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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Apr 1881, p. 2

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of her who hasbeen deprived Lying by Proxy. A couple of To ago our estimable & Neddy instructed his scribler to say that we had attempted to secure the represents. tion of Wost Durham and that mote reosntly wo had boen causing letters to be sent tothe and comfort a brother of. ved 'and. father- | 40 with its members snd pouring |p, 4iness and going to reside on & property the balm of consolation acd hope into the yo one in Simeob, The 30th ult, being the day fixed for removal, the members of the St. Andrew's Society of which he is a worthy and valued member, etifertained him at a public com- plimentary supper in the Port Perry House on theeve of his, departure; many others of hig fellow townmen were glad to join in the ebtertainment apd thus enjoy. the op- portubity of mautiesting their high' rofpsSt for the tionored guest of the evening. . The Soolal and Lecture in the town hall Tere, on the evening of Monday last proved a perfect success in every particulat; and ladies of the M. E. church have laid the com runity under an additional obligation by the! ly first-class entertainment furnished on is occasion especially in affording us snoth opportunity of bearing that prince of | ers, Tov. B Line, M.A. 80 sdon ns dt Was Known tLat the rev. gentleman was &bout to favor this loeality with another visit all were on tip-foe of expectation and so angious were the people to hear him that on Sabbath notwithstanding that every part of the church ptses and all, were made available for the corigregation tery many bud to go awny not being able to get within the doors. Habilitie G t 1 all to $47,000, to meet tho in est of which will requite $9 a day. This everlasting paging of.interest without, diminishing the debt one dollar will become irksome in timo and people will naturally begin to ask when this is guing to stop, and on informed that there will be no stop to it till the debt has been removed the next que ill be how is the debt to be re- Kye, thats the rubl certainly never by this mode of interest paying. -- The time will come when these debentures will all mature and should that take place when money is scarce, and consequently dear we 'could only re-issue at a very great sacrifice. - Would not the present, when money is riviloge provided the same be paidinto| the Commissioners appointed by the Coun- cil to receive and expend the same, not later | than the 15th day of May next, and parties failing to do so will be required to porforn their state labor under and subject to the that the reeve and clerk sign this resolution and the seal of the corporation be attached thercto, Pll oa te A communication was' read from the at $7 each, f.0. b. » granted the | atus. pathmaster for road division No. 14, and (aft Whitby Manufacturing Co'y offering to pro- the ehgine can work the blade w vide the corporation first-class road scrape: | Of 120 to the minute, it fs calculated that} 4 extraordinary speed will be attained. The more influential parties in this ridiog with On Monday the social and lecture were, An account of $7 was presented, this was | yacht is about thirty feet long over al {#vo out of every three shall be cut off. n the spo before; the Council it out being dutermingd if they to die bard, The Assembly was 40 be thwarted in this fashion and de- mined #bat th: 'eloctors should" sn oc not they desire to continue the "farce of paying three times as many Jo;islators as they have any need for. With is view the Gevernment has carried a re- solution through the' Tegisiature, unani- ~ mously to dissolve the House at the end of 0 prosent session, and appes| to the people the question of abolishing the present Assembly and Council of 43 members and substituting a « Legidlative Assembly of Prince Edward Island," to be composed of 15 -------- Interesting Meeting: Pursuant to motice--a meeting of the stock holders of tho Reach Cheese Factory Company was held at the town hall Man- chester on Monday. , The Board of Directors wished to consult the shareholders as to the goneral course to be pursued in. the financing department, the sales of cheere, hie obligations of the cheese maker and other matters of vital importance 10 the