Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 May 1877, p. 1

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| > 3 oo & A - Ee ---- Re Dae J i J W. CUDLIPP, Aronttcr, &c. E. MAJOR, Path Ontario. Obserner. |. ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties Be ad a" : Having had considerable practical ex 2 wishing his services can call at the A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL |perience in France, the United States | «Observer" Office, Port Parry, and arrange for © TURAL § FAMILY NEWSPAPER, |and Canada, and holding Certificates from | days of Sules. 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., Her Majesty's P ivy Council, in Bolling Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876. tion, T am prepared to turnis! EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Construction, : BY 2 DESIGNS, PLANS, DETA(LS, ESTI- WM. GORDON, 5 MATES, §C. L d A per, Vi &e. SONS. 4 ) ) eer, y;. BAIRD ® 2anso For Buildings, at alow figure, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad-| All orders addressed to me, Port Perry Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa . vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No | post Office, will receive immediate atteution, and Eldon, Ce tote Sales th THe subscription taken for less than six months; | NB [am prepared to crect Buildings of Dap Parcs SO sling il Pa D THe and no paper discontinued until all arrears any size or kind. may tely on thew most attention being gi are paid. Perry, Feb8, 1871. e J 2 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Port Perry, Pebs WAL SOR DON ok. For each line, first insertion .... ...$0 08 M. SPENCE, CoxTRACTOR, BUILDER, &C. Le Subsequent insertions, per line «002 W T. H. WALSHE, Cards, under 6 lines, per annum ..... 5 00 The Subscriber' returning his sincere - HB. y : p@F™ Letters containing money, when ad-| (hanks for the very liberal patronage be- ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township dressed to this Office, pre paid and regester- rp he 1 of Brock, Thorah, Mara, & Ram in ed, will be at our risk | Perty and moved into the Village of Prince North Ontario; Marissa, ctc,, in the County Advertisements measured bv Nonpareil, he will in future give his whole of Victoria, Residence--Cannington, Brock, and charged according to the space they oc-- fon to his business as Colitfacton, And % Orders loft at this office, or at his residence cupy. Lin I astering, ard thing connecte Will be punctually attended to. Debts col- Advertisements received for publication. | therewith, which he will executeon the shori- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and nin ti illbei d | est notice and in the best and most durable t ances ind Rr 1 ¥ithont specific instructions, will be od f est notice and in the best an: 4 rable ompt remittances made, cmember-- antil forbid and charged accordingly . No Ste he ye goal whieh WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- advertisement will Be taken out untilpaid for. | and rirst-class workmanship. iis eer. * A liberal discount allowed to Merchants | = « Albert. Apiili 1873 WM. SPENCE. » . w---- and others who advertise by the year or|® Kinga Albert, APH 181k. | Hotels half-vear. NS ) % PEEL arc dade ITEC p@~ Thos: terms will in all' cases "be PA gic - = Tr ome. THE WALKER EOUSE Job Department. IR IF. HARRINGT IN, Teacher of Music, 3 a i Dort Perry. Also dealer in Musieal Ine PORT PERRY Pamp lets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro-| jraments. Residenec.on Union Avenue. C 'R : rammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt a : ; sirculs Busines: Ss 808 ARRIN p ooks, Checks, Books, Circulurs, Bia = V 1 Ss. 8 ITARRI ; I er of VHE Subserthes having. lensed the Shove Cards, Ball Cards, kc, of every style duc) on Union Avgnu hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct color, exceuted