inted Cr a Sane Tr : Children' s Te ea Se A New Oranges, Lemons, Malaga Grape ; Val i, "Apples, (3 oosberries, Corn, &o. Choice ( tment of General Groceries. ALL A nform them BROCK. wishes bis friend a Mefry Cheisiils av Jf old eb, th that he has to hand a full assortment 4 ustomet will feel that BROCK! is bonnd te sell at auch prices that each ¢ and the right change is the place to get the worth of their money, wore EL MUN," ": LOBSTERS, « BARDINES, RS, #~ MACKEREL, NAL RAISENS [new] FINNAN HADDIES, CURRANTS' [new], LABRADOR HERRINGS, FIGS COD FISH, PEELS, OYSTER CORN, ESSENCES WHITEFISH, PIE PEACHES, IN 3 SRocEEkY I show beautiful China Tea Sets; Ironstone Tea Sets nd Cold Ivory Bed Room Sets, COLD TEA SETS, COL'D NORE Bi DINNkR 100 PIECES, Glnes Ware in Endless" Variety, aes and Fancy Toilet ttles, Mottoed Cups & Sancers and Moustach® ) Cu Cay fms LL ci aT mas coote ste: Tt d 3 ; & in Town, inches wide ' Yold ant a Washer Ie three ko in ALL-WQOL and UNION, vec. } i SPECIAL BARGAINS in "LAD BY JACKETS, MEN'S ULSTERS and OVER COATS and SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS for the next 40 nd White and Colored SILK - -TIES snd LACE COLLARS and A presi hd i FRILLS, a full assortment, om ingect tle ble or Holiday Gifts, a No Trouble to show Goods, come' and s6e ther.' ts p ANC ED, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Apples and Poultry. oR Pot Perry, Nov, 23, 1883, + WM. BROCK. NEW GROCERY Provision$S The undetiighed Ings to. 'sanounce vo the. inbabilauie oF P surrounding country. that he has Spaned d a general' Groom THOMPSON'S B: One door west of Ruddy's Hotel, where Lie intends Class Stock of por Reripy 096, 14; 1662, Teas, Sugars, Ooffces, Spi berts Table Raisins, s Val, Prunes, Canned Salmon &e. &e, Which will be sold at tha very Lowest Dg ict wil be patronage. B&F Terms Ca Also a large assortment of the EINES