ts ' pm ed takes th g i 1 ur i pe ich 1 have fo ave a antage of parties favoring Rik with th Re Beles and a in the County. W Toms it : ;pangONS. ay Vives of Erion nity Medieal 8¢hool, ote Hai +" Colleze of Physicians and Kurigeons ; 1 Licentiate of the Roya Collegs of Physicians, Edinborg, Physician, | Surgeon, and Accouchenr, Office over. Currigan's Store, Poit Perry, ee ei me H, RANOSTRR: M. Fy Physician, Suar- J » BeON Coroner for the Gonnty of Ontario PORT. PERRY. Omee over Nott' Furniture Store, corner of aen and Perry Ofoe hours from 9a. m. tod2 m. Residence, the the dwalling reeontly occupied by Mrs, Geo, Paxton. hE R. WARE, Coronor for the County of De ry sician, Surgeon and Ac- 8 ) fic posite the town hall. Port Perry. M. F. MCBRIEN, M.D,, M. R. C0. 8, ¢ + ospital, London, England, The lye R. Hous E Oshawa, FR ; tected, «No. effort will oe to make it profitable for Fuses their Sales in my hands, Slo Register will be fou at a Méharry's Hardware fore and at my own residence, Union Avenus Pod por Da WES, 'Auctioneer. Port Perry, An. ak or OR, [ORNSED' heli} All patties ly; wishing his ced can, call at the "Qbserver" Office, Port 7, snd arrange for days of Sales «Fort Perry, Jan 10, 1870. WM. GORDON, Anctioneer, Valnator, &e. BR the 'Township of Brock,. Uxbridge, Beott, Thorah, Rams, Mara, Maripose and Eldon, ~ p@~ Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on theutmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, ¢ : Sunderland, Brock. T. . WALSHE, JCENSED Auctionoer for the Township L of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, eto., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctially attended to. Dolts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- "| WALSHE, the NorthOntario Auction- eer. y BE, PATERRON, & nie of f Renvorton) ri an 1 Attorn La - tora hanes, © a tN taky Pab- he &c., &c. Uffice over Brown & Curries slore Port Perry. med nt ip ILLINGS & CAMPBELL, he 8 and Attorneys-at-Law, &e. Solicitors ortbe Ontario Bank. Office in Bigelow"s Block, Queen 8t., Part Terry, Ont. COLIN H. CAMPBELL . 1. Li. Bn, County Cro v2 gg ay eek oye od Tg SAMIR h I. ENGLISH, LL.B, Solicitorin 0 Ia hancery, At torhoy, Convey ancer, &e. Oshawa. Moc--S1 mane street, opposite the Post Office YOUNG SMIT torney-at-Law, Ingolyency, No! tie atid. 1 Chantors, nd Notary Pubhe, &e. . Ofmee--Me alilan's Brock stree % : 7 IBY ; 1 : ; plea of the IE Mn Antest pri Bpas the cheap- he Teeth filled 1d and" Silv Teeth extracted | pain by producing local anmsth- jentical Rooms--in Cowan's new over<AY 5 Dr 1g Store, King i Ina ars, Fo, Proinpl gp ; Pain Power WM. HEZZELWOOD, Lisessed Auctioneer HE Undersigned haying, taken out a License as Anctioncer is now prapafed to attend fo all sales entrusted tohim -- Having had much cxperiencein handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Shep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Produce, &c, &c., parties placing their salesin my hands may rely on getting all for the property thatis ible to bring. <All orders promptly attended to, sale Lills- made out and sale notex turnished free of charge. Parties Jaavingsd anders at i Onserver Office, Po p, will receive immediate an, 1 Careful tenon, 2 WH, HEZZELWOOD, Ra, an. Sept io, 1878, 4 € on one)' TRADE MARK. (AFTER.) Brain and Nerve Food. ae Wen for "waste, ani wo week's saat may rely on their interests being fully pro- | A 8 for the hand and heart by young American Tady, The eens, The Imperial The Queen, * The Citizens, The Canada Fire and Maring, Sovereign, Fixe PoLIcTrs Insuring all classes of nsur- upon the shortest notice, and ble rates. Lite Policies with premi- Kipling until death or for a 1 mite years, Endo t Polices Accident Insurance covering death by acel- Gente be weekly indemnity In case of non ury. = Marriage Jdcenses JYssued, "GR and Tickets for to and from Great Britain sold at low ent rates, Port Perry, April 2, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN. 'HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. Savixas CoMpany. He hasalso been instructed to invest a large amount of Privhite Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. N.F. PATERSON, Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor LEND ANY AMOONT som Offa § § Farm Sccurty. At 6. per cent. Also on Village Security at a Higher Rate BF MORTGAGES BOUGHT. * HUBERT I.. EBBELS, _Bavuister HE Subscriber, is prepared fo Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY (Private Fudds} I'o Loan on good ¥ 5,018 per cent in- terest, i ga QUAN ENGLISH, Dagnister, &0., Oshawa November 21, 1866. PORT PERRY LIVERY STARLE "1 a C. M'KE NZIE, PROPRIETOR [HE Subscriber having now fully ec nipped T his new and oxtenslve Livery Stabl2s with [pr supply of superior Horses and Carriiges, is repardd to furnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. 3 C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873 _ WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. my INCORPORATED 1851. Orns wi (G inerione to sibeem | HEAD Dorel, TORONTO, ted at the Yowest line hehehandive, Agent for Wester Canapa LoaxN axp|. 3 AN EMPIRE'S DUST LIES take it to any dealer in medicines, and 'get ae Joass one 75 eent bottle of Zo wits ete 1] your neighbor ON rina an Hur oe "M0138 03HHI TALIS HE undersigned taker this opportnnity of returning sincere thanks for the very Hem patronan® Westowed upon" the Inte *m of Rose & Shaw of Port Perry Marble Worn The liberal patronage recived inthe past has had the effect of cansine every Ceme- tery throughout this and adjoining Counties To Bristle with Tomb stones apd Monuments, FROM THE PORT PERRY - : HARBLE 'WORKS The undersigned now takes the business and with incrensed facilities and if possible reater attention to Business hopes for a still further increase of public patronage.-- VB. JIGRAG, one of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic Carvers on Stone have boen secured. All orders promptly attended to. Choice Material, First-Class 'Workman- ship and Moderate Prices, C. SHAW. Bort Perry, Aug. 17; 1881, Motels. THE WALKER HOUSE, PORT PERRY, 1° COMYPLETE in all its Departments W. HASLAM. Dec. 15, 1880. oF propery against Joss ord JNO. & D. J. ADANS, Bais Fon Perry. Port Peny, Jan 22,1879. applies for thie ts table and bar, Port PERRY HOUSE, The urdersigned having leased for a term of years this comfortable, pleasantly located | Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenierce and comfort of guests to: make the Port Perry Ho se a desirable place of entertainment for the general public. ¥ Choice yard JOHN RUDDY. Port Perry, Dec 9,187 The stable.snd OMMERCIAL HOTEL, . . . o subscriber having succeeded Mr ge rtwright, intends fitting it in the Commercial Hotel, Willin pis u She * comfort and convenience 15) half an' hour passed. Then the door opencd '| some 'time. Noel, were ial king over bank mal- Wall abruptly 'said to the cashier © reports and the money here, Noel ; 'itis in, Hester had startled Wall. He eyed hisd face now with sudden suspicion. * "Bring me the money," he said dis: Louis¥an up te hischamber. There were steps overhead, then a pause. 'Ten minutes, and he stood jo it. He looked shrunken and years older than when be went out, «The money 1s gone, Wall," he said. ,"The money? Gone? What do you mean 1" . "The package. I sealed it yesterday. locked it in my desk"-- "Aud it is gone?" Noel sank on a chair near the door. Wall went up to him, mao, and he towered over Louis who was but a puny ycung fellow. "Bring me that money I" he spid. Noel pushed him away steadily. your hands off me. 'means more to we than to yon," Wall drew back. There was 8 moment's silence. "It means ruin to you. Look at me, Noel. This will not surprise the firm, They have long suspected you. You cannot pass it off as an accident, Now, listen. 1f that money is not within my hands in an hour, I must return to Montreal to-night and make all known. Even if Freyteau | will net consent to your arrest you will be discharged." [le lowered his voice. "Miss 1 "Keep vagabond and a--thief." "What of Miss Page 2" said a clear voice behind him, Louis stood up. Wall turned and fuced her, a slow heat of tiiumph rising in his heavy jaws and half-shut blue eyes. There had been some softeniug of pity in bis tone just now, but now he remembered that this n ie his rival apd, was in his power. James Weil wes not the man to delay using | that power for one remorseful moment. *Monsicur Noel is in difficulty," he said, grazely looking down and rubbing his well- He was a powerfully-built | I must think--tbis | Page will not be likely to marry a penniless wandered that be Ye he eee we nawite os of