company at their start. The meeting a view to receiving the nomination for North Ontario, Of course both « Neddy "and his scribbler knew that there was not a particle of truth in cither assertion, but it was just; about as true as all the rest of their trash. | e in tho following issue. warned: " Neddy" of ithe consequences he hypocritical urse:he is putsuing, al justice we'de- manded that he should either attempt to prove his assertions or retract them at once as he knows théfn to bo Talse. But 'ges he do either ? not a bit of fm! but he hukits rand till he finds a sneak so contemptibly mean astolig for him by proxy. In his last week's issue # Neddy "makes his erring Victim say :--That he knows Neddy's allus- jon to our connection with the contest in West Durham to be true, and inorder fo cut off the corners of his malicious and premed- itated falsehood lic maudles over our having «10st ourself a second time" just as if that had anything to do with his base, untrathfol statement, had we lost ourself a hundred times our shortcomings would not diminish his guilt, render Neddy's hypecrasy one whit tho less disgusting, or form the least excuse tor his lying by proxy. The poor creature who hides Lis identity behind « W * is more to be pitied than blam- ed, he never knew and po one ever told him that wo had any desire to represent West Durhain yet Neddy makes the poor thing say:-- That he knows Neddy's allusion to our connection with the contest in West Durham to be true." rn -- A Gala Day at Abbs, Paterson & Reid's "Great Dry Goods Es- tablishment, Port Perry. Wednesday, Gth inst, being the Grand Opening Day for the Spring of 1881, of the Millinery Department of Abbs, Paterson & Reid's establishment, was indeed a Gala Day Fhe President of the Society: occupied the ohsir with the guest of the evening and Mr' Sithpron on his right and Major Forman and Sergeant Rolph on the left, while the tables wero surrounded by a large and ino- telligent company who had come to pay a tribute of respect to genuine worth, Tho tables were got up with that good taste which distinguishes the effots of the active young host and hostess of the Port Perry House. It would be difficult to con- ceive of a moro social and "enjoghble om- pany, the supper was carefully prepared and well served and the company knew how to appreciate the effort. Supper over the chairman after a fow in- troductory remarks, proposed the health of the Queen and Royal family. , This was fol- | lowed by "God ghvo the Queen," led by Major Forman and heartily joined Ly the whole company. Major Forman now sang "Will. ye no came back again" with that ease and good taste which characterises his singing. The song was most appropriate, the Major was in good voice and received most hearty applause, Mr. Cook now sang « The flag that braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze." Mr. Cook is brim full of patriotic songs and he sings them with a. vim which shows Lis heart is in them,™ ; The chairman now proposed {he Guest of the evening, dwelling at some length on the mary good qualities of Mr. Kyle. Mr. Kyle responded in most appropriate torms, referred to bis long residence fn' Port Perry, the pleasant times he has had in it, the cherished friendships he Lad made and from which he felt loath to part; but though far from them he will ever remem- given in the Town Hull and notwithstands: ing that the evening was exceedingly dis- ugreeableand severe, a piercing north-wester cutting right through everything out of doors, the entertainment wasa marked success, that large ball being comfortably filled. We need scarcely add that the ladies treated "théir numerous guests in a handsome foanner. After the social the company retired to the |body of the hall when the Rev. JOH George, B. A, the worthy young pastor of the church took the chair, aud after a few | remarks and the singing of a verse of a hymn called on the Rev. A. B. Demill tolead in prayer, The chairman in a few neat and ap- propriate remarks introduced the lecturer of the evening, Rev. B. Lahe, M. A. . "The announcement of the subject of the lecture "Woman" caused considerable fluttor as few lecturers would dare to'npproachi such a subject, but the lecturer on this oocasion was equal to the emergency and handled the subject to perfection, doing ample justice to the sex and claiming