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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Dec 1876, p. 1

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» PD A £ J VOL. XIX, 'NO. 52.t AND GENERAL ADVERTISER -_a." a 6 ~ PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1876. A WHOLE NO 992 Wes SPENCE, C CoNTRACTOR, "BuiLoss, &c pi ------ ---- a Ontorig Obserarr. The Subscriber in Niurning his sincere E. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and amange for days of Sales. Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876, hotels. thanks for the very liberal patronage be- A WEEKLY POLITICAL AGRICUL. | qq him in the past Would inform the TURAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER, | buviie generally that ha Bavizg boast & pro: AT 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, PO aid, Od whole ; t 1s EVERY THURSDAY JMORNING, attention to hus business os Con Ty Bnd ie { n rine, Flas Se and presrvane on octe {BAIRD &, Pd PARSONS. est notice' A Lo is TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid-in ad- doa Sagar on the very west 1 ree whieh wanos ; If mot $1.80 will be charged. No and first-class workmanshipe =~ 0 cop rub: 'taken for less than six months; 1 April 5, 1875. 'wad no paper discontinued until all arrears piisic Alter, An JM usic. are paid. | PEE BARRINGTON, Teacher of Sisto, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Also dealer In Musical In- For each line, first Wsertiol ... er line . SuBteqaint nsgtions, » struments. idence, on Union Avenue. 'Cards, under 6 lines, per annum 8. HARRINGTON, Teacher of p@™ Letters sontalting MicneY, when ad- c dressed to this Office, pre- paid an regester- No risk. fo a iey pAlicaio) sia by Fodsorin person rry. ed, will beat oar Advertisments ensured by Nonpareil, and charged according tothe space they oc- cupy. Advertisments received for li 'without specific instructions, willbe inserted antil fordid and charged accordingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. or the county of Ontario. Any business p@~ These terms will in all casos be | sntrusted to his charge will be carefully at- str Gey wrarted to, | tended to. wud Department. W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, rammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Port Perry. ks, Checks, Books, Circulars, Diino OMce hours from 10a. m, to8 p. m. Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style an color, excorted promptly and at lower rates T. C. FORMAN, 'than any other establishment in the County. | INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS & MEASURES gE Parties from a distance getting haud For the County of Ontario. Port Perry, Nov 1, 1875. 45:tf __ Business Cards. JOHN S. M. WILLOOZX, F the Town of Whitby, has been ap- pointed OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE bills, &c. printed can have them done to take bome with them. J. BAIRD. Professional av R Physician, RH. PARBONS. JONES, M. Surgeon, &c. Port Perry. D,, Coroner; New Marriage Rasidence--OfMce door west of the Presby Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. gerian Chureh. -- 1d " L ENRY CHARLES having been re- PD Sane, Cone Ar c a appointed Marriage License Agent-- years duty) continues to fur es as herctofore--at Port Perry. 'oucheur, Prince Albért. . SANGSTER, M. D., Physiclan, Sur- 3.5 goon and Accoucheur. Corouer for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and barry &ireets Office hours from "9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently ocenpled 'oy Mrs. Geo, Paxton. R. RIC ARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RS. MCGILL & RAE, Physcluns, Surgeons. &c., &e¢, Ofice and "Residences, King st, Oshawa. FRANCIS RAF, WD. Under the New Act. Offife, lot 10, in the 1st con. Brock. Brock, Ang HT ¢. FORMA Wi. GILL, M7. \ 0, 4 1674. 33 M. F, MTBRIE Hospital, London, La, ISSUER OF licenses. House Osnawa. Po FAREVELL, LL. B., Connty Crown Ea tee J. Attorney for Untario, Barrister, Atworney, One door west of the Walker 2 llettor, and Notary Public. Ofles ely oe: | Port Perry, capled by 3. I. Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Cees Whitby. Jon CHRISTIE, Marringe pena TOWNSHSP CLERK, YVAN L. 1. ENGI 1 Ll. TB. Solicitor n 4 Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, «c. Oshawa. WOMeco--Bimeoe strect, op) posits the Post OMee "YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- G. torney-nt-I,nw, Botleitor in Chaucery, aid Insolvaney, Notary Public, de. Uffice--~McMlilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Commissioner &c. Office-- Manchester. THE ONTARIO FARMER: Thor Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to iusure and thereby suj port a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing ro, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company 1 + Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St.,% AMERON & MACDON LL, Barristers and Attorneys at La nlieitors Coanty 'Council, Ontario. Omices : Court House. Whitby. H. J. MACDONNELL. M. C, CAMERON, P. A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitol in Chuucery. Office in the Royal Arcade, . Port Perry. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- A gery Notary Public, ke. &e, Si «Office hours punctually from 9am. fob pm. WHITBY Money vo Loan at 8 pr cent, on all NM MARBLE WORKS. nds of good security. Lr Bigelow's 5 Royal Arcade, § T E A PORT PERRY. L, "FAIRBANKS, Jr, 'retary. Act. | | JAMES POWELL, * | This Hotel is now furnished in the best THE WALKER HOUSE PORT PERRY Tae Subscriber Waving, leased the above hotel, it will be his eideavor to conduct it in every particular so a8 to merit the approbation and patronage of the public. THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of sccothmo. dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed by noue out of the best cities, Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public s will nd ju THE WALKER HOUSH dll that chin bo required in the matter of tion and in charges. The Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice ot the market and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers. W. B. McGAW. | | Port Perry, April 20, 1876. | | Perr PERRY HOUSL, { PORT PER JAS. V. THOMPSON, - * PROPRIETOR. | The above House is now most comfort- | ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in | the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, | | also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- | Additions have been made which make: this | the largest ind -best House in this section of | country. Fare $1.00 per Day. | [ them. P= HOUSE, PORT PELTY, i The Subscriber having leased this comfort. | able and convenient Hotel, will spare neither | , lator nor expen { fort and convenie of guests. 'I'he Tables will always be supplied with the best to be had in the market. Only choice Liquors and Cigars af the Bar, Any quantity of firstclass Stable und Shed: accommodation properly | Attended to by careful Ostlers CHAS, How T. [port Perry, Moh 8, 1876 i [rE HOTEL, 2 CORNER OF KING AND YORE 8TS., PrormriETOR | &c. py $1.50 per day. | Fiidsiia HOUSE, MANCHESTER. By GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875. UEENS HOTEL, Coruer of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Ont. 'p, CAMPBELL, ProprisTOR style, and offers every accommodation to travelers providing for the com. | Pypy Perr ( | Ontario ALL HOUSE-REEPERS SHOULD BUY THE CELEBRATED Armstrong Stoves ! TO BE HAD AT W.T. PARRISH'S PORT PERRY, od at ho other place. All Stoves fully warranted both as to Cooking, Draft, and ot to Crack Give me a call and be convinced that there is none to be compared with Prices to suit the hard times. Pipe Elbows, Hot Air Drums, | Agricultaral Furnaces, &c., &c. A call solicited. W. T. PARRISH. Sept. 25, 1876 NOW FOR WINTER RICS EVERY DESCRIPTION OF wre, ree, CUTTERS, PLEASURE SLEIGHS, LUMBER SLEIGHS, &C., AT THE Carriage Works ! PORT PERRY. - AVING paid special attention to {the manufacture of Cntters and Slzighs of all kinds BROKEN ARMS AND BROKEN HEARTS. 'Good heavens | what & crash! and for such a girl !' burst from the lips of one of the male spectators of Brighton Rink, [~ And there was good reason for the horror Pp by the gentl in questi A young lady--whose graceful and modest | style of skating had attracted not only the attention of Hubert St. Aubyn but of many another of the crowd looking on at the act- ors in that gay scene--had just met with a sudden and unmerited accident, A collision, utterly uprovoked on her part had taken place between her and a stout Lancashire manufacturer, making his first essay on the asphalte, And the slight, youthful form of the fair and skilled advent uress on tho Slippery sur. face yielded before the di 'Thatdk you so much !' taltered the girl ; 'but--but fs it necessary 7' 'Certainly. There, be off, and ask no more silly questions, It'Jl be all right, depend upon it, at your home. Let me see: you've a--what is it--fathet or mother, i#it ?' 'A mother--a widowed mother. I have done very, very wrong in risking this I wail. ed the girl, sadly. 