Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Dec 1878, p. 4

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TO LOAN on Farm or Town Property st Eight per cent. Good Mortgages MONE : P___OFFICE OF THE ught. HUBERT L. EBBELS, MUNDY 5.70 | BROWN & PATTERSON MPG CO. a2 nM WHITBY, ONT. DAVIS & SONS' STEAM UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Magnificent GRATEFUL AND JOM- By a thorough knowledge of the ws which govern the operations of u and nutrition, and by a carcful ap- 'of the fine properties of well-gklect- Mr. Epps has provided our break- fast tables with a delicately flavoured bever- 'age which may save us many heavy doctors' Bills. It is by the judicious use of such ar ticles of dict that a constitution may be County of Ontario; 1878.7 . | i i 3 : 2 ei TT Rh Aah Tbe Puis Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomath, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all com- plaints incidental to Feamles, The Owyyest is the only feliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wotitids; Sores and Ulcers, of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal. buiit up until strong enough to : A TO THE PUBLIC. ida de fsubtle maladies are flouting around us B NET Factory! : J : " = | Hy i eady to attack wherever there is a weak i ti Twenty-second Annual Catalogue of Agricultural hoplements to the G 1 Atherly ..... | -- We may escape many a fatal shaft by Bar, of Cand for the eur 1871, wo do so with wore ha an Sidinaty, degree sol eid snd CP» s Bb Rt £3 ) TV orly a > ANRSELL 7 THE GREATEST i Co 4 Kt Vv tronage conferre pon us, - 3 4 IN % .H.D keeping ourselves well fortified with pure PORT PERRY. Soudenes, fom Rn a Ee for new celebrated Fam Implements. p Oe 3 Junior Judge, slood and a properly nourished frame."-- na-- We shall continue as heretofore. as manufacturers, to make @ specialty of Agricultural Whitby, Jan'y 7, 1878. i : Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Resper, the Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the Hive purchased one of the finest fe H 0 LEO 5 TT and Hair Cutting as they y Civil Service Gazette --Sold only in packets fabelled--"Jaxgs Eres & Co, Homaopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Strect, and 170; Piccadilly, London." ---- A ----. Facts that We Know. Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, and our new Whitby Harvester claiming & large share of our lime ard attention. For the last twenty-two years we have given our most careful 'and undidvided attention to the manufacture and operation of the various machines in use, sifting out the best points, remedying defects, modifying and correcting errors, strengthening weak points, adapting an proportioning every part as our increasing expericpge has suggested. We employ only the best mechanical skill, and our machines pass under the most careful supervision and serutiny--every detail being subjected to the severest criticism--and eac machine is thoroughly tested before leaving our works, to prove the completeness of every part and there I no difficalty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate mechanical ability. . Our machinery has been selected and constructed with a specin] reference to the manu- facture of our own machines--many tools having been made for this particular purpose, and not adapted for other work, and our workmen are educated tp, to the wants and requirements of our manfacture--obtaining a thorough knowledge of the comstruction of our machines, an are thus enabled to obtain a higher degree © skill and proficiency than where general munu- HE Subscribers always keep on hand Shaving (and are constantly manufacturing more) : a large Stock of just such FURNITURE. should be done. Ti arrival in Port Perry of the two first | Twine, and in the latest AMERICAN STYLE {with all the modern improvements, and owning a fine, suitable team of class Tonsorial Artists, Black Horses, _pwis & POWELL, I would respectfully call attention to mY fag created quite an excitement with their UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, Smooth Shave and Artistic Hair.Cutting,-- 3 The Rooms are over Thurne's Dry Goods Where everything that is necessary for the Store, opposite the Walker House. An proper observance of the last rites due to agreeable and smooth shave and balr and the. departed can be furnished on the briefest whiskers cut in a stylish manner. notice, on the most moderate terms and at \emember the place, over Thorne's Dry REMOVAL Ime, at. hints HE undersigned would embriice this opportunity of retarning thanks to their numerotts customers for the generous