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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Apr 1877, p. 1

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of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. a 5, Ww. WILT, M.D. _ of a First Prize Essay on Shocing., Gradu- = 3 10 OB AND GENERAL ADVERTISER ) i" VOL. XX, NO. 18.] Hart Ontario Gbserner. A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL- TURAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, t BY BAIRD & PARSONS. y -- TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vance ; if not#$1.50 will be charged. No subscription takén for less than six months; wnd no paper discontinued until all arrcars are paid. : RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion .. $0. Subsequent insertions, per line 0 0 Cards, under 6 lines, per anffam ..... 5 00 Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre: paid and regester- | sowed o ed, will be at our risk i; "Advertisements measured. by Non pareil, and charged according to thespace they oc- cup) without specific instructions, will be inserted antil forbid and charged accordingly. No | styie advertisement will be taken out unti aid for, A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year, 5 These terms will in all cases be strictly eed to Job Department. Pamp'ilets, Hand Bilis, Posters, grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Books, Checks, Books, Circnla Cards, Ball Cards, &c, of every sty color, excented promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. ges Parties from a distance g tting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. Pro- sipt H. PARSONS R. Reel dnnea--OMee door west of tha Preshy gerian Chureh. Connty of R. WARE, Coronor fi nario, Physician, St and Aes vucheur, Prine Sibert. 3 . MI. D., Physicinn, war | on nnd Acconcher. Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. tore, corner of ueen and Perry Offiee hours from 4: Residence, the dweili by Mr Paxton, LEX. KENNEDY. MD, MCPS, formerly assistant to Prof. Maclean, Surgeon of the University Hospital, Ann to 12m, sently occupied Wk Fo MeBRIEN Y Hospital, Londo; v, E. FAREW . Attorney fc Noileitor, and Notar, cupied by 3. IL Cochrd N He 1) Brock street, I Whitby. YVAN ENGLISH LL. 1, Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Conyeyancer, &c. Oshawa. OMece--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office YOUNG SMITH, 1, torney-at-law, = ven Me iii Barristel in Chi e. and Inst Office AMER 'N & and Alor Counetl, ont Wihaiby. M. OC CAME! t nil Solicitor HURD, Atior Al Arcade, | iin Chancery. O! Port AW, nthe lk Perr) W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW,S cery Notary Public, &c., &e, Office hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Money 10 Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. slicitor in Chan- J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist Office over Corrigan & Camp- bell 5 Store, Port Perry. All work done in the very latest and best style and warranted to give satisfaction, Port Perry, March 28, 1877. ' -------- Sa, DEN:ISTHY. The undersigned would infgrm the public that he now practices his profession of Dental Surgeon at his residence, Prince Albert, where he is prepared to attend to all who cequire his services, or parties will be attended at their residences if they prefer it. My long and thorough knowledge of every department of the profession enable me to warrant sat a in every instance.® R. FOSTER, L DS. Prince Albert, Ang. 16, 1876. \ C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. TEETH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best, Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anasth- esia. | Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's mew block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. : CHAS. THORN, V EMBER of the Veterinary I - Chicago, Ill. Gold Medalist for the pest examination on Horse Practice. Author ated Sept. 16, 1867. : Dr. Thora begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now prepared to treat all cases entrusted to his cere ip the most skillful and scientific manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lally street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. - Port WJ W. CUDLIPP, Arcmreer, &¢. - » . . 