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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Oct 1878, p. 4

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\ DAVIS & SONY "a STEAM ws) Oapiver Factory! clutch of his hand twenty 1 of dol,ars, is past my com- n. 1do notsee how he candoit. I PORT PERRY. not thivk be conld do it any more than keep a pile of lumber when hundreds s were drowning 1 have known mea who would trust 'wives with their heart and their honor, at' not with their pecket-books--not with a dollar, When 1 see a man of that kind. T ways think he knows which is most valu- 'able, Think of making your wife a beggar 1-- "Think of her asking you for a dollar, or two dollars, or to humbly beg for fifty cents. * What did you do with that dollar 1 gave you ?'-- Think of having A wife that is afraid of you ! What kind of children do you expect to have with a beggar and a coward for their mother ? Oh, 1 tell you, if you have but a dollar in the world, aad you have got to spend it, spend it on like a king ; spend it as though it were a dry A re 20> * Jeaf and you the owner of unbounded forests. pA 8 i That's the way to spend it., I'd ratlier be a pil beggar and spend my last dollar like u king, than bea king and spend my 1ast money like a beggar. [If it's to go, letit go. Get the best you can for your familv--and look as well as 4 HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufacturing more) a large Stock of just such FURNITURE. As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of choice Ma- rei! , the Best WORKMANSHIP, and at suCH acs as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING In all its departments p farmers of Cana OFFICE OF THE BROWN & PATTERSON MPG COY. wWwHITBY, ONT. TO THE PUBL In presentin a for the year 1877, we do so with more than an ordin confidence, from the marked favor and patronage our Twenty-second Annual Catalogue of Agricultural Tm conferred upon us, an 10. ary deg creasing demand from year to year for our new celebrated Farm Implements. ag manufacturers, to make 8 § We shall continue as heretofore. aper, the Triumph Combines Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Onyuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, and our new Whitby Harve: share of our time ard attention. For the last twenty-two years we have given our most care to the manufacture and operation of the various machines in use, remedying defects, modifying and correcting errors, strengthening we: proportioning every part as oar increasing experience has suggested. 'We employ only the best mechanical skill, k supervision and scrutiny--every detail being subj machine is thoroughly tested before leaving our wor and there is no difficulty in putting ability. Our machinery has facture of our own machines--many tools having been m ok adapted for other work, and our workmen are educate of our ini 1 are thus emabled to obtain a higher degree o skill and facturing is carried om. 'Weare, therefore, enabled to introduce a more perfect sysien) nto al the Yspattiments of ut also to the rapidity of its exe- manufacture, adding not only to the perfection of the work, ti da duction of cost. you can yourself. When you used to £0 eonrting, how nice you looked ! your eye was bright, your step was light, you just know that it is insufferable egotism in you to guppose that a woman is going to love you always, looking as bad as you ean 7 Think of it! Any woman on earth will be true to you forever when you do yonr level best. ee --- -- ptly attended to and charges moderate. COFFINS of all sizes kept con stantly on hand. SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles. a CASKET OR BURIAL CASE + Yes,' said a venerable and benevolent procured on short notice. Jooking old man, ' I've always really enjoy- ed living in an unhealthy climate' ¢ That's queer,' said a bystanner. .! What's the reason? '1 rather think' responded the venerable and benevolent looking old man, that, it's because I'm a physician.' The American Style of Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS & SONS, = + PortPerry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-1 s --The subject of impres- 3 ng talked over at the First IMPRESSION sions at first sight was bei {ea table, when the lady whose duty it was to preside said * she always formed an idea of & person at first sight, and found it to be gener- ally correct." * Mamma," said her youngest son, in a shrill voice, that attiacted the atten- tion of all present. " Well. my dear, what is it 7 replied the mother. * I want to know what was your opinion when you first saw me Mm This question gave & sudden turn to the con- versation. ee ------ eit: Proriiar Sins oF a Coup Winter.--11 gicns dont fil the coming winter will be the coldest experienced in this latitude since tie €,untry was discovered by a man named Mr. Columbus. The squirrels are laying in their ewe IV] aomzs FOR : A LL. ourselves and patrons require of us to are both first class bas a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front cut ; both strong, the market for quality of cut, durability, lightness of dra'l, adapta- Y "TIARVESTER." and many of our farmers have be- has sprung up fora Light, Durable, celled by any machines in bility, and ease of management. As the country come skilled in the use of machines, First-2lass Reaper. . Alive to the requirements of the day, we have succeeded in invent Wrought Iron Frame, wich the least possible gearing--with large, broad and so construeted that the frame and table tilt at the same time, ther always in line with the knife. no perceptible side draft, and have succeeded in inventing the most perfect Ve have applied for letters patent, and shall hold our in been produced. 