very much more for the ladies than the would<be lords of creation are willing to comcede. One of Scotland's bards has said : 0 woman, lovely, woman fair 1 An angel's form 's fawn to thy share, Twould been ver mici to gie thee mair, &e. But the lecturer went much further and gave them a great deal more, enough in fuot almest to create a jealousy amongst the sterner sex. The rev. gentleman richly deserves the thanks of this community for the grand jn. tellectual treat furnished on this occasion, Port Perry Council. "The above Council met at the Town Hail on Monday, 4th inst. Members all present. The minutes of the previous mecting were read and approved. A communication from J Nott, Esq., was tead before the Council calling attention to the dangerous condition 'of that part of the sidewalk on the north side of Queen street a plentiful and cheap, be a good time to grapple with the difficulty and if possible Consolidate our debt? would it not be possible to so arrange matters as to secure money at a lower rate of interest so that by paying the amount which we now do $2, 820 a yeur, we might not only pay the in. terest but a certain portion of the principle and' thus diminish the debt froth year to car. : However we leave his matter inthe hands of our town fathicrs who will gladly embrace any opportunity of diminishing the burden of taxation. Cartwright Council: a The municipal Council of Cartwright met at the town hall, Williamsburg, on Monday; April 4th.--~Prébent the Regve, D. Reeve and Messrs Goggin and McKee. *The minutes of {he previous meeting were read and approved. The D. Reeve presented {he report of the committee appointed at the past session of Council to examine the quatrer Ime between lots 18 and 19 in the 7th con, a8 to the quantity of timber thereon, the best mode of disposing of it, and to enquire aftet and deal with any party or parties who may have cut or removed timber from said line. The re- port was as follows : «Your committee appointed at a past meeting of this Coancil to. examine the 7th con of this township, as to the quantity of timber on said line and if deemed pro- per to offer the same for sale, and also to enquire into the matter of timber being cut and removed from "said line and if pos. sible te ascertuin who the party or parties are and to deal with them as considered ad« visiable and report to this Council at its next seswion. x "Your commiltee inspected the line on 1879.2." The recve explained the matter, he had no doubt that Mr. Willard was entitled to the money but he did not believe that this from a Mr, Willard for expenses for his| is provided with a patent engine resembling going to Cobourg on a supcena at the in- stance of the corporation of Cartwright in propelling blade or pusher is three feet in length and fifteen inches in width, A trial trip will be made in a fow days. of what is expected of jt it will be something grand and add an aditional wing to our If the invention accomplishes one half quarter line between lots 18 and 19 in the}: corporation is liable for it, but that the Mr. Willatd made application in the proper | quarter he Would got his mofey., The Dat ter was laid over: © istent with the pr by-law and appoint certain township officers. The ars the appointments : Pathmasters,--Wm Squelsh, George Reed, Spinks; Andrew Hyland, James Coates, John Ferguson, Anson Taylor, Robert Hall, John Jobb, Andrew Bruce, Francis Sanderson, Abram Dean, Edward Fowler, Robert Cars- cadden, Charles Fallls, Thomas White, Geo, Paul, David Johnston, Teas. Whitfield, Geo. Fallis, Thomas Cowan, Nelson Marlow, Robt, Reynolds, BJ Nesbitt, J Y McLaughlin, Robert Gibson, George Montgomery, James Churchward, James Holmes, John Sammels, Robert Thompson, John Cuthbert, David Milne, Thomas Ney, John Williams, John Veale, John Wetheral, John Miller, Henry McQuaid, John Fowler, John Lord, Wiiliam Ney. : = Fence- Viewers --Thomas Werry, John Trewin, John Reacock, John McRoberts, Jno Kdgerton, C B Power, Salmon Muirhead, J Y crown ought fo pay it, and he believed if| 2001 steametd | Brrishens A x.