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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Sep 1877, p. 2

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whnaioide {robin 4; 1448 Netherton, 1d rural Society's| Timothy Seed==4; 1st 8 Netherton, 2nd W : shotild ever k 8 Fell Ww. for 1877. at si a, 186 Her Graham; 20d Lp ed a a BO CT character and : "The above show which was held in the [Buel Lg a 1st 8 Notbetlot; dud 18E 0 the great lity 1a the foreground in that great jon, Village of Uxbridge on the 18th and 19th Samuel Fim ; d Pedches=4 ; 1st Jost Bhaw, 20d In relation Suudsy School, Rev. Mr. Cockburn was no ) 4 . In the midst of Mr. Brown's address the'old | 13st, must be pronounced success. The ; Crab Apple Jelly--=11 ; 1st M ; 3 RS, - « - Editer. re 'old | Bet: . ple Jelty--=14 ; 1st Mra Wald; dud { time was limited having to leave by the | Please make a note of the same. AT [sail renewed its tricks went slapping the | weather was charming and contributed to Red Carcots--8; Ist 8 Netherton, 4nd E Ramer : 2 train; but if his ier not one of those sales but parties == of ull 'around Yemon, ; Black Currant Jelly--3 Brueld | pn; adress 3 "PERRY, SEPT. 20, 1877 |quq. and when Mr. Brown had | the success, : bite Outpots--1; 15t Win Robinson 20d | Gamma Fri re maracld vai J hav 12) ws lutorosug and important; his' re. [something which will pay them vastly more : ' ' got to that interesting phrase Fiat Jjustifla| Tn the matter of Live Sock the show was| Blood {5-165 10¢ Jas Best: 200 J Soden. + Jur Pickels--8 ; Tet Ramer, 3nd J 'Palmer | marks on the importance and lasting benefit | than the time #nd trouble in attending cost 2 calum, gure enough, down came the fo ly Jena "the Implement Onions--T; 15t W' Johnson, 2nd W Sharrard, | . Jar Ketchup--18; 1st J Brucls, 4nd Mrs | of a proper early training were appropriate | thet ¥ 3 'Demonstration at Whitby" whole thing about his ears and burried the years; plements were | Potatoes (early)--16 ; 1st J Crawford, 2nd | Jobson and. salutory, Ae "=7\ Metts Wik: Gordon and "Nathan Shier | : 3 - worth; about equal to past efforts ; the Grain. and |E Maunder, om Jar Jelly==10 ; 1st 1 C Forman 2nd Joel ai Ht Y i The Liberal Conservatives of South On~ y M.P.P. from mortal sight. H: |} b i DAIRY PRODUCE Shaw Rev. Mr. Douglas was the next to address under of Mr. Wm 1 rio held thelr plc nic on the Anfcitual Spoon wt pig Roi th =; Wore wet opatens but Be Rt on Holl Buter---21 Lot ry Joe Shar, 200 Meh ont Browl<-23, 1gt Mrs Patterson; Joli{ be sect a ubjebt of much interest to Shier, will sel 0 ig fot on ARM | : of the town of Whitby on Monday oa o Suished a | was much below th average, 'the was [7 nab Br 3 Bs. Bod d niin a 41 both old aud young and handled it ina the 5th con of Brook, of ednesday Sept. Y 'The weather especially in the spl) Ws 3 ad good and plentiful, the dairy produce was ay Deel A iy John » 204] Jopass.--There 'ete sevetalof the Judges most satisfa The of 26th a number of valuable live stock con. Belng: 18, aun " part of the day, was magnificent and on, Wm. Macdougal was next called. | 0 Mp CD, Waidbad s mgnifis Factory Cheese--1st ira Chapa, | whose names ie could not get and it would the world to come--then addressing himself sisting of High Grade Cattle, Cotswold Lot affored every | ¢ for a big 1 | The Hon. gentleman, on- rising; asked if Ee gn Home-made Cheese--2; 1st Mrs J Bruels, dnd be unfair fo give a part, espetlally bo tho young be painted in glowiig Sheep, and Berkehiro Pigs. (Ses potters Dum of the 3 Too arvival at Port Furry of the special from a practical people would tako a practioat ont display. Musical Instruments and uniNek caBRIAGES tne Garden of the North Seton the unapeakabla advantages of carly aud adv.) in th tasne anna a ; advice from a practical man 7 if so, he would | Furniture were fin : eh of 4 " 5 ; : i : EL #410 a'm. showed that not many prac , he woul 9. Double Carriage--1st D Conboy "= plety. i 3 'Messrs O. Dawes and A. Spring; Auctioti- Y i hat quarter meant to bo present; this Vlas the whole, puny id Winks fasts yl The Officers and Directors were at ther | Single Carriage--10; 1st Wm Todd, 2nd |. There are few localities in North | At the close of Mr. Douglas' address tea cers, by direction of Mr. Joseph Ward will: RY 3 Sowever, is only what might have been ex- Shee 3 part he bad | 0, and vigilant in the performance of their D Conboy Ontario at all fo compare with the | being ready further speaking was deferred | sell by Auction, on Cotswold Ridge Farm oo, Ontario, save and ean ra a similar demoustrati asso| NO relish for getting shipwrecked on the Wagon--2; 1st Billings & Plondon, 2nd W except § of an ia since asi on wi aly duties, and they had a staff of constables so | James island of Scugog in point of fertility. 