- Lum a oreness of the host, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Fireal, Swell- dogs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other » Paine and Aches. 0 oa ae Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL Ta AND DEALERS A. VOGELEE & & CO., Baltimore, Md., U. 8. 4. ra ie PF Mack's Magnetic Medicine--the great brain and nerve food--will restore lost nature to young, middle-aged ands old.-- Life is too short to wasto away Read the advertisement in another column, and if you are afflicted make no delay in procuring the cheapest and best medicine ever sold, $5 Reward. TRAYED or stolen from the premises of the sabscriber, lot 19, 4th con. of Reach, on the 11th inst,, a COLEY BITCH --ulnck, with a white circle round her neek nod white lege, white on the face, with a black strip over her eves. I'he 'Above re- ward will begiven to any party retaraing her or giving sach information as will lead to Aeriecovery. * F. J. WHEELER. » Beaty Eth 1882, Mona of Brack, NOTICE TO PERSONS SKILLED ~~ IN BUILDING ROADS, : bd Horses ne: eof the le County son: SE SATE Exhibit Speed with eit Eonalng sien is da -Anron Helens) Wm ale, Port Perey, Geo A Valuable Town PROPERTY FOR SALE. HE undersigned offers for sale that valu- able town property known ns the Szxton ProPEmTY, consisting of 8 Houses and Lots on Water Street, Port Perry, within a few rods of the Port Perry Station of theWhitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Railway. The pro- perty consists of three fine lots with the late Sexten family residence and two smaller awellings. There are now five families living on the property at a rental of over $200 AYEAR. The location is healthful convenient, and pleasant. Title "indisputable, and terms to suit purchaser, ¢ For particulars apply to LEWIS McLEAN, Port Perry, Feb. 8, 1882, A GRAD OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ! ON EASY TERMS. HE undersigned baving gone into busi- nese at Manilla Station and finding that be cannot attend to both his Port Perry business and that at the Station, offers for Sale his b in Port Perry with the WHOLE STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &f. The Stock, which has heen purchased with | the greatest ¢are as ro Quality and Price, will be sold at a BARGAIN and on terms to suit purchasers. Tho loca- EALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endossed «Fenders for building a Road" on the 2nd concession of Brock, opposite lots 9 and 10, will be re- DAY. (9 aclock a, m) lita MARCH NEXT. of the Township . Cterk, Sunderland, where specifications, &c., may be seen, The Council do not bind themselves to accept the {owest gr any tender. ~T. HB. WALSUE, Township Clerk, Sunderland, Feh, a; 1888. Betier than Manitoba! A LARGE AND AND COMMODIOUS Blacksmith & Cariage Shop FOR BALE OR TO REN. aE undorsi nod offers offers to Sell or Rent his mndibin Hon Blac smith and Carriage at 8g YA in a pleasant health- or ncation and woll 'situated to secure a profitable Haines. The Blacksmith Shop i8 24x50, the- Carriage Shep 24x30 with a Tumber reom hatween 24x30 aud finished above for a Paint Shop, Store Room, &o. There are two sets of Blacksmithe' Tools which will be sold with the Shop, or if the Shap is rented they will bu rented with. it, Also te Sell or Rent, convenient to the Shop, a large, fine lot with a good Dwelling House, There are two good 'wells of water on the a Hie owas, The property is all com- in a good state of repair. fol wif Fu J : particulars, apply to wt DUNCAN SWINSON, * Sonya P.O, Feb. 2, 1882. ! Port Perry, Feb 8, 1882. Ker further particalars apply to the office] __ tion ir all that conld be desired and a large and profitable business may be done. 1t but rarely happens that ro favorable an oppor= tunity presents itself for dropping into a well 'established and profitable business, crived by the undersigned until aun For particulars apply to LEWIS McLEAN. [JOTEL W PORT PERRY - FOR SALE. « HE Subscriber offers for Sale the Hotel known as the Railroad House ! Port Pérry, decidedly the best located Hotel in town Bitnated on Water Street at the Station of the Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway, the spot for commanding a large and profitable business, This is 8 rare ¢hauce for recuring ome of the located Hotel in the County. For part ly to the undersigned at Manchester, Beach.