amine h but if B . BoethButarioBhaerher ONLY ONE DOLLAR A hi JAMES BAIRD, - - - Editor. PORE PERRY, JULY 22 15 Sala Ty Grit Arithmetic Again at F particularly. sensitive. wi bord -- oF |sive business. : rig Arithmeticians are far from| a a 4 i 3 ir How has the Most ine Gold ) ng reliable ani require to be well FS - atelied, especially when: they come to add the votes cast for Grits ond those cast for Opposition eandidates.for they will cheatif they get achance. At the late election in North Perth in counting up the = wotes Grit Arithmeticians again dis- Jiared their blundering. They dare § (Dot pretend that Mr. Monteith, the * + "Opposition candidate, had not a ma jority of the votes cast for him, but , in order to make the Grit defeat ap: pear as light as possible they gen- . erously gave the Opposition candi: 1 date a majority of 4. This was tak. en up by every Grit sheet, Mr. Mon .d4! = teith's narrow escape was enlarged «du upon and some tull blowing done "regarding the threatened scrutinies and other humbug. The makers of ihe four, howerer, did not talk of any scrutiny, they knew too much for that, they knew that the result ofa scrutiny. would be the other way on, and it turns out now that Mr. Monteith's majority wad at least five times as many as the Grits allowed . The counter charges against Mr. Rylkert, tho defeated candidate for ++ Lincoln, have been abandoned by the Grits, and Neelon, the Grit success. ful candidate, has had a scorching ment. and a snare ;"' he might very p perly have added the term fraud the Speak Now' epoch down the present day. ---------------- An Addition to the Crew. pag 77 allowing that thing " Castor" scribble in his late issue. Anyo! who reads the trash will perceive million before . We think ti is little if any 0 Ber $s think hora is y J leglislative ability is unapyroiach _ doubt asto the seat being forfeited, 'but whether personal pribery will] + stigk remains to be seen. Mr. Oliver, the Grit Member elect for the local represontation of South Oxford has been weighed in the balances of the Court of Error and found sadly deficient, the conse- 'quence is that he has been driven + trom the scat which appears to have becn purchased for him. Would it not be wise and save a world of ex- pense and trouble jnst to cancel the alaction of overy Grit Member with- ont more ado gs it would appear that not a soul of them obtained his seat | ¥ "by fair means--Government pap, , promises and threats, the almighty . dollar and everlasting whiskey have . deen the planks on which they have] =o capacity in leaving the ho floated into their seats and the sonra her the 5 > «jer they ave floated out the better for .. lonley Re the country. I Songer, been Governor General to-day. eauso we wrote disy agingly modesty dignified with the title | on Dominion Day. Mr Modest m | talking "hose" with all the airs a critic. Won't oo in, Musle { esty he would refrain from speaki | 'The s2atless Treasurer of the Gn. | tario Government appears to enjoy | his position amazingly and seems so pleased at enjoying the sweets of .office without the botlier of an elec- tion or the responsibility of a con- stituency, that he app to have| appn its visitors the somew abandoned all idea of trying to gel | jonsant feeling that dear ones a seat. The Grits of West Welling-| poleased from the vain tumults ton purposed to nominate him for| that constituency and Crooks near- i 1y got his courage screwed up to the whting point, but just as they were about to place him in the ring with McGowan he baulked and absolutely refused to enter, and in fact it was seareely fuir to ask him, the hand- | «ay nothing of donkeys. « Jleav etill and peaccful Is the Grave Where life's vain tumult's past i" clad sentinels never {ils to impr 8 still their very dustto usis d disturb it with impunity. one within consecrated ground wo suppose "TO. Cameron has taught him one important lesson--that discretion is the Letter t of valor; he has not vel got ' on that occ won't he allowed to trample ov on, and if ho again en-i 114 peaceful sleepers. place where his backer, fair play. Tt may be that when the chance presented itsclf the g a jof the Government and Sheriff atthe | wate was locked pickets would same time that he may vacate his|qrawn off to admit the brutes, Santen ing into | jesecrated, but_what could he sha humiliation of ste tdesees that he bas nothing to pay them.-- There is no accounting for tastes but and his friends do not feel ashamed of the facts brought out in the trial all that can bo said is that their moral scruples are not There igone thing however which they must.all admit that indiscrim= inate kissing is a somewhat expen- ier Tustice Wood, of Manitoba, of whose success in securing "golden that any &! opinions" the Globe was blowing so of November ehall be forfuited. Tn reply to a recently," has had those opinions complai sadly tarnished as far as the Globe in accordance with the promise 1t was ox- is concerned, because his Chief-Jus- ticeship will not always praise the work of George Brown's Govern- In addressing the Grand Jury, a couplo of weeks ago, refer- ence was made to the Dawson Route Justice Wood said "it was a deltsion still wonld have been within. the mark. But the whole thing has been a fraud from beginning to end, from Deacon Neddy has been badly off for scribblers of late, of this fact no further proof is necessary than bis once that it was aypother emination breakfast, whose and unapproachable and who, but for his extreme modesty, ought to have |a cold while sleeping under canvass during | fows ali This little groat makes an -ado be- some of the nage which somebody's "Racor" and sent on to tho course have owned some of the brutes for aught we know or care and if he did it would