and still extending patronage bestowed upon them since they entered into business in Port Perry. Hitherto it has been our aim to fill the orders of our customers on the shortest notice, furnishing the best ma. terial and superior workmanship, and so far our efforts have been srccesstul, We have AS the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of choice Ma- rental, the Best WoRkMaNsuir, and at such aces as cannot fail to suit. 1f you are suffering with a severe cough, cold asthma, bronchitis, consumption. loss ot voice, tickling in the throat, or any affectiona of the | throat or lunes, we know that Di. Kizg's New Discovery will give you immediate relief We know of hundreds of cases it lins completely cured, and that where all other medicives had failed. No other remedy cau show one balf as mauy permanent cures. Now t) give you satis- factory proof that Du. Kisa's New Discovery will cure you of Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Consumption. severe Coughs and Colds, Hoarseness. or any Thront or Lung disease, if you call at 8. E. Allison's Drug Store he will give you a trig) bottle free of cost, 01 regular size bottle for'$1 00. facturing is carried on. manufacture, adding not only to the per cution--and a consequent reduction of cost. This principle i gula to turn out our machines with a higher degree of perfection, to defy competition. The Johnston Self Raking Reaper We are, therefore, enabled to introduce a more perfect system into all' the depactinents of fection ef the work, but also to the rapidity of its exe- s regarded necessary in a well regulated establishment, and we are enabled and at prices so low as absolutely almost seem su- now much pleasure in informing our cus. we shall have orders and driving business generally. orders promptly filled with tomers and the public generally thut we have moved into our new premises one door west of our former place of business, where increased facilities for filling The public may rely on having their Prices to suit the Times. Funerals conducted with the ut | most decorum. A large selection of Walnut and Rosewood Caskets and Coffins, Metallic Caskets furnished when required. Burial Robes in all sizes and styles. Gloves, Hat Bands and Shoulder Scarfs Goods Store and opposite the Walker Flouse, Port Perry, Dec 85,1877. 10k, BEWARE OF NEW YORK COU NTERIEITS - Spurious imitytions of "Holl 2 Pills and Ointment' are Slowey § under fhe name of "Holloway & Co.," by J. F. Heury Curran & Co., Drucgists,and also by the MetropolitanMed ici of New Yark, gd rr . a x is now so well known as a Single Reaper, that a word of commendation would ol "en . 8 ' RBuckien's Arnicd Salve. UNDERTAKING perfluous, but as there'are many claiming Lo manufacture this machine who have adhered to CHO I C E M A T E R { A 1, furnished free of charge, 2 a trade mark -- Agnin _ one "The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises the old original Johnston Tunclive, without keeping up to the, provements, that justi tle a WwW 1 hi Public attention ie called to tls et, Vosebn ay: ork of New rks 2 + . : % irselves and patrons require of us to state that we Lave modified it in almost every essenlia ~ 5 xcept I have the bes ¥ 3 8 unterfei Bh Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped In all its departments promptly TT pig Sumbility, and eq ty of cut, in every vind und condition of grain; Goo o1 {mans 1p, tat wo anys of his own make re under the name 2% Hands, Chilblaius, Corns, and all Kinds of attended to and charges moderate. izhtness of draught nnd ease of manage isthe alston as manufactured by us--stands is 8 A of Holloway = Co., having for & trade mark a i Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to re-eminently ahead of all o'her reapers. of this position we have onlv'to point to the 4 AVA a --AND--- "rescent and Serpent ; McKessen & R 3 give perfect satisfaction mn every or COFFINS of all sizes kept con Many First Prizes awarded wit the lt Pro cial ri) of Ontario, and mary county trials PERFECT FIT! . Aoigllele EIR: Oregoem an Sernent Ni Rossen & | obbins money refunded, Price 25 cents per box,-- stantly on hand. which have taken place all over Canada, within the last few years. Give is.» call 'akour new promise 1 '1 assorted Stock uf Fur- The e the be 3 " . g e premises one A large and well assorte ock ol se persons, the better to deceive you, For Sale by 8. E. Allison, Port Perry. nm ) 1 > 1 } 4 re Aue 3 Riri . bluashingly Cauti 3 1 EE . SHROUDS of all sizes and 0 U R I RI U M I I I C( YM BI sD M ACH I NE door west of our old place of business. ture on hand at all Hume, : : PROVISIONS FOR ALL | i shisidly Caution te Pudie in the sorall Em ao nowest styles. with late improvements, is all that can be desired in a combined machine, and cannot fuil to DOUBT & MOTHERAL. Picture Framing.