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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Sep 1878, p. 2

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---- a aii iS ES BAIRD, - - - PORT PERRY, SEPT. 5, 1878. . Our New Office. Our friends will please remember that we have moved into our mew office in Thompson's new Brick Block, nearly. opposite the Ontario Bank where we will be happy to meet our friends and execute all orders with neatness and dispateh. -- i 'The Game of Bluff. As tho time for elections draws near {he ordinary tactics of the camp fol- lowers begin to manifest themselves, lowing becomes the order of the day with them, the more advanced of the class take to bluff and some go even the length of betting in right earn- est. Those who do the stock ex- ehange business in that dino supply information such as may suit the the time and influence the betting wing. This day the camp 'fullowers aro chop-fallen, and in the pot, and bzve not a cent which says their party will win, the next day they are jubilant with bills stieking out of every pocket ready to leap forth and say their party is secure, the victory is as good as won. Such men talk and act as if electors can be tured over in flocks, and we bad almost said com- munities, under the mesmenc influ: ences of some potent mesmerizer, the nearly omnipotent dollar. It would be a dark day for Canada were elec- tors to bo won or lost by any "such cursed means, better we had no franchise than have it paying hom- age to the almighty dollar. As tbe time for tho elections draws near the nervous and over exitable are imposed upon by tho trickster who circulates all sorts of wild and un. relinble rumors of certain victory for one ide und sure defeat for the other the nervous, more excitable party go wild with joy, or are overwhelm: ol with grief at the victory or defeat; as tho case may be. Theso idle rumors are not worth a moment's thought, they are only thrown out to dishearten opponents in ore case or lead the simple ones into betting their money on the other. Itis quite timo enough to know who the winning and who the losing party may be after the ballots havo been counted. What would uny one say of the traitorous soldier who should throw down bis rifle and ran from the fight when the enemy's trump- eter sounds a retreat, and little less disastrous would it be for the soldier who was driving the enemy to cease fighting because the enemy's trump eter indicated the victory complete and sounded a "stand-at ease!" All sorts of rumors are afloat in North Ontario, We are assured every day that victory is sure to rest on our banner, and that Mr. Gibbs is as _ good as electod but lot us push the battle to the last. Wo warn Mr. Gibby' friends against the folly of throwing down their weapons till the battle has been driven to the gute, till the last vote available for Mr. Gibbs has been po'led, and thus secure a more complete victory. The Gritsare not 80 foolish as to sit down with their fingers in their mouths and muke no farther effort in con equerce of the reports that their candidate Mr. Wheler, has not the slightest chance of being re-elected. Notabit of it! 'they appear to work away with as much energy as if there were still hope. This is as itought to be, aud whilo they may have no hope. of electing their candidate they may ~ cover tho retreat, and lessen the disaster. One would suppote that the salu- tary lessons taught our Grit friends mb the late elactions will have a ten- densy to diminish she eurrent of the roulating media , will curtail the vitations ! Come along John," as thy money will not be in such lots, "ani while a bigger push will be re- time, the Hon. George % the salaried ones leads them into all sorta of eapers; many of which are perfectly ludicrous. Tho whole firm of Brown, Mackenzie & Co., are'rushing inmad despair over the land, beg- ging like so many cripples for a further