3 ia said, and with much truth, hat eternal vigilence is the price d tor the itenance of liberty _ und it is no rue that the march ot progress ess if only maintained through liberal ie JT ex- penditure, this is trae # wellof in- dividuals, incorporations and wountries, the button pocket and 'spend no more theory is the worst economy and most wretched policy that could be adopted, we mean judicious and well directed outlay all else is a frand. The corporation of Port Perry has oxpended or.ragher ran its face libor- ally in the past, it incurred a dobt of twelve thousand , dollars for school buildings, and while none of the principal is being pailit takes $720 a your to keep up the interest. A further debt o1$10,000was incurred "inthe erection of a'l'own Hall and while none of the principal js being paid it takes $609 a year to keep up the interest. Another $7,000 of debt was incurred for fire apparatus and other necessaries and it requires $420 a your to keep up the interest of this. These expenditures were proper and necessary and wlhile it certainly wonld have been better had some provision been made for pay- ing some part of the principal from year to year people don't complaim much of the arrangement. But what ehall we say of the blundering, reckless extravagance of those who ran the corporation in debt to the amount of $20,000 to help the gen- erous railway ring to extend their line and rob the village of half its trade. Of course tha. members ot the ring and their hired help while hoodwinking the simple rato- payers, were reckless of truth and painted the prospect in glowing colors, and when a majority could not be caught by rubbisit an nnspar- ing amonnt of fibhing was hud re- coarse Loin order to create a jealousy of Reach ; and if Port Perry did not bleed the extension was to go by Manchester. This bronght sufficient strength to secure a majority for the grant. Lake Scngog wus to be whitened by the sails of timber, lumber, eordwnod, and mineral laden fleets coming to Port Pery toun- load and this wonld empldy gangs of men. The extension wns to ha the very life and hea'th of Port Perry, town property would rush up, every vacant spot would be built right np, and to set a worthy example Holden was to erect a magnificent brick castle or palace on his Queen street fot, and in order to make the bauble more attractive he even asked for estimates for the work ; bat ro soon as a majority ot the ratepayers had voted the coveted $20,000 Holden's castle was found to be blow and not brick, it vanished away and a seven by nine wooden structure was trott- ed on to the premises. The magni- ficent fleets laden with freight never had an existence ex- cept in the roaring imagination of the hired and interested advocates of the extension, Scarcely had the ex- tension been completed when the company pooled with the Midland and sent the lnmber and timber traffic by that line, so that all the tremendous handling of timber at Port Perry went with the rest into thin air, and all that was left to the town was the pleasnre of paying $1,200 a year igterbst and rome day $20,000 princifl for exiending the roal to take away onr trade. Some may say that a deed done has an end, and there is no good in erying 'over spilled milk; but $20, 000 is a rather costly spill and in order to avoid farther blunders it is necessary to be reminded of the past; and in this case we have twenty thousand reasons for remembering this king of blunders, We we have already paid 84,800 including the rate about to be collected, for in- terest on the extension farce, -- Parties who get badly bitten are apt #0 rush to an opposite extreme and shut dbwn on bonases which is cor- © tainly a.w questionable pro- © ceedure. 5 4 bonus of $2,509 isahont to be from the rate payers to assist in building a roadway across the a, ng to Cartwright, and it will be ratepayers calmly to ponder they consider this a investment, It is a plain bue- transaction, will the additional bronght to Port Perry by this shortened and vastly im- We the pay in ten] 'worth $2,500 to the | them Suppe { 2 vig each son of toil has an aris- | tocrat-in bisarms po ps rig ten Turkish battalions under Riza Pasha gainers by tho change. All this, are Bs coat) " and much mo Die alten ae more profita. lo io between that he cannot consent to order the Manvers, Cartwright and Port Perry. It wonld only then bo a short and pleasant drive and the great expense ot keoping those long, rough reads in passale