--The Brith manu- tactures find agricultarists are so hardly MrCowan introduced the by-law of which | pressed by foreign competition that "hey he had given notice at the previous meeting, | searcely kaow wh ch way:to turn ot. what to ¥iz : to ro-arrange the several road divisions [suggest Mr. Chaplin in his place in the within the township, to repeal all by-laws | British Parliament moved to prohibit the i of the said | importation of American live stock. This was regarded as going & littls too far and the motion was throwirout as this wonld run the price of beef to high for Jonny. What- James Graham, James Bradburn, Robert |ever may le done for the manufacturers something must be done for the farmers they Swain, James Bailey, Jeshua Ferguson, 8 T | arg becoming desperate. Land reform will be the next move, Tho Orangeville Sun of last weck sayR,-- The Town Council at their megting on Feb. 21st passed a by-law enacting that from and after the 1st of March all persons 'obtaining a ghop license in Orangeville should con- fine their business solely and exclusively to the selling of liquors. introduced the by-law, presented a petition signed by nearly 100 ratepayers praying that the Council should take action in the matter. It would appear that the opponenents of the by-law are determined to test its legal McLaughlin, Walter Dunn. Henry Bartlett, DPoundkeepers--Tobert Ramm, Peter Holts Wm Windell, Henry Watson, Robert, Ney fty.* On Friday last Mr. J. P. MacMillian law No. 162, the by-law in question, should obtained a Rule Nisi calling on the Corpora- tion of Orangeville to show catse why by- On motion the Reeve signed orders on the Treasurer as follows '--Mrs Armstrong, in- digent ald to Robert Wilson, $4; Henry Watson, indigent aid to Mrs Longhead $4; a pump engine with a pump cylinder. The| not be quashed on various grounds. The Council at their meeting on Monday night decided to seck legal advice as to what steps to take to "protect" the by-law Mr. P. M. OsservEr Orrice, April Fall Wheat, ...... il Spring Wheat, Barléy...... on¥ 2358 < a §s88s% 38888 Hides... §s38s we SO gre 2% $538588 Beef....oi «ieis Tallew per 1b.... PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATION! ry HE First Quarterly Examination of the Public Schools of the Village of Port Perry will be held on THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 188L beginning at 9 o'clock, am. J Parents and guardians are respectfally in« vifed to attend, of Joon monigcos on RN C. MARSH, Chairman, Port Perry, March 30, 1881. en YF ree Valuable Farm & Village Property URSUANT to the Decree made in a certain cause, in RE Steel, Steel va Stee will be sold with the approbation of T, Taylor, ksq,, Master in Ordinary, at" AUCTION, by J, M. Patterson, Auctionver, at GIBSUN'S HUTEL, 1n the VILLAGE OF ZEPHYR, In the Township of Scott and County of Ontario, On Saturday, the 16th day of April, A.D. 1881, \ancery Sale amongst the fair ones who crowded in to . > t of Mr. Princ rocery . A 3 : little weat of M5, Frinevs groessy Barker hus. been retained on behalf of "the Wm Speace, indigent aid, $4; Jobn Toms, cedar for Culvert, $3. i town, and the argument of the Rule will take n four Parcels : The reeve stutsd tbat ho had had a com- place nt Qsgoode Hall on Tueday next.| Pancet Oxe: The east halfof lot No. 22 Somebody will have a nice little law Lill to in the 3rd concession of the Township of was all that could Ve desired, the officers : At 120'clock nook, he Toliowing properties, ad directors were all on hand and almost all the stock holders turned out. Tho Presi- On motion of Mr Crandell the sum of $30 | the 9th ult, and found a portion of the road wag ordered to bo paid to A. J Harrington allowance well timbered with cedar and being in full of his salary as Collector for | other 'timbers and would recommend the witness the really splendid display ofall thatis | ber them with feelings of much respect. -- newest, most fashionableattractive and hand. {He thanked thé company for this unexpected somein the line. The display was really mag- tribute of respect and the kindly reference of the Lake dent took the chair and called the mecting to order after which the secretary read the minutes of the past meeting which on _ motion were approved. ; Tho Directors reported tlmt the entire nificent and if equalled could certainly not Le surpassed by any establishment out of our very best | cities, This enterprising young firm deserve much credit for their liberality and push and no doubt the ladies know how to appreciate and encourage this grand and made to his partoer. in life and hoped that he might