'Well, never mind ; you've fairly atoned by the pains and the patience ; and I'll make all straight with the mate®¥ey on it. Mr. St Aubyn, please take this tiresome patient off my hands,' he continued, turning to Hu- bert with a significant smile, Blanche had no alternative but to obey, and the vivid blush sod ile she zave ns she departed at once repaid the kindly doctor, and proved how Welcome Lis of the northerner. The result was inevita- ble, Blanche Rivers fell a victim to her own courage arid apother's clumsy wanderings on the commen flooring of the rink. And though a fain gasp of sudden pain and fear was the utmost evidence she gave of ftie suffering and alarm of the accident yet id bad been, 'Now I can do perfectly well without troubling you any further,' she eaid to Hu- bert, when they were once more in the street, ? 'Pardon, me, I shall not leave you till you are safe in your mother's care,' he replied; firmly, 'If you are determined not to give me the h of ascertaing your progress Hubert St. Aubyn's sharp exclamation of horror was 80 re-echoed by others near him that it excited no little sensation amongs the spectators around. There was a sudden rush, but Hubert was the first to the sput where ehe bud fallen; and, before anyoho could attempt to raise the prostrate girl, she was lifted in the arms of her stalwart admirer, of whose very exist- ence she had till that moment been ignorant 'I trust you are not much hurt,' he said, io a voice that expressed more concern than the occasion and degree of acquaintance war- ranted. ¢I--oh, no--at least, I--think not,' she said, while a look of pain that could not be repressed crossed the fair young features She looked very lovely as he lifted her and gazed in her sweet, pale face. The dark, soft grey cyes, the delicately cnt features, and the soft: velvet skin, were more attractive than ever when viewed with a nearer and closer gaze. And, more than all, Hubert appreciated the heroism that restrained any outward ex- pression of the suffering that yet shook her delicate frame. 'What can I do for you? May I send for a doctor if no one of that prof:ssion is on the r.nk ?' he asked anxiously. She looked incredulous and doubtful for a moment. Then she made a sudden gesture and touched her left arm with the small fingers of the ight hand. "It is very painful, Yes, please ; only let it be here or on my way, she added quickly. Hubert looked at har guestioningly. 'May I ask why you fire so particular on that score ?' he inquired gently. 'Would it not be better to return to your home before you had the doctor? 1 would accompany you, and take you safely I promise you," he went on, pleadingly. Blanche shivered either from the pain or from the agitation of the question. «No--ao ! 1 will not trouble you, Iam sure it is true yon would be so kind; but 1 must see the doctor first--indeed I must I" Hubert looked still doubtful on her as he supported her from the spot, and the rest of the spectators moved off in search of fresh excitement when they perceived the sufferer was in competent care, 'I veally do not feel that I can permit it'| he said. 'Surely you had better" be taken to your home and friends before medical aid is 'the simple truth, Mr. 8t. Aubyn, we are very to recovery and making the gojuaintance of Mrg---r 'Rivers,' she put in quickly. 'To t:1l yon poor, and it would only pain my mother if I was to bring a stranger to se her in her present himble abode, Besides, I did wrong--vcry. wrong in going to the rink against her wish; bnt I am so very fond of 8 ating, and in the morning I thought it would be quiet, and no éne would know me,' she said, sadly Hubert paused fora minute ere he repli- ' Forgive my presistence, Miss Rivers,' he said, quietly ; 'but I hope and believe 1 erings from the young and wealthy sun of Mrs. Rivers' early friscnd." Bot whe at the 'nd of some fortnight "or more after the ident, the widow pted to express grat itude, and to deprecate the repetition of such favors, Hubert took courage to'beply :-- 'Dear lady, you ean far more than out- weigh the utmusteflorts I could make to show my regard and sympathy. Will you grant my earnest, my heartfelt prayer 7-- Will you give me your greatest treasure-- your fair, sweet cCaughter--your noble Blanche ?' Mrs Rivers looked doubttully at him. 'Will she consent? Have yim | learned her feclinge? Cun she love you, my young friend--my dear Helen's son 7° ghe adicd, [falteringly., ~~ © 'If it rests on that, 1 think--1I hope there is no fear,' be returned, with a bright, saucy smile. 'Must I really rely on Blanche's re- spotige to my offer, dear lady? asked more detmurely. 