< as seotion 'may be cone ye completion of #0 fine "on oe excellent valy gerous of active, intelligent Fen EE "school section positigh ip an Going Baok an the 'Market. Tt will bo inden front a report of Ek ing made; or ONLY' ONE DOLLAR 4 vuam r Zn Port Petry at i = on the 8% Pabli the SE of | Bu amd 14 dud x Market a lie: ishmont w was 5 all that was zequir- ed to bring about a commercial mill- over the entire "town. The Otsi that tie three 'worthies Ha Jp 2 '80 deeply interested in Ba of Dally that Cana- Biome overlooked . othe fact © Tas the first libs 'in 'the Ontario ~ Seed and Peck is ® Bpendary Is st Haliburton large investinent of these 'worthies in ' that region'must eithér be the outcome 'of the Matkenzie, Blake laudation of United [Btates: territories, or the tact that these gents. having invested: in these ; lands must ns called forth he iloquent spread .of these two patriots on the:-sup- " axlortly of these territories to any- thing within the, bounds of the Do miniog, The thres famo speculaiors | o ? are truly t men, . The first two | too. have ered ves, famous through the province by.their absorp- tion from year to iyo I $4,000 each of the people's ney: as members of Government who do little or nothin, for the pay they receive, The thing | man, Peck, is only notorious in Huli- burton and ifs immediate surrfund- i ings, thé pecile there liave 2, 500 reas for knbwing and 'remémberi This is the Peck oe treasuter- ah thas county and 'who so * mealoutly disclia: rged his duties as . shat itis charged ag . . pry and he has'not" dared to deny : the charge, that he pocketed $2,500 : of the pi AA, gmoney and they, can't \ + get him to a dollar, Peck sup- posing that a picking/of $2, 500 ought n mm it Leds g e late elections.-- Ah idly to him but the not béen quite enough to Hifi throtigh'; had he pocketed or three times the Sum tie di did his electioh' wis detain but' as it was' he 3 was defeated. "Mowat, ihe "christian he politiciage however, "wad not '18' be ed 'in this style for 'he takes 'the £8 FE IE lesquo and bong thei We par wll' rties may be mis : how heir cal- was | gnoly ! i it in the pillory. culations and how.. ¥-be...do. tl "have for their investment. With they Rot portio of the day in receiving, arranging and udging "toe, Boda 1 ie, summer a and just the thing for Ll , y class or particular article. on rE the ball the effect was mont interesting, the display was. choice, and, ho, ;AITangetent, haw Pi Ee J Aer ie G St Duckeotat W Gordon, 20d A White | on, 2n Small poled M Baker, 2nd WmGordon. * Large Peas-- Ji pien eas Lot 80 much that was really deserving to 'ace the prizes. From the extensive dis~ Fay of wintsr comforts in the shape of Blankets, quilts, home made- in decidedly the largest and vit shown in Afur-to- the County if not in the Province during | , the. present fall. facili of 'that fine town. ceived in results bat "We pos- sibly! understand how a y man pre- tending to the s knowled| ocoadion. Aaron pl and 'mouth piece fluenfial and dm none of whoms# hope, had the lig] his vhgaries as expressed foro the Coutleil. Had A before 'Alexander of Ho Hod Augusts "he might have: had' some Poation of influencing the exercise Foie the exercise of a power which nothing . short of. _despotig , xulers dare | attempt.' He 'demanded' the Council 0 #0 'amend the market by-law that all buying and. sell- ing . within' the market buildings myst, be piriotly and on basi: enforeq gull a dg 8 | Council attemptéd to i they | therpselves ridicnlons an y-1 a ision. That the market has proved a most successful failure, fow will care "to deny but the atténtptet cnre 'would certainly be much worse than the disease. If thie matket scheme has proved a sham, as it certainly has, why not, stranglé Hat once an seek $0 put -- Biver Lickep. -- The Beaverton superiokit Tus Peacaznoxs ro tae Front.