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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Mar 1874, p. 1

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>, ssiods wii A weExLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, Maou FAMILY NEWSPAPER, weet PUBLISHED A oe. | PORT PERRY, | oo SVERT THURSDAY MORNING, ide Phu stp pa or &. PARSGN i ERS! gi paid in dd- 3 if not $1.50 wi cl . No Tibecr or sad no pre ; discontinued until all arrears on Lepters containing money when od. Ethrane -"L: WARNDEN, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, "Of Twelve Years Experience, Qe over Mr. Gordon's Store, . 1 Queen" Stree! P ORME: PER R Gd wu Boe ot A "CHAB. THORN, V8, f EMBER of the Veterinary Insti MG, Sn eal rh Fb i Se ated Sept, 16, 1867, ih Dr. Thora begs to: announce that he Has ARR 1b hi tenon a Port Perry, and ip now fp treat all cases Sntrufied 1 8 100. ont phitiel Medical Hall ihe will receive prompt attention. mr Vi nary Stables may be found on Oa I Cassitt's Factory. orp Pery, Oct. 28, 1673. Office, pre-paid 8 be at gur risk. ! Advertismenss measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they ac- cupy. Advertisments received for publicdtion, | ithout spe instcuctons, ---- a ry aiccodingly. 'No E n'out until paid for ts Ln Oth®ri the year or half-year. BO" These 'terms will in all cases be Strictly adhered to. 3 Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- Fram Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Hooks, hecks, Books, Circulars, Business rds, Ball Cards, &c., of every' style and color, exveuted promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. BEF" Parties from a distance getting hand 11: . printed can have them done to take RS. JONES & MALLORY, Physicians, Burgeans and Accoucheurs, Rory perry, Office, over, 8 Drig Store, Quesnsat. =. J E. MALLORY, Ba SoRuS ER, | a RB. BRATHWAITE, Port Perry. M.D, R. WARE, Col for. the D Jntario, uysiein, Surgeon coucheur, County" of ae! PHILP, , M. D,, late of Newburg, Ont., +" Physician, enr, : Surgoan& Aecouch Port BE. i 2% Oftico Over Mr. Currie's Store, "8% Rosidence at the hoise of the Rov. 8. Phi JBen., South of the *chool Iiouse, Prince All FUSS. MARTIN & DEGRASSI, D Lindsay. » RS, MeGILE ¥ Physciuns, Surgeons, D &c., &c," oe aM. Physciuvs, King st, os Oshawa, a WM. M'GILL, MT, FRANCIS RAE, M.D. M. F. McBRIEN, M.D, 8 % 8, Guy's WV Hospital, London, Engl The Lye R. OH Ly AREWET] L. County Crown J Attorney for ERD Phi ey, licitor, and Notary Pulslic. + 0c- eupled by S. H, Cochrane, Esq., Whitby. YMAN L. ENGLISH LL. B., Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Canvey ancer, &e. Oshiwa. " OMmee--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Ofce. LL. B., Barrister, At. FX NT Ll In Chancbry, and I ency, Notary Public, &e. ; Mo. Yan's lock, Brock street, . H a. QAEROR + MACDONNELL, Darristors o "oun! nt Akay ahi Solon Coley ck. street, Council; Ontario, ces © Whitby. H. J. MACDONNELL. -- i M. C, CAMERON, A. IURD, Attorney a! HENRY GRIST, PATENT SULICITCR AND DRAUCHTSMEN, y OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, pecifications, and: other Documents neces. sary to secure Patents of Inentiun, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention, TY Ww Wf lm Fi 8, Vi 1 other Rocutition in this ait { Y RIGS. STILL i H. PARE, Jr, H% fitted up @, Livery Stable opposite the Post Office, clags Livery Rigs can always be had on moderate W. H. PARK, Jr., Proprietor. Port Perry, Jan, 22, 1874. 5 i Te ni MORTGAGES WANTED. ir -- 2 HE Subscribers have large sums of mon- ey oincag In their hands Br Tavestment on roved Vil); Prapertics, ' and joining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have s on Land at all times wers candep nd on Jetting their money with the ieast possible delay. } - WANTED T0 PURCHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which the high- est figures will be allowed. Wearealso appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Socfety, the dheapest and largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. ° Instalments re-payable in from 2'to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sola. Several good farms for sale, 737 Agents for several fifst class Fire