4ill after tea and as jt was now after three | lot 9 in the 11th con of Reach, on Monday Acre sold for a Grae Toul. This "is ¥ ly held in Lindsay. The number who Sigrid : ancoymgly. stiowtive to duly Tabit: os Democrat--1st Wm Todd ber fine, rich, loanty soil with am ad: o'clock the invitation to tes was acceg®bis | Oct 1st, anumber of excellent well bred situate about two miles from Wick Station, |, #ook passage by car from Port Perry was say vice was a salutary one IMPLEMENTS / ) and its being in that cool, Gomfortable 10d: | borses, thorough-bred cattle with pedigree, on the Toronto & Nipissing Rail snd . comparatively small, the stations of Reach for were the old sail again to be set and |should only look at the top of the fence, say- | po. ore 4: 1st Kirby J Harris & Son vantageous western #nd south West= | omely decorated shed weiita con | good grade cattle, sheep from imported stock three ities from : tation $ supphed very few--the people of N* Ontario should tug away an It bad done before much | ing nothing of going over it, he was sure to aia 1st i . | ern slope and skirted by the walers| way in increasing the relish for the ' good and a lot of fiue Berkshire pigs. «(See post. ot hifhy, Part Po Lady Salve) iy ' musbanding their strength for a grand dash) P ym al would nly have been |e nabbed and marched before the Cadi. -- gon Cat Sestieres ; nt Weismer & of the lake giving a fertilizing hti- | thirgs which Were no less chbice than abund | ers and adv. in this issue.) - | There are' when their time comes ; and quite 8 number 2» i) A us stood splendid chance | 1,4 oo the amotint of receipts is not a bad et primis BE es tect given | midity to the atmosphiere and tending | ant; nothing better could be desired und the| Mr. Major bas been inftructed by the Ex- 130 hy Cl od Som Bosch preforred driving which | of getting to the bottom, if not of the sea, |, i; the success of a show, when we |Dy mistake as jt is a combined Seeder and | to prevent late frosts in Spring and | thrifty mothers and fair dauglitefs of Sonya | seutors of the exh Ae ofthe lats Mt. Wert paeres' ale 8, mot quite so mpid wes more] at least to the buttom of the platforin. 2 the Masson Maou'g Co'y got the firat for the | a 19 frosts in Fall and its surroundings deserve uch praise |, Zonpel $0 sell by sullen Malek 1) And in a good state of cultivation, and welk So that the arrival of the| Mr. Macdougal's practical advice was state that the sum realised from booths and | combined y he for the manner in which everything was got | tha. whole Re oi is Fok wg fenced. There are a good featn at Whitby did not contribute greatly to| acted upon * instanter" and all rushed for | at the gates amounts to $530 parties will re- | Seed Drill--3; iat Dickle & Henderson In the matter of fruits where that |, 14 the generous supply provided ; they belonging to the estate consisting of horses. | prame House, Bari' and Stable awell the crowd of pic-nickers. However the shed, aud such a rush, say fifteen bun- | gard it as pretty good. Sewing Yack ine lst C Topper department of cultivation is at all | jented their gnests in the most | cattle, sheep, pigs, reapers, mowers, seeders | uo or cellent 0 ) Da os. By noon the town was all astir and the dred people running helter skelter, ladies aud | Uxbridge supplies an almost unlimited | Iron 1st Jas Best, 2nd W Todd |8ttended to the abundance and | manner and well deserved the thanks of 411, and silk ee A oy se. TITLE INDISPUPABLE @overal botuls had a busy time supplying | ® ijcme vJosths and yaud gliding amount of comfortable Hotel d whauig Mills; 1st C Money, 2nd quality of the production prove be- |The active young folks who waited on the Yi Satriay on or on Tot fn fie 19U or pid Lathe : . vy . he wants of their numerous guests, and they | pell mell into the drill shed, threatening |, Gang Plow--1st Uxbridge Ag'l Works | yond a doubt that with proper ate |tables performed their duty to perfection. | con. of cugog, there will be an Auction Sale perfection. Out ty town ex-| brother Cullen's china and crystal ware, but f ce Horses, Cattle, Shee] Pi highs tu attentions woe. The town | first comes first, if not best, served and the| We have meither time nor space to enlarge cid Furrow Plow lst Uxbridge Agl| tention that township would soon The Srago a the ableq was admir- | Y hifee finplements, and everythingrequired | , Bio » p y , | Works Po ; : " |able. We have seen teas where the children | for the proper working of a first-class faim -- d to y ok, Sonya, wil oan acstly though ot profusely decorated, | P of the dishes was Cullen's look HORSES, Pump--iat 0 Wilson, 20d D Focsyth A oe a were allowed to rush in worry all they cotld, Don't. tail to make a nots of 'ime and piace. be received up io the bth day of October savers! fine arches surmounted by appropri- | Out, 88 every one dashed at the favored BLOOD, mi Bast an K OFLYs ° Yaudle and muse 'all 00 Test Whol She Hie Aflaws' Adv, and Posters). i Bex! ate mottoss spanned the principal street, but everything was friendly and | giqllfon--ed ; Ist F Edliott, Sod B Plank,| Horse Rakes--i ; Ist Masson Mann,g Co'y, placed on our table a fow days 880 | grown up people would be admitted to gath: Remember that important Auction Bale| parther particulars 'may be had by en- while banners, and bunting were in| in good nature. The Globe's reporter took | 3rd D Fe . and Uxbridge Ag'l