--Speclal attention : ' which are really the spurious imitations, fo NSOLVENT (i OF 1869 meet all the requirements of purchasers. ; Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. Shen to fy Frunjog sod Hoviiieg of w Beware of Counterfeits. J * : V ASK 7 "ASE ; y i intin >hrow os, Li 5 , &e. vi | ] CASKET on 2 RIAL CASE Our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers --_-- "By i on to business, en Bliibonisis Deisrs hin hen at very £ t CTS procured on suofL DOLE: are both first class machines--oonstrtucted almost wholly of Iron and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. fair deal and selling at prices consistent Canin aa Ty geruine Pills v4 hg Pablie in AND IM NDING A . o % i bas a rear cut, and the Young Cnoada a front cut; both strong, durable machines, and not ex- with an honeut profit, 1 hope to merit a HE undersigned thankful fof the liberal Tet earnestly and nt. The American Style of celled by any machines in the market for quality of out, durability, lightness of draft, adapta- shaee of public patronage. put ronuge bestowed on him since Ps +he Clore J N y Fi respectfully appeal to . Hearse. Also an ordinary style bility, and ease,of management. business in Port Perry would inform the pub | [ di FPRY to Mothers of Families-and other CANADA N the Connty Court of Hearse. JR N VW se WIITBY HAR VEST ER." Remember the place, Sign of the lo generally that ho hax always on hand u Ladies, and $0 the Publie seneigly of Iritish { J : N the LU A % 1 4 y iv. carefully select. ery ab 4 ey may 1 ; Provines of Ontario, § | of the County of OUR NE ) Al us LIN Big Rocking Chair. sory. | Flour. y selected stock of evervihing i the | jo ounce as hey nay be pleased vo County of Ontario, ) Untariv. | As the country has become better adapted to machinery, and many of our furmers have be- 5 W. J. NOTT. |Good and sold cheap. Purchasers should k J). W. DAVIS & SONS | co Killed in the use of machines, a growing demand bas sprung up for a Light, Durable, Port Perry, June 18, 1878, SErs hou ook to the In the matter of he Nov. 2b IIE iL | First-Class Reaper. . Label on the Pots und Boxes. If . Henry 8. Johnson, PortPerry, Nov. 26, 187 or | Alive to the requirements of the day, xe have sneseeled in inventing 8 machine illia A ' a : the address isnot 533, Oxford Street, rN oA Wrought Iron Frame, wich the least possible gearing--with large, broad-facéd drive wheel,-- rx] A . OY fei AN INSOLVENT. {and so constructed that the frame and table tliat the same Lime, thereby keepin the pitman Richardson's First-Class Qatmeal|lordon they ave Cotnterfeits, venty-| b ; De- 3 5 | always in line with the knife. The rakes are driven ¢ irectly from the main shaft--there being Each Pot and Box ot the Genui : oD Lea i AT Jara pe 7 Jif { no perceptible side draft, and no weight upon the horses necks. We are confident that we Tears. the British Government Stamp, Medicine, Judge of said Court for a discharge under tk A | have succeeded in inventing the most perfect Reaper, taking it in all its parts, that hus ever H words "HoLLOwAY'S PILLS ANS OINTMENT the said Act ie = | been produced. V applied for letters patent, and shall hold our invention, for our own : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. R LONDON," ved thereon. Un the labeld p Ne i ZR ive man 1 we respectfully suggest to intending purchasers. that they should dg 2 "TAIL. Remember | ho addy re URpanp STeeny, Lion 3 Port Perry, Nov. 2¢, 178. CP ee efore giving their orders for the coming harvest. ~The" Whitby Harvester i the place opposite the Post Oftice. where alone they are Manufactured.' x HENRY 8. JONSSON veel LOM: 600 pounds, but being made principally of the best quality of iron and steel, an %3= Parties who may be defrauded by Ven. i by N BSN, ' 5 om its ingenious and compact construction, it combines the strength and durability of dots selling spurious * Holloway's Pills and his Attoruey ad litem. the heavier machines. hort Pile WM. TUMMONDS, ~~ [Uintment, as of my genuine make, shall on h All our machines are fully warra ted. > oy > Port Perfy, June ¢ 18578, . communicating the particulars to me, bo | ET . 