i! Fra HE aed i oilaremrnao0T 0d ) 'Subscriber For all classes of the community, old and the Subscriber has added largely to 1 nluable Stock, and would respectfully i. invite all to come and 1 o) "Fine Gold 'Watches; Superior. Silver » Watches, of sizes suitable for ladies and «r+ Amendless yariety of the best and most van coe PASHIONABLE FEWELRYY Jlatge and choice, display of SILVER- TARRY ig Ld i. .Lipts of beautiful Fancy Goods. - wok h The Book and Stationery department well al d Repai in of Watches, Clocks and © dow paitisg with neatness and 'dis-| pate, ntact. COME FOR YOUR 'HMoliday Presents! se - . MCCAW'S, ) Royal Arcade. wise) W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1873, 50 HONE] Howe ONEY TO LOAN at 8 per cent interest M on Real Estate. : P. A. HURD. "Port Perry, March 12, 1874. 12 PAY UP | PAY UP! es Subscriber would say to those in- | debted to him that he is now in want of money for business purposes and would urge 'upon whose accounts became due and able on or bufore the 15th day of October that the same must be paid on or before the 12th inst., and if not so paid ten per cent, will be added to the amcunts, WAM. HEARD. Manchester, March 3rd, 1874. ! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! AND REPAIRS PORT RIB ITH 4 view to better accommbdating Also to arrive, next week, the * the Farmers of North Ontario, Mari- i posa and Cartwright, and to further meet the rapidly increasing demand for the 'Jehnton Self-Raking Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plows, Fanning Mills, &e. As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, of the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all Yi REPAIRS for these Lmplements, AN ACENCY Has heen opened by Drown & 1'atterson : 4 mm p "AT PORT PERRY, For the regular supply of all the above at ¢. same prices as they are sold at the Works, All Repairs for the Johnston , €ayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, Land Sides, and all other repairs kept con stantly on hand, A WM. JOHNSTON, 3 : i Agese. Remember the place, East of Thomp- Soot Port Perry, Having established the above Agency, so as tg be fully represented in North Ontario, we have lately appointed Ed. Walker, of Uticaj us Gur Agént,' who, with our'présent A nt, . 8, Johnston, of Port Perry, will an upon yon, soliciting your orders for the "DROWN & PATTERSON, Oct. 1, 1873. a PORT PERRY LIVERY SPABLES, C. M'/KENZIE PROPRIETOR, - TE Sabserivor having now fully equ his extensive Livers Dropared to SERIA fr ass * LIVERY R ics ohms, 'C. MoKEN| ue, Po PERRY HOUSE, Fonz PERRY, comfort : '| the Barrel, at less than Toronto: wholesale prices. "has ahy quantity of thal' ou banda |Boy's do. ; Gent's Sitk Caps, just the thing Flax Seed, Tares, &c.. first quality and Cheap. in lois to suit purchasers. any "Cash paid for Wheat, Ous, won ALARA Nn wr iawn 10 soda ody it hoa» ion ing bas gilt oved doidw pads asuil ita dy Abita 9 UE 48 vo spon of Lie Yel Arr S T btrial) vi AT The latest Styles i Gent's Felt Hats, * 4 for Spring wear, Tod 7 i TW thing out in LADIES' LATEST NOVELTIES In Prints, Dress Goods, Ladies Scarfs, Gents' Neck Ties and Collars, &ec. EE -------- . Timothy Seed, Clover Seed, 4000 Buskels Oats for Sale G= Coal Oil for Sdle by A lirge quantity of Plaster] ads es {i The Newest SUMMER MANTLES ! | |Mosirs Brown Ross' Column MR, ROBERTS' COLUMN. _! ay QUEEN STREET, Te f i873 PORT PERRY. oF VEN GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON! Dress Goods, Mantes, Waterproof Suits, Millinery, Clouds, Nubias, Shawls in tartan, and magoificent stripe -- rare beauties. Steam Loom, Cotton, Shirts, plain and fancy Boots and Shoes, kc. And in addition to 'my Stock of general * GROCERIES Shays will bs cars | Barley, Peas, Pork, &e, IM, ated ert Id oa a en - : ! es i Sr 8 . . J fp ry hi CLERE, : | : & pe a pa > 1 svust of Marvingo Licenscn--Conveyncer | | °° BROWN & ROSS. A. W. ROBERTS. Olena ours £5 ' © Port Pemgr.. | py 17, 18%, SRR EER -| PORT and SHERRY WINE, $8 mobvovor)) ay 1 JONES BROTHERS Important Announcement. ee -- Have determined to effect a speedy Cl preparatory to Bpribg Imporiations, gars - : a TE BR : 4 LeoiBYC COMMENCING ~~ ~w vu Wet FOR SIX WEEKS, 1! Patel A CRAND CLEARING SALE. Thursday, 12h inst, and continuing i nity L secutfng, 3 The Stock embraces an imirexse, variety of Also @ large assortment of Ready-made In Teas, Sugars; and general Groceries ay Port Perry, Feb. 11, 1874. off at once. Goods at low prices. . Beautiful Mink Sets, price $25, for $1 Beautifal Mink Sets, pric fa Alaska Mink Sets, price $5, READY-MADE CLO and charges laid down in Prince Albert, Goods at once, Prince Albert, Jun. 21, 1874. Ontario PORT in which he has been in business. to fill orders on the shortest notice, CUTTERS, and dispatch, Beh. Come and inspect our Works, Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873. id for the measurarof success which has attondal tho business during this oppé x apes ot. SUBSTA SELLING OFF ECE Closing Busine IN PRINCE ALBERT ! B&F" Groceries, Hardware, &c., at