Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 May 1877, p. 4

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-l -Law A By-Law to authorize the Munict pality of the Township of Cart- wright to aid and assist the Toronto and Ottawa Railway Company by granting thereto by wag of bonus, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and to issue debentures therefor, and to author- ize the levying of a special rate for the payment thereof. Waeneas the Toronto and Ottawa Railway Company has applied to the Corpora- tion of the Township ef Carkwricht fou aid by way of ' bonus towards "the con- struction of the Toranto_and Ottawn Railway to the amonntof the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and it is ex- dient to grant the same upon the conditions hereinafter named, a Axp Waengas for such purpose it is neces- sary for the said Corporation of the Township of Cartwright to jssne debent. ures of the said Corporation te the amonnt of the said sum: of Twenty Thousand Dollars, Axp Whereas it will require the sum of One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Forty-eight dollars to Le raised annually by special rate on the whole ratable property of the said Township of Cart wright for paying the said sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars and interest on the Debentures to be issued therefor, * in equal annual instalments of principal and interest within twenty years as hereinafter mentioned. af Axp Waereds tle amount of the whole rat- able property of the aid Township of Cartwright, irrespective of any future increase of the same, according to the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Township (being that of the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Six) is the sum of Seven Hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and ten dollars. Axp Whereas the amount of the existing debt of the aaid Corporation of the Township of Cartwright is for prin- cipal, the sam of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty dollars, and no sum for interest, and no part of such principal moneys is in arrear. Axp Wrgneas for paying the principal and interest of the debt hereby created, by equal annual instalments it will require an equal, annu special rate of two mills and nin entieths of a mill on the dollar, in addition to all other rates to be levied in each year in the said municipality. Be it therefore enacted hy the Corporation of the Township of Cartwright in the County of Durham, as follows :-- * 1. That it shall be Jawful for the Corpora. tion of the township of Cart- wright to aid and assist the To- ronto and Ottawa Railway Company by granting thereto by way of bonus, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars in debentures of the said Corporation. 2. That, for the purpose aforesaid, the Reeve of the said Corporation shall cause debentures of the said Corporation" to be made to. the amount in all of the enm of Twenty Thonsarid Dollars, each debenture to be for not less than One Hundred Dol- lars, to be sealed with the seal of the said Corporation, and signed by the Reeve and Treasurer thereof, and shall declare on the face thereof, the authority on which the same was issued, 3. That the said debentures shall bear date on the day hereinafter appointed forthe coming into force ofthis By. Law, and shall be issued far the amounts, and payable with- in the times following, that is to say : $544.00 in onc year from tho date thereof. $376 61 in two years from the date thereof. $611 24 inthree years from the date thereof. $647.92 in four years from the date thereof. = + $686 79 in five years from the date thereof. $728.00 in six years from thedate thereof $771 68 in seven years tom the date thereot. $817.98 in thereof. $867.05 in thereof, £919.08 thereof. $974.23 in eleven years from the date thereof. * $1072 68'in twelve years from the date thereof $1094 64 in thirteen years from the date thereof, . $1160.32 in fonrteen years from the date « thereof, ' © 1220.32 in fifteen years from the date thereof. $1303.73 in sixteen thereof. eight years from the date nine years from the date in ten years ficm the date years from the date $1381.96 in seventeen years from the date thereof, $1454.88 in cighteen years from the date thereof. . LS) jn luctenn years from. the date © the & . = ay reo! er » * i =" $1636.46 in twenty years from the date thereof. And such debentures shall be payable at the branch or agency of the Ontario Bank in the Town of Bowmanville. 