'Certaicly. Were it a duke, it would all depend on ber wishes,' retarned Mrs, Rivers, firmly. Hubert'St. Aubyn did not urge the argu- ment further; but the most effectual rolu. tion of the problem was discovered some three months after the rink accident, when its heroine, the portio nless Bisnchg Rivers, became the happy aud idolized wife of Hu- bert 8t. Babyn, owner of a fdir Baronial es tate, 8 house and £3000 per annum. mr ------ im Fight with a Deer. he The Campbellford "Herald" gives frie fol- lowing account of an exciting encounter with a deer :-- 'Mr, C. Kellar, who resides a few miles from this village, had a very desperate fight with a deer, in South lake, a few days ago. The particulars as told us are as fol- lows : Mr Kellar was alou€ in a canoe one evening fishing, and had his gun with Lim shall be able to satisfy Mrs, Rivers as to my positivn and character, and shield you from | any consequence my enforced assistance | might occasion you. [ will not repeat my visit, nor claim any acquaintance afterwards | unless by special permission,' he added, smil. | ing. What could Blanche do but assent with | what grace she might to the formidable risk | she so dreaded? And the next instant they were on their way to the modest house of | the young sufferer, Blanche opened the outer door, and walk- | ed forward to the door of a small dinning=- | room, which was sufficiently ajar to dis" maple fur-! the half. worn carpet, the simple oiture, and white curtains toa: But Hubert's quick eye passed over "th 8 to the chair, where sat a delicate looking i woman of sone fifty years of age, dressed in very rusty widow's monrning, but who yet bore the stamp of "gentle- woman' on every line and feature. « Mamma, dear, do not be alarmed. I have had a little fall in the rink, and this | gentleman has very kindly accompanied me | broken paddle home, least you might be more concerned need. I am so sorry, mother mine. I will | never disobey you again,' she said kissing i the cheek 'of the startled lady. ¢ Indeed, your daughter has been quite i sufficiently punished, Mrs. Rivers added the «Aud I cannot together be sorry for a chance that has given | me an introdugtion to you, am not mistaken in your identity, you are | an old fricnd-of my mothers in her early | days. | young man earncstly. al- | speak or even comprehend the last pat of ! called--that is, if you reside near. It is not far ; it is only in Hampton Place, | she replied ; but if 1 must tell you the truth, of the young man's speech. 'My darling, what has happened to yon? I see--yes, the arm is broken I' she added 1 was perverse enough to come here against [tears welling into her eyes as the tell- tail | i About midni | gun, took aim, but his fowling-piece Laving | some hours the deer showed signs of ¢ ' tion, and attempted to swim he added ; 4if 1] Mrs. Rivers was almost too bewildered to ER DENIISTRY. FR, The undersigned would inform the public that he now practices his profession of D:ntal Burgeon at his residence, Prince Alburt, where he is prepared to attend to all who caquive 'his services, or parties 'will be attended at their residences if they prefer it. My long and thorough knowledge of every 'department of the profession enable me to warrant satisfaction in every instance. R. FOSTER, L.DS." Prince Albert, Aug. 18, 1876. y O. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- ent, and as good as the lest. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Tecth extracted without pain by producing local anasth- Agent, Port Perry. The public well cared for, and all Guests ? 39 will please feel at home. Whitby, Nov, 9th, 1876. Whitby, July 29, 1874. = Auctioneers. | A Noe AMEBICAN HOTEL, XT TM. WILLCOX, | PRINCE ALBERT, {W. H. PARK, - - - PROPRIETOR Having purchased the above pleasantly AND TOWNBIIPS OF MAR! § ; "situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired POSA & CARTWRIGHT, m | and renovated the entire premises even to | Begs to thank his many triends and the the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished | public gun milly, for the liberal patron-'in First-Class Style and Stocked with the | age bestowed upon him for the past five years. best Liquors and Cigars ! Having now given up the business of Strict attention paid to the comfort of Lickxsep AUCTIONEER, POR THE CO. OF ONTARIO, f] First class Sample Rooms, Livery | JI. & R. WOLFENDEN, of ot. | THOLESALE and Retail dealers in Oahningion) Oct. 20, 1875. 