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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 May 1877, p. 2

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xbminiokeits rams | SS --------------t-- -- HovthntariaBFhserher with which it throws off well print- ed papers. . ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Serious Accident. At each revolution of | We are pained to have to chronicle a ers, eight papers are printed off ap |of ow most worthy and esteemed towis- each rovolution; cach cylinder ean |™¢% Mf. D. Lodinglum, on Monday last be fed at the rate of over two thou- hou 1 veluck 9, 8, Es sand an hour 1 itz, Lasting] yed in Bigelow sr ons i Immigration. » tonsequently this | & Trounce's saw mill at the Scugog bridge, giant will print tie astonishingly | una in attending the circular saw when by large number of over sixteen thou: [ some means or other his left arm sand papers inoue hour. Such en- fo with the circular saw which cut the European immigration and political terprise is not only creditable to the srmright dgwn thrcugh from near the elbow baeks without number have lived parties concerned butis honorable to transvers and fatted on the trade, draw- the Dominion, and it is to be hoped ing their sustenance the | chat a discerning public will, by hard carffings of the ratepayers.-- [their lurgely increased patronage BAIRD, RT PERRY, MAY 24, 1877. was empl The conntry is treated from year to year to an everlasting howl over came in own to the wrist tearing the i1ful manner, so bad indeed that it was at first feared the limb was destroyed ond indeed if he should retain the use of 1t arm in a from The polittocl Tucks hrs tel ? he may be considered fortunate, The in: 3 Lack re. alt ad roy . tip OS % P s have strutted | prove that the liberal proprietors jured party was conveyed to the office of Dr. and are still strutting over foreign jo not over estimate their apprec- Saugster where all that skill could do was cities preaching emigration as a jiation of public spirit. | done for the sufferer. It is to be hoped | Ho bas cure for all the ills not alon: "lat flesh is heir to" but that flesh inherits through the pe ° y .[4IThe news from the seat of War fs still | 8 perincions Labits of { shrowdod in. much uncertainty and people at | sloth, intemperance and dishonesty, | distance as we are suppose tut mutters are | | not progressing w i : . oe 1 gressing with suflicient rapidity, but These patriots at magnificent sal- the active participants in the struggle know inflamation may not set in, | sympathy of all in his misfortune, 'War News. - | A Capital Sel:ction. We clip the following from the Imlay City [Mich.] Advance : "The school board have engaged as | that they have accomplished wonders since the strife began. The advantages so far ap- | pear to be evenly div , but it must be re- aries, are sent to try and induce parties to leave their native lunds Port Perry Council. The council of the municipality of Port of Tuesday 22nd inst. Mr Currie absent. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs Spencer came before the council laiming indi aid for a child left in her can seo and are willing to follow. He is [candid consideration of all land holders be-; desirous, and he will see to it, that a public | cause when all the corners between lots are| meeting be held to which Prince Albert |known or found by a general survey a this giant, the i i clind- | dreadfully sé cl ich Del Perry met at the giant, there being eight cylind- {dreadfully sévere accident which befel one | Perry mot at the Town Hall on the evening | op16 ghall be invited and have the matter | individual owner of any lot would have a fairly and openly disscussed and the result of | post to start from without having to chuin | feats of daring. that meeting will be a sufficient test. for five or six miles to find one as the case On motion of Mr Crandell the further | might be. Com. discussion of the subject was postponed till 2 A Splendid Dash. Lo - at However; thank' go he The following splendid achisvement is |srmed snd clothed, and ready' worthy of a place amongst our most dashing | fo'the way of hard work, Bir; } 2 | accused of espousing the cave ofthe Turks * Whilst Hobart Pasha, with his vessel | with too great warmth, No man 'bas more the " Retlfymo," was in the Danube near openly condemned or more deeply regretted hak, the Turkish authorities received |the sad events in Bulgaria, No one bas | next meeting 'of Council. ' Mr H McKenzie's proposition to purc a portion of the town hall lot was agin taken up and after a short ciscussien was "again laid over till next meeting of Council, On motion of Mr Dawes the Council ad- adjourned. et ---- Brock Council. care, No action was taken, Mr Wm Not{ came before the council te- garding an excess of 75 cts in the charge ot | his statute labor for last year. . On motion the matter was laid over till next meeting of couneil. Mr Bowman complained of the want of side walk accommoda.ion on Cindrella St. leading to bis factory. On motion ot Mr Crandell the Street Im- provement committee were instructed to examine the street referred to by Mr Bow: The session of the Brock council, held on the 12th inst.--the minutes of which ap- man as to the necessity for a sidewalk and peared in our past issue--could not accom- report to this council at its next meeting. plish all the work, and an adjournment was | Mi White complained that there was no carried, to mect again on Monday, the way of erossing from Elgin st. to Lilla st. minutes of which were not in time for our and.partics wishing toget to Lilla st. bave last. 3 - to go round by Queen st. On Monday 14th, inst, the council met pursuant to adjournment, at the town hall, Sunderland, members all present. 