extension of their $8,000 a year, und the handling of the public funds. Tho lesser lights, no less anxious, are running to and fro dis-- tributing tracts, fly-sheets, books &e., so cooked and manipulated as, if possible, to cover up part of the | more flagrant actsof waste,corruption and stupidity of the present Govern 'ment, with a view, if possible, to prolong the existence of Govern- imental pap. The hangers-on all 'know that if Mackenzio & Co. get sacked, as they are sure to, then farewell to tho flesh pots. The streets of our towns and villages are fairly thronged with importunate ones rushing pell mell, hither and thither, for the good of 'the cause." It is all in vain, tho 17th instant will terminate the reign of the Brown. Mackenzie oligareby, and the re- sources of the country will huve rest after five yenrs torturing by the hosts of greedy suppliants which bave been devouring them. ------ Pleasing Results. The progress mado in the present contest and the overwhelming evi- dence given that the days of the Bgown, Mackenzie Government aro ast drawing to =a close cannot fail to be grateful to every lover of his country, every advoe- ate of wise and economical Govern- ment, every admirer of the trae British priuciple of Fair Play. The lesson about to be taught to the Mackenzie Government by being driven from power, will be a salut- ory one not alone to the present government but to other govern- ments who shall succeed, proving as it will that no government who have proved themselves unworthy of the position will be allowed to retain office ono day longer than the people have an opportuity of saying "No I" by their ballots. This is as it should bo for were it otherwise farewell to honorable and upright government ; if wasteful,incompetent governments be allowed and their lease of power renewed it would go far towards offering a premium to political pro- fligacy and incapacity. But future governments finding that tho Mack- enzio Government have been oxe pelled from power for political in- fidelity these governments will take warning and seek to avoid the rocks on which Mackenzio & Co. split.-- That tho reign of Mackenzie & Co., has been most unfortunate for the country, nono we think, not even the most blinded partizan will attempt to deny, it is a fact well known to sll,and bighly injurious to tho best interests of the country and severely feit by men, women and children especially the toiling ones. It speaks well for the intelligence and patriotism of a people to see them come boldly forward and wise- ly exercising that right which the franchise gives them as freemen in the full enjoyment of civil and religious liberty. It is seriously to be hoped thau the day bas come when the great body of tax payers, the support and stability of the nation, shall let their voice te heard and their power fzlt through the ballot box. The present government by their fair, but false promises deceived the people most shamefully, first having obtained their votes by tho most contemptible means and when they had got into power went back on all their promises, and through waete and incapacity bave sunk the country into debt and brought it into a world of difficulty so that even their best friends wi l regard their punishment as only right and proper, and will be ¢x pected to mcquiesce. If the new Government fuil to perform their duties with efficiency and economy let the people exercise their power | in expelling them from office. The, eountry cannot possibly longer stand the strain on her resources, and con. fusion te her trade and manufao- tures. In a few more days the decisive ballot will tell Mr. Mackenzie and his colleagues to stand aside and 'make room for new and better mer. While this will, doubtless, be the case, it becomes all to bend their energy in making tbe victory so decisive that the temper of the electors can not be misunderstood. S-- Another Big Push. another big push but this time does not ask others to "come ywn handsomely" but comes down Toronto) himself in the most me manner he knows how.