promptly and. at rnp sa ' it in cvery particular xo as to merit the than any other establishment in the Cofuly approbation and patronage of the public. gay Partios from a distance g ting han 1 « : 4 " SE bills, &e. printed can have them done to tise § dK i Min TAT URR a1 Wom with them. aay 5 WALES x Hi USE J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. whether for extent or quality of accommo. -- Pasi dations is cqualled by fav Hotels in the POW NSH or Province and surpassed by nose out of the i TOWNSHIP OF EAST WILIBY bist. citics Conveyancing ad General Inswianee ef sient Commercial Travelers, the Trav ling Pown Thi! sein ee hones Public, Famers and others doing busine ss tr an in the Villag + genoral public will vk will | i - | . Gi i» Moin " HOT | ME | Lik all that can he required in the matter of A Cohimibns. March 281877 accommodation und moderation in charges | : | Ny I Ne her at the | YEN 2. MV , a t any i the Pown of Whitby, has been ap- 1 Town. | UF pointed The Tonle fo ita tga OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE The House is fitt up pene) a the county Ontario. Any business cin FLAC QIVIC treat his charge will he carefully at- Fino {LASS $1 \ LE. | ion tended to The Tables and Bar supphed' with, the | Ww INITAS choice ot the mavket and the utmost aften= | A= RE ne a J 4h Shiki fee tion paid to a , 0 St | E . ant to Pro Mi nn, Port Peer ' CFTC Sarin 02 the University Hospital, Au room ti mated pom. A LL I. G1 ES i oS. | fof Que es An abundance of comfortable Stalile and | ne of Sunen . 8. Shed acvommodation, and attentive hostiers, | TOR of WEIGHTS § MEASURES W. B. McGAW. ths County of Ontario. Port Perry, April 20, 1876, Nov 1, 1873 te i | : a pete pone PERRY HOUSE, { { . PORT PERRY, | JAS. V. THOMPSON, = PROPRIETOR. | | The above House is now most comfort- | Sot i yr $ " ably furnished, and Guests are 'cared for in | a cw Jlarriage Act. BG Fraors and Cen 1 Not ue Th my also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers. 11. Coenen Port Perry, July ~ 1st, 1074. Gqgiions have heen made which make: this en 1 having been re- the large t and best House in this section of | VAAN To TRL, Gi, soto | | LE pe. country. Far $1.00 ur Day. i 4 Vilaner hw, (after ears duty) continues to fur- Tie eT | Gun a Ye retot meat Port Perry. AFOE HOUSE, PORT PERRY, | Mee --Sime eo strepty opposite the Post Ofee |" A : ey ! A YOUNG SMITH, Ll. BB, Barrister, At- The Subscriber having leased this comfort. | 1x. tornev-nt-frw. Solie | LSChuneeryy able and convenient Hotel, will spare neither | A HE Inhor nor expense in providing for the com. | Difice--Me Milan's Block, Brock strect, gin nee of guests, 'The Tables | : Shs or! y yenlence guests, » ©) will always be,snpplied with the best to be 30d, Bi R. RICARDSON, had in the market. Only choice Liquors and Solicitors thse inted Issuer of Cigars at the Bar. Any quantity of first Sanivilouse, Be Sppeinny Sane o Stable and Shed accommodation properly | Marringe licenses. atendedto by careful Ostlers | Inde: . New Act. Office, lot 10, in the CHAS, IOLT. | © Law', and Solicitor Unger the Now e ? Port Perry, March 8, 1876 { ein the Royal Vrede, | Spl Ts, 187, 33 -- Port Perry. ir : N -- { aRnSPEARE HOTEL, | bier tn Fe TT 1 C. FORMAN, W. Maurice Cochrane, i . IBSUER OF CORNER OF KING AND YORK 8TH., TTORNEY-AT-LAW,SolicitorinChan- | \ [pe [uicenses. JAMES POWELL, . . . Proruron. sory Notary P ic, &e., &c v, Se : i a Sa to 5 p.m One door west of the Walker House Priskeins Jocsningdation bath rooms, Loans oO Load at 8 per cent, on all | Port Perry. &c. Board, $1.50 per day. f good sec y. Tiras Td METI rH BO Ors og) Avail, OHN CHRIS RUvERE House, '77 PORT PERRY. » TOWNSHSP CLERK, vv MANCHESTER. : ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, By GEO. HOUCK. J. A. MURRAY, Commissioner &c. Having leased the aboye excellent' Hotel ATE Patterson & Office-- Manchester it will be my endeavor to conduct it in Futon, Surgeon er every particular so as to merit the appro- b tint Offic ovr THE ONTARIO FARMER.' bation and patronage of the public. Dorvigan & Cam. Manchester, Oct, 6, 1875. ts Pon ( Mutual Insurance Company. , ' Perry. All work SZ --_-- : : 0 NTARIO HOTEL, | ore in the very hax This Company is now fully organized and is WHITBY, | oe bent style and warranted to give | prepared to Aueps risks oy Farm Eniidings T. MASON, - =~ PROPRIETOR. satisfaction, and their contents, country Sc¢ : : = 2 Port ing March 28, 1877. lend Clurches Those wishing to fi. ure and le pic wel) ga for, and all Guests thereby support a Home Insurance Company pleas re «sep | have now an opportanity of doing so, siney Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876. "DEN .ISTRY. i by applying to the Head Office, or to any of | see oO fhe Tora Ageuts of the Company. Our rates UEENS HOTEL, as The undersivacd would inform the public | will by found as low as those of any respon- Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. that be now practices: his profession of | sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, | CANNINGTON, Ox. Dental Surgeon at his residence, Fine Head Ofice=Oppasits the Royal Hotel pn CAMPBELL, . . PROPRIETOR Albert, where he is prepared to attend to all | prock St., Whitby 2 Y cd oh 1. who tg nive his services, or partics will be ? L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Ts Hotel iv now turnished in hs ox attended at choir residences if they prefer it, Secretary. | sty! e, and offers every accommodatiol My long and thorough knowledge of every | travelers department of the profession enable me to WHITBY B&~ First class Sample Rooms. Livery warrant satisfaction in every Sunes g MARB LE Ww 0 RKS attached. is R. FOSTER, . . . | Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875., 43 Prince Albert, Aug. 16, 1876. |STEAM gon, . : a 3. N. VARS, L. D. 8. J! & RWOLFENDEN, . | A NGLO-ANERICAR HOTEL, VEETH iaserted on all the latest princi- HOLESALE and Retail dealers in Pinch ALERT. ples of the art; dad as cheap as the cheap= Foreign and American Mis Hane WH Pang . . PROPRIETOR. stpandas good as the best, Teeth filled tlex, Monuments, &c., Dundas St, Whitby. . ) vith Gold and Silver. Tecth extracted] Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite. Having purchased the above pleasantly i i not p ilding Stone cut to orde:. ituated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired without pain by producing local anwmsth- Also Bul g : si 5 h i Denti I Rooms--in Cowan's new JOHN NOTT, ahd renovated the entire premises even to ak ol nay Deu "Store, King Agent, Pott Perry. | the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished oh { Odi g ? Whitby, July 29, 187+. 32|in First-Class Style and Stocked with the <= treet, Oshawa, : ree = | best Liquors and Cigars! ' HAS. HORN. V 8, '@uctionerrs Strict attention paid to the comfort of : t . » TEMBER of the Veterinary Tastitute, RA guste, ie and bar well supplied. "Chicago, 111. Gold Medalist for the WILLCOX, W. H. PARK. "rust examination on Horse Practice. Author : ¥ Princo Albert, June 12, 1875. Jf a [icst Prize Bgsay on Shocing. Gradu-| yi oven Ayorioneer, gf "ited'Supt. 16, 1867. X | yor THE cO.)6F ONTARIO, A FusTEONG HOUSE, Dr 'Thora begs to annotrce that he hs | (xp rowngies or Mart § #k of up his residence at Port Perry, and i8 | pos & COARTWRIGHT, . (LATE ALBION) - £9 propre to front Wp emt Begs to thank his many i] A rae WHITBY, ONTARIO. Yyigioartin. the most skitiiu ublic generally, for the ral - All ord rs Loft at the Medical Hall age ett upon hint for the past five years. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. A S00, will regeive prompt attention. Having now given up the business ofl yne Only First Class House in Town. gay The Veterinary Stables may be found | g,j)if, T intend, in future, to devote m, : prs + "om Lilly strect, opposite Cossitt's Factory. | whole time to the business of Auctioneer, ENSON HOUSE, late Jewett House, Kent "+ port Perry, Oe, 28, 1873. Shetting 80. = Street, Lindeay. Board, $1.50 per day. its me "It will bo my endeavor, by prompt and E.. BENSON, Proprietor. Re ¥ careful 'attention to business, to give OYAL FXCHANGE HOTEL, a thitects, Kr. = satisfaction to all who may favor me with I WILLUAMSBURG, OARTWRIGHT. ENRY GRIST, Pare Soiciter AND | their Sales or Collecting. igi E. BRYANS, Proprietor. DRAUGHTMAYN, Ottawa, Canada 3 p Be gh and Blank The Subscriber havin toh c ed Mr. Mason i e ve | free - in this pleasant and commodious Hotel has Transucts Pusiness id the Yetent Oi Also Bill Stamps always on hand. es nar nor expense in re-fitting and other dupartments of the Govetnuien 'Arrangements can be made for sales &c., | and renovating the entire premises. The Bar Dopyrizhts and' the Registration of Trade Trang d at tho Standard | 3nPPUed with & superior class of Liquors and 1 signs procured. Drawings, | at the Osserver Office, and at the Standard | iyi%eqt brands of Cigars. The choice of the Mark: i} o or Doctiments neces | Office, Port Perry. . market provided for the Tables. Excellent 56 if 'ations, and other Documents neces ) W. M. WILLCOX, tabling and attentive Ostlers, sary to 4:car- Patents of Invention, prepared «al. ' &. BRYANS. #n re @pt of the model of the Invention, pert Perry, Oct. 25, 1873. Williamsburg, Dec. 6, 1675. 5 p Eas EEE AND GENERAL. ADVERTISER be L is VOL. XX, NO. 23.{ i ---- an A ior PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1877. me 5 wep { WHOLE NO. 1015 THE CORPORATION OF REACH IN ACCOUNT WITH S. H. CHRISTIAN, ESQ., TREASURER, FOR THE YEAR 1876. EXPENDITURE. By amount Paid on ROADS AND BRIDGES. P Christie, T. Munro and J. Tummonds ,.. 11 50 Wm Horne and Thos. Crozier. on Sliaw's hi 00 00 J. Medd and J Claug 25 00 8. Claughton and 8. Stephenson, bridge, con. 6, lot 3 25 00 ¥. Otis and P, Carr, graveling west of Sonya.......... 22 00 J. McClintock and J. Bowles, graveling and covering Nonquon bridge, 8th con 5 . 90 00 F Waid and J Watson, oppos 40 00 Wm McDonald, west of Saintfie 20 00 1. Munro, opposite lot12, con 7 . vi 57 09 RD, Irwin and D. Fralick, Uxbridge town lin 50 00 John Horn and Joseph Town, opposite lot 10, con 13 100 00 D. McKay and 8 Graham, on hill west of Saintfield, 80 00 D. Gregg and W. Swannock, on Brock road, con 13. 30 00 Andrew Graham, on bridge, con 2 30 20 Wm. Parrish, bridge, con 2, nea; 20 00 J. Mowbray and M. G Robson, N Band... iii vrsheis ese ane aa 150.70 John Leask, opposite lots 18 and 19 in con 10, and in cons 10 and 11, and repairing eon 12... 00 ivinn sininnnn 00 John Coates. on con 1, Cartwright tow 20 00 T. Coates, Cartwright town line, c 30 0D Joshua Dobson, west of Mancheste 80 00 Dougall McMillan, I 35 00 C. Marsh and D. Town, opposite lot 1 11 60 D. Purdy, between lots 18 and 10 con 8 10 00 John Kilpatrick, on Sim 25 00 T Bailey and PP. Whitn 10 00 E. Williams, on Simcoe st 8 00 A.W Ewers, on town hall, .. 20 00 Wm. Horn and BR. Howsam, on Uxbridge town line... 30 00 Wm. McGr rv, on Erock road, con 9, 10 00 A. Ewchman, culvertat Epsom 6 00 31416 40 ORDERS OF COUNCIL FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES J. Ward, for plank $176 J. Woon, read sc ay 2 50 P. Carr, Gl A. Gall 2 40 B Barns. 20 00 A. Michael, 3 00 V. Lore... 10 00 Wm. Dunlop 20 60 I. Fitchett, 3 50 W. Page. 8 00 roy. 4 00 12 50 ian 1 50 Ge Taner John Bryant D. Christ John Well James Parking J Dafoe E. Williams Manchester creck $2, 3, Jeliy'S1.D. W. Parrish $1, School Section No. 2. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do N Munro, returning officer .. J. E Armst > Wm. Lee, returning office D. McKay, Auditor Peter Christie, AW. Ewers, AW. Ewers, selecting Jurors, an J. Dobson, Councilor .. . D. Daniels, Messenger A. Earchman, ¥ Ward, John Munro, F. EB. Cragg, S, Bariett, 8. H. Christian, Treasurer, .. Win. Real, Collector, .. John Christie, George St. John, Deputy Reeve . John Mowbray, Councilor....... A. Smith, refunded ,. T. Henry, refunded Paid for Sheep Killed--A. D. Irwin W, Tyle W. He ------8$7479 06 SALARIES. $10 00 «, Auditor . 16 00 SOF. savas . 125 00 . 8 00 . . 16 00 Deputy Reeve, . 2400 Reeve .... 40 00 10 50 30 00 . 12 00 Poor Commissioner , 5 00 do do 5 00 do do 5 00 do do 5 00 do do 10 00 100 00 eesen 120 00 Township Clerk 350 00 24 00 30 00 $045 5 DOG FUND. $1 00 Thos Sunley., Wm. Marks . C. Bates .. R. Frankhn F. McKenzie Allan Munro - E. Kendall, R. Brown .. Ad John McClintock N. Bates ..... 000 TOD 0 re Bre pe tm OF RS Ft °o S Paid for Sheep Killed--James Ackne, John Tummonds. Andrew Grabam |, Rout Stretton. . . J. Croxall, + J. Harris, R. Baird ...... SUNDRIES. Peter Christie, taxes refunded. . y J. Akney, taxes refunded A. WW. Ewers, extra ser Wood for town hall,.......... James Scott, use of hall, G John Heard, parliamentary election in hall Prin Robert Brown, parliamentary election expense, Epsom. . John Broderick, parliamentary election expense, Utica. . Judgment School section no. 7. M. G. Robson.... ... John Nott, Balance of costs Hart & Rawlinson. . Costs committee County List of non res. lands, . W. Laing, costs non.ves, lands, J Scott, election in town hall. Leork, for damages sustained on brid, ount and stamps on note G. Houck, horse hire F. Bateman, horse hire. Discount and stamps on Insurance, town hall, W. « H. Brown IR era, notifying council , Repairs on town hall S. H. Christi ian, for stationery &: F. McClintock, interest on not: Mungo Weir, selecting jurors P. Carr, use of school house for election ..... . D. Christie, returning officer seer "een P, Coare.i.u: asians . eee Abid ..... I'. Harrington Jamieson, poll c Tunro, poll clerk. Murray, Berwick & Ly W. Thomson, error in sale ot land T. W Ro or an sale of land Trustee § , tise of school house | Browne Bros , use of hall for election | W. Real, error in rolls. ... | School Section No 45 | Paid Ontario B: J. Carnigie . F. McClintock .... nk .+ $1900 00 700 00 400 00 ----33000 00 PRINTING. Paid Baird & Parsons. ... seeseies $248 00 MANCHESTER CREEK. Paid Brird & Parsons... $59 48 W. E. Yarnold . 39 00 C. Irwin .... 247 55 John Chrlstie 10 00 John Coulter. ceegee 22 ---- §358 28 T.W.&P.P.R.R. CO. By Paid... { = ies 200 00 COUNTY ONTARIO. ByPaid i ivi es har rir in POOR FUND. T. E Cragg, Commissioner. ,.... F. Ward, du . A. Earchraan, do do . an, for Ballard, d, Commissioner S. Barrett, do : eee $1050 80 Cash in Treasurer's hand, 15th Feb, 1877,....... 1256 37 §21287 33 TOTAL EXPENDITURE UP TO FEB. 15th, 1877. Bills Payable .... op ovis eas «0... $3000 00 Printing. ... . . seid 248 00 Manchester Creek... . 358 28 P. W & PP. Railway . ' . 200 00 County Ontario ave ian os + «4 3857 08 Orders of Council anes cena PR sees 386 15 Poor Fund sees pene ees Sundries "eee "ees vata : Schools . T7479 96 Salaries sees . 945 50 Dog Fund ares . . . 154 22 Roads and Bridge igs ed «1116 40 - ) ------20030 98 Cash in Treasurer's badd, 15th Feb, 1877 1256 37 $21287 35 A a Q RECELPTS. To amount in treasurer's hands as per last audit . . Licenses eleven taverns for two months Shop license, W. Goodfellow... any Fines, W. Allen ruse cers Fines, J. Wright. ... ery Bills payable, F. McClintock .... sw do. do. J. Carnegie... a do, do. F. McClintock ok Manchester creck, debentures sold ares do* do. Outario Bank....., 'es do. do. do. do. . P. R R. for submitting by-law Municipality's fund Fines, John Nott vsvens Ss lary refunded J Mowbray Poundage, A. Eachmau, ..... W. Real, Collector ares Yaaaas L162 23 mm § 21287 33 R. R. Debentures School 8 No. School Debenture No. 15... P. Christie, T. Munro and J. Tummtonds, roads and bridges abrves Sanaa any W. Sellars and John Weir roads and bridges W. Tomlinson and G. Martin do. Ewers, Dobson and Williams do John Mowbray and M. G. Robson C. Marsh and A, Earchman, T. E. Cragg, Poor Commissioner ... rd do do . Wa A. Earchman, J. Munro, Manchester Creek .... .