Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 May 1880, p. 2

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-dangorous condition of precious Scugog bridge. The florishes of trumpets about ago, led the unsuspecting zens lo boliovo that era now thoy would be driving along an way permanent as tho ovor- lasting vooks, but in place of that they still drive over a series of rot- n planks which at any moment may give way and usher the aston- ishod passer into tho immediate _presenco of tho inflexible Charon whoso boat will be in immediate re- qusition. The scanty earthworks alroady pladed are being cleaned out as fast as tho water can wash thom and there is not yot the fivst appearance of any move towards the new construction. That genius whom the Lights saw poking in the mad of Scugog when tho lute con- tract was floating must have sunk in the mud for nothing has been heard of him since. Of course, if tho Scugogiuns are willing to run all risks and suffer to be cut off from the markets when these markets are at their best wo necd not com- plain, but it would bo rathor awk- ward if wo should find our County Council indicted some fine mornirg and brought in for a big bill of dam- ages' There is some one playing fast and looso both with tho interests of the people of Scugog and with tho funds of the taxpayers of the County. It certainly would be no exaggera- tions to state that the management of this famous bridge affair is one of the greatest and most costly bur- lesques ovor perpetrated on any County. When tondérs wore asked for filling up of tho central section tenderers wero given to understand that the work must bo completed carly in Octobor, 1879. The given timo doing so short, somo four months, for completing so large a job few people would undertake to do it and thoso who did tender had to tender at a very largo figure sce- ing that the work would havo to be rushed through and materials pro- cured at any price. But when the tenders wore all in the Comm'rs took upon themselves to extend the time for another year, but in place of asking tor tenders for the extend- od time and many would have tend- ered for tho longer time if thoy bad known anything of it, the Com- missioners simply told those who bad already tendered that tho old bridge was to be given to tho con- tractor and the time for completion was to be extended for ono year and asked the tenderers on the spur of the moment to modify their tenders to suit the altered circumstances.-- But this was a matter which required some "consideration and the Com- missioners; for somo unexplained causo absolutely refused to ask for new tenders, gavo tho old tenderers a weok to consider, but ere the week bad expired the recve of Port Perry in going to view tho intersting bridge, found as he says, "a man whom he had never scen before poking in the mud not far from the bridgo and. entering into conversa- tion with tho stranger he finally awarded him the contract without tender or anything clse at $7,300.-- 'The roeve of Port Perry afterwards stated to tho County Council that the work would be dono early in tho present yoar but would not be taken off tho hand of the contractor till October when it will have had 'sufficient time to satlle if thero were any settlo toit. But so far from the work being finished there is no visible aign of a boginning. The ratepayers will hold the Council re- ble. away bis publis position as it is ppossiblo for one tho. position of smother, of busiross rendered a | wound fatal which might otherwise have been successfully cured, the prisoner who was tho cause of this risk is. very from being blameless and cannot go unpunished, How- over nothing need be said about the 'merits of the case here it will soon be before the Courts, before an en- tightened and impartinl bench and an unbiased and intelligont jury, lected. Tho public may rost satis- fiod that justice will be done and the the erimo and no further, ing feature in our country's progress. Where are now the big salt, croco- dile tears shed by tho Globe and its echoes over the condition of our Banking institutions. Theso party patriots seized upon a time when our banks were at their lowest and thoy did their littlo best to make but no hope for bottorness could be ontortained until the Grit Govern- mont wero again in power. Now however that these institutions are in a prosperous and still improving veniontly mum, It must be highly weal of the 'country more at heart than party victory tosce the up- ward and onward progress of the groat institutions of the country the genoral condition of all. To Correspondents. " ExciaNae."