Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Oct 1878, p. 3

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-~ ~ * CRANDELL (FOR SALE OR T0 RENT! John L. Watkis E. WORTHINGTON, ~~ ==----DEALER IN-- FLOUR, FERED. ; SEEDS! Peas, Oats, Parley, Corn : Bran, Shorts & Cracked Wheat. CRAHAM & IBUCKWHEAT FLOUR, ' OATMEAL, &C. Sal Cal, Plaster, & Wale Live, A large number of new and second.hand Sour barrels for Sole {lle ow 200 cotto) bags which wil sold in lots to suit purchasers, J. L. WATKIS. Port Perry, Aug, 28, 1878. "C.DAWES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER! HE Undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the public for the Exten. sive and Generous patronage bestowed upon "him since his entering upon the duties of Auctioneer, and would now state that all Sales entrusted to him, of whatever descrip tion, shall be promptly attended te and the interests of the owners carefully guarded. -- Sale Bills prepared and blank notes furnish- ed. : AN orders left at the Flour, Feed and Grain Store of J. L. Watkis (latp E, Worthington's) will be promptly attended to Charges Moderate, : C. DAWES, Port Perry Aug 1, 1878. WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer HE Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple. ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is possible to bring. All orders promptly attended to, sale bills made out and sale notes turnished free of charge, Parties leaying their orders at the Opserver Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate and carcful attention, Charges Moderate, WM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan Raglan, Sept 10, 1878. AUCTION SALE! --OF VALUABLE-- AL fname | Tee TRUSTEES OF THL LARGE ARRIVALS t--AT-- - A . RRR & CRIES INSPECTION INVITED. Prices Very Low. $a TERMS--Cash or Produce. Port} Perry, Sept 26, 1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. FOR TWO WEEK JON ES BROS. Havy been busily engaged in opening up NEW FALL GOODS and are now showing a Large and Attractive Assortment in all the varions departments It offords them more than ordinary satisfaction to state that Dry Goods of almost every description are Cheaper than they have been for many years, and as they are selling at the © Smallest Possible Margin they are enabled to offer their customers inducements of no ordinary character, would also take this opportunity of stating tbat their They ESTATE, 'Will offer the remainder of that Estate for Sale, on | WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 & 31, 1878. Intending purchasers may find Plans and all necessary information at the Law Office of P A. Hund, Esq., at the Law Office of Billings & McGillivray, Esqs, or at the Store of Mr. Thos. C. Paxton. The property will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Parties wishing to purchase any portion of the property by private bargain before the days of sale may do so by applying to the Trustees of the Estate or to C. Dawes, Port Perry. * , Sale on the premises to commence each day at 10 o'clock a. m, Teena. --Ten per cent of the purchase money down, and the balance in one, two and three years secured by mortgage. -- Interest at 8 per cent. By order of Trustees. C. DAWES, AUCTIONEER, Port Peary, Aug, 22,1878, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THR Township of Reach. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. OT No. 2, and the South-half of Lot No. 7, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Reach, well situated, good soil, and a dwelling house on south-half of lot No. 7 -- There is over 100 Acres of Timber on Lot No. 2. These properties will make good A small cash payment will be required, the balance to! remain on mortgage fora term of years to suit the purchaser. Apply to T. H. McMillan, Esq., Oshawa, Hp fh the undersigned. LYMAN HENGLItH, . Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Sept. 18, 1878, 41.40 . HE offers to Sell, or Rent for a term of years, that esttaviy pro . perty, being part of lot 9, in con, a Reach, containing FIFTY ACRES. | with good Dwelling House, es Bak Shen: hers se x owl "Well and Vigorous Orchard on the premises. The property is well fenced. For particulars apply to the proprietor on ee HENEY GILBERT "Reach, Sept. 35, 1878. ee § y also offers for Sale or to and 5 acre 8 of land on lot in the 2nd con, Reach. This may make residence and will be sold on terms. vt For PENRY GILBERT. (Milinery and Dressmaking Departments have Re-opened 3000 Tubs Choice Dairy Butter Wanted for HIGHEST MARKET PRICE For the Fall, The stock in these branches will be found unusually attractive, embracing all the Novelties of the Season, REMEMBER In Millinery, Dressmaking and Tailoring those who come first are served first hence the advantage of placing your orders at the earliest possible convenience. Cash and Ready-Pay Customers should not neglect to call and secure the Splendid Bargains now being offered at JONI8 JBVOY. Port Perry, Sept 4, 1878, BUTTER! heaper SHIT Which the Public appreciate. FORMAN'S. Barcarns in all-wool Tweeds from 60 cents. Barcains in Worsted Coatings from $1.65. Barcains in Lace Curtains, to clear. Bargains in Embroidery Fdgings, to clear. Bargains in Black Silks at 75¢ and 90c. Bareains in Black Lustres at 12%c upwards, Bareains in Winceys and Shirtinge. Bareains Immense in Hats and Caps. BIG BARGAINS on hand, and to be received, in TRY GOODS and everything pertaining thereto. Bargains in Boots and Shoes of every kind. Bargains in General Groceries. TERMS, CASH. = One Price Only. T. C. FORMAN. ® PRICEY 10 NUIT THE TH The undersigned would call attention to his superior stock of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS More attractive than ever, and at prices to suit the times. His Stock has been purchased with a view to satisfy his customers in Quality, Style and Price. Port Perry, Sept 26, 1878, J Gold and Silver Watches, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, HANDSOME PATTERNS, ELEGANT FANCY JEWELRY IN GREAT VARIETY, BOOKS, STATIONERY, §C., §C. B&™ Call and examine my Stock. W. H. McCAW, Sept. 11, 1878. Royal Arcade, Port Perry. 