_ Coxrorrivg.--* By a thorough knowledge of the matural laws which govern the opera-- tions of digestion and nutrition and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well- selected cocea, Mr. Epps has provided our delicate! ia he Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Wateror Milk. Each packet fs labelled--" James Epps & Co Homoceo- pathic Chemists, London." Maxuracrure oF Cocoa.--¢ We will now give an account of the prccess adopted by Messrs. James Epps & Co., manufacturers of dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston Road, London" See article in Cazsssll's Household Guide. ret peter 8. E. Burwell, of Fingall, Ont, writes :-- Last fall I was suffering from a severe cold which settled on my Lungs and propuced a distressing cough for which I gave trial to a number of Cough Medicines, but without any tried. ome bottle of Al | which Lr to be mediate re. Fo rie pol coetn » sh [SPECIAL NOTICES] ALLAN'S LUNG BALSAY. 1s the great modern remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Croup and recommended told Wi doquain with i Bays He have nl its effects on the young and the old, and I can truly say that it is by far the Dest expectorant remedy with which I am acquainted. For Coughs, and all the early stages of Lung complaints, 1 believe it to be a certain cure; and if every family wodld™ keep it "by them, ready to ad- minster upon the first appearance of disease about the Lungs, there would be very few cases of fatal consumption. It causes the phlegm and matter to rise without irritating those delicate organs (the Jungs), and with- out producing constipation of the bowels, -- It also gives strength to the system, stops the night sweats, and changes all the morbid secretions to a healthyatate. 1 Sold by all Druggists. Price $1 per Bottle, - PERRY 'DAVIS & SON, AGENTS. ---------- HE INTRODUCTION of DR. WHEEL- Cempaund Elixir of Phosphates a constitutes a new era in popu- lar medicine, as itis seldom 'that a purely scientific preparatio compounded on phy- siolegica] principles, is offaved to the public, Being composed only of ingredients that en- ter into the. formation of 'the "system, it is perfectly safc under all circumstances, and may be taken with henefit wlienever there 1s nervous prostration and general debility { trot Whitéver cause." If immediately aug- ments and sustains the vital forces, impart. ing vigor to all the organs of the body. It is especially adapted. to women: prostrate with family cares, and delicate children, being as agreeable to take 'as the finest Tiqueur. --_ Sol druggists pt Ble.s R. RICHARDSON, Re-appointod Issuer-of Marriage: Licenses Under the New Act. 1st gon. Brock. 45,1874, 33 'Office, lot 10, in the Ne PEO R County of Ontario, S HEREBY GIVEN TO WIT 1 that the Court of | General Sessions of the Peace, and County Coutt hand for the County of "Ontario, be holden ab ght Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Tuésday, Decamber 8th, 1874: at the hour of Twelve o'clock, naon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Consta- bles; and all others concerned, will take no- tice 'and govern: themsclves accordingly. on NELSON G. 'REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. g. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, Nov. 10th, 1874. Valve eal Esta for Si, 9 ACRES of tiot17, in: the 5th conces- sion of the Township of Reach, situated betwéeni Prince Albert gnd Port Perry, well suited for Fruit and Gardening purposes, Also, 8 acres in the Village of Port Perry adjoining R. Lund's property. Also, a House with § of an acre of land attached, in the village of Prince Albert, For particulars, apply to . TTHER HURD, AtP. A, Hurd's Law Office, Port Perry. ov, 12, 1874. ? 46 HE nékt exaniination of Candidates for admission to the. PORT.« PERRY. HIGH SCHOOL ! Will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 8th and 9th December, Wepionieg) each day, At 9am, ! n Pupils 'desirous of aig during the 1870 tro' requested 16 notify Je ead Most ot a School, Db, McBride, Nov. 4,. 1874 KR TRD " GT ASS 2 Ay Areraiees Matertst, *"Workshanship, 'Sty 2 Evbuetibor und. return 'his 'Wihoeré thanks for the very extensive and rapidly. ed on him since Lgrridea® Bas griwedN--oy FOR SEE ul} The est best C= with the Crowd and have a look Smo t | he strictly ERE oF Colonia, Ohno, " will | Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874, HEAP CERES our rena, [I Jug & bins ---- -- PLL & NTR DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS & FURS, COMPLETE. HE Subscriber is now shewing free and offering the above lines af GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Dress Goods, Teas, Winceys, Sugars, Flannels, Syrups, Cottons, TFobaccog Looms, Boots & Shoes, Skirtings, Hats and Caps, p&y" Children's and Ladies' Furs, TERMS--Cash or Produce. One Price and that the lowest possible. A. W. ROBERTS. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1871. 