- . ITABITITIHRS. ' ...$8000 00 «2. 1G3E .. 135 47 6 28 38 do,.... do. D. Town do do .- do do ASSETS. Town Hall, &c - .e i vu $1350 00 Amount of Ontario Gov't § D. Fund due 31st Decem- To tog MusioipAL CoUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP oF REAOH,-- GenTLEMEN,-- We hereby certify that we have carefully examined the books of your Clerk and Treasurer and found them correct, and respectfully submit the forogoing Statement of the same. Manchester, April 14, 1877: D. McKAY, R. B. BROWNE, } Avorzons. ber, 1876 ae . . a . .. $6681 69 Less paid BR. R. Debentures, Dec, 31st, 1876 . .. 2600 00 ------ 4081 69 Interest on 8, D. Fund, from 31st Dec. 1876, to 15th Feb, 1877, 25 51 Andrew Graham, Commissioner on Roads and Bridges. . ve 10 20 Cash in Treasurer's hand, Feb, 16th, 1877, ie «i 1258 37 6923 77 Balance of Liabilities over Assets iv . . 1524 94 i $8448 71 THE UNSEEN WITNESS, The good ship Americus, engaged in the East India merchant service, was on her homeward voyage. Her crew were jubilant}; but probably no one was in better spirits than the 'skipper's pretty daughter, Mabel d, who had panied her father y on this trip. When, suddenly, like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, a dark cloud of wrongs and suf- ferings, which had been banging over the ship, broke upon them in all its terrible power, sending broken Learts and death into their midst, chilling the hopes of the crew and driving the captain and his daughter almost distracted with grief. Mabel Stanford was a general favorite of the ship's company. None could help liking and admiring her pleasant ways, and she, all unconscious of the fearful web she was mno- cently weaving, did her best to make the voyage pleasant, x Among Miss Stanford's most ardent ad, mirers, and one whom she seemed especial- ly to favor, was the second mate, young Frank Heywood, who loved her with all his heart, It was whispered among the crew that they wonld make & good match; but the skipper did not look upon the would-be union in that light; and it was generally known that he would prefer the first mate, who was also a suitor for his daughter's hand. Warren Gregg, the first mate, was a man pot far from thirty, who had followed the sea from his boyhood and was considered a first, class seaman. He was alittle below the | medium height, with a stout, thick-set frame and frank, open teatures, which great ly belied his true disposition. This was his second trip as mate of the Americus; and thongh he had sncceeded in gaining the goodwill of the captain, he was generally disliked by the crew for hig haughty and overbeaiing ways. That he loved Miss Stanford with all the ardor of which his nature was capable there was no doubt, and itis perhaps needless to say that he looked upon the attention the manly, handsome Heywood paid her with anything but pleasure, In fact he was mad with | jealousy, and the opportunity was only i wanting for his pent up passion to break out in a torrent of hatred and vengeance. | However, he had so governed his actions | | that no one had ever dreamed of the fierce | mental conflict that was racking his brain. | Affairs were at this state--Mabel openly ving the attentions of Heywood, while r father and brother, the supercargo, were | silently working to briug about a different result, and Gregg still trying to win her | from his 1, his passion growing fiercer | and fierceras his case grew more hopeless, | till plans for revengeful triumph went flitts ing through Lis brain, ready to try in case | fair means should fail--when an incident | occurred which tended to bring about an es- | trangement between the captain and his | daughter's lover. | It