Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Apr 1874, p. 4

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d ; Ei 7 SES 'Ab Couog:--TI¢ taken in time exsily curad, if allowed to continue will re- t in on Allen's ly part of the minded iy 8 all Bh ho ad lets January,when I the use ot yourSyrup, in hae ly sod uasivgly jm- poco so that now it gives me great plea- sure to recommend it to others, and in this way show my gratitude for return of health To all who require a remedy for debility, I would say they will find your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites just what you = it iss I believe it is the best p ii COMPLETE use, I am, sir, &c. ELEASEB CRABTREE, J. P. ee eerie Icio ~Epps's Cocoa --~GRATEFUL AND ~* By a th h knowledge of - natural laws which govern the opera-- ions of digestion and nutrition and by a care- fa ion of the fine prop: iesof well- selected i Epps has our brit al licately favored be- del Jo pokey hedvy 4 don pe 1s. ARTE Mike Bach packet - label lames Epps & Co Homae-| pathic Chemists, London." Maxvracrors or Cocoa. --* We will now fire an account of the prccess adopted by ests. James Epps & Co., manufacturers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London" See article in Casas:l's Household Guide. SUNDAY SERVICES. Clneh of Ascension. hv. or. Mitchell, At 1a. m, and 6:30 p. i -- Jas. Thom, At er. r. Denike, At 10:0 a. : Baptist Chureli--At 11 a.m. and 6:00 p. m. Apostolic'Church.--10 a. m. 'and 5 p. m. Wesleyan Chuteh at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Rev 8. C. Philp. P Hy ALBERT, {Preshrtenan Church.--Rev. Jas Thom. At Wesleyan chur ge Re¥. 8. Philp, At 10:30 a, ah, Chien. Rev. Mr. Kinley. At 2am. and 6:30 p. m. MANCHESTER. & M. Church.--Rev. T. Amy. At 2:30 and 8:30 UTICA. 'Wesleyan Church.-- 2:30 and 6:30. Presbyterian Charch.--2:30, EPSOM. 'Wesleyan Church 2:30 p. m. P.M. Thus m. and 6:30 p. m. - GREENBANK, Pend Church. --10:30 a. m. urch.--2 and 6 p, m. SAINTFIELD. PM. Church.--10 &. m. and 6p. m. 1874. SEASON. 1874 Dally Line io Rochester | Commencing on or 2 or about April 1st. THE NEW LAKE STEAMER "NORSEMAN/ Ly CRAWFORD, Master | Wift make her regular trips on this} route, lea¥ing Cobourg every morning at 7:30, and Port Hope at 9 o'clock for Roc necting there with the New York Central oily Salinaye for all points East, West, and South. Vanrvise :--Will icave Charlotte (Port of of Rochester) daily at 9 p. m. except Saturdays when she will leave at 2 p. m. 'or Brigh ™ | The Subscriber has now Spring Stock of New and Fashionable TWEEDS, VESTINGS, TROWSERINGS, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, wd everything in the pleted his Merchant Tailor Line, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND NEWEST STYLES. These Goods will be sold at the lowest figures at which such goods can be sold. -- A supply of Clothing made up on the pre- mises of superior quality, and the newest stylealways on hand. * Garments made up on the shortest notice and a good fit guaranteed. 'W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen St. Port Perry. April 3, 1974. HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR ALL! Wiis view to ooking the Joo and of providing valuable, attractive Fashionable Holiday Presens For all classes of the community, old and young, the Subscriber has added largely to bis valuable Stock, and would respecifnlly + invite all to come snd INSPECT HIS GOODS ! Fine Gold Watches ; Srperior Bilver Watches, of siges suitable for ladies and gentlemen. { [Au endless variety of the best and most FASHIONABLE JEWELRY! A large and. choice display of SILVER. ARE, Lots of beautiful Fancy Goods. The Boek and Stationery department well stocked, Jos, Repairing of Watches, Clocks and with . and Dealers in Stock will find this the cheap-| est and most expeditious route to Boston, Alias, Ney New York, ac. For farther particulars, address R. CRAWFORD, Port Hope. ' or 0. F. GILDERSLEEVE, Kin, THE IMPORTED DRAUGHT HORSE Dumfriesshire Jock (IMPORTED BY D. REESOR, JR., $5Q., MARKHAM.) The property of Mr. Franeis Elliott, lot 8, 8th con. Reach. wir stand for Mares, this season, 1874, as follows : Will leave his own stable on Monday, 4th May, and proceed to Plank's Hotel, Ux- bridge, and remain all