Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Apr 1874, p. 3

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--k ' \ / ; féoeipt of a full Stock of Seti ALT PET hi JSRIORE 1h 3 " " ndARW * oul y ~ Sad "Hel in Quality, 'Ia Ladids' Tress Goagls and Trimmer, there are many WAZIWM HK " ANfardrohe Both in liar s and style; Tome secured "the newest. In SHAWL, which will be" Wy specialty nL have a Beautiful agsotment One op to Twenty-five. Ago 1s gl Ways FASHIONABLE. | Bo Bopget and Hat Materiatand Trimmings ell assorted. Full lines of Lages, bong, Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments. o bry EAT White, Real Ostrich Feathers, AD Tn EID GLOVES, .1 have over twenty | zen of | the best: Josspine--Cheap. Hoglexy i in every style and price. Pagasoly, Sunghades and Umbrellas, "Fine Prunella Boots. i ts. Strong Leather Boots, wt | ¥ ¢ Dress Making and Millinery UP STAIRS, Ladies can have their Dresses made in the Best Style, without going out of the | Store. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING! In great variety, ready-made or made to , order. By mr the best assortment of Cloths ' and Vestings in Town to choose from. Whito Vests, Sui, Collars, "Ties, Gloves, Socks, gio Silk, Ft, joe hts} Aud Straw Hats, . 'sWaltérproot Overcoats, pp Sie. Summer Overcoats, Nettgke: The assortment is complete and . all these Goods will *be found: . a aba tie Jil | Yap, Hardware, oil, Turpentine, Paints, Glass, Putty. Varnishes, &9. , 17-7107) 3 aad Af LAMAN OF GENERAL _ GROCERIES: : 2 ZY 23 d iL lems and, Basan. SATOY GE dana rr gn a Samm fnatu iE toslaaW Jaewsd MATTHIAS W 2 GEO. CURRIE Port Perry, April 2, 1874 Liars iw te pleasure of announcing the 3 SPRING & SUMMER. Goons... AT THE > Mammoth An Immélise Stock of Beautift Prints, fast colors, in paiee fron 8 to 16 cents. Cottons and Steamlooms, the | best value in the Cony, we | live in. IN : - Dress Goods, plain and fancy, and Dress Making Establishment, under tlic of such extensive variety that all my patrons can be suited. My Stogk of TWEEDS AND READY.- MADE 'CLOTHING, y| Oars Something superb, really worthy the attention af the Gents of NOTICE NEW MILLINERY avd aud AND DRESS MAKING i Pepartment ! mn | | The Subscribers beg leave to announce that they have Opened out, in connection. with their other busintss, a New Millinery and Supcrintendence of | MISS GIBSON, ~ Formerly of TORONTO, and would cordial- ly mvite a share of the patronage of the Ladies of Port V&ry, and swrrounding coun-- try. ! Everything got up in the Latest Styles ! _At EXTREYELY LOW PRICES, Algo onic of the FINEST and BEST VARIED STOCKS of GOODS! In the comity, IMPORTED: direct from the agen USES IN. BRITAIN, aid at ot stifitory to lis parchagr Flax. ie cogsofl si i] Bu DY Hats and €ap s! and. Ci Striped Moreen, ¢ and White Shirtogs, Window melo Musling,{ a os tax wali fies ww w yar melt 14a of iw ae ha | Aiaoem sami Bua al! 09 4 tpowalods in Hic seal ni in Lid "A. W. ROBERTS. Port Perry, April 17, 1874. z A host of themselVes:=neatness, 7 ness, and Lig § com: | nd 7 nt sie "i 5 vd hesndoing he a in ¢ yo Amd nas 1 2a" wouwo nk agri amet $ratih sed wo S00 wool amas = 2 a lod ge i dou Polit ul : | ghost price, paid, or nevis dating 4d] J wi ED; kinds of 15am ule ¥RawoLsR . Aa WII0% 2AKNET wads sis evad A tend Matx) Black, Continental, Cloth for. Ladies in summer months 8,080 ydiGieey Gotta, tapped? tii) BH Jn :Town'l - rr» AMIATRTEAND Than TURAN EAN H