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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Sep 1875, p. 1

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WEA sn +. | l . A TT ERAL VO Sets La. : : mt ; oon : Tol AV oil) esitikl "PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF © TH i [i a Z TY y» THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1 . : aric. Obseruer, RY ¢ GRIST, a : : : a : - 16, 1875. WHOLE NO. 919 fru mn parent soucitoR ano havo, | J HE EXC ITE f+ 0.919 : T atu oop : : : JAL, Bisons, OTTAWA, CANADA 5 MNE | LIS CLASS 9.--DOMES : + | Transacts business with the Patent Office i ofthe Tovnshiy T oollectia DO. TIC MANUFACTURES. tpoleon a rors on he ] d other departments of the ent STILL ON { ge nship of Brock Agricultural Society's Fall | Five lion of Put, oh G00. .01uveviniien enn $3 00 81 juggler's nose. Then TT I ph THE INCREASE | Show, be bd PRB one iw Oem ade oi, fn ode 0 eT ny spelinion, wid ole Dorin rt ny SUNDERLAND, ps 1 | ako a bee line across the floor. ; BERRY, ure Patents of Invention, EE ---- : be EVERY AY on receipt of the model of the yg 7 10 h 4 T 8 3 dee McStinger, with hér ustal THURED MORNING, ---- seven, 2 : a . nll emplary fortitude, had placed { S11 soc y , bad placed the sans Tantows. _ muctioweers, PAR R I £4 " y & luesday October 11th & 12th, 1875, {ze asia si: b,, 55 cooking chair with ach gif Rn 0 Ww : . be Woolen Stockin, 5 that : skit ; oo | ' gs. . 0 254 that no man could come into TERME $I pura pia] M. WILLCOX, : OLASS 1,-HORSES, CLASS 10.--LADIES' DE * room without running it hoy # aru =) por aang If Juld io ul Is Now Sonia s at ar of He DRAUGHT. Pioce Work DEPARTMENT.. the fi ; ' i su on Sin 7 wea bai Be saath Zz, Pa rses shown in Harness, First Prize & rites First Prise presented by Messrs. Arnold e first thing he knew, McSti Ee Shani So | 'Brewnted by Mr." J. Winfield, Nipi- ca, Ladice High Out Fox Btmorai, vue 2 stubbed his tos-nail off against. tHe } 'Raz o OF ADVERTISING. All S 23 10 PER Brood Jil, fu at fogs or evidence of fon 3 2 $2 - o ii, Fost br Prize presented by Mr. C. mi. Black, $350 $1|rocker, which knocked thé seat { * [) atire Colt...... y's Dress, First Prize prossnted bv 320 ... 200 76e i a LR TIL i (Twp Joa od Gelding Coli oily BE a a Cards, under 6 lings, per annum ..... . year old Entire Colt veuse-...... : 'armer's Wreath, First Prise presented by Messrs, J. Nott 5c eone of the long arms prod Yo Tetons vor a Urls 5 2 AUCTIONEER, and other Goods in proportion. A good One year old Gelding Coltor Filly. 2 00 J a Makers, Port ied Mots, z Sb him ih the stomach A y, when ad- | FOR THE - A good long pair of Foal of 18 1 15 1 First Prize presented 2.09 ve - Simultaneous. dat his Off, pr. pid wu region COUNTY OF ONTARIO, p I frctbiseiorecieiaris risinns i% 1 merchant P BM: Wis. orion, ly he fel} : ed, will bo at our risk. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, 2 | GENERAL PURPOSE. Ornamental Neodie Work, First Prize or 200 Tel over the chair crosswise 3 > Advertisments measured by Nonpareil, | JR ECS to thank his many friends and the Span of Horses shown in harness, First Prize Berlin Wu. Gordon, Merchant... . prosnied by i and it kicked him behind his back : and charged according to the space they ac~ public generally, for the liberal patron- hs resented by Mr. Walker, W. Wool Flowers, REIL Tins sev at paisa ss 5c |, or, Walker Porritt & presented by Messrs efore he could get 4 ba " ol ipl ii wed upon him for the past five years. nse Pore Perrya. ao 10 00 2 Ware. ie Burky os the Sunderland