1878 & 79. JUST RECEIVEED ----FOR THE--- FALL TRADE. Canada Tweeds, Latest styles in Dress Goods, Novelties in Ladies Mantles, Choice Winceys, Latest out in Cretonnes. All Choice and Seasonable Goods at the lowest living prices. OUR MOTTO---Popular Goods and Popular Prices, BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1878, Will be paid either in Cash or Goods. Tubs farnished to Customers and no charge. : : 8 » §. H. CHRISTIAN. and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices consistent with profit, . ; . ( the Engl ish Ma rket, for which the BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCY THES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BABBIT METAL, and all other supplies, PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &C. O BAND. STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE. COIL CHAIN, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, AXLES, SPRINGS and WAGON SKEINS, SPRING. We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE: Bought at the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, TO FARMERS. We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, TO MILL MEN We can offer inducements in FILES of the best English make. LEATHER TO CARPENTERS. We make a specialty of TOOLS, and keep nothing but the best make of SAWS TO BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS. ur assortment is complete, embracing the 'usual lines of IRON; BAR, HOOP and Our stock is also well assorted in HUBBS, SPOKES, RIMS, HAFTS and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description. Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valved orders for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, - QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ; Manchester," June 20, 1974, 'Reach, Sept 25, 1878. Newest designs in : WANTED, 1,000 BUY, POTATOES, concession of the Township of REACH, ard a vigorous, young orchard of superior fruit -- for health, comfort and convenience, and is within a short distance of the best markets of the Province. Terms easy and title indis- putuble. For particulars apply to Or to H. L. EBBELS, THORNE OLED BARGAINS %.7 : : Having decided to retire from the AT. ETAL DRY GOODS TRADE | Is offering the whole of his Stock at and BELOW COST. PROFIT 0 ORIICT UT THE CASH IS. And those having it can secure Immense Borgains. Those who want credit can no doubt (if they are worthy of it) obtain it from other Houses in the trade by paying from twenty-five to fifty per eent advance Big interest means Bad Security, and those who pay such rates for accommodation must expeet te make up the losses made on those who do not pay. Special attention is drawn to Cheap Lines of TWEEDS which will be offered =f th 1 rates. HALF the usual rates B. J. THORNR Port Perry, April 18, 1878. CHOICE NEW GOODS! DO v AT > PEARCE'S MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, PORT PERRY. - The undersigned has much pleasure in informing his customers and the general publie that he has just received a splendid New Stock of such goods as cannot fail to meet the wishes of all whe desire choice summer goods, the style, quality and price of which make them favorites with all who see them, . The Newest Fashions, Finest Stylesand Most Handsome Fit always secured, Come and inspect my stock of Superior Worsted Goods, Choice Cloths and carefully selected stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts and everything in the Gent's Furnishing line, cheap, J. PEARCE. MERCHANT TAILOR. JUST TO HAND 1. 4. TAVIS Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, 4c, In Barrels and Half Barrels, GHOIGE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stocl, FLOUR & FEED : Of all kinds--cheap for Cash, Query St., Port Perry. May 16th, 1878. For which the Highest Price will be aid. I. J. DAVIS, RRIAGE WORKS ! Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1877." ' ONTARIO CA ret ON SATURDAY, 19TH OCT'R, 1878; At One o'clock in the Afternoon, by MR. CLEMENT DAWES, AUCTIONEER; All that parcel of Land known as the east quarter of Lot number Four, in Seventh Concession of the Township REACH! In the Connty of Ontario, containing fi Acres, more or less. Upon Jniuieiog anf A Good Dwelling Hoss, 4 Good Frome Barn, and A Thriving Orehard; Terms and Conditions : The purchaser shall pay ten per cent down and the balance in thirty days. In all other respects the terms and conditions shall be the same as those of the Court of Chancery, For further particulars apply to Messrs, . 