1 motion of Mr Cunningham the Leeve was instructed to purchase from Mr Pool, Sunderland, a dozen road scrapers for the use of the corporation. One Sangster, an indigent, had made ap- On motion of Mr Crandell the committee on Street Improvements was instructed to investigate the matter refereed to by Mr White and report to this collhcil at its next meeting Mr Jones remarked that there was little or France in a Flutter. intelligence of the arrival of the Russians at censured the, bed system of government -_ Galats, and that they were placing torpedoes | existing heretofore more than myself. But President McMahon, to whore splendid |, the river. Hobart Pasha was advised to|F find in history parallel eases during surrendering proclivities France owes her | eave his steamer in the Dawube and return | civil wars, and, as I 80 much real !late victory (?) over Prussia at Sedan, ap-|, Constantinople vis Varn, but, disdaining ' good im the Turks, and I hapgnje 8 pears determined to give the nation another' 1 yuch eounsel, ho declared that he would that they should have a 'given' to and still deeper stab if not accomplish its ruyher blow up his ship than desert her. them, in which case I foresco happy times ruin. A few had the audacity Night approaching, he made eversthing and a great future for this country, The and address to get McMahon elected Presi ready for running into the Black Sea in op- lessons they have received: have' not been dent of the Republic, a position he has Lotion to all Russian hostile intentions, thrown away ; but I prophecy fearful con. abused by using the influence the position yw .4tjp,y clenr fires under the boilers of his sequences if this war (supposing it: to have wave him to subvert the Republic. From all rq jy order to avoid smoke from her fun- been declared while 1 write) is allowed to gor appearances there are only two solutions #0 po) 4nd making other arrangements. The on. The Turks ask, with reason. * What to the difficulty, either to seize the President |, Rethymo," be it said, is a very fast boat, | does Russia want? : Is it guarasitees of re- and put him on trial as a traitor as he cer- capable of steaming at the rate of 15 knots form? Can we," they say, "begin a strict tainly is, or the President will, bya coup aphour. When Hobart Pasha started on bis | regime of government by accepting at the detat, seize the reins of absolute power, gaping expedition the Danube current" was ' outset humiliation in tne eyes of those we humble the nation in the dust, Teimpose running swiftly, being estimated at full 5 'are to govern? The only guarantee we can religious and political tyranny in their woist knots an hour. Upon nearing Gulatz he ' ofier is immediate action, and this we cannot forms, and it may be bring about the dif. gq tint heavily armed Russian batteries put into practice till we are free' mot only' memberment of the nation There cannot pm panded the river, lookings capable of from war but from intrigue." I feat that no' be two opinions as to the course the people inying anything utloat, besides the torpedoes | guarantee would satisfy Russia, Let Europe should pursue. They made a fearful blun- po000.d to be hidden beneath the waters, guess what she wants, ad look to her own der in placing a traitor in the Presidential 1,5, diately it was dark the word was pass- interests while she (Europe) stands gravely chair; like the countryman who carried of u)ights out," and the steamer sped hy and sces a brave nation dismembered. | membered thut so far, Russia has been con- and como to Canada and partake oO | tending against odds inasmuch as she is the attacking party, she is gathering together the numerous advantages of her fice | 44a soarranging her huge forces that when grant system, to be made the Lappy jhe time for great eflorts comes she will be ¥ lable to crush her foe and force her Turkish antagonist to accept of such terms ns Russia (may please to dictate. The present war though brief will be ruinously expensive on | both uations, but Turkey will feel it most | und it may be have to torfeit territory its of im- | Hasidation, and the remote if not thi iy dl | diate result may be the blotting of Turkey" portunate political tools and reward-# numeand authority from th mapof Enrope 1 : | bugthat the: submission of Turkey* will cost hein ly a sat)es tong | butt - 8 ey' will cost ing t for services rendered, but |Rugia dearly both in blood aud freasure is j ready obvious from "the stand she has 4 | made So far, however, little else has been we ought first to seek to povide for dove on either side than preparing for the pessesors of comfortable farms free This well in its way, may bea con- of charge. may all be wvery hl venient means of wetting rid 27 charity ought to begin at home and principal for the next year Mr. R, V, Lang- don, from Eric connty, New York, and for- meeting, and as the matter of incorporating merly of Prince Albert, Ontario. Mr. Lang- the villus ws 'stow whichlind been" upat don has had several years experince in| the Inte meeting and lal x e te eel E k with hit | ois meeting it might be well to discuss speak with confidence of his abilites as a | the Tatier now, expecially us he sees several | ' | wembers of the committee present who Lad We heartily congratulate the School;Board | een appointed to exaniue into the matter and all connected with the school whether i and report. It would de no harm to discuss as pupils, parents, guaidians oniftcpayers on | the matter a little farther and he would like { to hear from those presert, or it may again no business tc come before the council at this Leen postponed teaching, and these acquainted with posipe teacher." the excellent selection of a Principal for : : + their school. Mr. Langdon isa thoroughly bo deterred til nest Teting of coune]] whe > the committee might all have an opportun. ity of being present and have a full council. Mr Crandell went into ihe matter at some length, repudiating the idea of foring any qualified, energetic and'successful teacher.