Furniture b get ap froin the floor i . Brood *-e0tereancan - an ) i without specie ¢ sired for publaton, Bailif, TF lg hs By fio - | Two He gil, Mp ovidenco of foal... 2 00 1} hy of Fancy Article, the Work s, Yale lady, 200 75c | he stood on" all fours. The en= - " sMeecesstasRtc assent ©! v ¥ 4 Svectmt, 2 eit omen ow pl . Xo Ts i b. the business of Auctioneer, . "»®| Two year old Gelding Colt or Filly, Tirat 200 1 id 2 pair af ladon Faas Messrs Amold & Driscoll, ng oo was now fully opened. -- { Atom d 11 to Merch Tt will bo my endcavar, by prompt and PER PAI Ariss presented by Mr. D. Urquhart, . Baby's Cradle Quite: vere 2 " man begins falling over 3 and ots who advertise by the year or |careful i iy R. tho Agricultural Emporium, Sign of Chair Tidy 50 | rocking chairs in a dark room, h half-year. satisfaction to all who may favor me with p tho Plow, Port Perry.. 1 | Crochet Gilte.ees 50 | ought al 15s 3 s These terms will in all cases be | their Sales or Collecting. PAINTS & OILS STILL One year old Entire Coif cecevee. Sofa Pillow. , 3 fofonght always ty have three days' "strictly adhe¥ed to. 4 Bly drghied and Bian Notesoriehed THE DECLINE. Ons Fostold Golding Colt or Fill | Worked Stippens... 50 | ration's and forty rounds 3 arge. ) - oal of 1875 u uilt 50 ? id "Also Bill Stamps al ° cesesetirenanasernientaninannn 1|a z Before MeSti B Job Department. Arrangements rm Ba &c. Also, all other Goods in the SADDLE OR CARRIAGE, en Wo o strai i inger "could got up " Phamplets, Hand Bilis, Posters, Pro- at tho Onssuven Office, and at tho Fle Span of Horses, shown in Harnes, First Prize Rog Bugs err 80 straight his knee came down on one 3 Books, Bill Hous | Sls ps, Bor Office, Port Perry. ., Jjusnted by Mr. J. A. Campbell, Brock ML a0 | of the long" rockers behind, and the ar , siness W. M. WILLCOX VY AN .5 i 20 hai : y 5 i oof voy rt i Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873 ] Brood Mae .. 2 - 2 ia Berlin Wool Work so | Orel of the chair came down on his ow Swede a oh lovee ter » » 1873. rn : ui year old & A ina. 80|hend with a whack that laid Kim a. Parti JANE. Do not fail to call eines ; Two yeir old Gelding Coit F' ; Wax Fruit or Flower hs » & billy, kc omy Wm. Gordon, T i as there is no sham in those advertisements, | One yer old Entire Colt ied is 21 > ? oe picmie 50 out flat on the floor, and befors he home with them. Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, ae. | I" TINGVORK in all its Branches dono on the shortest noti Dae year old Gelding Colt or Fil 1 5 1} Embroidery on Silk. go | could move the chair kicked hi i s:mamp, 2 PARONE, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, competent workmen. All articles warranted. est notice and by | Foal of 1875.. . 1| Oriental Painting .. 50 threo times in th im x fF . Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa . Single Driving Horse, 1st Pr . 150 1{Fancy Netting. ..... 50 ; in the tendorest part of 4 and Eldon, WwW T. P. ARR Mr. Wo. ize presented by Fancy Basket. ..... 50 | the ribs with the sh 2 BES" Parties gntrusting their Sales to me Sir ISH, \ oe) m, Calhoun, Merchant, Sunder- Piece of Crochet Work 50 PR harp end of the d = om attention being given | Ang. 3, 1875. Sign of the Circular Saw, and, a GenUs Fashionable Silk Hat, Braiding on Cloth or Silk Be sof rocker. This made- him perfectly " eir interes! air Flowers, 50} furi R, 100, 1. 0. Coron Coroner, Physician, WM. GORDON, El 2 Powr Pgniy. CLASS oC Ton 5:00 2 Zaher Flower... 