Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Jan 1879, p. 3

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» "eg. nts FOR SALE otro talT PLANING MILLS AND MACHINERY; TOGETHER WITH A FIRST CLASS DWELLING HOUSE T0WNor POR PERRY. Tue Subscribers have received instruc- tions from the owners, to offer the ." following valuable Properfy for Sale by Private Contract, ° VIZ: PARCEL ONE. Dominion Planing Mills & Machinery Which are situated on lot No. 262, on Lilla Street, together with a 20 horse powerEngine and 30 horse power Boiler; Planer and Matcher, Four-sided Sticker, Double-head and Cope Tenoner, Power Mortise Machine, Scroll Baw, Turning Lathe, Blind Machine, Cranks, Circtitar Saws, Dovetail Saws, Pat terns and Manding Knives, and everything requisite for a first-class Planing Factory business. There is an abundant supply of water conveyed to the Boiler by pipes. The above Mills are 54x64 feet in size and two stories in height. The Engine and Boiler and Machinery are new and of the latest improved pattern. There hus been a large business carried on in the above establishment since its commencement, To a suitable party with sufficient capital, one half of the business would be retained by one of the existing partners if desirable. PARCEL TWO. House and Five Lots. Bituate on the corner of John and Mary Strecte, being lots Nos. 77, 78, 148, 149, and 150, and on'which areerected a Frame House 24x32, two stories, with kitchen and wood- shed ; a frame stable 21x36. Plenty of hard and soft water on the premises. This property is near the business portion of the town, and beautifully situated in sight of the lake, Title indisputable and terms casy. For particulars, apply to JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Brokers, Port Perry. Port Perry, Dec. 11, 1878, For Sale or to TT property known as the WICK HOUSE. The House is in good repair, bas good Stables and Sheds. There is also an acre of Land with good Fruit Trees. Rent This House is well situated for the Hotel business being located on the leading road in the village of Wick. For further particulars, apply to R. SINCLAIR, Cannington. January 15, 1879, . VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE Township of each. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. 1.55 No. 2, and the South-half of Lot No. 7, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Reach, well situated, good soil, and a dwelling house on south-half of lot No, 1.-- There is over 100 Acres of Timber on Lot No. 2. These properties will make good farms. A small cash payment will be required, the balance to remain on mortgage for a term of years to suit the purchaser. ' Apply to T. H. McMillan, Esq., Oshawa, Ont, or to the undersigned. LYMAN ENGLItH, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Sept. 18, 1878. 41. tf CHOICE FARM ! IN GREENBANK, FOR SALI hal excellent Farm being composed of the South-east part of lot 11, in the 11th Loneession of the Township of REACH, ard Eleven acres in the North-west quarter of the South-half of lot 12, in the 11th concession ; "in all 71 acres of first class land, nearly all cleared, well feneed, and in a high state of cultivation. There are good buildings on the premises, an abundance of excellent water, and A vigorous, voung orchard of superior fruit -- The situation demands all that can be desired for health, comfort and convenience, and is itn n a short distance of the best markets of| putable, For particulars apply to NEIL McARTHUR, (Greenbank Or to H. L. EBBELS, Solicitor, Port Perry. Sept. 25, 1878, ; FOR BALE Te SALE, by Private Contract, Ten Shares of $50 each, in the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby Offers loft at the office of this paper will be promptly attended to. / Dec. 12, 1878. Rn den ARERR, For Sale or Exchange FOR PROPERTY PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber having a large amount of bu in way of contracts for build. ing in Port Perry this season requiring his constant attendance in the village is de- sirous to sell or exchange his house in and directly of man's, fora suitable dwelling in Port Perry. The Jot and premises In Prince Albert are Province. Terms easy and title indis- 52 ly adapted for a private gentleman, is in nn excellent state of repair garden well stocked with choice trees, &c. Hard and soft water a suitable convenience for a com' WM. SPENCE, Owner. or MESSRS. J. &D, J. ADAMS, Port Decry. Port Perry, May 2, 1878, WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. PREPARING "FOR STOCK TAKING -- AT JOIIES BROS'. Balance of Winter Goods =t Cost for Six Weeks ! Price Lists containing Fabulous quotations and Bargains Extraordinary A Humbug and a Delusion ! A careful examination of Goods and PFices the only practical and satisfactory test. A Call Solicited--Inspection requested--Comparison Courted- An Intelligent Verdict, without fear or favor, ITemanded. TRYING TIMES like the present make it the emphatic duty of every individual to economize. JONES BROTHERS Have but one favor to ask from an intelligent community : -- Keep your cash in your pockets till you have thoroughly satis- fied yourselves by a careful and impartial investigation which House is most deserving of your confidence and can be depended upon for Substantial Bargains. Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1879. = 7 { CREAT DISCOUNT SALE ! T ©. FORMAN'S. WHOLE STOCK REGUCED AND NIST BE SOLD. port Perry, Jan 16, 1878. ROOTS & SHOES! Cc. TRIC Would beg to intimate to the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding country, that he has opened a Large Stock of Boots & Shoes as a Grocery. In the Store recently occupied by J. F. Paxton, He has everything in Men's, Women's and Children's wear necessary to keep FEET DRY AND WARM During the present season, at prices to suit the times, and hopes by strict attentiont to business and fair and honorable dealing to merit a share of public patronage. Remember the place--One door East of Jones Bros. Block. Port Perry, Jan, 8, 1879. EEE ONTARIO CABRIAGE WORKS! PERRY. 7 HE Subscriber has much pleasure in informing his customers and the public generally 1 that he has just finished and is now mafitifacturing some of the finest, most desirable CARRIAGES OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. will be sold at such Prices as will ensure being run and sought after over the be put forth to make the mana still more deservedly popular. Of the best materal and Workmanship. They their ready and rapid sale. My manufacture is now larger portion of this Province, and every effort will facture of the ONTARIO CARRIAGE Wonxs, Port PERRY, pE&AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED."@& JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878. i [las Removed his Merchant Tailoring Ks- For Two Months, HOLIDAYS! 1978 & 1819. Persons desirous of enjoying the festivities usual at this season of the year with as little expense as possible will do well to call and see the GREAT DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS AT BROWN & CURRIES 23 Ibs Currants for $1.00 13 Ibs Good Sugar - 1.00 Fine Young Hyson Tea at 35 cent per Ib. 3 Ibs Solace Tobacco for - - L Beautiful Kid Gloves worth $1 for 50c per pair. Ladies' Cloth Mantles ; Ladies' Fur Sets; Ladies' Trimmed Hats ; Ladies' Trimmed Bonnets; yard wide Wool Cashmeres at 35¢ per yard; 16 yards good Wincey for $1; besides a host of fancy articles all suitable for Christmas Presents at LowEsT Living PRICES. Also a large stock of Gent's goods, comprising Scarfs, Shirts, Under-Clothing, Tweed Suits at #8, Overcoats, Worsted Coat ings, Canadian and Scotch Tweeds all bought at rock bottom prices and fully 50 per cent. cheaper than last season. We would advise our Customers and the public generally to beware of pedlars, who at present are investing the country.-- We are prepared to sell you beautiful WorstedSuitings for 24.50, the suit of 3} yds., double width. BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Dec. 12, 1878. - J. PEARCE tablishment to Mr. Morgan's Old Stand, opposite the Walker House. We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest | and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices consistent with profit. OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE: for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, (Bought at the lowest prices i PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES. BUILDING and ROOFING TO FARMERS. 'We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, TO MILL MEN We can offer inducements in FILES of the best English make. LEATHER BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BABBIT METAL, and all other supplies. TO CARPENTERS. the best make of SAWS We make a specialty of TOOLS, and keep nothing but PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &0. 