-- We hope that the engagement may prove mutually advantageous and satisfactory. -- plication to be admitted into the General Hospital, Toronto, and on motion of Mr Cunningham the Reeve was iustructed to guarantee the sum of $3 per week for a period of not more than four weeks towards the maintainence of applicant in said Hospital. On motion of Mr Amey the Reeve and mover were appointed a committee to gett ing the necessary slides placed on the various dams on the Beaver River with a view to allowing fish to pass along said river, On motion of Mr Thompson the sum of $5 was allowed the widow French an in- digent, On motion of Mr Shier the sum of $8 was granted to ene Hulbert an indigent. On motion of Mr Shier the Clerk was in- structed to notify Mr A Buck, requesting home the frozen reptile, the nation is rapidly along. The bitteries were soon suffering for its folly, but like the country reached, and the Russian lanterns, the man, too, they ought to take the poison out heavy guns, and soldiers in great numbers of the viper. | were clearly visible to those who manned A telegram from Paris, May 17th, says :-- the saucy " Rethymo" when suddenly a P.esident McMahon is trying to form a& rocket was sent up from the Roumanian mixed Royalist and Imperialist Cabinet. shore to apprise the Muscovite gunners of ThesRepublican majority will probably pass' Hobart Pasha's coming. Other rockets a vote of want of confidence in the Govern | followed in quick succession. Then "the ment, The position is grave and a coup hoarse word of d was inctly detat is feared. The situation here causes | heard, bugles sounded and the drumg beat great extitemont. merrily, summoning the Russians to their | A Berlin correspondent telegrayhs *--The | posts. Hobart Pasha expected every mo- developement of the Ministerial crisis in| ment to be blown out of the water by the . France is watched here with very keen in- i . fire of the heavy guns he was treating so terest. It is universally supposed that! cavalierly, but, being determined to make Simon's fall is the result of Ultramontane ! efforts in some degree proportionate to the intrigue. If this should prove to be the case! great risk he was ficing, he ran his vessel the effect upon the relations between France| close in shore--not 40 metres from the bat- 'and Germany may be very grave. It is an| teries themselves--iadeed, so close that the : But we have not come to that yet. Turkey | will prove a bard, a very hard' nut to crack. One hears (reports are always magnified) of disturbances here and there even now in the Provinces. How can you expecct sny- | thing else when every subject of Turkey has to give almost his last farthing in support of the army and navy ?--Your vhedient servant, Homirt Pasnew. Exceedingly Well Done. Loxoos, May 16:--The Russians performed: avery clever act on Sunday, which will go far toward rendering useless the Turkish flocilla now or the river Danube. A steamy tug was gent down the river from Ibrail fo Galatz, where several' lighters were secured! and 200 laborers taken on-board.. The tug then steamed across the river'to the town | fight, hurrying forw, . ater + i i i the thousznds and tens ot thousands id Yo ard enn At a Ed. O | portion of Prince Albertinto the incorpora- i . tag 08 . Doubt- Ed. 0, : ie oi + of Canada's sons who are greatly in [less some eight or ten thousand have -------- rr j tion amit nels will, and 1f the do not : g already fallen, but these are as nothing to Seg Q ev PLAS Qe | wish to come in it will be wise to allow them need of assistance and would thank | what will follow ina week oF two. Of yw EEP * ALT AND LASTER.--DSCC | (iain out; being a servant of the people Talle staly | course if we were to hel exaggerated Worthington's New Ady. in our] he It prepared to go with tbepsple i thi ully veceive only one half of the | reports from the one si her they colums of to day. 0 ig prepried 1 go wits theipegp ein. this rood thins offare alonors | would lead us to believe that some forty or! fe hi roe ' en g igs offered to foreigners to fifty thousand must have fallen, > | He hy u [urge supply of ety suduce them to come and. settle in] | seed, Buckwheat, lund salt "and i eg M---- ee | plaster. Ie offers the highest the country. Bills are being posied, | Boxus By.-Law.--The 3y law | {granting a bonus of $20,000 by the : i | Mazicipality ot Cartwright towards | extravagantly pail agents: traverse) the construction of the Toronto and price for any quantity of calf skins. rit ----r cers Buy roar Faro - Parties wishing id hy ru to purchase a capital farm of 128 foreign cities describing our free- Guns Reijwey was voted, on yes-!acres, 118 cleared, will do well to . - | terd'ny, the Zord inst, and carried | see Mr. James Bowes' Advertisement grant systemund holding any the yyy nN handsome majority, Wallin this issue, he offers to sell that induce | done, Cartivright ! | fine farm east half ot lot 15 in theTtn TE [ con of Uxbridge. There are capital | buildings on the premises, with an l'excellent young orchard, in a pleas- (ant, healthy location and conveni- |in Old Virginia in a syle worthy of the| ony to the best markets. | occasion and no less wor ly of the nobly | The land is well fenced and ina | sons and daughters of Dr itish Pood who do| good stato of cultivation (vee tho | adv.) | themselves honor in honor. ng Lhe natal day | pamphlets are being circulated and most tempting prospects to parties to come and settle amongst The Qu.en's Birthday. us, while our own cities and towns The Queen's Dirth fay is to be celebrated Lave hundreds aye thousands who : Bove no other means of living, no other vay of supporting themselves or farilios except by the precarious oe What does it Mean ? unreliable snatches of work they | of Britain's