4. That the said debentures shall bear in- terest at the rate of six percent. per annum, from the date thereof, and such interest shall be payable Jeariy on the 31st day of December in; _and. ev rat the hranch or i of optatio Bate inthe "Town of Bowmanville, and such debentures shall have attached thereto coupons for the i phil ' 5 > Ho That for the pirmithiayion the debt hereby created by equal annual instalments, as aforesaid, an equal annual special rate of : mill on in . n "contintiance of the bentures, orany of them, upon all the Jatalle property Jade wud Municipality of + : ip of Cartwright, 6. The said Bonus shall be payable in 'such debentures" > x pany | First-Olass i ] Alive to the requirements of the day, . ne _wwerly limit of aot further East than Lot} such the said proposed except as to such | have been obtained from B Lave; and the refraining portion' of debentures or the proceeds thereof when ) Road shall haye been com- Soa ¢ 5 i oro the City of Toronto to the City of No. wsmism i) er Railway on which running rights may portions of any other Companies, 9. That a permanent Freight and Tass- enger Station, with all necessary siding ac. commodation shall Le maintained on the said proposed Lioad on the Fourth concession of the said Township, junction of the proposed Road : Gravel Road running North and South in the many said Township, or within balf a mile East | in erly trom such Gravel Road on | tween the Fourth and Fifth concessions of the said 'Township. Road shall be bona fide before the Thirty first day of December Orie it Hnondred and Seventy. cted fromd the City of To- City of Ottawa, except as to Thonsand, Bigh eight and com jena to the such portions of other running rights may be within four years thereafte of auch of the said main'in the hands of the Ro be returned tothe Treasurer of thy said icipality. 11. That the tariff for | | thereof shall not be ine | | point on the 12. This by-law s take effect on the th ove thousand eight seven. 13. The votes of the E municipality shall be tak on the TWENTY-THIRI 18 bun to say -- For Division number tw concession ; Johu Hughes, For T on's Hou seventh cones turning office! jon number thr , lot numb the afternoon. 14. The twenty: Town Hall, in th ten o'clock in the fo fifth da lage noon, ort ali ns y 15. The twenty-fi Town Hall in the ten o'clock in the for ed the time and pl the Reeve of the {the in thefinal summing up the persons inte opposing the By-Li Take notice that the abo the proposed By-Law whic consideration by the Co! pality of the Towns one month from t Returning Officers therein WILLIAYN SQUII PORT PE In presenting our Twe farmers of Canada for the y confidence, from the marke creasing demand from year Cayuga Mower, the Young share of our time aid atter to the manufacture and o remedying defects, modityi supervision and scruti ability. Our machinery has bee: facture of our own machine not adapted for other work of our manfactnze~~obtaini facturing is carried on. to turn out our machines w to defy competition. isnow so well nous, bnt the old original onrselves and patrons ohaston ightness of draug pre-eminently ahead of all many First Prizes awarde! which have taken place all OU come skil mn Wrbughf with and so cons! always in line with the no side t Iron Frame, in ced. ve manufacture, and vi d machines. ~~ All our machines 4 Whitby, Ontgrio, March, | 10. he constriction of the said proposed obtained as aforesaid, debentures a8 may 1 gers on the said proposed i wright to any point on the | any point west of Cartwright to the same | place, and such tavifi from Cartwright to any proposed Road west thercof | shall not be in excess of that from any point east of Cartwright to the same place. | come into force and ist day of December, one thousand cight hundred seven, at the following polling places, [ before the following LReturaing officers, that is For Division number one, at the Town Hall; William Lucas, returning officer. ance Hall, lot number seventeen in the fourth on ; William W. Mason, re- And the poll shall be opened at ning C 'clock in ti:e moraing and