repair would be saved to the several 1ownships, "The W, I. DP. &T R Coy is we surrender of Dulcigno unless he naval + jon. J dq 1 by 8 P circles consider that theSultan thereby adand. ons the pretext of resistance by the Albanians, and determines to oppose the surrender in 'his own name, It is asserted that the Sultan was led to this change of attithde by learn- ing that the powers had arranged that after Fire Amongst the Barns. About this season of the year the dis- agreeable frequency with which fires occur in farm ontbuildings is not a little alarming and seems to call for increased vigilence on the part of those concerned. It seems a very simple when there appears any diffi- culty about the cause of the fire to throw the blame on that broad shouldered individual, the incendiary ; but in nine out of every ten cases of such fires it may be asserted that 1 of the igno q they shall proceed to Volo to coerce the scttle- ment ef the Greek question. § believe, pledged toa wrant of $5,000 towards this rordway, and they will not like to go back on their promise for the trifling sum of 85,000, bosidos : it would be contemptibly mean to attempt to creep out of it, had they any desire todo so--atter Port Perry having acted so recklessly generous towards them. ---------- 'Welcome Home. The stupid Turk might have known better from the beginning when in order to escape the rapacious grasp of Russia he voluntarily placed himself in the hands of no less rapa- cions protectors Germany, Austria, and Britain all of whom had as good an appetite for Turkey as Russia and tried to keep it from Russia that they might get it them- selves, and they certainly would have gone into the division ere now had not mutual jealonsy stond in the way, and now the whole pack of them are rendered ridiculous,' The poor Turkey is doubtless cornered but it he get his back up even now the spoilers will have some trouble ere thy secure their pry. Theaverage Turk, the great body of the people have little real cause for anxiety as to results; their govern- ment is about as oppressive and tyrannical as need be ; but whatever division may take place the toilers won't find their circu- stances much if any improved, and if they fall into the toils of either Russia or Austria they will be infinitely worse--greater drudg- ery and less reward. Tarkey has now one and only one chance, let them to a man rise and defend their own land, drive their oppressors from power and set up a government which will rule for the benefit of the great body of the people--the sons and daughters of in- dustry and toil. The Britishers are not much taken up with the farce tor according to the London Globe an indignation meeting, under influ- ential auspices, will be held this week against the un-English developments of Minister's foreign policy in connection with the novel demonstration in Turkish waters. The meeting can't be held an hour too sootl, Queneo, Sept. 25.=~Tho Allan 8S. "Sar- dinian," Captain Dutton, from Liverpool, 'ar- rived in portat 9.05 to-night with Sie John Macdonsid on board. It is needless to state that there wasa feverish anxicty over the entire country to learn from Sie John's own lips what had been the fate of his great Pacific Railway construction scheme, and th's anxiety was participated in by all of whatever shade of politics barring a few party orazy Grit jonrnalists who would mther see the country go to the dogs than that victory shonld rest on the standard of their opponents. But the great body of the people, the intelligent electors of whatever shade of politics have the best interests of the country at heart and whatever contributes to the general weal will whenever it is understood, meet their hearty approval aud support. Sir John isnot yet in a position to fuly disclose the conditions of the bargain bat he has told enough to satitfy the greatest party skeptics that he has su securing a bargain at once honorable to all concerned and highly advantageous to the whole Do- minion, Very likely it is not all tiiat avery one could wish but certainly it isas muc! as anyone could obtain for Canada; and the measure of success which has attended the important mission goes far to show how very little influence Canadian howlers have on the European side of the Atlantic. Sir. John left Quebec for Montreal by the North Shore Railway on Monday morning and duly arrived at Montreal where his arrival was anxiously awaited by nearly all the prominent men in