Works a sample of the Washington plum as {er up the crumbs; but here. very properly, on Friday 28th inst., on lot 23, 2nd con of | quiring of Messrs McIntyre & Whiteside, abundance. The fino Brass Band added| up the reporter's * table" put it nnder the Eiod uy id PAlyartet D Fiteyth, 'Horse Shoes--1st J Best, 2nd Wm Todd | grown on the farm of Mr. "Pettitt of | the grown up people were first admitted and Reach. Mr. Henry Coates baving Jeased his | Barristers, Lindsay, and of' much life and animation to the scene. The Breast of dis gous, dad ii in owe i| Spring Filly--riet D I Robi ? i SORTIOVLURAL Mei 2nd © | S€UE%8 and we must say that we |thechildren followed po that everything furn a non Jilleox to ALEXANDER BLACK, + § time - ¢ ter 11; 1st ill, 2 : : c e seal i : Invited guests and their friends dined either be fal, Eo Sigito) t : SADDLE OR CARRIAGE. hiking Ae Se ave seldom seen such a display [was kept tidy and agreeable and all were | Alf his choice horses, cactle, sheep and Pigs. | Sonya, Sept. 10, 1877. Sonya 4 » 1a the town hall or drill shed, we are not ure which. Grits kept together, and made their way to Spring Colt--8; 1st P Christle, 2nd I| Greenings--10; 1st J B Feashy, 2nd R Legg, | Mr. Pettitt farms no less intelli- |qy i class farm. The sale will bea large and : On entering the g ire found & GW a corner at the right of the speakers. What Chapman, Sui E Major: Brg) Saar. : 1st W Parrish gently than industriously and his ar for more peaking wed Wusio: important one and parties wishing to pur- Im ortant { | il -- Boards Iaid on sleepers, and they were sleepers h Brood Mare--~7;1st W McGill, 2nd E Major,| Reldwine- 20 18 © Heth a oY : : AT v. Mr. Hastie now took the stand and | jase valuable live stock, implements, &c. 0 dCKSmIInS ! i6deed. They would make one almost sleep | SH might be said as to their mental powers, snl 1J Gould ~ " Loge. 3 JAE 3S faint 8 Henderson, 2 farm gives evidence of this desirable | delivered an admirable lectaro on Music, its | will do well to make a note of the time and . their physical development was a foregone 'wo year ol y--9; 1st Wm Birkett, 3 =1at John i : i 3 3 > them. There was sitting accom- phy! Pp . i ussets--8 ; 1st John Nicholls, 2nd R Legg combination. mportance and benefits. What should be | place and be suge to attend, (See posters.) 40 looks them, og conclusion, ' One 'of the puriy--it ia no 3043 Crosier, 8rd W MeGilk. : Mr.- Boys has some valuatle live stock, A Blacksmith-:hop & Dwell- aos for a few dreds ; but oh the « busting I" There, were a few boards perched on the ends of coal oil barrels or : Parrish, 3rd W Thompson. Captain Weir of Uxbrid left called, but having to leave at this time we | Major to' sell the «ame b; cti HE Bubseriber offers for Sale his Black. the and of a plank raised on a tressel nearly McGill. hy DIC y Lap Oi ridge ; aj o sell the e by auction on ers for Sale his - PY d ; Pears--5; 1st A Henderson, 20d W McGill, were depri re TI w some other doubtful props. There were foot high. Two mischievous lads were Span Carriage Hommes ; Ist B Forsyth, 3rd TO File SnCerson, Sm some potatoes at the Port Perry ete deprived of the pleastie of heating bia | Thoradey 37h toot Jb her fares, nes: Me T ---- a ogecs nad iid four , at! . seats on the husting for about fifty; and crowded into the South-east corner was a wo can't say. In the hegira a colony of N heth: ) one's a male or a fi by the kind assistance of friends, got upon seated on the other end of the plank--this Stallion--6 ; 1st Jas Vroomun, 2nd Thos Tordiff, 3rd T B Forsyth Bu One year old Filly--5; lst J Ferguson, 2nd J Armstrong. Spring Filly--6; Ist F Todd, 2nd Wm 20d G Boden, 3rd I Gould. Single Driving Harse--11%; ¥st } G Smith, Golden Russets--b 11,3rd Wm McGill. Fall Apples--i8; 1st W' McGill, 2nd © Bharrard. Crab Apples--14; 1st G Fields, 20d Wm Grapes--9; )8t Wm Parrish, 2nd W McGill. Red Tomatoes--20 ; 1st J Crawford, 2nd A st R Baird, 20d 8 W either for quantity or quality. Prize Potatoes. House the other day which will abundantly satisfied. sung in Churches and bow it should be sung address or any who might follow him. Also al] the machines, implements snd everything necessary for carrying on a first After tea the company returned to the £ implements, &c., which she does mot re- ing House at Shirley, for bale. quire and has therefore fostricted Mr. E. By After another address, Mr McMillen was chester, Reach. There is some good horses, luable cattle and Til hi Don't The excellent choir led by Mr. D. Steven. No better opening could present itself to little black board kept the plank {good humor, but either by | 20d D Mcintyre, 3rd H Gonld. Plank. bother our best growers to match. i fail to attend. (See posters.) an active, enterprising Blacksmith, This ¢ Ee Sen ---- ancident or design, mow likely the formes ale HomeZ'43iet 2 Brown, 20 D c Soacmard A; 1st 1 Th 4} we would tiedy B. Crandell the ny 2 J » Toe Sige} Avon Sele of valuitle Shatiles Ms O. " osesty tii dg we gg 4 ee ff at one and the same | MCRAY- o > 1: hl 5 dest much e p of the ion | pawes that he will sell by