closed at five o'elock in v of May next at the ce of Williamsburg, at h to attend at the various poll cetively. NOTICE, f Cartwright," after will be taken thereon at the polling places on the day and at the time, and hy and before, TAILOR IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVER BIGCLOW'S STORE y--every machine is thoroughly tested before leaving our wo and there is no difficulty in putting U are thus enabled to obtain a known as a Single Reaper, «as there are many claiming require of us ort, and for strength, durability, and equality of ¢ § Be and ease of management--th other reapers. OUR TRIUMPH SENTRY are fully warranted. nt 'Respectfully Yours, or Fifth at the with the the line be- | pl commenced on or ads as to which r, in default wh at ill Mun- said Trust freight or passen- toad from Cart- said Bond cast xcess of that from dred and scventy- lectors of the said en on this by-law > DAY OF MAY, and seventy: and ro, in the Temper- returning officer, at William W enteen in the ce amsh org, at is he y appointed he ing up by ty, of the number of t the by-law. of May next at the chy appoint ipointment by ty of persons ing places and at votes on behalf of and promoting or ve is a true copy of h will be taken into 1 of the Munici- 8 publieation m the | yy the named 1 LUCAS, Township Clerk. ING E'S nty-secord ear 1877, we Cheice, 25,000 fi Lake Ontario Shore Division irect Dea F TAI Fe class Tailoring in all its depart- AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest stylesand at moderate rates. A Annual Catalogue of Agricultural 4 do so with more than an ordinary degree of pride and EET ALT Richardson's FACTORY! PORT PERRY. HE undersigned would embrace this op= portunity of returning thanks to'his customers for their liberal patronge the past and would beg to remind them and the public in genersl that he is still laning lumber at §1 per thousand. Doors, €ash, Blinds, &c., &c. Which cannot be surpassed in quality or had lower prices. et 4 -- Pay Up. All parties indebted to me are hereby re- quested to pay up forthwith and confer a favor on A RICHARDSON. Port Perry, Dec, 21, 1876. Reliabl Apple rees for All "HE Subscriber has for Sale at his Nur- sety, two miles north of Brooklin, Ont, t.cluss Apple Trees ina vigorous healthy condition, and ot choice de ptions of ¥ Sold at the very lowest figures and warranted true to their name, This a rare chance for obtaining choice trees, cheap A. T. TURNER, Brooklin. Brooklin, Sept. 26, 1876. DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER. Commencing on or abotu Tuesday the April. 17th of AN," ) route, 3, and rR. G. T. R. nnecting at ral, North- and the Rome, n Central and Erie n he Railway for all 'atertown and Ogdensburg Nort ONTARIO UF newspaper, the date points East, West and Sout of which publieati as and is the Twenty-{ Returning, will leave Charlotte (port of sixth day of Apri .D., 1877. and that the Rochester) daily at p.m., except Saturdays votes of the Electors oz the said Municipality | het she will leave at 3 p.m. for Port Hope &e., will find this the in Stock, 1 most_expeditious route to Bos- "Now for Spring | A #\ ih Spe Goan en fhe Subscriber has how much pleasure in announcing th fully selected . SPRING STOCK NGS, §C., §C. While returning thanks for past favors, NEW STOCK AND PRICES. Best Style, and a Perfect Fit warranted. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap! ' JF PREARCR, Port Perry, March 22, 1877. Merchant Tailor. eee --_-- Something new in ieas. Flour, Feed and Provisions of all Kind kept constantly on hand. TIQUORS Of the purest Brands, bottled and on draft. Highest price in cash paid Qats, Potatoes, Rutter and Eggs. | &e. tion apply to of n.. <trictly Cas odnce. W. SHERWOOD, I'erms Strictly Cash or Pr Port Hope. Ot to C. F. Gildersleeve, Kingston, IRST CLASS LORING. £0) ments, RRY good fit guaranteed. J3, : Remember the place, opposite Cook's Totel,| Gold Watches--Gents and Ladies'. JAMES SQUIRE. R. HUGOE. 3k : Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. 