him: My son! tle face was. fall of rwild like that in your life, Touts." . "Naver mind vs all oe my desk, father, | where it ix?" The tenderness faded out of the blue eyes. They grew by turns perplexed, vacant, then cunning. "Ah, Louis! _ You want to find oul my hiding-places to storp your money, Val Val We old people have our little secrets, eh 7" chuckling With his tongde. Louis startsd up "Oh, for God's sake! You are'my father { Ho a man again | Come back this once to save met" 5 ¢ A rhadow of comprehension struggled into the vacant face, like life galvanized into a corpse. Then it died out, "You frighten me," he cried ; I did not see the money." n Louis was no fool. He saw how hic could shelter himself by l-aving, the crime where it undoubtedly belonged. It would probab- y be condoned as the act of au imbecile. He threw his arms with a shudder around the old man and reverently kissed the gray head. J ' "Do not be frightened, father," he said gently ; "nothing shall harm you, A moment later Hester liearing his firm steps without rose. "He has the money 7" she said. 'Wall also rose. "No." Noel, all of his life ¥chement and passion- ate, stood now quiet and resolute, while Wall swaggered uncertainly, "You know the consequences, Noel? You are accountable, I can do nothing for you. 1 shall telegraph the firm fiom Quebec and return to-morrow," "The money," raid Louis slowly, "may be forthcoming by that time." "So late a repentance. will hardly eave you," sneered Wall, «If it were not for Freyteau I would order your arrest at once:% He turned irresolutely to Miss Page, bow- ed, aud without speaking left the roem, "You have lound it." kept nails as though in embarrassment, "His returns to the firm--there is a defici- t ency of several thousand pounds." Hester went quickly up to Noel, There | wag something wholesome and juvigorating in Ler decisive step, in the keen common sense lighting ber biown eyes. "You can sct this right of course?" she anid. "I; have uot spent the money. my desk yesterday." 8he looked nt him a moment, then for the first time in her life laid her band on his arm. | "Monsicur Noel, you are not yourself | You have been robbed, Why do you stand bere? Why do you not make search ; arrest the servants 7" Noel avoided her eye. "1 wili not do that," he said. "They did not take it." * Hg docs not understand of whut you ac- use Bim," she said impatiently to Wall, who lavghed contemptuously. #1 do understand, I will search for the money again" He turned to Wall: "I'he boat will not be in for four hours, Give me that time." « The stupor was shaken off. Something of bis usual gusty awakward vebemence das in his manner as he went out. But when Wall said, "He knows he will not bring the money back," Miss Page secretly felt that Le was right. She took up her netting and seated herself by the window, * #We wil] wait here until the hour is over," she said quictly, and Wall recognized him. selfas @ prisoner. A stronger will than his bad resolved on justice for Noel. He could not go out as he had intended to pati lsh the theft in Tadousac. ly," he said, ip been dircoted against: this young man for A charming fellow, too! A thousand pities 1" 7$ " Hester's fingers steadtly went in and out of the blue web, but she remained silent. Noel on the upper floor halted at the:door of & chamber next to his-veom.. Within the French horn sotnded 8 wailing ery: He tion 4 inte deem a Jong breath of gather. wd strength and went in smiling, = M. Noel, suated by the window, rose quickly to meet. him, laying down his instrument carefully, He wore a velvet jacket, and cap on his long white hair.. Noel took aa much fond pide in devising pictaresgiie costumes for hig father 8a 8 woman would for hier baby. His fine' It was in going immediately down to the little steamer which lay at the pier. Hester went up to Louis, "You do not defend yoursell," she said, with a queer choking in her voice, "No." "You did riot even say that yon were not guilty 7" Their eyes met. There was a long silence. Noel put his hand up to his mouth tncer- tainly. "1 can say nothing." He turned away. She stood still, her clear eyes following bim, ber unconscious fingers tearing the web she had netted bit by bit. Tt fell in a heap on the floor. She came to his side with a little rush as Pere Matthivu entered the