him in the fall, made him no | further promise, said 1 would look into kis account when I had time, | AB A YBAR!uoked him for his vote about a month before this time, he said he was a Conservative but would vote for me, no talk about a job when 1 asked his vote; did not speak to him |sinco, he camo asking a job about two weeks after 'my nomination, canvassed him for his vote one week after my nomination, would not swear positively bat. think I asked his vote before he asked a job, next time I saw him was when he came complaining of the account, -- Don't recollect that I sent Harmon or Jobett to Ellis. Jobet swears that Ellis told him that Wheler never asked him for a vote on promise of work. * Harmon also swears that Ellis denies that Wheler asked his vote on promise of work. 0 something to Wheler about, said [would not require to lgave th there was a great deal of noise about {chamber when P. A. is being'ex it all over and he ought to settle it, 'amined. had no doubt he said something to{ Mr. Wheler now entered the box Wheler about it. The Judge said To Mr. Kerr. he (Brown) was a most singular witress and reminded him of what he did say. I know T. Amey, did ihe would oppose the National Pol not tell him thatI would notvote for | icy aj Wheler unless he paid the money, ' I spoke hard words of Wheler would think hdrd of him if he did not pay | or let it remainunpaid. To the best of my knowledge I told no one that [ would not vote for Waeler if he did not pay, don't remember ever talking to Amey aboutit at all. - Wheler's action towards Mamo would not effect my supporting him [ never told Wheler that it would. Mr. Wheler here explained the nature of the cedar and the teaming transaction. C. McKenzie of the Port Porry livery establishment sworn. Tired a conveyance on 16th September to L Hurd to go to Altona to bring one Neville, his brother-in-law, to vite for Wheler. The rig was charged Wheler $3 bat the account has not been rendered, did not know that it should have been render 1, theve is a further account of $40 charged to Wheler, this was contracted from August 27 till Seprember 18. It has not yet been presented to Wheler. When parties ordered rigs for Wheler they were charged to him. Hurd told me to charge to Wheler, don't know that Wheler knows any thing about the account. Lather Hurd--At my father's request I interested myselt on Whelers behalf, did what I could for him, father took a prominent part for Wheler, spent his whole time, locked up his office and took the platform almost every day while the campaign lasted, spent from B15 to $20 of my own money in treating in Port Perry alone, brought my brother-in-law Nevile 20 miles to vote at Prince Albert, father got a vig and promised to pay me liber- ally if I could get Neville's, vote got a horse at McKenzie's livery, father afterwards paid me $10. To Kerr--It was not long after the election when 1 got the $10, am a law clerk, have done little for a year past, am no more loafer than you are, have a little mone) have been living on the proceeds of sales, sold a horse to Mr. McGaw for $250 got it all in cash exceptabout $5 or so, the horse was sold some time in July, sold property to the value of $500 a short time ago. Here witness and rves- p 'ndent's counsel had a general und somewhat protracted tilt quite away from the question at issao it is hard to say which had the better of of it--we think it wasabout a draw. P. A. Hurd sworn-- Went actively into the contest for Wheter. Mr. butiehi of hist tear? ig Wheler placed the south part of the [asto what I shail expect, riding under my control, havinga [bv foniiat Sees KF Ov SLL general supervision but not to in- | the contest till the matter is aver, terfere with the work of tho com. [deliver two address a day ; : . anywhere in the Connty of Ontario, mittees sometimes I addressed pub- give an article every week in some one lic meetings in Wheler's interest [the local papers touching the issues nnd Socer the The of my son-in-law, sa rts iid iv Neville, for heler, sent my son Luther for him some twenty miles, gota rig at the livery for my son Lather to go for Neville. Told Mr. port Gibbs, select one of two k we have chosen either to give u d report of the proceedings Council and suppress of the trial or we bad to trial and suppress the . The report df the trial may ; Bo 'important in itself nor per- very interesting but in these days bribery and corruption it is of no small importance both to can- .didates and electors to keep the fear of protests before their eyes to show | them that when they may expect] electioneering fraads to be con- cealed they are found to come to the surface in a way they are not expected and all may learn a lesson from the fact. The council won't spoil _in keeping. ------ Elevating the Standard. Mr. Wheler was declared at the elections held on the 17th of Sept. last, the successful candidaté for the repiesentation of North Ontario in the