anc. | Province. The location is healthy snd "This was the rendezvous of the reporters for 2h the dae ea { np went the one | genion T bei y 1 G Clark, 2nd Bogota Flamers--1 I Hy Port Perry Agricultural champion | by a liberal supply of choice music. tion on the corner of Queen and Poy st. sgeesble, Pou! Hie estes of a Sy SoUBiEy 3 : jon Im 18 rl n : > . i ried' an i the Press ; and when it is known that repre- 3 po ' Mrs W Smith. to dig early and dig deep, and if| _ We have only to add that this anniversary Port Perry, on Saturday 22nd Sept a yatioly hy ad a emo sentatives of theGlobe, Mail, Chronicle, Vindica- dor, Reformer, News and of several other journ- sls all sought 'writing accommodation on a shingle it will be conceded that a severe process of shrinkage had to be Celery--3 ; 181d Vickers, 20d J teach f tatbopid hich the t jos | 20d D G ; Cotter " re lot A Jamioaon, 1 4 i Mal eachers of the School for the excellent work CHAS. FAWCETT. jyone Sarongh, The portly of he came Prom i my ple igs 70 Sies Two year old Filly--8; 1st P Christie,2nd 20d R at onl rR Still. . amieson, | [Jxbridge friends a trial, but it is of | they are doing in and for that community. MARRIED. 'bhirley, Reach, Sept 12, 1877. ~ editor of the Chronicle extended over the Sakitig that of lightnin os ie gatiial | Joseph Gregg. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES little use our hope of success must | Those who are now receiving the valuable On the 18th inst., at the Methodisi par- Bead of the * table," it bad no foot, or if it ng 8 speed, |* ope yoar old Filly--4 ; 1st T Ianson, 20d| 10 yards Fulled Cloth--1st D Johnston | be small. The variety is the Early | instructions communicated in that school sonage, by the Rev. E. B. Young, bro-in- Rad it was run into the slab which formed and multiply the product by the square of | Joseph Ward ds White Flannel : ¥ y APY | at school | ow of the B.ide, William Ross Exq.. of the Str C ttl vung 1st D Morgan, 20d P|, 101% ito Flannel--1st Joel Shaw, 2ud | p,, d hould judge th will look back with gratitude in years to py # a a ©. ho Sant: of the bustings, or bolstings ; the | the dirtauce (4 feot). Spring Filly--8] i# organ, Wm Sellers se and we should judge that any firm of A Ross &Sons, Merchants, Port Petry, y 28, i Christie, come, and bless the memory of the worthy | to Miss Clara, fifth daughter of the late Joseph TRAYED from the premises of the Sub- others might get in if they could. Asan apology for a canopy over the husting there was an old sail of a foundered herring smack 1, ® bore 2nd Nelson 9 . An rt; turning them to the ow : the stand | gave us such an address as but fe k 2; 1st J 52nd Coverlet--1; 1st Mrs J Bruels, Zod Mrs A ly party ref £ » the owner, or ovat thscpes of gaunt nt 1 So i 8 en sa] on | Betcrolt ; oe -------- Sra log br so | Ar it to eb ions, "a | o MoE Sol SY rr ed vee Ig every ; 4 Eye, P Two year old Stallion--5; 1st V WagZ: | Two Skeins Stocking Yarn--7 ; 1s Mrs ad Body Found. for thankfulness for thir faithful and devo- : ; JOHN BOWERS the rigging. To the left of the speakers'| orator, good logician and his rhetoric is | 20d D Gregg | Netherton, 20d Mrs Joel Shaw hoa ted pastor, Rev Mr, Currie ; doubtless th On the 19th inst , at Prospect in the town- ent. 1 1 . stand there were a number of comfortable never at fault when required, Having a| One year old Colt--2 ; 1st G Wagg, 20d W | Waolen Mitte--b ; 16t Mts Jocl Bhaw, gad 1t will be remembered that Mr. Joba Mc» s . ; doubtless they | ui, of Reach, at the residence of the bride's Reach, Sept, 12, 1877. seats for ladies ; and South Ontario has just end like a shot from a canoon, and down went the other with equal velocity, and 1anded its occupant in the centre of & basket of china and chrystal ware. of i the : or Matters having been arranged as far as circumstances would allow the Hon. Mr. Macdougall proceeded with his address and If any oie is | w, Stephen Pugh. Two year old Draught Stallion Canadian Bred--5; 1st H Gregg, 20d J White. Spring Colt--8 ; 1st D Gregg, 2nd George 2nd C D Waid. Nicholls. agg Mare with Foal at foot--8; 1st P Christie, Span Horses--3 ; ist 9 Mustard, 20d T Coates, 3rd Jacob Taylor. OENBRAL PURPOSE thorough acquaintance with every depart- cause for pride in the fine display of beauty, 8. a). SI i to Miss Emma, youngest daughter of the lat A Ex ol apt f } R I Satelligence and lady-like bearingof the public acts of our leading public men and Brood Mare--16 ; 1st G Wagg, 20d G B Zod doc § aw Mis W P Widdifield, 2nd the 12th or the morning of the 13th got autof ae psople te well-to-do and can well | yi "john rig hge htot ie mle f [ : arm 0 ih én ! ouccupants f these seats. The young, the | bein accomplished litici: he is | Miller. Rug Rug--3; ? bed and left his residence unknown to any- | ® ford to maintain their Pastor comfortably -- : hy wi go ' hl i a n° | Two year old Filly--13; lst Joseph White Mes doe) Shaw Carpet-- st Mrs N Graham | one. Without miaking any alarm the family | 8 they doubtless are doi This is as it At Port Perry on Sunday, 16th inst., by | The undersigned o rio rent that su fair, the gay were here represented. thoroughly at home on a public platform.