3 A : + Advertisements received for publication. | 4 CE + Having had | considerable practical ex: perience in France, the United States and Canada, and holding Certificates from" Her Majesty's P ivy Council in Building Construction, T am prepared to furnish DESIGNS, PLANS, DETAILS, ESTI- . MATES, §C., For Buildings, ut a low figure. All orders addressed to. me, Port Perry Post Office, will receive immediate attention, NB. [am prepared to erect Buildings of any size or kind. : Port Perry, Feb 8, 1877. . he re we SPENCE, Coxmnacton, Beikoes, &c. ily oe RE 4 The Subscriber in returning iw sincere thanks for the ti on Him ing very liberal tronage be- ih the past oda Yarorm the public generally that having hought a pro- perty and moved into the Village of Prince Albert, he will in future give his whole attention to his business as Contractor, and is now ready to undertake Stone Work, Brick Plastering, and everything conn ieh he will execute on the shori- nd in the best and most durable the very lowest figure at which 1 be done. The best material workmanship. WM. SPENCE. ye, a good job and first Prince Alb: JH usic Y ROE. HARRIN p N, Teneher of Musie, Port Perry. Also d rin Musical In- struments. Residence, on Union Avenue. HARRINGTON, Teacher of 18 hiv Post or in nm \ ISS 8, 8S, « oy Union Avenue, Port in Appl <oieited. Residence, on berry. BUI 3 SI. JAMES W! BBALL. THows sal CLERK] TQ WNSHIP OF BAST WHITBY Conveyancing and General Insmance Agent . Office in the Town Hall, from @ a m till 5p mw fhe *Clerk will be home for township Lsiness on Mondays and Satudays | . JAMES W BEALL Tp. Clerk. Business hours 28, 1877, eer rd ime OHN 8. M WILLCOX, { the Town of Whithy, has been ap- pointed OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE or the county of Ontario. Any business wmtrnsted to his charge will be carefully at- fended to. C iiumbns, March rd Divie Block, WL, BITRN HAM, Clerk of the J ton Court Office in Bigelow's Port Perry. yer ons from 10am, tod p.m. . FORMAN, of WEIGHTS § MEASURES of Onta: TOR tha. County y, Nov 1, 1875. Tew Marriage Act. Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. ENRY CITARLES having been rg- I pointed Marriage License Agent-- n years duty) continues to fur- as herctofore---at Port Perry 25 Shee Un dn R. RIZ-TARDSON, Re=appointed Issuer of Marring yl acenses. Office, lot 10, in the Under the New 1st con. Brock. Brock, Ang. 1874. 33 ISSUER OF Marringe. licenses. One of the Walker House Port i door west ssuer of Marriage Licenscs--Conveyancer, Commissioner &c. DMfice--Mancheste "TE ONTARIO FARMER" Mutual Insurence Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Heuscs and Clrurches Those wishing to fire and thereby suppoct a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock $t., Whitby L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, Seeretars.} " y WHITBY STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. WOLFENDEN, HOLESALE and Retail dealers in Foreign and American Marble Man-- lox, Monuments, &e., Dundas St, Whitby. Also, Agent for the Scottish Grane: ilding Stone cut to orde'. Alen lv : JOHN NOTT, Agent, Pott Perry. Whitby, July 29, 1874. guctione rs. 7M. WILLCOX, ki . LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE CO OF ONTARIO, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MAR! POSA & CARTWRIGHT, Bugs to thank his many trends and the public generally, for the libiral patrons age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting. &c: It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with 'Perry, Oct. 28, 1873 & ah epitects, Ke. "ENRY GRIS EN SOLICITOR AND DraveaTiay, Ottawa, Canada Transucts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government 'Copyrights and the Registration 'of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents neces their Sales or Collecting. ' Bi 1s draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. "Arrangements can be made for sales &e.; at the Suspnyee Office, e, Port Perry. Mee Tw. a WILLOOX, sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared ou receipt of the model of the Tuventioh, Port Perry, Oct. 25, 1873. and at the Standard|} PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, BE. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties ! wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales, Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876. WM. GORDON, | Licensed Atictioneer, Valuator, &c. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah; Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, 3 . i BE" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being giveit to their interests. sR WM. GORDON, . Sunderland, Brock. TT AT T. H. WALSHF, TI ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township 1 of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, ete. in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remembere-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. _ Potels. WALKER HOUSE PORT PERRY see THE © FPYHE Subscriber having ledsed the above hotel, it will be his endeavpr to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public, THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Provinee and surpassed by none out of the best cities Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Pabl mers and others doing business iu the Village and the general public will find in WALKER HOUSE all that ean be required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges. THE The Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in 0 Aon TWIT FIi8. CLASS SiYLF, The Tables and Bar supphed with the choice of the market and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of NTTINCITY ALL G UES | ye An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers, W. B. McGAW, Port Perry, April 20, 1876. I ORT PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY » . JAS. V. THOMPSON, = PROPRIETOR, | The above House ably furnished, and ( sts arc cared for v Good Lignors and Stabling and good Ostle been made which mak also, first cl Additions hav the largest and best House in this section of count Fare $1.00 per Day. Te HOUSE, PORT PERRY, The Subser ber having teased this comfort. able and convenient Hotel, will spare neither labor nor expense in providing for th fort and convenience of guests. The will always be supplied with the b had in the market. Only choice 1 Cigars at the Bar, Any quantity of firstelas Stable and Shed accommodation prope attended to Ly careful Ostlers. CHAS, HOLT. Port Perry, March 8, 1876. {UARESPEARS HOTEL, } CORNER OF KING AND YORK STS. JAMES POWELL, . First-class accommodation ; bath rooms, &c. Board, $1.50 per day. . Prormigron. Rees HOUSE, MANCHESTER. Py GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel it will be my endeavor to conduct it in y particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875, ()2T2B10 AOTEL, WHITBY, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. The public well cared for, and all Guests will please feel at home. Whitby, Nov. oth, 1876. UEENS HOTEL, Corucr of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Ox. D. CAMPBELL, . . . Proprietor This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to travelers First class Sample Rooms. ched. Chnnington, Oct. 20, 1875. NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, Livery . 43 ! © PRINCE ALBERT. Ww, H. PARK, - - - PROPRIETOR. | Having porchased the above pleasantly ! situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired now most comfort- | MUNEY TO LOAN | MORTGAGES WANTED. THe Bubgeribheys have large sums of mon- ey placed in theif hands 'investment on Improved Faknis, Village Properti al other Securitiés in this and uljnihing at the lowest current rates of interes have funds on hand at all times Borrowers candep nd on getting their money with the east, possible delay. WANTED T0 PURCHASE, "4 ANY Humber of Mongages £6 Which the high- est figures will be allowed. Wenredles sppralser for the Canada Per- manent Building Sontete, the choapest and largest Mone v Institution in Ca a. Paid up Capital ,000. Tnstalnrents ye-payable MIS infrom 2 Lands Bought and Sold. Hoveral good farms for sale. ZA sur gents for seyeral first class Fire In panies, Collections made and a general ageney busi- ness transacted. #3 DEBENTURES BOUGHT."%% JOTIN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct, 11, Joney to Loan The nndersigned has any amonnt of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, ut Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrow : Also ral Improved Farms, and Wild | Lands for sale, cheap. | Investments made in Municipal Deben= tures, Bank end other marketable Stocks. | Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Orrter--Over the Dominion Bank, MeMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. | Whitty, April 10, 1873 Agency or he Lending of rey | ZX Real borrower, ¢ upon the seenrity of Isfate, re-payable at the option of Rate of interest Eight percent. | mission, Wanted to pmichase and Promissory Notes No Com- good Mortgages Money always on hand for any good Loan, { W. MAURICE COCHRAN March 1, 1887. Port Perr | { | MONREY (Private Funds.) 4'0 Loan on good Farms, at 8 cent in LYMAN ENGLISH, | on, &0. | Barmbr Oshawa | { November, 21, 1866. 4 ORT WHITBY & PORT PERRY EX SION RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 17. Taking eflect Saturday, 6th Jan, 1877. Trains run by Toronto time, which is twe two minutes slower than G.T.R. time Trains Going North. |W Whitby Junction | Manchest | Prince Alb | Port Pe { | | | Port Perry... | Prince Albert . * Platform Stations--Trains stop on signal- only. | Commeetions.