: "is Ly the judicious use of such articles of Cogan Gra AND COMFORTING . : By a' thorough thoik Hf) the nntara @ vs which govern the operations of digestion and putrition, and by 'a careful application of the finu properties of well selected cocon, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast table, with a delicately flavored 'beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It TG av SO8Ws dist that a constitution way be gradually hr oy built up until 'strong enough to resist every tendency to aiseass: Hundreds of subtle nunladies are floating around us ready to at-- tack wherever there isa weak point. We If you want Cheap )_§ may escape many fatal shaft Ly keeping GC 1 $ h 'ourselves well fortified with pure blood and oO 1 n 5 a properly nourished frame."-- Civil Service Gazette. A CALL AT [SPECIAL NOTICES.) J DP. WHEELER | JCOUPGUSD ELIXIR Nie of Phosphates and Calisaya. | ed i csr, TRENBETH'S The Comore Elixir of nl and 5 Calysaya prepared by you I have for two to ears been using largely in my practice, and py you that in my judgment there is no preparution of its Kind that can compare with'it where it is applicable, With feeble, anemic women, of whom we have so many, and with cases convalescing from pro trating diseses I shoulld hardly know how to get along without it. In Dyspepsia it ects like a charm--in factin any of the Jong list of TI, exhaustive diseases itis Tue remedy. n 3 AND SECURE BARGAINS FOR 1 am yours truly, Hox. J. Lyyax Seceten A.D. BEARINE. Prepared from the Pure Grease of THF CANADIAN BEAR. For Cash nly. W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor. Port Perry, Jan, 26, 1875. This delightfully perfumed preparation imparts a soft glossy finish to the Hair, in- clining it to remain in any desired position It gives the Hair not only a luxuriant growth Lut arrests greyness, baldness, and other discases of the head and scalp. Genuine B.ar's Grease has long been held TAIL AT 1. oR I N Gr, in high esteem as a valuable aticle for Dressing the Hair. It hax been Highly com In all its Departments. mended and used by eminent Chemists and TIE Subscriber is carrying on the Tailor- Physicians of every country. Each bottle is enclosed in a card board ing Businessin all its departinents at surrounded by a finely engraved wrapper, | jis vooms over Corrigan & C: forming a pakage both ornimen'al and use- | poop Newest Styles, ful «n cvery on evety Ladies' Dressing | yy kmanshin, and a perfect: fit ie Teble. PRICE 50 Cts PER PACKAGE. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Sole Proprietors, Montreal. =_------r--- BAKERY! Charges mod. 'Tate, Agent for the Sing ving Machine. ° EB. Contict ionery The Siuger Machine is decidedly the best ® | machine now in use and also the cheapest when the quality of the machine is taken into consi tion. Parties will do 'well to HE Bakery and Confectionery usiness | ome and examine the machines. in al their branches carried on in my JOHN" PEARCE, Port Perry and Prince Albert establishments, 1874. 49 Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest notice, Bridal and other Cakes made to order, Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms, CONFECTIONS! in every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance. CALL AT MY BAKERY Port Perry or Prince Albert. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Port Perry, March 10, 1875. In the Court of Error and Appeal, The Port Perry, Dec. 1, TAILORING SQUIRICS TAILORING ESTABLISEMENT OVFR ROSS' STORE PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1873, FIRST CLASS TAILORING.|- an BST class Tailoring in all its depart- ! ments, . Controvertad | Elections Act pr HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, | Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest styles and at moderate rates. A Election of a Member for the Legis- ood fit guaranteed. lative Assembly of Ontario for Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel, the Electoral District of the : R. HUGOE. 15 North Riding of the County of Ont 'rio, in the said Province, holden on the Eleventh and Bighteenth days of January, ! A.D. 1875. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. Dominion of Canada, 1% Petition of Province of Outario, 'William McCaskill, ! TO WIT: of theVillage of Benver- ton. in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, | whose name is subscribed. 