Guarantee p 'E COMPANIES : Royals 3 lw | Fire and Mari + Canada ada Fire larine, > The Unim, ; and The Travelers. FIRE PoLiores Ingur) 1 classes of insur- able property, noe rig Been notice, and at equitable rates: Life Policies with mi - {ums payable until death, or for a limited number of years, . Endowgment Polices Jay. able at a certain date, or vious Ja! hh ceids nsurance cov » i] weekly Jademnity' nl case of non- _ | fatal injury. 2 Mar $ 71 Issued, "8% d Ticket for stage to and from Gregt Britain so mae at. i Port Perry, April 20, 1881. LUMBER YARD. NEAR THE 'RAILWAY STATION, PORT PERRY. HE undersigned keeps constantly on T hand and for Bale at Ris Yard 'large quaatities of LUMBER, PINE AND CEDAR SCANTLING, SHINGLES, POSTS, &U., &C. Good Quality and at MODERATE PRICES Partics wishing goad Lumber shingles gc. &c. Cheap, will do well to call at my yard. N. DYER. ~ Aucr WITS to . WL 'year igned takes this 2 y ne returning thanks for the Yoiy liberal "all cases be | patron: which ho' has received as ? «| tioneer in the past. = The | experi encoand extensive practicd which I bave had will be turned to advantage of patrons, and parties: favoring me with their Bales may rely on their interests being fully pro- tected. = No effort'will be spar~d to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales in my hands, My Sale Register will be found at Laing & Mehary's Hardware Store and at my, own residence, Union Avoave Pot eb: DAWES, Auctioneer. Port Perry, Au. 17,188). BE. MAJOR, = ICENSED AUCTIONEER. AN parties wishing his services can call at the 'Observer' Office, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879, WM. GORDON, Anctioneer, Valuator, &e. oR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rima, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, BEF™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utinost attention being given to their interests, Liv WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the of Brock; Thorah, Mara .&. Rama, in North Ontario ; Mariposa, ete.;in the County of Victoria, Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, 'or at his will be punctually attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise. and prompt. remittances made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction t eer. WM. JE2ZELWGOD, Li pctioneer Licensed Auctigneer |x E Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneet is niow. prepared to attend to &ll sales. entrusted to lfim -- Having had much experience in handling | : Real Estate, Live Stock such as Hogses, ' © ANAND SAV- Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple. 2 INGH CO! ] ments of all kinds, Farm Produce, &c, &c., ' and is now prepated to secure Loans of any parties placing their sales in my hands may oo ung of money, Iarge of Fmall, on mori- rely on getting all for the property thatis gage wwcurity or on reliable paper. posgible to bring. Terms of payment andrafe of interest such All orders promptly attended to, sale bills oo eaunot fail to suit the borrower. made out and ale notes turnished free of Parm, Town and Village * properties ori | charge. for sale by private bargain, and parties wish- ¢ a Parties: * lonving their orders at the ing to sell fuch my find itdp their advant. st Office | OBsErvER Office, Port. Perry, will receive gge to place the same in my hand. the Post OMCC |; mmediate and careful attention), pap WER. Barrister, At- ¥ PP ~ Posters, Pro- pe Receipt usiness every style and at lower rates in the County. getting hand done to take H, PARSONS. Carus. toJ. D. And- Surgoon and Corrigan's Store. east of 'school formerly ; Port Perry. * Physician, Sur- of Ontario Hlore, corner ol to12 m. Township for the County of Surgeon and Ac. Street, Ont, Port Perry," Nov 21, 1882. . > for the & Son's Store,Queen Agent County Crown salieitor, &e. Ofice-- y