™ GEO, MEDD. Mauchester, Jan, 19, 1882. | DO SAY» av "That the Li-quon Tga Couraxy, of Londen, England, centinue to furnish me (as their Agent) with TEAS 'that give unbouaded satisfaction to all who purchase them, and that the valuable and handsome BOOKS which Y giye to each purchaser of three pounds of 'the Li-guox Tsa are greatly valaed and mir 'by all my eustomers. HENRY CHARLES, P.8. The th Jousde oft Liquor Tea may be purcl separate pounds at 30 and 35 cents each. The celebrated FRENI COFFER Joe Francais) prepared by the Li-quon Tea anv inate 0 highly approved, ar posite the Ontario Bank. Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1882. NOBBIEST STYLES pe Fe Mens' Youth' and Boy's Felt Hats, MAREN DISPLAY Of Embroideries, Prints, Carpets and general house furnishing goods. Winter goods of all kinds still selling at O ost. ABBS, PATERSON & REID. Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah. FOR THE GREAT CLEARING SALE ems A, Tlemcen BROCK'S CHEAP CASH STORE. Goods Cheaper than Ever. In order to make room for Spring purchases I'have concluded to offer the balance of my Winter Stock at greatly Reduced Prices. Remember that my Soek has been purchased within the last Four Months aod in all Fresh and New. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND SEE AND SECURE BARGAINS! Large Heavy Shawls at $1. Ladies' Jackete for $1 25, $1.50, $2 and up Ladies' Furs at Cost Ladies' Felt Ulsters at Cost Mantle Cloths at Cost Black Beavers at Cost White all wool Blankets at Cost Calored all wool Blankets at Cost, Horse Blankets at'Cost 'Winceys at Cost 25 yards Wincey for $1 All Wool Grey Flannel at 25 cts per yard Hedvy Factory Flannel at 25 cts per yard Over-Contings at Cost Canadian Tweeds at Cost Scotch Tweed at Cost Full Cloths at Cost Worsted Suitings at Cost Gent's Underclothing at Cost Worsted and Tweed Suits $5 95 Good T'weed Coats $3 Good Overcoats $3.75 Extra Heavy Overcoats $5 A Pair of Pants $1.50 Boy's and and Men's immitation Seal Caps, 26c¢, 30c and 40c Boy's and Men's immitation Lamb Caps 40c and 60c. Men's Fur Caps at Cost. Sugars, Teas, and General Groceries, Cheaper than the Cheapest. sa Now, is the time 'to secnre Bargains as I am determined not to be undersold by any house in town. WM. BROCK. 5,000 Bus.of Potatoes Wanted by the Subscriber delivered at his Elevator, Port Perry, for which he will pay The Highest Price IN CASH. JOSHUA WRIGHT. Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1882. 'Winter Goods! Great Clearing Sale WILL MAKE ALL HAPPY. The best Bargains ever offered. in Port Perry. Farmers and others should take this opportunity of laying 'in a good supply @ as wo mean to have a thorough Clearance of TWEE LADIES' FUR CAPS, FLANNELS, LADIES" MUFFS, WINCEYS LADIES' BOAS, DRESS GOODS, MEN'S FUR CAPS, SHAWLS, OVERCOATS, KID GLOVES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOUDS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, MEN'S KID MITS, MEN'S KID GLOVES. LADIES' JACKETS, LADIES' ULSTERS, We offer the best Value Tapestry Carpets at 50c, worth 75c. During the Clearing Sale we will give a Bazar Pattern with every Dress. »&~ CALL EARLY AND GET THE BEST CHOICE. BROWN & CURRIE Port Perry, Jan, 5, 1882. -- A T---- Christian's, MANCHESTER, ib proparations made (0 meet the wishos of all in Holiday Goods at Christmas Prices. Es in the Dry Goods line of choice quality aad newest fashions, Just the thing for the times. FULL Stock of 'New, First-class Groceries. Specially good Teas at low prices. vee Boots and Shoes as all desire and: should have, B= along your Produce. Manchester, Nov. 23, 1881, S. H. CHRISTIAN. HURRAH FOR Manitoba! TS. Corrigan's Gear Sacamer Suz! A COMPLETE SUCCESS ! k DOH STORES OROWDED Too Daily with: eager buyers; astonished af; the HOLIDAY TIMES wignimen. nds onal spi A Persians WIGHTMAN BRO'S, $ PORT PERRY, orner, ONLY JST OED AT ORMANS, PAIRS assorted sizes and colors, 1st choice ¢ Josephine" Kid 50 Gloves which we offer during our Special Sale a §1 per pair--the same goods are worth $13.50 per dozen, wholesale. Visit the Special Sale, Cutting Closer than Ever! T. C. FORMAN & SON. NOTED CHEAP HOUSE. ir Port Perry, Feb'y, 16, 1882. GROCERIES, WINES GLIQUORS, A full assortment in all lines, VIVLESALEGRITAL HOTEL-KEEPERS Supplied at Toronto and Montreal Priecs Freight saved. Port Perry, Sop. 18, 1881, RUSH % ELLIOTT * Laing & Mcharry's HARDWARE: