Ontario Packing House! ox 1 Ferty- WHOLESALE, AT "TORONTO PRICES ! Cradds Cut Bacon, Bellies and Backs, | Shoulders. Mess Perk, Prime Mess do. Extra Prime Mess do. Cumberland Cut Bacon, Pale and Smoked Dried Hams, "6 Comberiand Macon, Bellies, Canvassed Hams and Shodlders, Spiced Roll Bacon, Fine White LARD put up for family use, in Tins of 10, 185, and 20 lbs, and' 50 bs Tinnets. RETAIL. Knees, Feet, oh. 6 66 Roasts of Pork, Spareribs, Heads, ""AT THE PACKING HOUSE. Dressed Hogs Wanted! Dressed Hogs Wanted! BROWN & ROSS, Provision Ee ull v ae PORT PERRY. Ct Ta Retail at our Store! "BREAKFAST DELICACIES! Canvassed Hams and Shoulders, [ine leaf Lard put up for family use in Tins, Delicious Spiced Rolled Bacon, Sausages. «Choice wild Cured Hams, Pale and Smoked Dried Hams, Mild Cured Dried Cumberland Bacon, Mild C ured Dried Belligs, SALTED MERTS, mn The and Cheapest Meats in Ontario. BROWN & ROSS, General Merchants, PORT PERRY: Backs, Bellies. ' 1 $13 Dec. 3, Th BROWN & ROSS, Port Perry. [; | James Emaney will pay ail debts incurred We have vicinity, that We flatter ours Port Perry, SPECTAL TO THE LADIES. Who has assumed the management ot our NOTICE. much pleasure cape advising the Ladies of Port Perry and we have succeeded in securing the valuable services of AEE) igloeIEl IR: . CEO EOLOOOUCNCoCY DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT, From the deserved popularity she has acquired as . A really First Class Dress Maker, elves, that we are now in a position to exccute orders with every satisfaction, both as regards style and workmanship, From those who hitherto favored Miss Hover with tkeir commands, we would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, assuring them of every attention. BISBINIB TW 'We presume, when we intimate to our lady friends, that Is still in ri of this department, it will be a ir guarantee, to the superiority of our goods. a we are now enabled to show an unusually large and choice variety of Hats and Bonnets of the Latest Styles. Having a competent staff of assistants, JONES BROS. Nov. 6, 1874, BUTTER. BUTTER (Corrigan & Campbell ARE STILL PAYING THE HIGHEST JPRICE! FOR BUTTER, Selling Goods AT LOWEST CASH PRICES ! CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, Port Perry, Sept. 7, 1874. PORT PERRY EX- ORT WHITBY & TENSION RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 8. Takes effeot on Wednesday, the 22, April, 1874, #8 Trains run on Toronto Time, which is 22 minutes slower than Grand Trunk Time. TRAINS GOING NORTH, : AM, POL 'Whitby Junction ..Depart 9.00 7.00 Whitby 8 7.08 7.2 7.45 7.55 8.06 8.15 8.2% TRAINS GOING sovrm. All EATS Port Pe .. Depart 6.00 2.3 Prince Albert. 6.09 2.39 Manchester 2.48 Summite. 2.50 Myrtle . 8.01 Brooklin 3:30 Whitby 8.56 hitby Ju 4.00 Trains stop on signals Connecting at yy Junction with the G. T.R., Bast and West; at Port Perry with the a Ogemah ya Victoria, for Lindsay, Fenelon Kalls and Bobcaygeon. JAMES HOLDEN, Managing Director T% partnership hitherto existing under the name and style of Watson & Co, for canny} on the business.of Blacksmithing in all ia de lepartments In the Village of Port Perry, has been dissolved by mutual consent on this day, Saturday, September 19th, 1874: T. C. FORMAN"S ROAMLE ENPORILN HEADQUARTERS FOR . CHEAP GOODS. Men's Grey Gurnsey Shirts and Drawers, 9c, usual Price $1. Men's Flesh Col'rd do. do. #1, usual price 81.25. Men's Wool Knitted Socks 25¢, usual price 40c. | Canadian Factory Woolen Yarn 80c, usual price $1. Ladies' Fancy Heeled Rubbers 50¢, usual price 60c. All Wool French Merinos 45¢c. per yd. Ladies' Silk Ties--a Large Assortment. The Finest Stock of Furs in the County. Special Lines in Boots, Shoes, Groceries and Hardware, \ NT Port Perry, Oct. 21, 1874. Another Triumph FOR [ie Jonson fare | The following is the Secretary's oon Report of the Kent Connty Agricultural Society's Reaping match, held at Chatham, July 15th, 1874. CHATHAM, Oxr., Jury 16TH, 1874. At a trial of Combined and Single Reaping Machines, which took place near this town, on 'Wednesday, 15th inst. under the auspices of the Kent County Agriculiural Society, the fol- lowing named Machines competed for prizes, with the results attached thereto, respectively, viz: COMBINED MACHINES. The Dominion Harvester, manufactured by Messrs. Forsythe & Co., of Dindass took the First Prize, a Silver Medal. Cut 5 feet 1 inch. Draught, 350 Ibs when raking, 300 lbs when not. The Kirby Machine, manufaciured by Messrs. A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, took the Second Prize. a Diploma. Cut 4 feet 6 inches. Draught, 320 lbs when raking, 275, when not. The Dodge & Stephenson Machine, manu'actured by Messrs. Eastwood & Co., of Ingersoll, took the Third Prize, a Diploma. Cat, 5 feet. Draught, 375 Ibs when raking, 3251bs when not. SINGLE MACHINES, T Machine, manufactured by the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing €o., of Whit, took the Risst by Prize, a Silver Medal. Cut, 4 feet 10 inches. Draught, when raking, 2! 