Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Nov 1877, p. 3

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* HEAVY FAT HOGS wr - y. WANTED is BY titi. . WW. M. JONES, For which the highest Market Price will be paid in Cash. = Hams, Bacon, Lard and Fresh Beef kept constantly on hand. November 1, 1877. 3. A. STIRLING & CU, 1S THE PLACE TO GET---- §00D VALIE FOR TOUR MONEY. Stacks of Winceys. Plain, Checked and Striped--all Colors and Patterns. Piles of Flannels, Plain Colors, Fancy Checks and Stripes. DRESS GOODS. Fmbracing almost every new material and color. CALL AND SEE THESE GOODS, AT J. A. STIRLING & CO'S, Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1877. PORT PERRY. NOW FOR YOUR FALL AKD WINTER DUT-FLTS. GO TO PEARCE'S Merchaht Tailoring Hstablishment, Port Perry, for your Fall and : Winter Outfits. My Stock Is now complete in every thing required for Gent's Fall and Winter wear of the Best Quality and Comfortable, Stylish and Cheap. My latest arrivals are particularly Choice in Quality, Style and get up, marked low to suit the times. Perfect fits at all times warrafited, A large and superior Stock ot Gent's Furnishings, just the thing for the season. A fine New Stock of Hats and Caps suitable for the scasbin. Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1877. J. PEARCE, Merchant Tailor. = © T. C. FORMAN, = GROCERIES & FURS - reseed 23388388¢% rE 3 . lines 0 Black § iJkts s at 66¢,77¢c and 96¢. : bid) os of faily 2 per dent more: . so NO CREDIT. Port Perry, Oct 24, 1877. T. ©. FORMAN. ahd they are ~OREDIT SALE. ORGANS! HE Subscriber has been instructed by the T Direc! ay M tors of the Mudge & Yarw fg Company, tosell by Public Auction at the Organ Factory, In the Town of 'Whitby, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1877; 34 ORGANS! With one, one-and-half, tw: two-and-half, three and four Sets of Reeds, with one 6 ven stops in "Ol" and "Flow" finish-- Wakao AsEs--all first class material and "12 MELODEON ORGANS, In Rosewood Cases--flow ONE PIANO-FORTE, And Seven second band Melodeons. if required have Organs an pErehasers Sa boxed and delivered at either Railway Station at Whitby, for $2 each --or Planoforte for $4 Jarl datorsan nts on exhibition daily a Factory in the Town of Whitby, and ¥or SALE BeELow CosT, up to the day of Auction. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. m. Si ; f Sale;--CAsH or Twelve months Wii oved notes bearing elght per cent interest per annum. The Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Rallway ill issue Tickets to parties attendi ny a AE sta m Port Perry and al ee North fo Wnrrey and RETURN at ONE LEVI FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer, Whitby, Oct. I6, 1877. CAUTION. rg HIS is to certify that LAURA COULTER, r my lawful wife, did this day leave my bed and board without any just cause, and I will not be responsible for any debt that the said Laura Coulter contracts. ~DAVID COULTER. St. Joseph Island, Sept. 28, 1877. BLACK-SMITH SHOP! DWELLING HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Sale his Black- smith Shop, Dwelling House, and a three- quarter acre lot on which there isa fine Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees, at the Village of Pinedale, In the township of Brock. No better loca tion could be desired fora Blacksmith Shop, being pleasantly located in the centre ofa fertile country, thickly settled with enter prising, intelligent farmers in comfortable circumstances. The opening is a most advantageous one. 'I'he bellows are new and every thing in the Shop in good repair. The Dwelling was formerly used as a General Store for which it is excellently adapted and there is a convenient Store- house attached. A comfortable business might also be done in that line. The location is pleasant and healthy and convenient for church and school. For particulars apply to the proprictor on the premises. CHAS. WILLS, Pinedale, Sept. 26, 1877. Refiring from Paice, The Undersigned would embrace this op- ortunity of thanking his numerous patrons for their generous patronage and pleasant in- tercourse for so many years past, and would | now st te that in order to recuperate my fuil- ! ing health I am compelled togive up the prac- I tice of my profession fora time at least.