4 D. J. Adams, Port Perry, and the undersigned. : N. F. PATERSON; Salicitor for Mortgagee/ Bort Perry, Sept. 16th, 1878, : FOR SALE Or to Rent. : -- WAT fine, pleasantly siteated property T in the Village of y MANCHESTER, Consisting of Seven Acres of Choice Land, With eomfortable Dwelling, Stable, Barn, and other necessary outbuilding. -- There is a good Orchard om the premises with a good supply of shade trees and many fino ornamental trees and shrubs. Thid was the reeidence of the late Adam Gordon, M.P, previous to his moving to Port Perry, it is now occupicd by Mr, W,C, Heard. It would be difficult to conceive of & more pleasant and agreeable spot ; the location is all that could be desired and parties wishing to purchase or reat will be liberally deals with, For particulars, apply to D. C. CHRISTIE, Manchester, of [ | Manchester, Sept. 17, 1878. A SPLENDID OPENING. T= undersigned being about to move from this section of country offers for Sale bis entire Business, Bulchering and Grocery ! And no better opportunity could present it- self for securing a comfortable and safe business in & prosperous town like Port Perry, Also, for Sale my present RESIDENCE, Grocery, Stables, &c. with every ccnvenience for "carrying? on the Butchering business. The lot contains ani acre and a quarter of land newly and sub stantially fenced. Good. fruit trees and shrubs and fine water. I will also sell a fine 5: ACRE LOT OF FIRST CLASS LAND also in Port Perry, and near the other ot. The land is in a fine<tate of cultiva- tion. It would be difficult to conceive of a more advantageous opening for a good, profitable business or a pleasant and agree- able residence, It is one of the finest lots in Port Perry, I would not part with the business or property were it not that a highly profitable opening has presented itself elsewhere. Terms easy. Title indisputable, Or I will Sell the Business and Rent the premises, Apply to the proprietor on the premises. JAMES PRINCE. Port Perry, June 26, 1878, FOR SALE TWO FIRST CLASS FARMS. HE Subscriber offers 'for Sale that Choice Farm being the East half of lof 4, in the 5th con of the Township of {1 Cartwright, Containing 100 Acres, about 70 Acres clears ed, well fenced, and ina good state of cultivation, There are Suitable and Cora« a HE Subscriber has much pleasure In informing his customers and the public generally that he has just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable CARRIAGES OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE, Of the best materal and Workmansiip. They will be sold at such Prices as will ensure their ready and rapid sale. My manufacture is now being run and sought after over the larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the manu. facture of the Oxtanio Carriace Works, Port Perry, dill more deservedly popular, BEAN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. "®&g JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878, CHOICE FARM ! IN GKEENBANK, FOR SALE: past excellent Farm being composed of the South-east part of lot 11, in the 11th DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Nee is hereby given, that the Partners ih ship heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Daniel W. Taylor, Charles R. Powers, and Charles A. Sexton, as manu facturers of Doors, Sash, and general Planing Mill work. under the name, style or firm of Taylor, Powers & Sexton, was this day dis- solved by mutual consent so far as regards the said Charles R. Powers. All debts due to the sdid partnership are to be paid to the said Daniel W. Taylor, and Charles A. Sexton, ud Ml avilzie ot the sis rtnership will id by them at the DOMININN P. - Ne MILLS, where the business will be con- tiaued by the said Daniel W. Taylor and Charles A. Sexton, under the name, style and firm of Tavlor & Sexton, and that we the said Daniel W. Taylor and Charles A: Sexton are the only members of such co-partnership. Dated at Port Perry, this twenty: filth day of September, A.D. 1878. - Ay DANIEL W. TAYLOR. CHARLES R. POWERS. CITARLES A. SEXTON. Eleven acres in the North-west quarter of the South-half of lot 12, in the 11th concession ; in all TI acres of first class land, nearly all cleared, well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There are good buildings on the premises, an abundance of excellent water, and The situation demands all that can be desired NEIL McARTHUR, Greenbank, Solicitor, Port Perry, Sept. 25, 1878, Witness;--II. GorboN. ETRE ET EE EC fortable Buildings on the premises, a good Dwelling House 20x26 with a back Kitchen attached 18x30. A Barn with convenient Stables, &c., 37x56. There is a vigorous young bearing Orchard on the premises.-- The supply of water is choice and abundant, a good Well and several Springs: The location is healthy and pleasant and only 8 miles from Port Perry, one of the Best Mark ts in the Province for all kinds of farm Produce, . Also, that Excellent Farm Being the East half of lot 3, in the 4th con, of the Township of Cartwright, containing 100 Acres of which 50 are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the property a Dwelling House, and good Barn 85x55. The property is well watered by & living stream running through it. On this property there is a Brick Yard with a full supply of Machinery suitable for the fi of bricks. © supply of clay is abundant and of the very Best Quality --every facility for manufacturing good Brick. Also, a Quarter Acre Lot on Street, Port Perry, one of the finest a Sites in town; just west of the School House. y It but seldom happens that so favorable ant opportunity presents itself for profitable in= For pion) ly to the pre prietor. For ul 6 bor Py we BRYA Cartwright, July 27, 1878.

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