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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Feb 1880, p. 1

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- VOL. XXIII, NO. 8. | EEA DV ENERA "PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY , FEB. 5, 1880. --_ . a -- ---- ras are or 7 Port) Ontarie Obaeruer. EE Osh ARR, * x 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, : G . EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, "BAIRD & PARSONS. as TERMS --$1 per annum, if 'paid in ad- 'vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than gix months; and no paper.discontinued until all arrears 'are 8 ¢ t ; oF AVERTING, _-- TTT Ae | RATES ] For each line, first insertion .,% Bubsequent insertions, per line . 'Cards, under 6 lines, per annum «oi. 5 00 _'p@ Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- 'ed, will be at our ris "sdvertisements measured by Nénpareil, aud cha according to the space they oc- cupy. Advertisements received without specific instructions, will be inserted intil forbid and charged decordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants wind others who advertise by the year or half-vear, : R@F™ These terms w strictly «ed to : Job Department. Pamp'ilets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books. Circulars, Business Cards; Bull Cards, &c., of every style and solor, executed promptly and at lower rates than Any other establishment in the County Parties from a distance gutting hand billy, &c. printed can have them done to take home with thaw. 3, BAIRD. .$0 08 . 002 for publication. ill in all cases be H. PARSONS. ; . 4 ¥ aed Prafrayicuai Eaves. H. SANGSTER, M. D,, Physician, geon and Acconcheur. Coroner for the Connty of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, cortier of Queen and Petry Streets. OMce hours from 9a. m; to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs. Geo. Paxton. J. Sur- D ANDERSON. MB MD, FTMS. J; M.C.P.S.. L.R.C.P. Graduate of the University of Toronto, graduate of the Uni vorsity of Trinity College, Follow of Trinity Medical School Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the Royal | College of Physicians, Bdinburg, Physician, Surgeon, and Ace netienr. Odie over Corrigan & Campbells Store (office occupied by the late Dr. Drathwe te), Pot Perry. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aec- couecheur, Office, opposite the town hall Port Pe M. R. (8, Guy's . 1%. MeBRIEN, M.D, land. The kiye RR. it M N TTaspital, London. Eng + adey Oshawa, E. FAREWELT, LL. B, County Crown J. Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorhev, Satlcitor, and Notary Publig. Office Iniely oc- surtad by 8. I. Cochrane, Esq, Brock street, Wiitby. LL. B., Solicitor in ENGL &e. re x YMAN L. J Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, Oshawa. ce--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office 1, Ll. B.,, Barrister, At- Solicitor in Clidncery, {O YOUNG SMITE Lr, tornev-at-Taw nd Insolvency, Notary Public; &e. OMee--MeMillan's Block; Brock street, Whitby. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan A cery Notary Pablie, &c., &c. fice hours punctually from 9am. to 5 p,m. Money 10 [oan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's ltoyal Arcade, PORT PERRY. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton.) rnavant Law, Soliei- cet', Notaly Pub- KF. « Barrister an1 Attol for in "hancery, Conveyan dic, &e, &e. Office over Brown & Carrie's Store Port Perry. BILLINGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary « Public, &c. * Port Perry. par A large amount of money to loan at 8 per cent. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Pentist Office over Corrigan & Camp- | bells Store, Port' Perry. All work done in "the very hy and best style and warranted isfaction . x; 3 Por Perry, March 28, 1877. ©. N. VARS, T: D. 8. by bs inserted on all the latest princi- : os of the Art, and as cheap as the cheap- bat, and as good as the best. Tooth fll with Gold and Silver. Teeth extrac without pain by producing local anmsth- egia, Dentical Ruoms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Ktreet, Oshawa, Hanning & Lally. L SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN . GINgmus, Donghtsmen, Solicitors of Patents. Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. 0, G4. HANNING. 0. W LALLY : 'to Loax --C G:. Hanning. Agent 0, + Moxey G . forthe Frechold Loan & Savings * Oxbridge, March 26, 1879. - - - - - HS enn, PATEN SOLICITOR "AND I Duavdnmiay, Ottawa, Cauada ; ; Tisususts Susinges with | he Pan Olize % lopar ments of | 8 vernmen a rts and the Registration of Trade " Markxand Designs procured. . Drawings, Specifications, and other Docnments noes. AnTipiari e model of the.In | Prince Albert, April5, 1676. Patents tthe Taverne 3 ~ mustuess eawos. INO, & D. I. ADAMS, . ONTARIO BANK. Money, Tard & Insurance CAPITAL $3,000.000 BROKERS, PORT PERRY, FORT PERRY BRANCH. AVE large sims of mohey on band for in SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Investment. Morvigages Purchased. A Suvings Department is now open in connection with' this Branch. Deposits of A number of excellent Farms for FiveDollars ana up wards received and inter= Sale or to Rent. est allowed thereon, AGENTS FOR THE ALLAN LINE Walker House, T approbation and patronage of the public, whether for extent or quality of accomtho- dations is equalled by few Hotels: in the Province and surpassed by none out of the No notice of withdrawal required. GROCERIES, A.A. ALLEY, Vast citite : BOOTS & SHOES MANAGER. r Vv Commercial Travelers, the Traveling ' ? = > Public; Pussoss and others doing business HARDWARE. &c a NE WILL COX = Se u the Villtige' and the general public will Very carefully and marked every article in : «gyi fugip 2 all that can be Motels. I ZARE this opportunity of returning thanks. tp: the many friends and cng. tomers who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and would beg most respectfully to inform them that 1 bave concluded to adopt the CASH SYSTEM ! In my buriness entirely. Having gone over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber having leased the above hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct t in every particular so as to merit the THE WALKER HOUSE find in THE WALKER HOUSE required in the matter of n and moderation in ch the above departments at the Very Lowest Living Profs | JOHN & DAYID J. ADAMS, Office in Mr. Ross' )ntario Buildings, Port Perry. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. wpe-- i Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1870, JAMESLUND, HONEY, LAND & INSURANCE BROKER, )NVEYANCER, Commissioner for taking 3 EI'URNING my sincere thanks to my \ numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Anctioneer during the past cight years, 1 wotild now beg to" offer my services to atl who may have Farin Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright. My long and extensive practice as Auc- rioneer has chabled me to judge the value of Co RE nn NR Far Stock with an acenmey second to MON EY | 0 LO AN none ih the County, and this is of import- Cc ¢ tioneer is not a good anes nx ii the Aue f Stock he may ee In any manner to suit borrowers, Mortgages judge of the value of Stoc iu: MRY Bonght. accounts, Notes, &e., Colletied and lose far more than his fee in any sale, | prom pt remittances made. Bill stamps always on hand. The party borrowing money oats get i : Bi 5 note: ithout commission; at the Lowest rate, and i Sale Bills arranged and note om av 8 Layers bid Ri free of charge. of Interest a yeir (not in advance), and Diya of Sule may be arranged at the he can at any time, just as clreumstapoes v « where Sale Register will permit repay part or all of the principal, On Enver Office, where n Sale Rey the Company binding thems Ives inthe mort- be kept gage to neeept such sum, whether large or Terms Liberal, Port Perry, Sept 4, 1877. s supplied Ww is allowed to W. M. W. small, and apply it as a direct reduction of prineipal, immediately eancelling the interest on the sum paid. No extra charges exacted on auch repayment, Lonns mde from 2 to 2) yenrs on farm, or good p:oductive town property. = 5) 3 Se 0A Of i In all cases where the title is perfect, the ICENSED AUCTIONEER. Al parties' 8 Cp G00 Slight to the borrower. "As 1 2 wishing hs services can call at the gn" ting both ns Agert and Valuntor for "Observer" Ofhce, Port Perry, and arrange for several Companies there can possibly be no days of Sales, | publicity in the transaction. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. If the title is perfect the money will be loa paid here In two weeks after making applica- tion, WM. GORDON, Auet pr, Vi YOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Uxbridge, May 17, 1877. Scott, Thora, Ryma, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, g@y™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given | to their interests. E. MAJOR, JAMES LUND, Braker, &e., Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock nil Bascom streets, Uxbridge. ck A &e. | | \ NID m NE MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can bo repaid in any manher tosuit the borrower. WM GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, {CENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, ete., In the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock, Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punetmally attended to. Debts col- | lected in Cunninglon, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. Also several Improved Farms, arom Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Eank end other marketable Stocks. Apply to o JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e: Whitby, April 10, 1873. NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. HE undersigned would say to the owners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a lagze amount of private funds which he is prepared to invest for periods to suit borrow- ers--interest at eight per cent. Expedition and most reasonable terms assured. 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1877. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money r | on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for Western Caxapa Loan asp Savinas Company. Ho has also been instructed to invest a lure nmount of Private Funds, Inter st Eight per cent No Commission. NF. PATERSON, ay 20, 1878. ic WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer FIVHE Undersigned having taken out a License as anctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to hing -- Having had mnet experfetice in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &e., also Farming lmple- ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &¢, &c., partics placing their sles in my hands nny rely on getting all tor the property that is possible to bring. All orders promptly attended to, sale bills ninde out and sal: notes turnished free o charge Parties leaving their orders at the Onsgnver Office, Port Perry, will receive mmediate unl careful attention, Cliarges Moderate, WM. HEZZELWOOD, * Rag! Port Perry, TTMONEREY [Private Funds,) Raglan, Sept 10,1878, WwW The Subscriber in retufning his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage be- stowed on him In the past would inform the terest. 7 LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &C., pubiie Senertlly_uhut Tvl, hougi . ro- Oshawa rty and moved into the age of Prince Alber d tuto the VL ve: hts whole November 21, 1866. 4 Albert, he will in attention to his business as Contractor, and is low ready to undertake Stone Work, Brick- Laying, Plastering, and everything - connecte therewith. which he will executeon the short- est notlee and in the hest and most durable style, and at the very {Hwest figure at wich a goad dnb ean he done. , Tue st material and first-tlass Workman \ Ba. SPENCE. THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual Insuance Co' Head Office, Whitby, This Company is now fully organised and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Church These & to iisure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company OHN CHRISTIE, . TOWNSHIP OLERK, 0 J suer of Marriage I. Commissioner &c. Offico--Manchestee have now an opportanity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of ec FORMAN, the local Agents of the Company. Our rates . 