5 -- Te ---- With this list of machines, we feel © nfilent that we can meet every requirement, and we POR 1 PE RRY. amply remunerated, and their names eS Ls | respec.fully solicit a trial of our machines, believing that we can furnish a better machine for - divulged. R the moaey toairean be obtained elsewhere. : - ee ph Signed, 5 W | aot ' THOMAS HOLLOWAY. B i } E ING ACHINES Respectfully Yours, HE undersigned would embrace this op- Tailoring Establishment | < London, January 1st, 1877, : . portunity of returning thanks fo his re Tro Siuspiee So pt mang eustotiers for their Hberl patronge| OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE NR. CUR- 125300". CAUSE. OF HUNAN | 5 oO L L BROWN & PATTERSON MPG C0, in the past avd would beg to remind them | RIE'S) STORE. PORT PERRY, A rong i : ' i. I the public in genersl that ho is still SKF > Pdr Ty ust Published, in a sealed Whitby, Ontario, March, 1877. F ° 0 1 anc th A HANKFUL fot many years of liberal and | 259 J Envelope. Price si 3 R - sy hy hy res Priv S planing lumber at §1 per thousand. T increasing patronage the Tae SERA gi We i 1 . would inform his customers and the general Treatment, and Radical cure of Seming ~ ------ public that he bas got thoroughly armnged Weakness, or Spermaterrhaa, induced by Self va J. 6 MORGAN HAS REMOVED 3 ----=INTO HIS-- C NEWBRIOKBLOLK : One door East of the Ontario Bank rE undersi giied would take this opportun= ness to the shop on the opposite side the street, THE SECOND DOOR EAST of the POST OFFICE, where I shall be happy to wait on all parties wishing to purchase. SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machine Attachments, Oils, &c. The Best Machines Cheap for Cash Repairing promptly attended to. _ The publicare kindly invited to come and inspect my show room. C. TUPPER. Dec. 4, 1877, SIE THE LIS? FARMS fr SALE "CHAMPION" FOR 1877. THE MP | Over Thity--five Thousand Machines Sold. NO BREAKAGES--No vexations in gathering the crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED whi waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--NO REPAIRS TO BUY--No express charges to pay-- Easily adjusted to all kinds and cond --A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGH HT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST APER--The most simpls and durable of ull Harvesters--The best and cheapest Machine in the market. RECORD The Subscriber begs to advise his customers and the public in general, that he bas received A LARGE STOCK ea OF en le e¢ Gold and Silver WATCHES! Doors, &c., &c. Which cannot be surpassed in quality or had at lower prices. 1 et 8 ee iB PAY UP. All parties indebted to me are hereby re- quested to pay up forthwith and goufer a favor on A. RICHARDSON. Port Perry, Dee, 21, 1876. MANCHESTER, TE 1 Lis new premises over Sv. Brown's Store v Fhe Latest Style: ; Se= perior Workman ship, and perfeet fits wut ranted. JAMES RIGGS, Port Perry, 15, 1876. FIRST CLASS TAILORING. { IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest styles and at moderate rates, A good fit guaranteed. Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. R. HUGOE. 1 Prince Albert, April 2, 1874, 5 Take Notice Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, ity of returning his sincere thauks for the re i Cres ve bestowe Lis Ts t 3 : aspen! J inches $8 Jha Port. Perr y i Sash with increased accommodations for carrying Nuvo Devi i Snpedmenis A a and would now intimate that with the view of ' on every department of his business, "All| Fite: Mental and Ph ad Sy ou in greater accomodation | have moved IN Blind orders promptly Bled The Newest Fashicus | By KOVERT 4. CULVERWELL, 31: D., nus nas, regularly received. thor of the * Green Book," &. ~~ The world renowned anthor, in this admii» able Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self Ab ay be effectually removed with- d without dangerous surgical nzks, instruments, rings, or cor dials; pointing out a mode of cure at once cer< fain and efteetual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 3% This Lecture will proye a boon to thoiisands and thousands. address, on receipt of sit cents, or Lwo post- age stamps. THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO, 41 Aun St, New York: Post-Office Box 4588 MARBLE WORKS! ned would infor the pablde have established ther BABB OBB IN THE J. G. MORGAN, ' y x And a FINE assortment of HIS is to give notice that I have sold | Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. Seortinento to James V. Thompson, Port Perry, ------ : f C : 4 J ! the va ST : % ra oe ors Port Perry Boot & Shoe Store, "Mer arria? 