50 Soyious ui he scrambled up and Port Perry. + Sunderland, Brock. PORT PERRY LIVERY sta, ee em THOROUGH-BRED SURI. : F TLOerR, oe cere 20 oe lind rush at thechair, de Da pl reat THOS, H. WALSHE. | MONEY ™ LOAN | 200 1 CLASS 11. -- MISCELLANEOUS. Sriined to how #p the chewy terian Chureh. "iy ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township One year qld Ball . } i ] oe ST $1 won He ran up straight agains of Brock, Thoreh, Mam & B A I .- Speci Yooper's Work............... t and i : | R. WARE, Coronor for -the County of North Ontario at in cenit C. MK I I N 7 MORTCACES ES WANTED. hy Cu (under one your). C150 1|Specimen of Cabinet Ware, the manufacture of the exh 1 ie ack, id it rocked forward wit! » orem knysieiun, Surgeon and Ac- of Victaria, Residence--Cannington, Brock. 2 g Tw. Bg wl milk or in Cal . 200 1 Yon Organ, ...... Salieaieeres 1 50 ] him, turning a complete sumerse: 1 . rders left at this office, t his residence rl R! 2 OIOr. coi. + Srrnsrasnarseinitievannnes 100 11 window Sah... .. v : : : Prince Alberts wil v ha) th ii oy oe at Bis an ones ROPRIETOR. 7 Dne; year oa Heifer . } 2 } pow Sal os tnisse ohn: I 5 i over the handles, throwing McSting: { ------------------ [lected in Canningt thewi FPYHE Subseri ey vifor Calf, . fi i of Gens Cloth 5 | JIANG aD. Phonan, or Pom emia ao, ne pe i Ley iL i HE see Fi 108 38 florals way oem Sisson Wa A Coroner for the County of Ontarlo WALSHE, #he North Ontario Auction- Prepare o perio Horst nd Cartiopds, is ie de ns Biting fii : I Bull... CA 2 00 1 Sn He Son Binh he hi ehtonalii, digging into . PORT PERRY. : Toor vaio Sy Bel 2 50 Ibs Flour, the manufacture 1 50 1/{his abdomen [ik ' Offer over Notus Furniture Storo, corner of rr : L i Y E Fk Y R 1 C S WANTED TO PULCH ASE, I» a iy ; oh 150 Lont of hy Guitars of the exh 1 © fo ly i bill's horns, as utes buy : 3 ; 0 "olle reas is eases iteairaeee eas 5 ay ¥ " . Rea hours ffom 9 a.m. to 12 m. WHITBY On Moderate Terms. 5 ff Mortgnacs for which the hig. | ou (ne ne year l 2 ] in ma rien 2 ' It would have ake andrei, abdtnee, tis dwelling recently occifed EY . : MORENZT W nr 1 ileh Cow, giving milk Ny of the Sunderland F 7 ser, een a good thing fo Sinise tie 3m mee M MARBLE WORKS. ort vores, Ang, ony, 4 MOKENA, nen | hihi et." on + 3 Hloces por ods Toes A ool : } 2 ] ap Set Bocking Clair Lu i McStinger if he had lain still pe] een = stitution In « ' ol = MeGILL x ST Sars . 0 Son bo oy 'Y oa Totier...q0- 150 1| sar ly > irae 75 50] and let the chair have i : a J. & R. WOLFENDEKN, Lands Hegter Colfer one year) 150 1]JarPickles....... : 50) Tg) TS fe owner: « in NY LoLusaLe and RNAI in ards Bought and Sold. | Yoho of worlds Oxen o.oo... "5 00 1|Specimen of Canned Fruit 76 s9| Itlay flat on its back, with the 3 Ly MLD. . FRANCIS RAF, M,D. Worchan nol American' Marble Mine Several good farms for sale. | PAC a E. Bottle Ketchup 75 50 | the points of th : ¥ nh thos, Mo te or Drundan Se. WHithy: . wr AS for sever Ar class Fin LOS oT Sten ' + 5 Dox of Honey... 35 sof of the rockers mbracing Ww Hospital, London, Englund. Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, ' neplieetions mide and a gencral ageney busi on or Heifer. Ei 2 : Secon of, Ah 1 > z i$ eo and didn't seem to dh i Cilia Also Building Stone cut to order . »3~ DEBEN rd PIE ctr teeter Bl ny 75 go | Wantto do anything active just th . : Bee 29 DEBENTURES BOUGHT. ~fis CLASS 3.--SHEEP. v Sti : iid C : a = ' Jor yon Procravs TION 1! do ih 2 BP J KT T, II. GLENDI NNING, Secretary, but McStinger couldn't make 'up his 3 .Simeoe St, Twodvor | LL 0 Agent, Port Perry. J. ADAMS, LONG WOOLED. ¢ mi ive i * ; » Gegienl ois Whitby, July 29, 1874. 