ite ha sushobjectionable iprogtued for the many a froe, the municipality pays half the {money and" the provincial treasurer pays the other half, «of course the tax- payers pay all. That Ael gives parties "1the option of: either planting such trees outside their own fences along the road or Within such fonce but not farther than six feet from such fence. Of course it is absolute folly to talk of planting trees along the highways where cows, horses and hogs have full od | swing, their hogships do the rooting up and the cows complete the distruc- tion, and as fo planting within parties' own property the twenty-five cent ar- rangement seems another of Mowat's bumbugs. The Tree Inspector will be n' an important electioneering' agent in' kalready without adding the nd: 1a) Tuand of politionl siife by to select a 'Warden of this I stripe or that with a view to ocoutrel of the liquor licenge. detect we cave perosive. in the Mowat ring. Municipalities will do well to hasten slowly in this 25 x cent arrangement, itis another' of Mowat's plausable farces, one of his foxy tricks to make room for eleotion- _|eoring frauds. Planting trees is all | very well in its own place but when joaded down by Mowat's trickery it had beter be let alone. E---- -- Hens at Large. New that tlse season for gardening has again come round (better late than never) and of course hostilities will commence in earnest between the hens and the gardeners. There wasa time when the chances of war were about equal, & numerous well armed guard might succeed after a liberal ex. penditure of clubs and gunpowder in saving a few seeds after a third or fourth sewing. But thgnks to the' | sis atthe little" plundérars fire now | held responsible for all such depreda- | tions; all that is-not necessary when hens become' a nuisance is to notify the owner, in "writing, of the fact many 'years; whole distiots arell marked appreciation of the effort, and: while the * scope of the sermon took | especially within ite range the glon- ous virtues symbolized by the - 'three |' links of the Order--Frieudship, Love and Truth---the subject was no less interesting, instructive and profitable to. that portion of . the congregation : outside of the Order: The ocoasion was one of more than ordinary. at- |, traction. --ste Public Robbery. The would-be-cute city fathers of the blustering Minneapolis have uade themselves notorious .-by. placing: tavern license at the ridictlous figure of $1,600. Certain hotel accommo- dation is absolutely necessary for the convenience of the public and should any one bé so foolish as to counten- anoe the fiandand pay the $1,500 who is to course, who must have such accom: men who can spongeon and never pay their way don't. care if the license were made a million dollars because they never help to. pay it and eare nothing for the accommodation of others; they baginand end with self. A Stream of Applicants, Mowat & Co. have got a texiptsome little office to give away and the crowd or rather cloud of applicants who hover 'around the little costodian is quite interesting. The Orpngeville Sun says; "«"T'here areé so many applications before ad 'Movhe for the position of bailiff for the thér Division Court that the little Be is getting excited and mixed, and ars know what to do. Ifthe Connty simburse him? the public of a pleasant reception, the motive hosts of the two hotels had mado' all neces- sary comfort of all, both horses and Janda tent staff of activa at- tendauts were i both yards:and hote's #0 that 'the wants of all were é promptly attended to. The show gronnds were, in finé condition, the Sosigky did 2 wise act in Socurig So Sonvenient and choite grounds, The active, tidy, and ambitious village find a sharp appenr- aboe 'and already 'visitors' began to arrive andsteparound. General com: plaint was made amongst a large number ot agents of agricultaral im- plements and miachines in being dis- appointed by the-railway company not delivering implements which had been under weigh for two or three weeks, The establishment of a public weigh scale in the village is a step far in the right direction and supplies a want very much felt by that or guy bther community which have not the ad: vantage of public weigh scales.-- There can be' nothing, more unsatis- factory to both buyer and seller than handling bulky articles' withont hav. ing the means 6f knowing the weight; there can be fio possible" satisfaction in handling hay, fat cattle or any othe: 'bulky article when ng is 'no mean: of ascertaining [its exact weight, neither party can gt folly satisfied unless they knew exactly what they are getting or what they ave giving ag the case may be. Thescale they have secured is one of the "verybes: and most improved now manufactured; ao really first-class sale, accurate, voli: able, easily handled and not liable. tc gebont of order. Aga fmangial in: yestment it.cannot fail in noérned. The thanks of | lt ave due to thie pidimoters of ike The condjtion of Ireland 0 how quite ds bad if not worse than at any time for years past thy "general discomfort, dissatisfactio! snd dis {order never has been greater bospirators and infopmere Wek as blackbesies: i Autumn, and magistrates | har. |8 ofc to suit ory phse "Vin their turn {and again more in- formers appear and more arrests are. made only to be followed by: snotier | 'conspiracy. to jn tha County : Clare We were greatly plossadiio find Drs MeClinton comfortably. Jodated in the village having opened an' office for the practice of his profession 'The pro- sence of a thoroughly | Minnie Bruce, Lottie Bond, Bell - | Convmimption." | Catarchal Deafness; and Miss Julia Seal aro his day, May rd, being Joined in holy wedlock The interest. § 'preparation for the convenience is uncle of the bride, We wish the coptract- ing parties a long, bappy and yaefal life to- gethor, ts 4 am Wealthy Beggars. The lights of the Toronto City Council bare passed on By law pro- hibiting the, trade of begging within iy limits "under a peualiy of neh offence, Beggars us a wenaral rule havo not.mmny $50 to spare; it