Queen, asovereign! worthy of any | may obtain as day laborers which jageor country: ouly lasts tur a small portion of | { England does not want to be caught nap. each year and in bavd times they got | | | ping aud should Russia and England get in. Another Warning to Mun icipal : 3 : " 'Councils. | to difficulties there is no saying what course -- the States may pursue, so that England is Itis not enough in framing By- | wisely taking the precaution to prepare a (| force sufficient to hold any power in check They know ncthing of the free grant l laws that they should be so framed ( system or the advantages offered to [that they may be understood, - but little or nothing av ul todo. till she can muster her forces and come to | the rescue; hence it is said that three iron- hitn to remove forthwith the culvert put in | exceedingly hazardous experiment for the Russian gunners were unable to depress | of Ghlacet, where several hundred tons of and all other matters which concern the J welling of the corporation, | by him on the cast side of the bridge over and Just id | the Beaver River in the 6th con. soon as the people demand action he i8| o, mition of Mr Shier it was agreed to ready to adopt their views, but there appears | pay to Mr A Buck the sm of $12 when he to be much indifference amongst the rate- deposits on the west side of the bridge over payers, and in that case he does not see how | ! Right at Versailles to begin such a move- | ment pending the adoption of important military measures by Germany. opinion is publicly expressed bere. steamer coal had been accumulated for sup- plying the Turkish flotilla This coal was speedily transferred to the lighters and' safely taken to [brail. their pieces sufficiently fast to get a good "*| aim. His boat went quickly by at the rate This| of 20 knots an hour, and goon all danger was over. When satisfied he had nothing to fear from his enemies, Hobart Pasta ordered the crew of the " Rethymo," which Exhibiting their Jewels. Bismarck's Threats. the Council can be expected to act. The Reeve said if the matter is to be dis- cussed at all it must be introduced by a motion to make the discussion regular. On motion of Mr Jones the subject of in- corporating as a town was regularly intro. duced, In speaking to his motion the mover urged the propriety of immediate action if itis to be Cone during the year ; if the matter is wanted let it be driven, and if it is not wanted let it be abandon d at once ; it looks childish to treat this matter as it is treated Mr Dawes Las his doubts of the advisability of going on at this time with the incorpora- tion as a town, if however the people desire it he will give it his best assistance, but he fails to see the advantage in incorporating as a town with no more territory than we now have, he would much prefer to seca lively, prosperous village than a weak, sickly town. The Reeve said that the people had al- ready expressed themselves on this matter-- | the Beaver River, thegravel taken from his leellar, and when he has placed a eourse of | large stones to prevent said gravel from being | carries one 40-pounder Armstrong gun, to throw one shell into the centre of the Rus-- sian camp, an order which was quickly obey. Bismarck's feelings and threats would in ordinary circumstances savor considerably of France dares show opened here in the libmry rooms, and was most wonderfully successful Bloomington, TI, May 17.--The baby ' washed away. . od the coward or the bully, Mr. Thompson introduced and carried | gop 0u1y Jook around till Bis. is shaking bis through a by-law for the purpose of regulat-| 5 11d threatening vengeance sharp and | ime the statute labor to be performed, as| swift, Bis.appears to imagin that he bas follows : For an assessment of $400, 2 day; | ii1) he France of 1870 to handle with an from 400 to $800, 3 days; from $800 to, ficient, badly organized army all told led | 81,500, 4 days, with an udditional day for by the brave surrenderer MacMahon. If | each additional $1,500. Prussia should now measure swords with | Mr Amey introduced and carrid throngh a | go bo © 001d find as much as she want- ! Vy-law providing for the removal of all ob-| 440 40 One who knows of what he asserts | structions from creeks, streams and water | writing in Blackwood's, says that the milk tary arm of France now consists of 455,000 the water passes shall be responsible for | | reserve of the active army amounts to abo t Clerk he shall at once notify the party oc- | ; oF property vo.callé Sate "of moet eRLEVe, ¥ 80. , consi {obstructions are not removed, then the oo oo on they are 20 immigrants; no one ever tells them | of these things or tries to induce them to take advantage of the; facilities for bettering the condition of foreigners, for providing a home- stead for themselves and their fam- ilies, furnishing profitable 'employ- ment for them all and placing within their reach a comfortable and secure subsistance drived from lands! which are given to them free of cost. But while 5ii these are dangled be-| fore the somewhat indifferent gaze of foreigners they arc never mooted | | they should be so that they cannot | be misunderstood. : Preston granted a bonus to Detwei- ler & Shantz to establish au agricul-| tural manafactory in that village, | agreeing at the same time to éxempt the premises from taxation. But there appeurs to be a misunderstand. | ing between tho company and the council ot 'the village as to the extent to which this exemption should go. The result is thi! Messrs S| Detweiler and sSuantz have entered | an action in Chaneery to compel the village to exempt their establish- ment from taxation. So far this has never yet been done. The amount not increasgl and has been kept at] the same figure as it was at the time | Some years ago the village of! oats and the 42nd Highland Regiment are | bably