--Wo troaled on this subject at some length quite recently and do not care much to again pass over the ground. "Exchange" ought to remember that till a comparative- ly recontdato the Americans had no silver dollar of their own but used the Moxican dollar as a unit of ex change with Britain, Now it re- quired 441 of theso dollars to be oqual in value to £100 sterling, or 44 Mexican silver dollars were equal to £1 sterling. But in time the Americans discarded the Moxi- can dollar and coined dollars of thoir own but the silver of the American dollar was loss puro than that of the Mexican, latter, consequently it required 4863 American dollars to be equal in value £100 sterling or 4.86% £1 sterling. That is the American dollar is 9} per cent less valuo than tho old Mexican dollar. We, 'in Canada, somewhat awkwardly, cal- culate our exchange with Britain on the 9% principle, but the Americans calculato on the number of dollars thoy can get £100 sterling for 486§ dollars or in other words when they can pay £100 in Britain with 4863 American dollars thon the exchange between the two countries is at par and we in Canada would say that our exchange was at 109% which amounts exactly to the same thing wo taking the old Moxican dollar as par unit. If the exehango is in our favor then wo get £100 storling for 80 much less than 4863 dollars and if tho exchange is against us we must pay so much more than 486§ dollars for £100 sterling. A------ Grant or no Grant. It appears that a large number if not a majority of tho republican party in tho United States aro tired of republican institutions and are prepared to get rid of them by vot- ing for Grant. Of course it is no business of outsiders if they should drift back to depotism, but it is rather odd that republicans par ox- cellence should be first to seek to overthrow their republican institu- tions by chosing a King. Let them try a third term and that will be their last torm that they will ever have a chance to choose. King Grant would tell them to mind their own business. Of course tho Demo- eras will have sumothing to say ere Grant or any other elocted but if they are outnumbered or out- witted thoy will have to fall into | line. 2 aes "4 Bad and Fatal Accident. On Friday moraing, 14th inst, "1, is Iriving Mr. Henry bad load of grain for market 'and along the Ors t two miles from Port, for doubtless such a jury will bo se. ! 'guilty punishod to the full extent of Tho prosperous condition of our Banks is by no means tho least cheor- them still lower by broadly hinting that they were likoly to be worse condition the moaners keep con- satisfactory to every one having the for theso are a sure indication of it required 109% of the former to equal in value 100 of tho, American dollars to equal in value they must give for a £ sterling, if froquontly tho subjects of such ac: cidents give evidorico of great pain and anguish while they are really unconscious of it all, there may be groat nervous and muscular dis: turbance while tho connecting link between the point of disturbance and the centro of sensation is shut off. Deceased was a loving wife, a doyoted mother, an obliging neigh- bor and kind friend, and much sym- i! husband, bereaved family and mourn- ing friends, E---- Attention. The appointments made by the Mackenzie Government and thoso mado by the present Government differ in this important particular that tho former appointed for life without the slightest regard as to how the duties wero performed, while the appointments of the latter aro only continued so long as the duties of the office are efficiently performed and no longer ; there is no difficulty in finding numerous cor- roborative proofs of this assortion.-- Take tho caso of Tabb for instance, the assistant Inspector of Weights and Moasures for Montreal. An ir- regularity was found in the perfor- mance of tho duties of this officer, an investigation was at onco instituted and whon it was fairly shown that Tabb's duties were not performed with the regularity required by the Govornment and which the country has 'a right to expect, without furthor ado Tobb was dismissed tho sorvico. Ilad such an occuranco takon place undor tho Mackenzie regime it would have been asserted that tho officers under the Tory party had dono no better than that and that the wholo cry was a polit- ical trick and the officer would have been retained no matter how ho served the country. The present government are made of sterner stuff, when they makean appoint ment it is to the performance of tho duties to which they appoint. There arc one or two other asssistant In- spectors of Weights and" Moasures who had bettor mind their businose. ---------------------- Too Bad. Our dear neighbors south of the lakes look on somewhat suspiciously at Canadian rising manufactures and doubtless wish that the N. P. and all its adyocales wero in Patagonia.