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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Mar 1877, p. 1

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3 i > ! | : Yo tases + "VOL. XX, NO, 14.) 1s ; wr PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONJARIO; iN xr go wt EN ER CA RG 3 L ADVER > TISER THURSDAY; MARCH 15, 1877. ne . chm TN gmt i : | WHOLE No. 1006. id Lo pn ies x a n © -------- ------ JE) r= ay EEL A ---- So 4 brid hh M. SPENCE, 'Burtoes, &c. i = oh - -- PT OUD. Obserur | Wo romeo Bm se SOULS. _ LIST OF PRIZES Ey SSI Bw yy a1 py 21 Wl Tar gpg hg [ 'a ATION ji ; : mpl y Slowely up the gravel walk stol - 7 Wore Taken 1s eh HRA EH "oi ne om the THE WALK R HOUSE To be awarded at the Spring Show of th sch,' Ho A ot 1 BY '"'1pA INGLE. e ios -- ; Oxi A sy NEWSPAPER, © Sarit it 3 hi a pro wn 14 pring Sh e Raach, Seugng & Port Perry pin a huge, burley form, with an ignor-| This is the story as told by the 4 "ui PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., Shi du inoved ature. give hia: Whole PORT PERRY Agricultural Society, to be held at MANCHESTER, on A home.of bleganee,. refinement |ant cruel face. Boston "Herald" : Not many weeks , EVERY; THURSDAY MORNING, |uttention to his business a Contracter, anc 1» Sli seer 2 Tuesday, April 24th, 1877 and luxury, with spacious gardens,| Suddenly he halted, and said ago a gentleman engaged apartments i igbent BY ; : i ' i i" ' a tied t i > "BAIRD & PARSONS. |whercwith, which iw xobolhing \onpecte | (PYRE Subscriber having leased the pote K parks and lawns, surrounding it, and [aloud : : at ono of our fashionable hotels. In ; ; Stier und athe herd ve ao, 0 it oe lr a tet finn yet a home that had & skoleton in| Ho saill ho would send her here|3PPearance be was wot prepossess- # , nnum, if paid in ad- [a good job be: done. Th t 1 i e » : i 3 ¢ y . i ing, he bad anu A y BL "gb 80 will be Font No ira cus workmanship SPENCE: | and pi age of the public. | Best Blond Stallion 3 $2 $81 the closet was Manton Ridge, locat. | to this seat, by some excuse, and 5 3 Si manner i akon for Teas thati Six months; | uoinee Albert, April; 1876. . THE WALKER HOUSE Best Draught Stallion, Imported. .. 4 3 2 $d 1 ane of the most beautiful par- then Imust do my Work quick and 4 id ogi y wih ne tod tinued until all arrcars --_-- Lid 1 i anndi tio none of those qualities calcula od ais oper discon ; i Whither for rbing or Gualith of seouiions Bent Des Sst, i : a 3 2 fons of England. I well. : ; I q ioe © A ie ADVERTISING. : dutions. is equalled by fow Hotels ini the | poor § i " oe eneral Purposes -3....3 il. umberless servants, in dazzling| One thousand pounds is a big sum; end. 'one gentler Wor cach line, first insertion .,.i...:$0 08 EC REINGTON. Tater. of aslo, |Liovice and Jurpasssd by nouns eutetthe! 1% ddio or Carrinite. Stallion .. 3 2 1|liveries filled the mansion, and con- [but a woman's life. on one's orisci- |$0X-. After several days sojourn he ; f ine, liv 0 02 P® H re oul fins | best cities Best three year old Stallion tor General Purpoke: 3 ' i ; : : : bad succeeded in ma bimself ! Subaeqhotit insertions, per ino ...... 3 CLE mort Anhiig Musial du, : Bost three Year old Stallion jor Drunghts} . 2 1|stantly were its halls and chambers [once is a big thing, too, but I pro-|D8¢ Buc od king bimsel others contain money: Viafa: Ee w p Commercial Travelere, the Travelin d taut thes your li Bambliomn for. Draco. Cerin +33 1{ Bled with guests, for shen tlie shel mised and 1. lisxe the maney, ul is dibgrotaile soul} thigé 54 inthe in » 2! ) Yy an GTO, Teneher ar Public, Farmers and others doing busine H ght, . 