-- | 5,4 G johnson. ome-made Carpe did what they could fo And bim Quring |Shanld he. if haw senate his 1s as | Rexcd mp mid makine *Avmitrody "oT Port | the township of Rew ning 63 ur thrifty matrons and intelligent mothers were Mr. Mowatt's law amendments as far at least ment of Government, conversant with the | Rog, Bryant. y dheing Colt--7; 16t D Morgan, 20d Alex | Mi Gireistle One year old Filly--3 ; 1st P Thompson, | ~ jones be the poor man's chance of justoe if depriv- - Rag Carpet--1st Mrs J Gieen-house Plants--2; 1st Mrs W Emith, Citrons--13 ; 1st H Thompson, Squashes--18; 1st J Nicholls,2nd I J Crosby. Cauliffower=2 Ist A Plank,2nd y Johnson. 10 yds Colored Flannel--1st N Graham, 2nd Miss G Johnson Blankets Weolen--6 ; 1st Mrs A Beacroft, 2nd Mrs Joel Shaw Woolen Stockings--3 ; 1st Mars D Christie, B Feasby, 2nd Mrs possible sustain his position and if be fail, which is all but certain that he will, then Reach had better get into their potato fields and give our 2nd J rawford. one of then would be quite enough for three men to eat at one meal. -- Bring on your big ones. oreignt, a highly respectable farmer, near Wick, had either vn the night of wollen do Wednesday, but hearing np tidings of him able to all whotook part in it. Superintendent and bis staff of Teachers for the great good they have received at their hands. esteem him highly and he is really worthy of it. faithful ministrations he may well receive a School will hold their anniversary on Thurs- of valuable chattles, the property of Warren, Esq. The property consists of superior household furniture, books, yictures &c., something good for all Remember the saleand come and secure barzains. (See Bills.) was a magnificent success,pleasant and profit That entire locality is much indebted to the worthy Superintendent and the other officers and county. Terms liberal. Possession gtven immediately. For particulars, apply to the proprietor on the premises. seriber. lot 16, 5th first of June last Five Red and Spotted Yearlings. Bingham, Esq., Bradford. jou. Reach, about the On the 14th inst., at the CM. jarsonage, Port Perry, By the Rev E.R. Young, Mr. mother, by the Rev. E.R Young, Mr. A. 8. McDonald of West Zorra, Oxford County, cleared and in a good state of sultivation, _ Perry; There are on the premises a good On the 18th inst , on the 2nd con. of Reach by mo means unrepresented There were others | as his nibbling at our jury system recciv- | 2nd W Parrish. ents Plaid--1st Mrs J Bruels : 3 small portion of their woildly things. dwellin frame % tort on the ladies' aeats who though most likely | ed a withering rebuke. Tho general indig- Spring Filly--6, 1st G Boden, 20d D of Woolen Goods--18st Sugden the neighborhood wis Suformed of the sing: i -- DIED able Stables and other convenient outbuildings. old ladies bad the habiliments of the| nation of M: di Christie. & White, 20d N Graham ular circumstance and a strict search was at -- Also a fine Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees ; hoe! i font s Jarge Span H 4; 1st J B Feasby. mi st Uxbridge | ouce instituted in every direction by over A Treat for all on Scugo 04 Tot 3, 10th con of Reach, on Thursday, | 14 two wells of good water. sterner sex and sat there with as much sang- i wei in the most decided manner.-- TLE or uturmes Tullos Set--1 xbridg: tte oaigliboos. This senrch T all 20g. 13th instant, June Watson beloved wife of | *"Ihe Tocation flap ion could be: denived froid t is well that it should be so, where would r \ * > . Samuel Reynolds, Exq.; age healthful and pl t, and in the neighb: h 4 3 thelr Witting chore. 33a Hot Sudes 3 : » DURHAM CLASS WITH PEDIGREE. Bod-Room Set--1st Uxbridge Organ CO'V | Log kept up till* Sunday when it was aban- The Scugog Zion CM. Church Sunday i s 1180; 8g 50d of the best markets in the Province 1 being about one mile from Manchester and corresponding number of the faig sex to stand ou the damp sod, 3. B. Bickell, Esq., president of the L. C. A. for South Ontario, now ascended the platform calling around him his staff of] speakers and friends and bringing the com- ight names and takes care to put the saddle on the right horse in all the charges he pany to order turned his intellectual battery : 4 Year r 0 | . re mi i > ¢ on a gathering of about two thousand of the | hours. And if the peoble of this Province na iog Bull--5; 1st R Dobson, 20d A MoO A raid W Thompson, 2nd dinner, and io pasgiog lok hey iscuers on for oe ign a. be Spin esteemed and respected for his wany good NUNGY WEIR, 0. Sabelligont represcntatves of the thrift, in-| do not tell Mr. O. Mowat, in language not| Bull Calt--§ ; lst and 2nd Joseph Cassidy, | T McGratten : the body of a roan in the water, "EY 80% | jresuen, music &o. will follow. Give qualities. . Reach, Aug. 23th, 1877. / sellect and industry of this fair county. to ho misunderstood, that they will not sub- | 3rd Joseph Ward Collection of Tinware--1st W Thompson, | 1¢ alarm, pasistance came ant g them a crowd. © At Wick, on Saturday; 