46 WRICGHT'S BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM ! PORT PERRY. WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock: Bark, - 3000 Sheepskins, And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH Will be ® paid by the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. Bor mca I Meats ! LWAYS ON HAND "At BONBARD & Harmon. ---- Nev 15 THE TINE to dace your IN Comte of up LE Of all kinds, TE 6 sate fo 81 pel ar Soap and, lt 0.& ROBINSON'S, 3 Fort Pony, Bopt 30, 10 re. = AND ---- e--eAND-- OF =---- AND -- * MR. SEXTON'S COLUMN, LUMBER! SHINGLES BILL LUMBER ALL DESCRIPTIONS|T CONSTANTLY ON HAND CUT TO ORDER LOW IN PRICE. partments. Cabinet Embodies the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY It is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best Instruments, but to Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Is now is full running order. UXBRIDGE CABINET AND ORGAN -------- tr -------------- UXBRIDGE IN THE UNDERTAKING DEPART Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butternut, Oak, Rose wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hand. CLASS I[EARSES with the necessary appendages. Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, Uxbridge, July 22, 1874. 3ly MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Organ Tae Furniss | DeparTvenT There Warerooms are furnished with a large varicty of the latest and most popular wares of the day, and upon examination, will be found to be very Comparisons invited. Their Wholesale Prices will be found to compare favorably with any other house in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an examination of their Stock in all their De- 'We have also two FIRST he has receiv cither branch. BUCCIES, WACONS, anchester, May 1, 1874. MANCHESTER CARRIAGE WORKS! AND All work warranted and charges moderate, Ww. C. General Blacksmithing HE Subscriber in returning thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal patronage cd in the past, would now inform them and the publi has taken the W Vood Department under bis own control and in futur the wood and iron departments, and is now prepared to fill all orders coanceted with and every description of CARRIAGE made in the Newest Style of the Best Material, and by First Class Workmen, B&5™ Repairs neatly and expeditiously exccuted. carry on bo HEARD. rally that he | th | now and dispatch, Ontario PORT CUTTERS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best material in ge best styleand by first class OHI. Orders for Blacksmithing carefully attended to. "Old Wood-work ironed and Carriages tifimed for the Come and inspect our Works, Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873. Carriage of premises necessary, 1 have Works! PERRY. HE Subscriber takes this opporiun: ty of thanking his numerous customers for the T liberal and constantly increasing patronage bestowed upon him during the MANY years in which he has been in business. Increasing business having rendered an extension MOVED TO PORT PERRY, ly extended my premises and secured greatly increased facilities for business eh am A more promptly to mect the increasing to fill orders on the shortest notice, CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SLEIGHS, demouds of customers and 8 repaired with neatness lo at reasonable rates, JAMES EMANEY. i po Bary, My 13, 190, LAAT iE aw Has now on hand a splendid assortment of # THE SUBSCRIBER TARE, Cites Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &O. Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and quality. we. Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch, A. B. McOAW. lbsos ding, sto favor Sept. 29,187). re r---------- ee () -- fr IRVIN'S pammN '1 BEE THE PRICES. ' mquaLLY bow naTES1 7 in Pomp-making in_the Infos "factories PUMPS PUMPS You.e can se fhe best and cheapest Pump in' the Province poRT PERRY. Ea complste i Pimp and Fire Begley With Hose ER Fu at 50 Sauls foot. nh Sipe at 40 cents per foot. Sommer suction Pumps at P35 cents per foot. Co complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Ls vi Promptly attended t5 Port Perry. 5 s if Busan a ' feels confident that he gan. perfectly satisty all ~All orders he any of the above, whether by mail orotherwise Prince Albert and Port Perry, } FALL GOODS FOR 1874, AT TRENBETH'S - Wi thanks to my numerous cus- tomers for liberal support in the I take this opportunity of advising them and the public generally, that & MY STOCK ! Has now arrived 'and is complete in every department ; of CHOICE QUALITY, NEWEST STYLES, and VERY CHEAP. Full lines and splendid value in Canadian and English Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Trowser- ings and Vestings, FALL Every variety of Overcoatings. A Complete Stock of Ready-made Clothing in the latest styles] my own manufacture. The Furnishing Department comprises everything in the line. Shirts in