only be an additional proot of the humbug, for all know the prodigy to be au inveterate humbug. It was amusing tosce the {hing strid: ing around like a city alderman and In his written rubbish the thing comes nearer his own nature merits of the But were the prodigy to give play to his accustomed mod- | of himselt and consequently would Tho Prince Albert Pine Grove Cemetery with ils numerous snow- life. They have no share in all that's done beneath the circait ot the sun, and no unballowed hand or foot shall When wo leave the remains of our loved the enclosure of that Binghe'wot whon in the ring with | jest that the company who 'take our moncy for the spot we occupy will see to it that at least swine and cows r the drubbing he £0t root around and befoul the graves of ) ind if Such how- tor the lists at all it will bein some! qver wus not the case for if used to i are 80 NU-| he the practice, and wow is to a .merous that his antagonist won tget| certain extent, that whenever a illastrious "Archy" ets tired of | would be thrown open 2nd parties - "holdingsthe double ofiwe.of Member would duisein-theireows andi the : The goat and allow Crooks to creep into! Sextonhas always done what he could it. If Crooks is willing to ac-i protect the grounds from being profits of the company must be very considerable and they might take a little trouble to pe that the ceme- tory is maintainod in first-class oder. If the company neglect their duty in be occnpants to secure the protec- tion which the company refuse to give, We don't mean tn insinuate complain, but the owners of the will. * Bringing them to the Soratch. t that b were not established da cur market this matter steps may be taken by | that the occupants of the graves willl Church and town Hall, il, lots | highly interesting Concert in the Town Hall "| choice music and good speaking. | At the Annual Meeting of the st. Taw- rence NE ne ago,'it was decide! Tot paid up in full on the 1st} plained that the stringency in the money of busi- Sunday School Anniversary. sed by anything we kave seen in. the stove To Mr. Hurd--Am a member of the vil --_ line, We are pleased to know that the {lage Council, am not aware that any one in. Remember the Snaday School An Y | stoves fi d here ate 1 fa- d the A to assess Mr. ell at Manchester, on Sunday and Monday next | yorites wherever used. ike at such a figure as would force him ok throw | 'I'wo sermons on Sabbath at 10{a. m. apd 2} - ¢ _ "| his property on the Barker. nel that My Gs 23 nC 11 2 A |the 28 adres soutl ueen- St. including i 'The ises on Monday cotr gn. | LF Spelling Sud Music, = would draw a rental of Teatrom 4 to'8 pan, The Services on Bab- | The Spelling Matches and Musical gnter- bath and Monday will be held in the Grove South of Manchester if the weather js favor alle; if unfaverable they will be héld in the 'There 'will be. 8 on Monday evening; a finely varied enter- tainment will be given, , An abundance of The Man- chester Choir, led by Prof. Wyatt, will sup= | ply the music. A number of Rev. gentle- { men and others will do the speaking. Don't | fail to attend. (Sec Posters. The Town of Oshawa. t The enterprise, perseverence and success {of the town of Oshawa is a fit subject for ness. terosts of the Bank most advantageously, | Carrying the White Straw. to to take him to his home. to ne at Bernard and one of her daughters are ance of nabobs they ought at least to le i + '| people know they are coming. The party | the corporation ef Oshawa but beldhgs to the oro the Courts both as to his un.| from that prodigy whose money | ran into were returning trom church in their | township East Whitby ; this #8 without ! king feals 1 ished tl 2 : | t seating and disqualification. but the| makiag feals have astonished the | own conveyance. | doubt the md st charming, cosey ive Bs wi wesult won't be known till Scptem- world, ten thousand an houror a r-------- [pastel activity dnd comfort anywhere to be Military Honors. ed ro of' of stated "that deceased was buried AY | military honors to the Ottawa Brigade of Garrison Antiller died in harness at Brockville, on Fri evening last, of inflammation of the lu of him to the grave ; no Min se join the service, ment of this case. "AN « Brockville, Ju vr. WITNESS To THE SCENE : 8th, 1875." ng Brockville.--Ep ee -- Extonsivo Fields of Barley. The breadth of barley sown @ss nat ire ot ordipary, wherever one goes the long bearde yield appears to promise well. ear Se : Take the following as a case in point. that barley in this county will yield 2,000, any former year. at | ley is considerably larger than eer before. 'or, ed. ey Fighting over the Treasury. ato @s 3 became one body. do "Aroby's' shoes the constit in the faceof a delermination may well be willing to accept the | the part of eLange--as no change could be for | who would take advantage ot the worse. It may be, however, | darkness of the night to open that even that constituercy is sick) gates or pull off pickets, T and elect an Opposition candidate! 