185UER OF will be found as low as those of any respon- aible Mutual Insurance Company, in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whitby 2 . C. NOURSE, Seeretary. W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES Marriage licenses. One door west of the Walker House Port Perry, Gen Port Perry, July lst, 1874. ENRY CHARLES having been re- ; Aprointe) i Lacense x r sixteen years _ PROPRIETOR. . ber having now fully eu r TE SehscH OE enEive Livery fixes Ringed a stipply of superior Horses and Carri ges, 1s prepared to furnish first class. 3 ¥ e Agent-- duty) continues to fur t Port Perry. WESTERN : 0 On' Moderato Terms. | port perry, Aug. 6, 1878 ap choice ot the market and the ntmoht atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of The Chargesare No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the I have no hesitation in affirming that my prices will bear comparison with the lowest quotations made by those who are continue ally blowing and boasting that they are underselling everybody else in the trade, Call and get BARGAINS jn Cottons. Tweeds, Flannels, Wiocies, and Wincey Shirtings. My Teas are extria good value, and a large Stock of Raising, Currants, &c , Chedp Boot®and Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes in endless vacicty, having been bought before the advance in price, will be sold very low. pé~ Highest market price allowed for Butter and Eggs, ALL GUESTS. No better stable and shed accommodation in the Province. Attentive hostlers, W. HASLAM. Pott Perry, Dec, 4, 1879. Pr PERRY HOUSE, JACOB DAFOE. The urdersigned having leased for a term Utica, Dec, 24, 1879. of yenrs thie comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the ) 5 y convenience and comfort of guests to make | | 1 \ | the Port Perry Ho se a desirable place of | fh entertainment for the general public, Choice | {/ I }) y supplies fot the table and bar. Oounty Council of Ontario. JANUARY SESSION, 1880. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, Jan, 27th. The Council met shortly after two o'clock when the Clerk took the chair and called the roll, The following Reeves and Deplity Reeves who had filed their certificates answered to their names, B otk --Reeve, Malcolm Gillespie ; 1st Deputy Reeve, Robert Cunningham; 2nd Deputy Reeve, Henry Brethour, Mara --Reeve, Philip McRae; Deputy Reeve, Timothy O'Leary. Pickering. --Reeve, John Miller; 1st Deputy Reeve, P, R. Hoover; 2nd Deputy Reeve, Thos, Barnard ; 3rd Deputy Reeve, William Forrester, Rama--Reeve, James McPherson, Reach-- Reeve, Peter Christie; 1st Deputy Reeve Joshua Dobson; 2nd Deputy Reeve Leonard Burnett. Scott. --Reeve, Geo. Smith; Deputy Reeve, Robert Rowlund, Scugog.--Reeve, James Graham. Thorah --Reeve, G, F. Bruce ; Deputy Reeve. C Thompson, Uxbridge Township. --Reeve, J. B Feasby, 1st Deputy Reeve, Benjamin Parker; 2nd Deputy Reeve Charles Gonld., Whitby Township, --Reeve, J. B, Bikell Deputy Reeve, J. L. Smith, East Whitby.--Reeve, R. Mothersill ; Deputy Reeve, Wm, Smith: Oshawa, --Reeve, P, H. Thorn'on; Ist Deputy Reeve, Geo. Hodder; 2nd Deputy Reeve, J. W, Higginbotham, Whitby Town.--Reeve, Charles King, Deputy Reeve, Yeoman Gibson. Port Perry .-- Reeve, Joshua Wright. Uxbridge ~ Village, --Reeve, Isaac J. Gould. Cannington, --Reeve, John Sharp. The Clerk called upon the Council to elect a Warden for the current year, and The stable and yard carefully attended to. Bn J JUHN RUDDY. . Port Perry, Dec 9, 1879. VALUABLE P ROP : y T | | ON RIO HOTEL, Brock st., Whitby : IN THE C. DAWES, PROPRIETOR. The proprietor will spare neither labor nor expense in securing the comfort of his guests, He fuvites all his old friends and the public generally to call and see him, Cranes vo svic Toe Times. Good Livery attached to the Hotel, Whitby, Dec. 4, 1879. TOWNSHIP OF REACH. FREEHOLD VS. ADAMS. NDER and by virtue ofa decree and final order of sale herein, there will be sold with the approbation of Thomas Wardlaw Taylor, Esq., the Master in Ordinary, by Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, at Ray's Hotel in the TOWN OF WHITRY, On Saturday, the 7th day of February, 1880, (uEnCIAL HOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- ' burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience of At the tionr of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, in one parcel, the following lands and premises : the South-east, quarter of lot number 7in the 2ud Concession of the SPENCE, Coxrascror, BUILDER, &C. 1'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in-. Cc. MKENZIE,| LIVERY RICS| ©. MCKENZIE. guests The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected, TOWNSHIP OF REACH, in the County of Ontario, containing 50 acres, more or less. There areon the said premises a good frame dwelling house aud barn, also a thriving PETER HOLT. Cartwright, March 4, 1879, EVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER. By GEO. HOUCK., Having leased the above excellent Hotel it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875. property is well fenced. Terms: 10 per cent. down at the time of sale, and the balance within one month, there- after, without interest, with the option to the purchaser of pay: 10 per cent. down at the time o' sale, sufficient within ane month there- after, without interest, to make up one half of the purchase money, and the balence to be secured by a first mortgage on the premises, payable in 6 years with interest thereon at 8 per cent, payable half yearly. The property will be solid subject to a re- served bid fixed by the Master. In all other respects the terms and condi- ions of sale will be the standing conditions of he Court of Chancery. For further particulars apply to Messrs Lrvs Prausoy, Barristers, Toronto, or to JonN Hoskix, Esq, sarvister, Toronto. UEENS HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts, CANNINGTON, Ox. D. CAMPBELL, : This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to t PrornieTor | t travelers 4 LEYS & PEARSON, 's + Soliei 2&5™ First class Sample Rooms. Livery | Toronto. ON, Yenudors Sorisitors, attached. . T.W.TAYLOR. Cannington, Oct, 20, 1875. ag [Dated January 4th, 1880, A NOLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, Tendersfor Cedar EALED Tenders (marked tenders for Cedar) will be received by the under. signed, till noon of the 9th day of February now next, for the following quantity of Cedar Timber required by the curporation of the PRINOE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR, Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First:Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests, | The tab.e and bar well supplied. W-H. P. . Township of Reach, For the present year, viz : 35 pieces 20 feet long and not less than 1 foot in diameter at top, t Jong not less than 10 inches diameter at top. One half of such timber to be delivered at Mr. Real's, Greenbank, and the other half at Manchester, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Jou ARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. A vsrnoNg HOUSHE, _ (uata ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. HE QUEEN'S HOTEL, N CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, Jan. 20, 1880. | orghard. The soil is a good clay loam and they read the order of proceedings by bullot. The council then proceeded to ballot and the Clerk appointed Mr. Smith of East Whitby, and Mr. Gould of Uxbridge, Scrut~ neers, uncivilized, savage or barbarous, male or | was discovered.on au Englishman's esate, Ee ee Rowland, 3; Mr. McPherson, reeve of Rama,. being _thereapon declared | duly lected, [There were quite a number of « present in the council room who A blush of shame will mantle the. of every lover of Britain and admirer ria ons when he Tinten A " cheered and applauded on the 0 1 e listens to ment.] bs : following humillating = message The Wardeu having taken the onth of | vilmting over the chble © +t Application was made yest - Attorney-General for an injunction to stenini the telephon companies from ing, on the ground that they compete the Government telegraphs, 16 was sti that the telephon companies might taken ont leases from the Post Genel, +4 5 . 