7 i , : Wave EJ this Office, pre and = i. 4 pi ARRIN ie Post or i porsin 'tn the Villuge nd he pring on HE Best three year old Stallion for Saddie or Carriage 3 2 1|8ton remained closely in the closet, | fixed for me to go to America--hal! nontagh with. On he Sloventis day ol will bestoutnsh iol bv Norpasell; folie; Residence, on Union Avenue, Port find in fons span team Heirses, Goldings or Mares, Draught . a 3 2 | for Lord Hazel Manton was from an [there she is now, aud asleep--poer aftef bis arrival & middle-aged, gy x ais 3a Jen . os. Hu . : + " i and. charged acoording fo the space they oc-- | ======--==== i Cada THE WALKER HOUSE fot gion Gur 1 Ariane, Gelding or Mu .4 3 2|old family and his friends were of [thing! the dancing has been. too 2 young lady Sola thé hotel a rs 7 - J st Se we, G or Mare. ; p Hiv: whi i i . ; TE lo and register eir names i HC ewcoived Tot piiblication. _- Businees ¢ AVON, all that cao be required in the matter of | Bext Single Driving Horse; Gelding ony 3 2 ] the nobility, while bis wifs; the|much for heclittle feet. : ce, regis t oir na; as Without specific instructions, willbe inserted JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, | lution and moderation in charges. | Bext Draught Brood Mare, ini foul or foul by he ian? ] beautiful Claudine, was the daughter| Now to work and bloody work it mother ki ughien engaged an a ad, i BE 2 F the Town of Whitby, has been ap-' The Charges are No Higher at the Pon Gen, Pur, Brood More, in foul or foul By her =ide..,.... 5 3 1 of. bjonekof lais standing, but be: (Je; 1 will sity iy 97es.t0 Rel Wil agers Wind re ore ing 40 liberal discount allowed to Merchants pointed : . Walker Holi8é than at any est Saddle or Carriage Brood M in tol or foul by her ceedingly wealthy. when I am in America. the dining room ou the morning ged others pir 3 advertise by the year or. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE i _ other Hotel in Town. Bide coitus ssen ae isan sansnaet sbsanss sastees DS 2 1| Anonly child, he waa the pet of| So saying the raffian drew from after their arrival caused quite # from Rl SH ve be urdhe coy of OUI A The House is fitted up throughout id | Bust Aged Bull; with Pedigtee. les go 81 his parents, and yet not a 'spoiled his pocket a leather strap with a sensation among the eligible young strictly vw. vd to - fended to. i FIRST CLASS STY est two year ofd Bull, with Pedigree, (age to be on nu. boy, for he wus as obedient as they [heavy bull of lead attached to ong buchelors, the yonng lady proving Job Department. "\W. BURN HAM, Clerk of the Third Divie LE, Boy joes jel rag Te SH CE ce 8 2 1 | could wish. end. exceedifigly attractive, and before Pamp'lets, Hand, Bilt Posters, Fro. Js a Cart." Vics Bigelow VIO: '! syne Tallon and Bur suppiedt with the ai ull, with Pedigree (age to be on numerical 2 : True he had dared to love his| Making this in his hand with a many days considerable rivalry rammes, Bill Heads] Blank Forms, Receipt . | choice of the market and the ut en- HEREL) Loree co arias aiaerinas cent cirnssmsrseiiaanes cans o wal 1s tuthor's sister's dagwhter 4 . i y spra. am [ ) A Checks, Books, Circulars, Businesi| ome hours from 10a m. tod p. m. oa pe ig DiArhet a3 Senin atin Best Mileh Cow with Pedivrge and evidence of having had a cousin, his futher § sister's daughter, | firm ,Brasp he crept toward the os ag np BO Young nen Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and EF RWMAN 5d ed ; Calf since September, 1876 a : 2 1 and a splendid woman of twenty [sleeping woman, and with a long arriagable ol nes; each en- folore sxscnted Dompty Se Lah, W POR YEASTRES ALL GUESTS Best throe year old Milch Cow with Pedigree. 3 2 1 who had always held over him a [drawn breath brought it down with deavoring to ingrate himself in the er establishme e ) \, I yEL1G & MEASU i . os - 2 hed bs i o ' . . ARR i nn Prion fiom distance gotting hand S¥shrores Pel of Ontario | An atmudunce of comfortable Stable and | Best Acad Bull ..... In : 0 a wondertal influence, but May Mar-| terrible force upori the the defence- youtg lady's dffections. She receiv- Silo; So privat can have them done to tuke A a accommodation, and uttentive bostlets. | po Vda old Bull, (nwo t0 be on numerical ele) smn on 2 1 |koo had no title, and, worse still,was | less head of the beautiful, but wick- ed their attentions with haughty OI Ahont. 