--At Whithy Junction with I Grand Trunk Railway Trai ast and West. 1 At Port Perry with Stage fc JAMES HOLD Managing Dire fer OF DIVISION COURTS ¥OR THE County of Ontario, For the year and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished g in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests. The table and bar well supplied. W H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. JA BrarRoNG HOUSE, (LATE ALBION) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. a ----m er ----------e tee inert 'The Only First Class Honse in Town. By MOUSE, late Jewett House, Kent Street, Lindsay. Board, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. I OYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, WILLIAMSBURG, CARTWRIGHT, TE. BRYANS, Proprietor, The Subseriber having sneceeded Mr. Mason in this pleasant and commodlous Hotel has spared neither labor nor expense in re-fitting and renovating the entire premises. The Bar supplied with a superior class of Liquors and the best brands of Cigars, The choice of the market provided for the Tables. Excellent stabling and attentive Ostlers, E, BRYANS. _ Williamsburg, Dee. 6, 1875, sla - sie = of = & 3 "4 I c= Whitby... pagel y sl 1 yl Brougham 1a] lal pz la 88 |2 Port erry 1616 012125) |5 8120 Uxbridge 4 10122 261 | 6] 918) Canningtol 2 ll] Lapel Beaverton... | |i2 2» | ul It ey wl dl | hel 'G. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge, Whitby, Dec 27,1846. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, CE po C. M°'KE PROPRIETOR. i; his new and extensive Livery Siabl>s with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Ti Subseriber having now fully ec nipped Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873 1 { NZIL,| (FROM THE GERMAN.) God's angels took a'little drop of dew, I Now fallen from the heave a far-off' blue, And a fair violet of the valleys green, Shedding i perfumes in the moon's soft sheen, And a forget-mpe-not so small and bri Laid all togetHer gently, out of A Prigoe Within the chilhee of the ly white? With humbleness and grace they covered it: Made purity ahd sadness near it sit ; And added pride to this, and sighs a few, i One wish, but half a hope, and bright" tears two; Conrage and sweetness in misfortune's smart And out of this was moulded--woman's heart | Hore DOUGLAS. The San, Francisco Call, a somewhat lively publication tells the following :-- « Perkins, a San Francisco broker, bought | two of Profesor Bell's telephones, and made connections between his office and the par- | lour, He thought it would be a pleasant | thin fo converse with his wife when busin- ess was slack, to inform her when he would Zo to dinner, and to learn how often his youngest son fell down the cellar stairs dur- ing the day. ing One morning he was convers- hy wire with his wife about a new i bonnet, when a broker came in to see abont | some stocks. He "telephoned" .to his wife ! that he was busy, and without severing the | connection with the instrument turned to | the broke and opened ne; fations for the purchase of Julia," Lady and other stocks, Mrs. Perking, at the other end of the line listening intently, and finally caught "I'll take Julia at Her suspicions were aroused ; there Byron, her husband's words : woman in the he burst into an ed soliloquy, which the faithful tele- phon carried to the of her husband and "I'l Julia him--wretch-- villinn--married fifteen years--where's my rubbers 2--just wait till I get hold of him," with ani his customer, these words together miscellaneous tokens of confusion and rac denoted active preparation for a sortie upon his oftice, Perkins broke off his stock negotin- tions and went home to appease his wife. -- The instruments subscqaently moved, | | ee reer were re- During the thunder storm on the night of the 20th March an onk tree, about four fe et h, standing on the farm of Mr. Wm. Winter, gt 6, con, 8, Metcalf, and about 30 rods cast of the residence of Mr, Thomas ighitfoot, was struck by lightening, and the greater portion of the cattered in splint. ers over an area of six acres, But the strangest thing is, says the Dispatch, that the tree was wholly removed, not even the root being left, but a large root and a por. tion of the tree measuring about eighteen feetand judced to weigh about a ton, was cartied clean over an eight vail fence, with- a rail, nnd lodged in the ad- joining ficld, about tour rods distant, The concussion broke a square of glass in Mr. Lightloot's house -- | Official Negligence. A Railway Committee, sitting at Halifax, bas found out that the Western Counties Railway has been built mainly of brush and | logs, covered with about two fect of earth, [1t appears the Provit inl Inspector was in | the habit of doing his inspection at a dis- | tance. One! witness, a