4 ad id Can it be that am ~Attorney-G of Qrent Britain or for that part ofany other country claiming to be enlightened would in the latter part of the nineteenth century, seek to impede the march of intelligence, clog the Wheels of knowledge and. prevent the free muiation of intellectual light, It is to be hoped that the Att-Gen. stands alone in his uninviable, position. Britain office before J. B. his seat. -- Whitby Troubling { Postmaster, A lantern jawed" young tan stopped at the Post cffice lust Baturduy, aud yelled out: cok _* Anything for the Wattses ?' George Poteet, our polite postmaster, res plied, No, ther ig not.' ¢ Anything for June Watts ?' ¢ Nothing' « Anything for Ace Watts ¥' ckell, Esq., J. P., took "No.' . + Anything for Bill'Watts 7" can surely never go buck on her former slp « No. Sir! : and full futo line with those who seck fo 16 , Sir. tard if not prevent the spread of intellectoal + Anything for Tom Watts?' light, «No, nothing.' + Anything for 'Fool Joe' Watts 7' + No, nor Dick Watts, nor Jim Watts, hor Sweet Watts, nor any other Watts, dead, living, nnborn, native, foreign, civilized, er Mr W Sweet, veterinary surgeon, Exeter was haatily called to the furm of Mr Farmer to attend to thiee horses, but before hig arrival jhey werd all dead it appears thag a leak in the granary had permitted a large quantity of wheat to escape, and the horses laving access to it ate a lage quant. ity. ee Ae Served Him Right.--At the Nort, hampton Assizes a very heavy sentence has been imposed on a solicitor for breach of trust. The solicitor had embezzled £5,000 and the Judge said that a breach of trust commtted by a man ia the confidential pos. ition of an attorney was a grave crime, and forth with sentenced him to five years' penal servitude, : % EE A Pittsburg young lady, while walking in the streets, mn aguinst a kettlefull of tar which wax being used in laying a new pave. ment, and ruined thereby & valuable: far cloak. It was so far from being a case of the "marry, mary maiden and the tar ® female, white or black, franchised or diss franchised, naturalized or otherwise, No; there is positively nothing for any of the Wattses, wither individually, severally or jointly, now and forever, one and insepurs able.' ; The boy looked at the postmaster in as- tonishment, and raid :-- + Please look if there is anything for John Thomas Watts ?'-- Exchange. -- A Wonderful Echo. We heard lately a thoroughly characters istic story. Some years ago a very fine echo He was proud of it, of course, and excited considerable envy by its exhibition. One of his neighbors, who owned an adjoining estate, felt especially chagrined, but was The first ballot resnlted :--Bickell, 2 ; Bruce, 1: Feasby. 14; McPherson, 5; Miller 4; Mothersill, 1 ; Rowland, 1, Smith, (E.W) 1; Wright, 3- No election. The second ballot resulted :--Bickell, 3; Bruce, 5, Christie, 1; McPherson, 4; Miller, 2; Sharp, I; Smith, 1; Wright, 15 Feasby, 14. No election, The third ballot resulted :--Bickell, 2 ; Bruce, 6; Brethour,4 ; Burnett, 115 Christie, 1; Cunningham, 2; Feasby, 15; Mcpherson, 2. The fourth ballot resulted--Bickell, 7; Bruce, 9; Brethour, 1; Feasby, 12; Hodder,1; I King, 1; McPherson, 1; Miller, 4; Smith, (E.W.) 1; Wright, 2. The fifth ballot resulted--Bickell, 5; Bruce, 5; Burnett, 1; Feashy, 10; J Gould, 1; McPherson, 2; Miller, 5 ; Wright, 2, fhe sixth ballot resulted--Bickell, 3; Bruce, 8; Christie, 2; Feasly, 10; C Gould, 1; McRae, 1; McPherson, 3; Miller, 3; Smith, (KB. W) 1; Wright, 2. 5 The seventh ballot resulted--Bickell, 4 ; | Bruce, 4; Feasby, 10 ; Forrester, 5; McPher son, 3; Mothersill, 1; Rowland, 1; Smith, (E.VoL Smith, (Scott) 1 ; Wright 2. Ninth Ballot--Barnard, 1; Bickell, 3; | Bruce, 4; Cunningham, 4; Feasby, 12; Gillespie, 1: O'Leary, 5; blank, 1. Tenth ballot--Bickell, 2; Bernard, I; Bruce, 7; Burnett, 1; Christie, 6; Cunning. ham, 4; Dobron, 1; Feasby 9, Higginbotham 1; King, 1; Miller, 1. Eleventh ballot--Bickell, 7; Rruce, 6; Chiistie, 3; Feasby, 9; Miller, 5; Wright, 3. Twellth--Bickell. 2; Bruce, 8; Christie, 5; Feasby, 10; Miller, 5; Smith, (EW.)4; Wright, 1. 