--! faithful of South Victoria ed He Br an, erat wm in their 3 inst inevitable destiny and as ! provided Brown has just been mak. Sais would either kill or cave but the case being hopeloss it bad the former effect. There is no use talk- ing, flesh and blood could not bear ap under such a dose--only think of it! half a days solid talking. The Glsbe furnishes the names of a few of tho clearest of clear Grits who were present on the occasion,as follows : "Mr, Browa, Hon, 8, C. Wood, Messrs. T. Paxton, MPP, J. Connolly, Jas. Holden, Capt. Deacon, Lindsay; C. D. Barr, Lindsay ; W. H. Higgins, Whitby Chronicle ; Thomas Ormiston, Whitby ; E. Bowes, A. Cameron, J. F. Cunnough, J. Clarke; Rev. Mr. Kestles, Rev. W, Kenner, Wm, Parkinson, Henry York, Thos. Broad, Robt, Adam, Donald Grant, H. Rogers, D. King, Thos. Thompson aud others, Mr. J. Weldon presided, and opened the proceed- ings." * ---- A Midnight Adventure. It has been said, and we have no desire to question the truth of the proposition, ** that there is but one step between fhe sublime and the ridiculous" ; this is doubtless true, and that step is but a short one. On Tuesday evening last somo twenty men or so--all claimigg to be sane--mnxade up their minds that they would go over to Scugog lsland to try issues on matters political. Tho evening had already far vanced--eight o'clock, and in universal darkuess, rivaling that of Egypt on that plague stricken night. To add to the pleasure of the trip and the inducements to set out, Something of Special I st in the way of Auction Sale. | By turning to our advertising colifims something interesting in the smle of real estate will be found. (See the advertise. ment of the anction sale of that fine proj erty. knowa as the Joseph Maltman teal, ¢ -- The National Policy. The entire ts and Fy ¥y Tiondon, Princess Alicey London this evening, with hundred passengers, was run dot ing about eight o'clock by & screw mer. It is reported "that 'between four and five hundred persons were drowned. Midnight. --The Princéss Alice was struck' amidships and susik almost immediately. -- Oppositionists alike, wiil be glad to know that the services of Mr. Lukes, of Toronto, have been secured and that he will speak in . London boat Ci The of persons drowned is variously estimated at from 500 to 650. The higher estimate 1s the Tatest, and is given'by the the Town Hall, Port Perry, to. Fridav--evening on the all important aub. ject, "Fhe Natiomal Policy." Mr. Lukes isa highly capable man, and thoroughly under- stands the subject. Atl will be anxious to hear him, (Sco posters'and advertisement.) -- et eee Political Meetings.--A notice of Mr. Gibbs' meetings will bo found in our adver- tising columns, Parties will do well to note the times and places, and try to attend as many of them as possible. 3 -- et ppt. Orange Demo: stration. Remember the Excursion and Pie Nic which take place to morrow, Friday 6th inst., under tho suspices of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 223 Port Perzy. All Orangemen, Young Britons, True Blues and other protesiants are invited. Comfortable Steamboat and fiat boat ac- commodation provided, A fine quadrille Band will be on board and everything every now and then the forked lightning shot forth ia radiant glare athwart the murky sky if possible intensifying the darkness during the intervals and, to cap the comfort, the tain began to pour. This further induce- ment completed the attraction, and all aboard was the signal for a start, but it re. mained for Robert to completo the accom. modation for the rest of us, he went and borrowed a small umbrella sufficiently large to protect a somewhat seedy rowdy hat, and distribute the drippings with equal munifi- cence on those around him, and we soon y for the i doi and comfort of the guests, (See