bor's hens are troubl across the way. , you angry passions so, Hf your ne And James I Fellow: benefit derived from your CompoundSyrup of Hypophosphites, and having in many ot! instances marked the most beneficial s, Esq :--Denr Sir, 4 recently heard from an invalid of the a 3 Its et gm Th on va & ery as a matter of devout thankfulness tb a Providence 1 have used it consid- SEL ATH! and 0 flections, in Sad ifs 4 id in lessening-the distressin symytoms of th's disease iii Tis hopeless sf es as well as in cases of nervous debility, inl iy giving tone to the system, it is undoubted a valuable remedy I am, dear sir, yours truly, JOHN McMURRAY, Newport, N.S" ~*=Mecthodist Minister, Breagrast.--Errs's CocoA.--~GRATEFUL AND CourrrTiNG.~* By a thorongh knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera~ tions of digestion and nutrition and by a care. (dul aphlitation of the find ropeetics of well- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored be- which may save us many heavy a dec- 118." --Civil Service Gazette. Made simply Bling Wake: ob ilk, Epi pet is labell 4 James Epps Co Hono 'IS iatiid Chemisls. ee Tondo 5 Co ol Cid oF Coopaa We. wil now give an account of the process adopted by Meesrs. James Epps & Co., manufacturers) of in the dietetic articles, at their Euston Road, London" Cosi Brshold Puids, works See idle in CHEAPER THANEVER, , | "WH PARK 18 SELLING FURNITURE 2908 sfery dedetiption Rear than ever! for Cash or Short Credit, , © 7 111. Undertaking Done on the SHORTEST Soros and gr ¥ FT j I¥sezon opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. The Tg price paid for all kinds of good Lumbe TA ot stout bor wanted to learn the Business. Agent for Toupsroses dud MoxvurxTs. W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 18% REMOVAL} The Subscriber would embrace this opportunity of thanking their liberal support during the past 24 years in which he | has done business in the vil- lage of Baiclia; and. ne would inform them and the id, , that he' bas moved tis Place of tp the Store latcly: pied by Jones ros., in the business centre of PORT PERRY, Where he hopes by moderation in prices, superior materi oe workmanship, fair aed dn to Yukiness, "to secure ans cro re of public patronage. ofeé and completd, consist- Wo of ik Sideboards, Taliles, Chairs of all kinds, Pictures, framed and unfiamed, Picture Framing and Repairing Furniture done on the best terms. Undertaking in all its Departments Wi constantly on hand a good selec- p Culpa made up of Black Walnut, &c, &cy'1 am prepared. to on ghe:ehortgst notice, Sin fully supplied, anda First Class Hearse provided when required, § : Eurbber : snd b Sais T Produce taken ib Agent for Tomb Stones and Monuments, JOHN NOTT. STEAM Caper Facrony! PORT PERRY. eep 2 bi dad Ig more TRA a large Stock of just such .=d 51 FURNI SURE ' ts oF pd NF et pe, Ad at we ee 7 a Ha ~ee AND YJJA RTD SHINGLES Terre TTT 1 BILL LUMBER OF | | ALL DESCRIPTIONS KEAguaRy a; x b his numerous customers for | | | x, SONSTANTLY ON HAND AND CUT TO ORDER AT © 3 £0 oningTel i: PORT PERRY. $5) Lg: an¥ Par Jove aed "| tess of expense-so fitted up their 'Part tebe. Oct. 1, 1873, + iH {ForeReny, Oot =20, a PHETORAAPHS FOR ALL, AND hor HtoToRes) MRENAIE & 800TPS PHOTOGRAPH GA LLERIES! Oppose F's Holl Pot Pry, their much admired Photographs, the Subscribers have--regard- and introduced such Sal as will at all times secure PERFECT PICTURES. Their thorough knowledge efeevery de- partment of the Art, acquired in some of the best Galleries on this continent, together with their excellentGalleries apd sn strumefts, give them facilities enjoyed by few for producing those beaut hoto- graphs admired by all who sce them, By skilfully retouching the megatives the most handsome photographs are produced in every instance' Their Galleries are stocked with a cholce assortment of First Class Albums, Picture Frames, Stercoscopic Instruments, the Finest Chromos, and specimen Photographs in end. less variety. A cordial weéléome is extended to all do visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock, McKENZIE & Score Tort Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. DAILY ARRIVING Fall and Winter GOODS Superior Quality! AND Latest Styles ! DAILY ARRIVING TRENBRTIS PORT PERRY. AT What all "the People Want ! CHOICE GROCERIES--FRESE, FIRST CLASS TEAS-PURE. Cuts of the Best Fresh The Best Meat and all of them at the Lowest .Possible Price. rion, THE Subscriber in returning * his sincere thanks for the liberal share of . Prot Perry Sept. 24, 1873. 