--~Mr, Wm Foster of Epsom, is n the WH Joi he famous im portedNowiAL? Kiddo Eédiich Péroidron Sualffon " Mount Bt. Bernard" 6 years old, for:'which he paid a isons rum. Mr. over Foster purchased bim, fro 2. McGarvin, of Chatham. Thi has been Tnspécted "and approved: by the inspector ig a certificate. ie is consider, driven frre power she: better will'it | be for all concerned: Int any event no case involving a -plutider of any Shing less :than. $2,600 'need be diary, wifit ia not. bad. to give should not be. bad to take. knaves or 4 ge proper. aaterial from in. fact en's (TA doin. n. bet any ona of their educational' Ni a Broves rh perfection: in sl ik dear and 'winter approactiiiigi (They nt judges to be ona of the best off icles ever Imported into thie gomntry, i of 'Whar Cosvousas issue. | Always mindful 'of the wants" from time to time of making a specialty thane things most required at ys fineh, Hu bak' an 'extensive and stock of the vedy 'bent qnality. of oF Shion sheep 1 cheap; aud reliable." Don't aif to --=Mr Josliy | : pice fataia 'heat with the | nditare of fuel and these are tho most" int qaali'ies in Stoves especially in théee'tiwes when the) is fodrce ing. the ne deff. seo his Stock, SEE Eis iw inetment in this tak Butter Cooler handsol po cole s vo ser viel 3 {hdl Bop pi, ERIE aa stock raishugecreditable ho oni ot prise and?" AA pd of "tha Heo Lacross ' Club went through ° the Lindsay boys in fine style in their late math ¢ rk gs etx td hree 1 ) PAN os becomes better known, Host Raqums. Me. Patrish's' 'Hew sdvirtiiement in i wets, well exhibited by Mr Browne; they conyenignce of the;public he makes a: pobie BVer rior dairy batter makers. ere were 45 Tube and ne or as conf asian to nee. hy. inal hist of FAlblon Hotel, oronto, for the best 60 Ibs of butter was won by heli 3 the distinction Is an-Doner to Pr H. Glendinning gained the dnver |E flrs 1 ain' sod fruit werd, ti and surprisingly good for this season, Mr. B F Ackerman, Port Perry, hada magnificent display of choice barndss which was much admired by all. Mt'Rix, of Uxb:ldge, advantage in this class. also showed 16 fine As it was the hall was crowded with eox= hibits apd had it: been twice. as jarge: therd were articles sufficient 'to flbt omtoHably The 'a6cond 'day proved highly favirable and all were in fine spirits, The town was in perfect business trim, the enterprising merchants had all cleared decks The active and comfort. he live stock were being ? brong] t in large numbers and ere the time Er judging arrived re. were entered for com tition J rN Ebides Bid and 1 Eo 4 4 ronda pe The cattte were lees numerous but to find 61 really first-class, thoro-bred Durham cattle young and old, niale and "female, on exhibition at one show is worth Sring long way to soe if "there were nothi 'Whd shows 'a dered of afivancem township. There are several mde sheep breeders in that township and tha display on thin 6ocasion Wak highly 'creditable td tf The class swine showed to much advant- age the tition owas Loth extensive, % ud ry yor Fhoabliants deserve Sach thad"a®paeing"notice but both time and space being hmited we are reluctantly compelled to touch but lightly on the special merits of the , pore worthy animals. 