In- surar § 1D \UCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND TOWNSHIPS OF. MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, B BGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the libs ral patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the husiness of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my Whole time to the business of Auctionecr, lecting, &c. } It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful' attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. ? Bi ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &e., at the Opsgrver Ofiice, and gt the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 23, 1873 --_-- CRUTH-KS & #ILSLN A for the of Ontario, L # AZ prepared to conduct Sales anywhere in the County. Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being given to thejr interests, G Crofhers is also Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implemetite. a All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P.0., will receive prompt attention, . Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott. Thorab, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, § / f : 3 BEY" Parties entrusting their Sales to me mhy rely on' the utmost attention being given 10 their interests. : WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. THOS. H. WALSHE: ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township 'af Brogk,:Thgrah, Mars & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, e CC aictioncers, pyatuimese W. M. WILLCOX;| ; Rd! te., in the County | general agency busi- #0 DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-®% JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1872. 3 1 1 { ? | \ ! | L ! The undersigned has any amount of Money to Jend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest ! Loars ean be repaid in any manner to suit the bor ower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheup. Investments male in Municipal Deben- tures, Lank and oti:cr marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, - Official Assignee, Broker, &o. Orrice--Over (Le Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Frock ot , Whithy, ort, Perry, where first | MONEY TO LOAN {| Laid down in Port be suited hoth "ag April, Port Perry, Feb, Whitby, April 10, 1973, MONEY! MONEY! | MORE J NEY | d intorm all in want of Money that he is prepared to negotiate Loans with the 'lust and Loan Society of | Toronto, for any amount of money from | The Snbscuiin | $400 AND UPWARDS, On "Mortgage Sccurity on Town or Farm Property. interest is only 8 per cent. No Comm n charged, and Loans pro- | cured without delay, JOHN TAYLOR. Manchester, Nov. 12, 1873, 47 rl rr | THE ONTARID FARMER' | Mutual Insurance Company .| This Company is now fully organized and is propared to accept risks on Farm Buildings | and their contents, country School Houses | atid Churches. Those wishing to insure and | { thereby support a Home Insurance Company | have now an opportunity of doing so, either | | by applying to the Head Office, or to any of | i the local Agents of the Company. Our rates | will be forind as low as those of any respon. | Brock St., Whitby. L, FAIRBANKS, Jr., Beeretary. t Lay, ang Sener of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. P. fa Chauspty, Olay 5 34d » 7 | Orders left at this office, or at his residence La Port Perry. ,,. | will be punctually attended to, Debts col- AMES LAMON, Attorney af La, Soliditor | lected in, Cannington, or otherwiék, "and gh Chancery, Conveyaacer, &c.--Land | prompt 5 made, nt, &c., Uxbridge. Office in Parish's Block, w ALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- Main Btrect, overs ¥ eer. Uxbridge. ' * OHN BILLINGS, Baris Attorney at J Taw, Solicitor pT Publics veyancer; &c. Office over'F i' Store, Port Perry. 'VARS, 1. D. 8. ETH inserted on all the of art, nd deen priv, Risdon best. Teeth filled with Gold and Sy Tol Xo hout pain b; cing anasth. Tip 5 Remica a Cowan's new block," dvér' Atkinson's Drug Store, King wa, Street, Osha . 0. D. WAID, {r1¢? «r SURGEON DENTIST, Uxbridge VE ive All Dental operation Jpetibriod Son Rot a re caro Beton sutisfaction or no charge, and at prices which 2 Se nok id .