16th inst, Cather: esl 'Mr. Bickell makes a capital chairman, mit to his insolent tampering with their| Co¥ in Calf--6 ; 1st Wm Bhier, 2nd Jos | 2nd T McGratten : moved from the water and identified as that ine relict of the late Mr. William Baird, fearless and vigor Ils things by th : rights, then we say that the people of Cassidy, 3rd I J Gould Mr R B Harman took 1st in Panel Doors, | of poor Mr. McCreight. An attempt was -- aged 67 years, Decensed was & native of 1) ous, calls things by their y Two year old Heiter--6 ; 1st Wm Shier, | Window Sash and Venitian Blinds made to gets Coroner's inguest but failed ; Fall Shows. County Antrim, Irelahd. R D CED F RES LEE ed of trial by jury? and for Mr Mowat or any other Mr. Governor, Premier or ruler to dare to touch this palladium of justice to the poor he is manifesting an act of auto- cratical Insolence and tyranny which should cost him his position within twenty-four the Province of Ontario are much greater simpletons than we took them to be. And ir i of di and makes, He is no less g with p eB ; | Breck Agricultmal ~ociety have changed the his approbation than severe with his displeasure at this outrageous Act mean any. Wow blame W Siie,eedl Seeds Lond. Shirt--2 ; 1st Mrs foe! Shaw. ple o Soe neigh borbons ssoned Shel, days of their:Fall Show from Oct lst aud | pay Wheas, .... . .. $110 tc $125 SPE CIAL TRAINS censure when circumstances justify the one thing at all, Mowat will have to replace the | Herd of Cattle--lst Jos Moffatt Ladies' Bonnet--1st Mrs G E Bettes. manfully doing all they c 2nd to Sept- 27th and 28th. The chinge ing Wh 4 * --TO0 THE-- . eourse or the other. matter of jury as it was before he began to GRADE. Piene work Quilt--8; 1st Miss Baird, 20d | relatives and attend the interment of thei Ho been made withthe view of avoiding Spring Whaat 110:t0.:3.19 | The Hon. T. N. Gibbs was the first speak. tinker at, aod spoil it. Mr. Macdougal next Bull Calf--1st W Ferguson us hid Quilt--1st Mrs J B Feasby, 2nd body: Mr. Griffin, of the grave hotel, any clash with other shows _.emember the Burley oss. 9;50 5 0.64 X ihiti i and bis risin was the signal for pro} turned to Mr. Mowat's obstinacy in the mat Cow in Calf--&; 1st Jos Cassidy, 20d A Mrs 8 E Bettes. ? was most ative, attentive and liberal chunge. : - OLE. on 8 288 B32 Wen J- nu X ion pr ng was the siguel for prolong.| URE oll et, nd His determine | me your wd Tuft Quili--3 ; 1st Miss Baird, throughout all the painful proceedings, | "¥* Cena... 060t0 063 o bu Hou, oytiomn ba ation to intain the idical 3peuly ioe you od Heifer--7 ; 1st and 20d R AG Magy Deceased was somewhere in the neighboi=| The towngip ot Cartwright Agricultural | Clover Seed . 600to 700 --OF THE-- > long been u favorite in county, aye « ,3 A Ross HR Yresp~-3 1 a: d all ted | Society will hold their fall show for 1877 on | H ton... a 12 00 to 13 00 Vv 'RIC Ahroughout a large part of the province and | serviug no good purpose, but costing the | One year old Heifer--1 ; 1st J Cassidy, 2nd diss Dreas=3 7146 Mics Chuistie, 2nd Mrs youd of 55 yum By ws SIF come dar grounds Williwosborg on Thursday Flay gor Swi 180 COUNTY AGRICULTURAL nie larity is nly i ing most | country a vast amount of money every year. Ross Collection of underclothing--2 1st Mrs T |" » wm jwefe. deacrvec 'y and Friday Oct, 11th and 12th, The fall} © ES V SOCIETY pop a ng mont | Macdougal fully sustained his well Hotter Dale 1st J Rennie, 20d J | porevth, 20d Miss Christie respected and the mourning relatives have | ghows of this society are always attractive EgRB .ooans sovasn soreness 01lito 000 3 x eatisfactorily. 3 shre 4 itd jon as 6 ©) and Cassidy, 3 Fernion Fancy Kniiting--9 ; 1st 8 Douglas, 2nd | sympathy of all in their sad affliction, and interesting and the hearty i a sound thinker, and an eloquent speaker.-- close Yoke Oxen--3; 1st E Major, 2nd 1J Gould | ys J Ramer to and thorough provisions made for vhe ac- He reviewed the meanderings of the present UttawaGovernment during the three years in 'which they have held office, and while the gentleman dwelt generously with the Gov- be McKensie government bave proved first-class speaker, and secured the undivid. ed attention of his large audience right vinced no less than it pleased. 'Woo got a capital bearing. He was followed by Mr. Plumb, member for Niagara. He through his capital address, which con- | Bull--1st Joseph Moftatt, Cow in Calf--I1st, 2nd and 3rd J Moffatt. 