federal parliament. Shortly after the election complaints came in thick and fast that Mr. Wheler bad gained his seat by the use of improper means; this induced the opponents of Mr. Wheler to have the matter brought before the proper tribunal and accordingly a protest 'was entered charging Mr. Wheler and his agents with corrupt prac tices of various kinds. The trial came up at Whitby on the 30th ult. before Mr. Justice Armour. Mr. McCarthy, Q. C. and Mr. Blackstock Being counsel for the petitioner, Mr. W. H. Gibbs; and Mr. Kerr.Q.C. and Mr. Spragge being counsel for the respondent, Mr. Wheler. The trial commenced on Thursday morning 30th ult, and closed on Seturday evening. No apology will be required for our taking up & large portion of our available space with a trial which interests the whole riding in a greater ov less degree. We attended the trial throughout and took down the evi- dence with some care and while with a view to economise our space we suppress the worthless portions of the evidence, we give everything that has any bearing on the case, whatever is likely to be interesting for the present or profitable for the future guidance and admonition of candidates and electors. All parties were fortunate: in the presiding Judge an active, able and impartial exponent of the law, while the counsel on either side were men of snperior professional abilities. 'The crowded court room proved the lively interest taken in the case. Every part of the County was repre- sented and very mang appeared in first rate fighting trim and only waited the slightest possible hint to sot them agoing; Port Perry had a flying column of daring skirmish- could be secured, "several hinted as much, dow' L u't remember al PA, Hurd--Immediately. after Wheler's nomination Paxton AT I could not afford to work for any man f LICERY FOR VOTELs. Paxton thought I should be paid, said Mrs. Thomas Shean sworn. To McCarthy--Live in Uxbridge, my husband has a vote in Uxbridge, he was working for Mr. Iall in Whitby at the time of the election, Widdifield came to ask his vote for Wheler, said I could get him if | got a rig to go for him, Widdifield said he would get a rig, a boy came with a rig from Crawlord's livery, drove to Whitby and got my hus- band, this'was on the Sunday before the election, never paid anything for the rig. Mr. Crawford sworn, To Mr, "McCarthy--Own a livery stable in Uxbridge, remember send- ing arig to Mrs. Thos Shean to go and bring her husband from Whitby wo vote for Mr. Wheler, charged it to Widdifield 82.50. Widdifield is Division Court Bailiff in Uxbridge, attended Wheler's committee meet- ings, charged Wheler 820 for a rig toset D. M. Card and Thos. Paxton on the rampage they took it to Mara und remained away five duys. To Mr. Kerr--This was a regular charge for a team five days at $4 a day. To Mr. McCarthy--Took an active part in the election, never charged any rig to Wheler on election day. Mr. Wheler, Widdifield is a eup- porter of mine, did not canvass the village for me, canvassed the village myselt, held meetings in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, don't remember seeing Widdifield there, wan't swear that he was not there, don't know who got the liberty~to use the room, no charge was made, met my friends there two or three times. Don't know who was chairman, there, was no secretary, Harman was secretary of the Reform Association and com- munications were sent to him. D M. Card was not an agent and was not electioneering. for me, he.only drove Paxton around, don't know that Card spoke at any meeting in my behalf, Card was nota govern- ment agent at the time of the elec- tion. Geo.Thompson--To Mr. McCarthy --Livein Uxbridge, was scrutineer at the parliamentary election of Sept. 17--Know Widdifield heard him speak strongly and argue in favor of Wheler, he was serutincer for Wheler at the same polling place as I was scrutineer for Gibbs. $1,000, Paxton said he acceptable and hinted as to how much between Wheler and me, saw Me its way to Toronto, talked over matters with him, said the active exertiol of two men in N. Ontario conld elect Whel otherwise he had a poor chance, Ontario next week selecting samples barley he would then see Wheler and won: McClellan did call at my office the followit come here to arrange for your support of hin Wheler wishes to secure your assistance possible and we must have you and am he for that purpose, we will pay your expens liberally, we expect from 20 to 30 publ meetings, you shall have from $10 to $15 than that, no one knows of my being here, $120 atany time, him know that you support him. I suspec ed this was a trick. Told Paxton next du what had transpired, he said I ought not work without pay, advised me to write M Clellan and say I had not written Wheler (HURD TO M'CLELLAN ) « Port Perey, Aug 5th, 1878. « Dear Friexp,--I have not written th letter spoken of the day you were here, bi have thought best to allow this matter