1. Your Petitioner is a person who voted at the said Election, 2. And your Petitioner states that tle Election was holden on the Eleventh da Jauu- ary, A D 1875, when the nomination took | place, and on the Eizhteenth day of 'aou- ary, A D. 1875, when the 20ll was held, | when Tho as Paxton, of the Village of) Port Pel in the County of he Esquire, and Phi ip McRae, of the T' GIFT NTERPRISE ship of Mara, in the said Crunty, Esq ire, The ouly reliable Gift Distribution in the Noretlp Candidates | on the ing ul county. Jficer As returned the sai LIAS Paxton as being duly elected $100,000 00 ; 8. And your Petitioner states that the said IN VALUABLE GIFTS! Thomas Paxton was by lLimself and his o dis authorized Asents or eet aud Ly other tbe pine Seg ons on bis behalf, wuilty of corrupt i. ~~ 4 Practices wiihin the meaning of the Act L D. a I N Io S & in limon: | in that Sell Yelone, Sib 40TH SEMI-ANNUAL - ng and after the said election whereby he | (3 IP iNT pp 2 was and is incapacitated from serving in G I I 1 i 4 N 1 ER] R I K BE ! Pariiment forithe said Eiceioral Dis trns To be drawn Monday, March 20th, 1875, and the said Election and return of the N. 3 3 NAD RIZE. smd Thoms Paxton were and are wholly ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, null and void. ~ i 5 Wherefore your Petitioner prays, That it 810.000 an GO LD may be determined that the said Thomas Pax- One Prize, 85,000 in Silver. ton was not duly clected or returned, aud that Five pres Sul =O ASH the Election was void. Ten Prizes $100 [Signed] WILLTAM McCASKILL. | Two Family CATER air) Matched Horses A -- w i Silver Mounted Harness worth $1500. * Q eac In the Court of Error and| > Busgles, Horses, de, worth $100 each ! Appeal. Two ro Fine-joned Rose- wood Pianos worth $550 -- Ten Family Sewing Machines worth $10) each. The Controverted Elections Act Ton Fam and 81 Hal {ee Hunting W: atches sof 1871. (in all) worth from $20 to $300 each! e Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry, &c, Er Number of Gifts, 13,000, Tickets limited to Election of a Member for the Legis: DR + 1 " Iative Assembly of Ontario for the North Riding of the County - of Ontario, in the said Province, | © ee co Ra a3 list of rizes, a holden' on the Eleventh and] description of the manner of d of gris and i o + | Other information in reference to the Sistri- Eighteenth days of January, tan: will be sent to any one m , A.D. 1875. All Jatiess | Joust addre: owt MeOaskill, of the Village of Ben- of Oatario, G Agents ne So sell Tickets, to gid Tikete 88 A Hei of Twelve ckets, $2); Tw, 2 Su to Main Office, L. D.SENE, Box 4 WOW: Fier st. Cinennatl, o. on, in the Count Eo bid wwii IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. 4on, in the County of Ontario, Attorney at Lar. to net he said Pebtion as oy: At torney in rr Beaverton, lis' Eighteenth day of R75. T well bred Durham Bull, 1.01rd Charles! Will stand for service, this iS season, 1875, at his own stable, lot 3, 8th eon, Re: PEDIGRI SE Rs Oxford Duke, soni FI Petitioner. service on the me or left at lor the 2nd, Se Prince of Bourbon m Flos by Nichol, Lit). Sm, 'm ported etl y Baron of Kids- ofE & £5 dom Jane, mus, (11 EE IT Wiha, que g dam by Strat y HH dam by mol, (nf Ts. TERMS--For grades $2; \horoughe reds, §5 Reach, Jan. 13, 1875, INL WRICHT'S EMPORIUM ! PORT PERRY. WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, 3000 § And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH Will be paid by the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. heepskins, Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874, FIRST CLASS BOOTS & SHOE Material, Sy arshin, Bayle TIE Subscriber would return his sincere thanks for the extensive and rapidly increasing patronage bestowed on him since opening business in PORT PERRY; And wonld embrace tois opportunity of as- EE HE partusrship hitherto existing under - the name and for on the busisess of in all | Perry, has been dissolved by mutual consent on this day, Saturday, September 19th, 1874: : £ / Dy the firm and collect all debts due to the SH 4 firm: promptitude, H ORSE At this establishment: An establishinent| principles is made a specialty, and where 5 woe | 5 been long and anxiously desired by the num- Lon Ry Bed erous owners of horses in this prosperous section of country. The Subscriber is happy HEARD'S le of Watson & Cou, rnd aithing lage of Port MR, SEXTON'S COLUMN, ¢nts In the James Emaney will pay all debts incurred JAMES EMANEY. ALEX. WATSON, it HE busted ill 13 TICE, Canied on by the Subscriber with energy and = GHOEINC Will always be a Specialty | where Horse Shoeing on thoroughly scientific the extent of the establishment is equal to the extensive and increasing demand, has to state that he has fully met this demand by employing a full staff of the To be found in the Province. * . Parties sending their Horses to my Horse- Shoeing Establishment may rely on having them