4 The Aisflny of tinohifes and fms plements shows that township to be a desirable customer for such, There were a couple of Self-Binders shown. Mr W. Lat. timor was here with his Chatham Sclf-Binder itis 8 great favorite wherever exhibited, Mr Lhttimor thoroughly undefitands 'its 1 hdvanthges aud ican describe thém' in a > mat satisfactory manner, All took kindly to the machine which gains in, popularity as Me A C Browne's Honey Faning Mills are general favorites. Machines 'of almost were in ab The competitors in tiie carringe Mine werd foe | Messrs. Oliver, aud Paterson 'the 'former shawed five fine. buggies thy, latter seven, 'This was a most creditable chow fwelye very, superior rigs. It is not easy to over rate the great advantage of the painter's skill ob this ind of work. = Mr. Paterson: has secured h< | the services of MRE Walshe, a geally first: Sia painter, d the good efferts ofshis skill thé Huggies Mr. Walshe is son' he worthy and efficient Township Clerk. ® 'congratulate the , Officers, ig ith Bociety at large on the. per obliging and ecorteou was conspicuous Cogn 5 | HORSES, --GENERAL Py) of 'Horses--1st W. H, Hoss} 'and Br gar old Bui & &c. wih the ship and the activi) and skill of the fair | Sha of every department of ephr The, : , 20 cask, 3rd Tub or Crock. of Butter, not less than 4 Ibs-- 1st Mrs GeoReckic, dud Mrs J Stones, 3rd Mrs H McKinnon, Tub of 60 1 Butisr-S1st Mrs 8 S Fanguien wh Ul vi I Mra, McPhaden, en, HORTICULTURAL, of Applese=tyt H Giendianing 30d M Baker. : Winter Apples--1st + Es Sud H| og Glendinning. pv Fall 11. 3 Pear: RB sonfind WG Ploms--1st A Jamiceon, 8nd H Glendin- we Applob--istd' Wadde), jr, 20d. Jad 8t. ini ny jr. a 3 nd J oun riod W Gril erton, © Cabbage --1st J iy jr, 20d J°J Parker. ifidwera--lut JJ Parker, © inetd _Onions--jst Neil Muir, 20d W Carmichael. ' Tomatobs--1st D Reekie, John Glgndin- ning. Proe-cith Nell Muir, in fk ihE-<Tst Kiet re 3 ih yd ndian Corn--1at A, Dixon. A Celery--Ist A M Reekie, 20d J J Parker, 1 Parsnips~--lst bi, Wd John, 2nd J Byuary . DOMESTIC, FUFACTURE Fulled €loth--1nt Alex McPludg lenin aig, Bnday, ord Jobin. | premium upon their seal extra premium on thy fh hounds, On wotion "of Mr. McFatlane, two thirds of the daniagus in each case; were urdered to) be puid to the ounLE of the sheep dustroy- on motion of 'Mr. "Holman, $14. 17": was ored to be paid to Mr, E. Muudy, for | Hinting, eR Mr In the sheep digeussion it that | a Mr. ony obit a » OAObAPBlOOY dog which for some reason or snothér js to some of the ie does is not over! bier witha ro tite aim ay the doubtful 'vurdics of the jury "not cr] but don't do it 'eysin.. Pursies sustuining dumages by such dégh'don't: 1ikE to 'sink the for the Nideertatiand ws a gonvritl thetsg two rind) GF ¥re' | dawiage. from the Copncil without firthet "trouble or turd feehngs are condi better Tu vestmet® Shap; the vhancd of - recoviriug tio whole fron. the 'ewtiers of the 'shibep destro; iy 'Kiterick 100k 4 soanible view 204 Mrs'T Valentyne. : Flannel--1lsr Mrs T Vallentyne, A McPhaden, senr. |! t Sodidlee " 2nd Hak, ig All Wool Carpet--1st Mrs A Dixon Coverlet--1at Mrs H Glendinni he Ha. 3 NV atlentyne. bikin Mra L Beaton Woolen Bocks--1st Mrs T Vollentsn Dey 2nd Mrs Wm T! how. Woolen Mitts--Tst & 20d Mr McKian- bi al Fancy Top Sewed Quilt--1st & ud i W, Thorn. . I Nog enbin Gullit ist Mrs 'A "Jamicson, 2nd Mrs E Hodgson, * Piece Work Quilt--1st Mis A MePhaden, senr, 20d Mrs A Jamieson. Knitted Quilt-- 1st Mixs 8 J Fa Tufte Quilt--1et Mr Wm man, n, 2nd Ba