15| Gold Chains-- do. ----------------=--1 Fine Silver Watches. * . THE BROWN & PATTERSON NPG CO'Y. NZI BY, ONT. To THE PUBLIC. Trplements to the A favor And patronage conferred upon us, and the steady and iu- to year for our new ce Canada Mower, ition. For the last twenty-two years we have given our 1 Ar ration of the various machines in use, sifting out the best points, rrors, strengthening weak points, adapting and ng and correcting proportioning every part as our increasing experie We employ only the best mechanical skill, an r the iny: detail being subjected to the severest eriticism--and each n selected and con s<many tools having ,and-our workmen Are igher degree of skill We are, therefore, enabled to {ntroduce a more perfect. manufacture, adding not only to the per! cution--and a consequent reduction of cost. This principle is regarded necessary in a well ith a Ligher degree of per to man machine, withou to state that's us--at t fection of the work lebrated Farm Implements. We shall continue as heretofore. as manufacturers, to make a specialty of Agricultural Machinery--the Jolinston Selt-raking Reaper, the ' and our new Whitby Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the Harvester claiming a large most careful and undilvided attention nce has suggested. d our machines pass under the mest careful yrks, to prove the completeness of every part, hem in operation by any person of moderate mechanical structed with a special reference to the manu- been made for this particular purpose, and educated cp to the wants and requirements ng. thoraugs knowledge of the construetion of our machines, and than where general manu- hed Sepulyied establishment, and we are enabled feetion, and at prices 80 low as absolutely and proficiency tem into all bt also tothe tf of its exe- The Johnston Self Raking Reaper that a word of commendation would almoat seem sti- facture this machine who bave adhered to t keeping up to the improvements, that justice 10 e have modified it in almost every essential ut, in every «ind and condition of grain; e "Johnston," as manufactured by us---stands In proof of this position we have only to point to the e Inst Provincial trial of Ontarid, and macy county trials over Canada, within the last few years. \ y achines--constrtucted almost wholly of fron and durable ng Canada a front cut; ease of management. : R NEW © WHITBY HARVESTE | 'has become or adapted to machinery, and many of our farmers have he- As the chirals 6% Fobdhine growing demand has sprung up for a Light, Durable, i #1, (FTA . the least p: 088i that the frame and table tilt at i) eight. the 0 Wi uf the mon 3 2 Reaper, taking rs patent, The rakes are drive A pa 'we respectfully sugges! ng their orders for the but being mi const ] feel confident that we can be of oir machines, believing that we can furnish a toan eink obtained here. elséw! BROWN 1877. and our Young Canada Mowers 'we have succeeded in fuventing & e gearing--with large, broad-| COMBINED MACHINE] with late improv eho all {hat can be desired in a combined machine, and cannot fail to 'meet all the requirements of purchasers. Our. oved Cayuga Chief, Jr., 'are both fir a the You id ood by goy magi in the market for quality of cut, bility, an Steel. Caynga Jr¢ both strong. machines, and not ex- durability, lightness of dra't, adapta- " oy machine witha Iz TE drive wheel, -- the same ti reby keepin, the pitman n directly from the main hat ere being horses ne: We are confident that we it in all its parts, that bas ever an hold our invention, for our own t'to intending purchasers, that they should coming harvest. " Whitby Harvester" t. y | rincipall the best quality of iron and bi a ta ane and durability { meet every uirement, and we tter machine for & PATTERSON MPG CO. epartments of [- » aa" Goods Delivered Free in Town or at Prince Albert, Port Perry, Oct. 24, 1876. -- DAVIS & ROBINSOX Watches, Clocks. and Jere lishment. JUST AT HAND : fe Silver Watchies--Stemwinders. Fine Gold Jewelry. Fine Gold Rings. Silver Chains, &c; Cheap for C ASH. XN .B.