1 8 the view Sm et=pplyihg the great | demand for | 1y,that he | J | | | | | | AY LATE & 3 pA EQN LTR " MANCHESTER. Tao Subscriber would embmes the the present op) fy of of thanking his 8 £usiomere Ni fiberal patronage bestowed pon him business at Manchester, i 'pleasure in stating, that urchased the Store he will be in a position to further extes hs) offer still g nducements to customers. 'My Stock of Dry Goods, - Grouerics, &e. Will always. be selected with the/greatest caro... wi ellie) \ "| to quadiy of goods HE rier arate The Newest: Styles of Dry Goods, &c And choice and Fresh @! RIES consnay pried and gold; at such prices as cannot fail tc satisfy ry Rn, - Manchester, Nov. 11,1873. To prevent impending domestic Thunder Storms, Feminine Pettishness and Curtain Lectures, go at once to A. :E. M°CAW'S. | GET A NEW STOVE Oct. 2, 1873, Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. REMOVAL! ------) em -- W. Hepinstall, "Watchmaker & Jeweler, OF BROSKI.1IN, Would iy beg leave to announce to his numereud customers and as REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, where in the future he will be! found most happy to supply thelr wants with anythingin the way of Fine Gold and Silver CLICKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS !! | Having now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which rr at a ow ost remunerative prices, and warranted. x Please remember the place, -- r WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Osawa, March 5, 1873. JOHNSTON'S LE - RIKING § Awarded the First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition held at Toronto, 1870. Bomger 7 CEE We offer to onr customers for tho coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in styles and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the Aay. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE Self-Raking Reaper, The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials in the hands of 'the tarmers, warrant us in saving that, as a ( Selt- -Raking Reaping machine, it has more good points and Tens defects, and bas met with more success and less failyire, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First:Prise and Diploma, at the Provincial: Exhibition, beld at 'oronto, 1870, in competition with ll Lp les ading machines manufactured-in the Province [een with our recent i h ion and com- parison with competing Machines, | i are satisfied that such investigation will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we "offer the best Mower to the farmer for 1871, built in the Dowinion. B&F" Send for descriptive catalogues. Whitby, June 22, 1871. BROWN & PATTERSON, 1 é public general] Watches. T! The Subscriber has much pleasure ina g to his friends and customers, the public in general, thathe has complet] fillea his | 44.1 JEWELRY EMPORIUM! | With a well selected Steck of Fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Chains, WatclLes, Gold Rings, Lockets, 3 01 ones. iflion | Fine Toys for the Young ! &c., &c., &c. ' And respectfn'ly invites the i of the above Goods apd by Selling & rmagLY bis article at as low a price, as he possible you have it you will go 'home with great satlse faction. He intends to sell at a Low Figure, to clear out the whole of his Stock by 15th January, 1874. GRATIS | | 1--Come and get the - Illustrated Almanac for 1874. WLR re) JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Divtite Port terry, Dec. 17, 1873. b2 FIRST CLASS |, BOOTY & MOF Material, 13 | 'Workmanship, Style and Fit!! i opening ans in PORT PERRY And wonld embrace this ions of as- suring his customers and the public gener ally that as in the past so in the future will he strictly. adhere to using only the best material, employing, none but, good WOrk- men and selling at prices--when the quality ' of the Goods. is considered--which cannot fail to please purchasers. Constantly on hand lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture. Call and inspect my Stock, pay First block west of the Post Office. RICHARD WARRINER., Port Port Perry, For, 12, 187; 47 WITH THE STREAM. Ye wae The undersntfd od Md Whe? aS ons customers for the generous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past; and would:beg to inform them and the pub- lic g¢nerally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN IT PERRY PO R I ui o And that in the futnre his busipess will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert, He hopes by thif arrangement and the in- creased business facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing pcpulation of this ET vce jection of country. } Baker and BE ornot | candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flour, Oat meal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits Toys, &c. WXDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER! p&F~ Tea Meetings, &o, cFlrished on iliberal Terms, Shops--Prince Albert and Port Tey. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Prince Alkort and Port Perry, } TO $0 per day. Nover ber 27, 1872. $5 1 f workin, A of aie do classes of 0} peo) young or old, make mere dh sftad for us in their spare moments, or all the ne, than at anything else. Particulars free.-- Address G, STINTON & CO, Portland, Maine. M. 0, DONOVAN, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE Vasey NBAR THR TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Nategial om 5 ork Sande to order with neatness and dzspatch. attention paid to 're~ One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills § warranted to cure all discharges Sore the Urinary Organs, in either fex, acquirs ed or constitutional li hres in he Back Sold in Boxes, 48 6d h, by, al Chemists apy Sten, Hedking fomissn] 2 Sole Proprietor, F.J. CLARKE, apoTHEC AMES! avr) BikooL, $&dihno. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne- Burbidges and Li Sojeman §t, London. Newberry and Sons, 37 Th » | Barclay and Sons, 85 pm 3 Sanger and Sons, Oxfo: ndon. ¢ Avid er et Whe ite. Houses. AGENTS, IN CANA o Montreal --Evans; "Werder and' C Rh hla sale Druggists. " Lymans, Clare and Co. ndon, ndch. | bestowed upon him since, commencing busi- "| nesy at Port Perry, would take this oppor- tnnity ef informing the public generally that the above conditions may be.metat his Store one door west of Photufsut 'Hotel, Port "| perry. ve. FE ESH RB DY§TERe--the Dest |. A, BONGARD 4a TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT: " SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVFR ROSS' STORE, PORT PERRY. ES SQUIRE. ti A as 4 they are not properly to collect the same, : WM. JONES, | formerly of Paxton & Jones. Port Per, Fon 15, ATTY ep BE { $k PUMP ST PUMPS! | You can _get the best and nd shoapentiPy Pump in the: Province At J. IRVIN? 83: 5 PATENT PUMP FACTORY, wid bes a0 SEE THE Smtr. Foros Puxp--A complete Pump and Fire Fagin with Hoss . Em Ep Common, o pa ALS ommon 5 Sonia pec Zectook: ron Pi Cistern Pumps, a complete Po "7 Algo every other description f Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! a + ba or oh yor iheabovs, da Sept. 29,1870. - Al HIRLINBIL! Oak or Ash, lin, 14,2 in, ay wis i ffs eg i Pine, 1in,, 1}, 2 in,, 12, 14 or 16 feet lopg. 2A SA A b SL SE AT RAL St Toronto --Elligtt.and Co., Wholesale Drug- i il He FhEiriize he firs ads to" sight. "On r full assotment in gold, tind A all who favor us with a self ¢ W. H. MCCAW, Watchmaker, Jeweler, &o., | GENT, PORT Port Perry, Aug 21) 2 ERY. MCTACCART'S fie i J TINTE AND RENDERING IT PARK AND GLOSSY. As a hair diessing it cannot be surpassed | As a preventive for baldness it has no equal | 3 g" TRY! dnd i "TRY IT! REF" 25 cents per bottle, Manufactured by W. McTAGGART, Medical Hall, Prince Albert. R THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE." Sve Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. any CLARKH'S World Famed Blood Fixture, Trade Mark,--" Blood Mixtare." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from "3 4 , mended. For Serofy It Cures old Sores. Cyres Ulceratad and Sore Legs. Ciroabineniidy | ron Pimiengn the face. Cnres Beptvy Sor Cures Cancerons Dicer. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures' Glandural: Bwell ngs Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant tv the taste, and warranted fice from anything inj nriqys to the most delicate constitution of gither sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a t.ial to test its value, Thousands of Testimonials fr oll Bolg ip -bottlos 28 2d" each, caning six tifiles the Quan ls fliciént to éffect a pérmanent cure in > great majority of long standing cases, By ALL (CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole proprietor, F. J CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. { Burgoyne, Burbridges and Co., Coleman Street, Londo, 1 veh and Bans, 87 Séwgate Steet Lon- Bada and Sg, 95 Fairingdqn street Lon- | ho and sons, Oxford Street London, And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal --Evans, Hors and Co., Wholesal 1 Drygg py Clare and Co. " 1 of and £0 Wholesal Shapter and, Owen. Hamilton --Winerand Co. ~" * Halifax --A very, Brown and Co, BOGUS MEDICINES, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS IND OINTMENT. oS: 1 Tore for a considerable time past considered it to be my duty to advertise the public of the | British North American Provinces against ' fours | from Bom ow, Wats ap dealers ne digines AS m Shating y's Os i and Blumen: i in whi oy 4 piri end tots d to att it to Fi Le Si ATA U0 They say, amongst other things, that a new Halifax --Avery, Brown and Co. Ln sizes of LUMBER 1" 1 Square Bie Priore) | Butteruut, 1 in., any widgh, Rock Elm, 1} 1} in, any width. Common Water Eim, 1 in., any nidth. 