li in the collection of ews > the Toronto papers say that Srar is indispensable hed it has so much of a special chagacter that is interest- "which acts at once upon EE , the skin, the kidneys, hile tlavigo. BREST sole syste, ibs oni ab Have Hope. Before you v hj indo it baa cured others why ma; it not cure you? All dealers sell - ie : Bore Throat. Apply Hagyard's. Yellawy Oil and take in- 'wardly sccording to di Yellow Of is the best remedy for Rhetimatism, Nearal- in, Burak; Bruises, Frost Bites and all lameness, inflammation and pain. No household hould be without it. » |' Word of Oaution. FANCY GOODS, » SCHOOL BOOKS, As in nsuallythe case where an article of true merit bas attained 8 worldwide Sap Tui seksi waite se ywasien' SF TATIONERY, Bleckric Bitters Rave done, certain op ROOM-P APE R. cipled 'parties' have endeavored to imitate them, and expect to induce am unsuspecting &C," &C., &C, Poblle 4 pus Hele 4 Cannot be excelled in quality or slyle, and Prices are at the very Lowest Possible. * Ask your druggist for the genuine Electric The 'Lancaster' aotp 4D W ATHOES, CLOCKS, Bitthrs; that ate guranteed to cure and take noothers. Sold by A.J. Davis at 50 cents. +. Bringing Them to Time hagbeen ppgalit Mr. John whined Di of the. now. defunct ou Bank, It is takenin the name of Mr.L, G Macdonuld as representing a large number of shareholders. Some of the grounds of the suit are that dividends of 3} per cent., 3 per cent, and 3 per cent, were paid in October, 1877,and Apnl and October 1878, poctively, amountisg in all 10 o®, ; o & a, "hed be o of the capital and partly borrowed secretly from other banks, That a large portion of the capital was lent to customers utterly unworthy of credif, whoes accounts were largely over drawn, and who became fosolvent, the statments conceal the fact that during the last two years of the bank's existence $4,000,000 had been borrowed Now the Leading Watch of the trade and admitted by all competent Judges to have no superior, is for sale at McCaw' 'swho is the sole Agent in this locality for the "LAN. CASTER WATCH." Come and Inspect my Stock. W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, June 30, 1881. WAITS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. CURES EFFECTED by them lr: They will and produ . bo 'and in Less the de "That the large sums to speculaters in stock to inflate the price of the bauk's shares, the object being to deceive the public and the share- holders, That the directors admitted the 'charges of mismanagement illegal conduet ing. Fhe Srar i + | from all parts of the world, and by special Correspondents on th feature of the Local Ne which it circulates, Newspaper, and commends tacit to oe bot people of all classes. serial Story. McUAW, agent in this place by the month or year. 25 cts. per mouth. WATCHES, a " he Montreal f ily $ Str. Prince Albert, than wy «er ¢ uther Canadis And would now inform the com- terprisi ity and others that he always be the Stan ig of nowt. *Babscribers to fount ot the 'Blacksmithing Establishment berber Istely occupied by Mr John Heard, where BLACKSMITHING 1 In all its dep ts will be done prompt- ly, neatly and cheaply. Repairs carefully attended to Horse Shoeing 4 SPECIALTY, and doneas it should be. B. ENSIGN. the latest t makes a special | ® of every. Town ia The Stanis a wide-awake P.3 Every issue containsa portionofa popular Prince Albert, July 4, 1881, The Star may be procured from Ww. H. Ir 18 WELL WORTH A TRIAL. Supplied at Torbatol and Montreal Prices Freight saved. Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1881, LE RUSH & ELLIOTT BLACKSMITHING oe Clocks and Tewelry | BUYERS YHOULD examine wy Stock of Jewelry S consisting of GOLD AND SILVER SWISS WA JCaES, COLORED GOLD SETS, GOLD LOCKETS, GEN RIN NGS, ROLLED SL ATE ALBERTS, FINE LINE Ol : IN ALL ITS DEPAI DEPARTMENTS, The undersigned od world} fuform the public that he has leased that Blacksmith Shop on QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, One Door West of Nr, Wright's Boot and Shoe Shop, where he will carry on Black. smithing in all its departments. Repairs Neatly, Promptly and Cheaply, done. HORSE" SHOEING A SPECIALTY | Strict attention paid to the development of the feet and ease and comfort of {he horse in traveling. My long residence in Port Perry and thorough cxperience in every department of the Blacksmithing business will ensure sat- isfaction to parties patronizing my shop. A share of public patronage is solicited.-- Remember the Place, A. GRAHAM. Port Perry, March 8, 1882, WALTHAM WATCHES, BOSS GOLD FILLED WATCHES, L te and the public the benefit of my investment, stock comprising Men)s Womens' Boys' Misses', Youths', and Children's wear in end. =e eee 800TS AND SHOES HA purchased the Boot and Shoe business of MR. J. G. MORGAN in: th to give my customers I am also determined to sell the whole lace at & rateable reduction on the dollar I' am less variety, AT VERY LOW PRICES. pe CUSTOM WORK p ptly ded to and Satisfaction Gi 2 O. TRICK, QUEEN BTREET PORT PERRY. Port.Perry, Nov. 23, 1881. I BR is FRENCH CLOCKS in endless variety. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Black's Celebrated Spectacles to suit all Sights. In Electro-Plate, &c. Undoubtedly the largest Stock ia the County. A call is respectfully solicited. C. B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1881. LIVERY STABLES! ig ed would inform the pub- HE und. T Hc that he has opened a Livery Estab- lishment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE by settling with the late Mr. John Monk in| § BoSehaqson ar" = the lawsuit brought on those charges against ra os. =i the bank. The less is stated to exceed| & 5 {en ion Ingummation. % $3,000,000. It is claimed that all the above ie, EE facts were concealed until brought out by He the committee after Tiquidation. The sum claimed by the plaintiff for damages is $150,000. The present is a test case, and is brought against one of the directors only. Should it be successful all the surviving directors will be sued Tor the losses sustained by the sharcholders. Snatched from the Grave. Mrs. Helen Pharviz, No 331 Dayton St. Chicago, 111., is now in her sixty-eight year | and states that she bas sufferd with Con- sumption for about ten years, was - treated by nine physicians, all of them prononncing her'casé hopless. She had given up all hopes of ever recovering. Seven bottles of Dr. Kiog's Now Discovery for Consumption completely cured her. Doulting ones eto or a putet UTICA AHEAD. : Eold by A.J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry selves. Trial bottle free Store. Large size $1.00. Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, J Tage this opportunity of returning Diabetes. Neo danger fiom these diseases if you use tomers who have favored me with their thanks to the many friends and ous- | QUEEN-ST,, PORT PERRY. Customers may rely on prompt attention, yg charges. A gbaro of public peionase is solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, Do A CHOIC RESIDENCE FOR SAITEK. HE undersigned offers for Sale that pleasant, healthful residence in the VILLAGE CF MANCHESTER With 83 Acres of Land atiached. There are few more agreeable and convenient resi- dences ig the Province, a geod, well arranged dwellitig with good stable and other con- venient outbuildings, abundance of hard and seft water, finely laid out grounds and choice soil. The location is all that could fl be desired for health and comlort, and DE. J. B. Morpex. | Within a few minutes drive of the Manches- Ask your Druggist for Pamphlets, Testi: | ter Station of the proposed Ontario & Quebec A PERMANENT, SURE CURE FOR |" e Back, Pi Diseases of the Kidneys, | Bladder and ar Organs, or complaints Indubitable Evidence Som Doctors, Drug- | any Merchants, Fi uy GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTT! Picton, pi >, 1881. | Gentlemen,--I find your Pads are givin, | entire satisfaction, and wish Jou | incre: sales for so Valuable a remedy for the kdineys. [ monials, ole, free, Agu, Regular Pad, 82) Foot . ord Pad for Chronic Diseases, $3, Termw favorable. For particulars, apply to the undersigned f by letter prepaid. 1dbyS.E- Allison, PortPerry, re, skill I. 1 GEO, MEDD. on Took fin Zo fies, camp, id Manchester. Toronto, Sep. 29, 1881. 41 | Manchester, Dec. 5, 1881. cel Shi 3 3 Pi tronage in the past, and would m; Poapectally" to ihform them ba p Hop Bitters; besides being the best family g ot gh? over the whole of Toy Stoo Stock of iif DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, s BOOTS & SHOES, } HARDWARE, &e aa Very os fo te Living or Tl in affirming that my with the ova who are continue ally blowing and boasting ibat they are everybody else inthe trade. + got BARGAINS in Cottons, NCL TAs nk TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. victim of Prema: HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE] R SALE on reasonable terms that comfortable residence, lot 10 Lilla Street, Port Perry. The House is n good frame building seniaining seyen well fimsh. ed rooms. There is a well of choice water on. the premises. The lot and building are A raprudencs Boog rich bn i orc which bo wil send in fine order, Solas ve Evin 'eas! eo easily Ii. The Tocation in healthful and éndint and to "the centre of the town, and to churches and schools. Fer particulars apply to the undersigned. FRANCIS HOLMES. Port Perry, Nov 23,1881. we' Increased Public Accommodation HE udergned public that Ontario's Chief ONTARIOS T0'S CHIEF a superior 'Thorough-Bred Bull. He isa large fine atimal, is from extra d fat. Y dening bloot bloud a his hae Bele class Ts sola tt undersigned baving purchased the above ES Er Bervice on his place, Lot 20, 2nd 'Cohoession of Reach. | would alors the he is opening 8 Bervior ~$2 each for three Cows or gress ones Resta fore 1st Nevember, 1 . GEO. JACKSON. In the premises opposite the Ontario Bank 4 where 'every thing supplied in a first-class Pn mn fh SY | Restunrent witioe ided 'and served in & DRUG ESTABLISHMENT One door, West of the Walker House, ' port Perry, Feb. 9, 1881. nndersold by any in the trade. Frames, prices low. Rprt Perry. Nov. 26,1879. a ---------- NEW DRUG STORE HE undersigned would inform bis friends and the public generally that his PORT PERRY, now open for the Sale of everything in the Drug line. e to customers purchasing Drugs. PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care and certainty, Come and see me at my Drug Store, one door West of the Walker House. N. McCLINTON, M. D. ImportantAnnouncement. NEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices HE u nts up. Mottoes Framed complete for 23 cents up. cture Frames, Mouldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be given. Everything in the Undertaking line, COFFINS, SHROUDS, &ec. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains Nors rae Pracs--Queen Street, one door East of Mr, Wright's Boot and Shoe Store, ~~ JOHN NOTT. Goods delivered Fes in Town, msi --TO0 THE FARMERS -- OF THE DUBIN 107 go The Stock is complete, all new, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate carefully selected in the best markets and warranted PURE. Parties ------ anything in the line may rely on getting that that is Gsooine, Lx long experience and extensive practice in the Medical Profession will pe of advan ndersigned has opened out a good and well selected Stock of Furniture, cone sisting of Bureaus, Bideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses. Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 A large quantity of Pictures and I will not be Pictures flamed and unframed, Rustics snd Walout Sold by C. BEF Show Mr. W, J. Noy Perry. Port Perry, Mahi 23, 1881. Ra every variety tionery, &c., the Bakery establishmen| And other supplied BOS ICH Supplied byeasure to the public. moderate charges, e best quality of For the are supp refreshm healthful One of making cfng drinks, Childrg Toys, good and cheap. of the best quality, and dainties Port Perrjiay 21, 1879, H Ca age GE! 3 T% One of vince, AND FTABLISHMENT. services of fill all orders for neatndld ob short notice Cas HORSE SHOEING and Cabinet Warerooms, Port ERY. HE Undfigned would remind his custorhepnd the public generally that besides ChoifPlain and Faucy Breads of e Best quality of Coufec , he supplies everything in | |i Confectionery line at his ort Perry and Prince Albert Bridal pd other Cakes Supplied on { shortest notice. Pullic Teas 1 entertainments promptly CHRYSTALIZED CREAM PJRLORSE jvenience of the public, where those 80 pleasant, retreshing in hot weather, best Fountains now in ise for C. HISCOX. MNCHESTER. ARB DS Works NRL BLACK-SMITHING }- riber has munch pleasure in stat | ; be has secured the valuable est wood-workers in the Pm- uow better fitted than ever fo|- Cuffs, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or aty ition' of Carriage with dispatch. AlfrsingWood or Iron executed with may rely on getting the b best materfites styles and. superior. work- Marriage, ete., resulting from excesses. map. Special attention given to tk done soas to secure the ease |; and offt of the horse in traveling, El Charges Moderate and, All wo Ww. o HEARD. riod variety of SEED POTATOES 'to anive next week; Orders for'say, kind of SEED GRAIN willbe attended to without delay. . A. G. CAM] Ni Davis' ort Perry, oD: Block. --_-- STRAYED HEIFER. TRAYED from the pr the premises of the sub- S scriber, Jot No. 3, in the 3rd con. of Reach, about the 1st of March, a RED HEIFER with a white star on her fore- bead ; she is coming three years old. A suitable reward will povery, be ro for ber re- Reach, Mar. 29, 1883. Success the best test of Worth "GEO. HOWSAM. THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE 8 A LULSEHOLD ALOUISITE EVERY- Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervow System, and act mist powerfully yet soothing ly on ihe Liver and Bowels, promotivg Diges tion and assimilation, and endowing the in bodily frame with Strength and vigor. Nor vous Headaches, Tiemb ings with Laseitude and General Debility quickly yield to the po- tent force of these well-known Pills, und they are unrivalled in their efficacy in al i FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing all obstructions, skin blemishe pimples and boils better than any other + amily wedicine known, Zk HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound more certainly than any other known salve. Ite marvelous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re ducing Glandular Lamps, closing and healing Abscesses and Fistulas, and tora Mlleviativg the excruciating tortures of Rheumatism Gout-and Neuralgia it is unsurpassed: It ever fails to femors Scurf and every species of skin dis. AS Manufactured only at Professor HouLoway's Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON; and sold at 1s 13d., 2s. 8d, 4s. 6d.,11s., and 33s. ench Box and Pot, and in_Oanada at 36 ceuts, 90 cepts, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion. BE™ CAUTION.~1 have mo: Agent in the Unated' States, nor are. my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should thergfore look to the Label on the Pots ond Boxes. If the address is mat 1 | 538, Ozford Street, London, they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Grin. ne also at Washington, Fhokas HOL 533, Qaford. dn bOW4Y- Eow Lost, How Restored! We have recent hed a CE SRR Ps. Cel on the radi 'and permanent cme -- medie!ne) Gf Nervous Debilits, Mental and Physical, Incapacity, = Impediments te 20 Price, in asealed envelope, only §cents Or two postage stam: The celebrated anther, In this admirable Vy. clearly de: from thirty : Years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured withoutithe dangerous use of juternal medieine or the pplication of the knife ; pointing out a mode cure at once simple' certain effectuai, ol TReGOs of Whi every sufferer, no matter 'what his cond shitty, pi privately a RADICALLY. This Lecture should be in the hands °