32 TO THE INHABITANTS OF Tico in Mi. Hoss Lit Ag ed Ram .......... 2 00 1 rE = no . give ittup yet. He rolled ; o Tolldivgs, 19 sesese 2 . er sideways and ups . E. FAREWELT, LL. B., Co i TORT v Port Per avling Rum ob -- g upset the chair. of AERP EE SER NORTHERN REACH|™remwm 7777 1 Go gm a io wilh ro ts sd go ' bi ce Inwely oc- ---- a wo / go A A --_ . 2 . » - eupled by5. H. hein # rock: steely : hoon : 1 2 1 Sp your heads, ye sylvan lords, fnghin a furious dig in the livery % . THE PLACE TO i LE m Tus Ewe Li 1 50 1 " ave proudly in the breeze ; which made him straighten out hy SARL Batre nm. . For our cradle bands and coffin boards, : : Chaneery, Attorney, Ei Dn Rojieportn B U Y | la ged Ram ......... 2 00 1 Must come from the forest trees. ' i Te i one ; wa. | Sh earling it 1 shin from the instep to tl pioeBiin eos trost obpasits the Dosh Office. Y 0 U RI | Ram Ta a «1.50 1 We bless ye for your sum h ; 4 Pp he knee Rm a ss ne NE A LT 3 R. RICHARDSON, Dry Goods ed nays Susi 2 Sono [Bo o La Ee iE : . 1 i 1 When our weak limbs es O% the seciar whish hung in the air EH Barrister, At- Re-appointed Issuer of ) Unusuall own" Property, ut| Two Shearling Ew vs , 2 1 Our thanks are due for your winter aid, and getting the chair on its feet . 2s per nishaw, Solero! in Charccry, ? . Groceries, sually Low Rates of Interest!| Two Ewe Lambs.....cooee 150 ] When we pile the bright log fire. again, where it stood rocki Office~McMiilan's Bloek, Brock strect, JMarria oe J icenses 5 Jioans can be repaid in any manner to suit Si i > 1 bi : rocking back- Whitby. i S Clothing, ie bomani 2 FAT SHEEP OF ANY BREED. Oh ! where would be our rule on the sea, ard and forward at him like an old £ Ti o) ~ . AMERON - AGPONNE Ti Tn Rader ths New Act. Office, lot 10, in the B Sha a Tone Farms, and wild | Two Pat Sheep ......corvi- eer 200seee evsivrdosseessry 1. 50 1 oo de tame of the sailor band ; ram making feints of bucking at its $ Astorneys at Taw, Hoiiellors County | "rock, 'sug. 5, 1874. = oots and Shoes, | Investments made in Municipal Deb CLASS 4.--SWINE. ere it not for the oak and cloud-crown'd adversary, in order to throw him off | ; Whithy. thrdware tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, LARGE BREED a his'zaard. Th ; 16,0 | 30. C. CAMERON, I. J. MAC 2 ; y Apply to Boar cee. on 2100 3 That spring on the quite land ? 5 . e blow in tho side Pp. A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor Tinware, JAMES HOLDEN, Sow... aa... = Ee 2 1 When the ribs and masts of the good shi ii foished MeStinger, 'and Ih Chancery. Office in the Royal Arcade, . Stationery Official Assignee, Broker, &c. Boar Pig of 18%5.. ok 1 live P while lying their rubbing his wind oie. Barry. fo ' . Orpics--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- Sow Pig of 1875 1 1 And weather the gale with easo ; back again, he was just becinning . Patent Medicines, &ec., an's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Take his glass from the tar, who, will not to refl JUS phe W' Maurice Cochrane, New Marri " Whitby, April 10, 1873, ARE give ho refloct whether his honor requir= i TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan. arriage Act. AF TH8 in 1 Hest (0 hs SOreRl ee: ed him to proceed any further in J cety, Notary Pablic, &c., &c. 4 oar Pig of 1875 ' ak : the affair s § Otte] hours Svpeaiin)y from 9am, tospm.