always prove worthy of their esteem, and his prayer would be that the all powerful hand of an all wise Providence pay guide and sustain all of us through life 1830, The Anditors' report was now presented and after being thoroughly examined by the Council on motion of Mr. Crandell the re- port was adopted and the accounts declared to be fivally nudited, an abstract was ordered to be published and two hundred copies of oountil to sell the same by publie tender to 'the highest bidder, provided that the price offered Dz at least equal to an upset. price fixed by this, Council; and in case of sale thut the purchaser be bound to remove the timber within a given time, say not longer - than, three years from the date of sale, i : munication from Mr. Codd, roadway from the township of Cartwright lect tolls thereon, j sucli a course was rendered nec Scugog Marsh Lands Draining Company concerning the passage of a by-law by this Couneil sanctioning the cemstructien of a te ! to| Mt. John Stock of East Flamboro bad alne of $140 destroyed hy digs ir of Monday 21st ult. ten fine mba Mr, Stock had put them the township of Sengog and to levy and vol- The reeve remarked (© pay. ee EW A -- A Costly Mutton Bill. Scott aforesaid, containing 100 acres, more or less: This farm is wholly clear ef timber and in a good state of cultivation ; it is well fenced with stake and rider cedar rail, has a good frame barn, stables; driving house, storie root | house and other outbuildings. = A large and commodious rough cast dwelling house bails about three years ugs. Hard and soft water, , ? warabont Sakon up thar being successful cfiort to bring together and place {and bring all at last to the bright home of only some $150 mot yut taken up the} pip gir reach everything iat 15 new | (ho bleased where purting shall no more Juildings are progressing rapidly and will be | fg ionablo and desirable in tho Millinery | ye known. Te ready to receive the plait' towauds the close | fine. This victory on the part of this en-| my Simpson nbw sang a stirring national of the present month. Mo cost will be spar- | terprising firma has not beon achioved with- | gong on the trying times of Wallace the of In Making the tastobyén cvery way equal | OU 72UCh labor and large outlay. brave Scottish chist. the detailed statement printed for distribu- of tion. 1 ; On motion the sum of $8 was ordered to i each of the Auditors in full. of services as such Auditors for the present year. 5 On motion of Mr, Bruce the following ac- «Your committee on enquiry ascertai mpatly had obtained certain =| in his hi use the night before, and the i a orchard of gh com ' that a certain party hat! cut and removed | ments to their Charter at the late. session of ois lindl forn of (he botirds'to reach them. "partly clay Jonm. Tt ixnbokit thm ¢ 3 eighteen 'cedar trees from said line und-- | the Provincial Assembly byt thesé amend. | A dog's Toufsteps.. in the' snow wore traced | the Village of Uxbridge, "seven from the * pursuant fo instruction--your committee | cots cannot bo taken advantage of by the | to within about a mils oT RIK: Carrots house Village of Mount Albert, aud four from Blake Pere abont ta institute procecditigs 'agaiust| C0. HII afterthe corporations concerned jat Rock Bay, and as tons vue ba. gt 1m, ull statics gi the /Fatonto & Nip. B0'y. | } issing Railway, affol facilities f spos- Nave passed by-laws sanctioning the sume. FON fome onc, it wag sald that a bulldog * be-| ing of farm on and produce to ot di best $0 the best factorics now running by supply- 'ing every facility for the manufacture of really first-class cheese and the maker is bound to produce a first-class article; and from the 'gompésition of the ofticers and directors, the business tact and liberality of the share- holders andthe general intelligence of the surrounding community - there can be po We newd scarcely recor¥mend the ladies to go and see the Grand Show, for all will gladly embrace the first opportunitjyof doing so, Miss Harrison is still the head of the Millinery Department and we congratulate the young lady on the magnificent display and fine taste exhibited in the arrangement, Major Forman! sang "The Bonnets of Boonie Dundee" with capital effect. Mr. Rolph said he could not allow the op portunity to pass without adding his testi- mony to the genuine worth of the