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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Apr 1880, p. 4

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VALUABLE nday--a thing ur- being geked his 0 clergy id: "Ob. as very good; but that beginning with "Our r," I think I have heard some- ~ somewhere that it was ------r---- A carpenter who was always ~ prognosticatfug evil to himself was one day upon the roof of a five-story building upon which rain had fallen. The roof being slippery he lost his footing, and te he was decending to- wards the eaves he exclaimed, "Just as I told you?" Catching, however, in an iron spont, he kicked off his shoes and regained a place of safety when he thus delivered himself: "I knowed it; there's a pair of shoes good hard wood bush. Frame Barn with underground Stables, good outbuilding, also a Dwelling Young Orchard, and a good Well 'Water Privilege. ship of UXBRIDGE. from the thriving villace of Uxbridge, i PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tue nndareigned offers for Sale 200 Acres of Land, being lot 3,°in the Tth conces- + gion of the : . TOWNSHIP OF REACH, 140 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance of the land is There are erected on the premises a Good ood, comfortable frame ouse.and Wooashed. There are on the premises a good, thriving Also for Sale a good Water Power (a never failing stream) and SAW MILL, On lot 24. in the Tth concession of the town- It is abont two miles For further partienlars, apply to WILLIAM "WARREN, Lot 3, 7th Con. of Reach. If by letter pre-paid to Epsom P.O. . Reach, Feb. 3, 1880. \ gone, " Some People Doubt the genui of a Testimonial, but a moment's thought, or a line to the address of the person who gives it, (with a posta! card for reply) will convince any onei-- Gexts:--I have much pleasure in recom- mending Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. I had it Nr Shes for 3 yearsand was never asked for it. My wite tried a bottle fora bad cold, which completely cured beg before it was all used. After this occurred I had con- fidence to recommend it to my customers. 1 am completely sold out and will be obliged if you will sendme 3 dozen bottles at once. Yours, J. KENNEDY. Dixie; Feb. 17th, 1880. : -- a --L Tmagine the horror of an up-town mother whose three-year old daughter addressed her with © Mam- ma, my doll's played out and I don't want any more Jrag dollys or china dollys, I want a meat baby, T -------- A ~----est DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP. Having obtained the Agency of this cele~ bated Soap for Sunderland, Brock, and vicinity, 1 take pleasure in apending the « opinion of rome of our best people as to its merits, 1 have nsed for some time Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by I. L. Cragin & Co, Phila, Pa, and consider it is the best article in the market. It costs a little more than common soap, but less than balf the quantity will do the same work, and its use is a pleasure compared with other soaps. I cheerfully recommend it to all house- Reoepers, MRS. C. KELLY, Faving given Dobbins' Soap a fair and ¥mpartial trial, I cheerfully avail myself of this opportunity te recommend it to the public. It tims no superior. MRS, J. TOCHER Ihave used Pobhius' Electric Soap long enongh to give it a tair and impartial trial, and de not hesitate to say that it is the best wmnd cheapest soap in tlic market. It promises tudo wonders, but it does all it promises, MRS. J. TUCKER. . I destre'all my friends and customers to give this soap just one trial and see how good tthe best soap in the world is. WILLIAM CALHOUN, Sole Agent for Sunderland and vicinity _Bunderland, July 2, 1879. No Man on Earth éan do a gaod job of work, preach a good sermon, win a law guit tor his client, or write a good article for a paper when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerve, and none shonld make the attempt in such a con- dition, What that man wants is renovating «80 to peak National Pills will do it. Try 8 box ; price 25 cents. fe I Eppe's Cocon.