0 wt next time ; if they want to copy the! example of the most intelligent and most important ridings in the province they will abandon the Grit cause, and cost. When people purchase a spot which to lay. away the remains . ATE------ . Save me from my Friends. Tfin any one instance Lhe above Aiud hogs, phrase was ever more applicable than another it is in the case of Henry Ward Beecher at tho present time. He has just escaped convic- tion, by the skin'of his tech, of one of the most'abomindble crimes in the list of fihmap escapade; he has not 'py any menns béen pronounced "Not 'Guilty' --!ar from it--all that has eayed him bas been the disagree- ment o: the jury. Wailo some of them desired to give a verdict of nilty they were not all willing to 80, and not being unanimous there could be no verdict and the whole rekarge was left in tho seme uncertainty as before ; certainly no enw ble pos tion for a preacher. ; r had so nar- not quite abated. the grounds and a well beaten leading from said gap through ed at once und ished. who wouid damage the fei inany way. Mr Smith keeps occapied portion of , the grounds good trim but for tbe amount pied proved, the graves kept the marble sentinel But the unoceupied of und throu the beautiful grove. W could ge walk w Hore salutary effects™®than and | the ashes and memories of those some unscruplous knaves ] x he fir: t of Gritrule-and may rise abote ily ou or co® foiind within the enclos- hether 1t entered by the gate vr through the fence, the owner should have been fined at least $10 their dear departed ones ghey do not expect to dispute tle title with cows banks to the vigilance of Mr Smith,the sexton, this nuisance has been very much lessenéd though Still we find a gap in the fence on the.east side of path Cemetery. 'This ought to be stopp- parties severly pun- twenty five cents every year from the owner of each lot even the occu. ortion could be greatly im- unseemly weeds kept down, teith "and neat and erect.-- Cemetery demands immediate atten: tion; and this matter is for thé Company to deal with ; that which is nog an unsightly jungle might at no great $3patise bo -made one of the nest walks in the county, around pine amidst unian. hi 0 Fand the the the no objection to offer, but they have very decided objection to their them, that the factof a m in | means of 4 funds. of Scotland /Temporalities the nce the in ot counsel, A : have d to the An i fod the position of affairs at present : comm Strathroy and the Ancaster Knitti ith | to that The election ot the Hon. T. N. Gibbs a8! 1epot at present the manufacturing capital of fem and Wm. Cowan, Esq, as Vice-| the province it soon will be. At present its rosident is an important step in the 1ight| panutactures are on a most extenhive scale {direction and cannot fail in effecting the in. ? The Little Great Lucins" Huntington | the several works of this town with any de- being, by the grace of letter-stealing, mem- ber of the Ottawa Government, had on Sun- | days, the more carcfally the several processes day, 11th inst. a train placed at his disposal 2¢ The special it ap- | pears was dashing along without the ncces- sary caution and at the crossing Vingt Quartre de Beloiel ran into a passing carri- age containing a Mrs. Bernard, her son and | two daughters and two old ladies, the two old Indies were killed on the spot and Mrs. 0 badly, hurt that they are not expected to live. If trains will run on Sunday for the convey- t One of the Volunteers, poer fellow, caught the late " camping out," the cold settled on | through ths center of the vilage and afford- his lungs and the reselt was that he died of inflammation of the lungs, on the 2nd inst. On the following week the Montreal Witness | duleia id mouifost overywhere and an air of in giving #n account of the death and burial | comfort is cast over all. with | much--we had almost sa A party who had been an | eye witness to the disgraceful hiding away | of the corpse writes to the Brockville Re: | corder ns follows :--"A volunteer belonging | of confused and caused probably by sleeping under canvass He was taken to the cometery on Sunday | every morning, about 6 o'clock, no person to follow er to say a few | words over his poor body ; no rough box | men are ¢ over his coffin ; burying him like a doz -- | glowing m ti This is great cvcouragement to men who | trips which with a few well divected strokes The above is a true state- | produce the neat, well formed scythe with Ifsuch be burying with Military Tonors, then God forbid that military honois should | the present | season appears to us more extensive than of 1 barley waves around bim ; and while the breadth fs more extendedilan usual the Ths same may be said of many parts of the States. -- Davesport, Ia, July 15 --It is estimate = 000 bushels, a larger nnmber than that | The area devoted to bar- We do Lope that the prices to be realized for the barley soon to be harvested will be such as make ita profitable crop for the | farmer and a paying venture for all concn. The two bodias of Presbyterians in Canada known as the Old Kir and the Canada Presbyterians re-|1 cently "joined their fortunes and : The desire for union on the part of the Kirk was y NO means unanimous, quito a res: pectable minority refused to join the jonityanadit. nfon was consummated. ing the funds of the chnreh with leaving the church does not by auy | obliterate that church or give any other body aclaim to their The result is that the Rev. Govan Lang has entered an action to prevent the managers of the Church Fund | ¥! handing the Fund te the United Preshyterian Church: the Fund amounts to $433,000. Rev. William Simpson of Lachine, has taken pro- | employed in preparing ths moul ceedings to prevent the transfer of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, which amounts of $73,000. Mdssrs Perkins and McMaster are plaintiffs' Big Fish Bating the Litlle Ones. It appears that the town 'of Strathroy | having a Dhittle more loose change than the to offer such Knitting CGompany as will induce that Company to pick up their raps, leave Ancaster and settle in Strathroy uutil some other place offer them greater inducements. This is the "Hawi rox, July 19 --Negotiations having enced between the Town Council of nitting Com- pany, concerning the removal of their works , 8 mage meeting was held on Friday evening in the Firemen's Hall to hear the of tho del sent to in-- lation. n. Somethi y of which the etitire province has just cause to feel proud. and of the