1 suggest to intending purchaser: exclusive manufacture, gee this machine before giving their orders for the coming harvest. weighs, all told, 600 pounds, but being and from its ingenions and compact construction, the heavier machines. winter coal, the beavers are putting Leaters in the hasement of their lodges, the hees have Xiled off all the drones and lined their hives with sheet-fron, the musk-rats are flying south, wild ducks are committing suicide, the goose- bone is black sixteen inches deep. Western editors are soliziting wood in exchange for subscriptions, poor families are buying an extra doz, and we have had a new collar put on our overcoat.-- Norristown Herald. HAE undersigned would take this opportun- ity of returning his sincere thauks for the large and still increasing patronaze bestowed on him since opening business in Port Perry ; | and would now intimate that with the view of| securing greater accommodation 1 have moved | my business to the shop on the opposite side ! of the street, THE SECOND DOOR EAST of the POST OFFICE, where I shall be happy to wait on all parties wishing to purchase. SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machine Attachments, Oils, &c. --_-------- When a Hartford woman patted her friends seven year-old youngster on the head and said : ¢ I should like to have such a little boy as you are,' he looked into her facé and replied: 'Well, T guess you can; Tdon't blieve God's lost the pattern of me.' The Best Machines Cheap for Cash Repairing promptly attended to. The publicare kindlyinvited to come and inspect my show room. a omer How Samy Carus Maxkinp.--After con- sidering the question all winter we come to {he conclusion every spring that the circus js immoral, but then the bill poster comes along with the big pictures and our mind changes, As we gaze at the lions, tigers and monkeys, and think that nature made all of them, we are not sure. And when we look at the beautiful young lady with nothing on but a blue ribbon round her waist, with one leg pointing to to six o'clock and the other to high noon, and think that nature made her, too, just as she is, except the ribbon, we begiu 'to lean upon the circus.-- but when the brass band begine to play and the elephants go round, we rush for a front seat tg get in ahead of the ministers who always wear stove.pipe hats and won't sit down in front. C. TUPPER. Dec. 4, 1877. REMOVAL! HE Subscriber having removed to the NEW STORE one door east of his old Store, would respectfully announce that he has on hand and will keep during the season all kinds of FRUIT,EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS §C. Also, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. MAPLE SUGAR, §C. GROCERIES ! Of all kinds as Cheap as any House in town. p&¥~ Give me a call and you will be satisfied. tt A clergyman said that he once visited a lady of his parish who had just lost her hps- 'hand, in order to offer consolation; and upon her earnest enquires as to the reunion of fam- {lies in heaven he strongly asserted his belief in the fact, and when she asked with anxiety whether any time must elapse before friends would be able to find each other in the next world, he emphatically said, ' No! they will be united at once." He was thinking of th? happiness of being able to offer the relief of. such faith, when she broke in upon his medi tations by exclaiming sadly, + Well his firey wife has him by this time." L. McLEAN. Port Perry, April 24, 1878, v CHEAP! (CHEAPER | CHEAPEST | PJ 5. & BOOTS & SHOES OPENED up this week the Sollowiog.-- Please note the very LOW PRICES. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, good stock, high cat, sold at $1.50, for $1 per pair. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, foxed, sold at $1.60, for $1. . Misses' Buff High Cut Balmorals, good stock, for $1 per pair. Ladies' Tipped Prunella Balmorals, sold at 90 cents, for 60 cents per pair. 1 have no hesitation in saying that these are the CHEAPEST Boots and Shoee ever offered in this County. I earnestly ask the public to examine these goods and be con 2 viuced of the above facts. Norg--I will repair no other goods but my own, and them free of charge. Port Perry Shoe Store. Sue . J. G. MORGAN. Port Perry, Juné 27, 1878. eet Among tne hill tribes of the Anglo-Indian froniier, cunning is quite as highly esteemed ns personal prowess, and there is ample fourda- tion for the native proverb that " it is easier to find snow in" summer than to outwit a Khy- berce " But even these masters of stratagem occasionally meet their match, as the follow- ing adventure told in the words of the heroa Hindoo trader, sufficiently shows:-- When 1 started to go from Peshawur to Herat I knew 1 couldn't enpeet to pass the mountains with- out meeting a robber or two, and I made my accordingly. 