the city; the ap- proach of the train was the signal for a series of rousing Canadian cheers, the reception Was & warm one. The Cartier Club of Montreal, composed of young French Canadian Conservatives vead in French, a well got up Addréss of Welcome, and in the course of Sir John's reply he let the gathering know as much of the contract which he and his two colleagues bad succeeded in making as Cabinet eti- quette would sanction. He told his hearers that a wealthy Syndicate had undertaken to build the road within ten years and run it | possible terms with them all, and was in pro- for ten years after it was built. The com- [cess of ejecting two of them. He was a position of the combination was not made ists and most unpopular at that, being known bat it is said to be composed of men | a strong advocate for putting on the screws. eminent for their wealth -and position in | One of deceased's tenants named Sweeney France, Germany, England, the United | has been arrested on suspicion of his having States and Canada, Sir John assured his | had something to do with the murder. He hearers that the Jand in the New Provinces | is one of those on whom the landlord had would more than pay for the building of the | pressed heavily and was being ejected from road so that the older Provinces would not | his holding. require to pay one cent for its construction. A de Since this is all that we are to know till the on relict of et ag Nwideren by full information comes through the proper Sweeney has been discharged. channel all must patiently wait develop- ments. Enough however we think is known to cause a feeling of satisfaction and con- fidence throughout the Dominion and call forth feelings of thankfulasss and gratitude to Sir John and his two co'leagues for the zeal displayed and the success they have achieved in securing a bargain so greatly to the interests of Canada. Another Assassination. On the evening of Saturday last between 8 and 9 o'clock Lord Mountmorris a small landed proprietor of Cloobar, county Gal- way, was assassinated while on his way howe, when found he had six bullet wounds in him either of which wouid have killed him. Nothing is yet known of the party or parties who committed the deed, of course whoever is guilty the Land Leagners will he charged. He left Clonbar alone on horse back about 8 o'clock in the evening and about 8:30 the horse came home but no one ou it, search was at once made und the body found in a pool of blond by the roadside ona narrow neck of land between Loughs Mask and Corribo. Deceased was very unpopular both as a man and a landlord, he had fifteen tenants on his estate and was on the worst -- Agricultural Shows. The rush of Agricultural Shows is now on us, the ball opens with Cannington Agri- cultural Society's Show which takes place this day--Thursdny--and to-morrow, Our Cannington friends never fail in getting up an interesting show whether for number and quality of exhibits, good arrangement dr the attention given tothe comfort and conveni- ence of visistors. The township of Uxbridge hold their show on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 4th and 5th. As the township and village have one and the same Society and hold their Show together an interesting show may be looked for ; they have some ambition to make an attractive display through their exhiblts and they never fail of success; we learn how- ever that an additional effort is being put forth this time to make this show the best they have ever held and worthy the enter- prise and prosperity of that rapidly advanc- ing locality. Brock township Agricultural Society will hold their Show at Sunderland, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 5th and 6th, when a grand display may be expected in every de- partment. The Show of horses, cattle, sheep and swine is lookea forward to with much interest, the competition in these is expected to be lively, lots of fine animals are expected to compete, The show of grain, roots and fruit is always very attrac- tive and satistactory. The ladies may be re- lied on for an attractive floral hall, The Cartwright Agricultural Society will hold their fall show at Williamsburg "on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 7th and 8th.-- The shows of this Society are always in- teresting, attractive and enjoyable, arrange- ments are always made with a view. to the comfort of all who attend. The large and comfortable drill shed makes a capital floral hall and the activity and en- terprise of the Indies never fail in fftnishing a disply highly pleasing to all who see it.-- Th other departments shown in the hall roots, fruits, vegatables &c. are always particularly good. Tbe show of the grounds Look on This Picture and on That. On sailing along the American cost between New York and Boston Cape Cod has to be doubled or pass- ed round and is far from being a safe course. The American Govern- ment with their characteristic en terpriso determined to get rid of this nuisance by cotling a waterway right through the cape and at oncea contract of the work was given out; it is to be eight miles long, 250 feet wide at the top and 66 feet wide at the bottom, iis depth is to be 25 feet below low water, lt is to be finish ed in two years at a cost $10,000,000. There are now 380 men at work and the force is to be increased to 1,200 so soon as there is room for them all to work. When the waterway is completed vessels passing through it will save 150 miles in dis- tance between New York and Boston or in other words the time between New York and Boaton will be nine hours less than it is now and the passage in every way more safe add agreeablo, Here is a proper direction of labor, a noble use for human effort and a highly commend- able outlay which forms a glowing contrast with the following costly farce, a guilded bauble, In connection with the gutumn king tobacco canses the fires and that the pipe is the incendiary. Between Friday mght and Saturday morning of last weck therd were quite 8 number of such fires -- John Spruill of, Whitby town, had a barn, sheds and other buildings attached con- taining a large quantity of grain, ete., us well as several large stacks of grain and hay outside, totally destroyed by fire, Mr. Spruill loses his whole year's and all his valuable implements. The building was partially insured but the contentsare a total loss. The fice is supposed to have been set by an incendiary. The old story. James Craig of Napanee, by soma. means or other had a fire amongst his outbuildings and before anything could be done both barn and contents were consumed. The barn was owned by Nathan B. Empey, and was insured for $300 in the Lennox and Addington Company. Empey's loss will probably be $300, and Craig's about $1,500, as he lost all the season's crop and a Mons Massacaes or Smur-Savaaes.--The | tyraunical blundering of SirBartle Frere and the government of UapeColony have provoked th 2 viéy Sir Bartle and his g it y ded that the Basutos a semicivilized, innofensive native tribe of sonth Africa should forthwith deliver up their, arms notwithstanding the fact that they would starve to death if they had no arms as the most of their living is secured by the gun in killing wild Afaley verdict for $1,600, It seems the : had his To Arrive in a few days : and besides they require their Pp selt defence agninst the armed tribes that surround them. I'he Basutos very wisely refused to comply with this cruel order and the enraged Sir Bartle and his Goy- | ernment at once hurried forward a despatc from Cape Town with a repuest that troops be sent from the front and to send up every a clear which the girl also brought an action % { X hundred dollars. we odveld Car Loads of Bar Iron, = Badies, would you an 5 without a moment's delay, as the natives are n over Some eight or ten thousands semi-barbar- ians will be legally massacred and the results will be diginified asa war and victory, in South Africa. blood purifier, vitalizer, cure for all forms of ki nd larities, One do A Rovan Dunner.~Maprip, Sept. 24.-- The real object of Isabella's prolonged stay al (3 bottle, Sold by all druggists. T. MILBURN, & Co, Toronto. complexion free from blotches, pimples and other skin diseases arising from impure blood ; would you restore the bloom of health to the palid cheek, the brilliant sparkle of the eye, and elasticity to the step, take Burdock Blood Bitters, To Dowutifl, nel | - | Lodd Carriage Wood Work, 100 Kegs Horse Shoes," 200 Boxes Horse Nails, ALSO, A COMPLETE STOCK OF the great and tonic. A sure female Somplainis, lar per is that she is pressing her long claim on the Trcasury, and that Cabinet is ina fix, She is entitled to over $1,000,000 in capital besides years of accumulated jn- ferest. ------r-- i ------ Nornwe, Like Paper --Beveral capitalists one of whom is an Ottawa gentleman, have formed a pany with a capital of $80,000 thresher, James McCordie, of Bosanquet, had