foreman, testified _ | that the Inspector was never on the road in | his scction at all for a whole year ; that he |only pa-sed hy on the high road some dis- | tance off. Me. Sloth did his official in- .. ' speetion at a distence, but he collected his | A close inspection o | the interior of the penitentiary ought to be meted out to Mr Sloth, pay at short range, "| We find further information regarding this | honest 1ailway transaction in a special"to the Toronto dizi which says the investiga. tion into the aflairs of the Western Counties Railway, now going on before a committee of the House, shows a startling state of cor- ruption and fraud, drawn $700,090, nearly the whole subsidy, ul half finished, A great part of the road has been built of brush and rubbish and certified at cost of earthen em- bankinents. have stopped work and it is dcubtful if is ever will be re. sumed, The country will thus lose the whole subsidy. There is much indignation 1 felt in regmid to this matter. The company have but have not the The company ---- Loss on Stock. The Dundas, Ont, Standard says: --We regret to learn that the Messrs, Enright Brothers lost five of their shipment of horses recently sent to England. The ship was caught in a storm when three days out and five splendid animals were lost. The re- maining ten arrived safe. iia Three Children Burned to Death. Crepitox, Ont, March 27.--A fire occured near here last night about eleven o'clock, cousuming the dwelling-house of Henry Scilly. Mr. Scilly and his wife with three children, barely escaped, while three other children, aged 5,7 and 9, were burned, and their remains were found this morning in the ruins, The total loss is $7,000; no in- surance, ------------------ The Incendiary at Work. Paterson, N.J., March 27.--This morning the St. Charles Hotel was burned. A large number of boardets narrowly escaped, part of them being obliged to jump from the third and fourth stories, Two broke their legs and one an arm. One man slid down' the lightning rod cutting his hands terribly. Loss, $10,000 ; incendiary, ee ---- A -- mee HAIR O1L. APRIL 12, 1877. The Motber and her Family. i Philosophy is rarely found. The most perfect sample I ever met was an old woman, who was apparently the poorest and the most forlorn of the human species; so true is the maxim which all profess to believe, and none act upon invariably, viz: that all happirvess does not depend on outward circamstances. The wise woman to whom I have alluded walks to Boston, a distance of twen- ty or thirty miles, to sell a bag of brown thread and stockings, and then patiently walks back : again with her little gains. Her dress. though tidy, is a grotesque collec- tion of shreds and patches, coarse in | the extreme. 'Why don't you come down in a wagpn ?" said I, when IT observed she was weary with her long journey. 'We haven't got any horse,' she replied; ¢ the neighbors are very kind to me, bat they can't spare their'n, and 1t would cost as much to hire one, as all my will comp to.' "You have a hushand--don't he do anything for you? Ig is a'good man--he does all he can, but he's a cripple and an inval- id. Ie reels my yarn, and mends the children's shoes. He's as kind a husband as a woman need to have.' 'But his being a cripple isa heavy misfortune to you,' said I. 'Why, ma'am, I do not look upon it in that light," replied the thread woman. that I have great reason to Lie Thankful that he never took to any bad habits. thread I consider 'Tow many children have you?' Six sons and 'five daughters, ma'am.' 'Six sons and five daughters !-- What a family for a poor woman to support! It's a family, surely. ma'am; but | there aint one of em I'd be willing to lose. They are all healthy chil= dren as need be--willing to work; and all clever to me. Even the littlest boy, when he gets a cent wd then for doing an errand, will be sure to bring it to me.' 'Do your daughters spin your thread ?' : { WHOLE NO. 1010 apostacy of his sons and of his grief thereat. > 'But the other father langhed and suid, 'It business do but prosper with my son, T shall give little concern about his re myself on. "Then Cleon turned from him and "was still more wroth. Now which of these two fathers,' said Hilliel to the youth, 'dost thou consider as the wiser and the bet. ter?' ~ Me who was wroth,' answered Theon. "And which," asked the preceptor, 'was the kindér father ?' 'He who was wroth," again an- swored the youth! 'Was Cleon wroth with his son ?' asked "Hillel, And Theon replied, Not with his son, but with his backsliding and apostacy.' 'And what,' asked IIillel; 'think- est thou is the cause of such displea- sare against evil 7' "The sacred love of truth,' an- swered his disciple. 