most importaut character ; enor- mous sums of money are invested while: value and imp eof the 'turned out are astonishing. To pass through ah | gree of satisfaction would employ severgl; serutiniz®d the greater the satisfaction | deri . Parties who have not visited these or similar works have little conception the degree of perfection to which the various manufactures, are bicag carried. -- | Having lately « visited the Joseph Hall Works we embraced the next , opportunity which presented itself of visiting some of the other works, ayd for that ; purpose we had a drive to Ceddr Pale, a* suburb of Oshawa, a few days ago. Cedar Dale is ah yo tame affair tainment to Le'held"in the town hall here on the evening of Friday 0th inat,, doubt less be looked forward to with much interest ascertain to afford a large share of both plensure and amusement. Parties yo have never attended a spelling match of this kind ill bé apt to suppose that itywill be 2 some- v t we can assure them that such is not the fact, the tendency of such matches is if anything a little too much exciting. There areto bethree matches on this occasion, and the interest will doubtless be such a8 to secure a full hall. The Musical orchard and buildi $400 a year. cat say anything of the land on the north side of Queen St. Consid- er that on the whole Mr. Crandell's props erty has not been assessed too high. Lilla 8t. and Caleb St, are both graded and ditches cut on each side ; do not consider that these lots bave been assessed too high ; would nof consider the 25 acres on the south side of Queen St, ns assessed too high at $200 an acre ; consider that the 18 acres lying, along the south side of Queen St. is required | Mr. M. Currie sworn, To Mr Cochrane--L know the position and uality of the 64 lots referred to ; know that ¥ the tches will of themselves be sufficient to bring a tull House. (See Posters) New ' Advertisement. --We dicect the atténtion/of our to Mr Allison's new Advertisement in this issue. Dye Stuffs, good, reliable and cheap at his Dom. wminion Drug Store, Port Perry. A full stock of pure drugs of the best quality always on hand. (Read the advertisement.) fo J Bros' new advertisement o for if laid out ; do not consider that $200 an acre for the land south and $100 for that north of Queen St, is too high an | Council ; am not a farmer ; such land is wanted for building purposes and that it would soon be taken up at $100 for the quarteracre. There is not an _abun- dance of building lots now offered in the village except these lots of Mr. Crandell's or unless you go over to the Avenue. lot haildi purposes and would sell readily except th. mountain, Beueeviiie, July 16.--During the very heavy thunder-storm this afternoon a man named Andrew Lawrence and a boy were struck by lightning while climbing a fence near Perry Point. Lawrence was instantly killed and the boy seriotisly injured. The deceased was about twenty-five years old, -- Several places north of here vépott thd storin asa very henvy one. Neosraor, July 16.--A terrific thunder- storm passed over this place last night., The To Mr, ps. on the premises--dwelling stables with a first elass orchard yielding an sbundance fruit, Terms to suit purchaser, For parti sappy vo " N HARNDEN,' | Prince Ato July 16, we A CHOIC. - Aurd--Am member of Village | der that The iv 3 pounds of Stianr and ten Cases Fruit Jars, exactly what is wanted at this preserving season. -- Seg the advertisement. he . New Aovenmshuest.--See Mr. rt' new advertisement. He offers 19 #8 or good Butter. (See his advertise ment.) | wa pa" Sabbath Services --We are in- cted to.state that iy. Mr Abbs will roc wice in the Church' heye on abbath next--at 10:30 a. 1. and 6:30 p. m. ---- The Lindsay Post Office: Our Lindsay cotems appear quite jubilant little village south of Oshawa from which itis. seperated by the railway track,it ismot within found in the province ; nestli of a handsom mantl: of e west by its n the bosom en wrapped ing gorgeous green, "bound on the antiful water basin irom which Iy rippling little stream passing | ingan abundant supply for manufacturing | purposes. Thereis no approach to display | here in the matter of residences but the wile This village owes existence-- | to the energy and enterprise of Me Whiting, whose name will long be remembered with gratitude in Cedar Dale, In drawing n e Works a perfect Babel ant sounds greet the and activity. i op ong has no the vaciket head tizable trip of and specd wer which show car indicative ot 'It | On entering she for | difficulty in account | entside There the | , weight, ' wing from the furnace picees of al and puting them under the amazing dexterity. i In another quarter trips are at work ham | mering out hoes as if by magic. Again the | untiring trip with its lighter but mere rapid strokes is emp! in the formation of the | several kinds of hay avd stable forks. The ever extend further than the gaod town of | red hot iron guided by ekillful hands under { the powerful--we had almost said docile-- | never tiving trip assumes the desired shape accuracy and rapidity altogether as- 2. e vast quantities of scythes, s and such like implemen ry massing throngh the greedy y roomful of snepping trips proves the ex-- cellence of the manufactu ur which there is so great demand, Here system aod order are conspicuons throughout, the workmen are active, intelligent and skillful ; they arc well.paid and are farnished with ything sary mn the way of implements and ying on their wark to the great- And while Vulcan, the fa- iths, had a larger and doubt- n the heart of the burning Vesuvius he was no where compared to the men of Cedar Dale in the matter of Lan Whil | hou: eve d | d he knew nothing ef the trip. kept his workmen sweating and hamm