-- Repairing done in; & workmanlike wanner and guaranteed. i] JOHN. DIE=RFICL]). { Port Perry, Nov. 23, 1876. * CARRIAGE MA "rear THE TOWN HALL, : i # 2 % BROCK STREET, WHITBY. A PELE, Pap itn PRACTICAL ,, A Work made to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention paid to pairing. tae * | Cupboards, arrival of & large and cere- Rose and I would solicit an carly call to examine my TAILORING in all its Departments. Cloths made up in the Newest Fashions, -------- FOLLOW THe CROWD Davis & Robinson's MOLE, LIOR & PROVION STORE, (Late HL. A. Black's) ¢ all and see them, for any quantity of Peas, Part Es ab- KER | GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material == Tables ; Wood, 8 | Chairs 3 Coliches ide ps, Cretoring, '| and Hair-Clof Nots, Stands, Rose and Parlor Suites, . Whiteside's Spring Beds, sold as cheap as at any House in the trade. PICTURE FRAMING. Keeping large Stock of @ilt,. Mouldings, | satisfaction in nD | we make a specialty of it. ! . We wonld respecttully call attention to our Undertaking Department where everything ry for the proper performance of the ensed can be farnished :; we keep on hand at all nécess [last rites due the d on the shortest notil ¢ times a good selection of Walnut, Elm, Bu Walnut and Rosewood Caskets. Shrouds all styles. Face cloths and Caps. class HEARSE. All kinds of good lumber taken in e change for Work. Whitby Marble Works. adjoining J Ralph's Harness Shop and Urqubait's Agricultural sale rooms. N.B Night calls promptly attended by one ofthe firm. J. NOTT & SON. Port Perry, July 1st, 1875. HE undersigned have entered into Pa { nership for the manufacture of BOOTY & HO Of every description for all classes of t cominunity. {CHOICE Mv ERA First Class Workmanship, and Perfect I warranted. in filling orders, and dloderal 01 of public patrons. Dou Late Warriner's, one of the Post Office. Port Perry, July 19, 1876. T & MOTHERAL, meet the orders of customers, he has tak Mr Motheral into Pagtnership, so that future the business will he carried on above, J JOHN DOUBT { Port Perrylduly 19, 1876 i ale : & Shoe Wir is more comfortuble tian i Burgin: foot dry aug warm? 54 8 * $F i y for health as well as comfort, pay a visit | Js pon X Re re-- Wig een (§ -- | You can get the best and cheapest Pamp in the Province } $04 Thad Ny é fe Ar J. IRVIN "5 \PORT PERRY, . - 'SEE THE PRICES. « 23a § Cran Foror Puup--A complete Pamp and Fire ete for & od Hose and Coupling Soin is Jor : in ut Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot: Common Log Pumps at 40 cds; per foot. | (Common turned suction Pumps at 85 cents { i te per fools, 1 Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $5. os > i Also every other deseription 4f Pimp, at 12.000 "RQUALLY LOW RATES! having had long experience theUn' ed States; the subscriber favor him with a c Allordersforany all. a . of the above, whether by mail orotherwireiaen th rte dodo 3 | Sept. 29,1870. PUNPS! PUMPS! | eT in Pump-making in the largest fuctorive mn Carla and feels confident that he can perfectly satisfy ul! that will JOHN [RVIN, Phirt Perry oa ay dois = L00E& 5 15060 3 2 | PORT PERRY Where you will and Shows suitable for Fail ana Winter, is % 3 4 The 'Gdods ard thewvery best affords and will be xold at to suit t Constantly on "hand and warranted to satisfaction. a © A log of Tranks for' sale atpdst. J : ¥ hur Gs TR ON bog Mi teks Port Perry Port Perry, Oct 12 1876 FOR SALE... ITUATED OX fry 1 i §¢ fit - : UNION AVENU © Coatawming TH Ads Ur orb privtor, JAMES EMANEY! Qutario Carving: Works, J March 23, 1877. Take pleasure in informiug their custotner® and the public generally that they have on Warerooms a good and. well assorted Stock of Furniture consisting of Extension, Centre, Drawing and Kitchen | and Stuffed Bottom Damasks , Bureaus, Sideboards, | ritin, Desks, Bedsteads, What- Mirrors in Walnut, Gilt and Gilt, Straw, Wool, Moss, Se: | Mined and Hair Mattresses, Bedroom tts, Hall Furniture, Dunk's and &c, which will be Walnut, Gilt and Chromos and Lithographs we feel confident we can give this branch of our business as UNDERTAKING Of the Newest Styles and Best Quality of CLOTS, TWEEDS, GENT'S FURNISH-= | 1 "most COMPETE STOCK in the trade. ternut, Rosewood D. T. and 0. G Coffins, loves and bands furnished free of charge. A first Fhe Subscribers are the only authorized agents in the locality for the Having increased our facilities we hope by paying strict attention to business and fair dealing to merit a share of public patronage. Remember the place--nearly oppo- site J. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store and - | nership. By strict attention to business, pune tuality Prices, they hope to secure a liberal share Block west own sccount. . Jn order to more promptly BOOTS & SHOES, A for drderbte & cure this cesivablos (bj ot) nd a large variety of Boots the Market J. G. MORGAN. 