shod on such principles as will develop the foot, counteract deformities occasioned by im perfect shoeing cr otherwise and secure the greatest possible ease and comfort to the horse in traveling. In all its departments executed with neat- i ness and dispatch. ~-- AND JAMES EMANEY. . BES" Remember the place. The shop lately occupied by Mr. G. U, White Port Perry, Sept. 23, 1874 'LEB. MANCHESTER. CARRIAGE WORK GENERAL BLACKSMITAING | ESTABLISHMENT. HE Sgbscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL One of the best wood-workers in the Pm- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. Y All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the lost material, latest styles and superiog, work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the case and comfort of the horse in traveling. p&¥™ All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted. ----AND-- BILL LUMBER suring his customers aud the public gener-- ally that as in the past so in the future will | he' strictly adhere to using only the best | material, employing none but good WOTK- | men and, selling at prices--when the quality | of the Goods is considered--which i fail to please purchasers. Constantly on hand lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture. Call and inspect my Stock, gay First block west of the Post Office RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12 1873, "PORT PERRY DOOR, SASH & WINDOW BLIND Factory, PLANING MILL, &C. | oe Subscriber having become sole pro- prietor of the above works has spared neither expense labor in introducing the most approved ription of machinery and perfecting the several departments of the" work, and has now much pleasure in inform ing the public that he is prepared on the shortest notice, to fill ali orders for Doors, Bash, Window Blinds: Mould'ngs of every style, all of the best quality of material and workmanship. Planing, Turning, &c, &c, done to order. Charges moderate, On band a laree number of Doors, Sash Window Blinds, Mouldings, &c, &c, of the best quality, cheap. | A. RICHARDSON, Port Perry, Jan'y 25, 1875. Lands & Farms FOR SALE. MARA. g West } Lot 14, in the 6th con., 100 acres,--5) acres cleared. Also, North } Lot 13, in the 7th con., acres--G0 acres eleared. Both lots are bon Vo miles from Brechin, Also, Lot 12, in the 1th con,, 200 acres, Lot 14 ih the 12th con. 200 acres. 8.4 16, in the 12th eon. 100 acres. All first-class Lots with small clearings. RAMA. Lot 16, in the 3rd con. 200 acres. Lot 15, in the 4th con, 200 acres. R416, in the 4th con. 190 acres, Well Hibered, and convenient to Rama Sta- tion on the Northern Rallway. Apply to J. HAM PERRY, hile s OO Whitby, Jan. 13, 1875. ii yo pas Subscriber has a large quantity of Seasoned Lumber and Wood, At his in, at Utica, which he will alt cheap, as he wishes to clear the Yard this winter, A. BOAMPBELL. Utica, Feb. 3, 1875. q BEST BOAR Inthe Province of Ontario. dost), Sao Richdscu,o of Santfild , in favor T, Cated July hr a 1 March, 1875. This is to forbid all parties from selling, purchasi otherwise negotiating said note AP re SOR ST Fan h 13 at service, aE | E_uow, Ww. C. vesRD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. D. CONBOY, | Carriage & Sleigh MAKER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE | "ALL DESCRIPTIONS ENDERS his sincere thanks for the| hearty and generous patronage he has | from the public since commencing busines in Uxbridge. A practical know- ledge of the business in all its details, sup: ior Workmanship, First-Class Mrterial, E gance, in Style and Finish, and a determina. tion to make his work equal in every respect | to his representations, is an explanation of | the very large and increasing demand for his work. Mr. Conboy, the Inventor and Pat-| entec of the turndown seat Las made a very | great improvement as appfied to Buggies.and | is now making a specialty of Carriages with | this seat, "The great demand for Cutters | with this teat fully confirms its superiority and excellence. Asa Single Buggy it is light and stylish, it is almost impossible to detect the fact that it was ever designed for | two seats, yetin a moment it can'be changed toan elegant family Carriage capable of car- rying four persons. A shifting Top Carriage with this improv- ed seat is capable of being changed to Eight different forms and so perfect in every feature CONSTANTLY ON HAND ---- AND -- ! as to call forth the admiration of all, | 1 Parties about purchasing Buggies will find it decidedly to their advantage to exemine ' these Carriages before purchasing elsewhere. The Turn-down Seat is exempt from every useless adjustment and possessing in an em- inent degree Utility, Beauty, Strength, Ca- pacity, Convenience, Simplicity, Permanence Neatnes and Chicapness, as the Turn-down Seat with its adjustable contrivance costs but $2.50 extra. ¥ Uxbridge, Jan. 20, 1875. 