Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Feb 1874, p. 4

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The Subscriber offers for sale that com- fortable and cunvenient House aud Lot (his Yenidunce) mediately north of tne Ce 0 © Sf 5 cellent Well hy Chern with Pumps in them The lotis well f.nced and contains over three fourths of an acre on which is a Mize ani sigorns Vearing orchard of choice "The situation 1s one of the most and healthy Terms Easy. For particulars apply to the subscriber, JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, Feb. 4th, 1874. BAYS & SONS Casmver Factory! PORT PERRY. E soot es (and more) ® Jaga Bock of just spehy couo FURNITURE! As the community ity requires ; suitable for all classes of pure! All of Cmoica Ma« a Wongxaxsmr, and at suom Paces as cannot fail to suit. corns ena AEE ; UNDERTAKIN a N SHROUDS of all sizes and | newest styles. CASKET OR BORIAL £4SE 3 900000 sesnse sesenp segessanttrendresrece J. W. DAVIS BONY Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873. OPPOSITION THE LIFE OF TRADI! The BuBscriber has on hand the Largest, Bast, most Fashionahle and Cheapest Stock My Stock consists of Tables, Chairs, Bu- _ Jeaus, Setar, Oa Couches Cupboards, Stands, and * everything else necessary for comfort in' way of Furnitare. Special attention is directed to my Steck ot ring Sse (Whiteside's make) el Also a large stock of wy oo donb Just oe Ra 4 hag: and WA iba the shortest notice. Undertaking. Department. In this department my stock is complete. All orders in this line promptly and care- fully attended to und charges as low as at 81y other establishnent, TT. Port Perry. CHEAPER THAN EVER U'ndertakin Doge #@" Remember bia PRGA CHAIR en po a re all al Sion A good spt bg ted oer je W.H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. AND f AXD AAT71H BILL LUMBER ot '2booi) ¥* OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS eee g tg Ba § Bi Fag. | 1H CONSTANT LY "oN 'HAND AND ; 14 ota $f han wiv ¥ Ir blo: } (100% 9.08101 0} wa A seaidoiug wang ol 0 ORDER CUT T AT &- A" i 2)O0'T2 FH = [1,4 ANTONY ol1afl fon 2a aod ad MILLS, ses A ---- i mad Yo shad fle 1d des) hoard : PORT PERRY. 72 ITEM) H = less expense--so fitted up 'AR +4 HOLIDAY RHGTOBRAPHS R ALL, AND Io putea? PICTURES NCKENZE & S0TTS biol ln SURE THING, TRY IT! To prevéest impending doifiestic Thunder Soa Feminine Cabins and Curtain Lectures, go al once to * A E. MCAWS GET A NEW "STOVE ! FM oF ITH the view of demand for their much "admired , the. Subscribers bars have---refard- eir Galleries and introduced such Instruments as will at pg mes secure PERFECT PICTURES. | Their thorough knowl ment of the a eqn Yond of tol it their CaselniOnir and superior in give them facilities enjoyed by kw for producing those beautiful Photo. admired by all who os them. ' the most handsome i Hs produced in instance: Their Galleries are stocked with a choice worimnt of. Pi Class Albums, Picture Frames, tereoscopic Tnefsusietisy the Finest and in end. on a, A cordial wélcome is extended tg alffio visit our Galleries and inspect our on McKENZIE & SCOTT. Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. FS DAILY Pp 5 py RIVING Fall. and Winter OF 'Superior Quality! AND Latest Styles ! DAILY ARRIVING AT MENBETRS 5 PORT PERRY. Prot bid ita 1873. Wha al the People Want | GBOICK GROCERIES--FRESE. TEAS-PURE. ba sims ot oF 2 $ ooeehegppale MOVAL! FAI, Je oh 'Heopins a Watéhirnaket t & Tdvreler, Lap OF BROOYKLIN, publ] 1 foros ENOTES tampon io 43 se mn, a we happy to supply thelr wants with anything in. the way of « ad Geld. and Silex. Watches. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS! ! gos now I Steck a eh idhtifufioos to select from, which will be = e Sowest remanent 0 Please remember the WILsoNs NeW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. -- £ Dsus, March 5 5, wiSizs JOHNSTON' Ls IF - RANG RE) Awarded the First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition held at Toronto, 1870. 