-- During theMackenzie regimo Ameri- can manufacturers held Canada as an extensive manufacture slaughter house. The plaguy N.P. bas in- terfered with this and our magnan- imous friends begin to gat .alarmed. Listen to the Buston Herald : + "It seems reasonable to expect, it negotia- tions for a reciprocity treaty with the Dominion are too long delayed, that Canad- ian manufactures will have assumed such magnitude as to be able to prevent the adopgjon of any treaty favorable to the United States," Just so Mr. whut is wanted. ------ ~~ ----t Changed His Base. It will be seen by his advertisement else- Herald, that is just € 3 | where in this issue that Major Forman bas changed his base of business operations hav- ing moved from hie late stand on the North side of Queen street to a store on the oppo- site side of the street, nearly opposite the Walker House. He has taken his son Thomas into the business. Tho change will be found advantageous to both the firm and their customers. We consider that the land- lord that Mr, Forman has now got is a vast improvement on the one he has had for the past few years. This firm's locating on the South side of Queen strect will give a third lively Dry Goods store to the South sido.-- Messra. Corrigan, Wightman and T. C. Forman § Son .aro i busi men and willing to give a customer a fair show. Messrs T. C. Forman & Son occupy the store lately occupied by Mr. B J. Thorne. Give them a call and take part in the bar- gains they are determined to offer in their new premises. 'The change will be profit- able to them and their customers will share in the profit, A Ohange. Wo regret to learn that our efficient aad obliging Division Court Bailiff, Mr. J. L. Watkis. has resigned his position and is about to move from this locality, Inex- pressing regret at the change we think that wo aro jonly echoing tho sentiments of the entire division, for all who know anything | of him will admit that he was active and prompt 1a the discharge of his dutics, doing justice to all alike'; and it is something de- sirable to have a public officer who knows his position regards himself as a public servant and is willing to perform his duties , | oe such and not as too frequemtly happens with most public officers seeking to lord it over thepublic ,whom they are appointed to serve. While all regret that Mr. Watkis has made np his mind to leave all will wish "| him much success and prosperity in his new field of labor. eal A Jeo. Millinery us it shonld beat, T. 8. pathy is felt for the disconsolute' "Prepare for Queen's Birthday. Princo Albort is to ole ond quarters Hor this section of country ; the preparations for a big day are complete and a rousing gath- ering may be expected. (See Posies) Manilla Station Taking the Lead. grand muster. entertainments. (Sce posters). re § es Little Britain to the Front. directed as to secure the enjoyment and con. a good time. (See posters). -- ee 4 ee Accident.--On Moaday night about 11 log badly broken by the fall. still on hand and bad (he limb sct on shor notice. Seo Mr. I'rick's new advertisemen next week. He has something that'all wan in way of Summer Doots and Shoes. H makes fine work a specialty. Sco bis com- plete stock | of Ico will. pleaso lcavo their orders=a Madill's store. on Tuesday last. It appears that he wa about 300 Ibs. when the barrel slipped com Dr. patient is not yet able to be around. mers eli Something Attractive. See Jones Bros. & Co's new Advertisemen in this issue. The crowds that visit thei establishment are the best of all proofs o attractions offered snd favor of the fairs one, (Sve their Adv). er ----eeee peg, Gent's clothing a specialty with T, 8. Corrigan, I ---- - Diminishing the Crowd. well as the present number, 24, and be mucl less expensive on the country. the teeth of the presiding Judge's advice no to re k a diminution in number but just le the big number alone. for. the reduction all the same. seven or dispensed with altogether tha matter will be set right. Whatever attemp which infest all our official bodies from ou particular body should be lect alone, no more palaver 'Lut will demand and en force the 'y reductions wh is advisable. Corrigan and save money. EE Europe. European affairs aro sliding along aboul tho fight has been taken out of the several their castors into the ring, tightening thei in politics there. A Berlin dont + aid. names of to the G is believed the Popo is inclined to gfve In, as in' Westphalia, and were present. The 'speakers abolition of the May laws, th the priest's authority, ete, otc. mesiings a td Still Improving.