| Port Perry, July 1st, 1874 Greenbank Store. B A K E R X Y Sow Pig of 1875" ) ifs Wi i 8 a on when Mey, Woliinger an at 8 per cent, on all 2 GEO. F . ad wall on ie latest pagel! cen y began scream kings ors security. T= Greenbank, July 20, 1878. ik 2 AND CLASS 5-GRAIN AND ROOTS. In the circling hoop for the rosy boy, names in the cri 1g: inthe Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, Hx CHARLES having been re- Collection of Grain, not less than 6 varities, 2 bus. of each And the easy chair for Age. : rimes act, under the PORE PERRY. A eppcinted Morrioge' Leos stgem-- Confectionery. Pe a Suepluke, Desert) by lieing - impression that the Charley Ross ntinu - erry, } nish Licenses as heretofore--at a Pa oe { Two, paras Wheat, rm: by Mr, 'd. $3 fi --- an os his wars abductors were try! ing 'to commit a 3 O.N. VARS, L. D. 8. HE Bakery anil Contort Stove and Tin Merchant, a Stove, valus.. 6 00 1 00 re ih Raleihe Sanam) dow | burglary, bigamy, rob EETH iaserted on all the latest princi- : ot clones business To, pel i Pha Re Af ag ut without the stick for his help and stav, Y, bigamy, Tobbery, sed | aa of the ashindis ghesp as the cheap- = OF DIVISION COURTS Port Perry and Prince re alk Port pict Ane for His Jos. Hall Mfg Co., Not a yards length could he go. everything else on her. as good as the Teeth filled ; Plain and F' utter, manufactured b; ; U is ti . with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted FOR THE BON RATE AY, CET PERRY EXTEN-|. Orders filled Eu oF vey Yh. T yi x | What value... ds 00 1 00 The hazel twig in the striplings hand Upto this time she had been without hin producing local. anmeth= oR with the shortest notice. 'wo bushels Fall Wheat... 150 100 Hath magic power to please ; speechless with te Rooms--in Cowan' County of TIME TABLE No. 11, Bridal and other Cakes made to order. | mors posnelé 1 50 And rit eral, and hal igiy eb Ta 's new y o Ont ario Takes effect on Monday, 12th April, 1875. Socials and of " Two bushels Oats . 100 the trusty staff and slender wand there trombitis: shed : 's Drug Store, King > Trains Going Nortn. 5 and other entertainments supplied | Hal-bushel Po 150 100 Are pluck'd fro ug, shedding prespira- Street, Oshawa. ; FOR THE & Nortn. on moderate terms, tatoes, Early Ross. . .e 100 050 P mm the forest tree; ti i . : YEAR 1875. Toronto Time. Halt bushel Potatoes, ih = iw . ion, accumulating shrieking power oe Frere = + Whitby Depart pis 717] CONF 015 050 Yearo scen in the shape of the blessed until she had gai ; - Wh 3 ained reami CHAS. THORN, V8. E58 Hi gizlzls PB LL "HB Tlie os vir EOTIONS! | 1812 Ploveh, ya: 8 the screaming ; EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, 3187 ne |S 12 118 12 & | Myre Bw 7 Valet and of the best quality, i RRisbERss seier sss 075 050 And the merry ringing flail ; ¥ of a camel-backed engine. Chicago, Tll. Gold Medalist for the 2 1 ij 1) af [ai] | Mgnenester S12( Children's Toys in abundance. . | CLASS 6.--DAIRY PRODUCE. Yo shine inthe dome of the monarchs She had just reached her third sfor= ' best examinalon Lon Horse Practice. Author - im) 8 2 3 3 2! 2110 | port Perry... 8 iz - 10 Tos Butte in Rolls first prize presented by Mr. J. an zando Jotissima aoeslerilidh, wh % First Prize on 8hoein; . facturer, a f in the sacred i | Te he Gg i CALL AT MY BAKERY, Emits oo ; Rw fond, ol Sine anced ing t in it k 3 | 0 Tot less than 50 Ibs, first prize In the rustic porch, the 0 | hen Part Perry, yh "GEO. H. sas, Ee Ji |S Peny, or Brine dlhent ork a. ¥: Thompean, Pors Parry Hous, use, Fort Perry 4 3 1 In the gay triumphal Tr . )i vi : fy ase: Sng, became p treat all cases entrusted to 297 1 In the rude-] imly visible to an 8 ho most OE rons au rcntiio | Whithy, Jan®1, 1815. r Judge. | Brookiin 2x * CHAS, HISCOCES, Nome Dull but, or the banguet hall ; oo y Mrs McStinger.