had been the aim ot the unscrupulous | Gregg from the first to bring about a quarrel | between the captain, or his sou Lewis, and | Heywood, Thus he was continually em- bittering the minds of both against the | mate; until at last his object was accom- | plished, Heywood and young Stanford had an open quarrel, brought about by the shrewd machi- nations of theficst mate, who had caused [the hot-headed | other of in, | lost, which | latter, whe supercargo to accuse the 1 ring be had mysteriously ly aroused the temper of the cussion followed which | would ha n blows had not some of { the crew interfered, The sympathies of the captain in this quar. re with his son, and those of Mubel with who she did not consider at all to s not far from the middle of the night the quarrel between Heywood and | Stanwood, and, save the gentle moaning of | the wind through the rigging, and the rippling lof the water as the ship ploughed on her silent as death, when the out with straining eyes in- ble gloom of the. black ex- 1s suddenly arovsel from vas steuling over him help, and then % er from ofl the lee how. Ik the supereargo, who but a 1 heen standing by his sides he young man wi follow ir ash i He turned to ant Jpn the giving of iptath and) crew wero eing brought they ri 2 Ie gz cib. |" What means this?" thundered the | skipper, as thoughts of foul play flashed | upon his brain, But amazed and startled Heywood was silent. « Who is lost 2" cried the captain in the next instant, But before anyone had time to answer him, hig own eyes told him, "My God | "tis Lewis ! and that red-hand- ed villain has murdered him, Qui k, men! hoist all the lights and man the boats! Let everything be done as quickly as possible. He may be living, and if you save bim this shall be a good night's job for you, Work, work for your lives" The ord us t rs of the grief-striken father readily obeyed, But, though lights and boats sent out in every on, nothing could be found of the lost me. So, at last it was given up as 8 hope- tess case, and the men returned to the ship, when Frank Heywood was seized for the murder of Lewis Stanford. No more sleep visited the ship that night. The gorrowing father paced the deck 'till daylight; and in the cabin below, his daughter was sobbing for the death of her brother, and for him accused ot that terrible deed, In the morning Heywood was arraigned b fore the crew on charge of wilful murder, Nothing seemed Jacking to substitute his zuilt, His quarrel with young Stanford and the circumstances onder which he h been found after the alarm, together with his appearance at the time, seemed fu fci- vn to prove Lis guilt, Yet, he stoutly protested his innocence, saying, in explanatic n of his conduct, that he had labored no illfeclings against Lew's, but had been ready to forgive and be forgiv- en As to his being found with that club in bis hands, it was accidentil, Feeling a little anxious about the weather, he had left his bunk to go upon deck, and was just in season to hear the cry which bad caused the alarm, ~ Hastening to the spot he sturubled over something in his path. Tt was the club which he had in his hands when they dis- covered him a few minutes later, with wild look upon his face, caused by the horrible that u fear that some crime bad been committed, Hey woods of derision. © 1 0 was too overwhelming against him for any: one to have the least suspivion that hia seemingly inconsistent story was anything but false fabrication gotten up for the oc< casion. vi As soon as order could be restored the captain stepped forward with a pair of man- agles, and placing them upon the doomed: man's wrists, said : so , Feank Heywood, WE "Before God and man, belivve you guilty of murd Therefore, 1 scence you in fro that yon be kept in close we reach port, when over to the proper a punishment you so rich],

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