8, when not, The Burdick Machine, re anfastured by A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, took the Second Prize, a Diploma. Cut 4 feet 11 in, Draught, when raking, 3131bs, when not 275lba. e Meadow Lark Machine, manufactured by John iliott, of Loudon, took the Thi a Diploma. Cut, 4 ft. 2 in. Draught, when ng, 3101bs, when not, 2801bs. e following named Combined Machines competed bat were not awarded 8, viz & hes tored by Me John gs of Ayr. Out 4 feet 7 od gi Draught, when Ww aot 205! BEST HORSE SHOERS To be found in the Province. Parties sending their Horses to my Horse- Shoeing - Establishment may rely on having 'them shod on such principles as as will develop the foot, counteract deformities ed imperfect shoeing cr otherwise and secure o greatest possible ease and comfort to the | horse in traveling. Blacksmi Ins alti its Sop executed with 1g 3 AMES EMANEY. hy the fi firm "and collect all debts due to the , ; an Ea by Men London. Cut, § feet 1 © yAMES EMANEY. n ¥ ALEX. WATSON. dh 3 mauticured by Mg, Job A of London. Cut 4 feet 8inehes. Draught, , a Ee Poth Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford. Cut, 4 ft. 10 in-- "NOTICE. Draught, when aking, 310 Ibs, when not 275lbe. TE Et Ce Samvicd ag | Al of which is hereby certifi a8 coriict, 1 ou ¢. Seely Rent Agricultarst Society. Subscriber with enorgy Si] ch Tig . This is another Triumph for the Johnston Reaper, as manufactured by the HORSE GHOEING| Erown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. S 9 hen it i 11 k fir t 1 the trials i of the Will always be a Specialty | Co Tehunion hes competed it has neve fled in tain riod over at bane At this establishment: An establishment 'What more id in takity tho 1 where Horse Shoeing on th > 22nd, 1874. { principles is made a specialty, and where pam ne .| the extent of the establishment is equalto| the axtsiiive and Jnoressing, Yond has T 1 " + been 1 anxiously y thenum- Fe oars oF horses in this prosperous ay or' i Pe. section of unas, The Suber] iia i happy to state that -he has fully mi leman: by mplostg a ll si of MANCHESTER. TT: Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of thanking his customers dor. the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since opening business at Masichester,| and has now much pleasure in stating, that having purchased the Store remises, he will be in a position to further extend 4 business and offer' still greater | ducements to customers, ' My Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Will always: be selected with the care. The entire satisfaction of customers Doth | The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, §c.. cannot fail tc satisfy purchasers. BE '6! UO. White. Port Perry, Sept. 23, 1874. . E. Manchester, Nov. 11, 1873; JOHN TAYLOR rd Prise, | © greatest & as to quality of goods and moderation in price will always be aimed at. 3 And choice and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and sold at "such prices ar B. WORTHINGTON, PORT PERRY, BRANDIES--Case, and on Draft, ... ..... ' Bitters--John Bill, ...... cco 0iuuee enna . Blacking--Stove and Shoe,. ...... evennees Blueing--Ball and Button ..... teeessane ' Coffee--Whole snd ig Cand]es--Sperm and ello CHICROTY, cc opis's unis Clothes Pins, Clothes Lines. .. Cigars, ESSENCES--Lemon, Vanilla, Torn FISH--Herrings, Cod, Whitefish, Trout, Smoked, #0 ...vvi00ve ann, eeeverees ' FRUITS--Dried, Canned and Green, ...... PUY, ooo vac/eeinsn sinrs is nancnc/tnss . GIN--Henkle's, and Old Tom MEAT--Fresh, Dried and Smoked, . MEALS--Oatmeal, Coiumeal, best White Flour, Graham Flour, &o. . resp eannped MUCOAION, . . .s vevievesvsinvrnssiuara sudesy Matches, ...... .... vou ees ' Mustard--Coleman's, snd Keen's, . Mops,.. eveens Nuts--Walnuts, A piv, he 0il--Hair, and Castor. . Pickles--Cross & AAAS Noite iy att's, and Batty's,...... QS T ins vas v PORTER--Guiness', and Blood's, Peels--Orange and Lemon ...... escasisees PRIlS os. esreersssseerensivnrnesivasnionss Plowlines Pepper--~Black, White and Red Rice--Whole and Ground ...... evsdadiive, RUM--Jamaica and Demerara Ropes, ...c0cavnen varies vanes "eeerenanns Seeds-- Timothy, Clover, &¢c ....... SORPA. «+ cvs go sisirs erica neles aime . Soda .. seen SUED, «Juice evnsivnioe " SPIRITS--Bye, Malt, Monongshela, Bour- bon, Whiskied Salt-- Barrel and Bottle . vereaiiiee Syrup---Sugar Loaf, Amber, Silver ' Bey Golden, Baspberry, Pine Apple, and Spices,--Allspice, Cloves, Nutmege; fe... ; . + Sngars--Myscoxady, Ground, Suge des O. AL, 080ueriesieres Teas=Green, Blstk, and Japa. ...... dimen Claret, tc. . Port Pery, Oct 16, 181. i edulis shed *