guest op the evening and expressing his regret that be had made up his mind to move from this wisdom of the decision to which Mr. Kyle part of the country, but still he sees the | Petors, Supplies «..... counts were ordered to be paid. R. Prouse, 104 cords stone. W. T. Parrish for stone ... J.J Cox, 10 cords of stone ...... J. W. Davis & Son, coffin for Mrs, Lee $3150 54.75 30.00 W. Williams, 312 fact plank. . W. I. Parrish, supplies for hall On motion of Mr. Bruce, the party when Mr Churchwood interposed and offered to allow the Council their em- ployees br agent to take as much timber from his(Churchwood's)premises as the party had takea of said rond allowance, and he would give the Comncil a bond to that effect: This proposition your committee would recommend the Council to accept. Jas Pamr, A. Latrivor." could not injure them in any way, he had Penny ill of late but he had sold bis grain there thiv season and found it exceedingly convenient, and in passing along the ice sands of acres otherwise valuable land lying he was astonished at secirg so many thou- | MOONE the brutes, For his part he eould see no objectiodl tg the longing to that lady liad caused the damage, council passing such a by-law as its passage 'This dog was, in fact, found at home with Wood spots and sheep ticks on him, but Mrs, aot been much in the habit of going to Port Carroll asserts that the dwg had been; to & neighboring slangliterhoyscy which be often visited, The magistrates reserved decision. A grand masssacre should fake piace advautage. A school, churches, Post Office and store are conveniently situate, roads throughout the township are good. There are about 8 acres of fall wheat now iu the ground, which will go with the farm, twelve acres seeded down to grass, said lot No. 22, in the 31d concession of the said Township of Scott,containing 100 acres; more or less; 30 acres ave cleared, and 70 acres in hardwood and cedar bush, Soil clay lonm. There is a log house on the Pancis Two. The west half of the afore- + ep Pusixe Aura. -- A Oablegram from London dated March 3ist' states that at a | premises, and the fences are good. meeting of the shareholders of the Canada sontine excellent Dustore aud, aud te Ata a so © 8 for dis stock Pacific Railway on that day all the necessary | apd produce as the above ai By fingucial arrangements for a vigorous prose-| Parcen Tares.--Part of the south-east Juar- cution of the work wors completed and 'the | ter of lot No.33 In theQth coucession of the j T i idg 3 - construction of the main line is to be pushed Township of Ts sdgerin the County of On ---- ! rt t, lo |, Soe Buves' & Gos new ive Sapient, has come to retire on his well earned leisure | gigont aid was granted : Mrs Zwickey, $7; Mrs their Dey 8 Hheouettd " | when the weight of years begins to press. | gogt, Mis Irvi Mra Bi f and Crockery departments they have added oster, $2, Mis Irvine, 84; rg, Brown for flour, feed, &c Major Forman said it was only a day or|Demera, $3 ; Tunstall, $3. 3 . two ago that he learned of Mr, Kyle's inten- FUE. FORT PERRY AUDIT. Seo Abbs, Paterson & Reid's now ndver: tion to move away and he was not insensivle tisemnent, They call attention to their Iarge stock of Crockery and Glassware which 'doubt of tho' success of the enterprise, and whatever my be said of its paying there can not be two opinions aso its proving Lighly profitable to those who supply the milk.-- Hero comes in their duty in the matter, they The Reeve stated that he would not have there serving no good purpose, and if the recommended the sale of the nr was | Company can redeem the land fod make it there any liklihood of preszrring it/but of uselul every possible encouragement should « this there is little hope*the timber is good be given them, and as for the tolls they can- uy | ty the loss the town will sustain, Mr. Kyle The Hugin. Te port OF the Seosibts ang and it is so very easily got at that the price | not be made burdensome as people would payments of the municipality was be ore 146 not go by the roadway but by such means as ie i z was never one who made any show or dis. Gouncilat its sossion on. Monday last; it is of the timber would not be sufficient to pro ought, and doubtless they will give it 'more than a half-hearted support and very anuch of the general success depends on the support given by qoch party supply. k. Surrounding farmers should re- "as sdoty they owe to the enter. to the locality, to their neighbors but to themselves to do all they can, the putting forth of an effort to give se a good set off by supplying an se those who supply the milk ¢ more thoy supply the whole locality, in | | &., there can be no trouble ih parting with they are selling at lowest possible figures. Soe Forman & Son's new advertisement. 