-- meaner, . All orders Left at the Medical Hall } w $ia|: Port Perry, March 10, 1975. Best Collection of A Yharoye are} ith one last wild parting shriek of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. * Platform Stations--Trains stop on signals WM. SPENCE. Tower than 6 of a eo on 4 ict So 81 50 $1 "Then ip with your Beads, ye tylvan lord she sprang from the: bedi and re ye prampt lion. x Voie Apn eisinsvharhie ines eevee 00 ye sylvan lords, J, A sn Coneitt's Factory. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y AMES HOLDEN, . ENCE, en Fll Abpres 5o.& Ne penalty in the breese ; a made a dash for the door, neap Port Perty, Oct 38, 1673, or -V | Jom 7. ROSS, Assistant Manager. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. bah hic x Ee ging 42 vu: sulin boards, which the rocking chair still stood : : TORONTO Daily Line to Rochester ding > : menancing the whole uni o -- un i JOHN 8. MN. ite [Commencing on or about Monday, oe) 1] PRCEL Avis, STORE W ORE, PLAS. Dozen Table Carrots % A Tremend a butting motion. Mrs foie ine : ; paTm . Op of Whitby, has been ap- In Se excouted in the beet style. Lik Tix Souls Cabage 7s % Xm Basde, had no time tor vinta J Just ; ii secured the services of bee Wm 50 Mr. ana Net. MeStinger's Comet wi 3 gation y "OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE Capital - - 8400, 000. dis ht conn 2 ave foun Toma B50 the Rocking Chair. - then, and she pitched into and over for the county of Ontario. Any business In Ii, i furs, devote my whole attention | Two Pumpkins . ns 50 the rocking chair and clear enteased to bs charg willbe carefully py Proallant. Ls. Hom John SeMurrisky : 1 STEAMER « NORNEMAN." (I. to my business as Two » 50 (From the oy State Journal.) otaire. tl 8 oo on ¢ nded to. +eseseern l. Magrath, Esq. on this ron rote {5 evving Conovry ar CON edssasnreanennanianteieainnann 5 50 Old MeStin , the chair after her turn : was Bernard Haldan, Esq, worry Sey) COIN TRACTOR. CLASS 8. FARM IMPLEMENTS, littl ger Was going to bed a over and over, until they both ing 3: W, BURNHAL, Ol Stork ofa Third Divi JANES PRINGLE, foes Central Sm the Rew Plastering, so, rs orl 2 uj ttle wavy the other night, ad nob ed in the hall bel land ' in Bigelow' eneral Agent. | East, West, and South, " compl I wishi . OW where Port Perry. with dispatch ' ? ng to disturb Mrs. Offs oars from 10m. $04. m. Ret Will leave Charlotte 0, (port, of | BEST MATERL. AND. Rar CLASS 2 i who has a tonguue lik McStinger, broke all to atoms, 'This | NONETT NONE eer Peet as . e it i OHN CHRISTIE, : "Rise the shortest ana quickest ronte to Dm AWTS 16] 1 caught I jut. apwell not. to If wives will learn # TOWNSHEP OLERE, EE rey hors i Watertown via Lake Ontario Nitoms nce 130 1 turn on the gas. He got on very i "at 8 me, male or female ; . . Tesuer of Marriage }issmest.-Coaveyunses ow ed Ets per cont interest esr 13 n took, &o. will find this tho SOB AL Je a ; 3 3rd well until he - reached - the door of : PR 3 {Bo ny, New Toute 19 a Reaping Machine ; $2 for ; the cha i Ofichie- Manchester Port Perry, March 12, 1874, iP For rains ad oC rsa Tv 2 » Package of goods by 8 Piro 38 tars Roping Machine', $ a Mowiny achise] amber where his patient wife | pe; orc: F. Gildertloove, Kimgion. owe, 18 Greenwion 3h Ny Soe igi be exhibited by any Manufacturer or his Agent, on | lay sleeping. Here he . . } 'moment balancing on hie. & | 3 . . 9

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