the stomach an rified, m: must know that ine in the worl by all Toronto Oil company and also manufactur- of it Gagtorine » Machine Oil--Infringe- "ments will be proscuted: _ Manufacturers of Reapers, Mowers and] 9 'Fhroshing Machines prefer Castorine Mach- | 1 "me Oil to any other. It will outwcar Lard Beal or Elephant and is warranted not to gum. Castorine Machine Oil for nll Kinds of : hinery--1It is also excllent for harness and leather making it water aud weather "proof. --For sale by Dealers. x icklen's Arnica Salve Best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, ey rl etn, fever sores, ettel, corns and al of th fons, This rn is guaran- Rel 10 give t satisfaction in every case Price 26 cents per box. Fort sale ACS all Druggists. PIMYLES, T will nai] (Free) the recipe for a simple Veeerasue Banu that will remove, Tan, Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaving the , skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instruction Js Droduuing a luxuriant growth of hair on a oald head or smooth face. Address, inclosing Ze stamps Ben. Vandelf & Co, 5 Beckman To Consumptive 2 The advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by . y, is anxious to make known 10 his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To #11 who "desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the bn for preparing and using the same which they will da sure Cure for Con- sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Bly wishing the Prescrij stion, will [lease ron Penn St., ILO GENTS NANTED sig Pay. Light Work. Sready En Samples free. Address, M N, 49 Nassau Street, New York. Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous. ility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of en indiscretion. will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free 10 all who need it, the recipe and direc- tion for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profic by the advertiser's experience can do so by ad: dressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN; 42 Cedar St, New York. for your own use or speculative pur- pL Saahle Catal 8 FINE WATCHES, Watches. thug © a gers $3.50. White Metal Hun Imitation fou $6. Solid po Sie an and e free. tidhiien t., NewYork. JEWELRY, CLOCKS. SILVERWARE SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY. ROOM-PAPLR, FANCY GOODS, &*. I HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO | NORTH ONTARIO. 'Will sell at prices to suit the times. . Call and examine my Stock. W. H. McCAW, Port Perry. Royal 'arcade, (fi roturniog thanks to our numerous cus- 2 for the liberal patronage extended to us siuce opening in Patios Al ALBERT, | will ai ni, Queen Street, Port this season, 1881, Terms~To insure $12 ; for the season, $8, ne That Pure Beed Imported Draught Stallion | DUMFRIESSHIRE JOCK, Will stand for mares, this season, 1881, as follows Monday, May 2, he will leave his own stable at John Hill's 2nd con. Brock, snd ve, at noon ; thence to Jobn 17, con. 8, Reach, and remain [Er to J. V. Thompson, Greenbank, at noon; thence to Newton's Hotel, Saintfield, and remain all night. aa ese yy, proceed to Uard's Hotel, Sun- erland, a remain all night. to Harrison's Hotel, Derryville, at noon ; thence to Smith's Hotel, Cannington, and remain all night. Friday, proceed to Manilla Staton, and remain all night. Saturday, proceed to his own stable where he will pride until the following Monday morning. JOHN HOCKINS, Topeak, ort Perry P. O a gp Pet heme That Pure Bred Imported Draught Stallion, NAPOLEON, Takes this Special means of faving you " ERANENE One of the largest and Cheapest Stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES% Ever Exhibited in Port Perry. Special inducements to CASH customers for 30 DAYS inorder to muke room for the large Stock of Spring Goods purchased 10 ARRIVE EARLY. Call at once and Secure Bargains, aston work in all its branches warranted second-to none for quality or style TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. TRICK, PORT PERRY. C. QUEEN STREET, Port Perry, Feb. 23, 1881. NOTCH T0 BIILDERS AND OTHERS. ho ity of Messrs, Wilson & Ri er wil serve a limited a his season, 1881, as follows: ay. Say 5 bo wil Te 3 Matson Monday, 2, 0 will leave yon's BO Sa May 2 id, and proceed to Seagrave and remain al Big. Tuesd: r. Snellgrove's, 4th con. af noon! the eo totiie Britain, and remain all night. Wednesday Jo Banks' Hotel, Oak- wood, dar Done 5 night. Tad oo Thursday, proceed to Wm. Werry's, lot Bat hoon, thence to Manilla Station, aud remain all nig! Friday, a to Card's Hotel, Sunderland, and oO ronatn all mgs rd 10 his own stable, Saint. Ly oy "aod rom Tn il the following Mon- day morning, route will be continued during the ---- health and wedshues permitting. y AS. MALYON, Groom. Saintfield, Apri®, 1881. -- THAT THORO-BRED SHORT-HORN BUI " Lancaster 2nd. HE undersigned keeps for service at his lace lot 19, i in the 2nd Con. of Reach, that a1 Biperir Sort tora Bull L Zod. Lancaster 2nd's Jedigree from the Canada Short-Horn Herd Book Lancaster 2nd, red and white, calved Feb @3rd, 1870, bred "by John D. Howden, Colum- bus, Co. of Ontario, the property of Robert Brown, Port Perry, Co, of Ontario. Gotby Lancaster ; i Jeabelln. 