'They are calling attention to something par- ticularly attractive in black Cashmere and black Satin lies which] they are effuring re- markably low. { See Mr. Christian's new advertisement elsewhere in this issue, Helis showing a large, atUactive stock of Spring Goods--just such goods as all require at this season of tho year. The style and price cannot fail to please, Goand sce them, 'Wightman Brothers' New Adv- ertisement~This firm guarantees tbeir goods to be always right in quality, style and price. The goods must be fresh for they are as rapidly. Their stock is extensive, choice and well bought, everything that can be wanted in, the line. (See Advertisement) Manchester Fair--The Manchester inoathly fair for April will be held on Wed- fair just before the farmers commence their spring work Bring-ou yotr cattle, sheep, 'ought fo Increase and importance. of stock sule there will be no lack of buyers. = be of Oddfellows, P thoir Anniversary, April 26, of their days ond that they may at last be 'arriving almost every day,and being sold out | men as a loss to any locality but it is com- | nesday, 13th inst. This ought tobe a good Mrs Kyle may yet sec many days of comfort them at fair prices ; as the trade in livestook | ing remarks, speaking in terms highly com- ; where there 'are plenty for | have a full share, the blessings iu this life {and bappiness io the next. ren'of Westies' Lodge Tnde-| 50" : Port Perry, in play, be made no noise or bluster but the manly, quite and honorable example he gave could not fail in effecting good in any community and while we shall be deprived of that valuable example it is pleasing to reflect that it will be conducive to good wherever he goes, and he (Mr, Forman) bopes that the change my prove more ad- vantageous than Mr. Kyle anticipates and that he and his goed lady may enjoy com- fort and happiness throughout the remaindor transferrod from the comforts of life to the pence and happinesr of the heavenly land. Mr. McKnight expressed regret at parting with Mr. Kyle, considers the removal of such forting to know that the influence .of such wast be felt for good in the community to which they move; he is pleased that Mr. Kyle is not compelled to move but that it is his own choice and hopes that Mr, and in their now hore. Messrs. Pearce, Kennedy, Cook aid Dawes followed with highly appropriate and pleas. expressing the hope that Mr Kyle all that are dear to him may Mr. Kyle proposed the health of tho Pre. sident of Bt. Andrew's Society. The President acknowledged the compli- ir. A.G. Campbell proposed "Kindred , 'This Urought Messrs Rolph, Pearse to their fect. !year, Sundays excepted. The interest o quite an interesting document at least tothe ratepayers of the municipality. RECEIPTS. Balance from the audit of 1879.. $2376 12 Collected for rent of town hall... 10400 Two Livery Stables, $26 cach... 50 00 Village portion lipuor licenses, .. 751 88 Gov't Grant to School. .....i 260 00 Sundries... les ieaiaeane 43 31 From the Collector of taxes...., 9136 43 Hence {he total income for 1§890 was wPI2,720 14 THE PAYMENTS DURING THE YEAR. WERE AS FOLLOWS : Paid W, M. Cochrane, late clerk, services in 1879..,.40 «0 « Printing account for 1880 « Expended on hall..... « Fire Department... « County taxes , * Indigent aid. , « Officers' saluries... # Street Improvements « Orders of Council , # Expended on School « Interest on Debentures , $120 29 89 00 86 64 142 00 490 656 267 84 681 00 814 18, 331 28 3721 87 2820 00 Hence the total expenditure for 1880 WAS ..iev,ionsans roeese $9364 64 Bo that the receipts exceeded the » expenditure Ly $3157-16, hence this amount was in the hands of the Treasurer at the time the audit was made are paying $9 of interest every day in the the school buildings costs us $720 a year, It will be observed that we paid no less | than $2,820 for interest in 1880, hence we. tact it and under (he circumstances it would