Posters) -------- a -- A Fine Property for Sale. Do any of our readers want a pleasant, healthy and comfortable residence in Prince Alber', y turning to our advertising columns they will find that T. Alderman, Esq., is offering for sale that fine House and Lot (his prescut residence) at a moderate price. "This is & handsome property and in a charm. ing ti Parties will do well 10 éx- had the satisfacti t exp that being wet to the skin it had to stop there All went pleasantly after this tashion until we had reached the eastern section of the Scugog bridge when our Jehu invited us all to alight; we at first demurred but the sec~ ond demand meant business and all of us were soon at it trying to clamber over the vides of the wagon, and one after another came rolling over into about three feet of mud and water. We were then informed that as the bridge was being rebuilt, we would have to walk the rest ot the way, about 200 fect, We regarded the term walk 8 misnomer--swim would have been the proper term, had it not been for the infernal logs every here and there, which had to be clambered over. However all got through alive, aud the plunging through the water made little difference to those who were as wet as they could be before taking the leap in the dark, However, the bridge being passed, all mounted the rigs and were soon brought up at the Centre School House, but all was dark, and no prospect of getting ia. The meeting was called by the Ministerial party, but they had neglected to ask the use of the Hchool House from the Trustees, and here we were some twenty or so from Port Perry, and fiftecn or twenty electors from the {sland, left out in total darkness. About 9:30 the key was tound, and partics got in, and remained there no one knows how long; the recrossing of the Stynx still hung over us with its threatening terrors, and well it might, for the recrossing wus even worse than the ing, A pl ducking in mud and water was nothing, but the danger of breaking one's limbs, if not onv's neck, was not over encouraging. Tumbling over logs, rolling in the mud, and sitting down in the water were the order of tho night ; but all gut home alive. --»C Got Through. Most of our farmers have succeeded at last in spatching their crops from a somewhat treacherous and ruther tricky harvest h amine the property and whether they wish Ao purchase for a residence or as an invest. ment they ought not to allow the chance to slip. (See the adv.) ee ert et Brown & Ourrle's. In théir new advertisement, in this fseae, Brown & Currie are offering some rare induce- I Am mpany, the owners of the Princess Alice." The Comppuy's wharf is besieged by crowds anxious to hear of rela. tives -and friends who were passengers or the ill-fated boats rn Coming Shows. proviNcTaL.--At Toronto, Se 2, %, 3 and 7. bt Toronto oF 2, By UoUNTY,--Bouth' Ontario, at thy, Wed **esday, Thursday and Frid ) Sept. 18, 19 and 20. TownsHir.--North Brock, at Cannington, on Tuesday and Syeduesday, Oct, 1 and 2. TowNsHIP.--Broek, at Stn lerland, on Tugs and Wednesday, Oct. 8 and 9, : TowxsHiP.--Cartwright, at Willlamsburg, on Thursday and ¥' , Oet. 10 and 11. -------- BORN. In Port Perry, on the nt instant, tho wife Mr, John Gibson of a son, In 3rd Con. Reach, on the 1st instant, the wife of Mr, Wm. Carnegie of a daughter. In Reach, on the 31st ult, the wife of Ms. Arves Moore, of a daughter, i J » D1 In Port Perry, on Mg, Witsan 'Toumo and 3 months. Deceased was a worthy yeoman, one of nature's noblemen, intelligent, jodustrious and honorable in bis dealings ; 8 loving husband, indulgent father, a hind neighbor and true friend. He was born in England, and remained there till 1832, when be emi- grated with his family, came to Canada, and settled near Kingston, where he remained some time, and moved to Sidney, County Prince Edward, where he remaiped till 1851, when he moved into the Township of Reach, aod remained there till' the