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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Apr 1881, p. 1

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& PARSONS. per no it ot $1.60 wil bo charged, oF ADVERTISING. : el , will be at our risk. PORT PERRY, annum, if paid in ad- be. No for less than six months; discontinued until all arrears F Pp est allowed thereon. , first insertion . ..$0 08 4 No notice of withdrawal EE das dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- oupy. Advertisements received for publication. without specific instructions, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. All discount 'allowed to Merchants 4nd othews who advertise by the year or half-year, a hose terms will in -all cases be strictly 1 ..evd to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and solor, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &o. printed can have them done to take honie with tham. J. BAIRD. H, PARSONS. is od by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they oc fa 7 CTIONEER. HE undersigned havin his residence on his BR Land & Insurance KERS, PORT PERRY, en HAS large sums of money on hand for Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for tors Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office In Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan, 23, 1879. Anction Sales, Valuation C.D Port Perry, Oct. 7, 1880. [CENSED AUCTIONEER. All partics wishing his services c «Observer Office, Port Perry, WM. GORDON, cgfraaio i &7 D. ANDERSON, MB. MD, FT.MS, #), M.0.P.S.. L.R.C.P. Graduate of the University of Toronto, graduate of the Uni. vorsity of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the Roya College of Physicians, Edinburg, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, Office over Mr. Corrigan's Store, Port Perry. HB. J. geon and Acooucheur. Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. DMdo over . Queer and Streets. hours from 9a. m. to12 m. tHe dwelling recently occupied eo, Paxton. ntario, ysiclin, Surgeon. @&n . gonchenr, Office, opposite the town hall. Port Perry. ss hblaadaik, M. F. MCBRIEN, M FTospital, London, I Ho 7 F. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton.) Barrister anil Attorney-at Taw, Solici- rin hancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- fig de, ge Brown & Curries Store Tn poRt Perry. Tt : ILLINGS & CAMPEELL, and Attorneys-at-Luw, &c. Bolici nn 8 for the Ontario Bank. Offite in Bigelow's Block, Queen 8t., Port Perry, Ont SOHN BILLINGS. COLIN If. CAMPBELL . Port Perry, Feb. 12, 1881. E. FAREWELL, LL. B, County Crown J Attornoy for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, Salleltor, and Notary Public. Office lately oc- eupiad by 8. H, Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whitby. § YMAN L. ENGLISH LL. B,, Solicitorin 4 Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &e. Oshawa. ce--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office G YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At torney-at-Law Solicitor in Chaneery, \u Tasolvency, Notary Public, &. Omes--MoMlilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. HUCH D. SINCLAIR, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor inChan very, Conveyancer, &c. Office lately occupied by W. M. Cochrane, Bigelow's Bock, Port Perry. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist. Office over Corrigan & Camp- £88 bell's Store, Port §§ Perry, All work done 'in . the very latest and best style and warranted to give satisfaction, Port Perry, March 28, 1877. NOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Phorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa sting their Sales to me may rely on theutmost attention being given Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, CENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Outario; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria, Residerice=Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office; or at his residénce will be punctually attended to. lected in Cannington, or "GANGSTER. M. D., Physician, Sur- s+ urniture Store, corner of WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. HE Undersigned having License as Auctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock 'such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on gettipg all for theproperty that is r r the County of A a, fo uty of y, Guy's he liye R. All orders promptly attended to,snte snd notes furnished . free of Opsgrver Office, Port Perry, will receive. immediate-an.d careful attention, WM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan, Sept 10,1878. WwW SPENCE, Coxrracron, Buiiper, &c. The Subseriber in returning his sincere e very liberal patronage be- in the fiast would inform the public genarully, what the Village of Prince he will