Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1878, p. 3

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: X v ENGRAVINGS, the Highest Wo Medal at Viewtaix} B & BL T. ANTHONY & ©0,}. 891 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, - (Opp. Metrepolitan Hotel,) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in CHROMOS, a I FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES AND 'Afbums, Graphoscopes, vy Tren. and kindred goods--COelebrities, Actresses, ete. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATER We are headquarters for everything in - way of and Magic Lanterns, being anufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, 4 University Stereopticon, Advertisers Stereopiicon, Artopt School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern - "Rach style being the best of its class in the market Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of - Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex Glass. Mapufacturers of Velvet F pes for Miniatures and Convex Glass UeD. of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using. sent on application. Any enterprising man can make mor.ey with a Magis Lantern. 3" Cut out this Advert sement for reference. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED | We have recently Pubsished a Pe ny dition of Dr. CULVER: CELL BR ATED ESSAY on the 410 Bnd rmanent cure (without medicine) of Nervous Dcbility, Mental and | hysieal Incapacity, Impediments to arriage, etc., resultng fiom excesses. EF" Price in sealed envelope, only 6 cents or two postage stamps. The telebrated author of this admirable Essay elearly demonstrates, from thirty years successful practice, tnat alarming conse- uence may ve radically cured, without the angerous use of intern» 1 medicine or the ap- plication of the knife; pointing ont a mode of cure at once certain, simple and «flectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheap- ly, privatel and radically. £3 This Lecture should be in the hands of ney, Jouth and every man in the land. ME CULVERWELL MEDICAL co, Ann St. New York. Post Offer] Office Bex 4586. Mortgage Sale. URSUANT to Power of Sale contained P in a Mortgage which will be produced 'at the tiwe of Sale there will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, AT HOUCKS HOTEL, --h TTI m-- Village of Manchester By Mr. Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, at Twelve o'clock noon, on the 'Thirtieth day of January, A.D 1878 'The following valuable property comprising TWO HUNDRED ACRES ! And being Lot No. 2, in the 3rd concession of the ee Sign of the White Flag with Red Star ! SPECIAL CLEARING SALE FOR TEN WEEKS ! --AT---- B.J. THORNE'S STORE $10,000 WORTH OF G00 Must be converted into Cash during the next Ten Weeks, and in order to accomplish this Enormous Bargains Goods will be Slaughtered and the Price reduced to the Lowest ever heard of in Port' Perry. g@~ No Deception !@a #a@No Humbug "ga s@~Prices will fell Iga No Reserve, All Goods Marked Down. Terms--CASH. Will be offered. B. J. THORNE. Port Perry, Jan. 24,1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELLS CREAT Sacrifice Sale Of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats. Caps, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Over-Shoes, Rubbers, &ec. Township of leach. FOR A SHORT TIME The property ot George J. Hubertus, This Lot is well wooded and the soil is very good--it will make an excellent farm, "Tenus or Sate --One teath cash at time of Sale ; enongh within one month there after to make one third of the purchase money, and the" balance in three yearly instalments with interest at nine por cont half yearly with right to purchaser to pay in full at aby time, , &drther particulars and conditions of sale can be had fiom the Vendor's Soliciter at Oshawa, Oshawa, 5th January, A D. 1878. LYMAN ENGLISH, s Solicitor. Vendor Mortgage Sale. _ URSUANT to power of Sale eomtuined in a Mortgage which will be produced atthe Sale, there will be sold by MR LEVI FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION, AT HOUCK'S HOLEL, -- IN THE ---- Village of Manchester, pe {ON sme "Wednesday, 30th day of January 1878, At Twelve o'tlock Nooh, the following 'aliable farm containing SIXTY ACRES more or less, being all the South half of Lot mumber Seven in the Third Concession of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, except fifty acres heretofore sold off the dront of the said lot to Mr. John Harndca, On this farm there is a good Frame House with outbuildings. The soil is good loam, The farm is near the village of Manches- ter--a Good Grain Market. The Terms of Sale are one tenth cash at the time of Sale, enough within one month thereafter to make one third of the purchase money, aud the balance in three yearly ine stalmiedts with interest at Nine per cent half yearly, With right to purchaser to pay in full at any time. Further particulars and conditions of sale <i be bad from the Vendor's Solicit at Oshawa, Oshawa, 5th January, 1878. LYMAN ENGLISH. Vendor's