--GrATeruL AND Jox- yore. -- "By a thorough knowledge of he natural laws which govern the operations of "digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well select. ed cocon, Mr. Epps has provided our break- fast tables with a delicately flavoured bever- age which may save us many heavy doctors' , bills. Itis by the judicions use of such ar- ticles of dict that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of gnbtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oumsclves well fortified with pure Uivil Service Gazette --~Sold only in packets Aabelled--Taxzs Epps & Co, Homeopathic Chemists, 48, Threadiidedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." "ree of Cost. The most wondheful remedy of the age is Jal 1 simens bef i 'se a I ra of al oe onl and see specimens before going else rich or be he poor it cost nothing to give this oe 1. D CALIFORNIA 4 , Sick Hend- ow Hpi bape, Sour Coming up of Food," Yellow Com- jon, General Debility, Ingctivity and wsinese, Liver Complaint, Jivdice, and _ Bilionaness, for which it is a certain\ind speedy cure. No person should he withont it. Tu -order to prove that it will doall that ve clai for it you are given a trial hoitle of coal, oy 'which will ince you of its traly Risk oe conv 1 5, and show you what a ulal ie size bottle will do. For ate by iy Perry ing ny od Boi y LivetyComplaiot a Liver, i Yo getting ged and framed | 8 Port i meadow, 000d and a properly nourished frame."--] striotly vegetable preparati 4 will : icy nt gg oy " tehdnch (00D FARM FOR SALE HE undersigned offers for Sale that comfortable Iarm being the N. W. § of Jot No. 6, in the 2nd concession of MARIPOSA, Containing 50 Acros, 35 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of enltivation and clear of stumps. There are on the premises a new well finished frame Dwelling House, n log Barn and Stable. A good Orchard and a never failing stream of water, It is pleasantly located about two miles from the Village of Bonya. Title indispntable, Price moderate and terms to suit the purchaser, For further partienlars, apply to the pros prietor on the premises, M. McFARLANE, If by letter pre-paid to thie Sonya PO. Application may also be made to Joseph Letcher, Port Perry. Mariposa, March 2, 1880. AN EXCELLENT PASTURS FARR! TO REN T HE undersigned offers to lease 75 Acres of fine pasture land, one ;mile front the city of Guelph, A comfortable Stone Dwelling House, Stone Barn and Stables, w 1h a never failing stream of water running through the premises. Terms easy and im nediate possession. For particulars apply to JAMES PRINCE, Port Perry. Port Perry, March 24, 1880. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. that Fine Tee undersigned offers for Sal Form, being the South-ha'r in the 14th concessi Township of Reach About 80 acres of which are cleared, well fenced and in a good state of enltivation. The balance is in bush, There are on the pre- mises a good Frame Dwelling and Log Barn, a good bearing Orchard and a Well of fine wafer. For further partienlars apply to the pro prietor on the premises. WM. McDONALD. Epsom P.O If by letter pre-paid to R h 0 HE nndersigned offers to Rent his farm in the TOWNSHIP OF FENELCN, Ahout 43 miles from the railway station -- There are on the premises a good frame Dwelling House and Barn, For particulars apply to ° A. RICHARDSON, % Port Perry. Port Perry, March 24; 1880. PHOTOGRAPHS AKEN in all the i) latest and most ap- proved styles, and finished in that SUPERD MARNER For which our work is J justly celebrated, Pictures enlarged and framed , order in good style. J. LEON ARD » Pliotograplicr, Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1879. THE i w FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. | AGNIFICENT HEARSE BUSINESS CHANGE ! The undersigned having pufohased the repaired and fitted up the premises, Choice BA SIT NN and brought on a large and New Stock OF =r Business of Mgr. I. J. Davis, FARM to RENT.| The farin' contains 100 acres, 30 acres of which are plowed and there are 7 acves of Photographs for $1 per dozen for 30 days Gold and Silver Electroplating done to Opposite Brown & Currie's Perry St. WHITE Hi ood parehased two beautiful sets of Plumes for my pew Weare, 41 which is nicely trimmed In the latest Ameriean style, including two sets of Curtains, Masonic, Oddfellows', and Catholic Emblems, and MourningBo- quets, and SWINE a suitable team of Black Horses, my Undertaking Depart- ment 18 now fully completed, where everything that is necessary to the departed can be furnished on the briefest notice, and on the most moderate terms and at prices to suit the times. Funerals conducted with the utmost decornm, A (nll assortment of Caskets, Coffing, &c. Withont any: exception IT have the FINEST and BEsT APPOINTED HEARSE in Ontario County and equal to ety 1 hearses in style and finish, Furnitare.