laway on soundiug but laborious these sit and onide the Sion gender the will prod mers in the flaming shop of the fabled god | the huge grind stones whirling all around and Here the murky hoe, for ¢ thrown off bright as silver. is heavy and k nseful and important. In passing into the the se: fine previous processes tapded. at perfect acepracy and certainty which Reb 0 1a le There are some 70 hands employed here, a dollars and upwards per day. Had timo the Works and in the picturesque Village. t to the Malleable Irop Works, Here, too way. littl e.ncise apdcertainly no cor 1p the spaciéus; airy, well lightéd Bor reception of the metal, The proces as we could discern, were similar this, that the castings are whiter barder than ordinary castings, ha put throngh a hardening process. tl Th vessel thus filled up with alt to convert ordinary cast metal into a sand like substance. In fnis vessels are allowed to J twelve days exposed to accurate, never tizing trip, oné stroke of which greater effect than all the ham- In pussing into the grinding shop we find and emery belts sending forth clouds of glowing sparks in their polishivg p or ve should Judge not over pleasant, but none the less finishing rooms one sees the completion of ral processes or rather that to which Here the desired set and proper tempér are given with enenninctuzas.of Cedar Da i- | acres ef bush ; in all there may be 33 acres versal favorites wherever they are used, and | yof cu Ti 1 pew SA A But now comes the tug of war, the | scence for thém a good and ready market minority say. that if the majority of | wherever they are introduced. the church wish to leave it and join | another they (the minority) have! but the amount of money handled is very | large in proportion to the nuniber of bands, k-| the skilled workmen being dll paid three permitted we sbauld have glaaly spent a much louger time both in We are indebted to Mr. Scott, the active ami obliging proprietor of the Lockbart House, for the pleagant rup over Cedar Dale "Returning to Oshawa we had an agreeabls found universal industry and intellectual thrift. Everything proceeds here in a quiet on, ng shop we found an army of workmen busily for the s, 80 far hose of of other moulding shops, diffning#pnly in ch i next Joss, however, which theg# castings pass gh produces most surprising results.-- hard castings are now packed in large, strong iron vessels in alternate layerof iron filings and Chips oxydized by amottia. The layers of oxydized filings and castings is closely covered overand in this state put into a kiln constructed for the purpose sufficiently heated or 'excessive heat after which, being "withdrawn, the castings so.treated are found to possess all the pro- yver the app ot one Gladman to the er of the Lindsay Pest office, ni considerably over the sight man Wg appointed to the right place, 'but we "assure our cofems that neither Gladman nor any other man amongst them is Detter fitted to discharge the dutics of the office than Mr Jewett is, and the shuffle is only another of Wood's Grittish tricks, --_------------ {1 ; Ths Arpeal. Mr. (. Crandell's Appeal against the find- ing of the Gourt. Revision of the Port Perry Assesyment Roll came up before Judge Burnham, in the oftice of Mr. Cochrane, Solici tor for the Corporation, on Tuesday, 20th inst. "Mr. P A. Hurd appeared for - the ap- pellant, and Mr. W.M. Cochrane for the Corporation. Mr. C. Crandell was first sworn, To Mr Hurd-- The 53 lots referred to are very low land--they might almost be term- el swamp, at least they will require to b drained bi fore they can be used for building purposes. Hag had ne offerthis year from any one to purehase vo far ; they me not loca ted in the business part of the village, they might do for building lots for workmen -- Has no prospect of selling apy of them, it does not look as if they avauld be sold soon The property is now lying in ih isheld at $800, and Mr. Robson holds his lot east of that at $1000 ; would be willing to puachase M. Crandell's 25 acres at the price at which it is assessed, referred to; had a conversation with Mr Crande!l regarding this property about a acres on the hill on the south side of Queen St; offered him $300 an acre for it ; he would ing lots would be reaily sold ; the house with $120 a year ; would consider $3.50 an acre farm the 25 acre south and the 112 north of. Queen St. including the buildings and or- chard nfight casily rent at from $6 to $7 an acre. 'ranc produced the affidavit of the assessor setting forth that he (the Assessor) had to go to Peterboro on business that morning and could not be present, the affidavit he would have liked very much that the assessor had been present. dav t and it was laid aside. my house, less than half an acre, Mr Willcox sworn, ~~ To Mr Cochranc.--Enow all the property year ago; wished to puichage two or three not accept the offer ; the buildings and the 6 acres of orchard would be worth 5,000; con- sider that the 18 acres if laid out in build- a lot or two attached could Le rented for quite enough of rental for the 112 acres north of Queen St.; would consider the whole At this stage of the proceedings Mr Coch- Mr Hurd said he wouid object to 'roceiving The court objecter to receiving the affi- This closed the case and it was agreed by counsel to argue the matter in Chambers on Friday next. i ky The Prizes Taken at the Port Perry vuly Fair. Fat Ox or Stcer--Wm Real. Fat Cow or Heifer--1st Robt McKinley ; 2nd Wm Annis. Fat Lamb--Wm Lang. Fat Calf--Mr Hope, Butter--1st Mrs H Harper; Wallace. Judges. 2ud Mrs J rs Hill, ope, and Head. ie gigty Once too Often. 