remain a matter of confidence between ye and myself at present, and 1 write this lett under the seal of secrecy between you an myself, ax you have extend d me your cor fidence, * * If I assume the positic awarded to me by would withdraw it at once, strong party men, wl for at least une month, and entail on me th * * The truth is that not une of tl subject and party for any sum that could be o [ would not touch the thing unless I sure of success, but I do not iutend to i ed, mi paid liberally, and for my professional se to the local press I shall expect to be pa ri valor that was the line followed; but the excruciating agony manifest ed by the more ardent Wheler fol- lowing bordered closely on the ridicalgpus and proved that their forebodings were of the blackest _bue and that the shadows of legal decapitation were already before cCarthy set the ball a roil- with the consoling assurance for $30 for cedar supplied to build the station at Cannington and $12 for teaming, Wheler put me off from time to time, disputed the account and said that Mr. McKenzie should pay it, at all events the carpenter should pay the teaming, the carpen. ter regurded the charge too high, the claim stood over 6 years, was 6 years old on August last, asked Wheler so many times for it that I got tired, after Wheler's nomination I gave the account to the Clerk of the Court and instructed him to sue it thought that a good time to make him pay bis lawful debts, Wheler sent me a post office order for $30, shortly after the election. Met my son-in-law D. 8. Brown and Wheler on the street one evening, this was after the nomination und before the election, Brown referred to the debt and asked T if were not yet paid ? Wholer replied that he would not do anything with it till after the elec- tion lost it should vitiate his elec- 'tion; similar transactions Kdve pro¥ |o ed fatal to some ele 8 Brown, is li a Grit. | To Mr. Kerr--My getting paid 'bad nothing to do with: the election. cl of the Court sworn--Mr. the polling. The cross examination | election is over, continued to some length but had no more bearing on the case than it had on the fishery question. FRIDAY MORNING. The ball opened tuis morning with a charge upon the whisky brigade carrying the "Medicine" in vessels of.every size and color. Point Mara it is suid was shown to be fuirly brist. ling with bottles charged with the real stingo in order to exert a true spiritual effort in Wheler's behalf. That McCulloch complained of an attempt on the nart, in fact in and around Beaverton many of Wheler's supporters appeared to put their whole confidence of success, in the potent influence of the bottle, and they plied their craft with a ven- geance. Men complain of being whiskied| away in all directions and some of these who weuld not go right com- plain of having been left on a barn jalan with a view of depriving § em #he use of the franchise. ~'L ' ih a tully pronounced Grit Master leading a few victims into a hotel on polling day, first rallying his'forces round the bur ordering a treat for all, then rushing to the polls with a "Come, boys, let's burst their votes." Wo have no patience with the bottle holders but Tu the first place, out at all, for it will take all of that to secu the other, the result consider it an object to comp! to arrange with you alone, But if the diop just where it is Now, if yon ean satisfy yourself that the parti ut your own place the first of next week ai definitely arrange matters, If they tha they are paying too dear tor the whist! to fulminate against Mr. r holding his seat. A whole r of witnesses were in the pen i all over with manifesta I or imaginary--of brib- a man of honor, * favorable, yon can let me know what dey can see you at your place, «Your, &c ey "P, A. HURD,"" Got no reply. in the last week in August, said he wou local Wkheler replied, 1 know all about that a am come to close up, With Glen ¢ and - we have a perfect tempt for tion and those who will prostitute the |Preseatative for North Ontario. I replica] franchi for a swall of bad LE Sh merits, defendant] whiskey. It was amusing to wit=| or : ¥ would nover ness the ineffectual struggle of the ls got no money. 'home he gave me 81 59, pro) with us then, very likely might say | amine the respondent and then he The first intimation I had of Hurd's intention to support me was from Mr. McClellan, he said for personal reasons would Heard it hinted before this that Hurd's assistance parties wer: "talking of the clections, the subject was introduced by Paxton neither of us thought that Wheler had much chance without good help, said to Paxton jockingly that if Wheler would give you and me 81,000 cach we would carry the election for him, you work in the north and lin the south and we could carry him, said nothing and if I wrought I must be paid.