orderca tor Quebec, AE A Respite. Of those wi, v applied for liquor licenses in for toe Present year over twenty Th. vity commissioners how= ever in place of eun off at once Toronto were refused, 1. ng these agreed to allow them to sell till the first of August after which da te they must shut down or abide the consequ hn "5 Woodville. Putting on Style. The contagion of changing names and of ussessment on the property bast tus of existing municipalities has found its way to Woodville, that village is ton be to 1 ¢ despatched to Halifax, and that pro- 'he 23rd Royal Fusiliers will be to our own people; the industrious | | 3 : : ey people; {when the firm first entered the pre- | lifted from ifs present unassuming po.iti.2n | courses within the corporation, and that the | | i i ¢ , ich | parties owning the property through which | men with the colors, most of whom have er | already seen four years' service, while the | the removal of all obstructions within the | ye : e | Vid of ther property Lim th. oy fin 920,000. This reserve is of course made up obstructions coming to the knowledge of the | o¢ yor various degrees of efficiency. The { cupying the property to hat sd Pang | 'who. having served in the active army from tions removed forthwith, an SiC 20 to 25, pass into the active reserve at 26, that at a public necting of the ratepayers of | | the village a resolution had been passed | unanimously declaring in favor of incorpora. | tion, and if he were allowed he was prepared to move that the clerk proceed at once to give the necessary notice of incorporation as | a town , and it that won't do he is prepared to move that no farther action be taken in the matter of incorporation during the present year. Here the Reeve referred to | the proceeding which had already been taken, | the appointings of the boundary committee | and their failure to report, and the diversity ! of opinion even amongst the members of the | committee as to the boundary; for his part | he would recommend that no further change | be made in the matter of boundary than to | straighten some, of the crooks of the present | boundary ; it would be very unwise to take | in parties against their will and thus im. | port an clement of continual discord into the new incorporation, toiling ones among our own people | mises, and this, the council asserts, | ie un ordinarysrural village and carried avvay is all they agreed to do, but tho, company think differently, and bound to have the courts settle A little more precision in the By-| suggested, Letus sce what she.makes o our numerous day laborers and not i i i are afew of our artizans with their bad it. | chauge of status a change of nume 15 also ly paid, uncertain and irregular Mr Parrish stated that he regarded the bo undary, and the other bonndaries as de- cide 1 by the committee, Mr Nott is surprised at the remarks of employment never hear of these | and vexation to both parties. law would have saved this expense! How to get hich. things, are never induced or urged ; - Mr Crandell as to his waiting on the action| | another conflict of the pr ople ; he considers that councillors fn fact, are never offered these ben- efits which are crowded on strangers. Itis high time that the system was changed, let us no longer take -the children's bread and cast it to for- eigners, ut least let our own children first be fed. Bet tho wants of our own people be first supplied, let "facilities be given them for going on A Day with the Sunday School. The Epsom C. M Church Sunday School Anniversary services are to be held in the ¢. M. Church, Epsom, on Sunday and Mon- dsy June 3rd and 4th. We need not mind our readers, at least those of them who | re- have attended the anniversaries of this t school in the past that the entertainments | | got up by this school are always interesting | | and attractive. That the conductof the, Nohing is more easy than to get rich. Itis only to trust mobody; befriend none get everything and save all you get j stint yourself and everybody belonging to you ; be the friend of no man and have no man cent upon cent ; be mean, miserable and de. spised for twenty or thirty years, and riches will come as surc as disease and disappoint. ment. And when pretty nearly enough these lands and let them bo cncour- | Sabbath services is always placed in the Coalth 1s collected by a disregard of all the aged to do so and the country will [hands of thoso whose reputation as able ad-| cpaities of the human heart, and at the ex- should be more the leaders than the follows ers of public' opinion. He was not satisfied with the boundaries set forth in the report of the committee. Mr Jones.--Did you mot vote for the adoption of that report? Mr Nott continued. He did not wish to | for 'your friend; heap interest upon interest | carry the boundary into Priuce Albert and thus break up that village, and, as the Reeve says, bring in a source of contention and weakness amongst 1s; but he does think that the council is nov handling this matter in a creditable manner, it ought to be dis posed of, either driven ahead or let alone. Mr A Richardson would be in no haste council shall cause thy same te be removed, and charge the expense to the parties whose duty it was to remove the same. On motion of Mr Thompson the council resumed Committee of the Whole on the by- law granting road appropriations. After further consideration of several | grants, the Committee rose, reported pro- | from sevice with the colors and are passed gress and asked leave to sit again at next meeting of Council. On motion of Mr Cutnisgham the Coun' cil adjourned till Monday, the 15th day of : June, then to meet in the town ball, Cann- inga number of necessary deductions, ington, as a Court of Revision and for other purposes, The Future. The Chicago Journal gives the following prophecy of = Bavarian hermit as