43 W Foreign and American Marble Man- _ ee earn ini an SR ------ tlex, Monuments, &e., Dundas St , Whitby. N TA R 1 0 HOTEL Also. Agent for the Scottish Gramte, 0 WHITBY, : Also Building Stone cut to ode'. + JOHN NOTT, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. for the coming Winter, I have confidence in inviting an inspection-of my Stock of Cutters and Sleighs. Prices to suit the times. The best material, newest "styles, and first-class workmanship. Excellent Cutters from $25 upward. Securs your Winter Rigs at such prices as make it an object to bay. JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1876. \ . PRACYIC AL CARRIAGE MAKER i my mothet's needless wish, and 1 would not | limb met her sight. willingly give her the pain and anxiety in | consequence of my folly," She was becoming paler as she uttered these words, and Hubert raw it was no time | gise that Miss Rivers must lie d for argnment and delay. | some refreshments without delay. «Ag you will. Come with me. I think 1] * Yes--yes, I will go directly,' said the know where there is a doctor," he returned | girl, bueriedly 'I know where to find all quietly, 'But be shall be sent for. You are | | I want. Do not trouble about me, mother in no state to go with. him,' j dour, 1 will go and lie down at once. : Yes, yes--let me go !' she murmured Ms. Rivers followed her tenderly with And Hubert supported rather than lcd her | her eyes. from the hall, and ina few moments had « Dear child!' she murmured, '1 can lifted hey half fainting form into the nearest never repay you, MrSt. Aubyn, for your cariage that presented itself, and ordered the! kindness tomy durling--my ovly treasure, man o drive at sendy, quiet pe, to 2, | Foot Baschel, she bs 10 fn sent Hardy's, the nearest Sedfosl man Hatwees | inevitable', returned Hubert, cheeringly ; andhave « And a very harmless accident if one was | but it was a painful ordeal, and I should ad- | | - en Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. esia, Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. 'OHAS. THORN, V 8S, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chicago, Ill. Gold Medalist for the ot pamingiion on Horse Practice. Author Wi Essay on 8hocing. Gradu- ik) Test 16, 1867. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now prepared to treat all eases cutrusted to Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full gatisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi' sg raughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opspeves Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. fis care in the most skillful ani.scientific W. M. WILLCOX, manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall Port Perry, Oct. 25, 1873. of Mr Allison, will receive promptattention, AUGTIONBFR. . 8@™ The Veterinary Stables may be found HE I Leer fhed a ng of License as Auctioneer forthe Township of Reach, is now prepared to give prompt and careful attention to Sales of every de- scription committed to_ bis care and would Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873, | guests. The table and bar well sippiitd, H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, i, + BMSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) parting. WHITBY, ONTARIO. | NEAR THE TOWN HALL, | . BROCK STREET, WHITBY. 0 GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand Zale from the 'best Material -- Work made to order with and Pp r paid to re- E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. The Only First Class House in Town. BSN HOUSE, late late Jewett House, Kent Street, Lindsay. Board, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. OYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, WILLIAMSBURG, CARTWRIGHT. : E. BRYANS, Proprietor, Rs e Subscriber having succeeded Mr. Maso: in this Jleasant and commodious Hotel Bs Frehitects, &e. dolicit a share of public patronage. The spared ren o~ Lori rr Eos Taare == y Bills, &c., made out free of charge. sap ir With § Alia a ¢ ass of 1 tors and "W. CUDLIPP, Ancmreer, scr, &0. WM. LEE, Market provided for the Tables. Exceliont Havin aad considerabl tical ex. | Greeubank, Aug, 31, 1876. ! E. BRYANS, Pisiense g in France, the United Eintes . Willismsourg, Dee.§, 1672. -- Canadas, and holding Certificates from WM. GORDON, oo Majesty's P ivy Council in Build 'Construction, I an prepared to furnish OR the Townshi of Brock, Usb i ., DESIGNS, 7744 . Dprais, ESTI- Scott, T! Eis, wan - |and Eldon, Rot or Bellies r A = tee, " pES™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me 1.2 OF DIVISION COURTS Fon TEE Oounty of Ontario, For the year 1876. 