Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Apr 1874, p. 3

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- . . VERS . y \ ers em -- 'MR. ROBERTS COLUMN. Mosars Brown - Boar FE Mr. Worthington's Column. (Mr. Christian's Column. BRILLIANT | 1 180, ~~ |======= gpgpn DISPLAY] to effect a speedy Cl prep y to On Thursdays 12 2h and contin wing ' di ia Hey STORE! | FOR I es, ie GRAND CLEARING SAL (Iie HOW thie 'please of announcing ihe oF ms ORT NEW SPRING &00DS ] Thankful for the measure of success which has attended the business during the past season, they desire to afford the customers bl 3 SPRING & SUMMER A this opportunity of securing a's TR soos mbt iron SUBSTANTIAL. BARGAINS, =~ varioty of rt erry By offering Balance of their large and attractive Stock nl Beautiful in Style, c 0 0 D S r AT NETT COST PRICE. rn 1 3 : The Stock embraces an immense variety of Dress Goods Shawls, ey oclen Goods, Shirtings, Plain and Fancy Fiannsls, Brosd Cloths, Canadian Tweeds, Furs, Prints, Cottons, Cotton Yarn, an Also a large assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Shirts, Drawers, Hats and Caps va To, : X : : > 100 pieces Print, splendid value, "Their Immense Stock of Boots De 4 Shoes will be offered at greatly roduc prices. Rich mn Quality MELD & | ARDEN In Teas, Sugars, and general Groceries they offer Special Inducements. ) 1 r 3 3 > An early inspection is respectfully solicited by » Pn AT THE ' 100 pieces of that celebrated a o 5 ww 3 Ee a ® 8. 3 : ' ! V Who feel satisfied a careful exami on of Shy entire Spock o cannot satisfy the most skepticdl that this Ws gota 4 ~ Cheap! Cheap! in Price, BROWN & ROSS Grey Cotton at 12} cents per| __ Andie Sackifice Sale. 2 y yard, 36 inches in width, Port vos fol 18 ib » Ti | T-- Mammoth : : Seeds 0s piss vem Dress Goods SoG OFF 48 This a . The latest Styles in Gent's 2" r In Ladics' Dress Good rimmi Felt Hats ; Sgt . J aR ¢L Boor 3 PD Boy's do. : 86 pieces Black Lustres, extra ae nib value, . : Gent's Silk Caps, just pocltiin . = : TO THE INHABITANTS OF ' Ward robe for Spring Kear, : COMPRISING IN PART gC Closing Business NORTHERN REACH ! |. IN PRINCE { JERERY Se | NEW THINGS! Ld pond pee Noi | SEE BUY YOUR ¥ A ---------------- ™L TH The Subscriber having determined to close nonfndsdboiety? wy, and entirely in Prince Dry Goods, 1 h e o \ eC w e S t TI 0 ¥ ' A as fn immense - of Goods ean be disposed of, will from this date Groceries. . § Both in material and style. I have secured : 4+; commence y i': the dew, thing out in Clothing, ~~. In SHAWLS, which will bb a specialty : = : - ---- m-- EL L I] eo A T C 0 S T! Boots and"Shoes; » season, I bave a Beautiful assortment Hardware, from One Dollar np to Twenty-five. A good | Ant Ilnmense Stock of Beautiful AND CHARGES, Finnare Shawl is always Fasuoxasus. ' Prints, fast colors, in paice from V R : . ? wn Bonact and Hat Materlgl and Trimmings |8 to 16 cents. CLO B ' ® FOR CASH ONLY. Stationery, # are well "assorted, F : C k And all Kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furs ut LESS than COST in ordes to clear them : +a Fed . ull lion, of Faces, LADIES' roc er off at once. As every one knows, my Stock is one of the large st and Dest in the County, Patent Medicines, &e.i Ribbons, 1lowass, Peathiers and. Or ents, there being NO OLD unsulcablé Goods in Stock. Now is the time to get first class IS AT THE ) § A let Biol White, Real Ostrich Feathers, Goods at low prices. > x wuty GHEAD, Beautiful Mink Se Alaska Mink Setts, price $4¢ for $1.25 Gr bank Sto 3 £ | 'EST Beautiful Mink laska Mink Sots, pai for Teen re. i In =e GLOVES, I have over twenty| Cottons and Steamlooms, the TARES, 'Anak Mink A al ones, warts 31%, $10.10, ded rifer osen of the best Jossrmxe--Cheap, READY-MADE CLOTHINC of all kinks, BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety, and BO i Hosiery i yl best value in the County, we A full range. immense Sf y of DRESS GOODS FLANNELS, TWEEDS PRINTS, ko _ T1* at Cost | Greentank, July 20, 1873. 