'Boot'ahill Stove Store. pos cry 3 lik 47 RE i : Pp ' r RE t Port Petry, Dec. 27, 1875: 71" 1a. a, RET Laas ! ng feed be nddea as to E, For further particulars, apply to the pro- Port Perry. Lae CIEL 1 T. COURTICE'S PREMIUM SADDLERY WAREHOUSE "PORT PERRY, A choice lot of CHILDREN'S Carriages and Perambulators Also a full Stock of | 2RYNBO And Traveling Bags. The largest and best stock of WHIPS in Town. HARNESS ! > . \ * In great variety. Please call and see the Port Perry, May 6, 1875. MANCHESTER. HEARD'S (urriag: Mo ks! AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. t= in X= HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that fie has secured the valuable services of in the Pin- now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for : Cutters, Sl ichs, Bob-Sleichs or @iny description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairs in Wood or Tron exceuted with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the lest material, latest styles and superior works mauship, Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas fo sectire the and comfort of the horse in traveling. pes All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted. One of the best wood-workers Dn, | vince, and is to ease W. C, HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. 51 ry HE UNDERSIGNED having lately purchased that fan blood Stallion HYMEN, takes this opportunity of placing his pedigree before the public : ns = Bak Port Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. ¥ 1 {Et AE and Confectior ery and. in all their branches carr in my Perry and Prince mony Oder wit heat ote Bridal and other Cakes made tg order. Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms. CONFECTION in every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys fn abundance. Call at. my Bakery, Port Perry ot Prince Albert, CHAS" HISCOCKS. Port Perry, March 10, 1875. TINE GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times The 'rus Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in ali com- plaints incidental to Femnles 'The OivtaenT is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ule of however long standing. Fou Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs Colds, Gout, Rhenma ism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTFRIEITS. Spuriong i ions of * Holloway's Pills and Ointm are manufactured and sold under the name of "Holloway & Co." by J. F Henry Curran & Co, Dri gists, and also by the Metropolitan Med icine Company of New York. A with an assum- ed trade -- Ajain one Joseph Ha) of New York, likewise off counterfeits of his own Z" under the name of Holle way & Co., having for a trade mark a Crescent and Serpent ; MeKessen & Robbins, of New York are agents for the same. : These persons, the better to deceive you, unk Caution the Public in the sma | HYMEN The celebrated thorough bred Blood Stallion wins imported | eesor, of Mark. ham, frem Britain, in March, 1877. He is arvich dark 3) old, black points, stands 16 b nch high, on stout legs witl | and wetion and is rt ing Stallions now at the stud During his racing career which was a brilliant one, he beat some of the best he 5 his year over long courses and crushing weights, making him a valuable kire dor getting Racers," Drivers and Car- rifze Horses now so much in demand fut bringing such very high prices. BYMBEN was sired celebrated horse, i mony. Neville was 3 y dam Sally Snobs, Nupicr, was sired by Gladiator ; dam Marion Sally Snobs wa sired by Sandbeck 3 dam Deceiver mare. Gladiator was sired by Partisan ; dam Pauline. Marion was sired by Cramp; dam Torrid Sandbeck was sired by Catton ; dam Orvilling -- Deceiver Mare was sired by Deceiver ; dam =light's dam. HYMEN'S aam Matrimony was sired by Magnes ; dam Niobe. Magnes was sired by Touchstone ; dam Latitnde -- Niobe was sired by Bay Middleton dam Broken-hiarted Lady. Bay Mic red by Sultan; dam Cob- oken-hearted Lady was sired y Sit Hercules; dam Frederic Tonchstone was sired by Camel ; dam \ he 2 by that far famed Neville; dani Matri- Napier; a { in The Snbseriber takes this opportunity of Banter. Latitude was sired by Langav; thanking bis wany customers for their dam Olympian. HYMEN unites the liberal patronage since