-- could elect Wheler if he would give me believed Wheler would do it as he bad little chance oth r wise, but he would see ubout it, he gave me to understand that my services wo ld be would ask, suveral pames were mentioned as likely parties to negotiate the matter Clellan on beard the Empress of India on election McClellan said he would like to see the Gibbs cleans out of both North and South Ontario and he would assist in doing it, he would be in N, pass round by Port Perry and sce me. -- week and said he had seen Wheler and am meeting, and if we succeed we will do better anything transpires write me, you can hav Wiite Wheler and let quired I at once sacrifice a large business Ir would ne cessitate my leaving my office and business most constant application to prepare for the platform, and tax my eucrgies to the utmost party here talk as if there was any prospect of success, and I would not enter npon the be clenned out by the other fyb jure my own business and give others the vears' stuly and hard work Now, I will enter upon 1 will when required and anvthing else, in order to ensure success, for which services I shall require expenses to be vices on the platform and my contributions ers and prepared for a charge + : : $400, thusly :--One hundred on en hoald pe Tate b hi SLOW PAY McKenzie where it was going and | .n my duties, and the balance durin 8 ve ado 9 Suk i e, but dis-| Hugh Munro sworn.-- Know [instructed him to charge it to contest, and if the candidate I support com creti ing the better part of : tal : AEs 4 lout triumphant, 1 shall expect to be pa 2 i Wheler, held _welsim Against him | Wheler. This wus the day before six hundr.d more within ten days nfter the the $409 I shall save very little if anything 1f those who are interested in with those terms, and will be financially safe inpromiging them to me, I am sutisficd consider the terns too steep, the matter can Mae, are willing to come to time, I will meet you there is nu harm done and I will be at liberty to make other arrangements, but whatever is the result I depend npon you as Ifthings are Met Wheler in Port Perry come and see me, I told Paxton of this, he thought Wheler would arrange with me, he koew my terms, I said if Whelet don't wish to accept my offer he need not come. Told Paxton that I had a mind to throw up the whole matter, * Paxton advised me not to give up as I might do much as well from the platform as from contributions to the| Wheler came to my office and | said, you will support mépn certain condi' | t tions, I believe, I answered that I had written McClellan of the terms, he replied I expected a letter fiom yon atter McClellan was here, said I had written McClellan, saw Paxton soon after, Faxton said be bad all. seen McClellan who said if Wheler tried now | hands of counsel. 1 enjoined secrecy and Gibbs, placed the papers in the hands of Joshua! wl i Wright to be handed to the Hon. M, Cameron, Wright let out that there was I. something wrong «nd it was all over ere T before Mr. Cameron, Let Mr. Hector Cameron see the pape xton took a very active part in the on, Wheler owes his election to Paxton and me, To Mr. Kerr--Saw Mr. Cameron at the Assizes at Lindsay, instructed Wright to ask Mr. Cameron if I had any legal claim against Wheler, sent him the papers, did not tell Wright what papers they were, said there was a difficulty between Wheler and me, don't think T told him what it was about, Wright agreed not. to say a word to any one, came to my house af midnight, told 'm= he had given the packet to Mr. Cameron, told several parties that I bad a claim against Wheler, mv youngest gon knew all ahout it told 'my eldest son and my wife of it, told John Nott and Geo. Currie, fold Nott that Wheler promised to pay my legal expenses and had not done it; told Mr, Currie the same thing, said T bad no in- tention to "squeal" unless Wheler had in- t'nded to cheat me, never agreed that I should be paid my expenses only, I agreed tor 81000 besides my expenses, Wright said he would get me my money if I permitted him to speak to a certain party of it, allowed him to do it Thos. Paxton was the one to whom he referred, understood him to say that I conld obtain money for the inform- ation, told lots of the Gritsthat Mr Gibbs would pay me the money if they didn't, had no communication with Gibbs on the matter. it is not true that 1 had any assurance from any one that I should have $1000 orany amount paid me by Mr. Gibbs or the Con- I have stated that such | assurance has been given me was because I ic | felt badly sold and my enemies were 'aughing at me doing all I did do and getting nothing, wanted to show that T was not so badly off as they supposed ; said I would not support Gihinx on personal grounds, he did not treat his Conservative friends well, 'did not say that it I had my expenses paid I would be satis- fi d, never said before the protest that there would be no protest, Wheler was the only aerson on whom I relied for my pay, Whel r and McClellam were the only par- ties who made promises to me, made a definite