~H. P. Greggs, Port Hope; Revd. thy ; Jos. Gould, Esq. =, - LYMAN ENGLISH, Ux ti eh, fal HI ents, . wa, REMOVAL. November, 21, 1866. . iu RC x HE Bubscriber -- take this ra J. Hon Court. Uma Tn get wa Bio: him d past Fen | Office hours from 10a. m, to8p, m, =~ | oan which he ns f : TT T as DENTINT in this local id would {John Me Donald, * removed hi offices ort. bury, over Mr| MARBLE DEALER ! Currie's , where he will happy fo: ' NEWCASTLE, 0 wait on all w a ray require is promi]. HE . RICHARDSON, SSUER- of 'Mirage Licen Lot 10, in the 18st conce © Office-- of Brock. XA 5 ii it ) on TIVE Sie of great vary, min HE fon es igs i ts go to withhold' | by i OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1874. Oct'r --- ww | Sept "aes | July EZ cau |Novr ---- SESS = ----e Geo. H. Darryeiy, Junior Judge. (Whithy, Jan. 1, 1874. MONREY © (Private Funds, ar NUMENTS, Stones Cems BEF Parties will 'find it to their advan. 'their orders until called on J. C.- WILLIAMSON, ln WILLIAMS January 10, 1872. on good Farms, at 8 per cent -ih-- Head. |! ry de- | Also | p. WESTERN ASSURANCE COM:'Y TORONTO. Incorporated. Capital = $400.000. President. Vice-President Secretary ,.... cere. ASSL. . Hon. John MeMurrich. «+.U. Magrath, Esq. Bernard Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, General Agent. 'Travelers' Guide. d do do do do do do Pers F A large lot of Winécy Hosiery and Gloves at cost, Hos. nt 20 cents, 8 at cont, Pr 'Whit have also on hand a PAINTS, OILS, &e., for ny large Spring St Bidar y DVE Woy gore wit + 3 H + Lie of all kinds he will sell the BALANCE AT COST | Perry. " All parties' in want of a stove can several car-loads on h Deulers will do well t 7] " " regirds variety, full Stock quality aud cheapness. 1 | of all. kands of HARDWARE: which will be sold Gheap to make 'room ock Which will" arrive about' the 1st of . W. T. PARRISH. N. B. Caal Of by the barrel or car-load. very cheap as I have and yet which must be disposed: of. o call before purchasing elsewhere. 21, 1874. W.T. P, CLEARING SALE! WIGHTMAN'S, PRINCE ALBERT. The Subscriber begs | to avnounce that he will pasitively sell for the next SIXTY DAYS his entire Stock of 25¢ to Ic 30¢ to 28¢ 40c to 30c 50c to aTie 125 doz Pairs, all wool, Scarlet and White and Fancy Cottons at cost. Sheetings, Table Linens, Pillow Casing aud] Towels at cost, FIBY AY 998%, Splendid Mink Sct from $10 to 5. to 2 50. Good Unien 1 | 50 Sable Muffs for 53 cents each, worth 1.50. The Stock of Tweeds and Cloths is com| and German Doeskins, Beavers, Meltons, V. Extra Heavy, all wool, Canadian Tweed Reduced from one ecd reduced from 55 cts to 32 cts, DEY. GOODS AND GROCERIES, At largely reduced Prices, Note tho following reductions : Fancy Dress Goods reduced from 2 ¥ do' * do 1 er 0c to 124¢ | French Merinoes, all shades from 50¢ to 373c French Merinoes extra wide « 75¢ to oc Bd Lustres, " 22¢ to 164 o « do ---- | A Splendid Stock of Mourning Goods, including Cape Cloths, Merinoes, Thibet Cloths, { ian Cords, Metz Cords, Baratheaus : s from 11 to 30 cents, 25¢ to 18¢ * 37)cto 27¢ and. Parauettas, at Cost, 50 dozen Clouds, from 124c up. Splendid variety of Breakfast Shawls at cost, A large lot of Stripe Ottoman Shawls, dueed Tronr $4.60 tor 2.50. re- A large lot of Btripe Ottoman Shawls, extra fitie, reduced from $10 to 5, Ermine Sets reduged from 3.00 to 1.75. German Mink Sct, 4 stripe, reduced from 4.50 | Seal 8¢tk reduced from 8.00 to 5 00. A large lot of Indies' Mantles, latest styles, at cost. Great Bargains in Carpets of all descriptions, Tip Top all wool Suits for 9.50, such as they usu Black Dress Suits, got up in Good Style and well Good Beaver Overcouts, Ten Dollars, Millinery and Dress Making Department Special inducements offered in this branch, haying the services of a First-class Milline and Dress Maker, Raising, 5 cents, plete, including Fine Black Broads, English enctian and Fancy Vestings and Coatings, dollar to 70 cts: ally charge 13 to 14 for, rimmed, 15 dollars. GROCERIES, Pruns 5 cents. | No.1 Prince of Wales 'Pobacco 38 cents 1b. sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, | Bright Vireinia smoking Tobaevo 38 cts 1b. 12 Ibs bright "Sugar 100. Head | Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, | Washing