8 J 3y ishing to Sell = Bh) R "ID Nov, 21, 1838, } Advertise there. er aa i iets C L 0 C K S 3 AND £1 I 0 L i Livhv "Wick | vhere they are ; WANT ae una | GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING FE aed jeans 3, | w! ranite, Freesto h, hy : A N BW - of whic! 3 he wi 1 at ESTABLISHMENT. anite, Freestone &c., &c., In way of a ho FOR 1878. Greatly. Red 3 --_-- Monuments, * Al | gerted in the WesKLY reatly Reduced Prices for HE Subscriber has much pleastire in stat x a 4 'i omb Stones f 1 / | | Mar, 20 words for 50¢ ing that he has secured the valuable - a. » ' each insertion; each CASH g i Tr L | : ditional word 2¢. | FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT. 3 - services of TT ra da PM k Tablets, + | Advertisements of STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED g'OR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. Jno. Diesfeld. |One of the best wood-worsers in the Pros e ar Pillars Farms for Sale are in- | MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED 1] y PLACEOF CAST 1RON. Port Perry, 1st Oct, 1878. vince, and is now better fitted than ever to or THE : are, < pt-- serted in the D. ONLY SLY PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COMBINED MACHINES, fill all orders for ee Ying in Yio linn Chojoe Material AUSTRALIAN bhp Tob pte Bd tht sid HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his mumerous patrons for past favors, begs to invite their attention, aud that of the public geverally, toa additional word lie. Advertisements of Live Stock, Auction Mair, 20 word ' each insertion ch WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE H UNDRED POUNDS. SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGHT MOWERS i The result is that the ¢ Champion" will be the lightest in weight and draught of any V Cutters, Slcighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, with all rights and privileges to use and dispose of the same, An Inspection solicited. ROSE & WEIFENBACH Port Perry, May 14, 1575. 8 Sent; under seal, in a plain envelope, toamy 'Huped Sules of Stock, [mple- ments, ete. Seed for |Sale, I xhibitions, ete, machine in the market, at the same time equally as strong and durable, and as free fiom liability to breakage as those built in 1877. The manufacturers are determined that it shall excel in every particular all other machines offered, regardless of first cost, and have Customers may relyfon getting the best material, latest styles and superior work- manship. Special attention given to ADVICE. ANHOOD; WOMANHOOD. wees. A JOHN YOUNG. 2:4f NewSewing Machine KNOWN AS THE WHITE "Which he has just added to his stock Machine whose rane of work is from the FEE Ea Fa Rt is large ia Size--Beautiful in Design-- in Finish--Simple in Construction-- hil ky Light tinge ion--Quiet in ration-- Li; and Bobbin--Double (steel) Fecd--und adjustable throughout. x _wind Bobbins there fs no necessity of 1 ; removing attach- A ON of i hi work ; runuin 4 No! 'Wheels or large Cams, or Comphan: f . Do not fil to see the * Wry | valuable practical papers by eminent writers d | eopies, te [inserted at the same rates. Address 4 MAIL, TorosTo. THE cientific American, THIRTY FOURTH YIAR. The Most Popo'wr Scicatiic Paper in the World. Only 83.20 a Year. including Postage. Weekly. 52 Numbers a year. 4,000 book pages. Tug SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is a large First. Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, rinted in the most beantiful style, profusely lustrated with splendid engravings, repre- senting the new Inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences; ingluding new and Interenting Facts in Agri- afiture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Soelal Science, Natura History, Geology, astronomy. The most in all departments of Science will be found in the Scientific American. 'Terms, $1.2) a year, $1.60a half year which includes postage. Dikeount to Agents. Single n cents. all Newsdealers.-- Remit by vostal order Park UNN & CO., Pub lishers, ' , New York. PATENTS PETITOLS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines, For further information, address, Joseph Hall Manufacturing (oy Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878. AGENTE--E. WALKER, Port Perry ; GEO. URQUHART, Sandford, therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE CF ALL THEIR COM- OSHAWA, ONTARI O. Appun suo syBSug Jo JusmnossY 00D PUMPS! PUMPS! () C-- You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. TRVIN'S PATENT ; PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY . SEE THE PRICES. Foros Puup--A complete Pump and Fire iiss with Hose and Coupling complete for Patent Sw Ing Lift Pumps at 60 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 ceuts per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Oistern Pumps, a complete Pump, (rom $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! favor him with a call. . 