2 year old Heifer, 2--1st Joseph Moffati, 2nd Alcx Ross. CANADIAN DURHAM CLASS. Bull--4 ; 1st Wm Shire, 20d J Musturd Two year old Bull--2 ; 1st Joseph Ward ection Boots ratten 2nd Jos Moffatt, 3rd I J Gould Yearling Heifer--3 ; 1st Jos Moffatt, 2nd G Wagg, 3rd L Burnett SHEEP. LEICESTER. Shearling Ram--1st G Fields Ram Latnb--32; lst 8 Waddle, 20d F | Vileon Leather Work--A Patterson took [st in Side of Sole, side Upper and side Calf Mr B Clemens took 1st in Men's fine hoofs sowed, men's coarse boots pegged, and coll, Stove and Furniture in Tin--1st T Mc- Stove and Furniturein Copper--l1st T Coopet-Work--1st D. Dowling LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Child's Dress--3; 1st Mrs W McGill, 2nd Mrs Crochet Work--4 ; 1st Mrs 8 Douglas, 20d Miss 8 Wilson Embroidery on Cotton--2; 1st Miss 8 doned. Baton the following day, Monday 17th inst., Mr. Holtof the Dafoe House Port Perry, and another gentleman were out shooting on Scugog and when dinner time came they paddled up the N intend- day 27th inst, aud they are preparing a They have secured a staff of speakers whom all like to hear and as to the matter of music at the residence of her son-in-law Jobu Kil patrick, Catherine Crawford, relict of the late Mr John Crawford, aged 86 years. At Prince Albert, on Wednesday, 19th inst., Mr. James McConnell, aged 58 yrs. three from « ort Perry. Possession given immediately. For particulars apply to either of the under- signed. ' WM. McCONNELL, Manchester P.O. teat forall who patronize their anniversary Prof. Wyatt's name as leader is a sufhicient ing to go to Griffin's Hotel, Seagrave, for as the budy would keep no longer the N The peo. friends were obliged to inter it. r------ Sonya Sunday School Anniver- sary. The Sonya Sunday School held their an- Aged Shearling Ram--8 ; 1st J Thowpson, 2nd J Lackie, 3rd Jos Ward ' Ls bury, 20d Mrs Joel Shaw Bead Work--1st Mrs Bettes Berlin Wool Flat--5 ; 1st Mrs 8 Douglas, . ernment we think it impossible {hat any| J.J. Hawkins, Eeq., was next introduced. Et Ewe--3; 1st F Elliott, 20d and'3nd | 204 Mite Christi © POM iversary on Thursday last and it was with: wapesially bores, sey a a a Sleighs, to take place on Thursday, Rapes ome listening to his remarks could leave the| He is a pleasant speaker, gave a good |1 J Gould J yy Tn fried? ; 1st Mise Christie, 20d | out exception ome of the most spirted play is always extensive and good; and as| 4h October, al the ONTARIO CAR- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, nd with soy other conviction than that | address and dealt some weighty blows to| Two Ewe Lambs--lst IJ Gould cal Noedle Work--1st Mrs W Holmes common sense anniversaries we bve attend- | prizes are to bo offered on implements all are 19th, 20th & lst September. certain bers of the t. He Ba 3 Ward, nd.J Ham i idi 6; 1st Miss Stout ed for a long time tile dulei were belended | expected to be shown on the grounds. RIAGE WoRks, Port Perey. y to perfection and never lost sight of. By 1:30 p. m. the church was filled in every par- and Scugog's fair daughters may be relied for a gen and choice supply ; JOSHUA DOBSON, Deceased has long been a worthy resident Manchester P.O. Executors of the village of Prince Albert and was mach | Changed Their Days.--The North The Markets. Osserrver Orrice Sept.19, 1877 commodation and comfort of visitors makeall s&=Look out tor the Fifth Annual South Ontario, : feel #t home when there and make them in- cline to go again The stock in this townshi Auction sale of Carri 'Wagons and --oSpuSLpAT-- ction sale 0! arriages agons ant ry es duproving g WHITBY! The display in the ball is always grand The show of grain roots and vegetables is THE WHITBY, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY BAILWAY always a success while the activity, enter- J. Emanzy, Proprietor. " ok ; Work--3 ; lst Mra T Gall WM ; Will run Special Trains on Thursday ard an 6 "kick up" as it was wont to do when slashed around him with a vim, excelled by | Ram Lamb--8; lst Jos Ward, 2nd and 3rd Lace jist M oway by an inceresting and intelligent congrega © and intelligence of Cartwright's fair| W. M. WiLLcoX, Auctivneer rains of ay * fopplng around in its nautical exploits, and | none of the previous speakers and 4 tw Thompecn : a : Workon Slippera_2.q 1st Nis Ls eit ¢ tion while the active, bloomi , bright-eyed a ie ah in securing aie : 2 Lindsay wi oral ehiibs would certainly bave brought down the| Governments, Dominion snd Local were po anid Inasea J Joseph Ward | wy ten : 204 Miss C| ite. of the school occupied the forward |cent floral ball. | di pmevatly om . |aboutnoon. a had it not been attended to, | made to groan beneath his thundering and| Two Ewe Lambs--9 ; 1st W Thompson, Toilet set-->5 ; 1st Miss E Clark, 2nd, Mrs portion of the church. Rev. Mr. Carrie, M. The township of Reach Fe I Sari. FOR SALE a Ie A NE iT will be Gibbs, the worthy M. P. for N. bh vojosien Sadak pit ui masse pound- ads DVN, 90d Los Walt, Bette Tidy ; Miss M Wil ob, 3ud Jive Ay petioy > Ki6 ohych ag auperioieadent ultima! Society wil diold their fit sho! One Hundred Thousand Feet of Tickets il be Issued by the Grand Tronk away until every other thore oe Ped} 4 A ' ' school e chair summon 1877, om show grounds, l'ort . 