Starch, Best quality, 8'ecents. Button Blue, best quality, 8 cents Ball Blue, best quality, 18 cents per Ib. TEAS | Dome Large, Cove Lol Lead, best quality, 12} cents per box. Cakes Honey Soap at 6 cents such as ¢ usually sold for 10 and 124 cents, ysters, Pickled 12 cents per can, rs Pickled 20 cents per Can: Soda 7 cents, ! Fine Baltimore Peaches 20 cents per Can. 43 Chests and Half-chests of Special attention" is jiu < LI No. 1,:0ld Rye Whisky $1.00 pesigal., usual price $1.40 1 " '" '" "" 'va to be Sacrificed, TEAS! to our UORS. No. 2, ) 1.00 White Wheat ite 1.25 ft « 1.50 Canadian " 12 Bis €¢ 1.50 Old Crow By 15 & & 1.76 Hennessy No. 1, Brandy 83. " No.2, « x bali! : > gal., usual price $4.0 wo Ber es '« 2.50 Jamaica Rum, 00% i 2.50 Grape Wine, '1.50 1 "« 2 No. 1, Old Port Wine, 3.50" ve te 4.00 No.2," wlio agp « ; 2.50 No. 1, Sherry Wine, $3.50%per zal,, usual price $4.00 og Te TOO ow Ee Ginger youd 1. ' OOH: « ge Bottle Scoteh Ale and Londoh Stout, 20c ; 8, $1.25 usual price $1.75. on i ampagne, pet bottl Ci oma ee 1.40 usual price 25 TMAN, PRINCE ALBERT. WHITBY & PORT TIME TABLE. TBAINS GOING NORTH. Throngh Tickets From Port Perry to lean be pur. chased of one Agentnt Dor, Berry. ats! Br ER TERE Jai vakh aif IA AME§ HOLDEN, PERETRR| PTR Wotan, sh ion | 5 LBION HOTEL a A i WELTY A. MASON, ~ This Hotel has undergone a' 6.25 | novation and been fitted up with' fort and convenience of the attention. pa charge of they 4 Whitby, June 20, 1870. pay Io the com: Ei e e Ostlers will have ch and cigars; fer cit aa Managing Director. Eons ' ry Stemi 8 Careful Ostlers always in WSs - BA 2 ith ir, a { ae, J Stables punctusly atended | few rods west of the Post Office, Port Perey, Nor. ., lotel has fitted with direct re: convenience of the publié. Strict attention paid to the Table and the [Ostlers, © a | Neither labor nor 'expense in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. in Port Perry, June 16, 1869. yrais AL CANADIAN HOTEL, "Font rrmpy. Subscriber having leased the above fi it in ly = HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. The & E a style in keeping the rapidly fos business and rity of the and neighborhaod, to the comfort and le. Stables and attentive will be spared HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, ~ PROPRIETOR. The Bubsciiber having leased this exoel- it up with a view to od the n : do. Queen's ia conveniently situated' a RTISER. ' tre ork friends, idle; and two idlers will: man fas and 3 Joil' to Europe. BY LOTTIE BROWN. In tho early September days, not many . autums ago, Mr!" and * Mrs Frosythe and their only 'child, Mr. Dwight. Frosythe, arrived in New York in one of the ocean steamers, having completed 'a two years tour through Europe, and after a day or 0 of social greeting with New 1 they 'betook them- selyes to their comfortable home in Boston, aud settled dawn--for lifo, Ne Forsythe was very rich and 0. yu Mrs Frosythe was very fat and e te a fearful stock of mis- chiefand wickedness, if left to vhem- selves for any length of, time.-- Having been idle for, some years the Forsythes had not departed from the rule. ' , ;For ten, years they had been fashioning a" matrimonial pie, which wag to.satisfy to perfection ' their festidious. tastes ; and now it was quite done well baked, crisp and tempting, and all ready for tue. final 'carding and dealing out, ; But let me say just here that My and Mrs Torsythe were not the only parties interested. There was another rpaiy of plot- ters who had from the begining an adtive fingerin this pie, and who was every whit as deep in the mud as Fovsyihes werein the mire. This pair owned an only child a daughter, who, like Dwight For- sythe, was heir expectant to a large fortune. . Te. years bofore, Mus Torsythe had sdid, while on a visit to her New York friend Mrs English. "T wil marry my daughter when le is 18.0; And Mrs English had replied, "L will rear my daughter for your son." "They must not meet or our plans will be frusterated. Young people are so perverse, * said Mrs, F. "You are right. We .will them in utter ignorance of each others existance until a becoming time." "Then they shallimeet"-- "Fall in lo "And marry "And our united fortanes will make them one