5 Allordersforany of the above, whether by mail orotherwise Jmpty attended to. Co, Oshawa. ~ Agent, A. M. PENTLAND, Druggist, Port Perry, Sept. 29,1870. Having had long © nos 1n Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and theUni*ed States, the sul berfeels confident he can perfectly satisfy all that will. OHN IRVIN, Part Perry, =o . B a I= 8. BO ss RB pT o ; 28 Q 3 [3 mS Rik = $F p> ED <q a= Pp = 2 6 JIMVIN 01 0) 1 d mopuMIY NopINg *YIedssp PUY SSAUIPAU IIA JOPIO OF IPVUT ION ~--Huuojuly J80q OY) WO) opuwl pumy uo REMOVAL! TE Subscriber having removed to the NEW STORE one door east of his old tore, would respectfully announce that he has on hand and will keep during the season all kinds of 4 FRUIT,EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS §C. Also, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. ~~ MAPLE SUGAR, §C. 'GROCERIES ! Of all kinds as Cheap as soy House in town. PEF Give me a call and you will be satisfied. : L. MgLEAN. Port Perry, April 24, 1878. HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the case and comfort of the horse in traveling. BE&5~ All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted. W. C, HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. 715 BAKERY Confectionery HE Bakefy and Confection: v 11 nes in all thelr branches carrie: on in my Port Perry and Prince Albe establishments | Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest notice. Bridal ani other takes made to order. Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms. 2 CONFECTION fn every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance. Call at my Bakery, Port Perry ot Prince Albert. CHAS. HISCOCES. Port, Perry, March 10, 1875. AND AROUND TOWN. ---- : HE Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other description of Luggage toand from the Rail. way Station or anywhere around town orders promptly attended to. Charges LUGGAGE | TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION fa "Sony vi All i Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1875. Nothing ticed be addea as to the value of of this Feed for Horses and Cattle, it is un- equalled by anything yet discovered for im- roving the condition of these valuable ani- mals both as to flesh and general health. All parties owning horses or cattle should have it. The universal testimony of all who have tried it on their stock is that they would not now do without it. It is cheap- safe and beneficial. The purity of the mix tare is guaranteed. J. Vv. THOMPSON, Port Perry, Jan'y 13, 1876. WLTE PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 23. Taking oftect Monday, July 1, 1878, TORONTO TIME. Trains Going North. HAT, EXPRESS, apart, rt Toronto, via 6. I. R;.. Jaa, 4. Whitby JunectionG.T.R. 835 $s " Whit &, " a. " at NNNuzasT oo Nhe! * Smzaaas SEREBESIEN moderate, . JOS. COOK Port Perry, Jan, I, 1874. *Flag Stations--Trains stop on signal only. {Telegraph stations. . warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restoge their shattered constitutions, especially if I from early indiscretions. Herein lies your only satety : by a professional gentleman of rare | ability. High Canadian press testimonials. -- Mention this paper Send stamp for answer. artverti leaded "Rupture." Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ontario. For Sale or Exchange FOR PROPERTY PORT PERRY. THE Subscriber having a large amount of business in way of contificts for build. ing iu Port Perry this season requiring his constant attendance in the village is de. sirous to sell or exchange his house im Prince Albert, lately owned by Captain Sinclair, and direcly opposite Major man's, for a suitable dwelling in Port v I'he lot and premises in Prince Albert are splendidly adapted tor a private gentleman, the house is in an excelletit state of and ie garden well stocked with choice fruit trees, &c. Hard and soft water and every other stitable convenience for a com fortable hoe. . 2 § For further partictiars apply to = Wit SPENCE, wrier, or MESSHS. J. 61, J. ADAMS, Sus Iivokers, Port Pecry, Port Perry, May 3, 1878, y Pap Truss; indtol2 wi , authority. most ¥: tion of the. century. The secret of ¢ Truss holds rupture during the harde and can be worn night day comfort. Very cheap. § Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ont cnn make money faster at work fot" than at anything else Capital not req ed; we will start vou. $12 per day at ) nade by the industiious. Men, wi boys and girls wanted every whore to us. Now isthe time, Costly outfit ee, Address TRUE & Co, Augusta," ¥ yn

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