time of his decease, His industry and frogal habite «mabled him 10 secure considerable property and to bring up his family in comfort, and give them a good start in the world ; and D nesday, 4tk instant, Sr., aged 68 years ments to cust: Their magnificent mew stock of goods for the Fall trade has Jost beer opened out, and everything desirable for ladies and gent's wear, of the newest styles, best quality, and lowest prices shown in profusion. + They invite all to comé and gee their fine new stock. oer Rare Inducements at Jones Bros.' Establishment, Port Perry. See Jones Bros, new advertisement in this issue. Their splendid new stock of choice Fall Goods is just opened up. The well known good taste thorough skill, and other important advaotages enjoyed by this firm - in buying, prove a guarantee to the public for the quality, style and cheapness of the goods, as it is well known that this firm give their custonress the full advantages at whiclr the goods are bought.--(Sco the advertisement, ------t -------- Political Meetings. SOUTH ONTARIO. Osawa, Sept. 2.--~Hon, T. N, Gibbs has given notice of meetings ws follows :-- Ravlan, Wednesday, 4th Sept, 7:30 p. m.; Eedar Dale, Wednesduy, 4th Sept., 730 p.m. Altona, Thursday, 5th Sept., 3 p.m ; Audley, Thursday, 5th Sept, 7:30 p. my; Brooklin, Friday, 6th Sept 3 p.m.; Rouge, Friday, 6th Sept., 7:30 p.m. On Monday, 9th Sept, a meeting will bo held at Brougham for the discussion of the "National Polich" at 2 poy, We have not had for very many years past 80 bright prospects both for quantity and At an important mecting of the friends quality of one grain yield the fact is that most parties were as it were, stretching out their hand to receive as good a crop of grain as has blessed the land for many years, and twenty, twenty-five and thirty bushels to the acre were regarded as all but certain, and plans were fixed in accordance with thelr expectations, But an unlooked for and unw.lcome change came over the land, and soon dashed the cup from the lips of th i P ts, aud in in- stances, in fact. over large tracts of land, that which promised between thirty and forty had to be content with nine or ten, or at least put up with it. The influences which appear to have com- bined to diminish our yield so mixed up the grain that it was most dificult and expensiv. to take it off, so that all round the harvest must be regarded as an unfortunate one The next matter of importance to farmers-- in fact to all of us--is how will prices be likely to range ? This is a question of great fmportance to all, for good prices for grain is good for all the community, as it adds to the general prosperity of the country. There can be no doubt that partics who have got a quantity of No, 1 Barley on hand have that which will bring a good, if mot a high price, aod they will not let it go till it brings something handsome ~~ We much fear that the price of wheat will be much lower than circumstances when of Col, Cubitt, as reported in tho News-- « Mr. Phos. MeClung suid he bad been Government were unfit longer to hold. the reins of power--it is simply a grab game with them. But this is not the time to bandy words--work Was Dow what bad to De done ; and if all were to put their. should «rs to the wheel success wi 8 sure." Every indication in that important cons stituency goes to show that the return of Col: Cubbitt is well Assured, and tbus that intelligent costituency is placing tie weal of the country before party or personal prefer- ences, o- They are all Coming Round. The Montreal Star says ;-- « A meeting called in the interest of Mr, B. Devlin was held last night ou Obaboillez square ; about two thousand persons attend ed. The candidate and his friends occupied the balcony in fruat of Moranda's hotel, -- Mr. Moses Malone proposed, Mr. Patrick Doran being the seconder, that Mr. Micha? Donovan preside. fed gh his good" ple, andl that of the worthy partner of