1 orders add ressed to may rely on the utmost Bisntion being given 4 vad One of SOHN "prep, Esq, | theirinterests. : Port Perry, Ont. WM. GORDON, N.B. i Idings of | ! ' any vivo or Kind, T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioner f for the Township »\8l 12 |< 51 | a > 2 5 351% 8 ENRY GRIST, Parexr Souicitor a4) of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in 1f 21] 1 1f 8} 1f 21 H DRAUGHTMAN, , Canada, North ontarics Mariposa, e eto., in the Sronsy BA El 2| 3) 2 1 ts business ids he ce | of Victoria: iar ME le ! and other departments *| Orders left at this office, or at his residence | ( i lim) 17 1 he f Copyrights and the Ro e | will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- |] fil ye ® | ul i Marks 'Dasigns_procared, of Bude lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and|A io Specifications, and other Documents neces. | prompt remittances made. Remember-- /H. DARTNELL, sary to secura Patents of Invention, prepared | WALSH E , the North Ontario Auction- . Junior Judge. on rgeeipt of the model of the Invention, eer, Whithy, Dec 11,1875. : . : ~ Having had lon, thet ees with a Sept. 29,1870, PUMPS! PUMPS rr ----------) ------ You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN? : * PATENT PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY. SEE THE PRICES. : Foros Puue--A complete Pump and Fire Hie with Hose and Coupling complete for | Patent Swing Lift Pumps al 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cents per foot. ; Sommon turned suction Pumps. at 35 cents owes Pamps,a complete Pump, from $3 up to. $8. Also everyother desoriptionf Pump, at' © EQUALLY LOW RATES! xpearience 10 Fe Tamakine iy 1 eriberfeels confident 3 JB tr in ed States, Ae y attended to. IRVIN, Port Perry. anade d ha can perfectly satinty all that will call, Allorieraforany ofthe above, whether by mailo otherwise ons it was almost unkind to forbid her favorite West Street and the modest house of the But I am helple: young sufterer. Alas! --Alas | What is it, sir? Will you please tell me?' 1 said Blanche, pleadingly, as Mr. Hardy con- cluded his examination. 'Your arm is broken, and the shoulder se- verely bruised. It must be set. Have you courage enough to bear it at once?' 'Yes. Ploase do not wait,' she replied.'-- 'I can bear it.' 'Alone 7' he enquired. I shall want some one to hold the arm. My assistant is out.-- Perhaps Mr. St Aubyn will do as well. -- These rinks ought to be abolished by Act of Parliament,' he went on, grumbling. Blanche did not" defend the novel sport that cost her so dear. Perhaps it was best not to waste her strength in argument in her opinion, Anyway she remained silent during the tor the op i and, what was s still more wonderful, she did not utter a sigle word or groan during the severe pro- cess. Hubert narrowly watched the white cheeks and resolutely sct features during the time of the ordeal, und he literally marvelled fortitude and patience displayed by so young and fragile 8 creature under severe and by no means brief suffering. There, that will do, my dear. It's well you camo to have it done at once. It would have been a very ugly case when it became swollen, as it certainly would have done,' said the surgeon. 'But very few girls wonld have ventured, without a dozen relatives and ftiends crying about them, to go through the operation. Now drink this and go home, and remain quiet. I will come and see you to-morrow, if you'll give me the address, just to see how my handiwork prospers,' he added playfully, in the mat- It was so different ter. once. « May J ask whether your maiden pane was Vere?' asked the young wan,. ¢1 have often beard my mother speak of her girl. hood's friend of that name, who afterwards married a Mr Rivers andwent abroad. 'Yes, my husband was attached to the Embassy at Copenhagen,' said Mrs. Rivers, sadly ; 'and his sudden death left me and my only child to battle as we best may with the world. Thank Heaven ! Blanche has more than repaid all our love and care, -- She has nearly supported me and hersel, Mr, St. Aubyn, by ber cxertions as a music. teacher; but this accident will, of course, retard Yor. efforts fora time,' she added, rather to herself than her companion. 'Forgive my egotisms, Mr. St. Aubyn's. May I ask what was Mrs, St. Aubyin's name before her maniage ? It was Fairbain--Marian Fuirbain,' he replied, ' May 1 hope that memory will cast its shadow over me} he added smilipgly.