in future give his whole 8iness as Contractor, and is ertake Stone Work, Brick- Plastering, and éverything connecte he will execute on the short- o hest and most durable est notice and in th towest figure at which style, and at the very good Prince Albert, Aprils, 1876. TOWNSHIP CLERK, suer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, ._ ©O.N.VARS, T. D. 8. yver Atkinson's Drug ning & Lally. Bi nts Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. ©. a, EANNfSG. hold Loan & Savings Uo. March 26, 1879. Ax, Ottawa, Canada business with the Patent Office | departments of the Government d the Registration of Trade signs procured. Drawings, and other Documents ncces- tents of Invention, prepared | oo model of the Invention. 'arriage Lic enses ! MA e Established 18 Years. HAVE issued Marriage Licenses at Port P. ry for the past 18 years, and continue to do 80 at the same old spot, corner of Queen and Water Streets. HENRY CHARLES. Port Perry, Feb, 15, 1881, pees taserted on ull the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- st, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted 'without pain by producing local anasth- esia, Dentical Rooms--in Cgwan's new re, King 'RVEYORS, CIVIL EN- ; . Draugbtsmien, Solicitors of . ) Marriage Licenses. +10. W. LALLY, west of the Walker House Hanning, Agent GRIST, Parey Soutorror AND | Li PERRY & LINDSAY Change of Time and Addltional Train Service, Conimeneing Monday, Ja 5 Te ETE ecer a? LRBITEREISTZEIRE Po ltetet ® a BEZEL ELEEEE MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money T on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. Agent for WesTsry OaxapA LoAN AND Savings COMPANY, He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Interest Bight per cent. No Commission. N. ff. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY _TO LOAN. HE undersigned would say to the nwners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a lagge amount of private funds which he is prepared to invest for periods to suit borrow- ers--interest at eight per cent Ix pedition and most reasonable terms assured. 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1877. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm-and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner tosuit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. A Investments made in Municipal Dcben tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, Apply to . JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e. Whitby, April 10, 1873, ¥ MONKEY ar [Private Funds, 'I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in= terest. LYMAN KNGLISIHT, Barrister, &0., Oshawa November 21, 18686. 4 ALKER 10 PORT PERRY, I: COMPLETE in all its Departments A HEADLIGHT IN VIEW. Tar Coxpuoror's SToRY OF A NignT | Teax ox ma Union Paciric, (By Bill Nye, in Detroit Free Press.) "Yes," said the condubtor, biting off the tip of a cigar and slowly P= PERRY HOUSE, The odersigne] having eased for aterm years this comfortable, pleasantly located | ' aati Hota will Srlexorhy strict prover py twenty years that I've been twisting convenience and comfort of make 'the Port Perry Hovse a dt entertainment for the supplies for the table and bar. x The stable and yard to. %: . Port Perry, Dec. 9, 1879. {(ouERCIAL HOTEL, The supplies for the table and bar care- Cartwright, March 4, 1879. seratchinig a match on his leg, * I'vé 8eon a good deal of railroad life 'that's interesting and exciting in the brakes and slamming doors for a lace of |[lving, public. Ch oA Hlving, _ "I've secon all kinds of sorrow and all. kinds of" joy--seon the happy bridal-couple starting out on their wedding tour with the bright and hopeful future before them, and the pie fabri having _suisosdod Mr, | black-robed mourner on her way to ewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- i burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up witha % new; made grave wherein she view to the comfort and convenience of| Must bury the idol of her lonely old heart. 'Wealth and pinching poverty ride en the same train and the mer- ry laagh «f the joyous, healthy ebild NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. . PROPRIETOR. | of life are familiar to the conductor, is mingled with the despairing sigh of the aged. The great antipodes The tabie and bar well supplied. W.H Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. A RUSTRORG HOUSE, WHITBY, ONTARIO. .E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. HE QUEEN'S HOTEL, McCANN & TAYLOR, ProprieToRs. Every accommodation for the traveling | 1unning his tongue carefully over a ~ GREENBANK. HE undersizned would inform the pub- [ misery and wretchedness than any lic that he has rented for a term of ; years the premises fornierly known as the Cottage EFIotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- : vated