'Behold then, my son,' said the old man, 'if thou canst now think divinely of that which is divine, the Tuman expression will no longer offend thee. --e Scripture Enigma. v 1. A servant who gained part of his master's property by slander and deceit. 2. A high priest who tried to hin- der a great work of the Lord. 3. Alidtlo of which our Lord told his disciples to refuse when called by it. : 4. One of those classes of people who shall be cast into the: lake of fire, which is the second death. 5. The division of Palestine of which, at the beginning of John the Baptist's ministry, Philip, the bus- band ot Herodia, was Tetrarch. 6. The soldier, who, when with David, took away Sauls and cruso of water, while his guards o asleep. honor spear 7. The cousin of a prophet who bought a field from him as a token that the children of Israel should "{ returnfrom their captivity in Baby- 'No, ma'am; as soon as they are big enough they go out to service, | as I don't want to keep them always | delvirg for me; they are always | willing to give me what they can; but it is right and fair that they should do a little for themselges. I do all my spinning after the folks are abed.' 'Don't you think you should be better oft if you had no one but yourself to provide for?' 'Why, no, ma'am, I don't. If I hadn't been married, I should | ways had to work as hard as | could, | and now I can't do move than that. ! My children are a gi al- | at comfort me, and I iook forward to the time when they'll do as much tor meas 1] have done for them.' Here "was true philosophy! 1 learnel a from that poor woman which I shall not soon for- get. ! -------- et tr WD r------ Tha Angry a'her. to | lesson [From the German.] Theon was one day reading his Holy Scriptures, when he suddenly closed the book, and looked thought. tul and gloomy. Mille! perceived this, and said to the youth, 'Weat aileth thee? Why is thy countenance troubled ¥' Theon answered, 'In some places the Scriptures speak of the wrath of (od, and in others he is called Love. This appears to me strange and in- consistent.' The 1eacher calmly replied, 'Should they not speak to man in humay language ? Is it not equally strange that they shotht attribute a human form to the Most igh ?' «By no means,' answered the youth, 'that is figurative--but wrath--' Hilliel interrupted him, and said: "Listen to my story. There lived in Alexandria two fathers, wealthy merchants, who two sons of the samo age, and thoy sent them to Ephesus, on business connected with their traffic. Both of these young men had been thoroughly instructed in the religion of their fathers. 'When they had sojourned for time at Ephesus, they were dazzled by tho splendour and treasures of the city, and yielding to the allure- ments which beset them, they for- sook tho path of their fathers, and Tako castor oil and put enough aleohol into it to cut it; scent to suit yourself. This oil will clean the scalp and produce a good growth of hair. Itis better than any bear ine or hair vigor, ov any of the patent mixtures wo boar so much about, £ turned aside to idolatry and wore shipped in the temple of Diana. A friend at Ephesus wrote this to Cleon, one of the two fathers of Alexandria, When Cleon had read the letier, he was troubled in his heart, and he was wroth with n. Thi initials and finals give the names of two of a famous king of Israel. The first the mother of brave men, in connection with whom her name is often men- tioned. women, sisters -------- Something About Printing: Rev. George Graflty, of Kingston, Ontario, gave a lecture last night in the tabernacle of the Olivet Baptist Church, on writing, printing, litho- graphing, &c., which was illustrated by numerous paintings on cloth; inv cluding those of Buy ptian hierogly phies as found in the ruins ot Carnie wd the famous Rosetta well as some showing the latest im- provements in ciectrotyping. The lecturer said that although we in modern times were in the habit of congratulating ourselves on the great achievements of mechanical art and invention in the century, vet many of the inventions of former centuries were much greater than those of modern ones. For example, the art of printing discovered by Gutenburg, who printed copies of the Bible. One of Gutenberg's prrtnors (Faust) took several copies to France and them to different parties, but some= time afterwards it was discovered that these books were exactly alike, and the Doctors of the Sorbonue, after grave consideration, came to the conclusion that this could be nothing else than the work of the devil, and the unfortunate printer, to save himself from the stake was compelled to reveal the process by which