statement as to my agreement with Wheler. Ralph Hurd--To Mr. MecCarthy--EKnew that father was in communication with some party as to the course he should pnr- sne in the election took a hint from hearing Paxton and father talking, saw McClellan in father's office, never saw him there before copied a letter from father to McClellan, it wus dated Aug 5th, Paxton and my brother were present when the letter was read, father was going to Rochester next morning, Paxton and father discussed its contents. heard Paxton and father walking about it afterwards, kaw Wheler in father's privaw office after this, it was about a week after father returned from Rochester, in passing into father's private office heard Wheler say to father, « Well, Mr. Hud, 1 aceept your proposition ;" wrote to McClellan on "Aug. 5 at the dictation of father, McClellan was put in the box and stated that he bad recived a letter from Hurd dated Aug, 5th, received no other letter before the election, * Ralph Hurd, --Father asked in a letter what day McClellan would meet him in Whithy or Toronto, 1 posted the letter, saw. Wheler in father's office on the Friday following, heard father ask him if he wished to send a note to McClellan ? Wheler said, *¢ No 1" McClellan knows all about it, saw Wheler in Port Perry on the second day of the show, knew father wanted to see him, went to look for futher and saw Wheler, shook bands with him, told me to look for father and asked for Paxton I went to look for them, could not find them and came and told Wheler 80, he said he could nut wait any longer, said that father want to see you nud it is important that you sce bim, he asked of I had heard anything of a protest ? tell your father that I wish to leave this matter till after the time for pre- testing ; will meet j our father soy tim: he may set, Luther Hurd= To Mr. McCarthy, From information received from father, I knew that father and Wheler were nexotinting ; it war through my father's influvoee that I supported Wheler in the late election, it was to father's beoctit ; heard a letter read which was written to McUlellan, toe letter contained a clause setting forth that if sickness or anything prevented father from continuing the comest be would wake no charge ; Paxton suid he was foolish to put in any such clause ; always voted lve till 'this time; told Neville I belived that father was going get $1,000 fromm Wheler, 5 M, G. Rolwou=To Mr. MoCarthy Met ir 1 1 er d of d 2 n- it r servative party, it " t- Ay te c- 1 ul to nm " 1d ) " he il n he in of er it st r- i IE id of re Iy v ox nd nk 2, 3 Id that | to| K. He got nothing at Greenbank, wrought till I remember of telling U'axton, never deliver. the election was done and got nothing from ed a message from Wheler to Paxtpn that any one but said nothing expecting Wheler Wheler would be over the first of the follow. would come and arrange, met McClellan, he ing week and arrange with "Hurd but was asked if Wheler had paid me, sald ho had afraid of a protest. Did not tell Luther seen Paxton and arratiged for a meeting, I Hurd anything about it, did not see him at J. H. MeClellan--Met P. A. Hurd sone to hack out he (McClellan) would protest gm, in July, expressed dislike to Gibbs said the election. himself, I said if I were not it was 8 ---- shame for T. N. to oppose paid now I would place the papers in the {the harbor did a active part in the election wou o. not attend would be glad to speak for Wheler if he knew anything of it, then 1 Jaid-the matter Would remunerate him, I said Wheler might do that but I would see him about it, he asked me to nee if Wheler wonld agree to pay him, saw Wheler in Uxbridge about the first of Augtist. told him what Hard had said Wheler said he would win the election and would take care not to do anything to upset it, wonld do what is tight 'with Hurd, saw Hurd at Pért Perry and told him I had aeen Wheler and he would pay his expenses and rem n rite him if it be legal for him to do 80, I conridered that $10 a night and his ex~ penses wonld be about right, Hurd appeared to accept o this and I expected that he would go on, told him to write to Wheler stating that he wonld support him and why, giving terms ; received a letter dated Angnst 5 demanding $1.007 and stating that if the whiktle were tdo dear to let it drop, never answered the letter, thought it better to let it drop there, met Hurd roon afterwards, he said Paxton and Wheler had agreed to the letter he sent me on the 5th of August, ask. ed him how Wheler knew the contents of the letter he sent to me, Hurd replied that he had a copy of it and had read it to Wheler, had my doubts about this agreement, had not seen either Paxton or Wheler about it, To Mr Kerr--Talked politics with" Hurd on the Empress of India, did not discuss with Wheler how much Hurd should be paid but told him he must be paid ; was surprised at the demand for $1000, thought it would upset any election, could not see that