looks pravioalike a blow of the City fathers tomake a pre- tenes tht even thoi heirs can at any time hand over $50, One of the City papers sammerizes it thus ¥ A By-law passed by the City Council Inst year, and. which taken efivet from to day, contatas the following clause :-- "No person shall go about from door fo door soliciting charity, or as & common beggar, nor shall any person en the street importune others for belp or aid in money, nor shall 'any walformed, deformed, 'or diseased peravn expose himeelf or herself or be exposed i any of the. public streets in order'to, excite Aympathy 'or induce help. or assietance trom general or public charity." Tie penalty 1} not exceeding 350 for each offence. Visit to Po:t Perry. Sg a ALIS x $ From he' Tnternational Throat and Lung Institute, 173 Chinrch 8t., Toronto, will be at! the Brunswick Hotyl, Port Perry, two days; May 9th nod 10th, The Burgeons will have with them a pf meters, the invention of M. Frevoh Army, for the cure of Catarrhal Deaf- chitis, Asthma and Consumption. the Head, Throat and Lungs. and are cor- ing thousay; di of cases every. yesy fbnt hive been given up to die by Doctors in general practice, Crowds are visitiug them Aue¥ory § town and city. As proof of our wonderful clire. we | wold i you to Mrs. Spike, Harro Kinggion, Ksthma. "Mr, Ottawa, Catarrh, Eli Gaver 58. Armstroj Geo. Ayer, New Edin- | burgh, Bronchitis. and Lung - Digunse, and thousands of Just as wonderful cures Which we could refer to. For information wi 10 173 Church Toronto, or 13 Phil Square, Montred , Div. IV. ~ Victoria Dery, Mabel Bertha Deunison, Braith William Willie = will travel this' section of country during the present, y dearon and all + | muchmore rogaie than animal could be got ial L."H. DANIELS --Me. John Belgie superfor trotting Stallion "Danials will travel through parts R * Reach, Port Perry, Cartwright and Cavan every wock during the season (See Posters.) Not s word need be said in' commendation of this. fine hors, he is well known for his many good qualities . and partivs wanting auch a c'vss of horees will be glad of an opportunity of sceuring his service, YOUNG GLANCER, the property. of Card & Bryant, will travel from Sunderland through by Manilla Station, Little Britain Middle Road Opps, Lindsay, Cambmy, Mariposa, Wootville, -Atgyle, Beaverton, Derry ville. (Bee posters.) Young Glancer is a noble Agricultural Stallion and a a sure fost getter bis best recommen ; WONDERFUL LAD the property Harper & Hazaclwood, will travel this s-ason from Raglan, by Williamsburg, Lamb's, Reach, Port Perry, Jackon's, Scugog, Prince Albert, Utica, Ashburn. He ixa- "ehaioe stock 'horse and is alwayx welcomed back wherever he has traveled ; those who employ him are pleased to 'have im again ; hisstock is reilly good, | YOUNG CHANCELLOR, "thé 'property of James & George Hyland, will travel this Williamsbirg 'by John Me- 6; A, Maleons's, R. 'B.Spinks', Wm Spinks'. (See posters.) Young Chen- calor bas a pedigree both by sire and dam which wonld be hard to beat aud he ghows it woll, He isn splendid Canadian Draft anda general favorite, DUMFRIESSHIRE JOCK 'a' milgnifeient Draught Stailion; Imported, will travel Romana C as at the pol Hl messuroof. vigotted intolerance with whic our liberality wag met with the vote upon |' our Dill precindes an; possibilityo Shi mistake again occurring. ed tla a This is the way our. Ottawa cotewperary, the (Ottawa) Free Press, puts 'it i-- g « We would ask 'those who wish to pre- serve a mioe of usoful falsifications to take the Citizen of this morning and ¢ Iay it awsy, in lavender, bysop : cedar. No moth should: be permitts udstle in its ordorovs columns; Sacred to Hermes it should be preserved, for but the god of thigves, vagabonds and liars, fully | "of touch its eacred folds, io mouse 'allowed to a endowed with idimortal intellect, could to] ® i capable of grarping tha: fall orbed falsehood 'that bristles from every printed line Hud chair in the Hole in the Wall, wot have fathered more he could "lies, than ihe devil: bimaelf occupied the editorial | HH our; neighbor has given birt to in his | ~ of to-eny. ow. Teadad lies, solid lies, lies in capitals, jorin italics, lies in plain Roman, and lies in black letter, Iugfact the whole sheet is one "eulpbiuric prytest against truth aod honesty, &c., &c. Camara Dauaars --Mesrs, Lorangor £00. Montreal have entered an action against the Corporation of the parish of St. Martin. * The pinintiff is Mr, Joseph Charbonneau, & resident of that parish. - He states that some weeks ago he 'was toming from Ste, Dorothee at night, driviog a heavy load of morchandise, and that on bis way home along the parrish rond, his waggon was over torned and thrown down over him, cating bien very wevery injuries, Heo remaiovd in that position for an hotir or two, till another this genaon from Fort Perry. through by "prising proprietors Abrahams & Hyer may be congratulated on fhe pospession |! of so 'superior. 8 Draught Stallion the] stock of which cannot be beat neither for superior gnality ner the high 'which they sell oven ; when very youig; A 820.00 Bible Reward. There are double bended F tire satisfaction 'and are rapid sellers." Electric Bifters ave the purest od wn and will positively ¢ blood and regtlate the bowels, can afford without them, The publixhers of: Rulledge's Monthly offer twelve valuable rowarde in their Monthly fo: May, among which is the following: toms We will give $20. 00 in gold to the person |' tolling: us which is the shortect chapter in the New "Testament Seriptures {not the New 3 the Hotn "& Hill, wil fravel thin pol Sow his own stable lot 120 by Seagrave, Port Perry, 'Groenbmik ida io onan ton, Derryville, Bunderla; Revision) by May 10th, 1883. Should two 'or-more. oprrect. answers be rogeived, the | reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the. winner May 15th 1883. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (np postage. stamps. take | with their answer for which; they. will receive ® 1 thie Jane Monthly, in which the | nddress of the wibiner of the 0