-- Parties indebted to me by note or account will require, to settle the same on or before the 12th inst. otherwise these debts will be placed in other hands for collection. N. McCLINTON, M. D. Saintfield, Ot 3, 1877. ALL MUST | LL parties indebted to the undersigned Asi by book accounts or notes over due are hereby notified that all such must be settled forthwith to save further trouble and costs. To keep my business in a healthy condition materials must be bought, hands employed and regularly paid, but such car only be dine satistactorily by all parties paying promptly as they agree. I must have money to carry on my business and there are large amounts due fo me which 1 must collect, Parties so indebted to me will please regard this as a final notice. JAMES EMANEY. Ontario Carriage Works. Port Perry, Oct. 24th 1877. High School Natice, N Examination ot Pupils for admission to the Port Perry. High School, will be held in the School House on Tuesday, the 11th and Wednesday, the 12th December, 1877, at 9a. m, Candidates should if pos- sible notify the County Inspector, through the Head Master, not later than the 5th Novetubes of their intentionto present th lves for inati BY ORDER. Port Perry, Oct 24, 1877. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE LL Parties having claims against the estate of the late James MoCoxneLi. Prince Albert, now deceased are requested to present the same to the undersigned for pay- ment abd all pirties indebted tothe said estate are respectfully requested to arrange the same at once with, JOHN H. MGCONNELL, Sole Executot, Oct. 28, 1877. NOTICE 8 HERBY GIVEN that a Court will bé held, pursuant to the VOTERS' LISTS ct ot 1876, by His Hotior the Judge of the Connty Court of the Cutinty of Ontario, at the Town Hall in the Village of Manchester, on Thursday the eighth oi November, 1877, at ten o'clock in thie Tofenoof to hear and determine the several codiplaints of errors and omissions in the Voter's List of the Municipality of the Towsship of Reach for 1877. All perons having business at the bh phn attend at the sald time and place, Dated this 6th October, 1877. : 3 JOHN CHRISTIE, Clerk of sald Municipality Court Postponed, In accordance with instructions received by me from t48 Cotinty Judge in regard to the Court to be held at the Town Hall here on the 8th Nov. in reference to appeals under the Voters' List Act, you are hereby instructed to farther advertise in your paper that the sitting and bolding of such Court is POSTPONED to the 26th. Norelibe next: JOHN CHRI! TE, Township Clerk. Manchester, Oct 30, 1877. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL ------ HAVE NOW THEIR ---- FALL AND WINTER STOCK Opened for inspection, consistiug of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps & Furs, MILLINERY, MANTLES, &C. Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, §e., Which for QUALITY, STYLE and CHEAPNESS, ECLIPSES anything before offered, Ben. Cull und see them. Terms, Oash or Produce. Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, NOW FOR ©" UL Gop -- GO TO-- ROODFELLOW PRINCE ALBERT A Splendid New Stock of FALL GOODS, Complete in every department the Newest Styles, Best Quality and LOWEST PRICE. Hats and Caps in every variety-- CHEAP. r y BOOTS:SHOES For all and at sach prices as satisty all, Sign of the White Flag with Red Star ! FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE ee A Tee B. J. THORNE'S hi (HEAP DY GOODS AHO PORT PERRY. SPECIMEN PRICE LIST 20 yards Grey Cotton for $1. Black Lustres, double warp from Good Winceys for Te per yd. 14c¢ per yd. White Flannels for 25¢ per yd. Wool Tweeds from 60c per yd, Scarlet Flannels for 20¢ per yd. Grass Linens from 12}¢ per yd. Canton Flannel for 12¢ per yd. White Blankets from $1.50, Fancy Flannel for 25¢ per yd. Men's Wool Undershirts from 50e. Dress Goods, in new shades, from 2 good assortment of Worsted Coat. 12%c per yd. ings, cheap. A Good Canadian Tweed Suit made to order for $12.50. ea. Terms--Cash or Produce. B. J. THORNE. SPADES, SHOVELS AND HOES, 'ay, Straw and BUILD G- nuine Paris Green. Manure orks, Ncythes, and Cradles. COMPLETE STOCK OF [AS MATERIAL : A FULL STOCK OF RON, STEEL, RENT STUFF, Carriage Hardware. Laing & Meharry, Quecn Street. Port Perry, June 20, 1877. JUST TO HAND, AT-- I. J. Davis' Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &c, In Barréls and Half Barrels. CHOICE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House own. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stock. FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Cash. WANTED, 1,000. Bl For which the Highest Price will be paid. I. 3. DAVIS, Port Perry, Oct, 24,1877. ~ ---m §, POTATORS, -- LADIES ~~ Our Millinery Rooms are re-opened and supplied with all that is_desir- able in the line' and at the Lowest Figures. GROCERIES. Regular and Large Supplies of Choice Fresh Groceries. Superior Teas at Lowest Prices. 