1d There i much property held in the corpora- tion for building lgts and better fitted for building purpases. To the Conrt--The lots referred to con. tain in all 10 3-5 acres. Can't say how much it is worth ; have had no offer for don't wish to ¥alue oy own 18nd, witne will be called who will give evidence on that. I complain of my assessment be- cause 1 am assessed higher than my ncigh- bors. To Mr. Cochryne--Can"t say what I hold these lots at. There i8 no one offering me anything for them, can't say what they are worth ; would sell them at less than S100 dollars each, but there is no one wanting them. Mr. Wm. Jones spoke to me some- thing about $900 for 12 lots. 1 refused his oficr. 1 did not wish himy to gct the pro- perty because he did not "intend to build upon it and I considered that that would be injurious to that part of the village. Could not say what the lots are worth. I might set a value on them if some ove wished fo buy. The grading of Caled £., jag been since the s5ecee ye The fitting up of --wandcll Tt. must help the property. (Mr .| Hurd called the attention of the Court to the fadt that the grading Lad net been commenced $11 after -the assessment had been-made) Had no way of teliing at what price the several lots were sold. ) The next lot taken up was the 18 acres on the hill, on the south side of Queen St This with the s on which the dwelling stands and the hard making in all 253 | acres assessed st §200 an acre. This he complained off as excessive as it was all cultivated as farming lands with kis 112 : {acres on the north side of Queen street and should not be assessed .any higher than farming property in the section, To Mr. Hurd--I farm the whole, there ix none of this laid out in village lots. I farm it all together, There are from 20 to 25 Fen 5M Shaw at $4 an acre for thé whole farm north. He: did not take the offer. It is not in a good sate cultivation, Mr Marsh's fara isin a much better state, To Mr Cochranc.--Haye bad no applica- tions for building lots of any part of the 18 acres on the south side of Queen St., except it may be that Mr Watkis was talking about a lot ;that is the only application I have had within 8 months. Have not been offered $250 an acre for that land. Could not say how much my new hougo. cost me ; not with- in $100, nor $200, no not within $500; have the several -itegns all n, But have never raw them up to see they did amount to ; did considerable of the work myself. Have never had an offer for the 35 acres ; can't say what [should valueit at fill I get an offer ; would not wish te sell a part. Mr R-Lund.sworn. a To Mr Hurd --I ama sort of farmer.-- own farming lands convenient to the | corporation and also within it, My land | without the tiop is assessed at a little over $73 an acre ; that within the co poration is assessed "higher. Farming lauds within the corporation are ngt so valuable as those without. Iknow Mr Crandell's worth about $6 an acre reutal; the lands north of Quecn St. might be worth $1 rental but there would require first to be $1,000 laid out on buildings. Mr Crandell's lands are not worth nearlyas.mnch for farming lands as Mr Marsh's, they are not near'y in 50 good a state of cultivation, Taking all Mr Crandell's farming lands together they would be worth $' @ maybe $5 an acre ren- tal. Would be willing to take $200 an acre for the 25} acres south of Queen St. includ- ing the buildings and orchard. Know the lots now in commons, it is low wet land perties of malleable izon. The mm erent observer can scarcely fail in the vast advantage obtained by this. having all the valuable qualities able iron communis to our the greatest im) e cast report WO! terview the directors for is brought u> said | place, Bub alate tific meetings, whether th Wacan't eny Won the next meeting shall take ve don't know bow they reg- stated periods or whether at the afthe President ; 'Well Done Galt. oy especially in Ag The 'Galtonians, according to the Reporter of that town, arc making their way to the front in thefr commercial transactions foved and now revere, whose virtues otors. of the company as £0, back to ts use and a depreciation of its value, we would like to copy and perpet- an ine aes request. Son 0g process bral hich sanfoss uate and whose follies we would |ing the Town Council to spbmit a by-law | (hese detects. These works tar outa 'avoid and forget. : granting the Company a 'bonus of ten amount of work snd employ some rods or This matter onght tb come bef ousnd dollars on. the named by | eighty hands. oN ih ¢ Compeny nf its next i ste Suich ideal to Mr should see to it that the Sasdenicr nage for his full though brief explanation' of the several processes.' x A run over the Stove Factory the time we had at eur disposal, P| is a magnificent establishment and, thing in and around it look bu: Doubtless under the P shipped and consigned 'bushels of shi 1 ps t, Galt and Hospelar mai The of last week says :--During this le Thomas Todd of Galt has to Glasgow, 19,508 on Ror Sue day of July is not exactly the most time to visit a Stove Factory or of stoves, D Namek ing malle-| Pp is of | With Mr Crandell about these lots about a 3 : wanted to purchase some of them, | A iron was always a great draw. ) | Mr. Crandell asked $130, these were on much of it gopd for nothin; except it might * be for pasture land, E bio 21 Mr. D. Ireland sworn, To Mr. Coch Had a ed him $75 apiece for them ; Mr. Cran- refused and would not take less than $100. -These were not the lots for .which :| of them it is almost beyond doubt that poor land. That portion south of Queen St. is | 1,04, Prot. D , poor fellow, has tried his ballon ascensions once too often. It appears that on the 15th inst. he and a newspaper man ascended from the city of Chicago in the Barnum baloon, jthey were carried out over the lake and ro tidings being yet beard Donaldson and his companion have found a grave