Ont. BB. - . Ir stms--=The dormant! en- ergies by aiding digestion and giving the Liver new life. Zorrsa cleanses the system of all Try a 10 cent - ow 1 EMPIRE'S DUST 'M0138 034HIING3S FE HE undersigned takes this | of returning :incere thanks for liberal patronage bestowed upon firm of Rose & Shaw of Port Perry Works, The liberal patronage past has had the effect of causing tery throughout this and adjoining To Bristle with Stones and Wonumen FROM THE PORT PERRY MARBLE WO The undersigned now takes the and with increased facilities and if greater attention to business hopes still further increase of public The services of one of the finest Sculptors andimost A [ have been secured. ts promptly attended 10. Fira-Class - Prem very late inthe TEE Bost Byas Ever Made. TOR SILK, WOOL, 6 TIN DRESSES; COATS, SOA HOODS, YARN, STOCKINGS, CARPET RAGS, LIGEONS, Fi THERS, or 'any fudbrio or fancy articlo easily and oclored to any thade. Tlack, Brown, Greem, Dlue, Seuv!ct, Cardinal ied, Navy lune, Seal Brown, Olive Green, Terra Cotta and 20 other bost colors. VZarranted Fart end Durable, Pach packags wiil color one to four 1bs, of goods. If you hinve ever nzed Dyes try these once. You will be delichted. 31d by drogrists, or send us 10 cents and ary. color wanted eont post-paid. 21colaxcd samples ed aectof fancy cards sent for o Go, stamp. WELLS, RICITAEDEON & 00., Gurington, Vi. i barges Modemte, swan Port Perry, Aug. 22, 188% in Chanoory, oh gf § AWM HEZZELWOOD, | eT, C. C Raghu. YHE Subscriber is prepared to | { LEND ANT AMOONT { R g J 3 Fan ents: At 6) porigent, Asc on Village Security at a Higher Rate 8&5" MORTGAGELS BOUGHT. HUBERT 1 &e. Yr Brociutrest, Raglan. Sept 10, 1878: : © Aus FE GUARANTEED. NETIC 'MEDICINE, \ 5) URRAY, and warranted to give « ORE) TRADE MARK. (AF J Brain and Nerve Food. For Otd and Young, Male and Female. ess in all'its s ry Eg yy Cg %.D. 8. MON EY TO : ; 2 3 the latest Prostration, Night M HES. a a i ; fos ee ou improved property for 'ferms from Ag bare: a ntelleet.-- one to twenty - % . Agent for. Wi v local anmsth- |< d § . Cowahls new Qurp ¢ er. B3 iibench S4Tnes Contant, i ail 's Drug Store, King BE ee our Written Guar- te ut : antee to refund the money ifthe treatment | Eight ok ca ol Oneiexst and : N. FPA" BON. Port Perry, May 20,1878. "_ Bolicitor HALLS 28, 1877. does not effect a cure. [t id the edicine in the Market, ¥3= Full par- a our pam; phiet which we de.ire to ress. bn MAGRETIO Mzpioivg 18 sold > Drug- ists at 50 cts. per box or 6 for $2,50, will be mailed, free of postage, on receipt addressin, ' bn cs NAONETIo wmploNg 00, LE roan Paren SOLICITOR AND anada, with Patent Office of the Registration of Documents neees- | Port Perry, Dee. 13, 1882. GOLD and SILVER PAINT. Bronze Paint, Artists' Black. For gilding Fancy Baskets, Frames, Lamps, Chandeliers, and for alllinds of ornamental wor'. Equal to any of tho high priced kinds and only 10ct3, a prokage,attha ruggists,or post-pa frem WELLS, Rios urlington, Vt. [PORT PERRY.] The undersigned. in resuming occupation of his property--The Wulker House--de~ sires Lo express his gratetul acknowledge- ment of the very liberal patronage bestowed on the Walker: House during bis former oc- cupauey, aod having now resumed posses- «ion every effort will be putforth to make] c the Walker House oll that can be desired by Commercial Travelers, the traveling, public and parties doing business in town, 3 * W.B. McGAW 1 POT PERRY HOUSE, The undersigned. having leased for aterm of years this comfortable, easantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenience and. comfort of guests to entertainment for the general public. Choice supplies for the table and bar, The stable and yard carefully atténded to, ; RUDDY, Port Perry, Dec. 9, 1879, ({OMMERCIAL HOT, - Tho subscriber having succeeded Mr "| Dewart in thé Commercial Hotel, Willinmg- 18 Years. PRE MAE Port Jane 5, Gy 8, Bot Lo 10, ov . Des d 5 8, 'Mard pr 19, May 25, 5 March Torts cy = IN THE 9 Mar 15, Apr18, A Wa Or $100 for any case of Oct 25, Dec 5. & rh i a on Marie, May 27, June : _ 130, 8ep9, Deo 7. 