room, «1 will speak for you then," sliding her hand into his arm. Ab, Father, congratu- lateus! I have accepted Monsier Noel. T must announce our betrothal. It is our custom in the States." The good Father was shocked at her want of decorum. Her cheeks burned, her eyes shone with soft brilliance. "Come, come I" she cried. "We may yet be in time to tell the news to our friend James Wall, It will cheer him on his voyage," She almost dragged Louis down to the garden which overlooked the pier, on which a little crowd had gathered. He held her back, "You shall not Llast your lite for me! Why do you do thi« 7" "Becanse I love you," she sobbed. At that instant Wall, stepping from a little bateau on to the deck of the steamer, looked up, Hesaw her clinging to Noel's arm; started and hastily drew back ; the bateau i rocked, overturned, and Wall with the In- dian boatman was struggling in the water, The lodian, who swiin like a fish, easily xained 'the land, but Wall was 'washed a helpless. Jump under:the steamer, and. then drifted.down into the black resistless current of the Saguenay. ¥ Hester was a gentle creature, but she cer- tainly did remember at that moment that the drowning man. Was the only witness against Noel, Q {ie confenry, Louis in.an instant was hix old eelf, 'frantic "with excite ment, shouting, Kicking oft his Loots, ~ «Where are you going 7" she said sharply; "4Why, Wall cannot swim," he orled, plunging into the rushing flood. = Both-men disappeared in the night, The hole village 1 | that man afier all. It is gone. Do you kilow "Not Very Much: A youug man with a;nose like a razor and an eye that would have raised a blister on sheet iron 0a a hot dag, halted 'a pedes- trian on Gratiot avenue and stated that he was trying to raise money no reach' 'the! bedside of his dyidg .annt in Chicago He was foo proud to beg, bnt ifthe citizen would give him a quarter he wonld show him a'trick worth five dollars, "Vash ish dot drick 7" quetfed the citizen. 'It isto make ten cents go further that a dollar. You, can play it.on the boysand make ten dollars a day. "My friendt, I never bLlays mit der poyr. "Yes, but you can have lots of fun, you know." " 1 vash no hands for fan. off some shokes I nefer Iafl." . " Yes, Lut this is something mew. When you come down to the grocery of n evening you---" ¢- 1 doan't come down" T ¥lias hame on der stheps all the eafenings." "But you could haves little fun with your neighbors." "I tola youl vhas not a funny man.-- I likes to echmoke und read der morning bapers " Well I don't want to beg,and I am offer- ing you this trick very low in order to get home and see my sister die, Have you a dying sister?' "I daon't expect I have, dricks?? "Tomake ten cenls go farther than a dollar." "Und vhill she do it ?* "Bhe will." "wlnd five cents gues more ash bala dollar 7? «Just so." "Und a cent goes petter as a dime?" "That's the ratio." "Und nottings at all goes petter asd five cents 7" "I--T--1I think it does." "Vhell, you shust consider you haf ald- der nottings efer was, und you vhill be in Chicago to-morrow! Gif my love to dot dying sister und tell her dot you saw me well. You'd petter git rome express wag- gons to draw cose nickels down to der rail. road, und you look a leddle oudt for some Dutchmans who has peen eating grass und vhas green I"--[ Detroit Free Press, rare A Conspiciously Close Call. IH 1 effer git Vash is dot The people in the little town of Warrick County have been hanging right over the brink of a fragrant church scandal, but are not aware of the fact, nor will they be until this copy of dhe Argus reaches its readers over there, ust before the close of the ger- vices last Sunday. a good broth:r 'walked forward to the pulpit, handed the minister an announcement, as he thought, and asked him to read it to the congregation belore he dismissed them. Just before time was called on the doxology the miuistersaid: 'Brother Bramley has handed in the following,' and ina clear voice he read the note, which ran as follows : : "My OWNPET BRAN! Are you neve hE og aude More and ag ying a sey = The old mummy that calls heaself your wife will never find it out. ~ How W can yo en- dure her! Come darling to one who truly loves you.--Your own and only MARY." The good ;brother haudud- in the wrong announcement. At the close of the reading the minigter looked horror-struck, the cone gregation stared at Bramley with cold, hard stares, and his wife rose up in her seat and glared at him Jike a tigeress, * He wis equal to the occasion, however, and, rising calmly with a look of, perfect resignation on. his face, he said :-- i Brothers and sisters, it may appear stran e to youn that I should ask yor beloved pastor to rend buch a terrible thing as that from: the pulpit, but the best! way to fight the devil Is to fight him: bodly face to face, The write} of that vile note in 'funknown to me, but is evidently some de- praved child of sin who is 'endeavoring to besmireh my 'christian reputation. 1 shall use every endeavor to forret out the writer, and if discovered - will. fearlessly proclain 'nér hame and hold her up to the contempt " {ofall christina people.' He ent down Amid | the mnrmne of approbation: and | sympathy, '| and hid wife Wanted to Rug hing vight Hotere the congregation, That evening fis 'told the writer of the note what had. oocured [and remarked | with a grin that it was. the | | closest call he pver freoly. "Always noble and Kind '| body, was delighted. the Et of printing mottoes, the shopman, "is iting the me Senatus populus que cients abbrevisted inte 8, P. you'd Jike yours done Hike that, yn be forthwith ordered reams of nofe-paper._. and 'envelopes to match stamped insta month or se, writing to every one they could think of, upon him that the caption of the sheet. to his valuable signature was nothing more or. esn than 8. N. 0. B.--Galignani. ih . { In wortern distriéts 'egg testvals ave a latest. Lach lady. brings an egg with name written upon it. They are de) in a basket, and before supper they are pasi- of a roma and! each gentleman tikes one, partaer for supper, which is probably com posed of eggs, . A lawyer "said sneeringly to a clergyman, "It 1 nad a stopid von I'd make a minister" out of him." The clergyman thought a moment and then quietly replied, * Sir, your father was not of your op'nivn' was he But for his two cold baths daily it is thought that Darwin might hLavelived ten years longer, : In Michigan a man aged 101 recently roade hie will, He said some people wero always putting off this work but he would oot do so. Speaking of fruits, dried apples seem to have the bulge, In a western mine there is this advice : «Do not fall down this shaft, as there' aro men at work at the bottom of it." Sleep knits up the revelled sleeve of care, but she Jets the worn-out seat of poverty's J pants take care of itself. the wan whose life is insured must die fo recover, : Oy --_----r-- Just at the Wrong Time. office, and-Street Commissioner pf the East ern Division for the Board of Pablic Works, Toronto, Ont , who is very fend of shooting says: "To loose a duck hunt is n loss for which there ia no adequate r:compense. This misfortune lately overtook me, Tho bays got together recently and made arrange. ments fora good hunt. arrangements. 'were entered into I was in good health generally ; but, just as the hoot- ing was to take place. my old enemy, the rheumatism, came back to stay with me awhile again, and I bad tp forego (ig pleasure. The rheumatism hes been a source of great bother to mie, Wad T Rave much good. When this last attack came on me aud crippled my hands so the! they wera drawn up; a friénd of 'mine recor monded]st Jacobs: Oil, the Great German Jiemedyy k tried it, I am happy to say, and the result is that T am now cured And as -wéll ns ever. = soove of otber Jinimeuts and medicines had. failded." Bright's: Dinagse, Diabetes: Beware off the NE that p these Wanner or "other serlonk heb If neatly deatl' nitec talting "some highly pid staff Hh Hop op Bigs and. It sounds alittle paradoxical fo shy that Mr. Robert Wilson, of the City Surveyor's : the fashion of 'the 9 10. Ree isiotasiih a Fish, espn, whguredly," replict the living €old-mine, nnd; 44 3 in gold and eftvu- and" every known Jius!2 20 Well, he and his wife used: the stationery ai ba ¥ hen one fine: morning, 'while a studyihg v ith wnore:sorutiny than; usual tiie + 1 beauty ol the decoration, it suddenly dawned, 5. ¥ which 1% 1 beeri daily and honily iffixify oi And tl.o lady whose, name he draws is his. & At the time the" "7 done n great deal of ductering for it, without »." i $t. Jacubs Oil succeeded where more then ac' =.