1 13 718 every dito and price. live in. r : bases wait drs in eines Alba | Aha Ne rem Ler Rh - and charges laid do ce Albert. Hardware, &c., at the same rates Pacasols, Sunshades and Umbrellas, SUMMER MANTLES | 4 BE Groceries, vare, &c., ¢ > rates, Fine Prunella Boots, t PIAS, p@5T Don't fuil to sceute the Bargains, but bring along the Cash and get your pick of the P Kid Boots. Goods at once. Strong Leather Boots, . TT : r 1 A : ® Dress Goods, plain and fancy, = a T. C. I ORMAN. of such extensive variety that| . Prince Athert dan i2 LISTE all my patrons can be suited. BARLEY. ; Emme an NEW GROCERIES! y My Stock of Dress Making and| ~~ p x ' POR T M tlinery T WEE D S 1 Also to arrive, next week, the Plax. L : = us, tir tke, ie pps of Sind so cg, fo | TO MY JUSTONERS UP STAIRS. i 13 1bs in which Le has been in business. Increasing business having rendered an extension AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. of premises necessary, 1 have x Ng m YD NT rPHE Subscriber having Souci the AND L ¢ eater portion of bis. . i : 14 greater po § In oe te rte he TEST Voor Corn w .. MOVED TO PORT PERRY, [Ei : i oo A. A E % Largely exteuded my premises and secured greatly increase d facilities for businéss and am . . SOW broad-cast, the : : . now prepared more promptly to moet the increasing dcwands of customers and 2 = t fitable Feed : i 10 fill orders on the shortest notice. mye vd \6 0 Ge A i Dre : Or Rr ALL DESCRIPTIONS, From the best pi il on ---- S-- e stuntly making up work on the prem he CLOTHING i€) fr Hl, SLEIGHS, [mummies he ' g GONE 1) D#Rt Material in the best style and by first class workmen. the public to his mmense Stock Whi b, for ] Orders for Blacksmithing carefully attended to. Old Carringes repaired with neatoess Variety, Cheapntan, whi Good ork Number of Gift Melted tunica The Hotel and premises ire large; oh. Feist Bros. Sparklifg Melle. - : and dispatch. Wood- work ironed and Carriages timmed for the trade at reasonable rates. i + be oceled 1 ee o . I GENTLEMEN'S i Come and inspect our Works, ann, ition for adj oe ' Turni Par Perry, Dec. 24, 1873 JANES BMANEY, | lute Fisk plrchagiig ilo Something superb,reatly worthy urnips ork Pater, Dec, 24, 187%. AME: ANEY. gris Wilk» Viton eng the x the attention of the Gents of , Corrob ih ; _[|nimanadventage over thow whi mix this | {Qataste ante on. AL Bf ote. by thm of min J 0 T H I N G | Beet % 7 v1 \ £ J importance, Hicks ationtion being pili i i ' - . ¥ i am AC d, being t of lof directed to the selection of Dry Ss an 4 * N In Toamh enon Bsgiey Fresh Teas from 30 cts per lh. 05 ATTES z a, et of the. k § | Groceries, it gives thie wholcsall rin Scarfs, Gent: ck Ties an fs YNSHID OF SCOTT. Boots aud Shoes an opportunity. ng > Cabb TOWN E of such work as X of the dn great varicty, ready-made or made to Collars, &ec. age, al Part of the above property is cleared. i OSHAWA A CABINET coy LE ould a5 voguiac SN % ] ol order, By ar the best assortment of Cloths Hats and Ca S . For further particulars apply to the pro= | any terms. Let all, theo, who arg in want and Vestings in"Town to choose from. ' p ad . Canliflower; : Pi pr prietor, 3. Y. THOMPSON, Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the of Pty dni SHO) By OES, White Vests, Shitls, Callars, Ties, Gloves, |: {1 $2 re lobn nt For perry Sallowiu shevof fe ing po Br Bocks, and Boots 'in great vauiety, i veka March 17, 1874. | and he guarantees to prove that ; 0 TT --_ ~ ds i 1 - Silk, Pelty and Wodl Hate. A host of themselves--neatness ! Cucumber. 