--A large and well assorted stock of Furniture on hand atall times, cheap for cash or on short credit to good buyers, Pictnre Framing. --Special attention given to this branch of my busi- A full stock of all kinds of Mouldings--Walnut, Ebony, and Rustic Frames to select, from. Thanking my friends and patrons for the very 1iberal patronage given to me in the past, 1 hope by paying strict attention to business, fair dealing, and welling at prices consistent with a reasonable profit to merit a continuance of the same. W. J. N h £@~ Sign of the Big Rocking Chair. Port Perry, May 1st, 1 NTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber has mueh pleasure in informing his customers and the public generally that he has just finshed and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable CARRIAGES CF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. Of the best materal and Workmanship. They will he gold at gnch Prices as will ensure their ready and rapid sale. My manufacture is now being run and ronght after over the larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the manu facture of the ONTARIO CARniaGE Wonks, Port PERRY, still more deservedly popular, p&"AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. <@a JAMES EMARNEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878, Important Announcement. KNEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices! NE undersigned has opened out n good and well selected Stock of Furniture, cons sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribe, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses, Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 cents up. Mottoes Framed complete for 23 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture Frames, Monldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be given. 1 wiil not be nndersold by any in the trade. Pictures flamed and unframed, Rustics and Walnut Frames, prices low, Everything in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &c. ] My New Stock Groceries ! LIQUORS, &C., Would embrace this opportunity of soliciting a share of public patronage CUSTOMERS May rely on prompt attention, Choice Fresh Groceries, every thing in the Provision line, the best Brands ot Wines, Liquors, &e., all at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. MR. MELLIS,. Well known in this section of country, has been engaged to Manage th business. s Port Perry, Ang. 11, 1879, I 22 WON The Undersigned feeling grateful for the long continued, highly satisfactory and still increasing patronage bestowed upon him would embrace this opportunity of retnrning his sincere thanks for the same and takes pleasure in stating that his large and caretully selected NEW STOCK Has just been opened and all are invited to call and examine it, NG fig} 3 Silos is really First-Class as well for style and appearance. JEWELRY FANCY GOODS and STATIONERY: in Great Variety. A Grand Show of Choice Goods Just the thing for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, p&5™ Don't fail to call and inspect my Stock, W. H. McCAW, Port Perr: Dec OFFICE OF THE BROWN & PATTERSON MEG (0°Y. WHITBY, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC.. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains, Nore tne Prace--Queen Street, one door Fast of Mr, Wright's Boot and Shoe Store, Goods delivered Ise in Town, JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Nov. TION! WE ASSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED 1851. CATITAL £800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) fons Each Plug of the GF, Tomo Fiyrile Navy! HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. eV yh e avy J Insurances effected at the Towest emrent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or damage by fire, 1S MARKED T. & B. In DDrenze Letiers. JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1879. {ABINET PHOTOGRAPHS, only §2 J per dozen at McKenzie's Gallery, Port Perry. MBROTYPES, 4 for 50 cents, at Me-~ A Kenzie's Gallery, Port Perry. UTICA AHEAD Ss. Roads & Bridge 1 LL APPLICATIONS for APPROPRIATIONS On Roads and Bridges in the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, For the pregent must year be by Petition, and handed in to the Clerk on or before the first day of May now next. By order, concluded to adopt the In my business entirely. over the Whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, ITARDWARE, &c JOON CHRISTI, Township Clerk. Manchester, March 8, 1880. SEEDS, SEEDS. the above departments at the None other Genuine. |} TAKY thiz opportunity of returning _ thanks to the many friends and cus. tomers who have favored me with their patronnge in the past, and wonld beg most 1especttully to inform them that 1 have CASH SYSTEN ! Having gone Very carefully and marked every article in Tn presenting our Twenty-second Annual Catalogie of Agrienltural Jmplements to the | tarmers of Canada for the year 1877, we do so with moretlian an ordinary degree of pride and | confidence, from