1} in, 12, 14, 1, 18, 20, or.21, in. wide. Maple; Beech, and Birch : $in, 1} in, 1} In, 1} in, 1§ in, ¥ [sain apn, is; Plak YL pg 2x Spe Jantine. President. gists. label has been Adopted i iL Yih Shapb wen: caution the public inst Hamilton.--Winer and. Co, tog Fit by spurious i mitasions A Door han by the RE ab hia bn ne 10 - He hi 7 would s, but would ar the reputation ot my Dake ; ELL it is notat all p.Curw io. ns, or 10 & Very mi Jouited {oxen i IY Dro) "gE do upon my LL) a iE tion Of them han very Dy She ste pric feo i re they are purchased by Lo Sih lial Houses that [ ean name, an here- i tinuste wo Sn Same. 1h RE v ta, essrs. Aviny, Buown,-& Obl, Halifax, PH essrs. ForsyTa & Co., Hal N.S. alifax, N. 8. NS, St. Joby, N. B. hi 0, Wika 1 gi E% i | n quan than ol word . . Bs. dozen boxes of Bor which remittances mus hy sold ju the United -medicines_ cr Bot Hind nd ox of of oy rep mop boar] ame of Holloway-is sie Pk b; 5% sent in advance. -- 3 CB rohoways Pil Pills ods Ointment, London." (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. | -, Oxford Street, W. C., WAC Srl neg TATRA i. ati 40-6p: | Soudan Nova wit 1 vopana't oaofl - "Pigltness 'of the ( all impuritics, cannot be too highly recom. « ula, Scurvy, 'Skin Diseases; gud *" sores of all kinds itis a never-failing and | '| permanent cure, WM. holesale Druggists fficalt fo- yr i 5 or Dontamins, or 4 Dy HV ge we _miitent Fev x valleys EC ean. x WE iri Bi | and ne jtaries;" a ro ir rn ! hyegi-fisivode of our : rangenients: of tho" storhach Aughdiver, ahd othol abdoininal vikcerpy Tv treatment; a purghtive; exerting 3 pw; eri ence' hil Wh vmhad £0 putpode bo Ans, ns no 2 Dr. J. WAL oe ri ¥o DIL as they will speedily remove thie 'd colored 'viscid matter with wiieh the Doves are Raat; ae the! me timo ulating the retiong of boy a lly meh os hie ! lh Xn functions of the « sb Fortily the body agli by purifying all its fluids with Vv Brrrers: No épidemic én oof & system thus fore-apm t, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad "fadte | in the Mouth, Bilibus Ro ks, Palpita- M ign pi Aigo nda, hundred othe dl symp- toms, are the offsprings Hf Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee ok iy merits than a lengthy advoriise- aod Sera fala, op Wing's Evil, White Swellings, ALG Ea ysipehs, B ted Neck, Goitre, Tiflanmnition So Sa Me | foray Eruptions the In these, as in a! eases, WALK Hawa! their t most obstinate and intractable eaiek, For Inflammatory snd Chronic Rheumatism Gout, Bitio tent and Intermittent Fevers, Dige the "Blood K these Bit are cause Hechamie ih gaged in Ps Plumber: Miners, as they advance ix f the Buel fir ; * Damon n- kl Minerals, suchas a, and ether Worots, tem of ~ Hil thus a Na ily no Ane ¢ aigdrom worms Compla ints, in young or old, married or single. at fhe da or Femalo of ¥o- i SN Jitters display so decided an influetice that manhood. or the tarn of life, th unprovement is gpon percoptible, Cleanse the Vitiated Blond w! ever you find its impurities bursting thi ge skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Spies; cleanse. it when you find it, obstructed sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when jt | ir leeling. will tell you wheh." 1 pure, and the health of the £yhtem tol follow. KR. 75, MeMONALD & CO, ney and G J I eistny a y Franclace, ca, Cnlitoruin, att Ly Prater i : MUSIC LESSONS! J M®, E. M. PRINGLE, Prince A desires to state that at the earnest bo licitation of triends she has agieed i Music Lessons at the homes of seve Mpils living at a distance from Prince Albert; ai a her time is not yét 'wholly occupied he ould be pleased to hear from those who pr wish to rcceive Music Lessons at' 'thelr Tovrem, if by ogier, MRS. . M, PRINGLE 1 Pujnce Arment. Music pupils always received at my yoi- { dence, bert. ah MRS. E. M. P. SPENCE; CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. {PIE LeviNg, ,STONE-WORK, PLAS: ZERING, &c., in all their executed in. the best style, ie depu on, Utica. July 15,1873. A 2 Ta. SIN 5 48RD BEMIANNUAL: | 1110 Gift Knterprise! To be drawn Mody, March dn, wi, 9,00) Bahan, PTE Harsha ra) taining a full list der, J a