia tad alan 'MARBLE DEALER ! 4 Reto withheld their orders until called . OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE off thelr dresses, : JAFCE. HOUSE, " [or the county of Ontario: Any business |18d: "it is quite proper that a or guteusted fo bis charge will be carefully at- | should sell it." 'vrical o tended to, The cruelest young female is the girl the J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR, Wi im county papers are boasting 'of ,-- Goo scommodion, Toby Moc Donald, » {They are telling of how she shegred thirteen A | County Mr Rowland moves for leave to introduce A by-law providing the payment of a reward by this County to parties for detecting' or the mew regishy tt de work was completed with the oxceptit little outside painting and other, which cannot well: be, duno . till "The contractors had been paid np: to' Sia detection and conviction of parties guilty of borse stealing within this. County. 'by-law passed ite second readingand went to committee othe Whole and on motion 'the as will lead to the kept back according to contract Sillale work is finished, fhe cost béfng $7499 3°. The Committe appointed to. in the matter of the obstruction of the wales of the Severn Riverand' tributaries' submit The MF Pacton will ind do ois dan: this preparation is entively diffeverit in its combination ahd effects from all othe reme. = ties called Hypophospites, the public are whole on Mr, Rowlangd's horse stealing by- law. The blank for. veward was 'proposed © be filled up with $25, 30, 40 sad 30. ) infive hours' the other day' and now of C :ported prog! and asked AE T6 Mopwilt 4 : The bas supplied with th t, . NEWCASTLE, ONT. ip, those Een famcent Sherpas 1 ws oy tai a a EE -- MouueNTs, Tomb-Tables, Head: 18 isis weather without o¥ey vats, On motfon of Mr. Smith (Scott) the War- fine causing the waters of, lake. Conchig ENTRE HOTEL, = v-. of great vasisty, with every de. | Cosseurrios, Ha G Dnt A th hui il eon. it 8 oc pA of Marble Work, stiable for Com: | ry.--Caution--Hypophosghited--PFellovs: SAL TREELD, | Peterhead and, Aberdeen Granite. [Compound Syrup of itn.w-As ' 4he Cottml rested Commitee of 'the served an injunction oct them NY emidenyl 00a '.0 RILLIANSON, | cautioned that the genuine Bas the name of| The $40 reward was catried snd 'the Com. ml sid wad of i LYMAN ENGLISH, » Frutows & Co, blown on the bottle. The | mittee rose and reported; and was | u ee &c, Through h Tickets of 2 = PROPRIETOR. | int m guaranteed, en it ve signature of teh inventor, James 1. Fellows, | read a third time gad. Spin nmin E0 ir tn " ® ber, fh, 18862017 ff a a genes LE al a pr Bo Bas . i: reef dnpary 10, 1873. a ren a 0 Vou wah Wie on mn or. Bickel he. Ooumcil 2 ; "| November, 7 : 14 HE Foals tor Fark a ta the co io tid Hing us| JOUR SERRE = nd fe models ps te, seine ee nto Committe of the whole , r JAME! Li TQWXSHSP CLERY Ls J J. Wo TEA Se me Managing Director. Bie wie ver hile on o itn a attentive Issuer of - Br prescribed by the first. phy in every | p Licenses Office-- Port Perry, | B. R. KIMBALL, Ostlers will have stables. , oner, &c, city and town where introduced, and is & Ofca hours (rom 10 8,.m, to 3 p. m. & General Superintendent, » big Jude, >, 1870, rl Gficerm Manchister,, | Agporonghly orthodox preparation, MM } ' - Tammi Bonin' 1 ; A « 6 « , XT Us TF ™ ¥

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