night, Tuesday morning proceed to Mr. D. Gregg's ine in ine 12th con. of Reach, and re- wg poming pices aad a all gt adey morning proceed to Jenning's Hotel, Baintfield, and remain all 'night. Friday morning proceed to hisown stable, lot 8, 8th con. Reach and remain all Saturday, proceed to Hockridge's Hotel, , and return to his own stable in the afternoon, and remain till Monday maining. " DumrriessaRe Jock" is 4 years nearly 17 hands high, weight 1950 pounce, with Strong bone, on short legs; is in 2 and was bred by John Mont~ --~ Boggery, Dumfries. He was got if hig. celebrated Tarse "Lord Derby," ich gained the Dumfriesshire Prize in 8. | His dam, "Mayflower" was a prize mare sired by " Lord Byron." Dumfries-- shire Jock Jock is a true specimen of the Clydes- TERMNS--To0 insure a f¢ $14; Single ¢ Joan 10. Pasties pasting with eirmares ator fore 0 Bott ie ha down: "For mares os he 1st of ? Feb, All acei- st the risk No ma prices. Madeh, April ye choy an a COME FOR YOUR Hofiday Presents! BOCA W'S, Royal Arcade. s W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1873. 50 AGRICULTURAL [IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS P02? PBBRY WwW ITH a view to better accommodating the Farmers of North Ontario, Mari- posa and Cartwright, and to further meet the Fepidly increasing demand for the CAyugS hiet Mower, Fanning Mills. &e. As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, of the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all REPAIRS for these Lmplements, AN AGENCY Has been opened by Brown & U'atterson AT PORT PERRY, prices as they are sold at the Works. All Repairs for the Johmstom Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, REMOVAL! Row & PATTERN et nm . Tus and all other repairs kept con- - WM, JOH Rs b he place Bact of Frog compote) Port Per a4 tobe | a North. Ontario, as appointed Ed. Walker, of B83 ei il Porry w | ull apo vou, oliciing your orders fo dhe A | 3 LUMBER! il SHINGLES AXD BILL LUMBER or ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a position to further [ymises, 0 - inducements to customers. Son mn al ET My Stock of Dry Goods, G¥oceries, He. as to quality of goods and moderation in vans The Newest Styles eof vo Goods Se. Aid bios was Foie GROCERIES constantly supplied aad sold ab such prices as ¢annot fail tc satisfy purchagers. A Ls ily ing JOHN TAYLOR, Will always be selected with the greatest care. Pn ihcion wt vse lo : HOLIDAY RHOTOGRAPHS NYKENZIE & SCOTS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES J | bial, 4 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Uppteoy's Hoe Pot Pery ITH the view of si of I 116 Sreat WwW demand for YE oriying te The Subscriber baameh pleadlre fi an- the Sul SURE THING, TRY IT! To prevent Hoenig domestic Thunder Storms, Feminine Pettishness and Curtain Lectures, go at once to A E : MCAW'S GET A NEW STOVE! Be. For particulars see posters. - is A.B. McOAW, Oct. 2, 1873. > Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Carriage Works! PORT PERRY. E Subscriber takes this opportunity of thikeking Ni dmerons. customers for the' liberal and Woh him during the many years in which he has been in business. . Increasing business baving rendered an extension of premises necessary, 1 have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, Largely exteuded my premises and secured Srewlly tuchses Bette or boi am prepared more promptly to meet and toll orders on the shortest notice, CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, Ontario Photographs, ha to his friends and customers, and and | less SY eSnnnac 0 fitted up their Galleries a io that he has ly and i as will at fillea his all | times secure SPERPECT PICTURES, JEWELRY EMPORIUM ! equines some of ths With a well selected Stock of * | with their excellentGallerice and = Nrumon give them ities enjoyed oo a Wake, i fing those Beautitul P) Son Rings, dmired by all who see them. iver Piaicd Ware," a f touching the negatives the Clocks for the MY ion 1 ri bid phs are p in Tie Por She 1 dune "he Galle Clie we socked vith » choloe assortmen bums, Picture And Doatecialty invites the inspection of | Frames, Stercosco the above Goods and by Selling & mEaLLY S pic Instruments, the Finest oop article at as low a price, as ho possible | ogg