4 "Sunred 0} pred wopuepe Jemopeg "qoredsep PUL S850UBAN [JIM IOPIO OF IPVW JI0 "TAL '0 "TqVH NMOL SHI WVEN YIAVI TOVIYEVO TVOILOVHd *ASLIHM '133418 Noous MILLS, 399q SY} WO1y opww PUY UO A[juwysuco sang JO JueWII0SSY G00 Y NVAONOG @ * Pl LOTS OF' Fi Savas vio soon PORT PERRY. HE 1 Ae Flame an, 0 County of Halton, his Ini, ported Baffol Ba \ do Te od. aibitan a; fet yak ie Sowiagtale. = yt ad i at ondin! ud Sm LL I" a ; cheap, ru #1 Servic af his place, Lob No! 18; 4th No botter Bc canbe. got, ome and Bass 1 Pinedale, Jas, 3,181. MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE UXBRIDGE Cabinet Organ Embodies the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY It is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best Instruments, but to Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. ® Tuc Furnirure DepartaenT Is now is full running order. There Warcrooms are furnished with a large variety of the Jatest and most popular wares of the day, and upon examination, will be found to be very LOW IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. heir Wholesale Prices will be found to compare favorably with any other house oe ies they most respectfully solicit an examination of their Stock in all their De- partments. IN THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTHENT Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butteruut, Oak, Rose wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered. COFFINS always on hand. We have also two FIRST- CLASS HEARSES with the necessary appendages, Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, Uxbridge, July 22, 1874. 3ly THE SUBSCRIBER Has now on hand a splendid assortment of Ii L eas po Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &C. Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and quality. pen. Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch. A. BE. McCAW. Port Perry, May 13, 1874. Another Triumph FOR [ae Jomvsron [Eapen | 0 The following is the Secretary's Official Report of the Kent County Agricultural Society' s Reaping match, held at Chatham, July 15th, 1874. CHATHAM, Oxr., JoLy 16TH, 1874. lowing named Machines competed for prizes, with the results attached thereto, respectively, viz: At a trial of Combined snd Single Reaping Machines, which took place near this town, onl -- Wednesday, 15th inst. under the auspices of the Kent County Agriculwural Society, the tol- | ----p---- "FG Sibsot bor takes pleasure in inform« To cut a the public gen- EE = Such as -Exteasion Kitchen Tables; im, Core Cloth Chairs; Cotches in ey Bide] ts, Stands, Mirrors, Boiss, Wa ly and Sp Mattrasses, "kc. which wi De sold as low 344 a5 Houss in the UNDERTAKING "SEPARTIENT 1 Everything is complete. I keep on hand « good selection of Walnut, Oak, Elm, Butter- nut, Rosewood, Velvet and "Clothi-covere Coffins, Shrouds in all styles and Napkins,' Gloves and Hat-bunds, ad free when' A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. JOHN NOTT. N.B. All kinds of good Lumber taken in exchange for work. The subscriber is the only authorized Agent in this locality for the Whitby Marble Works, y. Port Port Perry, May 13,1874, DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Casmver Facrony! PORT PERRY. E Subscribers always' keep {on hand' (and are constantly manufabturing more)" a large Stock of just such PURNITURE ! As the community xequires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of cnoice Ma- rERIAL, the Best WorkMansuip, and at suon - aices as cannot fail to suit, * : UNDERTAKING : : Inall its departments promptly . attended to and charges moderate COFFINS of all sizes kept con--- + stantly on hand. SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles, CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : : procured on short notice, The American Style of : Hearse. Also an ordinary style : of Hearse. 4 J. W. DAVIS & SONS. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-1y CHEAPER THAN EVER 'W. H. PARK 18 SELLING 0 TY FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. Un =e Done on the SHORTEST NOTICE and Cugar, BES Remember the BIG CHAIR directly opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. The highest price paid for all kinds of good Lumber. BY" A good stout boy, wanted to learn the Business. Agent for Toxpstoxes and MONUMENTS. H. PARK. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. A PUBLIC GAUTION- Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the Unit- COMBINED MACHINES, Prize, a Silver Medal. Cut 5 feet 1 inch. Draught, 350 ibs when raking, 300 1bs when not. Lah Kirby Machine, manufac ured by Messrs. A. Harris, Son-& Second Prize. a Diploma. Cut 4 feet 6 inches. Draught, 320 lbs when raking, 2175, when not. The Dodge & Stephenson Machine, manu 'actured by Messrs. Eastwood & Co., of Ingersoll, took the Third Prize, a Diploma. Cut, 5 feet. Deaught, 375 Ibs when raking, 3251bs when not. | Single Machines. Whitby, took the First Prize, 8 Silver Medal. * Cut, 4 feet 10 inches. Draught, when raking, 325 lbs, when not, 300 Ibs. Cut 4 feet 11 in, Draught, when raking, 3121bs, when not 275! Path Machine, manufactured by John Elliott, of London, took the Thitd Prize, a Diploma. Cut, 4ft. 2 in. Draught, when raking, 3101bs, when not, 2801bs. ed Combiued Machines competed bat were not awarded prizes, viz : be omer Sanmafactured by Mr. John Watson, of Ayr. Cut 4 feet 7 inches. ' Draught, when raking, 3251bs, when not 2751bs, , when raking 3501bs, when pot, 3 mek Drugs Wb Moin by Mr. John Bile, of London. Cut 4 feet 8inches. 1bs, when not, 290 bs. when 1 ging 331 manufactured by A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford. Draught, when raking, 310 Ibs, when not 2751bs. correct All of which is hereby "certified 8 "TSUN TISSMAY, Seely Kent Agricultural . This is another Triumph for the Johnston Reaper, as manufactured by the . Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. competed it has never failed in tak:ng the First I'rize over all others Johsston hep i bat di can Farmers ask? July 22ud, 1874. lon PUMPS! PUMPS! sa 0 SH You can get the best and cheapest. Pump in the Province At J. IRV-IN?S. PATENT PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY, = Sr ( SER THE PRICES. a HEE = pies piste $25. Pumps at 50 Sent wing Lif Pu at of pal co ommon Log F suction P VE tern Pumps a Bs. Also every other description of Pump, at BQUAILY LOW RATES! : aw Prompts A Micnded to. The Dominion Harvester, manufactured by Messrs. Forsythe & Co., of Dundas, took the the L.N. The Johnston Machine, Na 7 the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Co., of that their name bas Ke! The Ohio combinéd, manufactured by Messrs Jou Stewart Co, of London. Cut, 5 feet 1 Niels 41 and Japes tinless they exerci Cat, 4 fu. 10 in.-- printed thereon. Comment is unnecessary when it is a well known fact, that in all the trials in afar ™ the 3 Pomp and Fire ogee with Hose which remitta Chemists aos + a 2 Popp 3 ds Ire : gy Yo opr gt a ed sl ed Bites although they way obtained in American Provinces. Each Potand Box bears the British Gov~ Co., of Brantford, took the ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's: Pills and Ointment, London," engraved there-' on. It has become necessary to make this an- nouncement because the New York Chemical | Company (who pay nobody) finding at last en £0 exposed, have as- sumed the title of ** Holloway & Co, ;" but, cven now, no one will buy their medicines. The Burdick Machine, agactured by A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, tock the Second direct from them, so they have made arrange- ments to supply exclusivel! the fii ! Henry & Co., of New York, with the sorcaled 4 "Holloway's \Pills and Ointmey s presunred that from the iv [ite Henry and. Qo. have: ares conpexion Fioyinces and elsewhere, the public is very to be imposed, upon by ugscrupulous ise great caution 10 prevent, Heeirteiog misied, by find- Draught, foe these medicines-beari ng a 'stamp with the name of ¢ Holloway and Co. New York," em Ar-------------- Many respectable firms in the British Pro- Yines Wiig obtain my Tnedieines direct from , have very properly su, 1 should, for the benefit of GE lin ] public, insert heir, Hamp wr Te pers, ht t may known" that "th had genuine from them, y a1 oe The following is a list of "th fi kare I aicylady) ¢ fen fos Ain ire to ge 7 of the Houses names a io 250ly tse Messrs. Avery, Brown & Messrs. Forsyth & Co. Ly Haine ii essrs. T. B: Barker-& Sony; 8t. John, NB Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Messrs. Langle & Co... Victoria, B. 0. Messrs. Moore & Co., Victoria, B. C. Dr. John Pallen, Cliatham, B. Messrs. Munro & Co., Montreal, Most: 3. er & # Cou . Hamilton, Ont. Eg rH Jdomarac) {20 foranto. 1; ar sh aol) An mw, Predation 4 i Eh ar dozen boxes of Pi > Ss. Jer an Med 3] M. es ihe Eh genuing Pills Jud Ointme, oy poloways nserted in the ay if they will. 533, Oxford Street, Thoms: HotLoway. London, March 31st, 1834. 4 SL § 10 § () TR rs Agents Wanted ar i el ST fl) anything else, cost but on Address G, ken Le 0, "Pores § Maine: i459 #0]