4 We offer to our customers for the coming Haryest, two distinct Machines, which in styles and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE Self-Raking Reaper, The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials in the hands of | the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self-Raking Reaping machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has met with more success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, beld at 'Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading machines manufactured i in the "Province | and with our recent i p , we unhesi and com- parison with competing Machines, "we are satisfied that such i will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the farmer for 1871, built in the Dowinion. R&¥~ Send for descriptive catalogues. Whitby, June 22, 1871. BROWN & PATTERSON, M. 0. DCNOVAN, Pe PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER, NEAR TBE TOWN HALL, : BROCK STREET, WHITBY. een A GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material. -- a, Work made to order with neat and d paid to re- pairing. PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY Yt BEST Sadat OF Buggies, Wagons, &c., &C. Nothing but the best Material used with First Class Workmanship, Latest Styles and | »@r FRESH + pie bon »ar OYSTERS 1A. BONGARD. fro Pairs Oct. 1, 1873, a TAILORING I ALL 178 DEPARTMENTS, AT "SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT formerly of Paxton & Jones. Port Perry, Nov. 19, 1873. i 48 best Finish, A LO a Th si Bey Ag | the public orally f= their liberal ion Tug Best Outs, of the Best port Bee vn | EAT BE td 0 s a warts. > He west Possibie Pos. PC sna 1873. Fiewny,) Es Subscriber In_ rot Totaling his sincere | tls Sor the oral shan of pa Age | == OE =x =F fq TT. Sn: me Fort Fa, i ti oppor. fi ng a SEESEETE PUMPS! PUMPS! a -- () A-- You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Proviace . At J. IRV IN'G by PUMP 'FACTOR PORT PERRY. Sr (A SEE THE PRICES. 3 Foes Pe p--A complete Eup and Fire Engine with Hose bi wit § i And respectfully invites the inspection of the above Goods and by Selling a REALLY @oup ed at as low. price, as h lon, BOOTS" & "SHOR "| TAKEN TO' AND FROM THESTATION Yo CEHRISMAS PRESENTS | Raman The Subscriber has much pleasure in an- uncing to his friends and customers, and e Diskie in general, thathe has completely lea JEWELRY EMPORIUM ! "HE selected Steck of Gold Rings, Lockets, Silver Plated Ware, Clocks for the Million ! Fine Toys for the Young ! &c., &c., &c. He intends to sell at a Low Figure, so as 15th January, 1874. Illustrated Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work WarraxTeD ! pen. Please give & edll. > JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Factory. Port Ferry, Dec. 17, 18173. 52 FIRST CLASS and Fit!! L Bn HE Subscriber would return his sincere Style thanks for the very extepsive and rapidl, erp Sec Map) PORT PERRY; And would embrace this opportunity of as- suring his customers and the public gener ally that as in the past so in the future will he strictly adhere to using only the best|$ material, employing none but good work- men and selling at prices--when the quality of the Goods is considered--which cannot fail to please purchasers. Constantly on hand lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture, Call and inspect my Stock, nex First block west of the Post Office. RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1878, 47 WITH T HESTREAM. The undersigned would thank his numer- ous customers for the generous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past; and would beg to inform them and the pubs lic generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN ORT PERRY PORT PERR 3 And that in the future his business will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He hopes by this arrangement and the in- ereased business facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing population of this highly prosperous section of country. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Baker and Confectioner, Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Rread, Flour, Oat meal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits Toys, &c. WEDDING CAKES {MADE To ORDER! #65 Tea Meetings, &b., furnished on liberal Terias, Shops--Prince Alberpand Port Perry. CHAS. HISCOCKS. a Marriage Licénses, [BY AUTHOR ) Ser at Port atid Ofc Abe Scugog Prinod Albert and Pe November 27, 1872. O HENRY CHARLES, "LUGGAGE AND AROUND TOWN. aod - 'The Subscriber is Prepare) to io convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other de- wriptisn or ty as to or boda the Railway town. All Orders Promply ionded Charges moderate, a8 paod® 2 as os od Port Perry, Jane 1st, 1874, s IVI clear out the whole of his Stock by the i GRATIS ! | 1--Come and get the Eglin]! SE TT BITT ERS prey ed 011, ive herbs found on the lower Siti) Ire Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- nia, the medicinal properties of w hich are extracted therefrom without the use' of Alcohol, 'The 4 estion is almost , daily asked. What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VINEGAR Brr- ERs?" Our answer is, that they remove' the cause of disease, and the patient re- covers his health. Theyre the great {blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ng Aever are a gentle Purgative as we wai oan or Inflation of che Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. i The properties of Dr. WALKERS [VINEGAR BITTERN ae A peyignt. Din Phoreticy arminative, Nutrition, LaXa Diuretic, dative, Counter-Trritant, Sudoritie, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. 2 R. H. M:BONALD & | hg ; ] Al wen! bod oo Lihat hariton 8 iid ad 7 OCOASIN FOR PRSERVING AND BEAUTIFYING THE, AKD RENDERING IT DARK AND GLOSSY. E. Riera , 4 The only reliable Gift Distriinition intl country. $75,000 oq," IN VALUABLH errr As a hair dressing it cannot be surpassed | As a Preventive for balinosy it has no ual-} TRY! IT TRY ITI TRY ITI B&F" 25 cents per bottle. Manufactured by W: MoTAGGART, Medical Hall, Prince Albert, To be, STI in ND. hn.SIY re " 165th REGULAR MONTH Gift Enterprise? To be drawn Monday, February 43, 1878 | 3 TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF £5,000 EACH / IN GREENBAUKS? Two Paizess HA 8 8x § Grinbiouse" Five Pri Ten Irizes 1 Horse mol (Buggy , with Silver-mounted Tarness, worth $600. Phe ln Rosewood Piano, worth $3602 10 Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each, 5 dota Watches and Chains, worth $300 each 1 5 Gold Ame! Brioni Sluniiny Watch, worth cach! ¢ Psychomancy, or Soul Charming," How either sex may fascinate and gain the love of any person they choose, igstantly.-- Phis simple mental SHAR all ¢an possess, free, by mail' for' 25 cents, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &e. A citing book. 100,000 "sold WILLIAM § €0,, South Eighth St. Phila- delphia, Pa, ~ TO $20 per day. Agents wanted! All ©) classes of working people, of jeither sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spate moments, or all the time, than at dnything else. Particulars free.-- Address G, STINTON & CO., Portland, Maine, Ton Ladies' Gold. dd 'Watches, worth $10 each | 1000 Gold hd Stiver Lever Huntifiz Wekchos (in all) worth from $20 to $300 each Gold Chaing, Silver-ware, Jewelry, &e, Number of Gifts, 7,500. Tickets onitea to 73,000. JOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." 1 World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark,--" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER,- For cleansing and clearing the blood from, all impurities, cannot be too highly recom: mended. For'Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Discascs, aud sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure, s old Sores, s Ulceratad and Sore Legs, res Blackheads, or Pimples on the face, See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23.| Z©~ Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to Ss whom liberal gremiums will be paid. CLARKE'S Single Ti Rix Ticl ety, $5 Twelve Tickets, $00; Twel Circulars containing a fu llist of prizes, a description of the manner of Jrawing, and other information in reference fo the. b bution, will be sent. to any one ordering All letters must be uddres a Main Oftice, I. D. RINE, Box i 101 W. Fifth $t, 4 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! ), curvy Sores. a 'ures Cancerous Ulcers, I; Cures Blood and Skin Diseases, R I AIRS Cures Glandural Swellings. AT Clears the Blood from all impure Mitter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixtnre is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of 'Testimonials from all parts. "Sold in Lottlos 2s 2d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, Ils 5 cach ient to effect a pe cure in the great majority of long standing cases, sy ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole proprietor, F. J CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. , EXPOR] AGENT 