his barns burned with all the t i ing of grain, implements, buggies, and one horse. Loss about $2,000. The fire was the work of incendiaries. Two parties were seen driving about the neighbourhood at the time of the fire. The ohject seems to have been to go through the shop of Byron Boyd, whom they expected in the excitement would be drawn away to the fire, when their work would be easy ; but they were disap- pointed. American Newspaper Directory. --~We have before us a copy of Geo. P. Rowell & Co's American Newspaper Direct- ory for 1880, and after a careful examina- tion of the work have much pleasure in recommending it as a valuable and reliable key to all parties wishing to advertise through the newspaper press of any part of this continent. The Directory is so ar- ranged that advertisers may sce at a glance the names, circulation and all other neces- sary particulars of the newspapers published in the localities which the advertiser wishes to reach, 'This information is invaluable to the advertiser directing him as it does, throngh which papur or papers he may most effectually secure his object by bring- ing .his advertisement before the greatest number of readers. No advertiser should be without a copy of this valuable guide. The enterprising and reliable firm of Geo, P. Rowell & Co. deserve well of ad- vertigers everywhere for so excellent and reliable 8 guide got up with much labor and expense, Geo. P. Rowell & Co. always stauch friends of newspaper men have laid them under an additional obligation hy the publication of this valuable Directory. SII] © ALL THAT A MAN HATH WILL RE GIVE POR ms ure. --The above proposition if not universally true bas but comparatively few exceptions ; but whatever is true of life ought to be true of health, for what jis life withont health? We have beforenus the September number of the Canada Health Journal a publication of the most vital im portance to the entire community, is issned monthly in Toronto and edited by Dr. Playter., It were almost needless to state in this age of almost universal education and rapibly increasing intelligence to nrge the importance of securing for every family in the land a monthly visit of this sanitary periodical every page of which may he read with both pleasure and advantage while the valuable instruction it contains cannot fuit in contributing to public health and con- soguently to public usefuluess and com- Church Anniversary. The Port Perry C. M. Church will held their Anniversary services on Sunday and Tuesday, Oct. 3rd and 6th. These services are to be of no ordinary cast, the committee are putting forth an effort to make this an- niversary one of unusual interest and attrac- tion. Rev. Mr. Briggs frmerly of the Metro- politan Church, Toronto, will conduct the services on Sunday morning and evening The Tuesday services will be held in the down hall when tea will be served from 6 till 7:30 p. wm. after which Rev. T. W. Jeffrey known and acknowledged to be one of the most plisbed of the provi: will deliver his admirable lecture " How rise in the world" We need scarcely remind an intelligent community that the anniver- sary services on this occasion may be expect- «d to be unusually attractive, interesting ana instructive. The Rev. gentlemen whose services have been secured have more than a Provincial reputatiou; the well known excell- ence of the choir is a sufficient guarantee for the excellence of the music and the ladivs of the church may be relied on for aa enjoy- able entertainment in way of Tea. The turn out to all the services will doubt- less be in keeping with their worth, A Reward of Eloquence. Mr. B. Crandell of this place delivered a fine lecture in the town hall here on the evening of Thursday last on the pro-slavery and soft money questions and so highly were his efforts appreciated that a number of the leading gentlemen of the town met him on the following i to manufacture paper. It is their intention to establish the manufactory in Ottawa, but have not positively desided todo so, Theyare now in Boston purchasing the necessary materigt. ------- Bevoxn His Recorp.--Beuieviiue, Sept. 24.