--Mr. B Harper Tot 45 in the con; of Reach--near Manchoster-- still pushios forward Lis somewhat costly but stmt Vaprovouenty Commencing at The inhabitants of this prosperous and lively village are making things lively and the timo is not far distant when that will be one of the leading and most important business centres in that whole region of country, the activity, liberality and intellig- ence if its people are the best of all guarntee for its prosperity. They bave gota com- plete programme for the Queen's Birthday Celebration and they will Coubtless have & The entertainments are to wind up with one of King Keunedy's best This interesting and rising village is manifesting her spirit and loyalty by an attractive and entertaining serics of games and sports and every thing is; being so venience of all who take part in the cele- bration, and no labor will be spared to make this celebration worthy of the occasion. they look for a large turnout from the sur- roundings and they deserve if, they will have o'Clock a party named Sleep having just re- turned from Princo Albert bringing Dr. Ware to sce' a patient in the first concession of Reach, when returning home on horse back along the second concession line one of the horse's fect went into a hole he stumbled, throwing his rider who had a 'The Dr. he bad just brought a few minutes before was -- ee te Keep Cool.--Parties wishing a supply Accident.--M:. T. Madill, merchant, Port Perry, had his right knea badly bruised handling a barrel of Water Lime weighing ing down on him injuring his right knee Anderson, was at once culled, but the bargains secured. Their Millinery Show Room has sccured the We are pleased to notice that the Grand Jurors at Guelph and also at Braptford strongly expressed the opinion that 15 Grand | Jurors would answer every purpose quite as This was in 'The Jurors, however, would listen to no such counsel but went in Certainly is made to reduce the unwieldy numlers | Counties' Councils up to and including our Dominion Parliament, there are always some interested parties to get up and oppose the reduction of this body or that, they are will. ing that all the rest be reduced but this Thus the simple taxpayers are led by the nose from year to year allowing the mischief to go on until almost every second man you mect is an official of one grade or another.-- If the taxpayers are wiso they will listen to such p25 Buy your Boots and shoes from T. 5. as usnal ; a great deal of the bluster if not of powers, and the few bullics Austria, Ger- many, Rusgia and Britain who have been swaggering around for the past year, shieing bolts and even sparring have been entirely quited down and the unwilling Janus is re. tnctantly closing the doors of his temple.-- The priestly element is begining to mingle ng on | the church question says hundreds of. par- ishes are without priests. No new ones can be appointed until the bishops submit the It he feacs the power of the Papacy in Europe might be shaken by a longer delay, To re- establish this power, the Pope is said to be willing to make for the moment sacrifices. -- A meoting of Catholics was beld at Dorhund 20,000 people od the | ition of | yyejy ataten that ho has lied nor hag any of us made an apology during the past twenty-four hours. The new Premier had scarcely finished his "hats off" and numerous genuflcctions to the tyrannical Austrian when a writer in the Fortnightly Review comes out with a scathing article on the tyrannical Hapsburgs. This is the style in 'which he winds up his article "The Austrians," he says "have abrogated the old iniquitous system of tax-farming, but they have wrung more taxes from provinces half ruined by the civil war than the Turks did in the period which preceded it. They have removed the religious disabilities that | weighed upon the Rayab, but they have sub- stituted an anti-national persecution felt more keenly by