he succeeded Mr, strains of blood that are to-duy dis- Warriner and commenced busiaess ou hig tinguished the best in England and _ considered by competent judges to be A one of the best horses that ever crossed in the Atlantic, as he is related to some of as the best Derby winners of the day, Some of his Performances upon the Turf. A correspondent writing to the * Dumfries id ral owry Lard and = Adveriser" non the ort by his « ights, dr rvin 1 he beat the celebrated King ZIWO <ton He was also winner of two recs at Eglinton Park, beating two of Ta glintor's favorites, ere ef which was o win § he was winner in variovs in his ir ( r G. weight to the 4 il wetier "4 J 1remising of any on Lisiriet to yi<H ' oH . f. . FRANCIS ELLIOTT, «vopric tor." Eprom, April 12, 1877 ia a A to James V. Phowpyon, Port Perry, « the reach / HIS isto give notice that 1 have sold # bool t ions affixed to their, Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Un pulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as ny gennice Pills and Ointment I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to ie :y, to Mothers «f Families and other indies, and to the Public generally of briti<h North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers shonld look to the Tiabel on the Pots und Boxes. It the address is not 533. Oxtord Street, London, they are Connterfeits, Each Pot snd Box of the Genuine Medicine,' bears the British (Government Stamp, with the words "MoLLoway's PiLLs AND , OINTMEN Loxpon," engraved ther On the Is the address@bs3, OxrForp StTrEET, Loxpos where alone they ave Manufactured. © 13" Parties who may be defy 1 by Ven- dois celling spurions * Holloway's Pills and Ointment," as of my a nnine make, shall or. communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged, 3 Sizned, THOMAS HOLLOWAY London, January 184, 117. OHN'S PERMANEMT OFFICE FILE has stood the test for twenty years, and for fulness, durability and convenience itis still unequalled. We are permitted to refer to Messrs Robert- son. Linton & Co, !. L. Cassidy & Co, ete, of this city, and many other large firms all over the Dominion, who age unanimons in itx praise and #ind it joyaliable for filing and preserving letters, invoices and other docu- ments. Tt supercedes unything vet invented in the line and is invaluatte 10 Merchants, Mannfac- turers, Bankers, Brokers, Express, iRailway, and Steamboat Compar n fact for every Business, Trade or Profession. The manufacture being now earricd on by steampower, on a laree seale, the anders gned ave cuabled to offer these Files at creatly re ducer priecs, in order to bring them within very business man PRIGCIT S - L a Files. Letter Size, formerly §5 00- § & now $2.60 cach Foolseap size, firmaly 750 ~ow $3 50 ench fo merly 4.00, now 2.00 each Covers fo Letter Siz, fuumerls 9.0 gow § 00 Covers for Fuolsen; $ize, formerly 14,80 * ow 00 Wr dozer Covers for Note Size, formerly 700 3 . "now 100 per deze doze AManubiet ne by the SRY MAR! FAC PANY, Street METALLIC « STATION UNG vo 41 St Peres in a A Wad Th ALLES wey, Jp) OR SALE: ate uintengx 1 fine 1 2 Eo Coda Rails nd Posts, on Tots ©, 150 and caxt-linlf of 15. iu the 9th cou Reach he AAO of - REAP Lote WusFhac - HORSE AND CATTLE. FOO "with all rights and priviloges to use \ dispose of the same. he on JOHN YOBNG. & 2 Nothing tue Lof thin Fed fop Hones L equalled by anything yet covered for inf proving the condition of these valahie abi. mals both: aw to shoand, cen pal health Al phitior dwning hort" Drone shontd fave it CRIT testimony of all cod { FV | Port Perry, Jan'y 13, 1876, prs pA OF won . PHOMESON, | Wr F E LAWRE nl Pt a LL, pirvtiex ice bred fd me by 1' neccsnt A are hereby cequived to maki " myment of the i to ae i n & Motheral, otherwiseeosts, with he i ered WAIRIRED 6. 1H y THAR ing fstabigt Port Perry. Sep hain MR. BROWN'S RIES) STORE. Pi NICU Hie A indorm 5 custom) I» t | hy pe-neral pr } shat he hi got is nem) wisn prewiiyes o Mr B owns Ste wth inerchaed CL foi carryd he subscriber' BTC hah TH! on every de mrtment cf bik basin 1 wh be Ny tl at they onl rpm tly $y ul "Pie Ni I I : : iy if th TD reputable £ oid The! fost 2) ode Sei th ike ol We ke sll, ane ped (CF ranted 4 JAMES RIGGS, Port Perry, 15, 1876. f* business v

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