Hud's services were worth that sum ; changed my mind as to my discounting of the $100 note his telling me that he had his gon listening canged me to change my mind Met Hurd at Whitby, Wheler and Paxton had accepted the terms of the letter of August 5--the $1000 and ex penser, Wheler had seen a copy of the letnr and knew all about the terms; got a letter from Paxton atter Wheler's nomination, have not the letter now destroyed it, it referred to the election ; friend" referred fo in Paxton's latter, "pro- mised to pay the money sure this week" ; never told Paxton that I would protest the election myself if Wheler shonld go back on his bargain and fot pay. The cross examination was somewhat ex- tended but was over the old ground of the examination in chief John Nott eworn--Talked to Hurd abont the matter, he said to me that McClellan had promised to pay him $1000 for his services, did not say that Wheler assent +d to it, he said that the seating or unseating of Wheler depended on his (Hurd, g ting paid did not say that Wheler had promised Hit anything, Geo Currie sworn--Talked with Hurd about the amount claimed for his ®ervices in the election, he said Wheler had promised him money and he (Hard) had expected $50 or $60 from him but could not get it, did not say that he had been promised more than his expenses, said that he and Pugton were Wheler's right hand men, Wheler , recalled--1 triéd to scure a pur election, had doubts about the legality ot paying for the services of a gpeaker, did not anthorize McClellan to make any proposi tion to Hurd on my account, never said te Hurd or anyoue else that I was afrai protest in consequence of Hurd's matter; had an interview with Hurd on August 10, Mr, McCarthy--not on the 10th. Witness--I have gone over the matter nnd am positive it was on the 10th of Ang. The evidence of L. H. Hurd, P. A. Hurd and J. McClellan all went to prove that Wheler was wrong in his date as P, A. Hurd was not in town that way, P. A. Hurd re-called--When this elec- tion trouble Perry 1saw Mundy in the Walker House, we gat together on a 8. fa, Mundy said that he had told Paxton to tell me (Hurd) that Wheler would be «ver next week, that he had got everything s-ttled in the riding except your (Hurd's) matter and that he ix afraid to touch that now for fear of a protest D M. CAKD ADMINISTERING THE MEDICINE Thos: Fuliey sworn--Was deputy re- turning officer at polling sub-division No 3 Rama, D, M. Card was agent or scrutineer for Wheler at the kame division, he treated the poll clerk, myself and another party to whiskey out of a bottle which he carried during the time the poll was open, + Dear Sig --I an wanting the money T gpoke to you about some time ago, and 1 now send you my note for $100 You will please {end me the amount by return Denr Bir --I see your count came out 0, there is always after an election | matters that require the attention of the and i Fhe Division Court for Reach, Port P and Scugog was held in the town hall, Perry on Tuesday 4th inst, Judge Darnell presiding. 'The bar was represented by P, A. Bund, McGillivray of Billings & McGillivray, Paterson, W, M, Cochrane and H. L. Ebbels. grant, would mot support £apect 0 eke Court was considerable, i at his own P the suite, Breokn v. Cmapwan.--This brought by pif, to recover from have given him, over for the evidence of pif. for pif, brought by plt for balance of wages. is Merchant Pailor at Saintficld. Pl: sworn--to Mr. week that was agreed on, July, for def aguin ; did not go over our account together, Had wrought for him me, asked more but he refosd to work for det again] don't remember hav. August 23rd, he told me that with me, that def. had settled with me I did work already done it is not true that the "mutnal $5 a week when she wrought for me in 187 back she was not worth more than $4.50 weok, if she was that, her I overpaid her $5.53 by mistake, time she wis in my employ she wrought of the settlement, she claims having wrough week after, 'the 23, Mr, with me on the 10th, She came then au with Mr McGill, certain I wrought the 23 weeks, Lost of » laying around--and the shop locked, claimed, by plt, ona disputed ace want, PIf, sworn--to Mr. h B His Honor | § The clientage was scarcely as numerous as on some occasions, but the attendance at | me in Port Burry and asked ie Job, seni bite The admirable order mafutained at our he had seen Willcox and bs had agreed to Division Courts is creditable to all concern- give him $50 for the job, made no oth ed and everything seems to float along with: out the slightest jar, the _officers of the Court being always ready, there is not the slightest delay or vonlushon in bringing on case was ef. the sum of $20. It appears that pif. had been employed as teller in the Ontario Bank here daring the brief absemse of the regular te'ler and in paying out money to def had by mistake paid him $20 more than he should This case was before last court but laid 1t was again taken up at this court and judgment given Misg------ v MoGmni.