the Serbian bulk of the population than was ever the contemptuous bigotry of a Mahomgtan caste. They have put an end forever to the wholesale murder and outrage ofa reign of terror, but they have brought with them the slow and subtle pois- on which exhales from their own political corruption." The present is a truly gay time in London; the Queen is at Buckingham and levees and drawing-reoms are of daily occurrence and nothing could excel the gandeur of the dis- play, nothing more brilliant could be con- ceived of, Distress and actual starvation still reign in Ircland to an alarming extent, hundreds nay, thousands are destitute of food with scarcely rags enough to cover their nakedness Such is life. en Through the Fire. Our respected cotem the Fenelon Falls Gazette camo to hand on Tuesday last with colors at half mast as a result of tho late disustrious fire which took place in that village on the 8th inst, when some eight or ten buildings fell a prey to the devourer, and we regret tostato that the office of the Gazette was amongst tho victims of the flames.-- We arc pleased to know, however, that our confrer's loss is at least partly covered by insurance, Of course it will cause a world of trouble and annoyance and be somo time ere our cotem can possibly get into thorough working order but all will patiently await that event, and while the pecuniary loss both direct and indirect must be consider- able there is cause for thankfulness that it is not nearly as bad as it might have been.-- We wish the Gazette long continued uscful. ness and increased prosperity. ee ee Photography.--Now is the time when nature wears her spring clothing, to have t t t © t views taken of the many fino residences which adorn this and the smrounding muni- S| cipalities. Mr. II. McKenzie is now engaged in taking such views and we should suppose that parties owning fine residences would be pleased at the opportunity of getting a number of such views. After one is taken they can be multiplied at a very small cost. All know that Nr, McKenzie cannot be ex- celled for the good taste and fine appearance of his work. Go to his rooms and see what he is doing, all are welcome, etl 00 AT OA. The Creat Sculling Match has como off at last Hanlan having it all his own way. EE I a LES A Worthy Presentation.--At the regular meeting of Warriner Lodge I. 0. 0. F., Port Perry, on Monday evening 17th inst, the brethren embraced the opportunity { of manifesting their high reepect for their | esteemed brother Rev. C, A. Simpson © and their appreciation of his valuable services as Chaplain of the lodge by presenting Lim with a highly complimentary address and a handsome Chaplin's Jewel. t r f 1 t t Advancing Backward. The Assessment Roll of the town of Peter- boro for 1880 has just been returned and to this is a move far in the right direction and | the Ezominer and other N.P. Phobisisn cheer- when the Grand Jury; -is reduced to | ing retrograde movement inall the principal interests of that apparently forsaken town is | most palpable. It appears (hat the numder of rate payers returned this year is 100 less than that of last year." The total value of real, personal and income is returned ubout $48,000 less than last year.. The only item showing an increaso this year over the past is that of dogs which is 310 this year while last it was 320 ; ro that it would appear as if Peterboro is really going to the dogs. An enemy of Peterboro, if she bas any, might rejoice at such a picture but it would be difficult to find apy thing in it calculated to give comfort to a journal published in that town, t t r pen, T. 8. Corrigan is offering bargains in Dress Goods, Cotton Goods, Embroiderics, Sunshades and Hats. -------- 'Who will Fill the Vacant Places? A special to the Star says :--Rumonrs.-- Orrayw, May 15.--Hon, Sidney Smith is mentioned as the successor of the late Hon. George Brown in the Senate. The Citizen, says, there is no intention to make any changes in the Cabinet at presont, but rum- ors are still rife, Messrs. Caron, Stephenson and Costigan, are still here advancing thei® claims. Another rumor says, Dalton Mec- Carthy will become Minister of Justice and run for west Toronto, Robinson getting the collectorship of that city. The Lieu--Governor of Ontario whose term of office has now expired, at the request| Oo of the t will hold office till July. It is regarded as certain that the Hon. J Beverly Robinson will be his successor and that Angus Maprisonwill be appointedto the vacant