3 eandosy. Ld > Zi W. B. McGAW. | Yearling Bull (age to be on numerical ticket) ..... ..8 2 1 poor. and the pitrents of Lord Hazel ed Woman. dignity, and coldness which proved Se . ~~ : Port Perry nt 20, 1876. eh OW AR Sviduies of having had a ealt since Sep.1876 3 2 1 had forbidden the heart of their son| Itwas a fatal blow and a fatal veryldiscouraging to the less deter- Leas Td FET rng wee yer o PE COW esis inns a i 3 2 1 toenter that in unison with the heart | mistake, for May Markoe had fallen mived and fnint-beatted males. -- == a Physic CE -- I Lumber Wagon, Wooden Ax ° $1 ot his cousin May, for their wealth }into the very trap she had laid for Our awkward friend, the first arriv- Physician, pg 3 Wh PY 0} bir i a D,, Coroner, Physician Jew Marriage Act. : PORT PERRY. . NS ngle Buugy, withant Top 2 1 |wasa hollow shell, and needed a|another. al, was among the candidates for the tatty. n or V. THOMPSON. - PROPRIETOR. [Single Bivuy, with Top i 1! rich alliance the structure * * * * damsel's favor. His repeated ad- Rest lonce--OMas door west of the Preshy Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. | Theabove House is now most comfort. ale Open Phton.. 2 : : : A Ad oo Te dT 3 -- ably furnished, and Guests are FARR) Swo- Seated Double Spring Democrat Wagon P 1iand the noble name of Manton from | Words cannot express the anguish vancements and obtrurive remarks -- I pring u 2 1 . re I vi vonsts of TY EYRY CRIRLES uhvine been re- the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, | [ron Plow poverty and ruin. of all in that scene of pleasure in the | '© her brotight down oh him the Ro SARE Coronar for Hin Gon spotted » License Agent-- also, first ass Stabling and good Dstlers.-- | (Genernl Pur c 1 a Claudi a8 : i , justly-merited ridicule of all i AE bassician,, Sunton. an (after i xteen years duty) cobtinties to fur- Additions have been made which make: this erp 2 1| Hence Claudine Vassar was ge-| mansion, when, half an hour after, Justy. ied viol ule 0 ais SSPE 2 reinee AID 8 8 retoforc--at Port Perry. the largest and best House in this section of | rs fod <2 1|lected by the ambitious parents, and | Lord Hazel rushed into the house ally those interested, and more par- J TH ANGSTER, WW. 1, Physician, Sur. a a a country. Fuic $1.00 per Day. A a - 2 L{numindel of the fuct that Lord {1rom the garden, wild and huggird ticularly of one young man, who End Sosmeits 1 pT ve So arrows 2 acl ood Mov. Mur dil ; i A ie ris of univ a ANN \53 Dee HOUSE, PORT PERRY, Grain Drill iad Sow a i Hazel and May Markoe devotedly { looking, and sought his own roorm us possessed of considerable wealth : PORT PERRY. » Turnip Drill i ia 1 loved each other, they persuaded the [with hasty steps. and a limited supply of brains. He gle ayer Nota Karas Store, corner of ; | Phe Sribecr hol Waging Yoased hin comfort. 1 ufller aides colin ie pre. sei Ly 1! Baron Vassar to give the beautiful | A number followed him, but too declared that the ugly fellow's at- Office hours from 9 a. m. to 12 m. R. RICTARDSON, wis aid convenient Hotel, will spare neither | lind. Roller wn : 2 1!|Clundine as a wife for their son. late, for ere they reached the cham- tentions were insulting to the fair Residence, the dwelling recently occupied 4 " . labor nor expense iif providing for the cof Pp : . : : - i fiely mh by Siidatine, 10 Swelling reson : Reappointed Issuer of fort anal comvenicrive of guests "he Tats : 2 N Anxious to have bis daughter | ber a pistol shat echoed through the dyyhile sis HORS eae of the EET nperend Maorringe licenses. ST wry Jupnid with the Tost fo hc Gan trudle Minnie nay : . nq 0 Muy 8 Lord, with a grand old [mansion and they arrived to find |Tace thoug t that he is more &o., &e, Office ands S Ring st. [gle Now Act. Office, Tot 10, In the. ai t8 (Yt Ar oy a bas Set of Draining Tools...... es ot AT | | name und estate, Sir Walter Vassar |the unhappy man dead, and by his dcceptable in the young lidy's eyes ot. Watkin Oshaw: Ist con Brock gy Stable and Shed accommodation propetly | 20 Drain Tiles. ii " wil 0 at once