--In a case which was before the police charged with voilating the provisions of the liceuse law by selling lignor on Sunday, the defendant was fined $20 and costs by the magistrate, An objection was raised by couustl for the defence, Mr. M. A, Dixon, that Mr. Thomas Holden, the police magis- trate had no jurisdiction, as he was an ap- pointes of the Provincial Government. The defendant's counsel claimed that to the Dominion G t d the power of appointing police magistrates and justices of the peace, their authority for so doiug resting nnder the provisions of the British North America Act. The case will be ap- pealed by a writ of eertiorari to the Court of Queen's Bench. Cavont 1v A Gray Corygr.-- Russian grain Speculators being influenced by the €canty home crop of grain invested largely in grain with the expectations that prices would rule high but have slipped up in their calculations the consequence is that several suspensions are announced in the grain trade. The liabil- ities are in no instance large. The difficul- ties are due to the shipments from America forcing down prices atter speculators had based their calculations on the deficient harvest in Rusia, ---- Auction Sales, An important anction sale of horses, cattle, agricultural ines, implements, hay, turnips, &e. will be held on the premises lot 7 in the 5th con. Brock, on Thursday Sept. 30th. The proprietor, Mr Wm Brown, who is leaving this part of the country, has in- structed Mr. Wm Gordon to sell the whole by auction, [See posters.] Remember that anction sale on lot 23 in the rear of the 10th con. of Reach, on Tues- day, Oct, 5. When Mr, Jay Crooks will sell by auction some good horses, cattle, sheep, swine, implements, &c. [Sce posters] Be. sides the articles on the bills be will sell a reaper, mower, fannfug mill and sawing machine, Remember the time aud place.-- Mr. E. Major isauctivneer, A Great Averion Creorr Sate. --An ex- tensive cradit sale by auction of the farm stock, implements, &e., belonging to the es- tate of the late John Mowbray, Ksq., will take place on the premises, lot 24, in the lst con. of Reach, some time in the latter part of October when much valuable farm stock, implements &e. will be sold by aaction.-- (See further announcement.) ~~ A Credit Sale ly Auction of valuable horses, cattle, sheep, implements, &c:, will take place on lot 10, in the 8th con. Ux- bridge, on Wednesday, Oct. 6th. The pro- perty belongs to Mr. Robt. Greig, and Mr. E. Major is auctioneer, Parties will do well to make a note of the time and place. [See Posters.] We call attention to that important eredit sale by auctien to take place on lot 5 in the 2nd con. of Cartwright, on Friday, Oct. 16th. The stock, implements, &c. are suclr as are required around a well conducted farm, as the owner is leaving the locality all must be sold. Mr. J, C. Free- born is owner and Mr. W. Hazzlewood is auctioneer. (See posters aud don't fail to attend the sale, Sonya Sunday School Anniversary To the Editor of the N. O. Observer. Si1,--Knowiug that you 'ake an interest in 8. Schools I forward a report of our Anni- versary (regretting your abseuce on that occasion. Notice having been given of its being held on Friday, 24th inst, and the day being remarkably pleasant a very large and respectable gathering took place at the hour appointed, the church was filled to its utmost capacity many reinaining outside court to-day, in which a lignor dealer was: Now that the travelling season is at hand, no traveller is safe without a bottle ef Dr. Fowler's Extractof Wild Straw- berrys to counteract change of climate, water and diet; fraitful sources of bowel complaints. Wild Straw- berry is a specific for sea sickness, nausen, vomiting colic, cholera morbus,diarrhcea and Contains no opiates, is plearant to the taste, and certain in its effects, 37% cents per bottle, Ask your druggist for it. bysentery Poor Boy.--Naraxse, Sept, 25 --Charles Stein, 18 yearsold, who was committed to gaol last Thursday to await his trial for forgery, hang himself in bis cell this fore- He used his pocket-haudkerchief and noon, suspenders, and hung above the door. Life was extinct when he was discovered by turnkey Clark. an order on Slaven & Cc., of thix place, against his father, Charles Stein, of Denbigh, for a suit of clothes last Monday. ---------- A large variety of Black's celebrated.in- terchangeable Spectacles, at Diesfeld's. eh ------ Ladies' Solid Gold Watches, from $20 up, at Diesfeld's. During the first week of Toronto's big show a Markam farmer named Stooghtenbury went with others to see the show, he had considerable money about him, he went into a store on Young street and drew some money and in coming out a man sitting in A --i Another Confldence Man. CUTTER TRIMMINGS, ese AND-- SHELF ~ HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LAING & MEHARRY. SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. THE WEEKLY GLOBE, THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES. The Largest The the bad effects of himself to the bar He forged t : Cheapest! The Best! a buggy o ite the stare d "Mr, To Mg ) Eo hotel do Will be published Containing 66 qoluinyis of Reading matter, and Will be given away you not." Mr. Stontenbury replied in the In connection with the §33%.4' ial circles sit the Do-] 10 6Very yearly Sub uffirmative, «I thought so," says the man, "Weekly Globe" for jminion. tod scriber of the * Weekly "just hop in and I will rue vou down, } am 1881, the BIOGRAPHY |, Ju enormous, Siroulation distribu 13 Lua {tia Globe" for 1981, a going that way." Mr, Stontenbury at once AND SPEECHES of he in al pe AD the i Handsome Steel Ed- got into the bugey and his kind friend put te masses everywhere. gravel Partrait of the on the whip and the somewhat dashing team NEW went off at a gay rate--it was now dusk-- HON. (EO. BROWN PRESSES! m1 late and in very short time they had crossed The work will contain » NEW TYPE. the Don bridge." Stontenbnry knew that his about 600 pages, and INCREASED SPEED IN PUBLICATION ! HON. GEO. BROWN kind friend was d:iving him far away from J the Lemon botel aud xkcd him why he wax Yi isn sig ma fe LR RC and taking that direction when theskind friend at that al sent in in yer once threw his left arm round Ston- only at thelow price of tween this date and lat January, Jl, ion ul Jit tenbury thus holding down his arms and from date of to 3st of with his right placed a cloroformed hand ONE DOLLAR. 1881. al. kerchief to his victim's mouth, Stontenbury here saw two other men approach but re- membered nothing more till early the fol- lowing morning he found himself lving on the marshy ground col paper mill without a cent of money oo him having been robbed of about$500 without the slightest progpect of ever finding robbers or money. Another confidence game victim, The Markets. Osserver OFFICE, Sep, 30, 1880, MAT TIN TY Fall Wheat, o.oo. ene... 3000 to 8090 | SPECIA I, INDUCEM ENTS Spring Wheat, . 103 to 105 . 5 Barley. uouse Ooito 0 64 mm J Nee 055to 065 025t0 027) wry 600to 650 = Potatoes. 025 to 030 H Hides .. 600to 700 Sheep Skins 060to 1176 Batter..... 0 20to 020 BYES sivas covers sesnsess 01010 010 BIRTHS. In Port Perry, on the 30th inst. the wife of Mr. T. 8. Corrigan, merchant, of a daughter In Prince Albert, on Thursday, 23rd inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Boyaton, of a son. In Port Perry, on the 25th inst, the wife of Mr. Wm. Brock, of a daughter. / MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, Port Perry, on Tuesday, 28th inst, by Rev. Mr. Prosser, Mr. Arthur G Miss Ida, second daughter of Thos. Paxton, Esq, M.P.P. er DIED. At Cannington on Saturday 25th inst, Mr, William Hancock in his 44th year. Deceased was an Englishman by birth, education and sympathies, but had been a resident of Canada for a number of years He leaves many true friends in Canada to lament his for them too early departure, At Saintfield, on Sunday, 26th inst, Wm. Young, aged 27 years and 11 mos. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION, TWO DOLLARS, Orders and remittances to be addressed THE GLOBE PRINTING C6. ted resented district vo offered men. SEND FOR TERMS. C. B. DIESFELD. nvenient to Taylor's TORONTO th in evel to & {i ATCHES. wan LADIES' GOLD WATCHES. JUST TO HAND, ALSO, Ladies' Colored Gold Sets, Lockets, Chains, ilpin, Uxbridge, to NECKLETS, &C. A large line of WEDDING and GEM RINGS, very Cheap. Cheap. A C471 RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Watch Repairing a Specialty. All work warranted. Port Perry, Sept. 30, 1880. FROM NuW TILL THE END OF 1881 ONE DOLLAR. Tag Ma is in the front rank of journalism, and ahend, of its rivals in Canada. Ttis tha ©. fi. DIESFELD. Hi The who counid not get in. Ig was called to order by Rev. Mr. Currie (Pastor), at 1:30 o'clock who in a very pleasant man- and pi him an expensive and stylish new hat ac- horses, cattle, sheep swin &c, but espicall the horses are fally in keeping with the a # advancing interests and rapidly increasing men a above toro wil be Une ly of koa tee vi Ww mi whose only business will be to waste prove i ji ay be expee zun powder; the cost will be more| he North Ontario County Agricultural than the above and the result will be | Society will hold their show on Tuesday and nil, 