4 Mar, 4 Nov.3, ! TERNAL CORE FO Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a £0 theo The supplies for the table and bar care- | * PETERHOLT, | (ally seleoted A PRINCE 4 PARE, oo a 'Plainly 08 of thirty edd swarmed like beos | day morning for the facturing the pelden delighteth the souls of the ingdirectors and radient The shoe pinehed Where was it? The "following notice, tor the perusal of cach tained the secret ot the gloom: - "Every gentleman will at the banking-house two year to assist in guarding the order, the By J. Sporrorra, , Here was a coup d'etat indeed. Six days we/ shall lubor, but the seventh did not belong to the City Bank. The gilding of a little extra pny might bave made the piM 'easier to swallow, 'bat on this point the notice was di reotly roticent. In "the end. after fow days of exigent, every one quiet- ly resigned himself 'to bis fate, as black and white' slaves are bound to do all the world over, "I had been ten years ir the Bank and recoived a salary which, though not magnificent, was suffizient to support in comfort a young wife; and very happy wo were in our snug retreat at Wood Green, Of course we both thought it ex- tremely hard toseperate evon'for two Sundays in the year, still wo soon saw there was nothing fot it but submission, Now, though I, common with otibers, rebelled against the forcible seizure of tho Sunday's rest. yet it must be owned there was some reys on for the extraordinarylinnovation. Tho strong rooms-of two noighbor- ng establishments had beon at- empted within a fortnight, and a carrying bonds on Broad Street been decoyed away and the tios stolen. But worst of all, fering had Leen going on for some ths ip onr own bank. Stamps disappeared to an alarming ex- t. Clerks had misssed money their coats, and now and then garments themselves worespirit- way. Traps had been carefully and a detective spoken with ; a8 yet the rogue had not been and an uncasy feeling rife among us all, . bank boasted of four porters one of- whom (the lived ront free inthe premises y adjoined the building. He long lean man camed Benvett, parchment face and a goatee "He was quiet, well up in and high in favor with the ties. Of the remaining three been a grocer's boy, and the was a farmer's son, both creatures but ot no imports this narative. The fourth named Lance, pleasant man, much given stories of bis former life, 'wvorse Lo a pot of beer for ance was a and to make] his the Port Perry Horse a desirable place of] weeks 'have pas:al since notification. and ss Christ- Iwas notified that to keep guard that day unpleasant prospect ng the weok preceeding hud become still more the mas I and a: was. the, comfort and convenience of «the: unaccountable } one. hundred to at the bank the. duor by the night watchman, in the building all with the early il of the porters A few minutes walked in, ac- I}t6'my joy, by honest . stories would help to # long,; | stronzeat effort PEAY "No and would iB! aper. close ad 8 good the same 'olleagae. I 1 was ex- | (hroe tines | rters 'went adjoni: er om leaving the open doa obo able to round the bunk. | | lit a cigar 'es and work, two :| and, ensconing mywelf -omtortably in a managerisl arm oh: ir, prepared 10 stay the tivo hors wh ch interven- ed between the cessa ion of 'the chareh bells and lunch cn time.