be wise in the Council to dispose of itata pfice something near its value. The deputy Reeve said that" the time might come when that timber wou'd be of more value to the corporation than it is now but when that time came the timber might be all gone and nothing received for it, this is the reason why he would recommend its sale now, On motion of Mr. Goggin the report was adopted, Mr. Cowan now entered and took his seat Ma. (huirhwood.cxacuted the necessary bond referred to above, The reeve said there was a matter which he regarded of much 'importance to the cor- poration which he meant to have brought 'up at last meeting of Council had an op- portunity presented itself, but as it Lad not he would embrace the present oppor- tunity of laying the matter before the Coun- cil so {hat they might act onit as they sce fit, he referred to the nnprotected condi- tion of the several important docunients the property of the somperdtion, The members of Council are award t at these documents ate under their caro and t they now do. following by-law': enacts as follows : township of Cartwright to ship of Beugog. aud incorporation. shall be ex-officio members of the board pended in making said road. The by-law was read a first time. fr first Mouday in May at 1 o'clock, p. m, they now have of getting to Port Perry.-- People wiil have the choice as to going by the readway and payiog thetoll or going as The deputy Recve now introduced the The Corporatiou of the Township of Cartwright I'hat the Lake Scugog Marsh Lands Drain- ing Company are hereby permittted to con- struct a road: or embankment from the the town. levy and collect tolls theicon ln accordance With their Act of Provided, however, that the i reve of Bcugog and the Reeve of Cartwright directors of the said Company so far as re- lates to the said toll road ; and 'further that no more or greator tolls shall be collected therefor or thereon than will be sufficient fo keep the same in repair and pay dividends equal to seven per cent. on the capital ex- idly as possible. tion by the close of the present year. south-east in the direction of the coal field and ternational boundary, Railway Company is also concluded. nt Hard on the Oligarehy. Of | the Galt Reporter of last week. | to cities, Towns and Villages, to Provisional agreement for acquisition of Canada Central pro- port Perry 'Public School Roll for March. is $900 & year, while tho interest on the $20,000 we gave to extend the raflw; the interest on the corporation debentures ts Maud Goodfello , Jonuna MeOlin on Yoth casters and western sections as rap- The 350 miles of 1ailway west of Winnipeg is expected to be in opera- The Company also resolved to build & branch line from a point near the eastern terminus to Sault Ste, Marie, aud another branch from the western Trunk Line beyond Red River The following communication appeared in z Dean Sm.~On Saturday last Waterloo Division Grange met in Galt. In the course of business, the Market Feo Question came up for discussion. * You are aware that during the past two years a very laige number of petitions from the furmers of Ontario have been presented to the Government and : Legislative Assembly, praying that the! the On motion the Council adjouroed till the | clause in the Municipal or less, commencing in the rear of the 5th con= cession, at the south-east angle of said lat 38, | where a post has been planted. Thence on & course south 74 degrees; west 10 iN Thence north 16 degrees, west two Thence north 74 degrees, east 10 chains, to the allowance for road in the rear of said conoess sion. Thence south 16 di - east two chains, to the place of beginning. There is on the premises a rongh-cast dwelling house on & - stone foundation, containing six : . cellar, in good repair, alson g el plum frees, and currant bus are tis about a mile from the Village of Pancet Four.-- Village lots Numbers p 47, 0n the West side and froniing on Sec Street, in the Village of Lasky, ng © stable. - The lot is well fenced and Jomprises mj 3 good land, on which some a| Ars + pied , on the 30th ng t No.5, in of the Township: of z, in the | York, containing two-fiths of an acre, same more or legs. Each of the al sale kd wa Toschi ant oy "The purchisors at the timeof | percent of the pu Act, giviog gower| of xbridge,

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