of the richest and consequently onc of the most hon- ored and envied pairs in this coun- try." Mr. Torsythe hicd home and watched her son, and Mrs English kept eagle eyes upon her daughter, for the next ten years, At a proper time Dwight went to collage, graduated and was bundled ) And now, at the son to your » most convenient season Mrs For- sythe 'wus balancing the carvi knife in hand, ly for th stroke, which to be a master one "Fanny graduates next week, and Mrs, English brings her out at once. We must send Dwight to New York on some errand," said Mrs Forsythe to her lord one morning. "iVas) certainly! There Le is, com- ing up the steps. Now is your 1 chance! Dwight Forsythe was hardly a doll to be tossed about and hurried off at will, ag one could see at a glance. On the contrary Le was a big, muscular fellow, handsome as an Adonis and with a rolliking, ! devil-may-care face, that had not a| line of care or a sign of having ever been witheld from a single wish. No wonder that his anxions mamma trembled for the success of her scheme as she looked at him. No wonder that she flouted at. a certain portion ot one of Mrs English's letters which said : "Our Fannie has been so petted and admired, that we feel a const ant anxiety, lest we cannot bring our dearest wishes to a satisfactory conclusion. For this reason we have kept her at school, not daring to show her the world until she is really engaged. I sincerely hope that Dwight is amiable and agreea-- ble.' As thongh Fannie English or any other girl, would rot jump at the bareidea of getting our Dwight I' sai Mrs Forsythe. ¢My only fear is that Dwight will not "like her. Dear knows, I haven't' any idea what she is like I' 5 On the morning previously men- tioned, Dwight came into the parlor crying out, in his brusque style : ¢ It's deused dull here, mother !- By jove! I can't "settle down in Boston all at once. I say, father, hadn't I better take a run down to New York, and see how thiligs look. It didn't look well to Spier de- lighted, so papa Forsythe only jump- vl and dropped his meerschaum, and said : : "Isn't jt rather sudden 2 ¢ Well, rather. What do you say to it ?' ¢ Perhaps we had better let him go, mother." ¢ Yes, we cannot expect a boy like him to dance attendance upon us all the days of his like.' : ¢ How much money do you need ?' asked the old gentleman." ~ +¢ Oh, that's all right' t. ¢ Well, you may as 'well go pre pared for an emergency,' seid My: forsythe, with a knowing nod of' 8! head, at her husband. Arid Mr. Forsythe, knowing what it allmeant, drew his dhair over to the window, looked over the con- MAYOR MAKING rear I Te Tr 'lt were very fortunate that T should have so much money about me,' whereupon Mrs F. looked very hard at the grate, and thought that her husband was a born actor if there eyer was one. ~ Being thus liberally provisioned atterwards charged with advice, and several letters of introduction. among others one introducing him to "Mrs R A English, No. --, Madi- son Square," , Which were packed away without'a glance, Dwight took: his departure for new York ; and his scheming parents chatted over their negus that night, and believed them- selves too wmart for anything in this world, 'bat making good match- es tor refractory sons, He had been absent two days when a telegram was received. It ran thus : { $1 am married ! - Pont rave! we have been enguved two years and a halt, and [couldn't muster up the courage to tell you. Send for us or we will sail for Buprope to morrow. ' DwiaHz. "1 For an hour Mr. Forsythe trotted up aod down the room and swore.-- Then he called 'his wife and had the satistactionof seeing her carried up the ptairs in a state of insensibil= ity, and as there was nothing more to be done, he went out. to a tele- graph office, and the following flashed over the wire§ : "Sail und Le blowed. ; ; "DP. R: Forsythe,' ' What can we do ? moaned the stricken motlier, in the firstmoments of returning consciousness. F ¢ We'll have to go right on to New York and try to settle matters with the Englishes. They may make a breach of promise case out of it.' "Oh, Lord I' ¢ And if they should nat, it would only be just and honorable to offer an apology. We'll go whenever you are able' Lile all spasmodic people, Mrs. Forsythe was ready then and there; so that night found them steaming over the Sound. On arrival in New York, Mrs. ry, so that it was evening before they drew up before the spac- ious door of the English mansion -- | It was ominously dark dud silent, | and Mr. Fo feehly © | +1 do believe they're all away.' 