-- Suddenly old Lence ap: cared again at the half-open door, ti spoke in this wise: ) "'Scuse me, sir, but |'vo been a pleaceman, and I don' think that lock is all right," * What lock, Lands," uid L. "That thero drawe with the 2 2M stamps, sir. " Well, let ue look ag. n." So saying we both wont te'thd! counter which containec the drawer and Lunce pointed out <ome small scratches on the lock, nd a slight indention in the woo¢- work surs rounding it. "That's a , chisel if I dio for it!" said the ex-policeman. "Oh, thunder! you don't mean we. 3 ; "Sure of it, sir." "Well, let's bave Icnnett np stairs and hear what be thinks of in Angry at being distorbed at Kis breakfast, the head porter came grambling to the place wiicre stood, and, bending down to tie lock, im= patently inquired it it was not more likely the cushier had scratched it in the conrse of business. After a few-minutes' farther inspection, he looked up with a knowing smile, "I believe Lance is right now ; it looks so fresh, I shouldnt wonder it the wutchman knew something about this." "Perhaps 80," said I; "what do you think, Lance ?" Well, he looked honest enongh-- but looks ain't always a guide," said the man quietly. . "Then I'll stop in tho bank to- night, and see if I can trap my gentleman,™ exclaimed Lennett, if you'll leave me the key. "T can't do thut," I replied, « but | {each individpal hair upon ay head [ shall report the fact to the manag- er the first thing in the morning." " As you like, sir," he assented reluctantly ; and they both returned. to their long neglected meal. Again I turned into my den, this | his back towards us wag: a aan softly time with proud consciousness of having something important to re late when the next morning shonld soe the Atream of busy workers once more settling with books nnd papers, and filthy luce general y. One-- nay, two--cigars did [ consume down to the last balf inch, read Byles on Bills nearly through, in default of more cheerful literature, and I fear a tiny doze,must bave ensued, as I was awakened by Ben- natt's voice close to me asking what I would take for loncheon. Me. chanieally I fixed upon the hackney and with it a pint of ald, to "from a neighboring eus- that deigned to opened for of hours. - While ho was took the opportunity of mak- second round, nnd found 'bat peace everywhere, with of getting startled by the 5 ; nce. of the bank oat from the cavernous depths of the us coal cellar. Eventually T'tarned tomy room, and founda succulent chop smoking upon table, flanked by a pot of foamin which on tasting I found mn unusually soft and creamy --indeed fancied I could deteat i poculiy sin the grateful | 'h so to. make it more ordinary palatablo ; suyhaw I the oughly enjoyed the repast, and when an immensely slun t through all . doe to keep me awake, {denizen of dreamland Lund a sharor 5 "know Imo be ordi" for on 8 AN 80 RY * Agniu 1 gaw the mal' go out and 'parily clos the door; and' ofice shore | drifted into o hedvy. but pleasent. slumber. « Boon Iwas a Neuralgia, cleat xc, | umbtgs, | Backache, 8ors ds: oi the Lisl, Gout, Qainsy, Sore Thr rat, w. I- «ings and Sprains, Byrns a4 : Sealds, Governl Badily Pains, : Tooth, Ear ahd Headache; F.rstcd in its grotesque. anc fantasti im- aginings. *Fiblog1 T wns cling. ing to the télegraph wires that stretch like 'webs:over 'ho preforming thereon athletic fents in impossible ~pasitions ; tien I flew through the air towards ry homo at Wood Green, apinning a: I went thread of wire by Whicl to réturn --a useless 'probaution, as 1 was at once transported 10 the desort of Bahara, where I found myself on a camel's back ecareering across the barning plain, Bat in my dream |' the face of the camel'wns the ex- policeman Lmnce, and ever and anon Eirnge Suing oid Showed bi pradgiced hands of the exfpoliceman, pate began to stucken, and, as 1 who "held on with a will bavifg spurred on my steed {0 fresh exer. PEERS on i, Sdienly fem be, tions, I seemed: to feel the rowel in {PIO 7 The nl Aten oh nap my own flesh . It begame 'harper i struggled like o fiend, Tseng me and move painful; 'and. gradually | ore