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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Sep 1878, p. 3

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i | --OF VALUABLE-- SALE! . hi smi Gp. prt 5 es moa : wn i ---- LTW0 VITKS JONES BRos. Have been busily etigaged in opening up Will offer the remainder of that Estate for le, on WEDNESDAY & THURENAY, 'OOTOBER 30 & 31, 1878. Infending purchasers may find Plans and all necessary information at the Law Office of P A, Hurd, Esq., at the Law Office of Billings & McGillivray, Esqs, or at the Store of Mr, Thos. C. Paxton. The property will be sold in lots to sult purchasers. Parties wishing to purchase any portion' of the property by private bargain before the days of 'sale may do so by applying to the Trustees of the Estate or to C. Dawes, Port Salo on the premises to commence each day at 10 o'clock a. m, Teaus.--Ten per cent of the : purchadé money down, and the balance in one, tw and three years secured by mortgage.-- Interest at 8 per cent, By order of Trustees. C. DAWES, AUCTIONEER. Port Peary, Aug. 22,1878. FOR SALE CHEAP! OR TO LEASE FOR A TERM CF YEARS HAT desirable family residence, lot No. 66, Bigelow street, Port Perry, is offered for at a great sacrifice, or it may be leased for a term of years. Payments to suit purchaser. For further particulars, apply to SPP Vo H Port Perry, Aug, 20, 1878. C.DAWES, 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER! FY \HE Undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the public for the Exten. sive and Generous patronage bestowed npon him since Lis entering upon the dutics of Auctioneer, and would now state that all Sales entrusted to him, of whatever descrip- tion, shall be promptly attended to and the interests of the owners carefully guarded. -- Sale Bills prepared and blank notes furnish - AM. tr Alt orders left ut my residence, Bigelow street, Port Perry, the first residence North of Dr. Jones' office, will be carefully attend ed to. Charges Moderato, C. DAWES, Port Perry Aug 1, 1878. FOR SALLE FARMS. FI NE Subscriber offers for Sale that Choice Farm being the East half of lot 4, in the 5th con of the Township of Cartwright ! Containing 100 Acres, about 70 Acres clear- ed, well fenced, and ina good state of cultivation, There are Suitable and Com- fortable Buildings on the premises, a good Dwelling House 20x26 with a back Kitchen attached 18x30. A Barn with convenient Stables, &c, 37x56, There is a vigorous young bearing Qrchard on the premises. -- The supply of water is cl.oice and abundant, a good Well and several Springs, The location is healthy and pleasant and only 8 miles from Port Perry, one of the Best Markets in the Province for all kinds of farm Produce. Also, that Excellent Farm Being the East half of lot 3, in the 4th con. of the Township of Cartwright, containing 100 Acres of which 50 are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the property a Dwelling House, and good Barn 35555. The property is well watered by a living stream running through it. On this property there is a Brick Yard with a fu 1 supply of Machinery suitable for the manufacture of bricks. The supply of clay is abundant and of the very Best Quality Every facility for manufacturing good Also, a Quarter Acre Lot on Queen Street, Port Perry, one of the finest Building Sites in town; just westof the Schocl House. It but seldom happens that so favorable an opportunity presents itself for profitable in- vestment, * For particulars, apply to the proprietor. 3 E, BRYANS, 3+ Excuaxce Hotxr, Cartwright. Cactwright, July 27, 1878. 31 Vogt A SPLENDID HE undersigned being about to move OPENING. Tn ey A Butchering and (Grocery ! And no better opportunity could present it- self for securing a comfortable and safe business in a prosperous town like Por Perry. Also, for Sale my present ~ RESIDENCE, Grocery, Stables, &o. convenience for carrying on the business. The lot contains an | a quarter of land newly and sub. Good fruit trees and I will also sell a fing FIRST CLASS LAND o in Port Perry, and near the othet 1 ¢ laud a 1n a fine state of cultiva- ad tild be ditiouts fo :s e buco 'a pleasant and agree- : Itisone of the finést lots pitt with the business or re it not that thi blé ng prese nted oa, highly protie Terma, . Title indisputable. * Or wi fit Belt RE Balus wid Rent thi premises. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. JAMES PRINCE. with er port Perry, June 26, 1878. NEW FALL GOODS &nd are now showing a Large and Attractive Assortment in all the various departments It offords them more than ordinary satisfaction to state that Dry Goods of almost every description are Cheaper than they have been for many years, and as they are selling at the Smallest Possible Margin custonters itiducements of no ordinary character, They he month of September their Millinery they will be prepared to show all the they are enabled fo offer their would also take this opportunity of stating that in t and Dressmaking Departmen'td will re-open when Novelties of the season ~ REMEMBER In Millinery, D | advantage of placing your orders at the earliest possible cotivenience, Cash and Ready-Pay Customers should nos neglect to éall dnd and gecute the Splendid Bargains now being offered at A ¢ Onn SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS 70 PURCHASERS OF Clothing ! Partics in want of a Port Perry, Sept 4, 1878. In order to clear the balance of their Stock with the Season. GOOD FITTING SUIT, Can have an Extensive Variety of New Designs in Scotch, English and Canadian Tw eo to select from. Also, a beautiful lot of French and English ance and endurance are unequaled. A large variety of HATS AND CAPS, In New Styles at prices to suit the times. Also, a full supply of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, ffs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., to bo sold Cheap. In White and Colored Shirts, Collars, Cu as you will positiveiy save money by so doing. Call at once and secure your Clothing, fully Stocked, $= TERMS--Cash or Produce, Port Perry, June 20, 1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. | FALL TRADE. resgmaking and Tailoring those who come flest are served first hence the Worsteds, which for appear- Boot and Shoe and Grocery Departments 1878 & "79. JUST RECEIVED ----FOR THE-- Newest designs in Canada Twee Latest styles in Dress Goods, Novelties in Ladies © Choice Winceys, ' ds, lantles, Latest out in Crétonnes. All Choice and Seasonable Goods at the lowest living prices. OUR MOTTO---Popular Goods and Popular Prices: Which the Public appreciate. BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1878. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT fain T C. FORMAN Intends Resuming THE DRY GOODS Part of his business fully. NEW STOCK COMING FORWARD DAILY. Just Opened. --2 Cases Hats and Caps, latest styles, and Cheapest ever offered. T. O. FORMAN. Purt Perry, Aug 21, 1878. IMPORTANT --_--TO---- Travelers! t in this Asem FOR THE HE undersigned is Sole Agen town for the "WHITE STAR" LINE LAKE SUPERIOR T OCEAN STEAMERS| Zine of Steamers, Sailing between New York and Liverpool via Queenston, The Steamers of this Line are amongst the Largest and most Powerful Vessels afloat THE SHORTEST ROUTE MANITOBA BUTTER! the English Market, for which the Will be paid either in Cash or Goods. --- - 4 - 4 -~ Tubs furnished to Customers and mo charge. y 8: H. CHRISTIAN: Manchester, June 20, 1878, 3000 Tubs Choice Dairy Butter Wanted for HIGHEST MARKET PRICE and noted for comfort to passengers, short and regular passages. To | AND HOW TO GO, W. H. McCAW, June 20, 1878. Royal Arcade, Port Perry. SPRING. eastre in informing the public that we now have ono of the largest marked also at the very Lowest Prices 'We have much pl and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, consistent with profit, OUR STOCK OF BULDING HAROWH ILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, ht ak the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of NA SUTEDiNG and ROOK iy ba OILS, and VARNISHES, ING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, Eg TO FARMERS. 'We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, TO MILL MEN We can offer inducements in FILES of the best English make. LEA' BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BAB METAL, and all other supplies. TO CARPENTERS. We Shahsle Srochalty of TOOLS, and keep nothing but tho best make of SAWS A : CES, AXLES, SPRINGS WAGON BKEINS, 3 is also, well assorted in HUBBS, SPOKES, I SHAFTS and POLES, CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description, Thanking jou for past favors, we sblicit your valved orders for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. Our stock ps Having decided to retire from the RIAL DRY GOODS TRADE ! Is offerig the whole of his Stock at dnd BELOW COST. PROFIT IS NO OBJICT! BUT THE CASH IS. And those having it can secure Immense Borgains. worthy of it) obtain i from other. fty per eent advance Big interest for accommodation' must expeet te Those who want credit can no doubt (if they are Houses in the trade by paying from twenty-five to fi means Bad Security, and those who pay euch rates make up the losses made on those who do not pay. : Special attention is drawn to Cheap Lines of TWEEDS which will be offered at HALF the usual rates. i y B. J. THORNE, Pott Perry, April 18,1878. Greenbank; Aug. 20, 1872, : "IMPROVED Farms for Sale; HE Soifh half of Lot 14, in the 4th cons, cession of Eldon, 100 acres, 60 cleared. Log House, 8 fenced and watered. acres standing timber. ~----ALSO---- The west half of Lot 13, in the 4th ; cession of Eldon, 100 acres. New La House and Log Barn. 50 cleared . 