'There's a light in the hall, sue- gested her husband, 'Yes, but it looks dull. and weak, as though something unpleasant had happened.' * Well, don't fret. the bell. [CONCLUDED NEXT WERE] * Driver, ring COURT OF ASSIZE. Whitby, per twin, on Thursday we got| presiding, surrounded by an army of legal Tuminaries : C8. Patterson was crown prose- cutor. ent we observed Hon. M. Cuweron, Co Attorney, Wn Billings, Wm. McGee, P. A. Hurd, J. Billings, Win. M. Cochrane, -- Campbell, Bain, McMillan, H. J. Macdonell, and some others whose names we did not know, One of the jurors on being sworn took time to open and examine the book on which h> was called to swear, it might be with a view to ascertain the extent of the obligation or perhaps he did not relish the idea of slob bering and kissing over an old dictionary as had been done in another court. The crown prosecutor brought before the jury the case of Amos Arnold charged with forging the names of Geo. Lawton and James Lawton the former for $5 worth' of goods from A Gordon, Esq., Port Perry, and the latter for $10 cash, from W. 8, Sexton, Esq. Mr. Sexton sworn--The order produced signed Jas Lawton, was paid by my clerk, Mr Hoitt. Prisoner at the bar is the man who preseated it. The amount $10 was paid to hii. Prisoner stated he had been chopping fox Lawton, Mr Hoitt sworn--I paid the order produe- ed. Did not hear the prisoner tell Mr Sex- ton liow he obtained tlie order, was not pay- ing attention. Mr Harrington sworn--Prisoner came to my houscand told me that he had done something wrong. He had forged Jas Lawton's name to an order on Mr Sexton ,-- 1 told prisoner he would be. punished. On the following morning I told Mr Sexton's clerk what prisoner told me, Mr. Grabam sworn--Prisonér wotked for me, He was a good working man." I have reason to believe that he cannot write, 1 do not believe that the order produced was forged by him, 'The jury retired and shortly returned to court with a verdict of guilty, Moore vs Swith--This was an action brought by piff to recover from def. damages for the seduction of bis (pIfs) daughter by def's son, Fhe jury after five hours' consultation conld not agree and brought in a report to that effect und were dismissed, The Court now took up Arnold's! forging Geo. Lawton's name toan order on Mr Gor- don to which the prisoner pléaded" Noi Guilty, John Taylor sworn--I am clerk for Mr Gordon, Prisoner produced the order pre- dented at our store about the 13th day of Feb. When I came into the store, Mason, also a clerk in the store, wits giving prisoner goods on the order, on it when Icame in, I. would not allow him to get any more till d should See about it i + Jtents of a phletoric et book, | it. Ey and finally drew forthfive hundred] To G Y Smith, prisoners counsels: dollars saying : Pe prisoner about 9 mos, . Have served 10's fatigue made a long nap | through on Friday, | On cnteving the Court room we found Steph™ Richards, Esq, Q. C.| Jury empauneled. | The orde. |. was for $4. < He bad given him about $2.50 | ards san Wd wry rH aT it 0 ona vd sis by linsion M36 sak WHOLE NO: 843 sash: thing about it, 3 To prisoner's council. oné named Latfon, Prisoner me. ': He commenced to work "for day before Tast Christuias and left og Satiirduy in January: Paid him in, { Paid hini' cash." He chopped 39 s Prisorier and two others and myself present whet the amount coming was calenlated, All agreed. the prisotier can writs, © all T Ao, * MrJames Lawton and Mr Hoité put in the box but no new facts were elicit- ed. Here the Bench and' the Crown 4 bad a judicial spur. It struck, us that, ifthe Crown Attorney had as much difficulty, in convhicing the the jury that the orden, of James Lawton tended to corroborate. the fact of forgery in the case of (ico Lawton's, opder ak he had in convincing the Judge he, will have a good time gtting a verdict, aid The court now briefly