20 Ibs Raisons for $1 or $1.25 by box. An inspection of my stock and comparision of prices invited. « G.H. GOODFELLOW. Prince Albert, Oct 3, 1877. FARM TO RENT. ---- * HE Subscriber oflers to rent fora term ol years. that fine farm being the south hall T i of lot 12,4n the 2nd concession of the; r Township of Reach, The situation is all that could be desired, healthful, pleasant, and convenient to the best markets. There are a comfortable Dwelling House and good Barns und other outbuildings on the premises. The land is in a good state of cultivation. cor particulars, apply to JOSIAH WALES, No. 55. Seaton St., Toronto. Toronto, Oct, 8, 1877. FOR SALE, FARM FTYHE Subscriber offcis for|Sale that splen- did Farm, being the South. East parv of Lot 16 in the 3rd Concession of REACH, This is well known to be one of the best Farms in the Township and contains about 55 acres. At the same time there can be purchased, if required, about 18 acres lying immediately East of the above property, formerly owned by the late Richard Northcott. Titles guaranteed, For Terms apply to T. C. FORMAN, Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1877. To All whom it may Concern, LL Parties indebted to the Estate of the A late THOMAS SAVAGE, Grocer, Port Perry, either by Note or Book account, will please settle their respective indebtedness at the Law ofhice of P. A. Hurd, Port Perry, as be is the only person entitled toeallget the same, P. A. HURD, Solicitor for Administratrix, Port l'erry, Oct 3, 1877. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to render my sincere thanks to Messers Frankish & [ucas, of Sunderland, general Agents of the "Ottawa Agricultural'! [nsurance Compant, for the promptand lib- eral settlement of my loss by fire on the 22nd ult. ROBERT UMPHREY. Vroomanton, Oet 15, 1577. NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. RE undersigned would say to the nwners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a Ingge amount, of private funds whieh he is prepared to invest for periodsto sult borrow- ors--interest at eight per cent. Expedition and most reasonable terms assured. 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1577, Valuable Vilage Property | FOR SALE! ry HE undersigned offers for Sale the fol- I lowing valuable situate in the Village of Greenbank, A HOUSE AND 2 LOTS. wy doiifw ups allie tu welds wad ig Liould | Choice and Seasonabls, Arriving Daily" 23% Tees FOR TH Bis > IL & WINTER THAD At much lower Prices than last Season: Special affentiot! is dirééted to our Choice Stock of DRESS GOODS! Matelatese, Poplins, Sateethh, Persian Cots, and In Black Liistres, French Cashmeres, les in TRIMMINGS to match, other fashionable makes, with all the lates sty A fine delection of Scotch, West of England, and Canadian TWEED SUITINGS, i ¢ Git bee 2 In all the latest patterns, SUITS, made up in the latest styles by experi v n on the shortest ri P ie by-exputoont Skt 07 Groceries; Crockery, Boots and' Shocs; Coal Oil, &e. 1 As Cheap as the Cheapest, and of the best quality. BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1877. E. WORTHINGTON, ~--DEALER IN-- Flour, Feed & Seeds, SALT, COAL, PLASTER, BRAN AND SHORTS. Cash paid for Produce, Sheepskins & Hides. TIMOTHY & CLOVER SEED To hand for Fall Sowing. E. WORTHINGTON, Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry: Port Perry, Aug 28, 1877. "G0 To" THE Ontario Flour and Feed Storé, FOR GOOD FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR, BARLEY CHOP, OATMEAL, BRAN, CORN CHOP, COR SHORTS, PEAS & 0ATS, NMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, I'EA CHOP, BARLEY; 86. BE5™ Goods delivered to all parts of the Town. - MIDDLETON & HASLEHURST. Oct, 24, 1877. Corner Queen and Perry Streets; Port Perry; isl. CASH, CAs. The Highest Market price FOR ANY QUANTITY OF Barley, Wheat, Peas, Oats, &¢: Delivered at the Elevator of the Subscriber: Village Property 8. H. CHRISTIAN: viz: =| yfanchester, Sept 5, 1877. dition being ! % The House is in first class only lately built, commodious and comfort- able and in a healthy, pleasant location there is a good well of water on the premises, An excellent building for carrying on CARRIAGE BUILDING. The Bui'ding contains a Blacksmith Shop, a Carriage Shop avd a Paint Shop, being located in a prosperous locality a large business may be done by any enterprising party. per Terms liberal. WM. MANNING, Epsom P.O. August 1, 1877. A Comfortable Residence for Sur Rent, r I that excellent brick Residence and premises situate on King strect, PRINCE ALBEBT, and opposite the residence of Major Forman, The Dwelling is of brick, pleasantly located and it every way comfortable. There are a bain, stable and other convenient outbuildings, The orchard produces an abundance of fine fruit. An excellent well of spring water and a soft water cistern. A fine assortment of show trees around tha premises. Altogether it is a most desirable residence. Terms Liberal, Possession given immediately. For particulars apply to the undersigned at his Office, opposite the town hall, Port Perry. J. E. WARE, M.D. Port Perry, Sept 4, 1877, HE undersigned offers to Sell ot Ren§]. IL INPORTATI $20,000 WORTH DRY GOODS, GROCERI Boots and Shoes, Hardware; & To a sia af the very lowest figures for Cash, furs ot : x a : ; Special 5000 yds best A 5 rican Pr 10 yds for $). en i, : Sept. 5, 1871. °

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