his life, they raised an active; intelligent, worthy family of seven children, six of whom survive him, and are all doing well, His death was sudden and unexpected, On Monday, 20d instant, he was lively and cheerful, walking around the village as wemal, son, in Post Perry, for some time, as he liked the cheerfulness of the Village. As he did not come down on Tuesday morn- ing as early as usual his son went up to his room and found him in bed unable to speak. Dr. Ware was called in mand at once per- ceived that the patient had bad a paralytic stroke. Everything that medical skill could do was done but could not save the patient who lingered till the following day and pass- ed calmly away, The bereaved ones hava the sympathy of all in their grief for the loss of one so worthy of being loved. BE The Markets. OssErver Orrick, Sept 5, 1878. around the country with Col, Cubitt, and hud | met with warm receptions, "The present | Fall Wheat, ,u,. .+ese oo. $100 to $100 Spring Wheat, old ... . 095t¢te 00 Spring Wheat, new.. 175 to 085 Barley o.oo vieenenes 040 tc 080 Butter ... . Ollto 012 Eggd™. . 008to 010 Wool... . 020to 0322 Oats, old... 6 35tc 040 Oats, new... «. 030to 030 Peas ..... . .. 060,to 065 Clover Sced 350to 000 Hay per ton.. . 900 to 1000 Smoked Hams , .. 010to 010 Dried Haws. , 009to 809 0llto 011 030to 035 6 00 to 650 450to 470 NATIONAL POLICY!! IIR, LURE, OF TORONTO, (ne of the most Talented Speakers in the Province, will spenk under the anspices of "the Naticnal Pclicy League, in THE TOWN HALL. PORT PERRY! On Tuesd Mr. the honor and opened the meeting with a few remarks. = He stated that they waated a i 5 if : 1 : | : i | Ee 7 i if i it gd i i i i I il Tait 3d 1 iss HHH Hi i i i I 3 : iH Sunday School Anniversary. Tbe Shirley P. M. Sunday School will their Anni Services for 1878 on instant. -- labor (app ). ing the claims of Mr. Devlin, who bad consented to be an independent candidate, Mr. B. Devlin came forward, looking very feelle and broken down physiclily, severe illness, Ho was received with cheers ho were in front of the Rvening, Sept. 6tb, SUBJECT « - "The National Policy." Chair taken at half-pdst sovet. All are resp ctit ly invited. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE; Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1878, House, Stable & Lot for Sale AT PRINCE ALBERT. HE West comer of King and Queen Streets--six rooms and kitchen, stone Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, The above isa desirable residence for a small retired Jolly Enquire of H, ERMAN, On the Prince Albert, Sept. 4, 1878, ines, aw i i fel £ Hi : Ef b F | F i H ; £ i HH rpel; Hh it ill Hi ; | ; i 1 i : £ : g 1 i 4 could not ! OO atiiie meu of at once 10 their reliet moet. | d "stu Prepare for the Elections, NORTH ONTARIO! He had lived with his| Soerery's FALL Siow, 10 CLASS A.--HORSES. : DRAUGHT. Will Address the Electors at tho i 'times W.. GIBBS, ESI. Beaverton, Friday, Sept 6th, at 7 o'clock. Towa Hal), Scott, Saturday, Sept 7th; at 7 Zephyr, Monday, Sept. 9th, at 7 o'clock. Sunderland, Nomination, Tuesday, Sept 10th, Cannington, Tuesday, Sept 10th, at 7 o'clock ae 'Wednesday, Sept 11th, at 7 Glasgow, Thursday, Sept 12th, at 7 wok Uniridgo Village, Friday, Sept 13th, at 7 Grecabank, Satarday, Sept. 14th, at 2 o'clock Utica, Saturday, Sept 14th, at 7 o'clock, Scugog, Monday Sept 16th, at 2 o'clock. g § BURG, ON THURSDAY AND Fripay, Ocr. 10° & 11. $300 $200 $1 Brood pr 300 200 1 Two year old Gelding or Filly....... 2 00 160 W Ono year old Colt sueiesursusenses 200 150 1 Two year old Entire Colt gm: TS50 1 One year old Entire Colt... 2 00 100 -1 4 GENERAL PURPOSE. Team. cers sesensses s suse 300 200 1 Brood Mare and Foul.cosersee. 300 200 : HE * Two year old Gelding or Filly......'2 00. 150 1: One year old Colbu..... 200°" 150. 1 Two year old Entire Colt .... 200. 160 '1: One year old Entire Colt .. 