addressed the (jury leaving it with them to say according, tothe evidénce whethet the prisoner. was guilty of both forging and uttering the order ow Mr. Gordon, or of cithar, 4 a The Jury retrred agd shortly : yetumned - with a verdict of guilty on the second, count --tttering an order which he knew to: be forged, } fal tore 1 The next case is the Queen us, G J. Bromeon This iva somewhat interesting case.) It appeared from the charge that Prisones.: on on the 28th of May 1857. had gone to the Law Office of the late -H. Uach- rane requesting them to draw a deed convey - ing the North half of lot 12 in the 8th con, of E Whithy from Thomas Hodgson to on: John Harnden: The deed it appears « was made out by GY Smith then a student in said office, The deed however was nobexe- cated there the party taking it away saying he was going to get it cxecated About: the begining of Jung 1867 prisonerapplied. to the law firm of Farewell & Mctiee, Oshawi, for loan of $2,500 offering 'as security the | deed all executed and sworn to before one | Thomas of Brooklin, Within a few days | two parties were found willing to advance the money, but Mr McGee detecting an ir- regularity in a commanication which he ihe ceived from the purty asking the oun, demanded the production of the = crim n paient.for the land from the party' asking the loan who all through passed himself for {for John 1 . At the same time Mr Mc- 1 Gee sent ing the c {of June, 1867. | Hodgson knew nothing of all this decding and and Mr M. at once teok | steps for the arrest "of the so called John i Harnden and had him arrested the foilowing awny of his {dav rou afore " ul oy After an unsuccessful attempt to reach (44 and brought before the then Reeve 'of Oshawa who fully committed hin tor for- gery, This was June 11th 1867 but by some means he got out of prison before being aed and goi a and nothing more wag beard {of him till two weeks ago when he was tak- en in Cannington, brought to Whitby and ! Phe vial was called wn Friday afternoon, Mr put on his trial athe present assize, . | Patterson prosecuting and M C Cameron ap~ peari 2 for the defence, The prisoner was brought into court and put into the pea, | is a wiry, sharp-look- ng young man about 26 or 27 to appear-- a | The first charge preferred was the forging of thé commissoner's name to the affidavit to | which prisoner pleaded « Not Guilty'®' and | the trial wept on. | The deputy Registrar was put in the Hpx and. sworn. Admits the genminencks of the registeation of the 'itle Lut knows no mote, Mr L C Thomas comissioner for ta Brooklin, sworn--I am ng afladavits. 7: Is shown the signature to the aftidavit e the deed and asl i I think that sig does look like my ignature as I wrote it be fore 1 changed my style. y I formerly wrote the capitals L C apd iT separate, now I join them, Can't say at what time I changed nly mode of writing my name. ' Wonld" mbt swear positively that that is not my signa ture. I knew the prisoner some" years digh. 1 cart say that I recognize him now, © I never remember having administefedin oath to him. I rémember fim coming futo my office. Can't swear that I recognize #ifh now. wy 1 tind it recorded inmy memorahdang het I did take an aflidavit trom some one on the 28th May, 1867--the day on. which itfvas taken on the decd presented. To Mr Gang cron--I take a great many afidevits, Ciuc say who I take them from. Don't expect: to remember the parties, BD 1 can't swear the signature shown is not mine, Mr Thos. Hodgson prisoner. x . ry The prosecutor showed witness the. dod and asked hitn if he knew anything y Here Mr Cameron ob] Thine hs with, { the sworn--I 'kn 4 the prosecution had nothing to do wi decd at present, the charge before the was that of the forgery of the Com wigsign-- v's name to the affidavit." Mr er was sustained. To My Camerén--1 known the prisoner since he was ab Can't say how long it is since" 1 kne: fist. It may be 30 years, it can't I never knew him to do anything but school. I have owned the firm 41 years, years, ? © Mr Facewely; Lo Attorney, syomissr practisieg law in'Oshawa fn 1867, © "Prisoner came to my office in June | : it a Se townmn rei . 1 omens mr Far We,

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