published i i in 1857. | After correctly predicting the Franco- | up amongst the police villages, and with the | oe of the cemetery as the proper sonthern | Pussian war with the taking of Paris and | other minutia, which wer: exactly for told, {hegoes on to say: In 1876 7 the Pope ix to die, which will cause a general European war, _ Next, France and Prussia are to have France will be defeated and Paris taken for the sccond time. There Many of ed--the missle bursting in the midst of the Muscovite tents, Its effect were of course, unhnown, but it was the first cannon-shot fired upon the Danube in the Russo-Turk- ich war. - Hobart Pasha subsequently pro- ceeded to Constantinople where he received a nearty welcome and enthusiastic congratu- lations." The hero of the above exploit is an Englishman, is the Hon. Augustus Hobart, son of the Duke of Buckingham, At ao early age he obtained a commission in the British navy. During the late Awerican war he became a blockade runner for Collie Bros., London ; he made a vast amount of money for the firm and thorougbly estab- lished his own reputation as a fearless, dash- ing rover of the seas. In 1866 he entered the Turkish nsvy and has labored ever since to bring it $e its present state of efficiency. in the number of babies exhibited, and in: attendance. Ninety-three babies, including' two pairs of twins, were entered. The at- tendance was so great that all could not ob tain ~ entrance, The rooms became so crowded and heated, that, at 4 o'clock, the show was adjourned, to meet at 3 to-morrow in Phenix hall, where ample room and accommodations will be furnished and pre- mriunrs awarded. God of Nature, cried I, Till with bad training spoiled, How sweet dispositions Are those of a child. NOTICE. In regard to the reduction in the price of sewing machines it will be limited to the States only, machines retailing there at $65 Some years ago he was made Rear Admiral of the Turkish navy, with the dignity of Pasha, and hence his title, Hobart Prsha he is now Admiral of the Turkish navy. | these are rained soldiers Another part consists of that portion of the annual con. | tingent of the active army which is only | called up for six months--in future it will are retailing here in Canada for $15, so that machines in the States are retailing for the same as in Canada, ee : be for a year--and is 'then sent home on - [Advertisement.} cave, i! 'mainder i ¢ { 9 . leave. The remainder is made up of about A Biting Sa: casm. NOTICE a 1160,000 men, who, during peace are excused Mr, Uroihait asks The Tare Ss. of this see= tien of country to hold off giving orders for . purchasing Light Reapers until about the first or tenth of June, as there is so much said about Light Machines, and some that have Idi £ th ti T ft been placed upon the maiket have not a box soldiers of the active army. Tous, afte was |). He dew te all: in them bavitted, and only run in cast iron we| bis sarcasm bite deep and bite all round, | Oo Fey Light Machine is not tho | The production does him credit and is well { best by far, be (Urgahart) will not ask an order. They will be to hand at the 8ign of the Plow, Port Perry, by the lstor 10th of June Sip --At last the farce is played ont; !Prusting as this 1s early to order a Reaper it tunis will not be overlooked. This Kirby Light "Reaper he speaks of is and will prove to be ¢ atonce into the reserve, Noxt comes the Admiral Hobart Pasha, commander of the tepritorial army, set down at 500,000 men. rather More than half of whom od Turkish Navy, writing to the London Times are onthe eve of the declaration of war makes get a total fore --army, reserve, and terris | torial--of 1,800,000, of which 750,000 are wuith reading. | really educated soldiers, and 300,000 have! had six months' drilling. diplomacy retires on its laurels, and i { forsooth, is to have the task of teaching the | the best of #M light machines--its weight fs . Britigk Plaves, | 675 or 700 Ls 4 ebooks 7 5 pounds. It has more good points | Turks how to rule their peoples. No sooner than any other, and I defy the contradiction I work of reform, when they bad promulgated A writer on + Factory Life in Ind] had the diaws a fiarful picture of the slavery in| cks g-riously taken in hand the these factories, worse: than the darkest days' of the worst descrip He writ s--and it is not nef Amorican slavery oo and cannot be ali denominations and rel gions, when they that itis not by far the most durable Light Reaper yet introduced - the principal parts of it are made of malleable iron and steel. The new laws, when they laud elocted to their pitman 1 eovrection box is worthy of great new v-formed Pariament representatives of Praise. To see it before buyivg or ordering a Reaper will hart ho one. It would be well "he factories in the neigh-! contradict d-- borhood of Bombay run from sunrise to sun- set, some 12 hours aday, with but one break to see them. MARRIED. At the Methodist parsounge, Bowmanville, had dismissed many high officials tor corrup. | tion, chosen their best men to govern in the ! Provinces, when they had dethroned two for rest and meals, which should extend to 5 » Sultans ax incapable, commenced 8 system on the 11tn inst;, by the Rev, G.J. Land, an hour, but which, the writer asserts, most, will be a partition of France The Ibcrivn frequently dock nos extind to more than 15 powers (Spain and Portugal) wre lo hive 8 minutes. Children of very tonder yearn | large share,as also Italy Belgium gets "any under eight years of age, are employed jthe northern part, Holland is cde] to in these factories , aud in addition to their, Prussia. All that will remain of France long duy's toil in the factory, these little! will be the old ¢ lle de France, " of which | Paris is the capital. These resu'ts having threw, four, und ia some cas, seven miles been. oltinod; thos wil) be # funeral 