Col Mr, J. Sy has succeeded his brother Hon.Geo. Brown as managing Direc- tor of the Globe printing Co'y. -", -- A Bright Prospect; for Taxpayers The London on Eeonawia sass 3ir, Glad- | 90d ost cautious as well ithe most, t 1 r " = The Prige of Bread. The value of exports of Brendstafls from America to Europe for April was $21,677, 000; April last year, $14,169,000; ten months ended April 30th,$207.307,000; samo period last year, $149,086,000. These are certainly good paying customers; what by would we do without, thom? rp -------------- + Use McGlashan's Family Pills for all 'bilious disorders. . or -------------- cd A Magistrate on bis Dignity. Our readers will remember thata few weeks agoa lady teacher in one of thepublic schools of Toronto, in presence of.the whole class called a young woman of 16 years a loafer and other such names, The injured employed the' services of Mr. Murphy 'who brought the matter before the Police Magis. trate. The caso came up tor hearing but the 5s Magistrate. in his' dignity refused to. take | - down all the evidence for the prosecution, taking down in fact only as much &s he deemed proper. all the evidence bo taken down and when the magistrate refused the counscl secured an adjournment until he could secure a man- damus to compel his mightiness fo take down the evidence, The result of this jangle will bo watched with some interest for if Magistates areallow- ed to take down Just such evidence as they | please then farewell to Magistrate's courts. Pectoral Balm cures Coughs, Colds, &e., prepared in 25 cent bottles, by C. ©. Me! (ilushan, Chemist & Druggist, e+ ree Moasures Again.--On Wedensday 12 th inst. tho Inspector of weights and meas- ures for the city of Montreal caught quite a number of dealers in that city using the old measures and brougnt them all to grief. Such should be a warning to others. -------- Puro White Hellebore, at C. C. McGlash- an's, Drug store. eee leet. Tne 66th Regiment.--It appearl that this regiment prefor the Sunday dril tor when the Col. informed the men that Battalion drill would take place at Loagn's Farm, Snnday next, every man to be in the ranks at 1 p.m. sharp with twenty reunds of blank ammunition the men cheered wildly for five minutes. A large number of citizens aro expected to be present Sunday next on Logan's Farm, ee. Another full linc of Gibson's Celebrated English Candies, at the Port Periy Pharmacy, C. C. McGlashan, Chemist and Druggist, ----- Rather Singular. The Spectator observes a veryr emarkuble feature in the recent parliamentary elections in England and certainly it does appear singular not a Roman Catholic has been elected for any constituency in England. And yet the religious question was no where raised ; Jews were elected ; secularist, John Morley, was not challenged 8s to his religious creed ; Bradlaugh, the avowed infidel carried Northampton to say nothing of Labouchere and several others who at lcast think freely. Probably the general absence of Catholics from the Lng. lish majority has no significance, but it is peculiar. pl Pure Citrate of Magnisca and cavefully prepared Scidletz Powders, at C. C. McGlash- an's Drug Store. ---------- Ice! Ice! Ice l--Any quantity of choice Ice. Leave your orders for Ice at Madill's re eel @ lee cn. The Dance of Death. Axcora, Ind, May 16.--Early yesterday morning while Mrs, Smith was attending a dance, ber house was burned, and her three children, aged 5, 9, and 14, perisded, Daniel Fry, intoxicated, sleepinig in the cellar, was a'so burned to death. ee eee Abel's Freckle Lotion, for sale by C. C. McGlashan. ee --, Burned Down. - Miron Pa., May 15,--The churches burn-- ed yosterday were the Presbyterian, Baptist, Catholic, German Reformed Lutheran, Methodist, Evangiligt aud Covenanter ; loss $100,000 in church property alone. The hotels were the United States, Hoff House and Broadway, worth $60,000. The most costly buildings destroyed were the car works and Rebe's tannery, valued at $200, 000. Aboutsix hundred buildings, being two thirds of the town, were burned. Insurance about $300,000. Only three buisness houses out ofa hundred ate standing. Casualties so far reported are three wonien, one man, and two or three children burned to death. Another account says :--A fire started on the mornig of the 14th at 11. 