3 i La 1 LUM BER J a I Straw. Hats, ] " i id { Detiverea at their yard in Oshawa. | . (Totted SBeing cheapness, aud beaut . | to purchase, a sale will Ve & ing Waterproof Overooats, fram $2.50. ia » » : y com. Melons . F [Square Edge Preferred.) chm that the wants of the public half Summer Overcoats, bined. Timothy Seed, Clover Seed y Oak or Ash, 1 in, 13, 2 in, any width, | be supplied in this prs ticaiin indi tidy Children's Clothing, y » s 0. di | Butterunt, 1 in., any width, (Ey LL ' Bh . : 3 : Grey Cottons, White Cottons, 'Shirtings, : Flax Seed, Tares, &c., first Onion. Plaster, Salt in bbls, Salt ia | Rock: Etm, 1} in. 1} in, any width. GOODS as a they appear wil : 8hectings, Table Lincns, ToweMing, Table : uality and Chea ? » | Common Water Eim, | in;, any width. | gularly jain of 7 purchasing «Napkins; Brown Holands, Dressed Hollands Boots and Shoes ! 4 y Pe P Sacks. | Basen Lin, an width. > oS Ap BTIC Lace Curtains, Window Blinds, Muslins,| . i en oC thi 5, 10 era in, ils SR ny ae to 80d Netts, &¢.' The assortment sis complete and } ( ii C " 34 in, 1 2, 14, 17, 18, 20, or 213f pannfacture, as. none bub | orp Wt all these Goods will be found 2 : we = in. wide. = Stock is uyed, and for and durability e : i Raddish. ts le Pine, 1in,1}, 2 in., 12, 11 or I6 fect long. | Will be found equal to anything that can Le e ariey . | 4,000 Bushels~Oats for sale : - : 5 GIF ' Weer Beco, and: Birdhic hala in this sowie. ii aies % ve As usual, the finest Stock nin lots to vit purchasers. Flower Se 1 Seed Peas Thoouly reliable Gift Distribution in the i) {i 1} In, 1} Buia A a hE Fenty gt hm it i : ! T of : ed ' | 7 ; to obtain additional first 'work: own - -~ i § ol --c] IEE LOWEST IN THE MARKET. : 18. ~ 80, #1 Eddi Seanling. ho expecta Shortly Tg AOR Ghz | . Seed Oats br B81 W.H. GInDs. Sut ows cforts ha Bho | i 5 a \ . "wha i &h i i rely § £ 3 FE OY ve "T'o be distributed In President. | ® ges Welth on iia " : on nd 4 ¢hoice variety of Wand Seed ht UST NF Some, ras en a's, Welllig sl J a QBOSTBIAY k > fe hal Aa and 8 Se h at. D a MONTHLY Tas Five ri lh Be io; Field & Garden Seeds, RY al > . § Gift ITEnterprise ! B ssi ts 8 : i (Five Doles. i, altel | ge Lawn Gra ) To be drawn Monday, May 4th, 1874, ic aid ven, Wanied jmelintels § Fern go aie | good La 3 s 8S TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF workmen, to whom cons employmen A : Gormptols and my TEAS a| (CG Coal Oil for Sale by ' $3,000 DOLLARS IN GREENBACKS nad he Riss prepay be gi es = o ve. Hardgare, .0il, Jarno Paints, Specialty. the Barrel, at Jess than ot 5 : Ee Brisen an 2 Sf (romsmacust HOTEL FOR SALE. adh for tof quditity 5 . 'en ass, Putty, arnishics, &¢. Bl wholesale prices. i : &e, &c., &e, | Horse and Buggy with Silver-Mounted Har- Vorb Deters Natal 1900: J > : : + : i ; . i i 1 ome Fine-tonet Kr Wes awood Plano, worth he cba 3 of fail- awh savin: 4s an i ' i p55 Gah ~4 M i th $100 each. ing henlth--in desirous of retiring fro . ) : All to be sold atCash Prices.| ; . u: : 3 10 Family Sewing Machines, wor ach. | J. ing hull in desirots o XM AS ERIE E.G | ' 25 eents pe i Be i arge quantity of Plaster : : P . S it i . : : Hams and Bacon. : iN gh and Salt. | i "| quantity of goad Butter. "| Ten Ladies unting Teh $100 FOR SALE ! i : caaagei ! oes Jost ; 3 ! ali i] 5 300 Gold and sive Lever OE Watches His Hotel at Port Perry known as the "port | © Holt Chains CRRYAGue.. 0 Dire \ MN 104, Cash for ro ---- i a re amt TL Temps : x LOW PRICES AND LARGE sans | Highest price' paid far all Cash paid for Wheat, Ou's, ; PIOONEE ye | Te ie wanted to, sci Tickets, Joi "PIU MEL capital orders Hunt's Pot Wine. OR CASH. h iP di) BE A S This hotel the best b Toi Ho | intl Noe ei [kinds of Produes. : | Barley, Peas, Pons, &e = re ELE Tere Go ve at oe age and wl Yeasi's Golden' Sheff" a i a is wha PORT PERRY. : wg: 8 Ciroviars containing a full list of prizot, a ciding Wshed. if Tf) : Cie reser ed Ginger: +: ett orgtenet Hoo 2k S% alt pmo, j hati XN. HE Seri p bl ihe Hise ys eu apply (6 peer on 3 ¢ o - ution, w e prem) if GEO. CURRIE. | A.W.ROBERITS. BROWN & ROSS. SH CHRISTIA A Tal wren ET a] LW Port Perry, April 3, 18%, * Port Perry, April 17, 18%, \ Por? PERRY. Port Perry, March 12, 1871, + Manchester, Masch 4, 1874. CW hans. Cineinnati, 0, T; Ma iS a

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