consthted, and poor Claudire {own hand. than avy other man in the hotel, : TR rock, Avg, =7 attended to by careful Ustlrs SOUT Fo Quarter Banches of Shingles. CRP, | 0 obeyed, although Ler heart was away | There was the dead form of May and with a taunting boast offered to wo MBRIEN, ALD, MLR. Tv FOIL : : "HAS. LT. arley Fork aerss PryoRey FRE : wi > Tita 3 'ic . Hospital, London, Bagland, I C. FORMAN, o Port Perry, March 8, 1876 HY ih . i y 0 on the sea witu a young Americin [found on the rustic seat, and morn- bet the rich young man $500 that Oshawa, Nt I AY Aaa ! ees ------ INingle Reaper ...... on 0 naval officer, who had saved her lite] ing breaking, the huge tracks of the before twenty-four hours he wolud H y oF 2 v ot the athe Wi ee Quan HOTEL, Comined Mower and Reaper ....... ..... .... 0. hy rescuing her from drowning in| murderer and the instrument of | be on familiar terms with the lady, ve door wes v Walke nse qs . nt d | in: Ao Port Perey CORNER OF KING AND TORK STI, JOIN CHRISTIE, I the lake of Como, when a sail-boat, | leath were discovered, and a kind and would accompany ber to the Bupled by S. He Walt YVAN IL. ENGL Chancery, Attor onvevaneer, &c. Osawa, OfMee--Simeoe street, opposite (NE Tost Offic Barrister, At- Cuaancery, Qifice--Me) Barrister it Law, rs Count, Offices : Court House, Whitby. iL J. MACDON YAMER IN id Attor Counell, unt MM. Cy CAMERON, WwW. Maurico Cochrane, A Tlosry AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan. cery Notary Public, gc, gc fice hours punctually from 9am 'to 5 pm alynay « axviat 8 per cent on al kinds of gooil security. Office, Bigelow's toy reade, PORT PERRY. PTE DTN ISTRY TITY The tad orsiand wold idforiii th flat he now practic s his profes Donel Sarzeon at his resid ne he is prepared to attend to at fees, or parties will bh attended at oo nees if they prefer ii My iong and ther i knowledge of every Hepartment of the prof ssion enable me to warrant satisfaction in every instance R. FOSTER, LDS. Prince Albert, Aug. 18, 1876 who require CO. N. VAIS, L. D. S. FPYEETH inserted on all the latest princi ples of tite art, and as cheap as the cheap- ¢at, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Siiver. Teeth extracted witout pain by producing local anesth- asin. Dontical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Breet, Qsliftwa, CHAS. THORN, V 8, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, N Chicago, II. Gold Medalist for the best examination on Horse Practice. Author of a First Prize Essay on Shoving. Gradu- ated Sept. 16, 1867. Dr. Thiord Begs to announce that he has tak '1 up his resid ate #¢ Port Perry, und is now prepured to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the ntost skillful ad | scientific «manner, Allorders left at the Medical Hall of will be found as jo JAME POWELL, . . . i ie { First-class accommodation ; Luth rooms, | &e. Board, §1 50 per day, Proprietor. UN jons [3 TOWNSHSP CLERK, ssuer of Miering: ens s----Conveyancer, Commissioner &e. hii -- nel y ee ne Pre Di CHESTER. TAR ONTARS FAXMER, | By GEO HOUCR. dIutual Insure ply to conduct it in! W : Organ iz iis VY particular so as to merit the appro- w fully onganized snd ds Go Me fo nn oF the public, en Farm Bmldings Manel I ) ante Schonl Hongos, Mauchicster, Oct. 6, 18 wd Clrurehes Those wishing to sure and pot a Home Insurance Company v au opportunity of doing so, cither oh xs ne ee Head Office, or to any of ~~ T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. ny. Our rates The piiblic well eared for, and all Guests of any rexpon= will please feel at hehe Whithy. Nov 9th, 1876. ce Company. . will be my endeavor "is Company 1s 1 parc to accep NTARIO nH OTEL ' WHITBY, by apply ihe local Agents of the Com ax th ible Mutual Tnsrasce Company in Canada, Head Offi --Opposite the flogal Hotel brock St, Whithy L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, ULENS HOTEL, Coricr of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Ox. TT wHITBY : D - ypeaLL, ; . Proprietor ' "his Motel is now