ugly kicks with his. long : {legs os 1. mttae bin. from the camel, desert, chase, faded from my fio But eo 00 were too many vision, and the bank ones again ; dawned on my lawukening senses and furthermore ho wag talten "by # But; though my aerial sleet and his a ey amantg hb pat surroundings had. all dioppenre, | nad: Bard Bad the spur unaceountably enopgh re- Ly i y d J I ob ined 5s my nether Hab "wero been uttered since the comencement painfully reminding me. . It was no dream this time--~I was wide awake. - Qniakly glinncirg - bot ing outlay of 56 Cente, 8nd very one sulle - . Ry thr x rm a positive progk: A oasHonsth Flovmn Longines. Epes' Sp BOLD BY ALL DRUVGGIRTS A¥D DZALERS IN MIDIDINE fis A. VOGELER & CO., .- > more, Md., U. £, 44 and waid in @ stern voice: -- "Got the seoundrel at: last--next | transmission of the books and papers thing's a poliedman, Will you go, round, [ discovered Lance crouching sir, or shall §2" Here there wes a down beside my ohuir, and ¥igerous- fierce attompt. to frec myself by the y AppIyIng A pin 10:the calf of MY ostrate thief. « Perhaps I'd better log. To 'this proceeding T Was ton. with Lif" gon acd Tatil' (about to. enter an iAdigant pro- |. oll gob an Siicer fh a Mile aL fest, when gC sighificant HES. to station in Seventh Street." $ ture warned me 46 remain mute, fo ot Boe oo 4 f Sat A Seizing my hat E'was off in twink His Jews v se weh md pod lig, wud retwrned ta double quick citement, as he noiseless y to high. "© E ad ied bra feet, and beckoned me to the small ire 13 tu oars, @ecompanied. bys ! 3 stalw rt ten ber of the city police.-- {aperture in the wall used for the "A fey foment sayy the polivcmom myse'f and ony chopfaMer ci merohing qnteily to sha station, where : Irayle the cpario and left him'to the solitude of 1 call until the next morn- in. Un my teturn to the bank the my utwate! oan had aerfv.d; and I prepared to go home. " Wiy, Lancey y a muse have ag pec: tie begln: he ore iis I x ola ip 4. 3 : a " ve thou shy of i som at aes) ag between manager and clerks, bade me look upon a speciacle that made stand erect. The drawer containing the stomps and 'gold was * bei ig tam- pered with before my eery £yes inj broad day light. 'Btebping d wh with | but = swiftly forcing the lock with a chisel. But the man--tha thief--- fo * who 'was he? Ikmew at a glance |) aid. "new I shoud opi - Gort ong: Jew foe It was Pohnett {50 ne. duy." Then with & We how o i) hed oss sit fi | ean, sneaking skunk J whispared in a low vojaae ll notecc oie 10 POE oe iL that his own 'regirwers, Shocless.- | "uy. os wi ii Shela Bc) "Creep round outside the counter nd Lat. aod 4 us olover 4 weil give the word---then VEY owl Warhe de a@ilices story & and help me. Spoof § maraw. I nodded assent;and then sw] Rp wight, 86. ¢ Lance crawl owt upon highands m.d Wher T walked ito £ « havk ert knees into the elfice, behind the: , svn Li domid tise Ary et 21d sheets 9 4 lone og ek: 4 Don 37 8 wna E60 uot of soli | one 0 i kit € WALID: Ao oof arly discussing the ovent, ahd fow foot of Bennett; 1 crept ay 2} © Fag ve Eas. Lunce soon, hecante dha : the oflier Sirus ot bi at oy * {tha tahicg of wm avinisied arowd 2d room, which Ted into he lug spree {85 leven o'glock I was guns appropriated tothe publie, andy liding 'y, 510 bowed, to the Compruityce 8, oisclessly ulong, I arrived wie od Bj setors, who comtplimey td wen knew I" mast be opposite the thief af the capture, as if I, no: Lanes, : > work. Click, ; click, wenb the bem' the hero of the day. Ima % was ahd a -- Blowing *ubwppges ere c Dak Ka + 2 ; of the * Great gif time and * dificulty thongh : By Soins 0 sound , of crushing wood «be toke a. which. my wife | "the "rong © accom : 3 2 of : the deed, Had Ta a Kr. tive him*y me -- - an Rated wards, his throat clutebed by 'the. - of the conflict, but now Tiance logked py Sad