-- «Will you not accept me as as a friend?' Mrs. Rivers did not reply, save by an ex- tended habd that spoke a woman's material fostincts. - And, as Hubert liffed it respect. fully to hie lips, the compact of regard and alliance seemed ratified more ierorenably thanby words er But there was a more lastiag bond cement: ed by the occurances of the next fow days [and weeks. Seldom did twenty-four honrs elapse without the grrival of some delicticyr home of the widow and : Fruit, wine, jellies--all that 'eould ng and invig the suffer Blanche avd her sti!l more invalid mother-- | came as unobtru ive and most welcome off some welcome and unknown luxury--at the g RRR ¥ t, howdver, he was 'Surprised by the presence of a deer some short distance from him, in the water] hig re and guns iug got wet in the canoe, would not effect a charge. Putting on another cap he | took aim, and this time fired, but succeeded only in wounding him, & grain ortwo of shot | having entered his horn. This enraged the deer, which directed his course to the canoe, and commenced a vicious attack on Mr. Kellar,who was in the mean time unprepared to meet him. Having only the paadle in ie battered away at the animal's head in the Lope of making him desist, but it tended to infu v fight became desperate 1 Vis hands, 1 the more, and The batt] ed some hours, during which. time Fe!lur lost his knife and broke his padd!:, but map. aged, however, all though the fire at strug- gle to kep the canoe from upsetting. After 1mus- ashore, but | Kellar prevented him, and kept up a sawing motion across the animal's back with the , until he had lost all power of his Lind limbs, This being effected, Kellar about my obstinate naughty self than you ! dipped the deer's head under water which he accomplished by repeatedly lifting him by the tail, and in this way drowned him, The fight lasted from midnight till daylight next morning. The deer weighed 250 pounds and when dressed 22 poling -- dr Er ere me Combat bevween two Polar Bears. The Cologhe "0 count of a combat wi contains an ac- ch took place in the | Zoological Gardens of the city between two polar bears, wh'ch, tha: journal remarks, "a Roman Emperor would usturedly have paid | a million sesterin to witness," These two | bears had been brought from bersen | five years ago, and had heen plaed in a large { pit with a tank in the centre, | the last few days they Lad excellent Until within remained upon with each other, but last week a gnarrel occurred between them, the | re uit of which was that the female bear tock tesms upon the summit of a large. rock in tr of the pit, The male did not at tempt to follow her, and she real onc three days, when, Lung presced 1y descended agrin, As sony saw her he imme her ~~ attacked her with e paws, The keeper attempted to se vm, and belabored the male with heavy iron bars, but the Lones in the head of the palar bear are so muca hurder than those of ¥he common bear that these blows took no eriect. The male bear continued to wreak his vengeance upon his companion and after having almost torn her body iato ribbons, be dragged her to the bottom of the tank, and held her there unril he felt assured that all sign of lite was ex- tinct. He then brought her body back to tha floor of the pit, and dragged it round the tank for nearly &n hour. After this he withdrew into his sleeping don fu rest frome his labours, and the Keepers at onge closed the iron bars npon him. Having examined the body of the dead bear, they fonbd that i$ had received more than a hundred wounds 3 the neck and herd were crushed alinost to a jelly, and the flesh was hanging in strips from the back and sides. During the whole combat neither of the bears uttered a cry ot sound of any kind, rr -- § -- tr Ling John Wentworth has written his recollections, IL bo interesting to know if he reollect; when he bad an under shit that wasn't tog short for him. wuld We don't kmow that it was epizooty that effected him ; but he said with some violence "If that nose was running for ce. it would be elected by a handsome' majority. In An impecunions individual + mutter, a3 he finished reading baddbill headed, "Tliough without change'" "That's the road I. hall take no fanlt to find with them terms." Chicago: gas Tatéastareivoed $1.50. -- Conrtships, however, are still, with an exaggerated iden of economy, as. the young pebple put out the Tight aad set in the' durk every they get. uy A mother in England gave her child Bottle of colle acid' to play With soto; pacity it. The child got the corkigut of the bottle, and | the Tepult i the others sanguine e e; to let your hands save your heels I" I TAT bave to goback after it. When will you lela

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