furnished in the best ITE AM M A R B LE Vv 0 RKS. styl nd offers every accommodation to trav Having leased the above exerllent Hotel - : MANCHESTER. | - i i A Voice from Manchester. | Dear OBSERVER, -- | As © write this with the left hand you will not expect ninch of a letter. To-morrow Lantend to write Her Majesty Queen Victorin a letter God bless her. IRT WITITBY & PCRT PERRY EXTEN- STON RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 17. Please to tell Major Taking (fleet Satu day, 6th Jang; 1877. Forman to have the volunteers in Trains run by Te twenty- | Seb . I Wert readiness as in the event of her not answering my letter there is sure to Going North. at |Wednesd'ys be rebellion, & urdays x. Trains HY (Sle complains sorely that she don't get the Port Perry OBSERVER regulurly at all.) | But the lorg and short of itis, 1! want to get into the Royal Family. | Yon kaow what hap) ered in Aby- | sinia from not answering a letter.-- Now foran anvecdo ¢ : Whitby Junetio Whithy B N Manchest Prince Albert Port Perry .. Rotail dealers in t class Sample Rooms. Livery | Mul . Whithy. Scottisn Granite, = Tun Attached. Cannington, Oct, 20, 1875. 1 dis, Also, Ag nt fi Also Buildin \ YoLD-ANERICAY HOTEL, { JOHN NOTT, £ . Agent, Pout Perry. PRINCE ALBERT. 32 Ww. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR Havirg purchased the above pleasantly | sittated Hotel, 1-haxe thoroughly tepaired === gpd refovated the entire premises even th | the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Clags Style and Stocked with the | Lest Liquors and Cigars! | Strict attention paid to the Auctione ve. \ 7 M.WILLCOX, : Whithy, July 29, 1871. . LICENSED ~ AUCTIONEER, FOR THE CO OF ONTARL HR AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARI 3 POsSA & CARTWRIGHT, comfort of ests, The table and bar well supplied. Begs to thank his many trends and the : . W H. PARK. public generally, for the lilvral patrons Prince Albert, June 1%, 1875. age bestowed upon him for the past five youll, ripe -- [Having now given np the business of A BhsThONG HOUSE, Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my + whole time to the business of Auctivneer, Bollccting, &c. { It will be my endeavor, by prempt and careful attention to business, to give full P sat'sfaction to all who may favor me with pe Only First Cins House fu Town. their £al:« or Collecting. : \ Bi I+ dr nghted and Blank Notes furnished Bn fIONSE; late Jewett Mouse, Kent free of charge. Street, Lindsay. Buara, $1.50 per day. Also Bill Stamps alwars on hand. | E. BERSON, Proprietor. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. % ge Port Perty: = ww. M WILLUOX, Port Perry, Oct. 25, 1873 (LATE ALBIOYN,) ; - WHITBY, ONTARIO. ' E ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. OYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, WILLIAMSBURG, CARTWRIGHT. E. BRYANS, Pioprietor: The Subscriber having succeed d Mf; Mason of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attent The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873 Lo ~ @vehitects, Kc. in this and ccmmo lious Hotel has 8! neither labor nor capense in re-titting an Jenova g the entire premises. THe Bar supplied wih a superior class of Liquors and the best brands of Cigars. The choice of the market provided for the Tubles. Excellent stabling and attentive OStlers. E. BRYANS AUCTIONEER. ; rPYHE undersigned having obt:in=d a License us Auctioneer for the 'Township of Reach, is now prepared to give prompt and careful attention (0 Sales of every de. seription committed to his care ard would ji Williamsburg, Dec. 6, 1875. solicit a share of public | + +The J W. CODLIPP, Ancuitéer, &o. ' ' Having 'had considerable practical ex. perience in France, the United States SuCanin and holding Certificates from wr Majesty's P ivy Council in Building Construction, Lam prepared to tarnish DESIGNS, PLANS, DETAILS, LSTI- ' MATES, §C., For Baiidings, uf alow figure. All orders addressed to wie; Port Perry Post Office, will receive, immediate attention, NB [am prepared to efuct Buildings of #ny size or kind Port rey; Fel 8, 1877. ENRY GRiST, Pirenr Soucrror axp Daavaniaasy, Ottawa, Canada sasacts bosiness with: thé Patsue Office dapaitmE ngs of the Government Copyrights gnd the ration of Trade Marks and Dsizns procured. Drawings, 'Bpecifications, and other Documeuts neces sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared y Bills, &c., made out free of charge. H WM. LEE, . Greenbank P.O: Qrecubank; Aug. 31. 