8C= (oand from their work. The factories in kuowledgumen ofthe folly. and futility of India run the whole week through the same | excessive armaments, All the powers will long hours, 'There Is uo distinction cither agree to disarm. Swords will be n on Saturday or Sunday, and the holidays are children have not unfrequently to walk one, TE The i rare throughout the year in which work is be a gainer by the change. So soon as we provide comfortable homes - for all our industrious children wo © will no longer have any necessity Kz to send wornout political hacks to Ny ves foreign lands to seek immigrants, §mmigrants will flock unsolicited to a land which provides for and "pecuros the comfort of all ber peo- ig |... The Work of a Giant. ~The Montroal Witness has just been laid on our table in its new and extended' form looking neas and vocates of the great and important ~insnitu- | tion of the Sablath School is well establish. ed. The Monday's supplies are always carefully selected with an eye to the comfort, improvement and satisfacton of all who at- tend. The excellence of the Tea supplied by the fair ones of Epsom and neighborhood is always a pleasing feature in their enter tainments, The staff secured on this occasion is no exception from the rule, All will be glad to hear Rev. Mr. B ing who ducts the afternoon's services and the Bev. Mr. Hill who is to coudact the evening services. The staff of speakers for Monday is com- plete, Revds, Browning, ill Copeland and Wilkinson, with J. Squelch and others. The pense of wallowing in filthy meanness, death comes fo finish the work the body js buried in a hole and the heirs quarrel over the money, and the spirit goes--where? Ez. ---- Leaving the County. Brantford at present the county' town of the county of Brant is gutting resiive, taking the pet and determined to cut its conection with the county, andthe county has tie cheek to try and exist after the seperation, in place of wilting or going to picces it has the insol to that it can exist without the old county town or get another The town of Paris is equal to the occasion and is making an effort to have the County buildings removed to that town, and has in- structed its representatives in the County Council to made an offer of "a sufficient sum to erect new buildings for County use, with- pupils of the scohool are preparing Recita- tions, Dialogues, &c., which cannot fail in provivg entertaining. | They wind up their anniversary by a fine concert in the evening, - Chair to be taken ou Monday at 2 p,m. Teafrom5 tof. -- Concert at 7:30. : 1 Give them a large turnout at all their | services, they deserve it. (See posters.) § ep ---- Advancing Backwards. The population of as app in the town of Paris, equal to those now in use" The amount Paris is prepared to offer, we believe, is $30,000. and as usoal brim full of t matter. This excellently bas stopped right, ey : better supported and The Dresded Lightning Stroke. A severe thunder and hail storm is report. ed in Vermont, Rhode Island and 'Massach- usetts. At Greenfield, Mass, John Hayes was instantly killed by lightening. Seveisl men were knocked down and gore or less injured. In Vermont a terrific hailstorm bly injured vegetation and d about incorporating, thinks we aro pretty well as a village. He would be opposed to taking in any portion of Prince Albert unless a majority are willing to come in; to force them in against their will would be unwise and injurious to the best interests of tho town by keeping upa continual bickering and contention ; he would not offer any objection to incorporating as a town with our present boundaries if it would not cost much or create an increased expenditure ; he is perfectly satisfied, however, with the village as it is, Mr Jonas Swuiith considers that it would be better to allow the matter Jot incorpora- tion as a town to rest for the present at least, he cannot see' what advantage it would be to the village to seek a change at this time ; he cannot see any profit st will be to the village to pass into the position of town now. Mr Parrish is surprired to hear parties talk ot noadvantage being likely to result from our incorporating as a town. Every one knows how much better the name of "vill age is than that of "corners" and a eimilar degree the name "town" has the advantage over "village" It must be obvious to all that further debentures of this incorporation will ere long be thrown upon the market and éveryone must know that the debentures of a town will always sell much better than those of a village. Mr Crandell said be would like to add a by d ag! other property, One of tho hail-stones 1 5 inches in diameter, anot!er 10 ; | inches in circumference, and a third weighed during the past year. Iu less than ten years 103 ounces. In Rhode sland hail-tf0 es will be depopulated should the present fell toa depth of three inches. Houses and * rate of decrease go'on, | * mills wero injured and much glass broken. P panec, returis just made, make it 3,127, but last lation of 3,451, © word of explanation in answer to Mr. Nott ; he would say that as a councilor he bad no desire to wait till driven on Dy public op- infon Le adwits that itis the duty of a a council to scek to lead public opinion but they should never lead furtbur than people as though the rest might be. 