the marked favor and patronage conferred upon us, and the steady and in- | creasing demand from year to year fur our new celehrated Farm implements, | We shall continue as heretofore. as manufacturers, to make a specialty of Agrienltural | Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Renper, the Triimph Combined Reaper and Mower, the | Cayuga Mower; the Young Canada Mower, and our new Whitby Harvester claiming a large ! ghaze of our time ard atigtion. | For the last twenty-two years we have given our most careful and undilvided attention to the manufacture and operation of the various achines in use, sifting out the best points, remedying defects, modifying and correcting errors, strengthening Weak points, adapting and tioning every part as our increasing experience has snggested. the best mechanical skill, and our machines pass ander the most c¢arefnl gnper 3 ey detail being subjected to the severest ¢ iticism--and each machine is thoronghly tested before leaving our works, to prove the completeness of every party and there is no difiiculty in putting them in oferation by any person of moderate mechanical 1 ability. Our machinery has heen selected and constructed with a special reference to the manu- facture of our own machines--many tools having been made for this particular purpose, and | not adapted for other work, and oui workmen are educated up to the wants and requireinents | of our maufacture--obtaining a thorough knowledge of the construction of onr machines, and are thus enabled to obtain a higher degree o skill and proficiency than where general manu- facturing is carried on. | We are, therefore, manufacture, adding not only to the perfes | cution--and & consequent reduction of cost. : This principle is regarded necessary in a well regulated establishment, and we are enabled | to turn out our machines with a Ligher degree of perfection, and at prices so low as absolutely to defy competition. i The Johnston E£elf Raking Reaper jou of the work, but also to the rapidity of its exe- that a word of commendation would almoat seem sn- perfious, but as there ave many claiming to manufactore this machine who huve adhered to the old - original Johnston machine, without keeping up to the improvements, that justice 10 ourselves and patrons require of us to state that we have modified it in almost every essen srt, aud for strength, dorahi and equality of cut, in eve «ind and condition of grain; lightness of draught and ease of management--the Johmsto s manufactured by us--stands pre-eminently ahead oi all other reapers. In proof of this position we have only to point to the many First Prizes awarded us--at the Inst Provincial trial of Ontario, which have taken place all over Canada, within the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINE ie now so well known as a Single Reaper, with late improvements, meet all the requirements of purchasers. our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers are hoth first class machines--eanstrineted almost wholly of Iron and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. Das a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front cut bility, and ease of management. . OUR NEW * WHITBY IIARVESTER." As the conntry has become better adapted to machinery, come skilled in the use of machines, First-Class Reaper. Alive to the requirements of the day, Wrought Iron Frame, wich the least possible and so constructed that the frame and table t no perceptible side draft, and no weight upon the horse¥ necks. HE undersigned would take this opportun- T Thor the Ia on ! and would now intimate that with the view securin my of the street, the POST OFFICE, where 1 shall be happy to wait on all parties wishing to purchase. SEWING MACHINES WwW. 3. McG AW. inspect my show room. BAKERY! enabled to Introdnee a more perfect system into all the departments of! and mary county trials | is all that can be desived in a combined machine, and cannot fail to cut; both strong, durable machines, and not ex- celled by any machines in the market for quality of cut, durability, lightness of dra', adapta- and many of our farmers have be- a growing demand bas sprung up fora Light, Durable, we have succeeded in inventing a machine witha earing--with large, broad-faced drive wheel, -- It at the same time, thereby keeping the pitman always in line with the knife, The rakes are driven Tirecy from the main shaft--there being We are confident that we MACHINE | VHEELER & WILSON! ' An Entirely NEN STOCK of Field and Garden Seeds, Just Opened Up. Great care has been taken in thy selection of MANGOLD, CARROT, AND TURNIP SEED. A Choice Variety of ANNUAL FLOWER SEEES, : T MADILL. WORTHINGTON'S OLD STAND. N. B.