1, laid out all my money in several large diamonds, which 1 + bound round my head in a soiled rag made to look like the bandage of a wound. Then I put on the raggedest clothes J could get 'and loaded a donkey with loaves of spiced 'bread, such as mountaineers like, putting a _ good dose of opium in every loaf, and away I 'went, driving my beast before me. It wasn't long before 1 fell in with half a dozen * ghoru- _ msangs' (brigands], who never troubled them- ves jabout me, seeing what a misaiable > I looked, but flew at once upon the and devoured it all. The opium was not ! 'producing its effect, and as soon us 'were all fast asleep I took what mony 'bad, all their weapons snd the of their clothes upon my donkey, and on my way. But 1 ean tell you, Sahib, 1 good care never to travel by that road respectfully solicit a trial of our machines, believing that we can the moaey than can be obtained elsewhere. THE theUni'ed States, the sul favor him with a esl IPRACTICAL This principle is regarded necessary in & well regu to turn out our machines with higher degree of perfection, to defy competition. The J ohnston is now 80 well known as a Single Ri per, perfluous, the old original Johnston machine; state that we have modified it in art, and for strength, durability, and equality of cut, ightness of draught and ease of management--the "Johnston, pre-eminently ahead of all other reapers. 4 1 many First Prizes awarded us--at thedast Provincial trial of Ontario, which bave taken place all over Canada, within the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINE with late improvements, is all that cai be desired in a combined meet all the requirements of purchasers. Our Improved Cayuga Chief, OUR NEW "WHITB has become better adapted to machinery, a growing demand The rakes are no weight upon the horses necks. i Reaper, We and we respectfully A made principally of the. best All our machines are fully warranted. With this list of machines, we Respectfully Yours, driven directly from the main sha cialty of Agricultural ower, the ster claiming & large Reaper and and our machines pass under the mest ca ected to the severest criticism--and each 3, to prove the complete! them in operation by any person of moderate mechanic: Self-Raking Reaper that a word of commendation would almost seem su- but as there are many, claiming to manufacture this machine who have adhered to without keeping up to the improve Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers machines--constrtucted almost wholly of Iron and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. durable machines, and not ex- chy keeping he plements to the ree of pride and d the steady and in- tul and undidvided attention sifting out the best points, points, adapting and reful ness of every part, been selected and constructed with a special reference to the manu- ade for this particular purpose, J up to the wants and requirements h knowledge of the construction of our machines, an proficiency than where general manu- lated establishment, and we are enabled and at prices so low as absolutely ments, that justice to almost every essential in every wind and condition of grain; " as manufactured by us--stands In proof of this position we have only to point to the and mary county trials D MACHINE machine, and cannot fail to ing a machine witha -faced drive wheel,-- the pitman ft--there being We are confident that we taking it in all its parts, that has ever vention, for our own 8, that they should Whitby Harvester" quality ofiron and steel, it combines the strength and durability of feel confident that we can meet every requirement, and we furnish a better machine for > BROWN & PATTERSON MFG CO. Whitby, Ontario, March, 1877. FOR 1877. Over Thity--five Thousand Machines Sold. "CHAMPION" - RECORD | NO BREAKAGES--No vexations in gathering the crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED while waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--NO REPAIRS 10 BUY--No express charges to pay--Easily adjusted i to all kinds and conditions of grass or grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The most simple and durable of all Harvesters--The best and cheapest Machine in the market. Purchasers Always Entirely Sa FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT. STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. OF CAST IRON. IN COMBINED MACHINES. MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE ONLY SIX PIECES OF CAST IRON WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED P ' The result is that the " Champion" machiae in the market, liability to breakage as those built in 1877. The manufacturers a therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP PETITORS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines, For further information, address, tisfied. OUNDS. re Joseph Hall Manufacturing Co', OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878. AGENTS--E. WALKER, Port Perry ; GEO. URQUMART, Sandford. SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGHT MOWERS will be the lightest in weight and draught of any at the same time equally as strong and durable, and us free from determined that it shall excel in every particular all other machines offered, regardless of first cost, and have IN ADVANCE CF ALL THEIR COM- and REMOVAL! ---- HE undersigned would embrace this opportunity of retarning thanks to their numerous customers for: the generous and still extending patronage bestowed upon them since they entered into business in Port Perry. Hitherto it has been our aim to fill the orders of our customers on the shortest notice, furnishing the best ma. terial and superior workmanship, and so far our efforts have been successful, We have now much pleasure in informing our cus. tomers and the public generally that we have moved into our new premises one door west of our former place of business, where we shall have increased facilities for filling orders and driving business generally. The public may rely on having their orders promptly filled with CHOICE MATERTAL Good Workmanship, AND A PERFECT FIT! Give us a call at our new premises one door west of our old place of business. DOUBT & MOTHERAL. Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. Fresh Arrival REDUCTION tx PRICES The Subscriber begs to advise his customers and the public in general, that he has received I LARGE §T60R --OF-- Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES! And a FINE assortment of CLOCKS, "All of which Goods he will Sell at Greatly Reduced Prices for CASH. Port Perry, 18t Oet., 1878. CHOICE FARM ! IN GREENBANK, FOR SALE HAT excellent Farm being eomposed of the South-east part of lot §1, in the 11th concession of the Township of REACH, ard Eleven acres in the Nocth-west quarter of the South-half of lot 12, in the 11th concession ; in all 71 acres of first class land, nearly all cjeared, well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation, There are good buildings on the premises, an abundance of excellent water, and # vigorous, voung orchard of superior trait -- The situation demands all that can be desired for health, comfort and convenienee, and is within a short distance of the best markets of the Province. Terms easy and title indis- putuble. For particulars apply to NEIL McARTHUR, Greenbank, Or to H. L. EBBELS, Solicitor, Port Perry. Sept. 25, 1878, A SPLENDID PUMPS! PUM A ----- {) --" You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province IRV IN'S At J. PATENT SEE THE PRIC Foroe Poup--A complete 7 LYS \ 0 filtiil) li Common Log Pumps at 40 per foot. up to $8. Also every other descript nn OS ---- Having had long experience 1n Pump-makin, Outed bseriber feels es Allordersforany Sept.29,1870. PS! ES. Pump and Fire Eine with Hose and Coupling complete for Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. ceuts per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, (rom $3 ion of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! in the largest factories in Canada and P! t he can perfectly satisfy all that will 1. of the above, whether by mail orotherwise prompts attended to. OHN IRVIN, Port Perry. M. O'DONOVAN, NBAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material. -- ; Particular attention pai. to re- neatness and despatch, PUMP FACTORY, POR PERRY CARRIAGE MAKER * OPENING. T= undersigned being about to move from this section of country offers for Sale his entire Business, Butchering and Grocery ! And no better opportunity could present i¢- self for securing a comfortable and safe business in a prosperous town like Port Perry. Also, for Sale my present RESIDENCE, Grocery, Stables, &c. with every ccnvenience for carrying on the Butchering business. The lot contains an acre and a quarter of land newly and sub- stantially fenced. Good fruit trees and shrubs and fine water. I will also sell a fine 5. ACRE LOT OF FIRST CLASS LAND also fn Port Perry, and near the other lot. The land is in a fine state of cultiva~ tion. It would be difficult to concvive of a more advantageous opening for a good, rofitable business or a pleasant and agree able residence, It is one of the finest lot® in Port Perry. 1 would not part with the business or property were it not that highly profitable opening has presented self elsewhere, Terms easy. Title indisputable. Or I will Sell the Business and Rent the premises. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. JAMES PRINCE. Port Perry, June 26, 1878. School Teacher Wanted, Waa for School Section No. 5, Utich, Reach, a second or third class male Teacher. Services to commence with the new year, Apply to either of the Trustees. « JOHN MEDD, WM. CROZIER, } Trustees, THOS. HORN, Jno. Diesfeld. | UNDERTAKING! A SPECIALTY. Magnificent 3a IY AVING purchased one of the finest "1 Hearses in the Province, BeauTiFuLLY Tanoep, and in the latest AMERICAN Sryum with all the modern improvements, and owning a fine, suitable team of « Black Horses, I would respectfully call attention to my UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, Where everything that is necessary for the proper observance of the last rites dué to the departed can be furnished on the briefest notice, on the most moderate terms and at Prices to suit the Times. Funerals conducted with the ut- most decorum. a A large selection of Walnut and Rosewood Caskéts and Coffins. Metallic Caskets furnished when required. Burial Robes in all sizes and styles. Gloves, Hat Bands and Shoulder Scarfs furnished free of charge. Public attention ie called to this fact, that without any exception, I have the best Pndertaking Outfit in the CousTY. Arasiaridalsl x A large and well assorted Stock of Fur- ture on hand at all times, * Picture Framing .