Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Apr 1881, p. 3

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CHEAPEST, h or Produce Only, No exce t Perry, May QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. JUST RECEIVED JER Steamship " Winnipeg," 6 pack- ages Crockery & Glassware, Consisting of one Special lot of Chamber Sets, which we are selling at WHOLESALE PRICES, Also, a very large Stock of Dinner, Dessert, Tea and Breakfast Sets, in beautiful pag- terns. These goods were bought before the yecent advance in price, Call early and sce them, they are selling off very fast. -C.B. McDERMOT, IMPORTER. - Port Perry, July 1, 1880. In returning thanks to our ©» Qnerons cus- tomers for the liberal patronage extended to us since opening in PRINCE ALBERT, We beg to announce to our friends and the public generally that we have A WELL SELECTED Stock of Dry Goods, Gro. ceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &e., marked very low. Garden Seeds of all kinds Flour, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, which we have and Cracked 'Wheat constantly |- =. 'on hand. (G= Farm Proiluce taken in exchange. BRUCE & CO. Prince Albert, April 6, 1881. J IMEED 10; 1" Pose ly A FULL SUPPLY JUST TO HAND, TAY mo Field, Garden and Flower JST RECRIVED ToTICE 1 'hereby given that all cations for app legions or the Joveuent of the dges in the ip of Reach for gp resent year to be held on the 9th day of now next after which no application be received. By Ordet, : JOHN CHRISTIE, ol Maicharton March 14, 1881. FARM .LANDS MILL PROPERTY, &C,, FOR SALE! BY ee Private Contract, The following Lands studied in the Townships of Reach and Uxbridge, are offered for Sale ut Low Prices for cash of upon short teims of payment, PARCEL 1. ~Coniainn cession, and the East rorts of Lots 200 Acres, is com- 2, in the Stht con- Nos. 1and 2, in the 7th concession of Hzbrig e, upon jus 'arcel there date an Orthard, a large Fram. welling House, and commodious outbuide Ings; the land is hoy all cleared, and is a very desirable farin. PARCEL 4.--Embraces the North-half of Lot 14, in the 6th foncossign of Reach, 100 acres, none of which is clea PARCEL 5.--Contains 178 acres, being Lot No. 15, in the 7th concession of Reach, about 3) neres are cleared and the balance is heavily tim be There is a good frume Barn on this pares): PARCEL 0,--Is composed of the South. hatf of To Nor 18, in the Uth.concession of Reach, 100 acres, a small portion of w is cleared. PARCEL 7.~140 acres, part of Lot No. 21, in the 10th congession of Reach, upon which [ lot of valuable timber, and several acres under cultivation, All the above lands are in the market and will be gold with as idle delay as ossible, -- Intending purchasers will not nfined to the various parcels and divisions an set forth, but ean pure e such portions as ney may desire, and at prices to suit the tim For arise particulars and ration apply THE MANAGER Any and H. GORDON, t Perry ; or J. A. ModILLIVARY, Oct sth, 1879. ster, Uxbrid, All persons are striotly forbidden to SE remove any timber from off the abo! nds. Hew Tailoring Establishment | ANKE, HE undersigned begs to inform the pub- lic that he has opened a Tailoing: Establishment on the third floor over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. He solicits 8 share of public patronage and guarantees the. newest fashions, beat styles and perfect fits. His long experience o of the largest and most fashionable. hls staaiimgRE its gives him confidence in gnaranteei is cus- tomers full satisfaction. JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry March 8, 1881. FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ROOM<PAPER, FANCY GOODS, &®. LARGEST, OHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO ~ NORTH ONTARIO. ~ Will sell at prices to suit the times, . Call and examing ny Stock. Ww. Ho. ech, Royal Arcade, Pott Teny. Township Clerk. | ABBS, PATERSON & REIDS, 'A LARGE STOCK OF {Crockery Glassware. BOTTOM PRICES. = Mle GOON. 2 a1 = BROWN & GURRIE ARE SHOWING THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF IN TOWN! Consisting of NEW SILXS the best value in the trade. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS--500 different Patterns. NEW TWEEDS--100 different Patterns. NEW CARPETS--over 20 Pieces, DUCK, HOLLANDS, TABLINGS and a host of other Goods. MiLLINERY ROOM! Now Open with all the LATE ST Styles. Port Perry, March 30, 1881. 1 HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST,| Black Black Cashmeres (. TRIN & SOO (Call especial attention to their Stock of these Foods, They Show A Goon Black Cashmere at 4 worth 50c. Lovery Bl piper bind Ho Taos Cashmere at pS 700, worth 856 A Sern Black Cabaret 1 worth 90c. Gonanous Black. Cashmere: sf 800; worth BRING YOUR BUTTER & EGGS. New Goods! Satins. 7 k TIE THR RIGHT GOODS In RIGHT. PRICE. The Cheap est mouse in the ons Wightmans'!, Wightmans'! NEW GOODS arriving every day. WIGHTMAN BROS. Dealers in every thing there is money in and some things there is none in. Wightman's Corner, PORT PERRY. LARGE ARRIVALS NEW GOODS Amost Daiy, at Bigelow's ROYAL ARCADE IN General Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Cloths and T weeds, Gent's Felt and Straw Hats, Boys' and Childrens' do: en Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c., &c. Tho MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will be opened the 4th of April with a Magnificent Stock, the newest styles out from Paris and New York. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, Mar. 22, 1881, WANTED 10,000 Bushels For which I am prepared to pay Cash. FOR SALE! sk punt of of Paster $1.05 per barrel, nd Salt. nd Salt per ton e050 to 87. . » Lue. The highest price given for the produce of the farm and dairy: POTATO BES {on Track. | =allT{] a anim Have only tobe seen to satisfy all that "MANCHESTER 15° THE PAG For ladies and gents to procure handsome and ches; onto the sonny Evetythipg in the line of ladies' and Fonts weary' 2 NEWEST FASHIONS IN DRY 600DS, HATS, CAPS, &C. BOOTS and SHOES a large Stock. GROCERIES always carefully solected, Fresh, Choice aod Cheap. 4 8. H. CHRISTIAN. MANCHESTER, April 6, 1881. IMMENSE ARRIVALS T.S.Corrigan's GOLDEN ANVIL. Pen aud Pocket Knives from 10 cts to $2. A large quantity of Table nives. Carving Knives and Forks from 50 cts to $3 per pair. Sleigh Shoe Steel from to 2} inches wide. Genuine C. Horse-nails, Cutter antl Sleigh trimmings. Varnishes, Planes, Saws; Files and Edgé Tools. Lance Tooth Saws; wattanted oil. Sewing Machine Neadles and Oil, p&F* Cash for raw Furs. The best assortment of Heavy and Shell Hdtdware in the Count; ty. sien oF TH 7a coro © MEHARRY, : Port Perry, Dec.. 23, 1840, Takes this Special means of lnvitiig ou . fase)

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