every va- riety. Underclothing of Choice quality and all Styles, cheap. A Full Assortment of Stylish Hats and Caps. Look out for my Stock of Gents' fine Furs to arrive shortly. W. TRENBETH. Port Perry, Augt 26, 1874. SNS The Subscriber hus much pleasure in an-- nouncing to his ids and customers, and | the public in general, that he has completely ' fillea his JEWELRY EMPORIUM! With a well sclected Steck of Fine Gold Jew Gold Chains, Watches, Gold Rings, Locke ets, Silver Plated Wy re, Clocks for the i Fine Toys for the Young | &c., &c., &c. And respectfully invites the inspection of the above Goods and by Selling a reaLLy! Goop article at as low a price, as he possible can afford, he is sure, that, after you have faction. He intends to sell at a Low Figure, so as to clear out the whole of his Stock by the 15t nuary, 1874. GRATIS ! 1 !--Come and get the Eglin Illustrated Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work WaRraxTED ! Please give a call. = JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Factory, Port kerry, Dec. 1, 1873, WITH THE : STREAM. The Ei a thank his numer- ous customers for the gencrous and liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past; and would beg to inform them and the pub. lic generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN 2OHT PERRY POR YhvihvY, And that in the future his business will be carried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert He hopes by this arrangement and the in creased business facilities which he has thus secured to be able more fully to meet the wants of the rapidly increasing population of this highly: prosperous seption of country 5 a ] Candies, Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flows, Oat meal, Cornmeal, , Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits Toys, &c. WEDDING CAKES MADE T6 ORDERLY' BEF Tea Meetings, &0., furnished oft liberal Terms, ShopePiince Albert and Port Perry. CHAS, HISCOCKS. November 27, 1873. = Kitchen bought, you will go home with great satis | PRocLavATION 1 - TO THE INHABITANTS OF . NORTHERN REACH ' THE PLACE TO Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., IS AT THE Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. 2 'Sunred Y -- [PLM I80q OY} Wj -opvwl pury Uo A[juvisuod sarBSng Jo JUIWRI0SSY 00H ad "TAL '0 '1331s No0ousg "TIVH NMOL SHI VaR AOVIFEVD TVOLLOV mn (pn "AGLIHM 'NT AONTA --21 0} pied uopuae IBMOMMEJ '(ojedsep PUB SSOUIBAU ILM I9PIO 0} OPV HIOA '"MYAMVIN 1874, SPRING. 1674, HE Subscriber takes pleasure in inform- | mg his customers and the public gen- i "that he has on hand a good and well assorted selection ot FURN ITURE Such as Extension, Centre, Dining and Tables ; Wood, Cane, and Hair Cloth Chairs ; Couches in Reps and Damask ; Sofas, Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, W lit: enots; Stands, Mirrors, "Straw, Seagrs Mixed, and pring Mattrasses, "ge, SE will be sold us low as at any "House in the Trae, All goods delivered free of charge. Particular attention paid to Picturé Fram-- ing. | IN THE | UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Everything is complete. I keep on hand a good selection of Walnut, Ouk, Elm, Butter- nut, Rosewood, Velvet and ' Cloth-covered Coffins, Shrouds in all styles and sizes. Napkins, Gloves and Hat-bands, furnished fice when required. A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. JOHN NOTT. exchange for work. The subscriber is the only authorized Agent in this locality for | the J.D 2 | Whitby Marble Works, Port Po rry, May 13, 1874. 21 CHEAPER THAN EVER W. H. PARK 15 SELLING FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. Un dertakingly Done on the SHORTEST NOTICE and CHEAP. a BE Remember the BIG CHAIR directly opposite the Post Deice Port Perry. The: Dighest price paid for all kinds of "A 0 stout boy wanted to learn the ness, Agent for Tousroxes and MoxuaENTs. |THE. OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y, Will pay the highest! price, in Cash, for' the § | following sizes of LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge Preferred] Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1§, 2 in,, any width. Butteruut, 1 in., any width, Rock Eim, 14: in, 1} in,, any width, Common Water Elm, 1 in., any width, Basswood, 1 in., any width, i 1} in, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in., wide, « 1fin, 13,14, 17, 1 0002, -- in. wide. Pige, 1 in, 1}, 210, 12,14 or 16 feet long. Maple, Beech, and Birch : §in, 1} in, 1} In, 1} in, 1} in, £491n.33} inj 5in.; Plank, 2§x2§, Square Scantling. IH Si. - 'W. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. ---- WANTED ! Te, PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both over dve and yet to become duo, ace bi Judgments and Mortgages, Apply ferent to 'OCHRANE, 4 > Port Perry, - MRS. COOK, nT L. M. 2 [Av HAIR DRESSER, Switches, Braids, Fri ings, aud Hair Ji lanufactured, Rooms, over Mr. Notts. gi umitum Ware? rooms, corner Queci and. Perry Stree Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1874. "ALL: PERSONS PERSONS - to me are requested to call ne otlg before the end of November. -- 0s¢ accounts have been running oe, Ay go five 'years will find them in ts, Curls, and Comb y Man 47 W. H. GIBBS. President. Oghawa, Feb. 5 1873, | other hands for collection 'unless arranged before the above mentioned time, R. JONES, M.D. , Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1874. Cad BUY YOUR? N.B. All kinds of good Lumber taken in 4 direct froin ther, so t Ay ¢ ma nis io supply exclu e fi less of New York vith theirso-call '| Messrs. Janel 'OULD announce to the inhabitants of Port Perry and neighborhood that she is now carrying onthe busirfess of 29BBLBBo At her residence. All kinds of Furs, Mut, Caps, ay pets, aud everything in Fur lin Fie and altered o the newest Parties bringing new Fur ve it made up as they pleas, "Bao. Robes Lined and Trimmed, 22 Charges Moderate. "ax The subscriber having had much experi oon in the business, guarantees complete les. Residence--Union Avenue. MRS, E. PRINEWATER. Port Perry, Oct 28, 1874, DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Casmver Factory! PORT PERRY. Te Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufacturing more) a large Stock of just such I'URNITURE ! As the community requires; suitable for all classes of purchasers, All of Croice Ma- reniAL, the Best Workmansmip, and at sven icks as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly © attended to and charges moderate. | COFFINS of all sizes keph con. stantly on hand. $ SHROUDS of all stuos and § newest styles, da CASKET OR BURIAL CASE } procured on short notice. The American Style of Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse, ' : DAVIS & SONS, 49-1y We Port Perry, Nov. oa] 1873 PER DAY. --AgentsW $5 TO $20 All classes: of wu people, of cither sex, young and old, more money at work for us in their sparc moments, or all the time, than at anything else, Partic 'ulars free, Post card to States cost byt two cents. Address G; STINSON ¥ co, Portland, Maine, ET -- At Wome, malo or Jomuley, 0 RK per Weeks day and ev mail free. Ab stamp, M, Young, The only reliable Gift 1 country. LL. DD. STINTS Twenty-First Grand Anpual Distribution, To be drawn Friday, Janpary Ist P $200,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS y he GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, , && $20,000 IN CASH | ONE GRAND CASI PRIZE OF $10,000, IN CASH || One Prize of $5,000 in CASH I « OASHRE nd Silver Lever Hunting Watches worth from $20 fo muy ig 1 Nd Chal fia © d ey iver stribution in theli§ Two es $. Five Prizes 2500 Gold Tickets limited 4g i So wanted to sell Tichets, to iums will Le ii ri) i Twelve Aber of GTS, 25000, Llist of Yieen, on manner of drawing, other hitomi n reference to the ist ni bution, will be sent to any one ordering the; All letters must be addressed 10.4 Main Office, 1. DINE, Tok Tif 101 W. Fifth Cincinna A PUBLIC CAUTION. a Holloway's Piils and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the Unit= ed Bites, although they may 5 obtained in the B.N. American ld Each Potaud Box bears the British Gov- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Fis and. Ointment, London," engraved there- thas become necessary to make this an- nonucemend because the New York Chemical Company (who pay nobody) finding at last that their name has been so exposed, bay sumed the title of * Holloway & Co, ;' oven now, no one will fn £00 Pills and Ointmen It is presumed that from the + connexion' Messrs. Henry and Co. have in the British Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous Yendory and others unless they exercise caution to prevent fete being misled, LoL ing these medicines be: bh stamp with name of " Holloway arlug Co., printed thereon. Many respectable firms jn' ao Pros ag ew. ¥o vinees, Xho Sbisin my medi 'hit proper, should, or the re Rertnt THe public, insert their names in the 1t may be known that my edo had genuine from them. oe following is a list of the ; alluded tojand I particul mend medic 0se who desire to got my i 1 of the Houses ua : apply to Some Messrs. Avery, Brown & 0 , Halifs Messrs. Forsyih & & Co, Haltiox Noo, 'Des Tri 5 Change Picton, Eo nl Mr. T. Des By Too Violets Bd oi yh Rg Pallen, iit Si LEER fesars. i None & Oo. inky i grosi Biel apers, that es can hg Winer & Co., Hamjiton, Mrs. Orpe Mr. dd or ui: Sam. r. W. H. Thompson, lo Road erioton, N. Mr J. M. Wiley, Frederivton, N.B. Messrs. W. & D. Yuile, Montreal. The medi gale net pri in quantities of a : 20 Nore oh = Gd. 3 5 ozen boxes of Pills or pots of which remittances must be sent i nts For Cliemists and other vendors of Holloway's genuine Pills and Ointment may have their names inserted in the Jocbpapers if they, AL please apply here-- HOM 533, og Street, Woo as HOLLOWAY. ndou, March 3lsi, 1874.