30 acres standing timber. Wel fenced watered. Ten Terms to suit purchasers. Apply fo N. F. PATERSON, ' : Bolicitot. Port Perry, May 21,1878, ' A MOST DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE TE Subseriber lntends mdving from this locality, and mow offers for Sule th d at fine Propeniy ik eorner of A and 3engog streets, Port Perry, b containing 3} seres of choice land, a comfort shile frame Dwelling House, Stable and cessary outbuildings, . Jigarous Yi ahard of cholee fruit, a full ply of '] water and Sveey thing necessary oom nce of 8 pleasant homes CHOICE NEW aoa --AT-- - PEARCE'S MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, PORT PERRY. The undersigned has much pleasure in informing his ctistomers and the general publle that he has just received a splendid New Stock of such goods as cannot fail to meet the wishes of all who desire choice summer goods, the style, quality and price of which make Te ad briny of the agreeable s one healthful to be found, bein; nt of low 1, 11,12and13 in the plen of the village of Pord Perry. The proj ¢ chasers. One acre with the Building in one lot and the 2§ % It would be difficult to find a better tunity for securing a fine property, or a profiiahle investment. vd petty may be divided to sult pure Oretard, making itle indisputable and Terms 0 the Bay tor on GEO. WALLING.' For particulars apply t the premises. Port Perry, June 11, 1878 ALSO FOR SALE, TR den mf Apply to the owner. > : GEO. WALLING, Port Perry, June 11, 1678. REMOVED. them favorites with all who sec them. The Newest Fashions, Finest Stylesand Most Handsome Fit always secured. . Come and inspect my stock of Superior Worsted Goods, Choice - Cloths and carefully selected stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts and everything In the Gent's Furnishing line, cheap. J. PEARCE, Quy St., Port Peary. May 16th, 1878. MERCHANT TAILOR. JUST TO HAND I. J. DAVIS' Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, 4&c. In Barrels and Half Barrels, CHOICE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stock; FLOUR & FEED Of ail kinds--cheap for Cash, WANTED, 1,000 BIS. POTATOES, For which the Highest Price will be aid: I. J. DAVIS, Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1877. THE "CHAMPION" RECORD FOR 1877. : Over Thity-fice Thousand Machines Sold. NO BREAKAGES--No vexatlons In gathering the cro waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for re, rs--NO REPAIRS TO BUY--No expross charges to pay--Easily adj to all kinds.and conditions of grass or Ja CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The most simple sand durable of all Harvestars--The best and thieapest Machine in the market, Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. -- FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT. STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST. ONLY SLY PIECES OF CAST IRON IN CO WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. RON. therefore taken this Ul 'PETITORS i the of Harvesting Machines. For farther information; address, Jos eoh Hall Manufacturing Gay, ti OSHAWA, ONTARI OshdWa, Feb. 20, 1878. : i : AGENTE--E. WALKER, Port Perry ; GEO, URQUHART, Sandford. 8iCN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, : QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. ps--NO CEOPS DAMAGED while WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. MBINED MACHINES! SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGHT MOWERS T portunity of retnrning thanks to his. numerous customers. who have so lon, favored him with thelr patronage and would, now inform them. and the public at large, that he has moved his place of business to his NEW PREMISES OPPOSITE THE PORT PERRY FOUNDRY Where ho will bo glad to meet his old customers and all requiring work la his line, BLACKSMITHING In all its Departments. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. : JAMES SWAN, Port Perry, July 24, 1878. ( CHEAP! CHEAPER | CHEAPEST f . BOOTS & SHOES FOR THE TIMES: OPENED up this weok the following. -- Pledse note the very LOW PRICES. Ladies' Prunella Galter Boots, good stook high cut, sold at $1.80, for §1 pee pair. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, foxed, seid of $1.80, forgi. : Mimes' Bull Te oa Balmorels, geod Ladies' Tipped Prunella Balmorals, 018 of 90 cents, for 60 conts per . MotiT will repair no other goodd but Irie For Sale or Exchange 5 FOR PROPERTY Y TN PLANES, CHIS! UGES; &0. sirous to sell T0 BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS : : ie ¢ i aiind sg herons of aaylaince Albetty, . The result is that the # Chanipion" will be the lightest in weight and draught of amy r, and ; SE ©. | nachioe in the market,at the same time equally as strong and durable, and as free from | man's, fora BAND men OO aah +d SLAOL SHOP a on. Habiity to breads as those BEL JL ISTE; 2 Siku AED Fosplint The lot and . ING, . AIN, shall 1 in ever icular all other nes of y | } SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS; ANVILS, VI ball excel in every particular 1 othe mecre CT DVANCE OF ALL THEIR COM- | splendidly aca § oe FE Undrsigned would ¢mbrace th mt

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