--This wasa suit PIf was employed in sewing for def who Paterson--Was em- ployed with def at $6 per week of which $2 a week should go for my board. def was responsible to Mr. Cameron for my board, wrought for him 7 weeks last year for $4 a To Mr Hurd--Left defs employment in Had wrought for def the year before ff had a settlement with him then, had no settlement when I left him in April last, and did not say to Cameron that 1 had a final settlement then, expected to go to work for 23 weeks at $5 a week, shen he wanted to settle ke would allow me only $4.50 per weck, he said that was all he would allow I expected ing said to Cameron that def bad ecttled 'To Mr. Paterson, --When I told Cameron not mienn to say that it was a final settlement or that I accepted of the $1.50 a week for the Def sworn.--To Mr. Hurd--No particular agreement was made with pif. when she came back to work with me, had xiven bel could not afford to give her more thas $1 50 then, no sum was mentioned when she came In 8 ttling up with Laxt weeks at $4 8 week, settled with her at the time she left we in April last, she accepted 23 weeks but ghe lost 2 weeks or that time, would have let the over payment go if she had not brought the matter into court, she never complained of the settlement till one To Mr. Paterson--I kept a record of her time, Kept it in a small book, the book is at nome, she lost more than two weeks out of Cameron sworn--PIf. boarded with we for 23 weeks charged her 25 weeks but wave her oft two for time she said she was | nway, She went away from Saintficld on "| April 20d 'returned ou the 9th and settle settled with me and suid she bad settled PIf. brought back--to Mr. Paterson--Am day or two but it was not my fault he was Judgment for pif, for the full amount Davis v, WitLoox -- This case was brought ht thrashed ou I. | grain from anyone, the agalg with stir was made in Thompson's | to allow him §6 Ferrisato Mr Sa came toWillcox, lie came to me afterwards and with Willcox was $50. Several partis were put in the box and swore that they had offered todothe hak ing for $50. 4 Judgment for def. 2 i Hoursy x Tue Wmtsy R, Co'y --PIf on the 18th of July last had a number of his cattle get through the railway fence on to the track, & train coming along about mid- night dashed through the cattle, eleven in number, breaking one leg to each of two of» them and us the proprietor aledges injuring' the jaw of a three year old steer. The two cows were slaughtered and the proprivtor sued the railway ce'y and recov ered the damage for the two cows, this: action was brought to recover damage for the steer. The damage: was set at $28 less, $5 received for the wounded animal, Judgment reserved. mn ---- Board Meeting. iy Abbott said to me that the : oo i The Ronrd' of Trustees for High and Public Schools, Port Perry, met in their room in the School buildings on Tuesdsy evening, 4th Prosent--C. Marsh, Dr. Sangster, Geo. Currie, Major Forman, M. Cuirie, W. T. Parrish, H. Gordun and A. Richardson. Pursuant to the School law, the Seely took the chair, and requested the Board to elect & Cliairman. On motion of Mr. G. Currie, Mr. C. Marsh was elected Chairmagtor the cnirent year. Mr. G Currie, se¢'d by Dr. Sungster, moved that Mr. H Gordon be Sec'y of this Board for the current year Mr. Ebel: entered and took seat. Mr Gordon, sec'd by Major Forman, moved that Mr. Parrish be Secretary. Mr. Parrish ws declared elected. On motion of Major Forman, sec'd by Mr. G. Currie, Ms. Brown was elected Treasurer. Major Forman moved that the Committee of Scho] Management consist of Messrs. Marsh, Mundy and the mover.-- Lust. Mr. M Currie moved that the name of Mr, Mundy be struck off and that of Dr. Sangster inserted --Carried Major Forman moved that the House and Greunds Committee consist of Messrs. G. Currie, M. Currie, and A. Richardson.--Cai~ ried. Major Forman moved that the Finance Com- mittee consist of Messrs. G. Cuirie, Brown and Gordon -- Carried. It was suggested that a Grievance Come mittee be struck, after an informal discusssion no action was taken. Mr. Mundy entere ' ard took his seat. The Chanman stated that the Head Master of the Sehools compluined that the pupils did not come in so promply at the close of the Chiistmas Vacation as theysought, A Report was handed in from the Teachers oontaining the names of those pupils absent= ing themselves from School during the first week after the Vacation just past, A Communication was read from tbe 'fenchers asking the co-operation of the Board to prevent bors from jumping on pa Sg sleighs, and throwing »now balls on their way': v to and from School, El An ifformal discussion took place' ob mes alvasabi ity of bestowing prizes on pupils under certain ¢ nditions. The Treasurer remarked that the proceeds of Iigh School Entertainments have generally met the expenditure for prizes, but the re~ ceipts