3 at u 1 stations between 'and Toronto, iin, Io caruest, elo Convlioed Bimeeifyg yuo oh Suesp--1; 18 Waddle, ud G Don x 1st Mrs Win MoGill 20d | around her an array of speaking talent such | Zen, on Tiouiny aud: Waloniay, DRY LUMBER || be npiams ENre suda nid fn be ded In convincing the very few | SWINE. Miss E Bigelow as all liked to hew. Amongst others +2 3d, pedi : c. KOURSE, whe were not already convinced that the "BERKSHIRE. Qeioman ool ps 5 Wan we noticed Rev. Mr. McNabb, of Beaveton, 4.Tho coming show on dowitisn be the TR TE old TY, -3 ; ard -- Rev. Mr, Brock ; Rev. Mr. Hastie in eve ar ever held by the imber of qualities suita! < Goviismatis i Oikhue 450 Tumio ans abril hihi or dad Rs Frowdens1at Miss Josie Stone | Ter Mr- Hebat er Pery, | viel. BA or here aneynt, | Jf bullings Fork a ioe Dwell House (0 equally y undeserving of public Pig--1st Jos Ward Berlin Wool Flowers--1st Mrs A Jamieson 24 " PETTY, | ok to so much as thay will st ghis time, the * Purchasers will be liberally deaith with incipl oti fidence oy J 1 # A 30s Ware - Leather Flowers--3 ; 1st Mrs W Thomp- |and Rey. Mr. Cockburn of Uxbridge ; Mr. * oo ! ; 'principle transactions of the co or support. Pig--1st Jos Ward aE Dono 8 bridging miedo Lob Lilie lan rites. wining DEY Lamber will do well : : i . a ou peifiiOn Beacro per, Merc! ngerso) . G. Me- : machi implements Erook p . to the font moat that © Bi arbi heidi Boar--3 ; let I, Burnetd J ddiemg tt Mrs T Galloway, | yilien, Barrister, of Whitby. will min be merous and apie and Wodrer 1g TYP a 0 ont ar a oH "a & 5 3 't the ones may well be relied on for some- os A . . Oe ay tinued and off repeated manifestations of Boe ™ Wm James, 2nd George ae Hatt 1 Mrs A Jam pine Rev Mr Cockburn 1 aging saa Shing moethy of Lom in way of the ladies' Yrcomanton, Sept 8, 17 : apnlase, in fact we almost depaired of the) Bu i : foson Ls "Atom: + o} eb . ; is ona hh wens Sat otk ovate Sow==2 ; 16t Wm Bring BP CC Jones wrioomerd Weeath | lo Meo B Loos, ud Rev. Mr. Currie now gave an interesting The township of Beech {Aesiontwnt Sockets, WANTED. _ Variety. of Pigs not fncluding either of the Jind Adesd ow, 20d | and gratifying statement of the schogl, its} gynderland av Ne Wenn, ; \/0unk girl ax nurse to take gare. of one store clasclet 17 Gould Mes GN eawing ; Mrs OW SHIl doings, its progress and its present condition | day, the 9th and 10th days of October. Y ai Apply'for two woeldo Perry ns td © Grasse Drawing 13 1st © Bigelow, 20d [all of which were most encouraging 80d | yy yoynehip of Brock Agricultural A 5 | MES. DR BARONE Hubertus, 3rd J Pollard, : : / highly creditable to all concerned. ciety have appointed their fall show to be' Port Perry. Boeing Wheat Beoteh ; ot § Neterion Fenmascbip; 3 187 © Far The Rev, McNabb now took the sobool in | held on Tussday sud Wednesday oth end ' ; 4 Via ets {ng Netherton, Ey otis ned, Sat showing hei Stage wich nd Ios dayh of Gefober ok theif show groves: FARM Arh : In the first prize on P 'magnificent accurate nowledge of the shorter er Catechism. | genni land. Th to year Ry os Ty i riety ot, Ie. nil could not fail ry prize The Rov. Gentleman now questioned them | rendering that part of the show mors in 1 Bre In Weir. wherever shown, but as there was no eom ! on Boriptare biography and bible history, esting and attractive In graim, routs and ror Bowed | rley--3; Ist 8 Netherton, 20d att i it lus She YOu lady domi pug it was pleasing to hear both boys and frit fo fownablpe can wake a oe & dis. + Si Gowed Barley 11 1st Jas Stonetiouse;| ¥40 the society, : | girls woquit themselves so well; their answers play. The theif - making the! as Mondecson, 3rd Wen. Parrish. {| MISCELLANEOUS. | : en hte of Brock never fail in. making the. deca Sew Tau I were alike creditable to teachers and in roduce ve Vate--4; | "Jas Manderson, 20d 8 o--5; 1st Wm Sellars, 2nd " n ; daisy : exten: ¥ oGill. slip Le y : The attendance of pupils is most encourag- | keen. The floral ball is always creditable aot We 1st 8 Johnson, 2nd 8. Wine--2 ; 1st H Thompson 20d fog somewhere shout swrinty, to the skill and good taste of 'Brock's fair Oui Osta 4.1 1it J Naderson, 2d 200 Gould i "Mf Piper was sow called. on for an ed. d8EMIOR. | oc WAL cr | me Dhek Da Mandersot 3nd. Cherry Wine--3 , 1st H Thompson 20d J 4.000 ond he bimself well he fod ug. The coming show may be to ful. i "a Pena a Bi 0d 0 itl Cie Rai woquittes himself oll bo us, | uniatn the predit of all _conoumed. ~ Ree | I _ Small (14 J Maadarson, 10d Jos! Biderberry Wise--1 ; J Brune with both physical and intellectual food, oat mer the oth and iCth days of Oct, | © K dough. ZL Btrawbbrry Preserves--3 lot Mrs © D meal pottage for the former and the Shorter on iden on | Toewdd; x Ny perso t Corn~--18; Ist Wm Johnson, 20d R - Waid, J Broels . | 2 Oatechism for the latter. THe 'speak 00Y Exhibition, at L , on Toesday, or persons found trespass a discerning t ; Currant Presetyes--7; 1st Mrs Widdifield, 4 did Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 20d, A Pon lots Nos, 21, 23 and 25, "e stand. To : 1st Joel Shaw, 7nd J Galloway. Nee a er now dwelt on the grand al@ grdauddth Co b the wil ; : ' ist W, Yi 20d Mrs Kelsher uf ; e ath ihe be prose- New Goods; Dew Systems: 4 Fined: tat" War Perish 2ad ry Prestrves--3; 1st Mrs Chapman 00d purpose of the Sunday School Provincial Exbibition, at London, on Mon- athe dee, a ; W. J. WILSON ' 1st Bross. i20d Mrs Waid p + instigation and the great object which both day, Sept. 24th, to end of week, = | Soprano TORE pnt Perry, Sep 18,1577,

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