1876. WM. GORDOY, Liceiséd Awéticrecr, Valuator: &e. OK the 'Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scoft. 'Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, SVE g@5~ Parties enfrusting their Sales to me on the utmost attention being given PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, ¥ 2A" C. M° KEN ; _ PROPRIETOR ZI1E, T™E Subsériber having now fully e¢ ufpped Jus new ani Sycngdve lav T) Sai] 2s wit! a supply of superior. Horses 11g pared to furnish first hd ILIVERY RIGS on Moderdte Terms. ¢. MCKENZIE. WM GORDON Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, {CENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 of Biock, 'Phorah, Mara & Rama in North Ountary . Mariposa ete. in the County of Victoria Bosidence--Cannington, Brock. Ours left at this «fikco; on at his residence will be punctaaily, atteuded to Debts col- jected in Cannington, .er ot aerwise, and Port perry, Avg, 6, 187% FP. MAJOR, . I ICENSED AUCTIONEER All parties wishing his services can call at th # receipt of the model of the Favention, HCW TO TELL BAD NEWS. Once u young gentlgman, a resis dent of Galloway, Scotland, left his home to'visit a foreign country. -- Previous to his departure he had had «pet macpie. which he flamed Returni Port Perry Prince Alhe: Manchester nite Whitby Whitby J * Platform Stations--Trains stop on slgnal- only. % Comniections.--At Whithy Junction with after a pro. Gand Trunk Bs ns, Fast nnd West, sence i > A Urdu longed ubsence, he wus met. ut the JAMES HOLDEN station by the old butler; ot whe : Managing Director. Hr SY AG 101 wh Soi Whithy, Jan. 3. 1877 he inquired : "Well, John, what's 4 the news?" " Awfu' bad news, says John, "Maggie's deed!" "Ol! Jf that's all I'll get over that; but what killea Maggie?" "A surfit." «A surfit! what did she get to surfit on?" "llorse-fiesh:" "Bless me! where did she get so much horse- flesh 2" "When the horses deed." "And whut killed the he horses?" "Drawing water," "What did they want with so much water 2?" "Ta put oot the five when the hoos was burnt" "And is the okl house I 1ST OF DIVISION COURTS A FOR THE County of Ontario, For the year 187%: Sr TT] bufned? teat is bad! but how did it ree UR 5 get on fire?" "From the torches." cs 8 ¢iZEE c by A ERRELEE 87 & "Torches! bless us! what did they Whitby... Eiht n EER 17 want with torehes 2° It was oy h {20 jz | 48 12 (lhe funeral o' yer tather and mith. 1516 82151 | 5 R137 ALANA 6] 1p , 8) 91821 er 'Oh dear | that the worst of 7 it] 2 {7 il # all; what was the cause of their | 13 i] | 12l 'wv death?' ¢ Yer father, poor man! G, H. DARTNELL, ne'er lookit up since yon tinve."'-- Junior Judge. "What time?' "When the id That's the way to tell bad news-- not "blurt it all out atonce," as Sam Slick would say, bat bring it on by dexrees, as lawyers and editors go to heaven. Now ['ll te!l you of the far- famed eho at he Luke of Killarney in Ireland, Hf while in the vicinity of theeeho you ery "How arcye Judy, me "Guilin 2" it will e€ho back "Feth un' I'm very will, Pat, I thank ye sur!" ? Here is an English one. Jobn Bull, in returnitg from a tour through Scotland, on iving at Berwick, on the border, wus asked ly a canny Scot what he thought of Scotlund. "Well," rays John, "I'm thankful that I was born south of the Tweed |" "Ech! moa" «ays Sandy, "but ye'r thankfu' for sma' Whitby, Dec 27,1876. brock un' he lost a' the siller." FIRST CLASS TAILORING. pos class Tailoring in all its depart: mants; i AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work wade tp on thie shortest nofice in the