fell short Inst year. | Dr. Jones entered and took his seal, Dr Sanzster, sec'd hy Mr Gordon, moved that inasmuch as by decision of the law Courts of Ontario, Public and High School Pupils are under the direct surveilunce and control of the teachers while on their way to or from School, hence the Board of Trustees desire it inst. T 7 1 it d d became first known in Port Bovine said. fo him | any rate, To Mr. McGilliveay --"'arked it dow every occasion, here is the entry which entry when 1 paid the money, told Davis had paid the $20, told Robinson I paid i money ploy and the corn was for kim. HURD TO W'CLELLAN.) ¢ {'ort PEruy, Aug 27, 1878. "Your, &c., "P, A. HURD." (HURD T? WHELER.) " Pore Pegny, 6th Oct. 1878 that will mer: than pay for the corn. * Allow me to suggest that) nin Wheler 4 a room of Bigelow's Store, told what I had beard ; he said I acver employed Hurd nor bad suy conversation with him about the my ter of which. sou #peak, had con, duce great unpleasantness, What is to be done had better be done at once. N wloct or indifference always lead ta the sappoxition that it will never be done d pro- ot k of t EA not know any. hem, vewsation with MoCleHsn about Hurd; wei talked of Hurd holding meetings ; McClellan promised to go round by Port Perry and LE (Hurd Aguin- met Wheler on the train in December, he told mes protest had been! ed, referred ee to Hu matter; | 7 be not seen him, said Hurd ore luvv been \ paid bis legal expenses, [Court itis non-| sv0¥e 10 talk of uy such payments being tegal,] 1 told Whelur that I sud be Whey Asked Wheler for motivy to di between parties, ~ "Let me hear from you, _--y Dus Homo. --Saw our mutual friend st. "TH "16th October, 1878," " My Desk Hoap --I wiw mo at Greenbank and make tig ll vit Walker House or ay wher ae, aeiliotdo er 2 re ey y i Judgment Tor, def all as the noghee of thew dittl mattis forse, We themattt |, Dif. lad-paidethe balance $15.58 Tat , and open rupture | court. 73S Yours, bird A HURD." (PAXTON TO -- (paxmon won.) to Willcox about | "at He says it wil, jo lt a Gel certai no hackdown to him, cum for my Glad: word be some corn at Davis & Robinson's store, did not pay cash at the tim: but got it at cash price to be paid at short time after, saw Mr, have not money enough to pay all my account buat here are 20 and that will pay more than the corp at when I paid at the very time I paid, almost nlways make a note of what I pay, not on: then made, am quite positive I made the never told any oueT held a regeipt for it, Mr Ferris was prescut and saw me pay the To Mr. Cochrane--Ferris was in my em- Mr, Ferric wworn--To Mr. Cochrane-- R member Willoox purchasing corn, got it at Davis & Robinson's, sngg sted the pay- ment of it at 8'vrttim + lest he should have to pty 10 cents a bushel more for it by taking longer credit, Willcox and I went in, saw him pay the money to Robinson, did not see it counted but heard him say here is $20 and To Mr. McGilliviay--Am interested in the farm, get a share of the produce for my pny, this was on Saturday in the afternoon, there were a good many in the store at the time but not being acquainted in Port Perry could not. be expected to know Yue did Apsorr v. WiLoox. --PIf did threshing for def in 1878, plyintiff claims that the seliool bolt wor iT Mr, Cochrane Never Board he amount ofextra. made any largain with Willcox it was with performed. {In an farm, no price wus fixed, 'never '1did for others and whenever they were } | nos satisfied I will pack wp and leave-- | Dr, Series second time no other moved that the 'nt was made, the machine' wrought successful to be i d to the Pablic, through the medium of the Press,that the Teachers have an- thority to enforce such roles as they may deem requisite for the orderly conduct and proper deportment of pupils on their way both coms ing to School and returning home -- Carried. On motion of Mr. Ebbels, sec"d by Mr G. Currie, a vote of thanks was tendered to the Inte Secretary of the Board for bis efficient services ds such. and that he be paid the sum of $10, aud $12 for taking the censns for school purposes, in accordance with a resoli= tion passed in October last.--Carried. . The retiring Secretary. stated that the ne= cessary returns bad been made to the In« spector, On motion of Med beuii sec'd by Dr. Jones, tne sum of $4 wag ordered to be paid to Miss McPhail, for services as Teacher. Mr Ebbels stated for the information of the Board that in thn Model School De partmeng some of the Model School Pupils io teaching clns<es have not beep acting in strict aceords ance with sonnd School dicipline. Messrs Furman and Gordon were called away. Mr. Brown, sec'd by Mr, moved that this Board aiscontin: "in of the funds of the School in Prizes for Intermediate successful pupils Lost. --Yecas, Messrs, Brown, Panigh, nD Richardson, : Mr G, Currie. sec'd by Dr. Junes, that the giving ot prises » pupils of po High or Public Lost. I 7 xs ay -prpile--Lost Fer