70 BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Our assortment is complete, embracing the usual lines of IRON, BAR, HOOP and BAND. STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE. COIL CHAIN, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, AXLES, SPRINGS and WAGON SKEINS. Our stock is also well assorted in HUBBS, SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description, Thanking you for past favors, we solicit yotir valved orders for this seasofl. LAING & MEHARRY. SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. te --_-- PES T0 0 TOE TH The undersigned would call attention to his superior stock of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS More attractive than ever, and at prices to suit the times. His Stock has Leen purchased with a view to satisfy his customers in Quality, Style and Price. Ask Your Druggist For Dr. Carson's old established and never failing Worm Symp. Sole manufacturers Martin & Co., Oshawa. - Agent, A. M, PENTLAND, Druggist, Port Percy Strayed Heifer. AME into the premises of the subscriber « Railroad House" opposite the Port Perry Station of the Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Railway, sometime in a RED HEIFER witha little the belly, coming three years old. rg~0 light, beat, keep clean, and take care| The owner 1s notified to prove property, of the Presbyterian Chuich, Port Perry, | PSY expenses, and take her away, otherwise for one year. she will be sold as the law directs. Apply to T. C. FORMAN, JESSE IRELAND. Port Perry, Jan, 22, 1870, Port Perry, Jan, 15, 1879 are-taker Wanted. October last, white on | BOOKS, STATIONERY, §C., $C. Gold and Silver Watches, | sunk @oLD JEWELRY, HANDSOME PATTERNS, ELEGANT FANCY JEWELRY ; IN GREAT VARIETY, ¥ pa Call and examine my Stock. Wis H. McC AW See New Advertisement Next Week. S. H. CHRISTIAN. « Manchester, Jan. 9, 1879. IPhILL Resumed Business, AND ARE OFFERING TREMENDOUS BARGAINS In all their different Departments. (ORIGIN & (A --HAVE-- In order to reduce their Stock with the "scason, they will put their Goods at such prices as to fully convince a discerning public of the truth fulness of what they assert. They invite inspection. Goods Sold only for Cash or Trade. Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1879. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. JUST TO HAND L.. 4. DAVIS Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &c. In Barrels and Half Barrels. CHOICE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS !&= Cigars, &c., always in Stock, FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Oash, thai Wanted--1,000 Bus. Potatoes: For which the Highest Price in Gash will be paid. Port Perry, Oct, 24,1877] Sept. 11, 1878, ~ Royal Arcade, Port Perrys John L. Watkis SUCCESSOR TO } E WORTHINGTON, --DEALER IN---- Peas, Oats, Barley, Corn, Bran; Shorts &C racked Wheat. CRAHAM & BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, OATMEAL, &C. ce ALS Qe Sal, Coal, Plaster, & Water Lime, A large number of new atid second. hand flour barrels for sale. Agent for Super-PhospMRte of Lime, Bone Dust and other artificial manures. Samples on hand, J. L. WATKIS. Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1878. meee meer REMOVAL! PL J, 6, MORGAN HAS REMOVED INTO HIS-- NEWBRICK BLOCK One door East of the Datario Bank J. G. MORGAN. Foroison INOTHER BUTCHER'S STALL 2: 1) eS Port Perry Boot & Shoe Store, Nov, 21, 1878. UTCHERS' MEAT in any quantity, of the best quality, and at stich prices as none need be without a supply of Choice, Fresh Meat, CAWKER'S STALL, One door East of Allison's Drug Store, Port Perry. Remember the place, and cali and get part of our choice meat. 8, C. CAWKER. Port Perry, Jan, 22,1879. Esme OTE Ire ORANGE ASSOCIATION B.A. ANNUAL MEETING. The L., O. County Annual Meeting of North Ontario for the Election of Officers and other important business connected with the Order will be held at SUNDERLARD, ON TUESDAY, 4m FEBRUARY, 1879 At the hour of two o'clock p.m. All Brethren are requested to attend, R. S. WEBSTER, Co. Master, M. McPHADEN, Secretary. _ Secretary's Office, Sunderland, Jan. 21, 1879. op beaten Boarders Wanted. T= Undersigned is prepared to accom: modate a number of boarders at his residence, Perty street, Port Perry--the late residence of Mrs. Whartman, The location is pleasant and healthy and advantageously situated both for school and the business centre of the village. W. H. ROSE, School Teacher, Port Perry. Jany 8, we HITBY, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. TIME TABLE 23. Taking cflect ABLE oie 1, 1878, TORONTO TIME. Trains Going North. ATLa EXPRESS. T to, via G. T. R, by oronto, via G. . % m, > ranoth G tern 6.52 « 05 7.08 « 7.20 « " im w.l gen hh 758 " ®18 10.22 B19 8.31

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