the same he is now prepared to re- lapse of many years, I awake in the GOOD OPENING. g. ly | for every day the extr situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired J gay wh tomes 6f the and renovated the eittire premises even to the Sheds, The Hotel Lue Seen furnished | "I've mutilated th® ticket of many in First-Class Style and Stocked with the i Itt Liysors and lear) a black-.leg, and handled the passes Strict attention paid to the comfort uf [Of all our most eminent dead heads. world are meoting beneath his eye. [don't know what walk of life is more crowded with thrilling inci- dents than mine." "Ever have any smash-ups ?" "Smash-ups? Ob, yos, several of them. None, however, that couldn't have been a good deal worse. There is one incident of my rail- road lif," continued the conductor, broken place in the wrapper of his cigar, "that 1 never spoke of before to any one. It has caused me more one thing that ever happened to me in my official earcer. "Sometimes even now, after the night with the cold drops of agony standing on my faco and the horri- blo nightmare upon me with its for an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. The village is THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual Insuence Co'y, Head Office, Whitby, This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches; Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Compahy have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in €anada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whitby C. NOURSE, Secretary. W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES WZ C. M'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR HE Subscriber having now fully ecuipped bis new and extensive Livery Stables with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is preparad to furnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Avg. 6, 1878 WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851. CAPITAL . 8800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) -- HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. p@~ Insurances effected "at the lowesk current rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or damage by fire. TL SEE JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Porty, 1] Pert Perry, Jan 22, 1879. ® : ore dese TR RA SA Le FVHE undersigned has opeped & Meat | 'Stall in part of Mr. Madlil's premises, opposite the Ontario Bauk, Port Perry, "where an abundant supply of the very {il be kept during the at the lowest figures the 3 J. BONGARD. 523,1880, 1 ! terrible surroundings, us plain as on I A first class | the memorable night it occurred. hoemaker would find Greenbank a good " ; " i i opening for his business. 1 was yung special on the situated on the Center Road, about 7 miles Union Pacific for a condustor who from Port Perry and about the same distance | was an old friend of mine and w from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from who 1t is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON. * bud gone South on a vacation for his health. "# At about T:30, as near as I can remember, wo were sailing along HE undersigned would inform the public tlrat he is opening a Restaurant 1h the premises opposite the Ontario Bank 3 where every thing supplied in a first-class suddenly slowed down, ran in on old Restaurant will be provided and served In a | gidi and od manner which cannot be excelled as it will idlig and stopped, be conducted by first-class hands. ETot and Cold Meals |abead to the engine to see what the OYSTERS A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy | twinkling along about six or seven all that this is what the public require. TO SUIT. Port Porry, Sept. 24, 1879. HE Subscriber is prepared to convey All way Station or anywhere around town. Charges orders promptly attended to. Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1874. ERRY all comfortuble one evening with a ten or fifteen miles, running on time and everybody feeling tip-top as overland travellers do who get ac- quainted with euch other and feel congenial. All at once the train Increased Public Accommodation straight strotch of track ahead for «Of course, I got' out and ran matter was, Old Antifat, the en- gineer, hud got down and was on the main track looking ahead to where, miles down tne road, apparently, was the headlight of an approach- ing train. It wasevidently running 'wild,' for nothing was due that we L U G G A G E knew of at that hour. TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN. miraculously saved from a frightful |and a picnie. ing eyes of Lhe Breas, Liaabbing, the ground, and looked at the bead- light still glimmering in she die= tance, Then he got on bis engine and I yelled "Alluboard.' In afew moments we were moving again, and the general impression was that {the truin ahead was