--S8pucial attention given to the Framing and Mounting of Paintings, Chromos, Lithographs, &c. By paying strict attention to business, fair dealing and selling at prices consistent with an honest profit, I hope to merit a share of public patronage. Remember the place, Sign of the Big Rocking Chair. ' WwW, J. NOTT. Port Perry, June 18, 1878. Richardson's . FACTORY! PORT PERRY. ee undersigned would embrace this op- portunity of returning thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronge in the past and would beg to remind them | and the public in genersl that he is still planing lumber at §1 per thousand. Doors, Sash, Blinds, &c., &c. Which cannot be surpassed in quality or had at lower prices. iB PAY UPD, All parties indebted to me are hereby re- quested to pay up forthwith and confer a favor on A. RICHARDSON. Port Perry, Dec, 21, 1876. MANCHESTER. HEARD'S Carriage Works ! AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. 0" 5 HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable + services of J One of the best wood-workers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles nnd superior work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. §& All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted. g W. C. HEARD, Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. 1 BAKERY Confectionery BR TE Bakery and Confectione v 11 nes in all their branches carrie: on in my Port Perry and Prince Albe establishments Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest notice. * Bridal an other Cakes made to order. Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms. CONFECTION in every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance. Call at my Bakery, Port Perry or Prince Albert, . CHAS. HISCOCKS. Port, Perry, March 10, 1875. LUGGAGE : AND AROUND TOWN.. CL a-- HE Subscriber is prepared Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other description of Luggage toand from the Rail. way Station or anywhere around town. All orders promptly attended to, Charges moderate. JOS. COOK to convey Opt. 17, 1878. Utica Post Office. - | Whitby, Jan'y 7,1878, TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION 1= oF DIVISION COURTS 3 2" FOR THR y of Ontario, For the year ; 1878. Count : 2 | Elz 215 Sz oa 2 2 a y 51 6[17(a1i26; | 4[12]13 sig) Leja) | 811,18 7 il 220! | 6[10 10) 19) 9 9) 18 8| G. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge . eee. Shaving and Hair Cutting as the should be done, TRE arrival in Port Perry of the two first class Tonsorial Artists, LEWIS & POWELL, Has created quite an excitement with their Smooth Shave and Artistic Hair.Cutting,-- The Rooms are over Thurne's Dry Goods Store, opposite the Walker House. An agreeable and smooth shave and bair and whiskers cut in a stylish manner. Remember the place, over Thorne's Dry Goods Store and opposite the Walker Fouse. - Port Perry, Dec b, 1877. ----AND-- PROVISIONS - FOR ALL | ---- HE undersigned thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on him since 0 ning business in Port Perry would inform the pate lic generally that he has always on hand a carefully selected stock of everything in the Flour, Feed and Provision ling Fresh and and sold cheap, First-Class Qalmeal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. the place opposite the Post Office. Remember WM. TUMMONDS, Port Perry, June 6' 1878, Nps Tailoring ~~ Establishment ! ! OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE MR. CUR- RIES) STORE. PORT PERRY. SEEEN [Dec ELITES | PILLS &OINTMEN The Pus Purify the Blood, correct all = diserders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all com- plaints incidental to Females, The Omvrmexnt is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, " Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS Spurious imitations of * Holloway' Pills and Ointment' are manufactured and p under the name of #Holloway & Oo.," by oF Heury Curran & Co., Druggists,and also by the MetropolitanMed icine Company ew York, 'with ap assume ed trade murk--| -- Again one Joseph Haydock t New York, likewise passes off counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & Oo., having for a trade mark a Crescent and Serpent ; McKessen & Robbins of New York are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive you, unblushingly Caution the Public in the small books of directions affixed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them at very low pric:s and sell them to the Public im Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of amilies pi other Ladies, and to the Public geneia'ly of british North America, that they may be pl to * denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits, Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicine bears the British Government Stamp, with the words "HorLoway's Pius ayp Oixtuent Loxpon," engraved thereon. On the label ia the address, 538, Oxrorp Street, Loxpox where alone they are Manufactured. ? Parties who may be defranded by Ven- dors selling spurious * Holloway's Pills and Ointment," as of my genuine make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, January 1st, 18717, HE GREAT CAUSE HUMAN 1 MisERy. or Nuusw - Just Published, in a sealed HANKFUL for many years of liberal and increasing patronage the subscriber would inform hig customers and the general public that he hus got thoroughly arranged 1n his new premises over Mr. Brown's Store with increased accommodations for carrying on every department of his business, All orders promptly filled The NewestFashions regularly received. The Latest Styles, Su perior Workmanship, and perfect fits war ranted, JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry, 15, 1876. FIRST CLASS TAILORING. Yon class Tailoring in all its depart ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest styles and at moderate rates. A good fit g Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. R. HUGOE. 