30 o'clock in Murray, Donnogal & Co. car-works, and in a short time the works were in ruins, The flames were fanned by strong wind. and leaped from building to building and into the very Leart of the place. Help was tel- egraphed for to all cities within reach and several engines responded, but could do little towards checking the flames. House after house fell a victim to the raging clements until between 500 and 600 wore & mass of ruins. The two banks, all the churches but ong, the news paper offices, and all but three business places were destroyed. DIED. At the emily residence, 8th con. Drock, on Saturday, ; beloved wife of John lal em -- ex. M. P., for North Ontario, in her 69th year. Deceased enjoyed a long and peaceful life, lived to good purposeand though in a quiet, unostentations way she was the mesus of doing much good and did her part*nobly to- wards the general weal. Hor amiable @is- position secured for her the respect 'and She was a loving mother, a true friend, and wn xem lary mjember of society. A soft gentle breath wafted her peacefully from the tn to the unknown shore. She | | leaves a loving husband, an interesting family and a vory largo circle of relatives | | Mr. Murphy demanded that : the literary | eteom of all who enjoyed her acquaintance. |G 'will meet, pursuat { Court House in the Town oi Wily, o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, the 1st proximo, All accounts, - "to be acted upon during the session, must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 20th inst. ~~ JOHN SHIER. i1| Cotinty Clerk's Office, 1: County Clerk. HL Whitby, May 18, 1880. . : at2 of June Gani (ial Oana River, NOTICE T0 CONTRACTORS EALED TENDERS, ad addressed to the un- dersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed * Tender for Works, renville Canal," will bo received at. this Qfive until the 'arrival of the (lastern and Western mails on THURSDAY, THE. 3p DAY OF JUNE next, for the Construction of two Lift Locks and otherworks at Greece's or lower entrance of the Grenville Canal A map of the locality, together with plans and specification of the works to be done, can be seen at this Office and ab the resident Engineer's Office, Grenville, on and after Tuunspay, Tie 20Tn May, instant, at either of which places printed forms cf Tender can be obtained. Contractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and--in the case of Arms--except there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation and residence of each mem- ber of the same; and further, an accepte bank cheque for the sum of $2,000 must ac- company the Tender, which sum shall be for- feited, if the party terdering declines enter- ing into confract for the orks at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the 1espective parties whose tenders are not accepted. For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose tender may be accept- ed will be required to make a deposit equal to | fige per cent. of the bulk sum of the contract within eioht days after the date of {the notifi- cation. The sum sent in with the Tender will be considered a part of the deposit. Ninety per cent. only of the progress esti- mates will be paid until the completion of the work. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, Ly order, TF. BRAUN, 3 Secretary. i J) 23-2w Court of Revision. Dept. of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 13th May, 1880. HE Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township of CARTWRIGHT, For the present year will' sit at the Town Hall, Williamsburgh, on Monday. the 81st day of May inst, At 10 o'clock a.m ; of which all persons in- terested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, WM. LUCAS, Township Clerk. 22-3w Cartwright, May 8, 1880. EATRANCE EXAMINATION ! HE Examination of pupils for aimission | & 1o the PORT PEERRY HIGH SCHOOL, Will be held on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, THE 29ru AND 30tn DAYS OF JUNE, At the hour of nine in the morning of each day. It is indispensable that candidates should notify Mr. D McBride, M.A, Head Master, of their intention to present themselves for examinapfon, not later than the 20th of May. JAMES McBRIEN, Sch, Insp, Co. Ont. May 4, 1880. 