side-tricked and waiting for us, although there wasn't a side track within twenty miles, except the one we bad just loft. - "It was never exactly clear to the wild train, but T didn't explain it to "However, we had been almost wreck by the engineer's watchful Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other 2 cory p description of Luggage to and from the Rail. ee od preialy ii and eried and thanked him till it 'was the most affecting scone for a while that I ever witnessed. It was as though we had stopped upon the very verge of a bottomless chasm, and overybody was laughing and crying at once, till'it was a kind of a cross between a revival "After we had waited about half an hour, 1 should say, for the wild train to come up and pass us, and apparently she was no nearer, a cold | ime ?" ° clammy suspicion began to bore it : self into the adamanting shell of my WORKS J |intellect, The more I thought of it, gL + | the more unhappy I felt, I almost wishea that 1 was dead. Cold stroaks ran up my back followed by hot oues, I wanted to go home. 1 2 | Wanted 10 he wore the hungry, pry- word-a-day world could not see me, | "] called Antifat to one side aud aid something to him. Hoe swore softly to himself and kicked the verse. wore gay. fight. kill. ner: hamanity, mention it. It is tacitly It is 10 o'clec morning. It was sudden, Lot's see. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1881. IND, & D. J. ADAMS, ONTARIU BANK. CAPITAL $8,000,000" SOR? PARRY BRANCH. ; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. them, I was toe much engrossed with own surging thoughts. "I never felt my own inferiority so much as I did that night, I never so fully realized what a mere speck man i upon the bosom of the tini- "When 1 surveyed the starry vault of Heaven, where, beyond and stretching on and on forever, count- less stars are placed as centres, around which solar systems are re- volving in their regular orbits, each little world peopled, perhaps, with its teeming millions of struggling and then other: and mightier systems of worlds revoly- ing about those sylems, till the mind is dazed and giddy with the mighty thought; and thon when I compared all this universal magnificence, this brilliant aggregation of worlds and systoms of worlds, with ene poor, grovelling worm of the dust, only a little insignificant atom, only a poor weak, erring; worthless, blind, groping railroad conductor, with my train peacefully side-track- od in the gathering glooom and patiently waiting for the planet Venus to pass on the main track, there was something about the whole sombre picture that has overshadow- ed my whole life and made me un- happy and wretched while others fallible, "Sometimes Antifat and myself meet at somo liquid restaurant and silently take something in memory of our great sorrow, but we never We never tear open the old rankling wound, or laugh at the night we politely gase tho main track to Venus while we stood patiently on the siding, Catch a rat in a trap and he will fight. Trap a man, and--well, you can't rely on him. to the trap. It is aceording the heavy stage coach, as we roll out of Leadville, says a frontier letter, are seven men. One is an army officer who has half a dozen scares to prove his bravery, Cut off from his commands on the plains last summer by a score of Indians, he entrenched himself and fought the band off until help arriv- ed. Two of tho others are desper- adoes, who have killed their 'men. Three of the others are stalwart miners, each armed with three rve- volvers, and they look as if they would prove ugly customers in a The seventh man might do some shooting on a pinch, tut he hopes there will bono pinch. In the crowd are ten revolvers, two derringers, three repeating rifles,and four or five bowie-knives, and there is perfect good feeling as the stage rolls along. understood that the army captain is to assume command in case the coach that all are to keep cool and fight to is attacked, and in the morning, The windows are down and tho pas- sangers are smoking and talking and seeking for comfortable posi~ tions, The coach has just reached the top of a hill, when every horse is suddenly pulled up. «If its a b'ar we'll have some fur," growled one of tho miners, as he pat bis hoad out of the window. "If it's a robber gin me the first pop at him," whispered one of the desperadoes: No one could say what the trouble was when a very little chap about 5 ft, 6 in. tall, with black hair and eyes clear face and thin lips, approached at the left-hand door with a cocked revolver in either hands, and said: "Gents, I'm sorry to disturb, you, but I've gotto make a raise this Please leave your shoot= ers and climb down here, one ata It was so sudden that it took ten seconds to under- stand the drift of his remarks, Then every oye turned to the right-band door, and