4 = i 5; Feasby, 11 ; Sharp, 4 ; Smith, (E. w.)3; Wricht, 1. No election® Before this lust ballot' was taken Mr, Brethour moved that the Clerk leave the chair for half an hour. Mr. Wright objected, insisting that the motion was out of - rder and that the ballot- ing should go on continuously. : The Clerk decided the motion in orderand on bring put was voted down, finding odily two yeas, Messrs, Brethour nnd Swith (E. Ww) The fourteenth. ballot gave Feasby 10; Bruce, 5; Smith, (EB. W) 5; geattering. Y On the fifteenth, Feasby, 12; Bruce 6, were the highest figures, WHITBY, ORT. McCANN & TAYLOR, ProPrisToRs. Every accommodation for tha traveling public, CAUTION! JRRCRER Each Plug of the Myrile Navy! 1S MARKED 2. 8 B. WTR PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. stl TIME TABLE No. 24. Taking ofect Monday, Nov 24, 1879, pe BONO TIME. Trains Going 'North. par Doparc | Am. IB Lett oph ze ers. Toronto, via G. T. R. 2.07a.m* n, ron : 'Whitby JunctionG. 8.35 Noné other Genuine. 'The h ballot placing Feasby within 1 of the goal, the rest scattering. ' Eighteenth-- Bruce came rest. a RE © * € Nineteenth=Feasby, 14; Bickel, 5; Brug 5; McPherson 38, were the highest figures. liour. 3 . Ou the Twentieth ballot, F headed the list with 11; McRae ca 7; Bickell, 5. x lot resulted, Peasy, SEEDS are tiie best In the world.-- 3 4 ess, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N.¥. ddim JAMES Vick Koch 15 Bruce, 1 sGillesple, 1 No choige VI 3 ifl buy the FLORAL A TRE fl ME SI "| Tam i AND Veqrranus Yaron, Feasby, 115 Rruce, 5 Gillespie, i He « ' vings. For 5) Spud in por Twaiity-fourth ballot : McPhersoy 18 Te 3 $1. elegant cloth. In German or | Fésby; 10 ; Bruce, 5. i 108 ILLUSTRATED Montary Magazine. | in this v 1 pha ie In every amber | wi ad ny ne ravings. $1.25 years x Specimen Numibers sent for 10 cents} copies for 25 cents. rtm win Professor--tCan you maltiply concrete | together 7. The class all uncertain that - she has sted the negligent contractor for the value of the cloak. a A college professor once tried to convince Hora e Greeley of the value of classic lanes gunges, The Professor said :--* These lan~ greatly encouraged Ly an Irishman who | went over the lands with the hope of dis~ | covering one somewhere, He declared himself successful in finding the most wound. erful echo ever heard, and stood ready to unfold his secret for a large some of money. | . © ol The the vtho, and |FUASER are the conduits of the literary tress | although there was something peculinr | sree of antiquity. Mr, Greeley replied ome | about it he paid the money. 1 like Croton water very well, but it dosen't An afternoon | was set for bis friends to come and listen to follow that "I should "eat a yard or two of nobleman listened to " the marvelous discovery. 'Huilo I' ened in lead pipes." on -- ----ee Thirteenth --Bickell '2; Bruce, 4; Christie | and the rest lted in giving Feasby 16. Bruce b ns the highest figure-- Scventeenth--Feasby came down to 13 ; Bruce, 7; Smith, [B. W.18; Bickell, 3; agd 'up to 10; Feasby fell back to 9: Smith, [E W.15, Miller, Bickel, Christie, Rowland, &c., divided the Mr, Rowland made an utisuccesstul motiyn that the Clerk leave the chair for Lalf ais stentorian tones the Hibernian who hud | Last yedr thirty vessels employed fn the promised to find an echo, ¢ Hullo! CAME | qc tor fisheries were lost with 240 lives, back from the hillside yonder. * Tlow are qu, or boats, with crews amounting to you? yelled ong of the company, and ccho twenty-two meu, are At present missing 1 5 i a v different kev. | ' pr missing In auswered in ig suspiciously different, Key, one gale alone, that of February, thirteen * How are you?' All went well until just | versels went down with 158 men, leaving | before retiring one of the company putting | 56 widows and 150 orphans. Since' 1830 his hands to his mouth called ont, « Will | 0 poo iin Tost 2118 phi and 405 you have some whiskey 7 Such a question | C0 aggregating in value $1,696,399. would disclose the character of any reason | 4 | able echo. It was certainly too much for! A Brow Up --A despatch to Winnipeg the one discovered on that estate. Judge of | frum Prince Arthur's Landing snnounces the surprise of the party when the answer | that an explosion destroved the Powder and came back in elear affirmative tones, (Thank | Nitro glycerine Wo ks, about one wile from | you, sir; I will if you plense.! The poor | he town. It-is believed to have