'The Pope is | suspended " in bad health. The chances of a general | = war growing out of the Eastern question | The Cheapes* Fashion Magazine. is excellent, Should France think the me-| ment favorable to attack Prussia, and be! Ang the nirhorioes pak salons dnd defeated, the conqueror would show no ' attention of our lady readers to one, which we jaey. France would ba rendered harmless (hink possesses in a large degreo the essentials and her territory divided. The partition of of a perfect work--viz , common sense and ste, We refer to" Enrichs' Fasbim | Quarterly," the ** Spring" number of which bas | just reached us. |" Tt will be found instructive, beantifal, use- We are plensed to learn that W. E. Yarn. gy, vajuable. The very low subicription price old, P. L, 8. has been appointed to define at which it is issued will surprise our lady ! and locate the West Boundary of the town- readers when they examine its contents. The ship of Georgina in the County of York-- leading iden of the work, the presentation of a This is a step in the right direction, and one reference book and illustrated catalogue of the contents of their great establishment, is every township should follow, as the co= yjoon1y conveyed; aud the fund of inform- vectnuss of "all the lines between ots, and yo, Singirnotion, ard thought thereto added {rue position. of the road ullowance, depends. il make i welcome in al homes where taste | upon baying the true bearing of the govern- g;4 refinement dwell. The beauty of its il- jog line of the township, which cannot be Justrations, the topics so ably presented by its | ascertained unless properly established and able lady contributors, ts practical common- | marked with durable monuments. 1f the sense Segustions, hive vl, Jue Yale of 13 above course was followed private surveys price-list, make it t investmen would be less expensive as the bearing could have seen in itslive. No household should be without it. | be obtained for any concession from the To fortune's favored ones it offers manifold plans in the Township Clerk's office after yy, ying ja its choice and rar styles per- | the survey of the Boundary was completed: taining to the wardrobe and adorn ' 1t would also be a wise move if the propri- pant To those in moderate cirenmstances etors of the iand in every township would opportunity is given for a display of the same apply to have the different con- refinement of taste, though it may be in cessions reposted, that is, a durable monu- bumbler objects. To all who seek to lear, to meat put down between each lot, this would cultivate the beautiful, and to adorn "home" | yepnblican France is the dream of the Prussian © Junker party, " ----- r le, both of gendarmerie, invited forciguers to join Me, Solio Wahetiey; Xo Miss ii D9 their naval and military schools, &c., then | DIED. Russia, feurful lest she might forteit her long | Ay Manchester, on the 22nd inst, and sadly-abused influence over her neighbor, ' Catherine, beloved wite of Mr Peter puts her baad rcund her throat crying "Stop |. Leonard, aged 73 years. no bad example, Mr Turk ; we shall have our | In the Township of Scugog, on the people next asking for a constitution and | 18(h inst., Jurvis Washburne, aged reform. You are going too fast; we are 7T8 years, to force you to refurm in our own way, not| Jy Port Perry, on the 20th inst., in yours We are going todo so by making Agnes, wite ot Mr Sidney Turner, you throw away all your encrgies and spend | yy ed 24 years. ? all your means, not in the path of reform, After that you are ru ned, after your people are driven to des- paration aud excited to madness, then we will show you what to do. It may be that, Fall Wheat... +. $000 tc $0 00 you will lose a Province or two, but that guring Wheat matters not; never mind treaties. No Barley : answer | Fight you must, Everyone has y Aadntid ib biy deserted you, so come on. We will place you in sucha po:ition that yon caunot go ahead in the eyes of expectant Europe in carrying out your good intentions." Sir this is the true position of affairs; and clever 15 has Europe been hoodwinked, cleverly has hr persistent enewy played her game Now, we shall see what an oppressed nation of 15,000,000 can do against a powerful (if a somewhat divided) uation of 80,000,000, when it has to do battle for its very existence Now we shall see Poles, C i Georg- ians aud the brave Hungarians setting aside all questions of religious differences and rallying round the Turk, thinking only payin for past injnrivs inflicted on them by this would be instructor in the art of governing; and we shall | probably see enough blood flow to satisfy even the most rabid humanitarian. Let us have no more ravings about fanatcism and Turkish mis- rule. The war now so imminent (if not | tivation. actually declared while I write) will be a rs se ~ but in self-defence. The Markets. Observer Orrics' May 24, 1877. Butter ...... Pork. uve savrar saves To Subscriber offers for Sa _ cellent ys x lot 15, (the gore ii AA Tae, pron House, a war wuged on ous gide for agression and vigurous Yo it spoilation, based on Catharine's dream and Treas sad aWall Peter the' Great's. will; on the Vther,by a | ¥ PL d s db; i For 3 the nation which ts nol actuated by fanatical prictor on the' preiites; pro- ~casons, but which will fight--aye, and save a great deal oftime and exp to i the Moved ou! wl) be found 2m Hive parties having surveys made, as it some- nr ne pages, is well worth, the, times happens that one individual bas to go Cp 0 year's subscription price, which is to.all the expense of chaining across a town. oi, dingly moderate--namely, 50 cents. The ship before he can find his lot, which if 8 publishers are Ebrich & Co, Nos. 287 and 280 general survey was made would only be a Eighth Avenue, New York City, widely soll expense, This matter deserves the known as enterprising and reliable merchants, , MES BOWES, Pfoprictor fight hard--for the hearths and homes of its Uxbridge, Mage 0! buh : people, and its honor as a nation. It is a . - NURSE GIRL WANTED. grand sight to sce an army and navy such as = + the Turkish without pay for months--aye, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a Nurse Girl. G. H. GOODFELLOW. you might say for years--sacrificing all for their country : no tobacco, often short rations , prince Albert, May 33, 1577.

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