200 ~ 150 'I £2 ' CARRIAGE. Team "ee 800 2 00 1 Brood Mare and Fonl.eveessassssssseces 3 00 . 200 1 Two year old Gelding or Filly ...... 200 150 1 One year old Colt.... «ue 200; 150 1 Single Driving Horse 2 00 1 50 1 Two year old Entire Colt . oe 2 3 +150. 1 Saddle Horse. oeueee sucrensusrsssansnsees 200° 6 ie CLASS B.--CATTLE. Grade Milch Cow. . 3 00 2 00 1 Two year old Heifer .. 150 100 B50c One year old Heifer .. .. 1 50 100 Durham Milch Cow--with Pedigree 3 00 2 00 - $1 Two yearold Darbam Heifer--with * edigree ...... oes 100 B50¢ One year old Durham th odigree . oe suse tr 0s sineneree 1:50 100 50c Yoke of Oxeh . .. ns 300 200781 CLASS C.--SHEEP. Aged Ram, Cotswold c.coie wv cureeee 2.00.4 1 50 1 Yearling Ram, Cotswold...... . 200 1 50 1 Ram Lamb, Cotswold... . 200 1 50 1 Aged Ramb, Leicester. .... £20 1 50 1 Yearling Ram, Leicester +200 1 50 1 Ram Lamb, Leicester ..cocevcseieinsees 2 00 1 50 1 Two Ewes that have raised Lambs _ this season, Cotswold ........ .... 2 00 1 60 1 Two Shearling Ewes, Cotswold...... 2 00 150 1 Two Ewe Lambs, Cotswold. ......... 2 00 1 60 1 Two Ewes that have raised Lambs this #dnson, Leicester s.....e.e.s 2 00 1 50 1 Two Shearling Ewes, Leicester. 2 00 1 50 1 Two Ewe Lambs, Leicester. ......... 200 150 1 CLASS D--SWINE. Boar, Large Breed ........ $2 00 1 50 1 Boar, Small Breed..c...en . 200 1 50 1 Sow, Large Breed, that bus raised pigs this BEUSON wees worraneanene 2 00 150 1 Sow, Small Breed, that has raised Pigs this BeASON..ceeisrrasen cures 150 1 Boar Pig, Large Breed, 6 months old OF UNMET. rserisesessiseens asereess 2 00 150 1 Boar Pig, Small Breed, 6 months old or under... 2 150 1 Sow Pig, Largo . old or under.......... wvevsuisrasiin 300 150 1 Sow Pig, Small Breed, six months Old OF UNABE. 1200000 s s1easeressase 2 150 1 - CLASS E.--~POULTRY. Pair Game Fowls coceciaiiiiininncenine 50¢ 25¢ Pair Fowls, Large Bieed. eanes 50¢ 26¢ Pair Turkeys. es 50¢ 25¢ Pair Geeso .avereesene 50¢ 25¢ Pair Ducks...... ol vee 50c 250 CLASS F.--DAIRY PRODUCE. Tub of Butter, 50 Ibs. or over.......82 00 150 1 Ten Ibs. Butter ... sens: 1.50 1 00 50c Ton lbs, Cheese... ve eaena 1 50 1 00 50¢ CLASS G--IMPLEMENTS, Double Wagon.... "en .§2 00 100 Double Carriage. 2 00 100 Ringle Carriage , 2 00 1 00 Fanning Mill. 1 00 0 50 Set Horse Shoe 0 50 Patent churn. 0 50 Sewing Machine... 0 50 Crass H.--~DO! Team Harness. . 1 00 Single Light Harness ... 100 Two Pairs Gent's Boots, and one puir pegged 0175 Fair Ladies' Boots, home-made... .. 100 Crass [--GRAIN, FRUIT Two bushels Fall Wheat... ..... veers. $200 $150 $i 00 Two bushels Spring Wheat, Fife,......... 2 00 1 50 100 Two bushels Spring Wheat, Early Vanety.. 2 00 1 50 1 00 Two bushels Peas. .... Tenese 1 50 1 00 0 50 Two bushels Oats, Blac! ® een 3 00 075 050 Two bushels Oats, White, not of the Surprise Variety .. eae re we 100015 0 50 I'wo Bushels Barley, not two-row: .100 07 050 Two bushels Potatoes..... 1 00 075 0 50 Two bushels Turnips 0175 0 50 Dozen Carrots . 075 0 50 Three Heads 075 0 50 Two Squashes., 025 0 00 L.025 000 «05 0125 07 050 0 50 025 .075 050 . . 0175 0 50 Dozen Apples, Russets...... .07 0 50 Doscn Apples, Northern Spies vases sarves ss 0.784 0:50 Collection of Fall Apples, to consist of not fewer than four vacieties of Apples of four each......... 100 015 Collection of Winter Apples, to consist of not fewer than four varieties of four Apples each....... 1 00 075 Dozen Fall Pears ... 0175 0 55 Dozen Winter Pears... L075 0 50 Half dozen Bunches Grapes. 0175 0.50 . 050 025 0 50 023 0 50 035 0 50 025 "Ten yards home-made Cloth. , vase 2euerasers o0nn$l 25 $0 75 Ten yards home-made Flanuel, all wool. ,opee 200 1 2% 07 Ten yards home. made Flannel, mixed .. 125 0175 Home: Woollen Coverlet..... . 075 035) 017 0 50 075 0 50 0175 0 50 125 0175 075 0 50 0175 0 50 128 01 0 50 025 0 50 075 0 50 015 0 50 0125 Pair GIOVE. ous sevens sanese erases 05 0125 Specimen made Carpet, 10 yards or over.. 125 075 Berlin Wool or Worsted Work, raised, ..ve0 cavees 0 0 80 025 Berlin Wool or Worsted Work, flat. .....cco0eeieeie 0 50 025 . 