0 w that the toilors of | Wednesday Oct. 12th and 13th on the , No wonder those lands are poor, discontentent- | *80¥ grounds Port Perry. ed and ready to avail themselves of ae vil seth 6 Inst show a any. o Portanity likely to alieve weather sometbing extra fine may be looked om an increasing incubus of {for all; partiss speak of making a grand rally folly and oppressio Is itat all | for the closing show of the year and some strange that in lands - manceuvers on the continemt of Karope in place of twelve hundred thing grand may be looked for in way of ex- hibits both in quantity and quality. A generous turn out is looked for. a Fire in Cartwright. bis back that we should find asettied dislike tothe present system and a panying the p with a well merited eulogy on Mr. Crandell's abilities. Mr. Crandell accepted the gift and made a suitable reply. ee -- een A Bear Huxr --A rather exciting bear bhuut took place in the woods on the trontier of Reach on Wednesday last. Lady brain took to airing her family consisting of two cube through Mr. Netherton's woods in the 1st con Reach. Information was laid with Mr. Hazzelwood, one of our leading Nimrods. He asked no better news, at once prepared for the chase and was on the hunting grounds by 10 a, wm, and very soon got on the track of his game, but could not |determinaton to scoure a change, | ton the 22nd inst, while peaceably if possible, but a change au [John Stephens, bis wife and funily wero x any price, 3 at thei rg, | 4 a EH : g p i 1) gi i i = BFige iti gif pes eine igno, to 13 ner d the object of the gathering 'The Supt. of the School now read his Re- port which was highly encouraging. There are nearly 150 scholars in connection with the school while the funds are in a prosper- ous condition. Mr. David Rennie cata- chised the children who d questi in good style. Rev. Mr. Billings wns now introduced who held the audi 1)- bound for half-an hour giving a glowing de. scription of Sunday School wock and the effects produced by it. The very efficient choir intersperced the - by singing, Tea was now an- nounced when all repaired to the shed where of the season awaited the guests, Tea over the company again repaired to the ehurch Hant add wore Chancery Notice to Creditors JACOB PICKLE, DECEASED. Po to a direction of the Hon, I'he Chancellor of cery, made in the cause of & ALLEN VS. KENNEDY, The Creditors of Jacob Pickle late of the Township of Bcugog, in the County of Ontario, died in or about the mouth of are on or before the twenty. . farmer, who where by Rev. Mr, McKinnon, of Manilla, and Rev. Mr. Hastie, of Lindsay, = The chairman jo- timated that tea was prepared for parties wishing to stay and that a social would be held in ti over 120 remained ply yo pple 4: the social fhe Supt. occupied wd ohair. Mr. iT nie and others gave Recitations, Read- & Son's new. advert wont appear till next week, they have 'had acapital clearing out of their summer stock just goods as all require and cannot fail ion satisfying all whether for style, quali ATOiES JEWELRY AND Mr, W. H. McCaw's new advertis wd ha jus got ows chaos sbock of the and and eh i i pe ty or 3 3 Yours &c., =. 2 3% TIMOTHY BRABAZON, Sup't Sonya, Sept. 29, 1880. + Ln ee cf aay) ll thereof, ¢ by them; will be peremptorily excluded he of he dim of the from the benefit monies to be paid into Court credit of the said cause. Every Creditor holding any security best written, the apiciest, the newsiest and most jufinential paper in the Dominion. tis THE WEEKLY MAIL the Court of Chan- Cheapest and Best Paper inAmerica We have & few Farm Annuals for 1880 on hand, These Annuals contain more prac< tical Agricultural information than any three dollar subscripiion Farm Book in the markets and we will give them FREE to every new subscriber sent in as long as they last. Bue WE WILT, DO MORE! : We wil] present every subscriber for the Waskuy Mam for 1881 with the Canadian hbund 4 for 1881, which will be published carly next year. . { Therefore new subscribers whose names are sent in immediately will receive rE The WEEKLY MAIL for Fifteen Months - = ATI. FOR The FARM ANNUAL for 1880, - - And the FARM ANNUAL for 1881, the und said Hall, seventh day of October, being is to produce the sauie befors me; igned Referee in Chambors of the in Osgoude Court, at my Chambers, in the City of Torouto, on the twenty- | 1880, at two o'clock the time appoin 5 3 A Large variety of all kinds of CLOCKS. Also, SPECTACLES to suit all sights, very