the same rates, B&F" Don't fail to secure the Bargains, but bring along the Cash and get your pick of the T. C. FORMAN. Carriage HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for the liberal and coustantly increasing patronage bestowed upon him during the many years CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best material in the lest style and by first class workmen. Orders for Blacksmithing carefully attended to. Wood-work ironed and Carriages timmed for the trade at reasonable rates, Pe di Clothing, Shirts, Drawers, Hats and Caps. Their Immense Stock of Boots and Shoes will be offered at greatly reduced prices, they offer Special Inducements. An early inspéction is respectfully solicited by FONTS BROS. Who fecl satisfied a careful examination ot the entire Stock cannot fail to satisfy the most skeptical that this is A Genuine Sacrifice Sale. The Subscriber having determined to close business wholely, solely, and entirely in Prince Albert, as soon as his immense Stock of Goods can be disposed of, will from this date . commence SELLING AT COST! AND CHARGES, FOR CASH ONLY. : And all kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furs wt LESS than COST in ordes to clear them As every one knows, my Stock is one of the largest and best in the County, there being NO OLD unsaleable Goods in Stock. Alaska Mink Setts, price $6¢ for $1.25 Alaska Mink Sets, piice $5, for $3.50, First Class Butlulo Robes, worth Works! PERRY. Increasing business having rendered an extension -of premises necessary, 1 Lave IOVED T JRT PERR MOVED TO POR RRY, Largely exteuded my premises and secured greatly increased facilities for business and am now prepared more promptly to meet the i increasing demands of customers and SLEIGHS, Old Carriages repaired with neatness JAMES EMANEY, < QIAN INS AS IMPORTED! HENRY CHARLES H* Received a further supply of TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALR in Stone Jars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co., and OTARD'S BRANDY. KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. v ALBO ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE. WITH A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873. NOTE LOST. L= 3a Port Perry, on. Wednesday, 18th Febraary,: «i 5% 11-3 A NOTE FOR $180! Drawn by Alonzo Bus wd Mrs Ponroes, in nbank, boii ut er the Tote 16th of June iy - This a to focbid ull parties puuchusiag or said in any way negotiati Note, as the it has been d, Baymment Saree ae ETL Mos THUR, Greenbank, Feb, 20, 1874, A FOLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, ; PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WM, BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. The above commodious hotel chas been newly renovated and furniahod thi 4 and has ample accommodation for Te- * of guests, It supplies a most con- venient point for Commercial travelers. Comboriable aad Oodfish, Can'd Fruits, Fish, &o.,&c, JEWELRY. BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, E Subscriber in tendering his hearty thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage, would juforny them and the public generally, that his stock has justbeen replenished with a choice selec tion of Goods of the latest styles, newest patterns and best quality which he offers at the I west possible figures at which such goods can be sold, In FINE GOLD JEWELRY; Chains, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Brooches, &c., &c. Goldire and Fancy Jewelry in great variety, IN BOOKS: Large Family Bibles and every variety of Beautiful Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Bouks, &c., &c. All the best authors in Poetry, History, Biography, &c. A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums. In Stationery :--Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, &¢., &c. A large assortment of Legal Forms such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, &c., &c. Writing- Books, Paper and Inks of the best quality. Fancy Goods in great variety. Berlin and other fine Wools. Everything on stock will be sold at the lowest possible figures, The best Sc wing Machines in the Domin- don furnished at prices which defy competi tion. Ladies' Work Boxes. . lam Agent for the famous: Instruments manufactured by R. 8. Wilson of Toronto. -- Pianos, Organs" and Mx Violins, Goncanjiag, se of the hi ion, mm r the place--Allen's porium, a Ontario Bank, Port Perry. ie Toronto Mam--daily and weckly ral e Toronto Grome--daily and weekly lo, ' THOMAS ALLEN, Poit:Perry, September 24, 18173. i FOR SALE. A House and Loton Lot 17 in the Ist con. of Hrock, near Layton PO, On the premi- ses there are a good Frame Dwelling, a Black pump. The lof contains halfan'acre: For particulars apply to TANTIAL BARGAINS, * By offering! Balance of their large and attractive Stock AT NETT COST PICE. Dress Goods, Shawls, Fancy Woolen Goods, Shirtings, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Broad Cloths, Canadian Tweeds, Furs, Prints, Cottous, €otton Yarn, and Carpets, Now is the time to get first class 13, $10.40, IINC of all kinks, BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety, and an immense Stock of DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, PRINTS, &c. and all at Cost Smith Shop and Stable, a good wéll and | | the past season, they desire to afford their customers paocLanarioy I TO THE INHABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO 3UY Youn Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &e., IS AT THE Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. 