--Plaster and Land Salt. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1880. : Charge $2, to be paid not later than November 1st, 1880. : GEO. JACKSON, Reach, March 22, 1880. : have succeeded in inventing the most been produced. We have applied for exclusive manufacture, and we respectfully sug; gee this machine before giving thei: orders for the Very Lowest Living Profils ! I have no hesitation in affirming that my Jats Reaper, tak etters patent, est to intending purchasers. coming harvest. The" WI Be po Lo he 3 foi rom its i ¥ ally blowing and boasting chat they are A heavier machines. underselling everybody else in the trade. All onr machines are fully warranted. Call and get BARGAINS in Cottons, Tweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey Shirtings, My Tens are extra good value, and a large Stock of Raisins, Currants, &c., Cheap, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes in endless variety, having been bought before the advance in price, will be sold very low. respectfully solicit a trial of our machines, the money than can be obtained elsewhere. Respectfully Yours, Whitby, Ontario, March, 1871: BROWN & PATTERSON MPG 00. ength and durability of With this list of machines, we feel confident that we ean meet every requirement, and we believing that we can furnish a better machine for ing itin all its parts, that has ever and shall hold our invention, for our own that they shonld hitby Harvester" sipully of the best quality of iron and steel 'it combines the ity of returning his sincere thanks and still increasing patronage bestowed im since opening husiness in Port Perry 3 greateraccommodation I have moved to the shop on the opposite side business th THE SECOND DOOR EAST of ttachments, The Hest Machines Cheap for Cash Repairing promptly attended to. . The public are kindlyinvited to come and Sewing Machine A Oils, &c. C. TUPPER. Dec. 4, 1877, $ CONFECTIONERY &F. HE Undersigned would remind his customers and the public generally that besides Choice Plain and Fancy Breads of every variety, the Best quality of Confec- tionery, &c., &c., he'sapplies everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Port Percy and Prince Albert. Bridal and other Supplied on the shortest notice. Public Teas And other social entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges. The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM upplied by measure to the public. Cakes Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience ot the public, where wre supplied of the best quality, those refreshments and daintics so plensant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather, One of the best Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks, Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. C. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21,1879. MANCHESTER. HEARD'S Carriage orks | 7 AND < GENERAL DPLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. services of One of the best wood-workers in the Pr. fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, * neatness and on short not Customers may rely on' material, latest styles ad manship. Special att ot HORSE SHS G Ye the eas ling. all wo Yiperior work w given to {and the work done soas to & { and comfort of the horse in th, pe All Charges Moderate Warranted, W. C. EARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. Tailoring fs'ablighment ! ! STORE, PORT PERRY. increasing patronage with increased accommodations for carryin on every department of his "business, A regularly received, perior Workmauship, ranted. Port Perry, FiRST CLASS TAILORING JAMES RIGGS. 15, 1876. ments, : fi, good fit guaran Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. WHITBY STEAM MARDLE J. & R. WOLF: ® 267 Highest market prico d for Butter and Eggs. ! ; JACOB DAFOE. Utica, Dec, 24, 1879. 7 A Happy New Year to DESIRE to thank my fberons frisnds ow, 1 ladies in i holstering | th, Up! ng Curtains, . , Loudous, Broug! gizies, of all kinds, , 1am not afraid te a Stage-conch to the pry : "wheel. Go on the i ed cet, ask | 4 GOOD Assortment of Buggies constant] 'Work mado to order with neatness 2. :3°3..C. KIRSTEN, Jan, 7, 1880, 4 | tles, Monuments, &o Dundas £¢ , Whitby, HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable vince, and is now better fitted than ever to or any description of Carriage with dispatch. - All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with Ying the best 15 OVER MESSRS. BROWN §& CURRIE'S HANKFUL for many years of liberal and the subscriber would inform his customers and the general public thas he has got thoroughly arranged 1n his new premises over Mr. Brown's Store orders promptly filled The NewestFashions The Latest Styles, Su- and perfect fits war- JrrnaTcle Tailoring in all its depart- AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest stylesand at moderate rates. A teed, Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. | R. HUGOE. 