latest style: and at moderate rates. A wood fit guaranteed. Remember the place, opposite Cook's. Hotel, ; R. HUGOE. Prince Alhert, April Z, 1874, 15 MONRKY" [Private Funds,) 'l'o Linan on good Faring, at 8 per cent in- in which were her father and Lerself, was capsized iv a storm, Like lambs to the slanghter led, Lord Huzel and Claudine were mar- ried, and thoroughly uncongenial were at once wedded to misery. As if ashawed of wedding two an- tagonistic beasts, the old Lord Man. ton and his wife died shortly after the marriage of their son, and with superstitous terror that hs time was ¢ ming, Sir Walter Vassar worried himself into the grave a few months after, and the miserable couple were left to their own misery. As tor Lord Hazel, whatever . he might have been as the husband of May Markoe, to poor Claudine he was a cruel brute, and, to avoid iscenes, the young and lovely wife-- for she had not a fault in the world | --filled the house with guests. Among the guests constantly at Mgnton Ridge was May Markoe,and ith her the world said, Lord Hazel flirted shamefully. . Thus matters went on, until one night after a stormy scene with his wife in her own * boudoir," Lord Mazel lett the room and sought May Markoe. ' Between these two a long and arnest conversation followed, and at last ended by the triumph of the maiden, to judge from Lord Hazel's remay 1 'Yes May, I promise, nay, swear it, if you will it so, though God knows I sce only worse misery in tie future to the act.' . The maiden smiled, a bitter, cruel amile, aid said, sweetly : "Your's if not the hand that does the deed, Nlazel--it will be a troubled dream, pass away, and in one year happiness will come tous.' * * * The moonlight streamed down grandly upon the mansion and gar- den of Manton Ridge, and gaily tripping feet, and strains of music were heard within, \ Then from the consérvatory strol lod May Markoe, and after a glance around her walked towards the gardon, with slow and thoughttul steps, dragging ber rich train over the gravel walk, as if unconscious of her act. At last she came to a rustic seat and throwing herself upon it, she murmured : He has promised that it shall be done and he must keep his word, for will not plot in vain for wealth and title. Hazel is weak and yet I love him QW, that it were over, for I «m weary with watching atid wating and for thres long nights have tossed sleepless upon my pilow. And as if to prove ler words, sleep seemed to graduall' overcome : o. "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange fq WALSH E, the North Ontario Auction- | days of Sales. 1 ES sis) w y Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876: terest, 4 favors» ool _ LYMAN ENGLISH, I would put my name to this, but really I : BARRISTAR, &¢., | have forgotten what is is. Oshawa ADIEU, November, 21, 1868. Manchester, March 10, 1877. her and bead dropped fon her out- stretched arm, theatre. Foolish" as it may seem, wad sought his wite, found her dead the young mah took the bet, and --tor May was strangely alike Claud a were placed in the bands of we, and being dressed that night | of the hotel clerk. True to bis alike, would have been cisily | boast, within the prescribed time, taken for her--and in his despair at| the ugly man took the bandsome at his loss took his own life. woman to the Globs Theatre. On And society dropped a tear over returning to the hotel the clerk the poor husband and murdered | handed him $1000. Going up stairs May, and sorrowel with the unbappy the lady was overheard asking, wite, tho Lady Claudine.) «How much was the bet ?'