21-8w CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Tenders for Iron Pridge Super- . structure. Ty ENDER regsed to the undersigned will be received np to noon of SATURDAY, fe 1078 MAY, next, for furnishing and erect: te Tron Superstructures over the Eastern and Western outlets of the Lake of the Woods. Specifications and other partienlars will be furnished on application at the office of the Engineer in Chief, Ottawa, on and after the 15th April, By Order, F. BRAUN, Dept. of Railways and Canal ad Ottawa, 1st April, 1880. TO RENT N the Village of Manchester, a-Dwelling. House and Stable and one acre of land attached thereto. Rent three dollars per month, Appl, Yio RS. HENRY LYLE Manchester, April a 1880, | 17-6w JUST TO HAND AT An TT LAND ROLLERS 2 SEALED TENDERS addressed ! ih nea or Gat ini Ontario a od Canal" wi ilfbes Pron' or the AUESDA YEE orn Dax SUNK nxt o construction of swing and stationary 3 at various places yy the line of tod Welland nal. Those for h bination of iron and oor: and Folly E Tile refeaion nd eral conditions gene! or be seen at this office on and after MON- DAY, THE Bist DAY OF M MAY next, where Forms of Tender can also be be obtained. - He a oa Tac nowledge of works of He ested to bear in mind that ae will 04 J considered unless made strictly in accordan th the printed forms, and--in the case of a pt there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occu-~ pation, 3 residence of ench Tnember of the ame ; au rther an 'accept ue for a sum ¢ al to $250 Tor each eK doe, which an offer is made, must accompany each Tender, which sum. Shatl bo forleited if tho tendering declines entering into con- Po for the work at the rates and of 1 terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to tho respective parties whose tenders are not accepted, For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is proj to skeen Avil be notified that hele os er is accepte Sublesh to 8.doposit of 7 cent. of the bulk sum of the epee ich the sum seat in with the tender will be considered a part--to bo deposited to the credit of the Receiver Geers! within eight days after the date of the not! Ninety per cent. aly of the o8tl- tates will bo paid until the pith i hog of the work This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, By Order. F. BRAUN, Secrotary. Derr. oF RatLwAYs & CAn4vs, iid Ottawa, 20th March, 1880, 17-10w WELLAND CANAL. Notice to Maghinist-Contractss, RALED TENDERS addressed to the un< dersigned (Secretary of Railways and Canals) 'and endorsed * Tender for Gates, Welland Canal," will bo received at this office until the arrival of the Eastern aad Western Mailson THURSDAY, the 3rd day of JUNE, next, for the construction of gates, and the necessary machinery connected with them, for the new locks on the Welland Canal. Plans, Specifications and General Condi tions can be seen at this office on and after THURSDAY, the 20th day of MAY, next, where forms of tender can also be obtained. Pagties tendering are expected to provide the special tools necessary for, and to have a practical knowledge of, works of this class, and are requested to bear in mind that tenders will net be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms,and--in the case of firms--except there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupa- tion and residence of each member of the same ; and, further, an accepted bank cheque for a sum equal to $250, for the gates of each lock, must accompany each tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the party Jragering declines entering into contract for the worl at the rates endon the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted, For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or partis whose tender it is proposed to accept will be notified that their tender is accepted subject to a deposit of five per cent. of the bulk sum of the contract--of which the i sent iu with the tender will be considered part--to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General within eight days after the date of the notice. Ninety per cent.only of the progress estis mates will be paid until the completion of the work. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, £. BRAUN A cretary. 17-9w Dirt. oF RAILWAYS & CANALS, Ottawa, 29th March, 1880. Ca Pacific Railway, TENDERS FOR ROLLING STOCK. peibess arc invited for furnishing the Rolling Stock required to be delivered on the Canadian Pacific Railway, within the next fonr wears, comprising the delivery in cach year of about the following, viz :-- 20 Locomotive Engines. 16 First-class 'Cars (a proportion being sleepers). 3 20 Second=class Cars (a proportion being sleepers), 3 Express and Baggage Cars, 3 Postal and Bmoking Cars, 240 Box Freight Cars, 100 Flat Cars. 2 Wing Plows, 2 Snow Plows, Tae WHOLE TO BE MANUFACTURED IN 7THE Doutyion or Caxapa and delivered on the Pacific Railway, at I URQUHART'S FH

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