15 Prince Albert, April 2, 1874, Take Notice HIS is to give notice that I have sold "to James V. Thompson, Port Perry, r the Trade Mark OF THE AUSTRALIAN HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, with all rights and privileges to use and dispose of the same. JOHN YOUNG. Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1875. of this Feed for Horses and Cattle, it is un- equalled by anything yet discovered for im- roving the condition of these valuable ani- mals both as to flesh and general health. have it. would not now do without it. It is cheap. safe and beneficial. The purity of the mix ture is guaranteed. 5 : J. Vv. THOMPSON, Port Perry, Jan'y 18, 1876. + TIME TABLE No. 23. Taking eflect Modus: July 1, 1878. . TORONTO TIME. Trains Going North. MAIL, EXPRESS, Port Perry, Jan, 1, 1874, 2:tf shattered. constitutions, Nothing need be added as to the value of All parties owning horses or cattle should The universal testimony of all who have tried it on their stock is that they WIE PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY, Envelope. Price six cents, lecture on the Natura Treatment, and Radical cure of Semina Weakness, or Spermaterrhaea, induced by Self- Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotengy, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to mar- ringe generally ; Consumption Eplepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c.-- By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., au- thor of the ** Green Book," &c. | The world renowned author, in this admirs able Leature, clearly proves from his own i experience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed with- ont medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougis, instruments, rings, or cors dials; pointing out a mode of cure at once cers | tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may i may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ¥3 This Lecture will prove a boon thousands and thousands. | Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six eents, or two post- or | age stamps. | THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO, | 41 Ann St, New York: Post-Office Box 4586 MARBLE WORKS! iE undersigned would inform the publie that they have established their BARBY TORBS --A Te PORT PERRY where they are prepared lo pompy fill al} orders and execute all k in Marble Granite, Freestone &c., &c., in way of Monuments, tf omb Stones, 'Tablets, Pillars, and everything in the.line, Choice Materials, the Best Styles, First-Class Workmanship and Prices at the lowest possible figure, . An inspection solicited. o . ROSE & WEIFENBACH Port Perry, May 14, 1878. ADVICE. ANHOOD, WOMANHOOD. weex. A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their | especially if arising from early indiscretions, Herein lies your only | safety : by a professional gentleman of rare Mention this paper. Send stamp for answer. See advertisement headed "Rupture," Prof, J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ontario. For Sale or Exchange FOR PROPERTY eee [ N ree HE Subscriber having a large amount of i in way of te for build. . ing in Port Perry this season requiring his. constant attendance in the village is de- sirous to sell or exchange 'his house in Prince Albert, lately owned by Captain Sinclair, and .direcly opposite Major For mau's, for a suitable dwelling in Port Perry, "The lot and premises in Prince Albert are apleteidly adapted for a private gentleman, the house is in an excellent' state of repair and the garden well stocked with choice fruit trees, &c. Hard and soft water and every other suitable convenience for a com- fortable home. \ ability, High Canadian press testimonials. * PORT PERRY. ~ Toronto, viaG, T. R.. . Vie UES YUP TAG over {Broce £45 4 688 | or MESSRS. J. &D, J. ADAMS, Ao 1 20 3 Brokers, Port Perry. a 3.9 3 "| Port Perry, May 2, 1878. 48 - . - Tu RUPTURE. 19 « 2 ial REE by mail. Egan's Ixperiar 8 ho " F Pap ens gives immedinte relief : cures 03 « |in4to12 weeks. Endorsed by high 'medical M15 «| a . 'The most valuable sussial inyels | tion of the century. The secret of cure is, tl MATL Truss holds rupture during the hardest i MAL. |and canbe worn night and day with gres 5 pom. comfort. Very cheap. Se 45 Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ontario 4 -- - Ly" 5 Zi] NOTICE, GE -- x LH. ARTIES will please take notice 2 Bo and after this. he} ee te '38 u |Cnshto sompaiy 4l} ordre fir Srawe Die: 3 '0 « |eing. Notwithstanding the moderation in 15 «| oh ,1 have lost a large amount by giving ronto, via G:T. 1.07" pi T SMITH, *Flag statione_Traing siop or, signal only. | prince Albert, Sept. 20,1878. { +r ve Cd Yo T realex

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