been due fellow ivho hind been stationed at a distance to an incendiary. No one was killed. to snpply the place of an echo, simply sub. | Almost every building in the town was mitted to too great a tempation., damaged. eA A -- i mee 4 On Monday of last week Thos, Sheltoh, weet Recollections, --¢ My dear,' said al i Boas rece ; South Line, Kincardine, was engaged dn sentimental maiden to her "lover, ¢ or what | hy 3 do these autumnal tints, this glowing foughing sod T he gronnd turned up as nicely asit would in May. Currant and baldric of the skies, this blazing garniture of | the - dying year, remind yon ?' ¢ Pancakes,' other bushes in the garden were budding ¢ -d) ) | 3 he promptly answered, And then she re- {or alized for the first time that two hearts did not beat as one, Cn the farm of Nf. Malcolm Cameron, Stunley, the bgiler ob an engine attached to A-poetesssnys : I fling my past behind me |, (hreghing machine exploded, severely dike arobe That is right. Alwava wear ping, Arthur Wandless, Duncan Me- the past as yon do yonr pannier==b hind. | un, nnd another." The two former Are not And always fling the futare before you ; and | expreted to recovers The boiler was thrown if an erator at a woman's right's convention ! fifty feet. asks you to 'look back into the future,' don't you doit. We make no charge for this advice, A young lady 'who had beeh thatried a little over a year wrote to her mafter of fact old father saying,' "We have the dear- estdittle cottage In the world ; ornamented | i lit repel oo wi ith De met. Sharning Jue ore aircady been Lronght before Congress with lettter aud exclamed, © Twins by thun- that énd in view. Now a mewioridl address. der pa i ed to the United States and House of Repre. er > 4 Aa vin entatives "is being extensively signed by "Tio toficking 'sentiment; " Our first in ry Je 3 Heaven, appeared after an obituary notice slembven of ii Row. Yok, Stace; aud in a Philadelphia paper the other day, Maritirye ae EE ng that A 6 Tather of thashild Gniietnto the [fuken ou Hou, Mr. Mons 1 JE ing Mice hopping mad, Tt wai the thind dexth for the Sppulutot of their Somsiiconsit in theafily and' he dised to khow of the hi wes Re ne to ve Ropuinted ol posed Tn 3 5 | wil i hee flo gu rs therm} * woe tivaty "of commerce between - the, United zone. * .- [States and, Canada, and Including News "How rapidaly'a man loses all interest. in | yyaakand. = The subjitt is Being y politica 'ndd national finance when ho shuts | dineaxséd se insite be eZine Ay and i wh there is no donbt be broug! n the doue 08 his iru thureb; : the. Dominion Parlinment in some shape ee ---- The Montieal Star says :-- Reciprocity appenrs to be looming up in the neat future. Af wo have 'Lefore stated, at the last meeting of the National Board of Trade of the United States, resolutions were pré= sented favoring u resumption of reciprocal trade relations with Canada, © A Lill. bas Tady (fo new gil): "#1 pay B40 yen." | ultirg thro uppronding Scdsion, " Gifl--¢ That fs 'néta enough." Sof on nn Sin «Bit, Denides, 'yod WII git presenth that | . Conve Has --Rub saitall avg them as they don't get every where's Sorat Ester; | coon 48 cut and, nid' on a table ; 1 he. peat a ew dress very "Christinas, aa "$3 | dy "iuh it d pack fo & : Tut again oyery time thiete is baptism in. the on a pickle' m ax follows :-- Oi art fuwiy » - Girt=¢ Bag: Teannot depend-on hs to'n "ghllon OE water'; to six gallons of , | gettmg the last. itmzevery, peacfordcertain | water, half a gallon "Ld When: I sayssa thing | ounces of enltpetry, - Let. the Twenty-first bal 13] eens x ms rel VICKS | Smith (B. W.) 10 ; Bruce, 6; Bickel, 3 ; mean it, 1t bas been the custom i out | in gx gr eight weeks. ne : wig 4 | the others scattering. ~~. |mordly' andaslong us Iivsitswill Dot be | Smoke, to xuity and |11lustrated Floral Guide,| On motion of Mr. McHae, (he clerk |golished." = 5 © ie ae] onk hes -- 7 SEY left the chair for halt an hour--then --- Ha phdonstiogh yofel Wf oi 080. pe "| The New York pos re ET Yo Ln of ent. -- 4 1: € eat Stam In Bgiish oF erman, ond ballot ; -- McP erion, 16: hich, a i -

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