the two revolvers hold by a second robber wore seen through the open window, It wasa trap, Tho rats were caught and would 2 they fight ? "Gants I'm growing a leetle im- | patient," éwotinued the first robber, "and I want to see the procession begin to move," : . ptain to lead us, and we were to be cosl and fire] to kill, but the captin Was growing white around the mouth, andl nobody had a woapon in hand, wero not going to fight. miners opened the door and de scended, and the other six bumbly followed. Tha seven wore drawn | 54 "lupin line across the read, aud while the robber held his shooter on the passongers whero 'wé passed that{line, he cooly observed to his part The rats|® Ono of the "Now, William, you remove the weapons from the coaeh, and then search these gentlemen." was ordered to hold his bands above bis head, and whatever plunder was taken from his pockets was dropped into William's hat. Four gold watches, two diamend pins; a tele- scope, a diamond ring, a gold badge and $1,200 in cash in ten minutes, Not a man had a word to say. The driver of the coach did not leave his seat, and was not interfered with, When the last man had been pland- ered'the genteel Dick Turpin kindly observed. = men I ever robbed, and if times waren't 'so blasted hard, I'd treat every one of you to a $10 bill. Now then climb back to your places, and the coach will go on." vehicle resumed its jouruey, Nota weapon or a time piece or a dollar bad been saved. Seven wellarmed men had been oleaned oul by two and not a shot fired or a wound given. Each man took his seat without a word. Mile after mile was passed in silence, and finally the soventh man --tho one who might fight on a pinch, but didn't--plaintively sug- gested : romarks would be apropos to the occasion ?" renewed, was the greatest debating club in Ireland, replied, "The shillelagh. And it's always foremost in the hot test contests." kissed in the dark a young man whom she mistook [for her lover. Discovering her mistake, she said, "It's not he, but it's nice." to her naughty little girl, dq you think it will be for my pleasure?" For whose plersureis it, then?" It isn't for mine," replied tho child. A woman bunted two heurs for a needle | she had dropped on the floor, and she could | not find it, and then her husband came in and had hardly taken Lis boots off before he could tell where it was. Queer how men can do things that women can't. As William obeyed, every victim "You are the most decent set of The crowd "clumb" and the «Can't some of you think of a few No one could, and the silence was --t A son of Erin being asked which A young lady the other evening «Tt I punish you," said the mother factory. The work of building is and sugar will be produced by ext fall, The bord" of directors is composed of the tellowing gentlemen :--MM. Chopin, Masson, Schiacher, Lah Tranchemontagne, way Mauger, Macheres, Legru, technical co with right to participate in the debates of the board, on only to build and work other sugar but also to help other pasties to engage in the sime business, lending its | to sugar factories independent from its control and taking an interest in enterprises connects: Doctor: "Oh, there you are, Smith | How's the wife?" Farmer: " Wuss, I'm afeared sir." Doctor: "Indeed | Is she wandering? Farmer : "No, no; she's sensible. That's what I am afeared of. I uever kuowed her 50 ibl She's ly ible." «You have always had a reputation of being an henest man, How does it buppen that you have been guilty of theft?" « It's the fault of the age in which we live. The man who wants to make an honest living now-a-days can't do it unless he steals." A conscience is rather an uncomfortable Pp i unless it is pleasingly elastic.-- An angular and rigid couscience, that holds you strictly to the standard and won't give an inche--that pinches you when you do wrong, and won't let you outofa difficulty by allowing you to tell a fib--is an emin- ently proper but undesirable thing. Most people, however, are very little troubled by the over sensitivness of this organ, and are quite satisfied to cvade the truth whenever telling it would get them into difficulty. -- «Why do you steal applus from my orchard, when you know I'll give you as many as you waat for asking?" The boy hung his head for a moment in shame, and then lite a true representative of the average con- science "of the day, replied, " Well, sir, I knew that very well that you weuld give them ta me, and so fo save you the trouble of answering the question, I went into the orchard and helped myself, " A Coor Cusrouzr--A young hopeful, who lived with his fatherand mother iv a cottage near the boarders of a large plantation in Scotland, went out alone one morning to play in the woods as was his custom. Dinner time passed; and no appearance was put in, but no alarm was felt till after supper time and the night was getting dark. In great haste a search party composed of the father and a few of the neighbors, was organized and they procedded to "beat" the wood. In their absence the fond mother, anxious to gain intelligence of her son went out into the wood, sobbing bitterly all the while.