50 0125 50 0 26 050 ' 033 03 015 0504 ©28 0 50 025 Sesh Wax Peat, oe 080 025 men Wax Bygws oss ssenee sen 05. 0125 Spesiuied A Flowers--not Wax, 060 025 0m 050 0 50 LE '#80 0128 0 80 025 0 50 025 0 80 025 0 50 028 050 035 0 50 025 0 50 025 0 50 025 0 50 025 015 0 50 015 0 80 07% 050 018 0 = ot 0 0 4 050 + 050 025 rE iegaedinis 0 4 Work, sa rave + 050 0125 Bigs 050 0135. 0 50 025 0 » 28 : 0 050 0 5 ww 080 0: oh om Pair SHPPerss..s auraos side ood 05 035 RY. bs LW "ALSO. B= i y on -~ A Iron Grey mare, 5 years old, 16 hands' high, sound. Good single or double. £ JAMES EMANEY, ~~ : Ontarlo Carriage Works, Port Perry, Sept 4, 1878. "LAYING Soldmy entire buste ness lo : MR, JORN L WTR, 1 would most respectfully ask for him a continuation of your patron- : 80 liberally bestowed on di r the past fen years, and I take this opportunity of thanking each and all for your generons support. E. WORTHINGTON. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1878. John L. Watkis SUCCESSOR TO E. WORTHINGTON, -- DEALER IN-- FLOUR, . FEED. SEEDS! Peas, Oats, Barley, Corn, Bran, Sherts & Cracked Wheat CRAHAM FLOUR, OATMEAL, &C. N cen AL§Q en Salt, Coal, Plaster, & Water Lime, A large number of new and second: hand flour barrels for sale ; also about 300 cotton grain bags which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, A i jon of your p is re- spectfully solicited. J. L. WATKIS. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1878. A COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE IN PORT PERRY, For Sale - - Cheap. That convenient House and Lot, corner of Lilla and Elgin Streets, four doors South of the Town Hall. There is also a suitable little Barn on the premises and a Weil and Cistern. The location is a pleasant and healthy ono and the property will be sold cheap, For particulars apply to JOHN COOKE. Port Perry, Aug. 29, 1878. NOTICE. PARTIES will please take notice that from and after this date [ shall require the Cash to accompany all orders for Grave Dig- oh ai d in ging. Not charge, I have lost a large amount by giving credit, F. SMITH. Prince Albert, Sept. 29, 1878. HOUSE & LOT: FOR SALE. fn OR SALE a comfortable Dwelling House and Good Lot and Thrifty Ors chard in Port Perry, for Sale at a Bargain. This is a fine opportunity to secure a comfortable residence, Cheap! Cheap! The property is now occupied by the family of the late Thes. Benson. For particulars apply to Alfred Spencer, Brooklin, or to C. DAWES, Auctioneer. Port Perry, Aug. 21,1878. : XOTICE, County oF ONTARIO, } I hereby given that TO WIT the COURT OF ASSIZE, NistPrius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, will be held in and or the County of Ontario, in the COURT HOUSE, TOWN OF WHITBY, ------)N men Thursday, September 19th, 1878, At the hourgof 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and all others concerned, will take notice and govera them- selves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, | Sheriff, Co. Untario. Sheriff's office, Whitby, Aug. 6, 1878. Chancery Sale VILLAGE LOTS PORT PERRY. URSUANT to a direction of the Refyree * in Chambers of the Court of Chancery, made in the matter of Lavinia Pypher and others, Infants, Will be received up to.noon of the Ninth day of September next, Por the following property in the Village of | Port Perry: Lots 137, £38 aud 130, 6A the East side of Lilla Strevt, in the Village of Port . Upon the property is a : ' -- Frame Building, Lately nsed by Charles Thorn, as a | VETERINARY STABLE, &C. The purchaser will be required within seven days after receiving notice that his ey Eee a and within ono in two equal annual instalments, at T cont per annum, to be secured by mortg on the property. pe i The Vendors wil r 7 abstract of title aes so Bs die or copes of le decd except those Jn. bod

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