1 WORKS, . ENDEN, OLESALE and Retail dealers in "Foreign and American Marble Man- nduted Also, for t pttish Granite, Also Building Stone cutto orde". Larned JONNCROTT, : _ Agent, Pott Perry. Whitby, July 20 1874. ; 3a) The Pris Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver; Stomach, Kidneys and Bowelg, and are invaluable in all com- plaints incidental to Females, 'The Ovraest is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of however long standing. Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal. / For Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, BEWARE OF AMERICAN COUNTERIEITS 1 most respectfully take Jeave to call the attention of the [ ublic generally to the fact, that certain Houses in New York are sendin; fo many parts of the globe SPU..100 IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment.-- These frauds bear on theirlabels some address in New York. 1 do not allow my Medicines to be sold in any part of the United States. have no Agents there. My Medicines are only made by me, at 533, Oxford Street, London. In the book ot directions affixed to the spori- ous, make is a caution, warning the Public against being deceived hy counterfeits. Do not be misled by lis audacious trick. as they are the counterfeils they pretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased by unprin~ cipled Vendors at one-half the price of my Pills and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines. 1 most earvestly appeal to that sense of jus« ice, which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, 10 me, and the Public, as far as may lie in thei. power, in denouncing this shameful Fraud. Edch Pot and Box ot the Genuine Medicine, bears the British Government Stamp, with the words "HoLLowAy's PILLS AND OINTMENT Loxpox," engraved thereon. Un the label is the address, 533, Oxronp Strerr, Loxpox where alone they areManufactured. fotloway's Pills and Ointment tearing any other address are counterfeits. . : The Trade Afarks of these Medicines are registered in Ottawa. [lence any one through« out the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be pros secuted. Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, London, January 1st, 1879, MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED = We have recently phlished at 1ew edition of Br. ¢ ulvers ear well's Celebrnicd Essay on the radical and permanént cure (without medicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenis te Marr age, ete., resulting from excesses. Z#~ Price, in asealed envelope, only 6 cents ortwo postage stamps. The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstiates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine 'or thd application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple certain and efleciva 4 by means of which egery sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. ¥ 7% This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address THE CULVERWELL MEL Gil C0. 41 Ann St, New York. Post Office Box 4386. Dissolution of Partnership, TOTICE is hereby given that the Parts 1 nership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the name and firm of Taylor & Seaton, ut the village of Port Perry, as manufacturers of and dealers in Doors, sash and Blinds, has this day been dissolved Ly mutual consent, Dated 12th Fel'y, 1880, . DANIEL W. TAYLOR, signed { 04 SEXTON, ~ v 'Wiryuss, (Signed) N. F. PATERSON. NOTICE. The business of the late firm of Taylor & Sexton will in future be carried on by the nndersigned under the name and fim of Taylor & Burthwick at the old stand. ~All debts due to, and all liabilities of, the late firm will be received and paid respectively by the undersigned. 9 e a D. W. TAYLOR, sined{ GORGE BURTHWICK. Port Perry, Feb, 12, 1880. NEW LUMBER YARD. J. CURRIE FIERS for Sale a large and well selected 8 5 2 LUMBER Of all descriptions. Lath&Shingles. Bobcaygeon g 1 In barrels, always on hand." BEF" Orrick Axp Yann, near the Elevator. Port Perry, May, 28, 1879. Increased Public Accommodation WHE undersigned would snform. the public that he is opening a J Restan In the premises opposite the A Youre vvely | th Se 8 staurant will' v A p a manner which Tet be excelled as it 5 - . wo ¢ A Lr

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