-- When nof many yards frem the cottage, she was startled to hear, proceeding from the leafy canopy above her the words, "Mother, wumman, what are ye greetin'for?" On looking up there was her lost son seated on the topmost branch of a tree, holding a young wood pigeon in his hands, Before she could gain presence of mim to speak, our young. 3 co {inuss, "I've The Union Siictere, if the working of the first factory turns out c : ed with the sugar interest, . A 80 much is said about the formation of new sugar companies in the Province of Ontario as well as in Quebec, that I think proper to warn people against inconsiderates 1y engaging in this essentially fronch ins dustry, Though introduced in the United States more than 15 years ago, the Beet Sugar ins dustry has progressed very little; eleven or twelve small factories are in existence; they are far from being prosperous and yet they had the same advantage to be met in Canada protectron and good quality of the produce; the only difference being in a soil not so favorable to the beet root. I believe their indifferent success to be the consequence of insufficiency of capital and too much reliance on imuginary profits based on theoritical de ductions, These profits were not earned because the small capital prevented the pur- chase of perfect and costly machinery, og because the men at the head of the enterprise, though fully petent, lacked the y experence. Perbaps, unforseen causes or even well understood causes which - were thonght to be easily managed have prevent- ed success. The iudustry to become prosper ous, requires large capital and pecuniary sacrifice for some years till the harmonious working of the sugar house is well regulated it requires besides a prudent and careful man+ agement, In many countries, from a start this industry has been endangered because people were too sanguine or too precipitate in their expectations. The Sugar Factories latety established in Roumania, are as well | ns those in the United States a striking ex. lample of this tendency. in closing tae letter, I have pleasuse in saying that the Union Sucriere will fornish interested parties with all the information they may require on the Beet Sugar industry, The business connections and the experience of the Company ure such as to permit them to fully answer any question on the'subject. LEGRU Reprasentative ¢f I! Union Sucricps Franco- Canadienne. fe ---- A STAR IN THE INDIAN SKY. WHAT BRITISH RULE HAS DONE FOR BRITISH INDIA When the thunderbolt comes down, it aps pears to all--is clear to all, and even after i} has vanished we see, or think we see, a'trail. ing glory infthe sky. Inthe mora' firma- ment there are discoveries which come bes fore us with equal brilliancy and suddeness ; but whether they shall vanish, or become fixed lights for all succeeding ages, depends on their inherent truth. When Holloway announced that in twe simple specifics, a box of pills and a box of intfent, he had di d dies for all forms of external uilments, the public re« cieved his earnest protestations with a laugh and deemed him one of the will-o'-the-wisps who occasionally appear above the horizon, only to be swallewed up by that darkness out of which their folly induced them fo emerge. But years passed on, aud still the star of Holloway maintained its place--tho only fixed immutable light amid the drifting clouds of medical fatuity and contradiction, ft has enlarged its sphere ; it has climbed higher towards the zenith, now its rank, as the planet of physical regeneration, is ace knowledged by five-eights of the human family ; and even those who do not openly _ profess their faith in it have a secret convicts tion thatin its rays alone can safety from disease be found. i In British India Holloway's remedies were; from the first, received with butgittle favor, "I'he native population had great prejudi overcome ; but yet a fair trial oi these medi- caments failed to procure for t| elsewhere, a permanent and prized adoption, Scorning these narrow "limits "of etiquette. which formerly induced many of the crowns ed heads of Burope to take no'netice of these remedies in public, while privately depends ing on them, and them alone, for the cure many ail either in the or ilies, the Bajbas aud Natics Princes of Br ish India set a valuable: example subjects by the public adoption of valuable restoratives.-- Free n - In casetof chronic disease bave failed to cure, Bi Bitters has achieved its All disonses of the Blood,

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