call mL, i - mt » sosiag Yo #301 lish 8 priniad bar parmaih Yo years pa Pn adr of Da Fe oped, AAI if constancy pn; apd. ; PILIARTAOY tos one af {Badd AM U9 1 Powe fxd garisbio ano ing 01 i od Titw ia LEE inawny (GRAS pie x "EA he, LR Even T meas) 3 axed 2.7 rese hood] sui Ya mntolaiies elias ad TORE] mes Pres TI YAT } Faget of. veh Aiwa . Z'WAD® precio le meres, 44 THY TIMOTHY. " fe 2H aiad CLOVER, TARES PEAS, ¥ Ei sanidl OATS. } ~~ Western "Corn to SOW broad-east; the table weanth most "1% Turnip. Rh 1 Carrot. jy Beet, AAA Aud Bd MelonVSTHW 7] v4 I aoapid Peas, 5 ARITA LF 5 AO0TE 7 Gyissi aad arity rd iy BE h BANA. a Po me. : Wy r SPRING w os dosie LE RTI I have now oh hand ad afriving;a tholod ¥ 100 pieces Print, splendid value, RIBLD & GARRY; 100 pieces of that celebrated, _ Grey Cotton at 12% cents per yard, 30 inches in width, i 1, } ixd Spiced New DiespiGradd)) ¢s Black Lystrys, extra > from. 75 cents per pair; . } : Crockery! A ful) range: LEI Port Perry, April 15, 1874. EVERY DEPARTMENT THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED, - ee : Bll 3 obs ! PORT PERRY. | = NEW STORE ! Mul 1218. | | © | Next door to East of Allison's Drug Store, Port vor, with one of 'the largest and finest Stocks of Shoes, &c., in Ontario. | | The Subscriber has just returned from Mohtreal with one af the finest Stocks in the Dominion, which will be sold Cheap as the Cheapest for Cash. T. C. FORMAN. i 1 1 i Prince fibers foil 3 22, Hh 'y | : i = WW GROCERIES! 197TH 2 ee ir Ud 8UGAR Rppsh (Teas frame30 clon#f Ib. ---------- d DAVIS & SONS' Just Corer AT THE STILAM | Gis Frovony! PORT PERRY. GOODS, BOOK & STATIONERY EMPORIUM ! SPLENDID Stock ef Fine Gold Ji HE Subscribers asgys keep on hand | LA. elry in handsome Chaing for Lac (and are constantly manufacturing more) and Gentlemen's weay. LE ar-Rings, F ing : Rings, Brooches, &e.. of the Fines and "Latest Fashions, Fancy Jew guit all, Goldine G i a large Stock of just such FPURNITURE ! uires ; suitable for all ALL of Choice Ma- and at sven As the community rec classes of purchases? TERIAL, the BEST WORKMANKHIP, Prices as cannot fail to suit. A My Book Department! Every variety of the most beautifully ge ip Bibles from the large Family Bible dow tothe small Pocket edition. and every variety of Hymn Books in choice styles of binding. UNDERTAKING My assortment of School Books always complete. pen, Albums for allt Every thing in the Stationery line. Books, Journals, Paper, Ink and Pens, The Daily and Weekly MATL and GLOB DAWSPADETS, : In all its departments. promptly : attended to and charges moderate. AE rT : of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS & SONS. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-1y SEWING MACHINES where clse. TIxsrgoMexTs--Fianos, O | Dry Goods, Groceries, Birds are, Boots and PORT PERRY JEWELRY. FANCY po perry, April 7 Prayer Books Day | Ledgers, Writing Books, Fhe best out, and sold lower than any- GREAT AUCTION SALE TONY PROPRNY 1 + 'PORT PERRY - tT 2 2 -- Fd 1000 Pairs new Boots and Shoes IA fa all i a | oth d J f May 90 a | 101d on to your funds for a few days more and look ont for the Grand Opening of the N ues d ) d 0 i | ih | There will be sold by Public Auction, about TOWN 101 1 Situated on and adjoining Union Avenue, As nid out on Sexton, Major & Hurd's Plan of that part of the Village of Port Perry. TERMS. --One fourth of the Purchase money down at the time of Sale ; the balance in three equal Annual instalments, with Interest at eight per cent. Every Lot Offered Will bie sold to the Highest Bidder 1 Sale to Commence on the property at 1 o'clock, p.m. Plans of Property can be seen at the Haly Gtiice of PA Hurd, Bigelow's Block, WM weak, 1874, t n ) MY CUSTOMERS L | BOOTS AND SHOES ! From the host manufactures, and 'being come 'stantly making up work on the Ay he re a Ea a AND THE PUBLIC RENEBALLY. lan FOR $1.< - | CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : 1 : procured on short notice. : Y FIVHE Subscriler having received the / The American Style of. | greater portion of Lis : : Hearse. Also an ordinary style : (FALL & WINTER STOCK \ 5 CHEAPER THAN EVER. pen. Momican isuow ina position to call the attention of "the public to his immense Stock which for Variety, Cheahnesy, and Good Werk- panship ! ans, Molodeons, Violins, Concertinas, &c, procured from the best makers on tie short- | est notice. wir guy oan fanys HOOKR "plasier, aie' Sagke. : sift V 3 Spey] A ROTI (oes dw const ot bes gmp omnes 00 03 bone Band aol 8419 X20W i UL £0. 4018 ACheHighebt Farm Produce. * I ylel aon or era WHO PorT PERRY. / paid alata 135d »33 gi beFirsoxmh | Jodi 19§ i 11 HITT INET I Port Perry, March 13, 1874. LY, *Cash for all vifoediMnn: re wn 1 2 Seed 'Oats AST TVG MY peiiqen) das asi WE feared \ | pe produce. ii i ai ssivamad man ofr of fine ime 0 had oe' aks ils Wales CISRINY Sa0 eC laf faeries of i 4atar2 be? sled] &o a sim 3d vowel pm wd radtedw owndis eri 2 VY eadeo Ha 8 H. CHRISTIAN. in bbls: Soda W. H. PARK] bs what is waated for our ; Remember the place, CHEAP: pF Remember the BIG CHAIR directly opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. The highest price paid for all kinds of good Lumber. ne A good stout boy wanted to learn the Agent for ToMesTONES and MoNTAENTS. W. H. PARK. Peony Sol WL 14, 1874. PU ita J. B. LAZIER, *10f the Village of Port Perry, an Insolvent. the undersigned, Edward Major, of tle I, Village of Glen Major, have been ip- porated Assignee in this matter Creditors Lo requested to fyle their claims before me within one month. JOR TRNAS MIR Manchester, March 4, 1874 Gten Major, April 1,1874 SN obpasit te the Ontario_Banls, Poi we, BAP Oh Ahi ! | bar, te Ly 'ROOM PAPER! A choice Tot of the newest styles of Boom Paper just, arrived from rooms, Every article in stock sold at prices which' cannot be undersold for such goods. . i Come and inspect my: Stock. Allens Empotiom, Pej England--esactly Cannot 1 be hood in this or adjoining s for purchasing, to-- ith a life-long experience 'of the iis description St igas, gives antage over those ( the trade with others, Boots and by them of minor importan r attention being principally Jirpoted ¢ the selection of Dry Geods and s the wholesale dealer iy ses am opportunity of di Books an EE 17 : > such "work as regular manufacturers of the terms, Let all, the 'n, who are in wan¥ BOOTS and SHOES, OVER-SHORS, | SUBBERS, or in fact anything p a FirstClass Shoe Shop, give him a @ and hie guarantees to prove that if aftiele combined With the least p " vafice on Cost is any inducemepd | to-purchiase, a wale will be | dete pe that the wants g& i: Soy (EAS arge ow ns. "Your purtige. as none but the very: oo used, and for neatuess po und equal to anything in this country. been ve Dollars. oe variety, to suit all elysees ot Weimied diately four fi y called to goods of eutign.

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