'S, Burgoy ney "Burbridges and 'Co., Colelnan Street, London, | New! berry and Sons, 37. Newgate Sticet Lon- + don. Barclay and Sons, 95 Farringdon Street Lon: don. Sanger and sons, Oxford Street Tendon, And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal. --Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggj sts. (gl) Iymans, Clare and Co.' : Toronig--Tillok nd Co Wholesale Dru ists isl Shipter and Poy ¥ ik Hamil Winer and Co. Halifax. Sve Brown and' Co, BOGUS MEDICINES, HOLLOWAY'S FILLS AND OINTMENT. ve for a conside it to be my duty to tiie, PORE @ BBL, TH's view to better 'accommodtitiz T Ww she Farmers qf North Ontario, Mari 'posa and Cartwright, and to further meet the 'rapidly ihénbsing Aantl fo? the id Johnton Seif-Raking Reaper, LL nied Hor, 3 Flows, . Fanning itn 4, ] x As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, of the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all! REPAIRS for these Implements, AN AGENCY Has been opened by Brown & Patterson A wk oni Works. SA Repairs for the Johnston Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, Land Sides, and all other repairs kept con- stuntly on hand d, FL i wid WM. JOHNSTON, AceExr. or PLA MLS CIV" Having cstablished the above Agency, so as to be fully represented in North Ontario, we have lately appointed Ed. Walker, of Utica, as our Agent, who, with our present Agent, H. 8. Johnston, of Port Perry, will call upon you, soliciting your orders fox the omits season. Yo ol: 104 Ba REV & SATTERSON, Vi & su 100 Day con e public of the buying Rl fons MUSIC LESSONS! NOTICE. Session of the Legislature of Ontari for an Act to constructa Railway from Park y's Pills " in whic much ingenuity an displaved in passing] off as my make. Biba 4, i Gg do deed to attempt to enumerate the MERE Eh AN e- | licitation of friends she has agieed to give a Muse Lessons at'the homes of several pupils Lo Perry to Goderich by way of Ux! market and Orougerills, 4 and SpE ce from Prince Albert ; and po Railroad ini and for APOTHECARIES' MALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Hxefyr Fors. Sem ang plete rbidges and Co, Col St., aon) foot. sheds, London, Lot ( 8 LE 'Common ined mcion Pups a 8 iE is per foot. i E a SO oun: Vom .Cistern Pumps, pe $3 up to a ingen pes And all ie ind ols Houses. i Alo every oes dncriptionst Pump, at fe "2 TF caNam § EQUALLY LOW RATES! | ai Mercer and Co, Wis : Pusmp.maki e largest, 'factories ada and| « oe Glare and. Co. ; ho a oa Baritetly sects al" soa wi a Drug~ ld to | the hether by mail ' 5 a on oa Meme ig Sept. 29,1870. OR, == | Halifax, ~=Avery, Brown and Co. Naw. lhe Rah EER, ie Le aid bee th eb ) Wholly | RE rh f ans of Holloway fF w Sock arch fut ii pink Smployed by the thr, wii i anya) eS Chemie Bo dre Ty 16 bn the County. of Durham fo the Northern, Ta iy A Bh ohh Hy PRINCE» han efits to its noir that |. Music pupils always a at ny? ir = UNL Se al rs of 2 : PE | Soph 1. 1873. 0 \ LER Li | compoun t would eonsiderably| No¥."20,"1873. ihe ms. Elbe pA ES realli ol my {Tea Srerrirerh One Box of Clarke's 3 41 Fills |, Lay Sit A ERS ol W- SPENGH, 8 warranted to cure all, discharges from extent the Urinary Organs. in eithar sex, soquir- do upon my ae hoy ar | SINTRASTOR & BUILDER: or constitutional Gravel ua Pal in the to offer them at a very low "price | nh Back Bo. in Bose, da 6 cack, by ll BIRT L387 uh A Lon B RICKAAYINGISTONA. WOR PAE. Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. | afar if they continue to vend the sume, ATEMAGY pio a Sn dopartients, Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, The following are the names and addfesses [> Wel hind iealoilTer y somect te Bi ouses who get my i aa 15,1673] rect - a hay Badh J& Sel s, finns Fou . Messrs. T. B. NB. . T. Dis Brisay, katy gin. Hesse faoney & Co, Yistoria, B.C. Moore & Co. , Victoria, B . C. dy pu Pills and jutment arg sold at the lowest esale net ies, i : uAities or Jot lod Ha 20 wort] 8s. 5% bi of Pill ir dev advance.-- Bot. 01d tne Ungiod dict ary -- A] h Pot and Box of my tions (heb heh Goverment {7 po the fos eat 241m " Holloway's Pills and Oiptment, London." (Signed) THousE I BOLLOWAY | 3 533, Oxford Street, London, Nov. 27, 1873. irra opi Phar 1 i som Reach Dec, 34 1873. - i

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