Gent's Bhirt--1 it Mes W hia md Mrs C Switzer, gh A Pater (son, 9nd Miss cDonald, Ladies' Dress--1st Miss M J Doble, 20d Mme R Brabazon, Farmer's - Wrehth--1at Miss Awde, 2nd Mra'A Jamieson. Ns + Wax Fruit--1st Mis Awde! Shild 8 Dress--1at Mryd Baker,: fi Mrs ' Ried "Begin Wool We Mise Ia IGoone, 2nd Mrs Wm Er Hai Floweig--ist Mrs J mara, 2 Mrs McClung. Feather Flowers--1st. a Shior, Bud Mrs A' Jamieson 01 gate Sofa Pillow--1st Mes. E Ho jy ndMrs 'WJ Jaffary, a Rag Rug--Ist Mis "Ar Valientyne, 2nd Mp 8 J Hart, ttoman-- 1st Miss x Giendinaing, 2nd Mrs A Paterson. | Wax Shells--]st Mis Avda: Wax Flowers-- ist iMys:| 'McClung; god Mrs T Doble, Cd Yarn Rug--1st MraJ "Hart, 2nd | Mins L Vallentyne. ite, » Tnsoos, Lace Work--1st 2nd Miss E McDonald. i A Zphyr Flowgrs--lst Mos. A Jamieson, nd 'Mts'J Bel). ot Tat Mrs A Ladies' Basie Mra C Knit lat. SHE er 4 r ers --1st Ei RBrolderyesiat MrsJ B Vallentyne, 30d or dl! 4 an were i one" ver ohugh worrying sheep yer a of his d rhaps roms any te i fond i io Feplita- The above Budi met on Monday even- ing lust, Members all resont § "except Dr. nes. of cad jad appioved, * be 08 motion of Wr, Sortie 1 following wars Wo, J. Thats & Co, for lumbir, ©330.81 ; Me, 1 Wi Pe Parrish, for hirdwure; |. $31 03; Mew 8: E. Allison, for stationery, $418; Mensrs. Laing .& Meharry, jor hud- ware, $LOU; Mr. J, Hoxail, for stovepipes, 26 cts. : ft A: Deputation of bysindss men of the town 0 LT JUH Brown, A Hoss, Corrigan, 'DK 'Davenport, Ho 8. .Osmpoddi and CK. Heudere soul Crone belore the. Council. asking Lous 1h som the Chauncy f the Market Kha y was FCqusle bLalt ot i A IE cd y more for bulter, -- aud tier commodities than they o i. uvket Lid existe Frices mon wr oun are losing on ni All their trapsactions at the market, inoters of the murket scheme that all) pro. duce, &c. fold on She market would pi ETA te 2 ¢ Lish ob ites I ary rad ik tt It was expected by thejpro- | hi eg &c. wi pre the Tin nine to eleven wlclock, to «llow fhe whioge claves after-which (fie on > would be aHowed.ito: compute, eh insistesl ob the Conneil toxo amend the B: law us to make it compulsory on' ull parties purchasing on the mmrket to Rigas every Coda i and seller on' thé pid be say visto 'purchuscrs' should * pay cash "or should not récéive an Mr. Currie i TR EAN -» TUBERS, HO GOIAT Try dnoT usadily, DH. fant Nichols of wi of Mr, James' ms Pertyo Snday, gth eh f Mr. A Bossa Ad at the Fekidun ce' ol b the Rev. Mr Willoughby, Mr "¢" "Wo f Bi Brock, fo Mins Metindk Town, off berger, oF 'the * id: Township : Jdobas Bambery $90 ang, e following 'improvements are Soh vi a te 2 Hida: r uddiyd aisve vba x 1 oa PREET Re om BORN Chas. Nesbi In Aurora, on hi beloved witd of 'Mr. Kafer ir EAR be} Whear Beans DIED" «In Scay on To TH, ago 7 Hay per ton #7 po Sule y io " iif 1 rp [] ed + Sm Ors 0a 1s Anite i by virtue of the power of 2 fie Which will be pred a he ing of Bale, there will be wold | PUBLIC A At the Motel. Tor' lohan Gr y: Dwelling og; En inf yer ilo Toi FoR Ihote Ausohini gd . " = Dosen oF Pe Joy "Poronto, 27th fh hy un 10] n the premises : Brick Dwellitig. hy inte, AROREAY prt Laat od si hase ries nin VILLAGE OF SUNDERLAND Cont of Qutario, on At the hour of 2 'o'clack nin the afternoo by WILLIAM GORDON, Avotioksks, the following vainable ren and Premises | poguiac | that, certain 1 parcel on tract) i situate, ly ing and being Li VIE I of Son ond iam igo William Totnior au HiyMiug Wahsta, lobes hi 83) | Bact 0 yi Sampeny, ;, YT Es of good, viay low BR | G08 26 Tdi { fis . at a ania