solicitor. Executors' Notice. "To the creditors of Harrison Vernon, late ot the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, deceased. Pursuant to Statute, 29 Vic. Chap. 28, the creditors of the said Harrison Vernon who died on or about the twenty-ecighth day of December, 1877, are hereby notified to send a statement of their claims against the estate of said deceased to John Christie, "Township Clerk, Manchester, one of the Executors 'of the said deccased, on br before the first day of March, 1878, at the explaativs of which time the said Executors' will proceed to distribute the rn the said deceased amongst the thereto, having regard to the ms be fi they then bave notice and the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim they shall not fiave had notice at the tine of the distribu- tion of the said assets. { Dated at Manchester in the Township of Reach, this Eight day of January, 1878. | JOHN CHRISTIE, JOHN W._HOLTBY, RWEN CAMERON, 2 « Money to Loan 4 asin Property at Seven and a half per cent. No Commission. Enquire Law office, Yo Perry. A. Bud's A HURD, Slicitor, &o. ®P A Port Perry, Jun. 9, 1878. Jn Gos ONLY! on iraib ane As they are determined to clean out their Stock with the Season Great BARGAINS 'may be expected. Goods all New and Fashionable, Terms, Strictly Cash LL. CORRIGAN & CAMPD! Port Perry, Jan 24,1878. Twill S COST. Now for Cheap Nuits, Ready Pants and Vests at Cost. Sell all my Cloths at made Coats, Hats and Caps at Cost. 0 Ties, Collars, Shirts, &ec., at Cost. Drawers Come one and all and see for yourselves. Terms--CASH, J. PEARCE, . Merchant Tailor. Port Perry, Dec. 17, 1878. | @LORIOUS NEWS FOR ALL -- WHO ARE IN WANT OF-- (HEAP DRY GOODS, Clothing. and Millinery. Owing to the stringency in money matters and for the purpose of keoping up their Cash Sales J. A. STIRLING & CO, Have this day reduced their Goods to COST for CASIL which will enable all to buy Lots of Goods for Little Money ! In order to effect a complete Clearance by the Fifteenth of March; they have decided to commence a GRAND CLEARING SALE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK AT COST FOR EIGHT WEEKS. The fall trade having been materially curtailed by unseasonable weather, the Stock is still in splendid condition and every department thoroughly assorted. This Salo offers A Rare OprortuniTY for securing fresh and desirable Goods AT WHOLESALE PRICES. An inspection of the Stock will satisfy all unbelievers. Pout Perry, Jan 16, 187 J. A. STIRLING & CO. HIS BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. ITaving decided to devote his attention exclusively to the Grocery and Provision Trade, and requiring the space occupied at present by the Boot and Shoe department, the Subscriber has determined to scll out his entire Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST FOR SIX WEEKS Every Man, Woman and Child requiring a pair of Boots or Shoes, have the privilege of securing them At 'i holesale Price, by calling at W. IM. JONES'. Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1878. SPADES, SHOVELS AND HOES, ay, Straw and Manure Forks, Scythes, Snaiths and Cradles. COMPLETE STOCK OF BUILDERS MATERIAL A FULL STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, RENT STUFK, AND ALL LINES OF Carriage Hardware. Laing & Meharry, Quecn Street. Port Perry, June 20, 1877. SPECIAL SALE ----FOR-- - Six Weeks! WHOLE STOCK ar R¥DUCED PRICES I Greatest Bargains EVER OFFERED. Terms--Cash or Produce. > T. 8. FORMAM. Port Perry, Jan, 10, 1878, \ JUST TO HAND Lid, DAVIS Prime White I'ish Trout, Herrings, &c, In Barrels and Half Barrels, CHOICE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stock. FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Cash, TANT, 1,000 BIS, POTATORS, For which A, Highest Price will be vk I. J. DAVIS, Port Perry, Oct, 24,1877. ORE IAC Selling Out! To Our Friends and Patrons ! A MERRY CHRISTMAS, -- yf § EE HAPPY NEW YEAR! And to make it more so, we will offer during the HOLIDAYS! 20 Ibs CURRANTS, for .... 20 Ibs Choico RAISINS for. d 5 Ibs Choice Young Hyson TEA--fresh and fragrant for 2.25 13 Ibs SUGAR, for .... .... . 1.00 OVERCOATS ererirrive ion .AT Cos. All-Wool Canadian TWEED 8S + Sure ie ... $9.00 Ladies' FURS, in Mink, Seal, Coney, and Gorman Mink, below Cost of manufacture. 20 dozen choice (two-buttoned) KID GLOVES, in colored and black, at 50¢ per puir--worth $1. Gent's FUR CAPS--a still further Reduction. Men's KIP BOOTS, for... . seereresansnnness $3.25 CIVE US A CALL. BROWN & CURRIE. Noted for Cheap Goods.. Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1877, ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3.0 500 000 PORT PERRY SY SRARCE, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open i a ES this Brauch, hated Five Dollar and upwards tecel est allowed thereon, No notice of withdrawal required." A.A, ALLEN; Maviori. . RESUMED PRACTICE T= undersigned is happy to inform his numerous friends and the general public of the locality that during his somewhat, brief season of relaxation he has recovered is Wonley health and now restimes the of his profession and is as formerly, to attend to all calls, Pepe al) N. McCLINTON, uw D, Saintfield, Dec 4, iy Application to Parlameat, PPLICATION will be made to the Parliament ot Ontario at ils next, Ses. sion for an Act giving to Traman P. White] of Whitevale, in the County of Ontario, Esquire, Willlam Murdock, of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Lurham, Civil Engineer, and Samuel John Armour, of the said Town of Bowmanville, Gentle. man, and such other person or ad may "be hereafter associated with them power and authority to construct ar Embankment or Solid Road. way from a point on the shore of Lake Scugog, at or south of and near to the Village of Port Perry, in the Township of Reach to the opposite shore at some point of pusite to the point of commenco« ment in the Township of Scugog. Also to construct a similar Embankment or Solid Road-way from some point on the shore of Lake Scugog south of or south west of and near to Caesarea, in the Township of Cart« wright to the opposite shore at some point opposite the place of commencement in the Township of Scugog. To drain all the part or portion of the said Lake Scugog #o to bo cut oft lying to the south of the said Em- bandments or Road, ways, and to vest all tho "OSE CASE CASE: Highest FOR ANY QUANTITY OF | | pi The Market price Barely, Wheat, Peas, Oats, &c. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, Sept 5, 1877. Delivered at the Elevator of the Subscriber. S. H. = { lands reclaimed thereby in fee simple in tho | said Truman P, White, William Murdock | and Samuel John Armour, and such |other person or persons as may hereafter associated with them, 5 ir heirs and assigns forever, Said [ Act giving power to the Junior Judge of the County in which any land so reclaimed and taken lies, to award compensation to any owner thereof and giving power to the ap-, plicants herein named to issue Debentures hic h shall be a first charge on said lands 80 be reclaimed. Bowmanville, 4th December, 1877. ROBERT ARMOUR, Solicitor for Applieants, Paid OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THR County of Ontario; For the year LL INPORTATIO $20,000 WORTH DRY GOODS, GROGERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, &ec. To be soldat tho very lowest figures for Cash, Farm Produce, or approved Credit, Special - 5000 yds best American Prints 20 yds for $1. Sept. 5, 1877. S. II. CHRISTIAN. ----GO TO THE-- Ontario Flour and Feed Store, FOR GOOD FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR, BARLEY CHOP, OATMEAL, BRAN, CORN CHOP, CORNMEAL, SHORTS, PEAS § 0ATS, CRACKED WHEAT, PEA CHOP, BARLEY, §C. BEF Goods delivered to all parts of the Town. MIDDLETON & HASLEHURST. Oct. 24, 1877. Corner Queen and Perry Streets, Port Perry, AEE TT 2 2|E 338i Se= Whithy....... 2011 Brougham......! 3| | 2 Port Perry......| 151 6 | Uxbridge... 6)12; Cannington. .. in | Beaverton..... 0 Atherly ......%. »| GH. DARTNELL, Junior Judge, Whitby, Jan'y 7,1818. TORONTO PRICES ee A Toe WILSON'S TAILORING AND GENT'S FURNISHING ~------DEPOT-- Men's Dress Suits from ....oeeceees + sesend " Busicess Suits from " Dress Over-Coats from ........ 16.00 " Heavy Over-Coats from ... cece 10.00 All warranted well made and to,_fit. Also. a general assortwent of GENT'S FAN- CIES in Neck Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, &c. Cheap ! Cheap ! Cheap! Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1878. SECURE YOUR Cutters and Sleighs! The Subsaribor has given much attention to the getting up of comfortable, durable, Stylish and For the coming Winter, and has much pleasure in announcing that he has completed and for Sale the Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Material, Finest get up, and Lowest Prices of Cutters and Sleighs ever offered in the Province, and with a view to meet the demands of all he has cut his prices to the lowest possible and offers good CUTTERS ME IPT Sl CHEAP CUTTERS & SLEIGHS FARM for SALE. pes undersigned oficrs for sale that Fino Farm, coutaining 100 acres of choice land, being the North half of lot 16 in the 20d con of REACH. There are on the premises two Good and Comfortable Dwelling Houses, a convenient Driving house and suitable Barn and Stable accommodation. There isa fine young orchard 'of 150 choice fruit trees on the premises. There are 94 acres cleared and & acres hard wood land* The location is pleasant apd healthy, the land in a geod state of cultivation and conv veniently sitaated for the best grain markets Port Perry and Manchester, being little over two miles from either. Terms easy and He indisputable. For further particulars apply to the pro- prictor on the premises, JAMES E, VERNON. Reach Nov, 71877. NOTICH, Come on and take your choice from an extensive Stock of just such Cutters as all wish FoR.8 SALE, do ged 10 own. JAMES EMANEY, 15, 0 W) vis 10 Jue Graben at No. : - Ontario Carriage Works, + of Reach, may Nov. 29, 1877. atom hi ¢ \ PETE _ he. ap -- ob i

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