beneath the waters of Lake Michigan, ee en in Official Swearing. Official swearing does not amount to much and is seldom to be trusted, whoever pays most will generally get the benefit of the oath, A few years ago, Judge Fish, of Ogle- thorpe, Ga. was assassinated snd two well known citizens of the place, Holsonbake and Lloyd, were hung for the murder. It cleven and twelve o'clock. The bui 000. - No insurance on the cabinet Toss estimated at $200. down, days ago. Loss eytimated at §600. { ---- ie -- Disastrous Fire. building and $800 on stock. Henry Mann £300 on his building. James McInnes, $1 060 on his building. The total loss is abou $14,000 ; insured for $9,800. in danger. The fire is the work of an incend inary, . ---------- A Rapid Increise in Stock. tells the increase of our stock is of conside able importance, and when from year to yea an enterprising farmer, near Prince Albert, has been increasing by twos . f late. Abou calves and again the other day another o pretty well, A SPLENDID candidates now undergoing an Ex than at any previous examination o this kind and at thesame time a de There are 8 who intend to apply ing generation. rio. 3, now comes out by the dying confession of » detective engaged on the trial that the latter Lloyd, was an innocent may and that the wurde Wi, sworn on him to get the $6,000 reward. Col, H. P. Farmer, then Attorney- General, is still alive and is unpleasantly connected with the hanging of the innocent man, re A 2 The Provincial Exhibition. The Provincial Exhibition takes places this year on the Agricultural Grounds, Otta- wa, commenciug on the 20th and ending on the 21th September, Bverything is being pushed and ave in a forward state: Music will be conspicuous during the Show. Prof. Mil's will be in the Hall on Tuesday, the first day of the exhibition with 200 singers and a proportionate number of musical instruments, On the day following there will be a com- petition open to all Brass Bands who choose to compete, Entries in the scveral classes must be made as follow :-- Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, agri- cultural implements, August 21st. a Grant, etd Toots, term Our Grain Market. pitiovs weather on the continent 0 has had the effect of running ou wheat up to a handsome price. ----------ae- The Markets. Fall Wheat, srsivveers FLOB tO 8 chinery, manufactures, August 28th Horticultural products, ladies' work] fine arts &c., &c., September 5th. At the meeting of the Agricultural Coug- cil the following resolution was adopted. - Mr Young moved that three prizes be of- fered for hand competitions. The Ottawa people had done their work well, and the Council should do everything to make the exhibition a spccess. Hon. Speaker Christie had mucH™easure in seconding the motion. He felt that the highest praise was due to the Ottawa people and the local committee for the excellent pre- parations and arrangements which they were making for the occasion. He had not really expected to sce the works so far advanced. -- The buildings were in every way sufficient and satisfactory, and he had no hesitation in saying that the grounds were the best in the Prozince. Y'hcmotion was then put and carried, ; Ae A Lodge of True Blues. A Lodge of True Blues was established in Port Perry on Thursday cvening last by Caleb Humphrey, W. M. of Whitby T. B's. 'The following are the Officers of the new ge :-- W M, Jno Saunders, D M, Geo rish, Chap, Neil Sinclair, 8cc y, Wm J Wilson, Treas, Frank Dennyson, Dir. of Cer, Ed Smith, Vickery. 0. T, Geo Drinkwater. Standing Com.-- 1st Alex Stewart, 2nd M N Vickery, 3rd Jno Kyle, 4th Jno Blake, 5th Isanc Wylie. The name of the new Lodge, we under- stond is " Prince Arthur' © prospects for a good, tarivin, e ought to be good in this thriving ne Le Splendid Shooting. Loxpex, July 19.--~The shooting for the Ibert prizes occurred at Wimbledon to-day. The distances were 200 and 600 yards, aws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a carefal application ik iH i } Spring Wheat 108 to Barley ..... 09 te 10 Oats . 040to 04 Peas 070to 07 0) 700tp 76 | frute: 4 Eggsa... 012to 01 Wool .... 032to 03 ree MARRIED. of Woodstock, Mr. Wm. Walker ot Po Perry, to Miss Sarah Phoebe, only daughte: of Dr. E. Cook, of Norwich. Harrigroy, July 16.--The steam planing mill belonging to Dowling & Leighton, aud Jar, Tustis Sees factory adjoining, ge were burned to the ground last night bef i 4 . {gerd ad biaprog was struck by lightnibg during a terrific storm, and a quantity of shavings, dry lum-| with ap abhodascs excellent Vor Or TRE thi rol Eons Vigorous younk orchard of superior impossible to save anything inside. Con- siderable lumber in the yard was saved. -- Insurance in the Waterloo Mutual on the pleining mill $2,000 ; loss estimated at $4, factory ; William Oliphant's dwelling house in the rear was alsg burnt Most of the contents were saved.-- | No insurance--his policy i about ten Parka, July 19.--A fire occurred here Kenzie, boots and shoes, insured*for $700 on The firemen did good work in preventing the fire from #preading to the other buildings which were In these days when every head of cattle our cgws add un additional one to the stock it is considered doing pretty well, but we are pleased to learn that the stockof Mr A Hurd three weeks ago one of his cows had twin them added two to the herd, This is doing Stes Turnovr.--Wo are pleased to learn that the number of amination at the town of Whitby for Certificates for the position of public School Teacher is greater cided improvement is observed in the appearance of the candidates.