the copies were made exactly alike. Afterwards printers were held in high henors and were per- mitted to wear swords like knights. stone, as present sold Racipes. TKA CAKES. Two cups sugar, onc cup butter, four eggs, - two teaspoonfuls soda, lemon, flour enough to work out. SPONGE CAKES. Three eggs, one cup of sugar, butter size of an almond; soda, coveam of tartar, and lemon ; one cup of flour, COLORING COTTON RED. Two pounds of redwood ; boil this ono hour, turn it off into a tub, put in four ounces solution of tin, put in the cotton and let it remain five minutes, . BOOT GREASE. : Take quarter pound tallow, one oz. beswax, four largo table-spoon-- {uls easter oil; color with lamp black. This mixture is the best the youths. Thereapon he went to wafer proof boot black I have ever used: the other father, and told him of the | mgt A man who had been to church on Sunday was asked to describe the singing. "Well," said he, "they sang that beatiful anthem about tie hilies of the field; it was all very nice, but when 'they came to that part about Solomon in all bis glory they sang, 'And I say unto you that Bolomon in all his glory was not arrayed * then there was a pause'; ' was notarrayed----' then there was another longer pause ' was not arrayed ' and then another pause until Iwas afraid poor Solomon wold never get his c'othes on." Actresses have their pictures taken when they are yohng, and when they are old their lithrographs do not depart from them. nb -- em Cardinal red parasols will be worn next summer, and it will be diffic to distinguish a woman from a m- eor, three blocks away. . ---------- «1 have mefer known but tw women who were really perfect said a lady to another. "Who we the other ?" asked her companion ------ A photographer who can make : mole on a lady's cheek appear like dimple in her picture has achieved the highest standard of his profes- sion. eo Somebody ought to issue a book entitled, "ITow to Behave in a Panic," that can be pastel ine side of hats an muffs, for use at the eventful moment, ee # ---- me If you own a Spitze dog you musn't let your judgement be warp- A ed by what the papers say. Let him bite you and then wait for results. a A correspondent writes asking fora "remedy for. an apple-treo worm." How can we prescribe till we know what is the matter with the worm ? A prin As "Frank." who had been taught to believe that he hud been made from dust, stood watching the dust as the wind was eddies, heexclaimed: © M ! the dust looks as if there wit to be another little boy made." a 0 -- An exasperated politica had been called upon to de position once more than pe could endure, exclaimed :-- "De my position! Never! It I define' the next thing I'll be called upon to do will be tospell it." -- la 4 If youn pass through a with a careful eye, just now yon will notice a sadness ereeping over the countenances of the old hens, Tt is not simply the knowledge that they must die, but the thought that they for Spring chi must be sold ens after they are "laid" out. - . «1 eame out of the accident," said he, "and who do you think was the first person I met?" Who ?"-- « Who but that same eternal prize- package peddler who had bored mo for six hunired miles on the train, and he was the only one aboard who wasn't hurt some way." ee ------lo The settled expression of deter-- mination that mantles the face of a man who ix just sarting out to 'have a tooth pulled is only equalled by subdued look that creeps over his features as he pauses with his hand on the knob on the dentical room door, turn quietly around, and tip- toes back through the hallway, out- doors again. The standard of drankenness varies between London and Edina borough. A witness in a London court recently testified that 'a man is properly drank when he cannot walk;' in Edinburgh, at about the same time, a witness gave .it as his opinion that ¢ a man basna' enough till he canna speak.' cit p----pentt I had to stand up all the way home in the street cars,' said a wifo to her husband, as she eame into the house the other day. 'You did ¥ said he, 'well that's a shame!' 'Ob, I didn't care--I enjoyed it," declared she, as she pulled off a glove; 'ever since you gave me. these handsome bracelets T lke to stand up and hang to a strap, the gold filigree work shows off so beautifully.' HAIR WASH Half an ounce of gum eamphor dissolved in two quarts of hot water, one ounce of glycerine, half an ounce of borax. Shake we'l and wesh rinse in elour water, Use it twicea wook, For hain, if falling out thisis arly god. Tu clewiiss the v the hair whirling it in' henroost your hair. Brash the hair, and then : g 8

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