0 Lord of the Valley 421; g. gam ¥ olvis ton 812, (1109), rr {3 Saw Drop, by Prince Al th d May Queen, by Comet ¢ 19 bina. Daisy, by Young Forester (67) 6 a Young ng, Jo lose]; th d by Young Farmer 243, d. Beant ly' by 1444] ; 10th 'Colonel Lilly by Warden [156 Rockingham (p60); ini Jf y 152]; 11th by Son of Tub ck [319] ROBERT 'BROWN. Reach, June 8 ,1881. Thorough-Bred DURHAM BULL. HE undersigned will keep for service-- daring the season, 1881--at his plaee, lot 24, in the 14th con. of Reach, that fine Thorough-Bred Bull " Rosemond." Service $1. JOSEPH WILSON. Read the tollowings-- Certificate of Regis- tered Pedigree of Bull Calf No, 374, Boss- song. Red and White, calved May 21st, 1878. Bred by Jos. Lee, Greenbank, Co. of Ontario. Got by Roseberry [6139]. Dam Miss Rose, by Kinellar [1610]. G dam Snow Drop, by Robin Hood [2134] Gr. g. dam Primrose, by Senator [659]. See Herd Book. -- JOHN R. PAIG, Sec. Agr'l and Arts Assoc'n. Office Agr] and Arts Assoc. Toronto, Oct. 15, 1878. THORO' BRED DUBHAM BULL JOHN A. Will stand at his stable, Let 20, Con. 2 Reach. For Pedigree see Canadian Herd Book. Service $1. G. JACKSON. Reach, May 19. 1881. 2m JERSEY BULL ! MIDDLEFIELD BOY. Bred by ym A. Mille, Middlefield, Conn, U.S, Sire, Colt, Jr; dam, Bright Eyes. (See American Herd Book, This Bull the property of Mr. John Adams, will be kept at my farm, lot 18, in the 4th con. Reach, for service. 1} mile south of Port Perry. Signed, C= GEO. STEEL, Ja, May 10, 1881. UTICA AHEAD. TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks to the many friends and cus- tomers who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and would beg most respectiully to inform them that I have concluded to adopt the CASH SYSTEM ! In my business entirely. Having gone 5 over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, &o Vey Tone! Lig Pulls | 1 have no hesitation in iy bed prices will bear c quotations ay lowing and boning ho iY Couiune "are 'underselling everybody else in the trade. BARGAINS in Cottons, Wincies, and Wincey Very cord aad, marked very artic in| above departments at LETCHER & RICHARDSON ~----HAVING PURCHASED THE-- DOMINION PLANING MILLS ! PORT PERRY, Would inform the public that they are now prepared to fill on short notice, all orders for Planing, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, FLGORING, SCROLL-WORK, PICKETS, TURNING OF ALL KINDS And everything in their line of business 1 first-class style. Thorough in every d t of the b gives us in guaranteeing | full satisfaction to all who may patronize us--and we will do work Cheaper than any other firm in the County. Our Factory is fully supplied with the best Machinery manufactured, Give us a call at the Dominion Planing Mills, opposite the Foundry. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made out free A J. LETCHER. Port Perry, March 2 1881. & i 1 : + Ad. . F. RICHAR DSON. O'DONOVAN fB PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER NEAR THE TOWN HALL, M. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. ee eee GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material -- Work made toopder with neatness and despatch, Particular attention p 1. to re- airing. CRIFFIT H'S --res And Dealers inesm-- FINE WEY AND LOO 2 (W. B. McGaw's Old Stand, Port Perry, March 30, 1881, NEW DRUC STORE! HE undersigned would inform his friends and the public generally that his DRUG ESTABLISHMENT, One door West of the Walker House, PORT PERRY, Is now open for the Sale of everything in the Drug line. caretully selected in the best markets and warranted PURE. Partie the line may rely on getting that that is Genuine. The Stock is complete, all new, s wauting anythingin My long experience and extensive practice tn the Medical Profession will be of advan- tage to customers purchasing Drugs. A PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care and certainty. Come and see me at my Drug Store, one door West of the Walker House. N. McCLINTON, M. D. Port Perry, Feb. 9, 1881. A the latest improvements, Comblaug all 0 way, by by their merits, fod EVERY HOUSE Where Machines are required. +They are mon 'nciseless, light to ran, do' light and heavy work, sow any kind of thrend, are all Bell Organs ! HEINTIMAN PIANOS, Sold by OC. TUPPER, 2 ow Rooms second door east of W.J Notts Cabinet Warerooms, Port ny Port Perry, March 23, 1881. BAKERY! CONPECTIONERY &1, HE Undersigned would remind Kis customers and the public generally that besides Choice Plain and Faucy Breads of C. B. DIESFELD. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS @ IN------ [usa \TCHES, mt LADIES GOLD WATCHES, JUST TO HAND, ALSO, + 9 1 N PR AJ A. Ladies' Colored Gold = ets, Lockets, Chains, NECKLETS, &C. A large line of WEDDING and GEM RINGS, very Cheap. A Large variety of all kinds of CLOCKS. Also, SPECTACLES to suit all sights, very Cheap. A CAL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Watch Repairing a Specialty. All work warranted. Port Perry, Sept. 30, 1880. C. B. DIESFELD. every variety, the Best quality of Confec tionery, &c., &c., he supplies everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert. Bridal and other Cakes Supplied on the shortest notice. Public Teas And other social entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges, The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED Port Perry, April 20, 1881. WHITE made adjustable and warranted for five] And is to sapply al who vant. years, such. Price as low as ALSO THE CELEBRATED possibly be made. a JAMES EMANEY, Ontario Carriage o Norkn, v a TRS SEWING MACHINE | 3 ie ALSO WHEELER & WILSON! And HOWE Sewing Machines, At Prices as before the New Tariff. ¥ g ® The above machines fully warranted and kept in order for a number of years free, Machines, not kept in stock, supplied ta order, at dealers lowest prices. The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Needles for all the leading Machines, and Sewing Machine Attachments kept constantly on hand, E. HEAP, Manchester, N.B.--All kinds of Sewing Machines and ICE CREAM upplied by measure to the public, Handsomely fitted up PARLORS: For the convenience ot the public, where are supplied of the best quality, those | refreshments and dainties so pleasant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather. { One of the best Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks. ; Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. C. HISCOX. " Port Perry, May 21, 1879. ( } HE undersigned would inform the pnb- lic that he bas opened a Livery Estab- lishment 3, OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE QUEEN-ST.,, PORT PERRY. Customers may rely on prompt attention, Good and Seitubly Rigs and. moderate charges. A share of public patronage i8 solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Noy. 2, 1880. PROPERTY FOX ALE pus undersigned offers for Sale 200 Acres of Land, being lot 3, in the 7th conces- sion of 'the TOWNSHIP OF REACH ' 140 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance of the land is " rdw bush. There are erected on the premises a Good STOVE & TIN DEPOT Opposite the Ontario Bank, Queen St. PORT PERRY. TT undersigned would 'take this oppor- tunity of thanking their customers for the liberal patronage received since open- ing business in Port Perry, and would in- form the public tbat they have on hand a large and carefully selected Stock of every- thing in the STOVE AND TINWARE LINES Of the best quality and newest patterns.-- Hot-air Furnaces of the most reliable and satisfactory kinds. Everything required in Tin, Sheet, or Gal- vanized Iron manufactured to order on short notice, at reasonable prices and in a work- manlike manner, We would call attention to our Frame Barn with underground Stables, good outbuilding, also a he Sor fortable frame BAVE-TROUGHING! sie 'There are on the premises A Rood, thriving Young Orchard, and a-good Well, WHICH WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. Repairs promptly, neatly and cheaply Water Privilege. done, $&SATISFACTION GUAR. ANTEED-SR Also for Sale a 2. good Water Po Power (a never Call and faspect our tock m) an SAW MILL, On lot 24, in the 7th concession ot the town- ship of UXBRIDGE. It is about two miles fron the thriving Yillage of Uxirldge, | For r culars, ap) par WHLLA a Wi of Rea i Gon. of el If by letter pre-paid oh psom PO. Reach, Feb. 3, 1880. THE MANHATTAN FF EEO, WE) J. & B, GRIFFITH, Port Perey, Maveli ),1881, + March 1, 1881, [Pf A PULL SUPPLY JUST To HAND. ps AT.SO = For HORSES, CATTLE, Shion COWS, HEEP AN AND P! Field, Garden : KENDALL'S ~~ Flower From the most reliable Wholesale Dealers SPAVIN CU E, ill completely ramove a Bone Bpavin, soi eto., without blistering or ¢ wsinguny NEW HORSE BOOK. «A Treatise on the Horse and his Discanes? hae 65 fino engivings. Livery Stables ! : Agent, A.J. DAVIS, 3 "Tmportant Announcement. NEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices HE undersigned has opened out a good and well selected Stock of Furniture, sisting of Bureans, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses. Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats, Chairs from 34 cents up, Mottoes Framed complete for 28 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture Frames. Mouldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be given, I will not be undersold by any in the trade. Pictures fiamed and unframed. Rustics and Walout Frames, prices low, Everything in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &c. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains. Norte tam Prace--Queen Street, one door East of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store. Goods delivered Free in Town, JOHN NOTT. Port Perry. Nov. 26, 1879. --TO THE FARMERS-- DOMINION. We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the following first-class Farming Implements: BROWNS, WHITBY HARV ESTER, (Improvady YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Tmproved.) CAYUGA Jr MOWER, (Tmproved.) in The above machines require no comment from ns, rfter assing through such a barcest, as the past und carrying off the Gold rn a 5 for Canada. . Wealso notify all intending pure vl, Ww! want tobe mi purpose to pay CASH ON i porch Y, fo call at onr tle mac hitby, before placing your orders clsewhere, as it is our' intention to adopt the CASH; SYSTEM! As nearly as practicable. and theruby make our price list at lowest living prices, Give us a eal]. Whites, 4 Anril, Tou. cons nory and| Ip {AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, I Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. MANCHESTER. Carriasce Werks 5 AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. ! HEARD'S/ Clocks repaired. Also for sale a number of second-hand Loek Stitch Machines in running | order, and warranted. Prices from $4 and | npward. Manchester, May 21, 1879, Success the best test of Worth [ONES THN AL MLDICINE 7s 4 He ouSKHOLD. EQUINE EVERY HE PILLS | RL AE Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervous System, and act mJS! powertully yeteoothings 1y on 'he Liver and Bowels, sromot: 8 8+ tion and assimilation, and endowing the whole HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he hus secured the valuable services of One ot tne best wood-workers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any, description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Custémers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work. manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done saas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. p@™ All Charges Moderate ard all wo Warraated. SOL BEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1 LOOK UT POR NEW AOVERISEWENT NEXT WEEK. L. McLEAN, FIRST CLASS TAIL LORING. RST class Tailoring in all its departs ments, Work made up on the shortest notice in | Remember the lacs, sppeatl Coci's Hotel. R. HUGOE. ttl ED the latest styles and at moderate rates. . | good fit guaranteed. A Ph) bodily frame with Strength and vigor. Ner< vous Headaches, Tiemblings with Lassitude and General Debility quickly yield to the po- | tent force of these well-knowu Pills, nnd they | are uprivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, eo ing all obstructions, skin blemishes, mples and boils better than any other family icine known. RAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It bealsevery kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound more certainly than any other known salve, Its marvelous penetrating powers remder it invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases, ouring Bronchitis. Qninseys, and Asthma. re ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing A ses and das, and tor alleviating the - excruciating tortures of Rheumatism Gout and 5 Neuralgia it is unsurpassed. It never fails ta remove Scurf and every species of skin dis« ease. Nanufactured orly abo « Batabli . rofessor HoLLow. tablishment, 555; OXFORD STREET, LUND wnd sold at 1s 1}d.,2s. 9d, 4s. 6d. 22s. and 33s. ench Box and Pot, and in He at 8 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion. = CAUTION. --1 have ne Agent in the United States, 3 Purchasers shoul id wid theron look. thee, on the-Pols ond Boxes. If the address is no 538, Street, Londo, they are spurious. 'The Trade Marks roy se Dhow, and aia oe : oa 20 as, Oxford Street, London 3 HO! AY. 2 3at it; 180.