% "81,000"" . . . . he replied. "Stupid little husband," she said, "why didn't you double it 2" Next morning three persons had an carly breakfast at that hotel and then folded up their tents and stole away. world said that the loving hisband mis- Bhe murderer was sought for, but escaped from Englanl, and took passage for America, where he arrived with his blood money. But the gold did not quiet his con- science and he took td drink until it was all squandered, and then he shipped as a seamun in the United States navy. But there the May Markoe haunting Kept away from Devotions. «0h, ma," exclaimed a stylish young Chicago miss, on the opening day of Lent; «1 can't go to services after all, for I have no pray er-book."" "W'y, yes you have, daughter," said the mother ; "where's the costly one I gave you Christmas?" «Oh, that one--" replicd the Miss--"I couldn't carry that, for it doesn't. match my dress at all!" And the poor girl had to remain away from the church privileges, -------- ® --e It won't be long before some longhaired poet will beak into inipassioned song about «Gentle Spring." The public is hereby cautioned against any act of violence ; treat him gently, but firmly. was spectre of| him, until one year after the deed he broke down in healh and upon bis dying bed sent for his captain. To him he made full confession of his crime, yet, as be told the names of all he wis tco near deatli's pori- als to notice the sudden start of Cap- tain Vane Temple, and sce the dead. ly pallor that ¢amd over his fuce. . . . . . The seaman died and tound a burial beneath tho sea, while Cap- tain Vane Temple, upon the arrival of his ship in European waters, took a hasty run to England, sought out Manton Ridge, were lived the Lady Claudine. It was a glad meeting between these two for since their having first met on Lake Como, each had carried the image of the other in their heart. . Then the American cold Claudine all ho bad heard, and begged ber to become his wife, aud she consented, thus these two became happy, and the skeleton wasno longer in the closet of Macton Loige--all came about through # fatal mistake. ---- A Wirk axp Her HusBanp.--A Mrs. Smithy having lost her husband, thinks that the best plan is to ad. vertise, Which she does after this fashion: "Lost, Strayed or Stolen-- an ixdividdal whom I, in & moment of Ignliness,. was thoughtless enough to adopt as my husband. He is a good looking and feeble individdal, knewing enough, however, to go in wien it rains, unless some good. A Connecticut clergyman, who was pro- raised more than he could collect'bas asked for a reduction of salary, An Olio paper speaks of a man having been lynched "for burning the barn and contents of his son-in:law."' Any man who will burn the conteats of his son-inlaw ought to be lynched, ER Cover-ring Edough. b + He had mada his wife a present of a nice diainond ritig, and as they rode along in the street-car, he noticed that the hand upon which the ring sat was kept bare. «Aren't you afraid your han | will get colds asked he, «Cole I' exclaimed she ; 'you don't know much about & woinan if you think ber Shand could get cold with a ring on it like that!" And she adroitly sméethed down her dress. with the jeweled hénd in full view of every passenger, t Eppe's Cocoa.--Graritor 4m Cow- #opTixG.-- "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion snd nutfition, and by a careful ap plication of the fine ptoperties of wéll-select- ed cocoa, Mr. Eppk has provided otr breaks fast tables with a delicately flavoured bevers age which miay §ave us many heavy doctors' bills, If is by the judicious use of buch ar ticles of diet that 'a voking girl offers him heruthbrella. Answers to the name of Jim. Was last seen in company with Julia Harris. walking dp the plank road, gradually built up until st restst every tendency {6 diseade, f subtle maladies ere foalisg a 9 thor & 2 wos) rendy to attack wherever i : : : point. 'We may esciipe iikiy & fatal shaftby looking more like a fool, if possible, Faring cataclyow wall pennies than evér. Anybody who will etch the poor fellow and bring him care- fully back, so that T ean 'chastise him for running away, will be asked to stay fo tea." blood and a y nourished frame." <s: Ciril ee Commer bold only in packets labelled--"Jaxss Eres & Co , Homeopathic emists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170; Pieendiily, London." a ss eMa3 =e !

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