Sg Spacing Tapha Ines can afford, he is sure, that, after you have 1 'welcome is extended to all satis A cordial to Doumit, Jou will go home with great vilh our Galleries and inspect our Stock, MoKENZIE & SCOTT. He intends $f sel}, af a Low Figure, so as 0 clear out Sho. lias of bis Sioek by the | Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873, 51 15th January; 1874. GRATIS | 1 1--Come and get the Eglin Illustrated Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work Waszaxeo | B Please ps a a, N DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. J ae RL ory | procure 13] WITH THE STREAM. [HERN RE The RPO would thank his numer- THE PLACE TO ous customers for the 'generous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in. the past: | |} U Y Y 0 0 R and would beg to inform them and the pub- BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best Orders Old Carriages with Carriages timmed for the trade at 'reasonable rates. and our Works, " inspect Port Perry, Dec. 34, 1873. JAMES EMANEY, JOHNSTON'S MLE - RAKING REAPER. Awarded the First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition held at Toronto, 1870. We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, éwo distinct Machines, which in styles and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE Self-Raking Reaper, The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials in the hands of the marmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self-Reking Joiute ff lose defects, and has met with more success md offered 0 the public, Cayuga Junior Mower, foliure, than any Reaper We were awarded the First Prise and Diploma, at the Exhibition, beld at Forontc, 1870, ih competition with all the leading machines anutactured in the Province and with our recerst ents, we IheslsinelY and Pome parison with com Machines, we are satisfied that will con every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the farmer for 1871, Eh aia Dowinion. @F* Send for deswiptive catalogues. 'Whitby, June 22, 187}. BROWN & PATTERSON, machine, it has more good | lic generally that he has Dry Goods, OPENED BUSINESS IN Groceries, ny N . PORT PERRY, Clothing, And that in the future his business will be Boots and Shoes, carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. He hopes by this arrangement and the in. Hardware, creased business facilities which he has thus Tinware decured fo be able more fully to meet the i ? Wants of the rapidly increasing population Stationery, of this highly prosperous section of country. Patent Medicines &e HAS. HISCOCKS. ns He: oe 9 Baker and Confectioner, | IS AT THE Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flour, Oat meal, Ci I, Lobsters, Sardines, ruits| G¥eonbank Store. Toys, &c. GEO. FLINT. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER! Greenbank, July 20, 1873. 2 #3" Tea Meetings, &oc., furnished on liberal Terns, Shops~Prince Albert and Port Perry. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Prince Albert and Port Perry, November 27, 1872. } ¢¢IYOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Sce Deuteronomy, chap. xil., vorse 23. CLARKE'S World Famed Blood Mixture, Trade Mark,--* Blood Mixtare." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot. be too highly recom- mended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, aud THE or CABINET CO'Y | prrminans dure 1 + nove ling am It Cures old Sores. Will pay the highest price, in Cash; for the following sizes of Cures Ulceratad and Sore Legs. CuresBlackheads, or Pimples on the face, LUMBER Cures Scurvy Sores.. Cures Cancerous Ulcers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Delivered at their yard in Oshawa, Cures Glandural Swellings. [Square Edge Preferred.) Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1}, 2 in., any width, Autteruut, 1 in., any width. ANY YOArs. petacios sight most Dr. streng] NORTHERN REACH | wea: andar fer xy 0a) aids to sight, Our ful daily asked. "What unparalleled success of VINEGAR Bre- TERS?" Our answer is, that they remove the causc of disease, and the Their thorough edge covers for Suef the ii acGuine fn atng of the | blood) rer ant to hing a perfect Renovator aml Invigorator of the system. Never before in thf story of the world has a medicine been possessing the ties nor VINEGAR Juvvuss inh disease man is heirto. Thay ive as well as o Fon The roperties of Dr. WaLKER'S amar rien: ye Aperiont1 Carmi utritious, Seduive Seri donde, Ain ve, and AVING secured the sole n locality, 1 JL, SE Glasses; th ) | Port Perry, Dec. 17,1873, 52 8 special at masuihcture oft Ea deta ver, steel and shell frames, will enable all conditions of the ey and nd give satisfaction to all who favor us with a W. H. MCCAW, 'Watchmaker, Jeweler, &eo., AGENT, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Aug 7, 1875 » MCTAGCART'S ICOCOASINE FOR PRESERVING AND BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR AND RENDERING IT BARK AND GLOSSY. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture fs pleasant t» the taste, and warranted free from anything injuri Rock Elm, 1} in. 1} in, any width. to the most delicate constitution of either Common Fater Elm, 1 in., any width, sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give Basswood, 1 in., any width, " 1} in, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in., wide. # 1%in, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 0r 21, in. wide. it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Pine, 1 in, 1}, 2 in., 12, 14 or 16 feet long. Mapls, Beech, and Birch : Sold in bottlos 2s 2d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11s each --sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing Cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS . p throughout the world. fin, 1}in, 1} In, 1} in, i} in, 2in, 3} in, 5in,, Plank. 2§x2}, Sjuare Bosatling. W.H. GIBBS. President. APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLYN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Street, London. Newberry and Sons, 37 Newgate Street Lon- aay and Sons, 95 Farringdon Street Lon- r and sons, Oxford Street London, And all the London Wholcsale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Oshe wa, Tet 5 1973 2 ei Clare and Co. Toronto ~Fillot and Co Wholesale Druggists M O0 DONOVAN, BE PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER, WAR TER TOWN mA, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. / SOOD Autorttucat of Digsics bead Material oN ark sade fo order wills wath And o> run a ) PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMP FicTon: Y, SoniAining » full list of go | te, 3 : me han : a Shapter and Owen. Hailton. --Winer and Co. Halifax = Avery, Brown and Co, ¢ day, Agents wanted! All ah working , Peoble, of ther sex, or old, make m Nn toith IE [ER eta, ah equnsry. 3 A : $85,000 ? oGUS MEDICINES, nv vALUASLE omrss | WWAWFE MUS IND QNTNENT To be distributed in rey. D. IL. N B'S eam $10TH EW MONTHLY A i v 'buying rom un) Gift Sin Snierrisel ise! fF Ee td -- sold as TWO Tie axive SACKS nT enuity n faved °. EEE! Yi menacnar 1 8orss snd Buggy with Seer Mounted Har-| bare-facedeffron Sole proprietor, F. J CLARKE, Chemist, I As a hair di g it cannot be surpassed | As a preventive for baldness it has no equal ! TRY! IT TRY IT! TRY IT! | BEJ™ 25 cents per bottle, Manufactured by W. McTAGGART, Medical Hall, Prince Albert. One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills 8 warranted to cure all discharges fre the Urinary Organs, in either sex, pith ed or constitutional Gravel und Pains in the Bugoye, Burbridges and Co, Coleman |Back. Bold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by al] Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, Hole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, APOTHROARIES' HALL, LINCOLX, ENGLAND, EXPORT AGENTS. Burgorses Busbidges and Co, Coleman 8t., Montreal --FEvans, Moroes and Co., Wholesale Voto Bons, 37 New, 8t., Tosiias. Drug, Barclay and Sons, 95 da Banger and Sons, Oxford 8t., gdon 8t.Londcn, And all the London Wholesale Houses, : AGENTS JN CANADA. Montresi ~Tvads, Mus and Co., Whole- g2 ymAans, are and Co. Toronto. si and Co., Wholesale Drag, Shaper vn an ne hog De. and Co, E TAKEN Ros AND RoR M THE aE sraTioy om One Fine-toned Roseweod Piang, werth PA Sas tha Tes Bas : [rer marana vit 2 a0 Got and Siiver Ter she frie @ yd Chainer Sliver wart so amber a it, ors EEE Whoa 7 MEAD WM. SPENCE, Bri Lanes oe departments, | tl aga

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