2 TO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. FIVE Subscriber having received the greater portion of his FALL & WINTER STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! From the best manufactures, and being eon- stantly making up work on the premises, he isnow ina position to call the attention of the public to his immense Stock which for Variety, Cheapness, and Good Work- manship ! Cannot be .excelled in this or adjoining Connties. His facilities for purchasing, to- gether with a life-long experience of the qualities of this description of goods, gives Lim an advantage over those who mix this branch of the trade with others. Boots and Shoes being considered by them of minor importance, their attention being principally directed to the selection of Dry Goods and Groceries, it gives the wholesale dealer in Boots and Shoes an opportunity of disposing of such work as regular manufacturers of the article could not be induced to purchase on any terms, Let all, then, who are in want of BOOTS and SHOES, OVER-SHOES, RUBBERS, or in fact anything pertaining to a First-Class Shoe Shop, give him a call, and he guarantees to prove that if a article combined with the least possible ad- vance on Cost 'is any indncement for them to purchase, a sale will be effected. Being determined that the wants ot the public shall be supplied in this particular, he has made arrangements whereby weekly additions will be made, and all NEW STYLES OF GOODS as they appear, will be received re- gularly, giving facilities for purchasing FASHIONABLE ARTICLES equal to those residing in our large towns. Your attention is particularly called to goods of my own manufacture, as none but the very best Stock is used, aud for neatness and durability will be found equal to anything that can be obtained in this country. The great pressure of orders has compelled the Subscriber to strenuously exert self to obtain additional first-class workmen, and he expects shortly to be able to announce that those efforts have been crowned with success. : Men's Wellington Boots from $2.25 to $7.00. Ladies' Boots from One Dollar to Five Dollars, Boy's and Girl's wear, in | every variety, to suit all classes ot customers, Wn. Wanied immediately four first-class workmen, to whom constant employment and the highest wages will be given--would prefer one to make sewed work, 3 Hunt's Port Wine. Ysasi's Golden Sherry. Cliinese Prescrved Ginger, . GEO. BRABAZON, Jr. Brock, Feb 25th, 1874. Layton, P, O. foomy stabling and At- tentive ostlers. WORTHINGTON'S, i Winter Goods. than ever. AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. As ing that Municipal, Political, and Educational Contests, may cause you to neglect the more important interests of home. I beg: most respeciiully to pre: sent my Compliments and Solicit your influence in DISTRIBUTING (HEI GY My Stock is large aiid com- plete and a large quantity of New Goods are now being or- dered in England for the Spring Trade, which will arrive in March--to make room for these I intend to SELL AT COST AND UNDER The balance of my Stock of Carpets, Blankets, Horse Rugs, Heavy Cloths, 'I'weeds, and Overcoatings, Fur Caps, Over- coats, Wool Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Clouds, Hoods. Scarfs, &c., will be sold at Cost. Ladies' Mink Sets, German Mink, and Grebo Sets, Gaunt- lets an® Lined: Kids will be sold less than Cost. About one hundred pieces of Print 12}c, worth more at wholesale. The finest lot of Black and Colored Silks in the County fORT PERRY. Port Perry, Jan. 8th, 1874, GEO, CURRIE. NORTH ONTARIO matters of the utmost importance are now pressing upon your attention, and fear- 8 Lp sig Pi ool 100 pieces Print, splendid valtie, 100 pieces of that celebrated Grey Cotton at 12} cents per yard, 36 inches in width, 50 pieces New Dress Geods h i 86 pieces Black Lustres, extra value; 4 1000 Pairs new Boots and Shoes from 75 cents per pair: °° § Crockery! A full range. NE Gh 13 lbs SUGAR FOR $1. Fresh Teas from 30 cts per Ib. ' Plaster, Salt in bbls, Salt i Sacks. Seed Barley Sood Peus-----. Seed Oats : Wand Seed heat. Cash for any quantity of Hides and Tallow. | from 75¢c. Call and secure the * Port Perry, Nov. 1,1873. 5 YR best Bargains. . : MA NES. | a a 25 cents per Ib paid for any : £ : 1 Agree y XN \S wi _ «& FIdTH p40 | quantity of good Butler. "3 Soot Chandos Shampigie ] 0G Sugar, Tea, and Gen- Cash for all kinds of furmers' Feist Bros: Sparkling Moselle; eral Groceries, cheaper produce. . DEAE NT