-- for 1st Class, 37 for 2nd Class and 89 for 3rd, making in all 134 of our ac- tive young men and yourfg ladies readyto go out and diftuse tho bles- sings of education amongst the ris- Well done, Onta- The sudden and unexpected risein our wheat market has taken all by surprise, the buyer as well as the seller ; it issomething, in fact which States, with the excessive rains, de- struetivo floods and general unpro- ISurope and throughout Britain have contributed to create an alarm which Onsereveg Qrrice, July 22, 1875. At the residence of the bride's father, on the 20th inst. by the Rev, Johu McTavish, | barn of Peter Heber, 10th concession of Nor- ) Eg f yo mandy, Was struck by ligh ing unl ra FARMFOR ALE wh ass ne oC | EE und offers for sale that ex~ ; EE niin rain, farm- | JVC tern being | of the Partially insured. : ~ | Boutheast part ot. Lot 3 11th Cone RLY rs whship of A is | 'burnt b "S s lightning last ight.' #1 n B A ® BB And 11 Acrés on 'the West corner South half of Lot 12 in thie 13th Copcéssion prin Township ; in all 71 ncres of Fist ni fh Lr { fruit and an excellent grapery. The situation is all that could be desired for health, comfort and and within a short distance of the best markets of the province, ety Terms easy. For particalars apply to the prepri | NEIL MoARTHUR, Port Perry, Or to P. A. HURD, : "Port ' . AA Also for Sale, 140,000 good sound Brick this (Monday) morning about 1:30 in James | 2 my Yard, Port Perry. Sold in lots ta Testor EE store, Main-atreet, burn- suit purchasers, but would profer . selling ing it and three other stores. Most of the | them in one lot. # goods were saved except Taylor's who lost Apply as above. McARTHUR, heavily. "Taylor is insured for $1,500 on the building, and $2,500 on his stock. D Mc. | Port Perry, July 8, 1875. 8 'Farm to Rent. , t| FIYHE Subscriber offers to Rent, for a tertn of yoars, his farm, being the west balf of lot No. 8, in the ard com, of the Township of Reach. Containing 109 acres with 100 acres.cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultiva. tion. There are gapd buildings 'on the premises--a good Dwelling House and Barns and convenient outside buildings. An almndant supply of good water, This is a splendid opening foy parties wishing to Rent a good Farm. Possession given in the fall, , | For particulars, apply to the proprietor t { on the premises. ANGUS MoEARY. 27m r Hy f | Reach, June 29, 1875. VALUABLE Farm for Sale. For Sale Tot No. I4, in the 12th Con. of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, Containing tf =140 ACRES There are 120 acres clear and in the best state of cultivation, the balance being Hard- wood. On the premises there are two barns with stables underncath, a good thrifty ov: chard, a first class frame dwelling house twa wells and a cistern, and a never-failing stream of water 1uns through the farm.-- Every convenience in shape of outhouses, &¢. TERMS L1BERAL. Apply on the premises AARON 'BAGSHAW, Saintfield P. 0, Saintficld, March 10, 1875. NOTICE I® HEREBY GIVEN that the Conncil of the corporation of the Township of Reach at its first meeting to be held after the 31st day of July, 1875, eould not be foreseen. A not over | PROPOSE TO PASS A BY-LAW promising wheat crop in the! To shut up apd close as a public highway all that portion of {ke original allowaace for road between lots Nes. & and ¥, in the 3rd { | concersion of the 'Township of Reach, and described as follows: commencing at the sotith cast angle of Jot No. 6, and extends north 26 chains and 19 links, being one chain wide, and to vest the .same in John Irish, and fo open and estahlish as a publio highway in lieu thereof the following des scribed rond, commencipg,on the east limit of said lot No. 6, at the distance of 28 chain '9 links from the south east angle thereof, then south seventy-four degrees west; 18 chains more or les to the B , thep south easterly along the enst Jimit to the said road one chain, more or less, to a post, then north 74 degrees cast 15 chains to the cast limit of the lot, then north 16 r 0 3 2 oT" -- JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, June 29,1875. 27:8 6 9 SEWINC "MACHINES, t r ARE XOW .OFFERING THEIR Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &o., &e, At Prices. that cannot il 40 please th Closest Buyer. Lose no time in Securing Bargains, Terms --Strictly Cash or Produge, No Second Price ! oF CORRIGAN § CAMPBELL. Port Perry, July 7, 1875. CORMIGAN & CAMPBELL ENTIRE STOCK RGF" Highest Price for GOOD BUTTER. 14 To all who want a Se: We set: be our ches he Wanzer F. Machine, A valuable Erize. : In construction it is perfect, And easy to be wrong ht, * And to reverse the feeding Muy be done as quick as thought, cat advan al ready be 5 ma; a ns may Without running So aheled It works all sorts of thi And makes no olso while And sews the heaviest fab: Down to the finest wusp. It worksa I r shuttl 3 rid hs pn bea rr be sold," It out wears ESE an Bd sure and buy a Wansen ne zer is decided), best ing Machine Shred to the Its many lay e inning, ons Wan: eno nig All Orders sed : CHARLES TULPER, Port Perry poss, SARE Said g 7 The undersigned is now | ¢ nish oy quankicy of F' Brick Brick Yard about two miles west liamsburg, Cartwright. : The material is of the best ie F g T0 §6H00L TRUSTEES. 'OTICE is hereby giy Trustees in the Fownshi waay be desirous that their Roll for the present plication to the Clerk previous 27th Hall, Manchester, on Friday, the of August next, otherwise cannot be inserted in such Collector's . ' JOBN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, 6h July, 1878, AE i ; n that all School | of Reach who 001 Assess- ment should be entered on the Collector's year do make their ap- or to Council at a meeting to be Hoh the Town il ; yp . or eh Er unt 1 J AILORING : 1s i IGGS Bort Perry, west one chain to the place of beginning, wy. | | , | | | A 7 9 : Tailoring Establishment over Currie's Stage TN